Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of NewCommittersGuide

Jan 23, 2007, 10:43:13 PM (18 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

darwinports => macports; bugzilla => trac


  • NewCommittersGuide

    v2 v3  
    1616 6. Make sure the port name matches between the MacPorts svn directory name and the '''name''' Portfile key (while the system works fine when they don't, keeping them synchronized avoids confusing situations)
    1717 7. Should commit logs be finally standardized?  Some places have the CVS/Template which contains a few common headers (Bug:, Submitted By:, etc), but these are not always present or used for that matter
    18  8. Under most circumstances, do not modify a port belonging to another maintainer; this is to be done either via bugzilla or direct communication with the maintainer.  Exceptions are:
     18 8. Under most circumstances, do not modify a port belonging to another maintainer; this is to be done either via a Trac ticket or by direct communication with the maintainer.  Exceptions are:
    1919  8.1. When a port is broken (and the update should be just to fix the port, no other updates "while you're there")[[BR]]
    20   8.2. When the maintainer is '''' as this really means the port is unowned (feel free to take it over)[[BR]]
    21   8.3. When '''' is co-maintainer, this signifies that the primary maintainer has no prior objections to others changing it[[BR]]
    22   8.4 The maintainer may say the update is okay and ask you to commit your update; in this case, be sure to note in the cvs commit log that it was '''Approved by:''' the maintainer (see the bit about commit log entries above)
     20  8.2. When '''' is the maintainer; this really means the port is unowned (feel free to take it over)[[BR]]
     21  8.3. When '''' is co-maintainer; this signifies that the primary maintainer has no prior objections to others changing it[[BR]]
     22  8.4. When the maintainer says the update is okay and asks you to commit your update; in this case, be sure to note in the commit message that it was '''Approved by:''' the maintainer (see the bit about commit log entries above)
    2424This began with [ a post] on the MacPorts [ email list].