Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of SummerOfCodeOrgApplication

Mar 8, 2010, 1:04:53 AM (15 years ago)
raimue (Rainer Müller)



  • SummerOfCodeOrgApplication

    v1 v1  
     1= Summer of Code - Organization Application =
     3This is the application The MacPorts Project will hand in to Google for Summer of Code 2010. We need to have this finished by March, 12th!
     5== Questions ==
     7===  1. Describe your organization. ===
     8===  2. Why is your organization applying to participate in GSoC 2010? What do you hope to gain by participating? ===
     9===  3. Did your organization participate in past GSoCs? If so, please summarize your involvement and the successes and challenges of your participation. ===
     10===  4. If your organization has not previously participated in GSoC, have you applied in the past? If so, for what year(s)? ===
     11===  5. What license(s) does your project use? ===
     12===  6. What is the URL for your ideas page? ===
     13===  7. What is the main development mailing list for your organization? ===
     14===  8. What is the main IRC channel for your organization? ===
     15===  9. Does your organization have an application template you would like to see students use? If so, please provide it now. ===
     16=== 10. Who will be your backup organization administrator? ===
     17=== 11. What criteria did you use to select these individuals as mentors? Please be as specific as possible. ===
     18=== 12. What is your plan for dealing with disappearing students? ===
     19=== 13. What is your plan for dealing with disappearing mentors? ===
     20=== 14. What steps will you take to encourage students to interact with your project's community before, during and after the program? ===
     21=== 15. What will you do to ensure that your accepted students stick with the project after GSoC concludes? ===