Changes between Version 51 and Version 52 of SummerOfCodeOrgApplication

Feb 18, 2015, 5:47:47 PM (10 years ago)
nerdling (Jeremy Lavergne)

2015 updates: updated port count, os versions; added 2014 results; removed robovm


  • SummerOfCodeOrgApplication

    v51 v52  
    1 = Google Summer of Code 2014 — Organization Application =
     1= Google Summer of Code 2015 — Organization Application =
    33This is the application the MacPorts Project will submit to Google for
    4 Summer of Code 2014. We need to have this finished by '''Friday, 14
    5 February at 19:00 UTC'''.
     4Summer of Code 2015. We need to have this finished by '''2
     5March at 19:00 UTC'''.
    77== Name ==
    1717    MacPorts is a ports collection and packaging system for OS X.
    1818    Created in 2002 as !DarwinPorts, we have an ever-growing collection
    19     of ports (currently over 18000), many of which accept multiple
     19    of ports (currently over 22000), many of which accept multiple
    2020    configuration variants. MacPorts itself works on both PowerPC and
    21     Intel Macs, running OS X 10.4 through 10.9, and many ports support
     21    Intel Macs, running OS X 10.4 through 10.10, and many ports support
    2222    a similar breadth of systems. As one of the primary means of
    2323    building and installing open source software on OS X, MacPorts is an
    2727 Why is your organization applying to participate in Google Summer of Code 2014? What do you hope to gain by participating?::
    28     Boosted by the success of the projects done in 2011 and 2013, we're
     28    Boosted by the success of the projects done in 2011 and 2014, we're
    2929    eager to add new features and increase the user-friendliness of MacPorts.
    3030    We're hoping to attract new developers that will stay with the project
    5050* 2011: 3 pass / 0 fail
    5151* 2013: 1 pass / 0 fail
     52* 2014: 3 pass / 0 fail
    152153 Are you an established or larger organization who would like to vouch for a new organization applying this year? If so, please list their name(s) here.::
    153     RoboVM
     154    //not applicable//
    155156 What will you do to encourage that your accepted students stick with the project after Google Summer of Code concludes?::
    163164 Is there anything else we should know or you'd like to tell us that doesn't fit anywhere else on the application?::
    164     RoboVM asked publicly for a veteran group to vouch for them.
    165     One of our team members ( who knows
    166     RoboVM well immediately jumped at the opportunity and said
    167     we'd do so, however our backup admin Clemens alerted him
    168     that only the admins can really do the vouching. After discussing
    169     and helping RoboVM better flesh-out their mentor selection
    170     and disappearing people sections, we've agreed to vouch for them.
     165    //not applicable//