Changes between Version 11 and Version 12 of Python

Dec 16, 2022, 10:30:41 AM (22 months ago)
jmroot (Joshua Root)



  • Python

    v11 v12  
    4545== Version Policy ==
    46 Ports should attempt to support the latest stable version of Python, and should generally avoid using Python versions that are no longer receiving upstream updates (a.k.a. "end-of-life"), unless it is impossible to use a newer version for some reason. As always, no port should be removed without first ensuring it has no remaining dependents (remember that this applies recursively), and the permission of relevant maintainers should be obtained. Port maintainers may extend support for older Python versions at their discretion.
     46Module ports should attempt to support the latest stable version of Python, and should generally avoid using Python versions that are no longer receiving upstream updates (a.k.a. "end-of-life"), unless it is impossible to use a newer version for some reason. As always, no port should be removed without first ensuring it has no remaining dependents (remember that this applies recursively), and the permission of relevant maintainers should be obtained. Port maintainers may extend support for older Python versions at their discretion.
    48 Ports that support multiple versions of Python should use the same version by default as the python portgroup. This version is updated to the latest stable release of Python as of the 1st of January each year.
     48Ports that support multiple versions of Python should use the same version by default as the python portgroup. This version is updated to the latest stable release of Python as of the 1st of January each year. Ports that use a single Python version should use this version if possible.
    5050End-of-life Python versions should include the deprecated portgroup so that users know they are EOL and can make an informed decision whether to continue using them.