Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of SonomaProblems

Sep 16, 2024, 10:25:54 PM (11 days ago)
jmroot (Joshua Root)

update introductory info


  • SonomaProblems

    v1 v2  
    77== Updating MacPorts Base ==
    9 MacPorts must be [ re-installed] in a version configured for macOS 14 Sonoma.
     9MacPorts must be [ installed] in a version configured for macOS 14 Sonoma. If you update from an older OS version, you need to run `port migrate` to reinstall MacPorts base and installed ports that are not OS-independent (see link above).
    1111Ensure you have Xcode 15.0 or greater installed and selected (e.g. `sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/`), and that you have the command line tools installed (`xcode-select --install`). You also have to agree to the license by running `sudo xcodebuild -license`.
    1515== Trace mode not working ==
    17 Building ports in trace mode (i.e. with the `-t` option) will fail on Sonoma. This appears to be due to new security features in Ventura+. This issue is being followed in Ticket: #66358
     17Building ports in trace mode (i.e. with the `-t` option) will fail on Apple Silicon systems running Sonoma. This appears to be due to new security features in Ventura+. This issue is being followed in Ticket: #66358
    19 == Rosetta 2 and build_arch ==
    21 MacPorts defaults to building for the architecture that it is running as. If you have a universal MacPorts installation on an Apple Silicon Mac, and you run it from a terminal emulator that is not a native arm64 binary, MacPorts will end up being run as x86_64, and will build ports accordingly, which can be unexpected. This can be corrected by explicitly setting `build_arch arm64` in macports.conf, or by using a native terminal emulator.
     19== Rosetta 2 ==
    2321A number of MacPorts portfiles and MacPorts base assume that arm64 Macs will have Rosetta 2 installed; you will likely run into issues if you have not installed it. Note that Rosetta 2 is not installed by default, or when running x86_64 binaries from the command line — you must open an application that has only x86_64 code in it to get the prompt to install Rosetta 2, or run {{{softwareupdate --install-rosetta}}} in a terminal window.