Changes between Version 21 and Version 22 of SummerOfCodeOrgApplication

Mar 1, 2011, 8:31:37 AM (14 years ago)
raimue (Rainer Müller)

Adapt for 2011


  • SummerOfCodeOrgApplication

    v21 v22  
    11= Summer of Code - Organization Application =
    3 This is the application The MacPorts Project will hand in to Google for Summer of Code 2010. We need to have this finished by March, 12th!
     3This is the application The MacPorts Project will hand in to Google for Summer of Code 2010. We need to have this finished by '''March, 11th'''!
    55== Questions ==
    7 === Describe your organization. ===
     7== Name ==
    9 MacPorts is a ports collection and packaging system for Mac OS X. We have an ever-growing collection of ports (currently over 6500), many of which accept multiple configuration variants. MacPorts is one of the primary means by which open source software is compiled for and installed onto Mac OS X, making it a primary interface between Mac OS X and the rest of the open source world.
     9The MacPorts Project
    11 === Why is your organization applying to participate in GSoC 2010? What do you hope to gain by participating? ===
     11=== Description ===
     13MacPorts is a ports collection and packaging system for Mac OS X. We have an ever-growing collection of ports (currently over 7500), many of which accept multiple configuration variants. MacPorts is one of the primary means by which open source software is compiled for and installed onto Mac OS X, making it a primary interface between Mac OS X and the rest of the open source world.
     15=== Homepage ===
     19=== Main Organization License ===
     21New BSD License
     23=== Why is your organization applying to participate in GSoC 2011? What do you hope to gain by participating? ===
    1325We apply once more as we hope to implement new features in MacPorts. We also intend to attract new developers to our project and its community. With new feature additions and enhancements to our components (e.g. our GUI) we hope to become more user-friendly for the average Mac OS X user.
    1527=== Did your organization participate in past GSoCs? If so, please summarize your involvement and the successes and challenges of your participation. ===
    17 MacPorts has taken part in the program since 2007 and greatly appreciates those contributions. Most of our students completed their projects successfully. Last year we even had a previous GSoC student as a mentor in our team, which is great.
     29MacPorts has taken part in the program since 2007 and greatly appreciates those contributions. Most of our students completed their projects successfully. Once we even had a previous GSoC student as a mentor in our team, which is great.
    1931=== If your organization participated in past GSoCs, please let us know the ratio of students passing to students allocated, e.g. 2006: 3/6 for 3 out of 6 students passed in 2006. ===
    2234 * 2008: 2/4
    2335 * 2009: 2/2
    25 === If your organization has not previously participated in GSoC, have you applied in the past? If so, for what year(s)? ===
    27 N/A
    29 === What license(s) does your project use? ===
    31 New BSD License
    33 === Homepage ===
     36 * 2010: 3/3
    3738=== What is the URL for your ideas page? ===
    5354=== What criteria did you use to select the individuals who will act as mentors for your organization? Please be as specific as possible. ===
    55 Our mentors are active developers from the community. Most of the mentors proposed ideas we list [SummerOfCode#Tasks on our ideas page] and are therefore familiar with the topics. We will make sure that the mentor for a specific project will have the necessary knowledge in the particular problem domain. Our organization administrator is a veteran GSoC admin from 2009 and has experience as mentor/co-mentor in 2008/2009.
     56Our mentors are active developers from the community. Most of the mentors proposed ideas we list [SummerOfCode#Tasks on our ideas page] and are therefore familiar with the topics. We will make sure that the mentor for a specific project will have the necessary knowledge in the particular problem domain. Our organization administrator has served in this job for two years already and also has experience as a previous mentor/co-mentor.
    5758=== What is your plan for dealing with disappearing students? ===
    6970We like to make contact with our students even before they submit their application, via IRC or on our mailing list. During the application phase we will refine and discuss the proposal with other developers. In the program, students are held to the normal development process. They get their own svn branch to work on, and any commits are visible to the whole community. This way anybody can express their critique on the student's work as replies to the commit system's emails, as we also do in general development. Also for specific milestones in their roadmap, we like to see status reports to the public development mailing list. By requiring communication with other people than their respective mentor, we encourage them to work with the spirit of open source development.
    71 === What will you do to ensure that your accepted students stick with the project after GSoC concludes? ===
     72As we let students work as one of the organization's developers, we are looking forward to their continued development of MacPorts even after the program concludes. They will be treated like any other developer, which means they get regular commit privileges to help the project as they see fit. This also provides an introduction to future work. This can be seen in our successful motivation of a student to return as a mentor for us.
    73 As we let students work as one of the organization's developers, we are looking forward to their continued development of MacPorts. They will be treated as any other developer, which gives them commit privileges to help the project as they see fit. This also provides an introduction to future work. This can be seen in our successful motivation of a student to return as a mentor for us.
     74=== If you are a small or new organization applying to GSoC, please list a larger, established GSoC organization or a Googler that can vouch for you here. ===
     78=== If you are a large organization who is vouching for a small organization applying to GSoC for their first time this year, please list their name and why you think they'd be good candidates for GSoC here: ===
    7582=== Is there anything else you would like to tell the Google Summer of Code program administration team? ===
    7986=== Backup organization administrator ===
    81 William Siegrist (wms)