120 | | ==== Managing Qt versions ==== #qt |
121 | | |
122 | | Fix issues in [query:status=assigned|new|reopened&port~=qt3|qt4|qt5 open tickets for Qt 3, Qt 4, and Qt 5], in particular allowing for concurrent installation of the various Qt versions (Note: co-installable ports for Qt 4.8.6, 5.3.2 and 5.4.1 have already been submitted to Trac). |
123 | | |
124 | | * Difficulty: Medium |
125 | | * Language: Tcl, C++ |
| 120 | ==== Managing and Fixing Qt Versions ==== #qt |
| 121 | |
| 122 | Fix issues in [query:status=assigned|new|reopened&port~=qt3|qt4|qt5 open tickets for Qt 3, Qt 4, and Qt 5], in particular allowing for concurrent installation of the various Qt versions. There are around 50 outstanding tickets for the various Qt versions, many of which would be resolved by installing all or enough of Qt* into the main install prefix subdirectories. Some involve patching and testing on multiple OSs. Some are probably invalid but need to be tested to determine validity. The end goal for this project is to allowing for concurrent installation of the various Qt versions, and then verifying and resolving as many issues as possible that weren't resolved by the concurrent changes. Requires knowledge of Portfile programming (Tcl), Qt programming (primarily C++), and Qt makefile programming (QMake); other programming knowledge that would be useful include shell (e.g., bash) and C. |
| 123 | |
| 124 | * Difficulty: Medium to Hard |
| 125 | * Languages: Tcl, C++, QMake |