Changes between Version 125 and Version 126 of ProblemHotlist

Dec 10, 2015, 4:28:46 PM (9 years ago)
raimue (Rainer Müller)

Document build failures after Xcode 7.2 update


  • ProblemHotlist

    v125 v126  
    2929Note you might have an older version of the `xcode-select` tool in case you installed Xcode 4.2 after installing the Mac OS X 10.7.3 update. If the command `xcode-select -version` returns `version 2003`, this is from Xcode 4.2 and we recommend to install the update once again with the [ Mac OS X 10.7.3 combo updater]. The current `xcode-select` version that comes with Mac OS X 10.7.3 identifies itself as `version 2307`.
     32== Build failures after upgrading to Xcode 7.2 == #xcode7.2
     34After installing the update to Xcode 7.2, port installations or upgrades using `xcodebuild` may fail with the following error due to an error in the Xcode installation. This is a problem that should be addressed by Apple, please also file a [ bug report] to raise awareness.
     37Could not find service "" in domain for uid: 502
     382015-12-10 17:21:27.407 xcodebuild[7363:75765] launchctl print returned an error code: 28928
     392015-12-10 17:21:27.407 xcodebuild[7363:75765] Failed to locate a valid instance of CoreSimulatorService in the bootstrap.  Adding it now.
     40Could not find service "" in domain for uid: 502
     412015-12-10 17:21:27.431 xcodebuild[7363:75765] launchctl print returned an error code: 28928
     422015-12-10 17:21:27.431 xcodebuild[7363:75765] *** Assertion failure in -[SimServiceContext reloadServiceIfMovedOrAbortIfWeAreInvalid], /BuildRoot/Library/Caches/
     43** INTERNAL ERROR: Uncaught exception **
     44Exception: Unable to lookup in the bootstrap.  This can happen if running with a sandbox profile.  When running with a sandbox profile, make sure that is owned by root, not group writable, and not world writable.  See <rdar://problem/22142915>.
     47At the moment, a known workaround is to manually fix the permissions of the path mentioned in the error message:
     50$ sudo chmod 755 /Applications/
    3154== Port installation fails with "no destroot found" == #nodestrootfound