Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2018/Documentation

Mar 13, 2018, 11:19:19 AM (7 years ago)
neverpanic (Clemens Lang)



  • Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2018/Documentation

    v2 v3  
    1919=== Improving the Installation User Experience
    2020* The download page should auto-detect the user's operating system and already offer the correct download.
    21 * To satisfy the need for a "one-line-copy-paste-auto-install" while avoiding the dreaded "curl | sudo sh", we could offer a single line similar to `xcode-select --install && curl -OL "$pkgurl" && sudo installer -packge "$pkgfile" -target /`
     21* To satisfy the need for a "one-line-copy-paste-auto-install" while avoiding the dreaded "curl | sudo sh", we could offer a single line similar to `xcode-select --install && curl -OL "$pkgurl" && sudo installer -package "$pkgfile" -target /`
    23 * WIP
     23=== Documenting MacPorts' Advantages
     24The documentation should explain MacPorts' advantages and why certain decision have been made (and why they are good).
     26==== Privilege Separation (aka 'MacPorts requires sudo/root')
     27MacPorts does not run builds as your user, but will switch to a separate, unprivileged `macports` user when building. This prevents builds from accidentally modifying files in, for example, your home directory.
     29MacPorts also runs its builds inside a sandbox that will prevent them from modifying files outside of the places where MacPorts supports modifications to ensure a rogue build system will not wreak havoc on your system.
     31Files installed by MacPorts are owned by root, so that they cannot be changed by software run under your user account. This gives you the guarantee that the files installed by MacPorts are not changed without your knowledge.
     33==== 'Why do you need me to modify $PATH'