Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2018/GitHub-LessonsLearned

Mar 11, 2018, 11:41:34 AM (7 years ago)
neverpanic (Clemens Lang)

+= Lessons learned from GitHub


  • Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2018/GitHub-LessonsLearned

    v1 v1  
     1= Lessons Learned from the move to GitHub
     3== Repository Conversion
     4* Overall that went well
     5* The `contrib` repositories should have been split into smaller chunks. We should probably split them and archive the old repository.
     6* There are some user repositories left that are dead. We should set a deadline, send a mail to the list and remove all of them after the deadline.
     8== Pull Requests
     9* The bot is very helpful, and so is the GitHub UI for merging things easily without having to use a command line.
     10* pmetzger is doing a great job in keeping the number of open pull requests down
     11* Only members can be assigned to pull requests in GitHub, but we have non-member maintainers. We should change the bot to assign the PRs if the maintainers are members, but keep the current behavior to also support the use case for external maintainers.
     12* We may have a bit of a hot trigger finger when merging pull requests, but that does not seem to have caused problems so far, so it's likely a non-issue.
     13* We can now request reviews before merging changes and are using this quite a bit on base and infrastructure repositories.
     15== GitHub handles in Portfiles
     16* A lot of maintainers have not added their GitHub handle to Portfiles, even regular contributors.
     17* We could use the Trac database to compute a match and automate the task.
     18* We should probably make Trac always use email addresses from GitHub and remove the ability to change email addresses in Trac.
     20== Trac
     21* trac-github could monitor pull requests mentioning tickets and post a comment with a link to the pull requests.
     22* Trac's GitHub integration is nice so far, the unified login works well.
     23* The trac landing pages are not very good; some user experience improvements could be done. We'll defer discussion to the UX session that's planned for tomorrow.
     24* Should Trac send a periodic digest for new open tickets to macports-dev? We could use for that.