
Version 1 (modified by neverpanic (Clemens Lang), 7 years ago) (diff)



Documentation Location

We currently have documentation in a myriad of locations, such as

  • the Guide
  • manpages
  • Trac wiki pages
  • website

This situation is not ideal, since it is not clear which documentation goes where and creates inconsistencies between multiple locations.

Multiple documentation locations may be justifiable, for example when separating user from developers documentation.

We should move to a single location for documentation that is more easily editable than the guide currently is, but otherwise collects all information that is currently spread over the guide, wiki pages and the website.

Improving the Installation User Experience

  • The download page should auto-detect the user's operating system and already offer the correct download.
  • To satisfy the need for a "one-line-copy-paste-auto-install" while avoiding the dreaded "curl | sudo sh", we could offer a single line similar to xcode-select --install && curl -OL "$pkgurl" && sudo installer -packge "$pkgfile" -target /

Documentation Content

  • WIP