[[PageOutline]] == Talks == === Current State & Future of the MacPorts Project === '''Speaker:''' ''Rainer Müller ([wiki:raimue raimue@])'' An introduction on MacPorts and its history. I will give an overview of some of the milestones in development and previously contributed features. On the future of MacPorts I present the upcoming challenges for the community, infrastructure, and development. This includes an overview of features currently only on trunk or branches that have not been released yet. '''Slides:''' [raw-attachment:macports.pdf] === MacPorts PortMgr === '''Speaker:''' ''Rainer Müller ([wiki:raimue raimue@])'' This talk presents the role of PortMgr, which is the steering comittee of MacPorts. They are responsible for granting commit access, setting general guidelines, and act as contact for our hosting providers. '''Slides:''' [raw-attachment:portmgr.pdf] === Automating the boring tasks === '''Speaker:''' ''Aljaž Srebrnič ([wiki:g5pw g5pw@])'' Let’s face it, sometimes maintaining and updating ports is a chore, and there could be quite a lot of steps involved in creating a port. In my years as a (more-or-less) active maintainer, I noticed some common patterns: sequences of actions that could be automated and I tried to minimize the user interaction. Lastly, there is support for aliases (because no one has time for ‘port livecheck’, right?) and auto-sudo: the wrapper is aware which subcommands need root and uses sudo accordingly. The scripts are far from perfect, but they are in an usable state (I use them daily). === Reproducible Builds === '''Speaker:''' ''Clemens Lang ([wiki:cal cal@])'' What are the steps needed to get bit-by-bit identical build results for MacPorts ports, and where are the biggest hurdles at the moment? Learn about timestamps, OS X-specifics, defined build environments, timestamps, solutions from Linux and *BSD, the current state of MacPorts w.r.t. reproducibility, and finally timestamps. === Upgrading Dependency Engine - My GSoC experience with MacPorts === '''Speaker:''' ''Jackson Isaac ([wiki:ijackson ijackson@])'' This talk will begin by Jackson sharing his experience while applying for GSoC 2015. This will be followed by discussing what options were available and why libsolv was selected. How the summer was planned, what things were implemented and what things are left to do. Steps to build the branch and set up libsolv will be discussed followed by going through the code. The talk will conclude by discussing the future scope and ideas for libsolv in MacPorts. The audience will also get to know how a student spends their summer during GSoC and how they benefit from working on a well planned project under the guidance of a mentor(s). '''Slides:''' [raw-attachment: GSoC 15 with MacPorts - Jackson Isaac.pdf] == Workshops == === GPG Key Signing Party === '''Organization:''' ''Rainer Müller ([wiki:raimue raimue@])'' === Introduction to Hacking MacPorts Base === '''Guide:''' ''Clemens Lang ([wiki:cal cal@])'' Follow me on a tour through MacPorts base along a typical installation request. Hop between port client, macports1.0, Tcl slave interpreters and C code for database access and system functions. You'll learn about MacPorts' architecture and where reality doesn't stick to it. Like a few GSoC students before you, this hour-long tour will give you the overview you need to find and fix things in base. If there's time left, we'll look into fixing some of the signal handling bugs in trunk currently blocking a release. == Discussions == === Incorporation/Forming a legal entity === '''Moderation:''' ''Rainer Müller ([wiki:raimue raimue@])'' == Hacking sessions == === GSoC code merging === Polish up and merge the following branches from SummerOfCode: * gsoc11-post-destroot * gsoc10-configfiles === Base refactoring ===