= MacPorts PortMgr (Ryan joined via video call) There's a talk from 2016, see [wiki:Meetings/MacPortsMeeting2016/Programme#MacPortsPortMgr]. Compared to two years ago, `portmgr@` no longer deals with managing the infrastructure, since we now have the infrastructure team to do that and rely on GitHub. == Should there be a voting process to confirm `portmgr@` and/or get new members elected? * Is this really necessary? Since there is very little conflict within MacPorts anyway, elections might be more trouble then it's worth. * Getting voting right is complicated. * Should it be merged with the infrastructure team? No, administrative tasks on the systems should be kept separate from portmgr. * A process to get new people onto portmgr is needed == `portmgr@` response times * `portmgr@` is sometimes slow to respond to inquiries * Should there be a "portmgr@ timeout" (one or two weeks) for somebody to object and a default to accept a proposal if the timeout occurs? * This was a problem when discussing funding requests for travel to the meeting. == Legal organizations & fund handling * Handling money is an issue for us, since we cannot easily accept donations * There are options, such as founding an association (which may require a certain number of people in a certain jurisdiction) or joining an existing organization such as Software Freedom Conservancy === sfconservancy * TODO: Find out the terms of joining [https://sfconservancy.org/projects/apply/ sfconservancy] To clarify: * Can we leave the organization again? * Would they own any trademarks? * Would they own domain names? == Documentation for infrastructure * Should have some internal documentation on buildbot and braeburn * Maybe a private GitHub repository (usually have to pay for that) * TODO: Ask GitHub support == Deploying updates to buildbot * www/guide/portindex/man * TODO: Let's deploy it during this meeting * Move mprsyncup on buildbot * TODO: Add this as a job to buildbot * Updating to buildbot 1.0 * New waterfall does not fit our use case * Would allow us to use GitHub authentication == Website * Move as much as possible to GitHub pages * Statically hosted pages * Move guide to GitHub pages, get rid of DocBook XML syntax * Create a web page for each port * Serve JSON from braeburn and render it with JavaScript? == Base releases * Release more often * Define a roadmap for a new release * TODO: Go through list of open base issues and assign them to Trac tickets * Do not use MacPorts port to produce pkg/dmg, use a `make pkg` target in the build system instead * TODO: Create a ticket for this * Use this to create releases on buildbot #51996 * selfupdate should use HTTPS