Changes between Version 14 and Version 15 of TeXLivePackages

Mar 17, 2024, 10:19:04 PM (6 months ago)
drkp (Dan Ports)

TL2024 update


  • TeXLivePackages

    v14 v15  
    1 The contents of the TeX Live ports are listed below. This list is current as of TeX Live 2023.
     1The contents of the TeX Live ports are listed below. This list is current as of TeX Live 2024.
    33= texlive-basic =
    4  *     amsfonts: TeX fonts from the American Mathematical Society
    5  *     bibtex: Process bibliographies (bib files) for LaTeX or other formats
    6  *     cm: Computer Modern fonts
    7  *     colorprofiles: Collection of free ICC profiles
    8  *     dvipdfmx: An extended version of dvipdfm
    9  *     dvips: A DVI to PostScript driver
    10  *     ec: Computer modern fonts in T1 and TS1 encodings
    11  *     enctex: A TeX extension that translates input on its way into TeX
    12  *     etex: An extended version of TeX, from the NTS project
    13  *     etex-pkg: E-TeX support package
    14  *     glyphlist: Adobe Glyph List and TeX extensions
    15  *     graphics-def: Colour and graphics option files
    16  *     hyph-utf8: Hyphenation patterns expressed in UTF-8
    17  *     hyphen-base: core hyphenation support files
    18  *     hyphenex: US English hyphenation exceptions file
    19  *     ifplatform: Conditionals to test which platform is being used
    20  *     iftex: Am I running under pdfTeX, XeTeX or LuaTeX?
    21  *     knuth-lib: Core TeX and Metafont sources from Knuth
    22  *     knuth-local: Knuth's local information
    23  *     kpathsea: Path searching library for TeX-related files
    24  *     lua-alt-getopt: Process application arguments the same way as getopt_long
    25  *     luahbtex: LuaTeX with HarfBuzz library for glyph shaping
    26  *     luatex: The LuaTeX engine
    27  *     makeindex: Makeindex development sources
    28  *     metafont: A system for specifying fonts
    29  *     mflogo: LaTeX support for Metafont logo fonts
    30  *     mfware: Supporting tools for use with Metafont
    31  *     modes: A collection of Metafont mode_def's
    32  *     pdftex: A TeX extension for direct creation of PDF
    33  *     plain: The Plain TeX format
    34  *     tex: A sophisticated typesetting engine
    35  *     tex-ini-files: Model TeX format creation files
    36  *     texlive-common: TeX Live documentation (common elements)
    37  *     texlive-en: TeX Live manual (English)
    38  *     texlive-scripts: TeX Live infrastructure programs
    39  *     tlshell: GUI frontend (tcl/tk-based) for tlmgr
    40  *     unicode-data: Unicode data and loaders for TeX
    41  *     xdvi: A DVI previewer for the X Window System
     4 * amsfonts: TeX fonts from the American Mathematical Society
     5 * bibtex: Process bibliographies (bib files) for LaTeX or other formats
     6 * cm: Computer Modern fonts
     7 * colorprofiles: Collection of free ICC profiles
     8 * dvipdfmx: An extended version of dvipdfm
     9 * dvips: A DVI to PostScript driver
     10 * ec: Computer modern fonts in T1 and TS1 encodings
     11 * enctex: A TeX extension that translates input on its way into TeX
     12 * etex: An extended version of TeX, from the NTS project
     13 * etex-pkg: E-TeX support package
     14 * glyphlist: Adobe Glyph List and TeX extensions
     15 * graphics-def: Colour and graphics option files
     16 * hyph-utf8: Hyphenation patterns expressed in UTF-8
     17 * hyphen-base: core hyphenation support files
     18 * hyphenex: US English hyphenation exceptions file
     19 * ifplatform: Conditionals to test which platform is being used
     20 * iftex: Am I running under pdfTeX, XeTeX or LuaTeX?
     21 * knuth-lib: Core TeX and Metafont sources from Knuth
     22 * knuth-local: Knuth's local information
     23 * kpathsea: Path searching library for TeX-related files
     24 * lua-alt-getopt: Process application arguments the same way as getopt_long
     25 * luahbtex: LuaTeX with HarfBuzz library for glyph shaping
     26 * luatex: The LuaTeX engine
     27 * makeindex: Makeindex development sources
     28 * metafont: A system for specifying fonts
     29 * mflogo: LaTeX support for Metafont logo fonts
     30 * mfware: Supporting tools for use with Metafont
     31 * modes: A collection of Metafont mode_def's
     32 * pdftex: A TeX extension for direct creation of PDF
     33 * plain: The Plain TeX format
     34 * tex: A sophisticated typesetting engine
     35 * tex-ini-files: Model TeX format creation files
     36 * texlive-common: TeX Live documentation (common elements)
     37 * texlive-en: TeX Live manual (English)
     38 * texlive-scripts: TeX Live infrastructure programs
     39 * tlshell: GUI frontend (tcl/tk-based) for tlmgr
     40 * unicode-data: Unicode data and loaders for TeX
     41 * xdvi: A DVI previewer for the X Window System
    4343= texlive-bibtex-extra =
    44  *     aaai-named: BibTeX style for AAAI
    45  *     aichej: Bibliography style file for the AIChE Journal
    46  *     ajl: BibTeX style for AJL
    47  *     amsrefs: A LaTeX-based replacement for BibTeX
    48  *     annotate: A bibliography style with annotations
    49  *     apacite: Citation style following the rules of the APA
    50  *     apalike-ejor: A BibTeX style file for the European Journal of Operational Research
    51  *     apalike2: Bibliography style that approaches APA requirements
    52  *     archaeologie: A citation-style which covers rules of the German Archaeological Institute
    53  *     authordate: Author/date style citation styles
    54  *     beebe: A collection of bibliographies
    55  *     besjournals: Bibliographies suitable for British Ecological Society journals
    56  *     bestpapers: A BibTeX package to produce lists of authors' best papers
    57  *     bib2gls: Command line application to convert .bib files to glossaries-extra.sty resource files
    58  *     bibarts: "Arts"-style bibliographical information
    59  *     bibcop: Style checker for .bib files
    60  *     biber-ms: A BibTeX replacement for users of BibLaTeX (multiscript version)
    61  *     bibexport: Extract a BibTeX file based on a .aux file
    62  *     bibhtml: BibTeX support for HTML files
    63  *     biblatex: Sophisticated Bibliographies in LaTeX
    64  *     biblatex-abnt: BibLaTeX style for Brazil's ABNT rules
    65  *     biblatex-ajc2020unofficial: BibLaTeX style for the Australasian Journal of Combinatorics
    66  *     biblatex-anonymous: A tool to manage anonymous work with BibLaTeX
    67  *     biblatex-apa: BibLaTeX citation and reference style for APA
    68  *     biblatex-apa6: BibLaTeX citation and reference style for APA 6th Edition
    69  *     biblatex-archaeology: A collection of BibLaTeX styles for German prehistory
    70  *     biblatex-arthistory-bonn: BibLaTeX citation style covers the citation and bibliography guidelines for art historians
    71  *     biblatex-bath: Harvard referencing style as recommended by the University of Bath Library
    72  *     biblatex-bookinarticle: Manage book edited in article
    73  *     biblatex-bookinother: Manage book edited in other entry type
    74  *     biblatex-bwl: BibLaTeX citations for FU Berlin
    75  *     biblatex-caspervector: A simple citation style for Chinese users
    76  *     biblatex-chem: A set of BibLaTeX implementations of chemistry-related bibliography styles
    77  *     biblatex-chicago: Chicago style files for BibLaTeX
    78  *     biblatex-claves: A tool to manage claves of old litterature with BibLaTeX
    79  *     biblatex-cv: Create a CV from BibTeX files
    80  *     biblatex-dw: Humanities styles for BibLaTeX
    81  *     biblatex-enc: BibLaTeX style for the Ecole nationale des chartes (Paris)
    82  *     biblatex-ext: Extended BibLaTeX standard styles
    83  *     biblatex-fiwi: BibLaTeX styles for use in German humanities
    84  *     biblatex-gb7714-2015: A BibLaTeX implementation of the GBT7714-2015 bibliography style for Chinese users
    85  *     biblatex-german-legal: Comprehensive citation style for German legal texts
    86  *     biblatex-gost: BibLaTeX support for GOST standard bibliographies
    87  *     biblatex-historian: A BibLaTeX style
    88  *     biblatex-ieee: IEEE style files for BibLaTeX
    89  *     biblatex-ijsra: BibLaTeX style for the International Journal of Student Research in Archaeology
    90  *     biblatex-iso690: BibLaTeX style for ISO 690 standard
    91  *     biblatex-jura2: Citation style for the German legal profession
    92  *     biblatex-juradiss: BibLaTeX stylefiles for German law theses
    93  *     biblatex-license: Add license data to the bibliography
    94  *     biblatex-lncs: BibLaTeX style for Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
    95  *     biblatex-lni: LNI style for BibLaTeX
    96  *     biblatex-luh-ipw: BibLaTeX styles for social sciences
    97  *     biblatex-manuscripts-philology: Manage classical manuscripts with BibLaTeX
    98  *     biblatex-mla: MLA style files for BibLaTeX
    99  *     biblatex-morenames: New names for standard BibLaTeX entry type
    100  *     biblatex-ms: Sophisticated Bibliographies in LaTeX (multiscript version)
    101  *     biblatex-multiple-dm: Load multiple datamodels in BibLaTeX
    102  *     biblatex-musuos: A BibLaTeX style for citations in musuos.cls
    103  *     biblatex-nature: BibLaTeX support for Nature
    104  *     biblatex-nejm: BibLaTeX style for the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)
    105  *     biblatex-nottsclassic: Citation style for the University of Nottingham
    106  *     biblatex-opcit-booktitle: Use op. cit. for the booktitle of a subentry
    107  *     biblatex-oxref: BibLaTeX styles inspired by the Oxford Guide to Style
    108  *     biblatex-philosophy: Styles for using BibLaTeX for work in philosophy
    109  *     biblatex-phys: A BibLaTeX implementation of the AIP and APS bibliography style
    110  *     biblatex-publist: BibLaTeX bibliography support for publication lists
    111  *     biblatex-readbbl: Read a .bbl file created by biber
    112  *     biblatex-realauthor: Indicate the real author of a work
    113  *     biblatex-sbl: Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) style files for BibLaTeX
    114  *     biblatex-science: BibLaTeX implementation of the Science bibliography style
    115  *     biblatex-shortfields: Use short forms of fields with BibLaTeX
    116  *     biblatex-socialscienceshuberlin: BibLaTeX-style for the social sciences at HU Berlin
    117  *     biblatex-software: BibLaTeX stylefiles for software products
    118  *     biblatex-source-division: References by "division" in classical sources
    119  *     biblatex-spbasic: A BibLaTeX style emulating Springer's old spbasic.bst
    120  *     biblatex-subseries: Manages subseries with BibLaTeX
    121  *     biblatex-swiss-legal: Bibliography and citation styles following Swiss legal practice
    122  *     biblatex-trad: "Traditional" BibTeX styles with BibLaTeX
    123  *     biblatex-true-citepages-omit: Correction of some limitation of the citepages=omit option of BibLaTeX styles
    124  *     biblatex-unified: BibLaTeX implementation of the unified stylesheet for linguistics journals
    125  *     biblatex-vancouver: Vancouver style for BibLaTeX
    126  *     biblatex2bibitem: Convert BibLaTeX-generated bibliography to bibitems
    127  *     biblist: Print a BibTeX database
    128  *     bibtexperllibs: BibTeX Perl Libraries
    129  *     bibtopic: Include multiple bibliographies in a document
    130  *     bibtopicprefix: Prefix references to bibliographies produced by bibtopic
    131  *     bibunits: Multiple bibliographies in one document
    132  *     biolett-bst: A BibTeX style for the journal "Biology Letters"
    133  *     bookdb: A BibTeX style file for cataloguing a home library
    134  *     breakcites: Ensure that multiple citations may break at line end
    135  *     cell: Bibliography style for Cell
    136  *     chbibref: Change the Bibliography/References title
    137  *     chembst: A collection of BibTeX files for chemistry journals
    138  *     chicago: A "Chicago" bibliography style
    139  *     chicago-annote: Chicago-based annotated BibTeX style
    140  *     chicagoa: "Chicago" bibliography style with annotations
    141  *     chscite: Bibliography style for Chalmers University of Technology
    142  *     citation-style-language: Bibliography formatting with Citation Style Language
    143  *     citeall: Cite all entries of a bbl created with BibLaTeX
    144  *     citeref: Add reference-page-list to bibliography-items
    145  *     collref: Collect blocks of references into a single reference
    146  *     compactbib: Multiple thebibliography environments
    147  *     crossrefware: Scripts for working with
    148  *     custom-bib: Customised BibTeX styles
    149  *     din1505: Bibliography styles for German texts
    150  *     dk-bib: Danish variants of standard BibTeX styles
    151  *     doipubmed: Special commands for use in bibliographies
    152  *     ecobiblatex: Global Ecology and Biogeography BibLaTeX styles for the Biber backend
    153  *     econ-bst: BibTeX style for economics papers
    154  *     economic: BibTeX support for submitting to Economics journals
    155  *     fbs: BibTeX style for Frontiers in Bioscience
    156  *     figbib: Organize figure databases with BibTeX
    157  *     footbib: Bibliographic references as footnotes
    158  *     francais-bst: Bibliographies conforming to French typographic standards
    159  *     gbt7714: BibTeX implementation of China's bibliography style standard GB/T 7714-2015
    160  *     geschichtsfrkl: BibLaTeX style for historians
    161  *     harvard: Harvard citation package for use with LaTeX 2e
    162  *     harvmac: Macros for scientific articles
    163  *     hep-bibliography: An acronym extension for glossaries
    164  *     historische-zeitschrift: BibLaTeX style for the journal 'Historische Zeitschrift'
    165  *     icite: Indices locorum citatorum
    166  *     ietfbibs: Generate BibTeX entries for various IETF index files
    167  *     ijqc: BibTeX style file for the Intl. J. Quantum Chem
    168  *     inlinebib: Citations in footnotes
    169  *     iopart-num: Numeric citation style for IOP journals
    170  *     is-bst: Extended versions of standard BibTeX styles
    171  *     jbact: BibTeX style for biology journals
    172  *     jmb: BibTeX style for the Journal of Theoretical Biology
    173  *     jneurosci: BibTeX style for the Journal of Neuroscience
    174  *     jurabib: Extended BibTeX citation support for the humanities and legal texts
    175  *     ksfh_nat: BibTeX style for KSFH Munich
    176  *     listbib: Lists contents of BibTeX files
    177  *     logreq: Support for automation of the LaTeX workflow
    178  *     ltb2bib: Converts amsrefs' .ltb bibliographical databases to BibTeX format
    179  *     luabibentry: Repeat BibTeX entries in a LuaLaTeX document body
    180  *     margbib: Display bibitem tags in the margins
    181  *     multibib: Multiple bibliographies within one document
    182  *     multibibliography: Multiple versions of a bibliography, with different sort orders
    183  *     munich: An alternative authordate bibliography style
    184  *     nar: BibTeX style for Nucleic Acid Research
    185  *     newcastle-bst: A BibTeX style to format reference lists in the Harvard at Newcastle style
    186  *     nmbib: Multiple versions of a bibliography, with different sort orders
    187  *     notes2bib: Integrating notes into the bibliography
    188  *     notex-bst: A BibTeX style that outputs HTML
    189  *     oscola: BibLaTeX style for the Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities
    190  *     perception: BibTeX style for the journal Perception
    191  *     plainyr: Plain bibliography style, sorted by year first
    192  *     pnas2009: BibTeX style for PNAS (newer version)
    193  *     rsc: BibTeX style for use with RSC journals
    194  *     showtags: Print the tags of bibliography entries
    195  *     sort-by-letters: Bibliography styles for alphabetic sorting
    196  *     splitbib: Split and reorder your bibliography
    197  *     turabian-formatting: Formatting based on Turabian's Manual
    198  *     uni-wtal-ger: Citation style for literary studies at the University of Wuppertal
    199  *     uni-wtal-lin: Citation style for linguistic studies at the University of Wuppertal
    200  *     urlbst: Web support for BibTeX
    201  *     usebib: A simple bibliography processor
    202  *     vak: BibTeX style for Russian Theses, books, etc
    203  *     windycity: A Chicago style for BibLaTeX
    204  *     xcite: Use citation keys from a different document
    205  *     zootaxa-bst: A BibTeX style for the journal Zootaxa
     44 * aaai-named: BibTeX style for AAAI
     45 * aichej: Bibliography style file for the AIChE Journal
     46 * ajl: BibTeX style for AJL
     47 * amsrefs: A LaTeX-based replacement for BibTeX
     48 * annotate: A bibliography style with annotations
     49 * apacite: Citation style following the rules of the APA
     50 * apalike-ejor: A BibTeX style file for the European Journal of Operational Research
     51 * apalike2: Bibliography style that approaches APA requirements
     52 * archaeologie: A citation-style which covers rules of the German Archaeological Institute
     53 * authordate: Author/date style citation styles
     54 * beebe: A collection of bibliographies
     55 * besjournals: Bibliographies suitable for British Ecological Society journals
     56 * bestpapers: A BibTeX package to produce lists of authors' best papers
     57 * bib2gls: Command line application to convert .bib files to glossaries-extra.sty resource files
     58 * bibarts: "Arts"-style bibliographical information
     59 * bibcop: Style checker for .bib files
     60 * biber-ms: A BibTeX replacement for users of BibLaTeX (multiscript version)
     61 * bibexport: Extract a BibTeX file based on a .aux file
     62 * bibhtml: BibTeX support for HTML files
     63 * biblatex: Sophisticated Bibliographies in LaTeX
     64 * biblatex-abnt: BibLaTeX style for Brazil's ABNT rules
     65 * biblatex-ajc2020unofficial: BibLaTeX style for the Australasian Journal of Combinatorics
     66 * biblatex-anonymous: A tool to manage anonymous work with BibLaTeX
     67 * biblatex-apa: BibLaTeX citation and reference style for APA
     68 * biblatex-apa6: BibLaTeX citation and reference style for APA 6th Edition
     69 * biblatex-archaeology: A collection of BibLaTeX styles for German prehistory
     70 * biblatex-arthistory-bonn: BibLaTeX citation style covers the citation and bibliography guidelines for art historians
     71 * biblatex-bath: Harvard referencing style as recommended by the University of Bath Library
     72 * biblatex-bookinarticle: Manage book edited in article
     73 * biblatex-bookinother: Manage book edited in other entry type
     74 * biblatex-bwl: BibLaTeX citations for FU Berlin
     75 * biblatex-caspervector: A simple citation style for Chinese users
     76 * biblatex-chem: A set of BibLaTeX implementations of chemistry-related bibliography styles
     77 * biblatex-chicago: Chicago style files for BibLaTeX
     78 * biblatex-claves: A tool to manage claves of old litterature with BibLaTeX
     79 * biblatex-cv: Create a CV from BibTeX files
     80 * biblatex-dw: Humanities styles for BibLaTeX
     81 * biblatex-enc: BibLaTeX style for the Ecole nationale des chartes (Paris)
     82 * biblatex-ext: Extended BibLaTeX standard styles
     83 * biblatex-fiwi: BibLaTeX styles for use in German humanities
     84 * biblatex-gb7714-2015: A BibLaTeX implementation of the GBT7714-2015 bibliography style for Chinese users
     85 * biblatex-german-legal: Comprehensive citation style for German legal texts
     86 * biblatex-gost: BibLaTeX support for GOST standard bibliographies
     87 * biblatex-historian: A BibLaTeX style
     88 * biblatex-ieee: IEEE style files for BibLaTeX
     89 * biblatex-ijsra: BibLaTeX style for the International Journal of Student Research in Archaeology
     90 * biblatex-iso690: BibLaTeX style for ISO 690 standard
     91 * biblatex-jura2: Citation style for the German legal profession
     92 * biblatex-juradiss: BibLaTeX stylefiles for German law theses
     93 * biblatex-license: Add license data to the bibliography
     94 * biblatex-lncs: BibLaTeX style for Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science
     95 * biblatex-lni: LNI style for BibLaTeX
     96 * biblatex-luh-ipw: BibLaTeX styles for social sciences
     97 * biblatex-manuscripts-philology: Manage classical manuscripts with BibLaTeX
     98 * biblatex-mla: MLA style files for BibLaTeX
     99 * biblatex-morenames: New names for standard BibLaTeX entry type
     100 * biblatex-ms: Sophisticated Bibliographies in LaTeX (multiscript version)
     101 * biblatex-multiple-dm: Load multiple datamodels in BibLaTeX
     102 * biblatex-musuos: A BibLaTeX style for citations in musuos.cls
     103 * biblatex-nature: BibLaTeX support for Nature
     104 * biblatex-nejm: BibLaTeX style for the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)
     105 * biblatex-nottsclassic: Citation style for the University of Nottingham
     106 * biblatex-opcit-booktitle: Use op. cit. for the booktitle of a subentry
     107 * biblatex-oxref: BibLaTeX styles inspired by the Oxford Guide to Style
     108 * biblatex-philosophy: Styles for using BibLaTeX for work in philosophy
     109 * biblatex-phys: A BibLaTeX implementation of the AIP and APS bibliography style
     110 * biblatex-publist: BibLaTeX bibliography support for publication lists
     111 * biblatex-readbbl: Read a .bbl file created by biber
     112 * biblatex-realauthor: Indicate the real author of a work
     113 * biblatex-sbl: Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) style files for BibLaTeX
     114 * biblatex-science: BibLaTeX implementation of the Science bibliography style
     115 * biblatex-shortfields: Use short forms of fields with BibLaTeX
     116 * biblatex-socialscienceshuberlin: BibLaTeX-style for the social sciences at HU Berlin
     117 * biblatex-software: BibLaTeX stylefiles for software products
     118 * biblatex-source-division: References by "division" in classical sources
     119 * biblatex-spbasic: A BibLaTeX style emulating Springer's old spbasic.bst
     120 * biblatex-subseries: Manages subseries with BibLaTeX
     121 * biblatex-swiss-legal: Bibliography and citation styles following Swiss legal practice
     122 * biblatex-trad: "Traditional" BibTeX styles with BibLaTeX
     123 * biblatex-true-citepages-omit: Correction of some limitation of the citepages=omit option of BibLaTeX styles
     124 * biblatex-unified: BibLaTeX implementation of the unified stylesheet for linguistics journals
     125 * biblatex-vancouver: Vancouver style for BibLaTeX
     126 * biblatex2bibitem: Convert BibLaTeX-generated bibliography to bibitems
     127 * biblist: Print a BibTeX database
     128 * bibtexperllibs: BibTeX Perl Libraries
     129 * bibtools: Bib management tools
     130 * bibtopic: Include multiple bibliographies in a document
     131 * bibtopicprefix: Prefix references to bibliographies produced by bibtopic
     132 * bibunits: Multiple bibliographies in one document
     133 * biolett-bst: A BibTeX style for the journal "Biology Letters"
     134 * bookdb: A BibTeX style file for cataloguing a home library
     135 * breakcites: Ensure that multiple citations may break at line end
     136 * cell: Bibliography style for Cell
     137 * chbibref: Change the Bibliography/References title
     138 * chembst: A collection of BibTeX files for chemistry journals
     139 * chicago: A "Chicago" bibliography style
     140 * chicago-annote: Chicago-based annotated BibTeX style
     141 * chicagoa: "Chicago" bibliography style with annotations
     142 * chicagolinks:
     143 * chscite: Bibliography style for Chalmers University of Technology
     144 * citation-style-language: Bibliography formatting with Citation Style Language
     145 * citeall: Cite all entries of a bbl created with BibLaTeX
     146 * citeref: Add reference-page-list to bibliography-items
     147 * collref: Collect blocks of references into a single reference
     148 * compactbib: Multiple thebibliography environments
     149 * crossrefware: Scripts for working with
     150 * custom-bib: Customised BibTeX styles
     151 * din1505: Bibliography styles for German texts
     152 * dk-bib: Danish variants of standard BibTeX styles
     153 * doipubmed: Special commands for use in bibliographies
     154 * ecobiblatex: Global Ecology and Biogeography BibLaTeX styles for the Biber backend
     155 * econ-bst: BibTeX style for economics papers
     156 * economic: BibTeX support for submitting to Economics journals
     157 * fbs: BibTeX style for Frontiers in Bioscience
     158 * figbib: Organize figure databases with BibTeX
     159 * footbib: Bibliographic references as footnotes
     160 * francais-bst: Bibliographies conforming to French typographic standards
     161 * gbt7714: BibTeX implementation of China's bibliography style standard GB/T 7714-2015
     162 * geschichtsfrkl: BibLaTeX style for historians
     163 * harvard: Harvard citation package for use with LaTeX 2e
     164 * harvmac: Macros for scientific articles
     165 * hep-bibliography: An acronym extension for glossaries
     166 * historische-zeitschrift: BibLaTeX style for the journal 'Historische Zeitschrift'
     167 * icite: Indices locorum citatorum
     168 * ietfbibs: Generate BibTeX entries for various IETF index files
     169 * ijqc: BibTeX style file for the Intl. J. Quantum Chem
     170 * inlinebib: Citations in footnotes
     171 * iopart-num: Numeric citation style for IOP journals
     172 * is-bst: Extended versions of standard BibTeX styles
     173 * jbact: BibTeX style for biology journals
     174 * jmb: BibTeX style for the Journal of Theoretical Biology
     175 * jneurosci: BibTeX style for the Journal of Neuroscience
     176 * jurabib: Extended BibTeX citation support for the humanities and legal texts
     177 * ksfh_nat: BibTeX style for KSFH Munich
     178 * listbib: Lists contents of BibTeX files
     179 * logreq: Support for automation of the LaTeX workflow
     180 * ltb2bib: Converts amsrefs' .ltb bibliographical databases to BibTeX format
     181 * luabibentry: Repeat BibTeX entries in a LuaLaTeX document body
     182 * margbib: Display bibitem tags in the margins
     183 * multibib: Multiple bibliographies within one document
     184 * multibibliography: Multiple versions of a bibliography, with different sort orders
     185 * munich: An alternative authordate bibliography style
     186 * nar: BibTeX style for Nucleic Acid Research
     187 * newcastle-bst: A BibTeX style to format reference lists in the Harvard at Newcastle style
     188 * nmbib: Multiple versions of a bibliography, with different sort orders
     189 * notes2bib: Integrating notes into the bibliography
     190 * notex-bst: A BibTeX style that outputs HTML
     191 * oscola: BibLaTeX style for the Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities
     192 * perception: BibTeX style for the journal Perception
     193 * plainyr: Plain bibliography style, sorted by year first
     194 * pnas2009: BibTeX style for PNAS (newer version)
     195 * rsc: BibTeX style for use with RSC journals
     196 * showtags: Print the tags of bibliography entries
     197 * sort-by-letters: Bibliography styles for alphabetic sorting
     198 * splitbib: Split and reorder your bibliography
     199 * turabian-formatting: Formatting based on Turabian's Manual
     200 * uni-wtal-ger: Citation style for literary studies at the University of Wuppertal
     201 * uni-wtal-lin: Citation style for linguistic studies at the University of Wuppertal
     202 * urlbst: Web support for BibTeX
     203 * usebib: A simple bibliography processor
     204 * vak: BibTeX style for Russian Theses, books, etc
     205 * windycity: A Chicago style for BibLaTeX
     206 * xcite: Use citation keys from a different document
     207 * zootaxa-bst: A BibTeX style for the journal Zootaxa
    207209= texlive-bin-extra =
    208  *     a2ping: Advanced PS, PDF, EPS converter
    209  *     adhocfilelist: '\listfiles' entries from the command line
    210  *     arara: Automation of LaTeX compilation
    211  *     bibtex8: BibTeX variant supporting 8-bit encodings
    212  *     bibtexu: BibTeX variant supporting Unicode (UTF-8), via ICU
    213  *     bundledoc: Bundle together all the files needed to build a LaTeX document
    214  *     checklistings: Pass verbatim contents through a compiler and reincorporate the resulting output
    215  *     chklref: Check for problems with labels in LaTeX
    216  *     chktex: Check for errors in LaTeX documents
    217  *     clojure-pamphlet: A simple literate programming tool based on clojure's pamphlet system
    218  *     cluttex: An automation tool for running LaTeX
    219  *     ctan-o-mat: Upload or validate a package for CTAN
    220  *     ctan_chk: CTAN guidelines verifier and corrector for uploading projects
    221  *     ctanbib: Export CTAN entries to bib format
    222  *     ctanify: Prepare a package for upload to CTAN
    223  *     ctanupload: Support for users uploading to CTAN
    224  *     ctie: C version of tie (merging Web change files)
    225  *     cweb: CWEB for ANSI-C/C++ compilers
    226  *     de-macro: Expand private macros in a document
    227  *     digestif: Editor plugin for LaTeX, ConTeXt etc.
    228  *     dtl: Tools to dis-assemble and re-assemble DVI files
    229  *     dtxgen: Creates a template for a self-extracting .dtx file
    230  *     dviasm: A utility for editing DVI files
    231  *     dvicopy: Copy DVI files, flattening VFs
    232  *     dvidvi: Convert one DVI file into another
    233  *     dviinfox: Perl script to print DVI meta information
    234  *     dviljk: DVI to Laserjet output
    235  *     dviout-util:
    236  *     dvipos: support DVI pos: specials used by ConTeXt DVI output
    237  *     findhyph: Find hyphenated words in a document
    238  *     fragmaster: Using psfrag with pdfLaTeX
    239  *     git-latexdiff: Call latexdiff on two Git revisions of a file
    240  *     gsftopk: Convert "Ghostscript fonts" to PK files
    241  *     hook-pre-commit-pkg: Pre-commit git hook for LaTeX package developpers
    242  *     installfont: A bash script for installing a LaTeX font family
    243  *     ketcindy: macros for graphic generation and Cinderella plugin
    244  *     lacheck: LaTeX checker
    245  *     latex-git-log: Typeset git log information
    246  *     latex-papersize: Calculate LaTeX settings for any font and paper size
    247  *     latex2man: Translate LaTeX-based manual pages into Unix man format
    248  *     latex2nemeth: Convert LaTeX source to Braille with math in Nemeth
    249  *     latexfileversion: Prints the version and date of a LaTeX class or style file
    250  *     latexindent: Indent a LaTeX document, highlighting the programming structure
    251  *     latexpand: Expand \input and \include in a LaTeX document
    252  *     light-latex-make: llmk: A build tool for LaTeX documents
    253  *     listings-ext: Automated input of source
    254  *     ltxfileinfo: Print version information for a LaTeX file
    255  *     ltximg: Extract LaTeX environments into separate image files
    256  *     luajittex: LuaTeX with just-in-time (jit) compiler, with and without HarfBuzz
    257  *     make4ht: A build system for tex4ht
    258  *     match_parens: Find mismatches of parentheses, braces, (angle) brackets, in texts
    259  *     mflua: configuration and base files for MFLua
    260  *     mkjobtexmf: Generate a texmf tree for a particular job
    261  *     optexcount: Python script for counting words in OpTeX documents
    262  *     patgen: Generate hyphenation patterns
    263  *     pdfbook2: Create booklets from PDF files
    264  *     pdfcrop: Crop PDF graphics
    265  *     pdflatexpicscale: Support software for downscaling graphics to be included by pdfLaTeX
    266  *     pdftex-quiet: A bash wrapper for pdfTeX limiting its output to relevant errors
    267  *     pdftosrc: Extract source file or stream from PDF file
    268  *     pdfxup: Create n-up PDF pages with minimal margins
    269  *     pfarrei: LaTeX support of pastors' and priests' work
    270  *     pkfix: Replace pk fonts in PostScript with Type 1 fonts
    271  *     pkfix-helper: Make PostScript files accessible to pkfix
    272  *     purifyeps: Make EPS work with both LaTeX/dvips and pdfLaTeX
    273  *     pythontex: Run Python from within a document, typesetting the results
    274  *     seetexk: Utilities for manipulating DVI files
    275  *     spix: Yet another TeX compilation tool: simple, human readable, no option, no magic
    276  *     srcredact: A tool for redacting sources
    277  *     sty2dtx: Create a .dtx file from a .sty file
    278  *     synctex: engine-level feature synchronizing output and source
    279  *     tex4ebook: Converter from LaTeX to ebook formats
    280  *     texaccents: Convert composite accented characters to Unicode
    281  *     texcount: Count words in a LaTeX document
    282  *     texdef: Display the definitions of TeX commands
    283  *     texdiff: Compare documents and produce tagged merge
    284  *     texdirflatten: Collect files related to a LaTeX job in a single directory
    285  *     texdoc: Documentation access for TeX Live
    286  *     texdoctk: Easy access to package documentation
    287  *     texfot: Filter clutter from the output of a TeX run
    288  *     texlive-scripts-extra: TeX Live scripts
    289  *     texliveonfly: On-the-fly download of missing TeX live packages
    290  *     texloganalyser: Analyse TeX logs
    291  *     texlogfilter: Filter LaTeX engines output or log file
    292  *     texlogsieve: Filter and summarize LaTeX log files
    293  *     texosquery: Cross-platform Java application to query OS information
    294  *     texplate: A tool for creating document structures based on templates
    295  *     texware: Utility programs for use with TeX
    296  *     tie: Allow multiple web change files
    297  *     tlcockpit: A GUI frontend to TeX Live Manager (tlmgr)
    298  *     tpic2pdftex: Use tpic commands in pdfTeX
    299  *     typeoutfileinfo: Display class/package/file information
    300  *     upmendex: Multilingual index processor
    301  *     web: The original literate programming system
    302  *     xindex: Unicode compatible index generation
    303  *     xpdfopen: Commands to control PDF readers, under X11
     210 * a2ping: Advanced PS, PDF, EPS converter
     211 * adhocfilelist: '\listfiles' entries from the command line
     212 * arara: Automation of LaTeX compilation
     213 * bibtex8: BibTeX variant supporting 8-bit encodings
     214 * bibtexu: BibTeX variant supporting Unicode (UTF-8), via ICU
     215 * bundledoc: Bundle together all the files needed to build a LaTeX document
     216 * checklistings: Pass verbatim contents through a compiler and reincorporate the resulting output
     217 * chklref: Check for problems with labels in LaTeX
     218 * chktex: Check for errors in LaTeX documents
     219 * clojure-pamphlet: A simple literate programming tool based on clojure's pamphlet system
     220 * cluttex: An automation tool for running LaTeX
     221 * ctan-o-mat: Upload or validate a package for CTAN
     222 * ctan_chk: CTAN guidelines verifier and corrector for uploading projects
     223 * ctanbib: Export CTAN entries to bib format
     224 * ctanify: Prepare a package for upload to CTAN
     225 * ctanupload: Support for users uploading to CTAN
     226 * ctie: C version of tie (merging Web change files)
     227 * cweb: CWEB for ANSI-C/C++ compilers
     228 * de-macro: Expand private macros in a document
     229 * digestif: Editor plugin for LaTeX, ConTeXt etc.
     230 * dtl: Tools to dis-assemble and re-assemble DVI files
     231 * dtxgen: Creates a template for a self-extracting .dtx file
     232 * dviasm: A utility for editing DVI files
     233 * dvicopy: Copy DVI files, flattening VFs
     234 * dvidvi: Convert one DVI file into another
     235 * dviinfox: Perl script to print DVI meta information
     236 * dviljk: DVI to Laserjet output
     237 * dviout-util:
     238 * dvipos: support DVI pos: specials used by ConTeXt DVI output
     239 * easydtx: A simplified DTX format
     240 * findhyph: Find hyphenated words in a document
     241 * fragmaster: Using psfrag with pdfLaTeX
     242 * git-latexdiff: Call latexdiff on two Git revisions of a file
     243 * gsftopk: Convert "Ghostscript fonts" to PK files
     244 * hook-pre-commit-pkg: Pre-commit git hook for LaTeX package developpers
     245 * installfont: A bash script for installing a LaTeX font family
     246 * ketcindy: macros for graphic generation and Cinderella plugin
     247 * lacheck: LaTeX checker
     248 * latex-git-log: Typeset git log information
     249 * latex-papersize: Calculate LaTeX settings for any font and paper size
     250 * latex2man: Translate LaTeX-based manual pages into Unix man format
     251 * latex2nemeth: Convert LaTeX source to Braille with math in Nemeth
     252 * latexfileversion: Prints the version and date of a LaTeX class or style file
     253 * latexindent: Indent a LaTeX document, highlighting the programming structure
     254 * latexpand: Expand \input and \include in a LaTeX document
     255 * light-latex-make: llmk: A build tool for LaTeX documents
     256 * listings-ext: Automated input of source
     257 * ltxfileinfo: Print version information for a LaTeX file
     258 * ltximg: Extract LaTeX environments into separate image files
     259 * make4ht: A build system for tex4ht
     260 * match_parens: Find mismatches of parentheses, braces, (angle) brackets, in texts
     261 * mflua: configuration and base files for MFLua
     262 * mkjobtexmf: Generate a texmf tree for a particular job
     263 * optexcount: Python script for counting words in OpTeX documents
     264 * patgen: Generate hyphenation patterns
     265 * pdfbook2: Create booklets from PDF files
     266 * pdfcrop: Crop PDF graphics
     267 * pdflatexpicscale: Support software for downscaling graphics to be included by pdfLaTeX
     268 * pdftex-quiet: A bash wrapper for pdfTeX limiting its output to relevant errors
     269 * pdftosrc: Extract source file or stream from PDF file
     270 * pdfxup: Create n-up PDF pages with minimal margins
     271 * pfarrei: LaTeX support of pastors' and priests' work
     272 * pkfix: Replace pk fonts in PostScript with Type 1 fonts
     273 * pkfix-helper: Make PostScript files accessible to pkfix
     274 * ppmcheckpdf: Convert PDF to PNG and compare PNG files after l3build
     275 * purifyeps: Make EPS work with both LaTeX/dvips and pdfLaTeX
     276 * pythontex: Run Python from within a document, typesetting the results
     277 * runtexshebang: A Lua script running LaTeX document files with TeX-style shebang
     278 * seetexk: Utilities for manipulating DVI files
     279 * spix: Yet another TeX compilation tool: simple, human readable, no option, no magic
     280 * srcredact: A tool for redacting sources
     281 * sty2dtx: Create a .dtx file from a .sty file
     282 * synctex: engine-level feature synchronizing output and source
     283 * tex4ebook: Converter from LaTeX to ebook formats
     284 * texaccents: Convert composite accented characters to Unicode
     285 * texblend: Compile segments of LaTeX documents
     286 * texcount: Count words in a LaTeX document
     287 * texdef: Display the definitions of TeX commands
     288 * texdiff: Compare documents and produce tagged merge
     289 * texdirflatten: Collect files related to a LaTeX job in a single directory
     290 * texdoc: Documentation access for TeX Live
     291 * texdoctk: Easy access to package documentation
     292 * texfot: Filter clutter from the output of a TeX run
     293 * texlive-scripts-extra: TeX Live scripts
     294 * texliveonfly: On-the-fly download of missing TeX live packages
     295 * texloganalyser: Analyse TeX logs
     296 * texlogfilter: Filter LaTeX engines output or log file
     297 * texlogsieve: Filter and summarize LaTeX log files
     298 * texosquery: Cross-platform Java application to query OS information
     299 * texplate: A tool for creating document structures based on templates
     300 * texware: Utility programs for use with TeX
     301 * tie: Allow multiple web change files
     302 * tlcockpit: A GUI frontend to TeX Live Manager (tlmgr)
     303 * tpic2pdftex: Use tpic commands in pdfTeX
     304 * typeoutfileinfo: Display class/package/file information
     305 * upmendex: Multilingual index processor
     306 * web: The original literate programming system
     307 * xindex: Unicode-compatible index generation
     308 * xpdfopen: Commands to control PDF readers, under X11
    305310= texlive-context =
    306  *     context: The ConTeXt macro package
    307  *     context-account: A simple accounting package
    308  *     context-algorithmic: Algorithm handling in ConTeXt
    309  *     context-animation: Generate fieldstack based animation with ConTeXt
    310  *     context-annotation: Annotate text blocks
    311  *     context-bnf: A BNF module for ConTeXt
    312  *     context-chromato: ConTeXt macros for chromatograms
    313  *     context-cmscbf: Use Computer Modern bold Caps and Small-caps in ConTeXt
    314  *     context-cmttbf: Use Computer Modern Typewriter bold font in ConTeXt
    315  *     context-construction-plan: Construction plans in ConTeXt
    316  *     context-cyrillicnumbers: Write numbers as cyrillic glyphs
    317  *     context-degrade: Degrading JPEG images in ConTeXt
    318  *     context-fancybreak: Overfull pages with ConTeXt
    319  *     context-filter: Run external programs on the contents of a start-stop environment
    320  *     context-french: Support for writing French in ConTeXt
    321  *     context-fullpage: Overfull pages with ConTeXt
    322  *     context-gantt: GANTT module for ConTeXt
    323  *     context-gnuplot: Inclusion of Gnuplot graphs in ConTeXt
    324  *     context-handlecsv: Data merging for automatic document creation
    325  *     context-layout: Show ConTeXt layouts
    326  *     context-letter: ConTeXt package for writing letters
    327  *     context-lettrine: A ConTeXt implementation of lettrines
    328  *     context-mathsets: Set notation in ConTeXt
    329  *     context-rst: Process reStructuredText with ConTeXt
    330  *     context-ruby: Ruby annotations in ConTeXt
    331  *     context-simplefonts: Simplified font usage for ConTeXt
    332  *     context-simpleslides: A module for preparing presentations
    333  *     context-title: Place document titles
    334  *     context-transliterator: Transliterate text from 'other' alphabets
    335  *     context-typearea: Something like Koma-Script typearea
    336  *     context-typescripts: Small modules to load various fonts for use in ConTeXt
    337  *     context-vim: Generate ConTeXt syntax highlighting code from vim
    338  *     context-visualcounter: Visual display of ConTeXt counters
    339  *     jmn: special fonts for ConTeXt
     311 * context: The ConTeXt macro package
     312 * context-calendar-examples: Collection of calendars based on the PocketDiary-module
     313 * context-collating-marks: Environment to place collating marks on the spine of a section
     314 * context-cyrillicnumbers: Write numbers as cyrillic glyphs
     315 * context-filter: Run external programs on the contents of a start-stop environment
     316 * context-gnuplot: Inclusion of Gnuplot graphs in ConTeXt
     317 * context-handlecsv: Data merging for automatic document creation
     318 * context-legacy: The ConTeXt macro package, MkII
     319 * context-letter: ConTeXt package for writing letters
     320 * context-mathsets: Set notation in ConTeXt
     321 * context-notes-zh-cn: Notes on using ConTeXt MkIV
     322 * context-pocketdiary: A personal organiser
     323 * context-simpleslides: A module for preparing presentations
     324 * context-squares: Typesetting Magic and Latin squares
     325 * context-sudoku: Sudokus for ConTeXt
     326 * context-texlive: TL-specific helpers for ConTeXt (caches, papersize)
     327 * context-transliterator: Transliterate text from 'other' alphabets
     328 * context-typescripts: Small modules to load various fonts for use in ConTeXt
     329 * context-vim: Generate ConTeXt syntax highlighting code from vim
     330 * context-visualcounter: Visual display of ConTeXt counters
     331 * jmn: special fonts for ConTeXt
     332 * luajittex: LuaTeX with just-in-time (jit) compiler, with and without HarfBuzz
    341334= texlive-fonts-extra =
    342  *     aboensis: A late medieval OpenType cursive font
    343  *     academicons: Font containing high quality icons of online academic profiles
    344  *     accanthis: Accanthis fonts, with LaTeX support
    345  *     adforn: OrnementsADF font with TeX/LaTeX support
    346  *     adfsymbols: SymbolsADF with TeX/LaTeX support
    347  *     aesupp: Special support for the ae character
    348  *     alegreya: Alegreya fonts with LaTeX support
    349  *     alfaslabone: The Alfa Slab One font face with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
    350  *     algolrevived: A revival of Frutiger's Algol alphabet
    351  *     allrunes: Fonts and LaTeX package for almost all runes
    352  *     almendra: Almendra fonts with LaTeX support
    353  *     almfixed: Arabic-Latin Modern Fixed extends TeX-Gyre Latin Modern Mono 10 Regular to full Arabic Unicode support
    354  *     andika: andika fonts with support for all LaTeX engines
    355  *     anonymouspro: Use AnonymousPro fonts with LaTeX
    356  *     antiqua: URW Antiqua condensed font, for use with TeX
    357  *     antt: Antykwa Torunska: a Type 1 family of a Polish traditional type
    358  *     archaic: A collection of archaic fonts
    359  *     archivo: The Archivo font face with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
    360  *     arev: Fonts and LaTeX support files for Arev Sans
    361  *     arimo: Arimo sans serif fonts with LaTeX support
    362  *     arvo: The Arvo font face with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
    363  *     asana-math: A font to typeset maths in Xe(La)TeX and Lua(La)TeX
    364  *     asapsym: Using the free ASAP Symbol font with LaTeX and Plain TeX
    365  *     ascii-font: Use the ASCII "font" in LaTeX
    366  *     aspectratio: Capital A and capital R ligature for Aspect Ratio
    367  *     astro: Astronomical (planetary) symbols
    368  *     atkinson: Support for the Atkinson Hyperlegible family of fonts
    369  *     augie: Calligraphic font for typesetting handwriting
    370  *     auncial-new: Artificial Uncial font and LaTeX support macros
    371  *     aurical: Calligraphic fonts for use with LaTeX in T1 encoding
    372  *     b1encoding: LaTeX encoding tools for Bookhands fonts
    373  *     barcodes: Fonts for making barcodes
    374  *     baskervald: Baskervald ADF fonts collection with TeX/LaTeX support
    375  *     baskervaldx: Extension and modification of BaskervaldADF with LaTeX support
    376  *     baskervillef: Fry's Baskerville look-alike, with math support
    377  *     bbding: A symbol (dingbat) font and LaTeX macros for its use
    378  *     bbm: "Blackboard-style" cm fonts
    379  *     bbm-macros: LaTeX support for "blackboard-style" cm fonts
    380  *     bbold: Sans serif blackboard bold
    381  *     bbold-type1: An Adobe Type 1 format version of the bbold font
    382  *     bboldx: Extension of the bbold package with a Blackboard Bold alphabet
    383  *     belleek: Free replacement for basic MathTime fonts
    384  *     bera: Bera fonts
    385  *     berenisadf: Berenis ADF fonts and TeX/LaTeX support
    386  *     beuron: The script of the Beuronese art school
    387  *     bguq: Improved quantifier stroke for Begriffsschrift packages
    388  *     bitter: The Bitter family of fonts with LaTeX support
    389  *     blacklettert1: T1-encoded versions of Haralambous old German fonts
    390  *     boisik: A font inspired by Baskerville design
    391  *     bookhands: A collection of book-hand fonts
    392  *     boondox: Mathematical alphabets derived from the STIX fonts
    393  *     braille: Support for braille
    394  *     brushscr: A handwriting script font
    395  *     cabin: A humanist Sans Serif font, with LaTeX support
    396  *     caladea: Support for the Caladea family of fonts
    397  *     calligra: Calligraphic font
    398  *     calligra-type1: Type 1 version of Calligra
    399  *     cantarell: LaTeX support for the Cantarell font family
    400  *     carlito: Support for Carlito sans-serif fonts
    401  *     carolmin-ps: Adobe Type 1 format of Carolingian Minuscule fonts
    402  *     cascadia-code: The Cascadia Code font with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
    403  *     ccicons: LaTeX support for Creative Commons icons
    404  *     cfr-initials: LaTeX packages for use of initials
    405  *     cfr-lm: Enhanced support for the Latin Modern fonts
    406  *     charissil: CharisSIL fonts with support for all LaTeX engines
    407  *     cherokee: A font for the Cherokee script
    408  *     chivo: Using the free Chivo fonts with LaTeX
    409  *     cinzel: LaTeX support for Cinzel and Cinzel Decorative fonts
    410  *     clara: A serif font family
    411  *     clearsans: Clear Sans fonts with LaTeX support
    412  *     cm-lgc: Type 1 CM-based fonts for Latin, Greek and Cyrillic
    413  *     cm-mf-extra-bold: Extra Metafont files for CM
    414  *     cm-unicode: Computer Modern Unicode font family
    415  *     cmathbb: Computer modern mathematical blackboard bold font
    416  *     cmbright: Computer Modern Bright fonts
    417  *     cmexb: cmexb10 metrics and Type 1
    418  *     cmll: Symbols for linear logic
    419  *     cmpica: A Computer Modern Pica variant
    420  *     cmsrb: Computer Modern for Serbian and Macedonian
    421  *     cmtiup: Upright punctuation with CM italic
    422  *     cmupint: Upright integral symbols for Computer Modern
    423  *     cochineal: Cochineal fonts with LaTeX support
    424  *     coelacanth: Coelacanth fonts with LaTeX support
    425  *     comfortaa: Sans serif font, with LaTeX support
    426  *     comicneue: Use Comic Neue with TeX(-alike) systems
    427  *     concmath-fonts: Concrete mathematics fonts
    428  *     concmath-otf: Concrete based OpenType Math font
    429  *     cookingsymbols: Symbols for recipes
    430  *     cooperhewitt: LaTeX, pdfLaTeX, XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX support for the Cooper Hewitt family of sans serif fonts
    431  *     cormorantgaramond: Cormorant Garamond family of fonts
    432  *     countriesofeurope: A font with the images of the countries of Europe
    433  *     courier-scaled: Provides a scaled Courier font
    434  *     courierten: Courier 10 Pitch BT with LaTeX support
    435  *     crimson: Crimson fonts with LaTeX support
    436  *     crimsonpro: CrimsonPro fonts with LaTeX support
    437  *     cryst: Font for graphical symbols used in crystallography
    438  *     cuprum: Cuprum font family support for LaTeX
    439  *     cyklop: The Cyclop typeface
    440  *     dancers: Font for Conan Doyle's "The Dancing Men"
    441  *     dantelogo: A font for DANTE's logo
    442  *     dejavu: LaTeX support for the DejaVu fonts
    443  *     dejavu-otf: Support for the ttf and otf DejaVu fonts
    444  *     dice: A font for die faces
    445  *     dictsym: DictSym font and macro package
    446  *     dingbat: Two dingbat symbol fonts
    447  *     domitian: Drop-in replacement for Palatino
    448  *     doublestroke: Typeset mathematical double stroke symbols
    449  *     doulossil: A font for typesetting the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
    450  *     dozenal: Typeset documents using base twelve numbering (also called "dozenal")
    451  *     drm: A complete family of fonts written in Metafont
    452  *     droid: LaTeX support for the Droid font families
    453  *     dsserif: A double-struck serifed font for mathematical use
    454  *     duerer: Computer Duerer fonts
    455  *     duerer-latex: LaTeX support for the Duerer fonts
    456  *     dutchcal: A reworking of ESSTIX13, adding a bold version
    457  *     ean: Macros for making EAN barcodes
    458  *     ebgaramond: LaTeX support for EBGaramond fonts
    459  *     ebgaramond-maths: LaTeX support for EBGaramond fonts in mathematics
    460  *     ecc: Sources for the European Concrete fonts
    461  *     eco: Oldstyle numerals using EC fonts
    462  *     eczar: A font family supporting Devanagari and Latin script
    463  *     eiad: Traditional style Irish fonts
    464  *     eiad-ltx: LaTeX support for the eiad font
    465  *     ektype-tanka: Devanagari fonts by EkType
    466  *     electrum: Electrum ADF fonts collection
    467  *     elvish: Fonts for typesetting Tolkien Elvish scripts
    468  *     epigrafica: A Greek and Latin font
    469  *     epsdice: A scalable dice "font"
    470  *     erewhon: Font package derived from Heuristica and Utopia
    471  *     erewhon-math: Utopia based OpenType Math font
    472  *     esrelation: Provides a symbol set for describing relations between ordered pairs
    473  *     esstix: PostScript versions of the ESSTIX, with macro support
    474  *     esvect: Vector arrows
    475  *     etbb: An expansion of Edward Tufte's ET-Bembo family
    476  *     euler-math: OpenType version of Hermann Zapf's Euler maths font
    477  *     eulervm: Euler virtual math fonts
    478  *     euxm: extended Euler by DEK
    479  *     fbb: A free Bembo-like font
    480  *     fdsymbol: A maths symbol font
    481  *     fetamont: Extended version of Knuth's logo typeface
    482  *     feyn: A font for in-text Feynman diagrams
    483  *     fge: A font for Frege's Grundgesetze der Arithmetik
    484  *     fira: Fira fonts with LaTeX support
    485  *     firamath: Fira sans serif font with Unicode math support
    486  *     firamath-otf: Use OpenType math font Fira Math
    487  *     foekfont: The title font of the Mads Fok magazine
    488  *     fonetika: Support for the Danish "Dania" phonetic system
    489  *     fontawesome: Font containing web-related icons
    490  *     fontawesome5: Font Awesome 5 with LaTeX support
    491  *     fontmfizz: Font Mfizz icons for use in LaTeX
    492  *     fonts-churchslavonic: Fonts for typesetting in Church Slavonic language
    493  *     forum: Forum fonts with LaTeX support
    494  *     fourier: Using Utopia fonts in LaTeX documents
    495  *     fouriernc: Use New Century Schoolbook text with Fourier maths fonts
    496  *     frcursive: French cursive hand fonts
    497  *     frederika2016: An OpenType Greek calligraphy font
    498  *     frimurer: Access to the 'frimurer' cipher for use with LaTeX
    499  *     garamond-libre: The Garamond Libre font face
    500  *     garamond-math: An OTF math font matching EB Garamond
    501  *     genealogy: A compilation genealogy font
    502  *     gentium-tug: Gentium fonts (in two formats) and support files
    503  *     gfsartemisia: A modern Greek font design
    504  *     gfsbodoni: A Greek and Latin font based on Bodoni
    505  *     gfscomplutum: A Greek font with a long history
    506  *     gfsdidot: A Greek font based on Didot's work
    507  *     gfsdidotclassic: The classic version of GFSDidot
    508  *     gfsneohellenic: A font in the Neo-Hellenic style
    509  *     gfsneohellenicmath: A math font in the Neo-Hellenic style
    510  *     gfssolomos: A Greek-alphabet font
    511  *     gillcm: Alternative unslanted italic Computer Modern fonts
    512  *     gillius: Gillius fonts with LaTeX support
    513  *     gnu-freefont: A Unicode font, with rather wide coverage
    514  *     gofonts: GoSans and GoMono fonts with LaTeX support
    515  *     gothic: A collection of old German-style fonts
    516  *     greenpoint: The Green Point logo
    517  *     grotesq: URW Grotesq font pack for LaTeX
    518  *     gudea: The Gudea font face with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
    519  *     hacm: Font support for the Arka language
    520  *     hamnosys: A font for sign languages
    521  *     hands: Pointing hand font
    522  *     hep-font: Latin modern extended by computer modern
    523  *     hep-math-font: Extended Greek and sans-serif math
    524  *     heros-otf: Using the OpenType fonts TeX Gyre Heros>
    525  *     heuristica: Fonts extending Utopia, with LaTeX support files
    526  *     hfbright: The hfbright fonts
    527  *     hfoldsty: Old style numerals with EC fonts
    528  *     hindmadurai: The HindMadurai font face with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
    529  *     ibarra: LaTeX support for the Ibarra Real Nova family of fonts
    530  *     ifsym: A collection of symbols
    531  *     imfellenglish: IM Fell English fonts with LaTeX support
    532  *     inconsolata: A monospaced font, with support files for use with TeX
    533  *     initials: Adobe Type 1 decorative initial fonts
    534  *     inriafonts: Inria fonts with LaTeX support
    535  *     inter: The inter font face with support for LaTeX, XeLaTeX, and LuaLaTeX
    536  *     ipaex-type1: IPAex fonts converted to Type-1 format Unicode subfonts
    537  *     iwona: A two-element sans-serif font
    538  *     jablantile: Metafont version of tiles in the style of Slavik Jablan
    539  *     jamtimes: Expanded Times Roman fonts
    540  *     josefin: Josefin fonts with LaTeX support
    541  *     junicode: A TrueType font for mediaevalists
    542  *     kixfont: A font for KIX codes
    543  *     kpfonts: A complete set of fonts for text and mathematics
    544  *     kpfonts-otf: OTF version of the Kp-fonts
    545  *     kurier: A two-element sans-serif typeface
    546  *     lato: Lato font family and LaTeX support
    547  *     lexend: The Lexend fonts for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX through fontspec
    548  *     lfb: A Greek font with normal and bold variants
    549  *     libertine: Use of Linux Libertine and Biolinum fonts with LaTeX
    550  *     libertinegc: Libertine add-on to support Greek and Cyrillic
    551  *     libertinus: Wrapper to use the correct libertinus package according to the used TeX engine
    552  *     libertinus-fonts: The Libertinus font family
    553  *     libertinus-otf: Support for Libertinus OpenType
    554  *     libertinus-type1: Support for using Libertinus fonts with LaTeX/pdfLaTeX
    555  *     libertinust1math: A Type 1 font and LaTeX support for Libertinus Math
    556  *     librebaskerville: The Libre Baskerville family of fonts with LaTeX support
    557  *     librebodoni: Libre Bodoni fonts with LaTeX support
    558  *     librecaslon: Libre Caslon fonts, with LaTeX support
    559  *     librefranklin: LaTeX support for the Libre-Franklin family of fonts
    560  *     libris: Libris ADF fonts, with LaTeX support
    561  *     lineara: Linear A script fonts
    562  *     linguisticspro: LinguisticsPro fonts with LaTeX support
    563  *     lobster2: Lobster Two fonts, with support for all LaTeX engines
    564  *     logix: Supplement to the Unicode math symbols
    565  *     lxfonts: Set of slide fonts based on CM
    566  *     ly1: Support for LY1 LaTeX encoding
    567  *     magra: The Magra font face with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
    568  *     marcellus: Marcellus fonts with LaTeX support
    569  *     mathabx: Three series of mathematical symbols
    570  *     mathabx-type1: Outline version of the mathabx fonts
    571  *     mathdesign: Mathematical fonts to fit with particular text fonts
    572  *     mdputu: Upright digits in Adobe Utopia Italic
    573  *     mdsymbol: Symbol fonts to match Adobe Myriad Pro
    574  *     merriweather: Merriweather and MerriweatherSans fonts, with LaTeX support
    575  *     miama: The Miama Nueva handwriting font with LaTeX support
    576  *     mintspirit: LaTeX support for MintSpirit font families
    577  *     missaali: A late medieval OpenType textura font
    578  *     mlmodern: A blacker Type 1 version of Computer Modern, with multilingual support
    579  *     mnsymbol: Mathematical symbol font for Adobe MinionPro
    580  *     montserrat: Montserrat sans serif, otf and pfb, with LaTeX support files
    581  *     mpfonts: Computer Modern Type 3 fonts converted using MetaPost
    582  *     mweights: Support for multiple-weight font packages
    583  *     newcomputermodern: Computer Modern fonts including matching non-latin alphabets
    584  *     newpx: Alternative uses of the PX fonts, with improved metrics
    585  *     newtx: Alternative uses of the TX fonts, with improved metrics
    586  *     newtxsf: Sans-math fonts for use with newtx
    587  *     newtxtt: Enhancement of typewriter fonts from newtx
    588  *     niceframe-type1: Type 1 versions of the fonts recommended in niceframe
    589  *     nimbus15: Support files for Nimbus 2015 Core fonts
    590  *     nkarta: A "new" version of the karta cartographic fonts
    591  *     noto: Support for Noto fonts
    592  *     noto-emoji: Noto Emoji fonts
    593  *     notomath: Math support for Noto fonts
    594  *     nunito: The Nunito font face with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
    595  *     obnov: Obyknovennaya Novaya fonts
    596  *     ocherokee: LaTeX Support for the Cherokee language
    597  *     ocr-b: Fonts for OCR-B
    598  *     ocr-b-outline: OCR-B fonts in Type 1 and OpenType
    599  *     ogham: Fonts for typesetting Ogham script
    600  *     oinuit: LaTeX Support for the Inuktitut Language
    601  *     old-arrows: Computer Modern old-style arrows with smaller arrowheads
    602  *     oldlatin: Compute Modern-like font with long s
    603  *     oldstandard: OldStandard fonts with LaTeX support
    604  *     opensans: The Open Sans font family, and LaTeX support
    605  *     orkhun: A font for orkhun script
    606  *     oswald: The Oswald family of fonts with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
    607  *     overlock: Overlock sans fonts with LaTeX support
    608  *     pacioli: Fonts designed by Fra Luca de Pacioli in 1497
    609  *     pagella-otf: Using the OpenType fonts TeX Gyre Pagella
    610  *     paratype: LaTeX support for free fonts by ParaType
    611  *     phaistos: Disk of Phaistos font
    612  *     phonetic: Metafont Phonetic fonts, based on Computer Modern
    613  *     pigpen: A font for the pigpen (or masonic) cipher
    614  *     playfair: Playfair Display fonts with LaTeX support
    615  *     plex: Support for IBM Plex fonts
    616  *     plex-otf: Support for the OpenType font IBM Plex
    617  *     plimsoll: Fonts with the Plimsoll symbol and LaTeX support
    618  *     poiretone: PoiretOne family of fonts with LaTeX support
    619  *     poltawski: Antykwa Poltawskiego Family of Fonts
    620  *     prodint: A font that provides the product integral symbol
    621  *     punk: Donald Knuth's punk font
    622  *     punk-latex: LaTeX support for punk fonts
    623  *     punknova: OpenType version of Knuth's Punk font
    624  *     pxtxalfa: Virtual maths alphabets based on pxfonts and txfonts
    625  *     qualitype: The QualiType font collection
    626  *     quattrocento: Quattrocento and Quattrocento Sans fonts with LaTeX support
    627  *     raleway: Use Raleway with TeX(-alike) systems
    628  *     recycle: A font providing the "recyclable" logo
    629  *     roboto: Support for the Roboto family of fonts
    630  *     romande: Romande ADF fonts and LaTeX support
    631  *     rosario: Using the free Rosario fonts with LaTeX
    632  *     rsfso: A mathematical calligraphic font based on rsfs
    633  *     sansmathaccent: Correct placement of accents in sans-serif maths
    634  *     sansmathfonts: Extended Computer Modern sans serif fonts
    635  *     sauter: Wide range of design sizes for CM fonts
    636  *     sauterfonts: Use Sauter's fonts in LaTeX
    637  *     schola-otf: Using the OpenType fonts TeX Gyre schola
    638  *     scholax: Extension of TeXGyreSchola (New Century Schoolbook) with math support
    639  *     schulschriften: German "school scripts" from Suetterlin to the present day
    640  *     semaphor: Semaphore alphabet font
    641  *     shobhika: An OpenType Devanagari font designed for scholars
    642  *     simpleicons: Simple Icons for LaTeX
    643  *     skull: A font to draw a skull
    644  *     sourcecodepro: Use SourceCodePro with TeX(-alike) systems
    645  *     sourcesanspro: Use SourceSansPro with TeX(-alike) systems
    646  *     sourceserifpro: Use SourceSerifPro with TeX(-alike) systems
    647  *     spectral: Spectral fonts with LaTeX support
    648  *     srbtiks: Font STIX2 for Serbian and Macedonian
    649  *     starfont: The StarFont Sans astrological font
    650  *     staves: Typeset Icelandic staves and runic letters
    651  *     step: A free Times-like font
    652  *     stepgreek: A free Times/Elsevier-style Greek font
    653  *     stickstoo: A reworking of STIX2
    654  *     stix: OpenType Unicode maths fonts
    655  *     stix2-otf: OpenType Unicode text and maths fonts
    656  *     stix2-type1: Type1 versions of the STIX Two OpenType fonts
    657  *     superiors: Attach superior figures to a font family
    658  *     svrsymbols: A font with symbols for use in physics texts
    659  *     symbats3: Macros to use the Symbats3 dingbats fonts
    660  *     tapir: A simple geometrical font
    661  *     tempora: Greek and Cyrillic to accompany Times
    662  *     tengwarscript: LaTeX support for using Tengwar fonts
    663  *     termes-otf: Using the OpenType fonts TeX Gyre Termes
    664  *     tfrupee: A font offering the new (Indian) Rupee symbol
    665  *     theanodidot: TheanoDidot fonts with LaTeX support
    666  *     theanomodern: Theano Modern fonts with LaTeX support
    667  *     theanooldstyle: Theano OldStyle fonts with LaTeX support
    668  *     tinos: Tinos fonts with LaTeX support
    669  *     tpslifonts: A LaTeX package for configuring presentation fonts
    670  *     trajan: Fonts from the Trajan column in Rome
    671  *     twemoji-colr: Twemoji font in COLR/CPAL layered format
    672  *     txfontsb: Extensions to txfonts, using GNU Freefont
    673  *     txuprcal: Upright calligraphic font based on TX calligraphic
    674  *     typicons: Font containing a set of web-related icons
    675  *     umtypewriter: Fonts to typeset with the xgreek package
    676  *     universa: Herbert Bayer's 'universal' font
    677  *     universalis: Universalis font, with support
    678  *     uppunctlm: Always keep upright shape for some punctuation marks and Arabic numerals
    679  *     urwchancal: Use URW's clone of Zapf Chancery as a maths alphabet
    680  *     venturisadf: Venturis ADF fonts collection
    681  *     wsuipa: International Phonetic Alphabet fonts
    682  *     xcharter: Extension of Bitstream Charter fonts
    683  *     xcharter-math: XCharter-based OpenType Math font for LuaTeX and XeTeX
    684  *     xits: A Scientific Times-like font with support for mathematical typesetting
    685  *     yfonts: Support for old German fonts
    686  *     yfonts-otf: OpenType version of the Old German fonts designed by Yannis Haralambous
    687  *     yfonts-t1: Old German-style fonts, in Adobe type 1 format
    688  *     yinit-otf: OTF conversion of Yannis Haralambous' Old German decorative initials
    689  *     zlmtt: Use Latin Modern Typewriter fonts
     335 * aboensis: A late medieval OpenType cursive font
     336 * academicons: Font containing high quality icons of online academic profiles
     337 * accanthis: Accanthis fonts, with LaTeX support
     338 * adforn: OrnementsADF font with TeX/LaTeX support
     339 * adfsymbols: SymbolsADF with TeX/LaTeX support
     340 * aesupp: Special support for the ae character
     341 * alegreya: Alegreya fonts with LaTeX support
     342 * alfaslabone: The Alfa Slab One font face with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
     343 * algolrevived: A revival of Frutiger's Algol alphabet
     344 * allrunes: Fonts and LaTeX package for almost all runes
     345 * almendra: Almendra fonts with LaTeX support
     346 * almfixed: Arabic-Latin Modern Fixed extends TeX-Gyre Latin Modern Mono 10 Regular to full Arabic Unicode support
     347 * andika: andika fonts with support for all LaTeX engines
     348 * anonymouspro: Use AnonymousPro fonts with LaTeX
     349 * antiqua: URW Antiqua condensed font, for use with TeX
     350 * antt: Antykwa Torunska: a Type 1 family of a Polish traditional type
     351 * archaic: A collection of archaic fonts
     352 * archivo: The Archivo font face with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
     353 * arev: Fonts and LaTeX support files for Arev Sans
     354 * arimo: Arimo sans serif fonts with LaTeX support
     355 * arsenal: Open Type font by Andrij Shevchenko
     356 * arvo: The Arvo font face with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
     357 * asana-math: A font to typeset maths in Xe(La)TeX and Lua(La)TeX
     358 * asapsym: Using the free ASAP Symbol font with LaTeX and Plain TeX
     359 * ascii-font: Use the ASCII "font" in LaTeX
     360 * aspectratio: Capital A and capital R ligature for Aspect Ratio
     361 * astro: Astronomical (planetary) symbols
     362 * atkinson: Support for the Atkinson Hyperlegible family of fonts
     363 * augie: Calligraphic font for typesetting handwriting
     364 * auncial-new: Artificial Uncial font and LaTeX support macros
     365 * aurical: Calligraphic fonts for use with LaTeX in T1 encoding
     366 * b1encoding: LaTeX encoding tools for Bookhands fonts
     367 * barcodes: Fonts for making barcodes
     368 * baskervald: Baskervald ADF fonts collection with TeX/LaTeX support
     369 * baskervaldx: Extension and modification of BaskervaldADF with LaTeX support
     370 * baskervillef: Fry's Baskerville look-alike, with math support
     371 * bbding: A symbol (dingbat) font and LaTeX macros for its use
     372 * bbm: "Blackboard-style" cm fonts
     373 * bbm-macros: LaTeX support for "blackboard-style" cm fonts
     374 * bbold: Sans serif blackboard bold
     375 * bbold-type1: An Adobe Type 1 format version of the bbold font
     376 * bboldx: Extension of the bbold package with a Blackboard Bold alphabet
     377 * belleek: Free replacement for basic MathTime fonts
     378 * bera: Bera fonts
     379 * berenisadf: Berenis ADF fonts and TeX/LaTeX support
     380 * beuron: The script of the Beuronese art school
     381 * bguq: Improved quantifier stroke for Begriffsschrift packages
     382 * bitter: The Bitter family of fonts with LaTeX support
     383 * blacklettert1: T1-encoded versions of Haralambous old German fonts
     384 * boisik: A font inspired by Baskerville design
     385 * bookhands: A collection of book-hand fonts
     386 * boondox: Mathematical alphabets derived from the STIX fonts
     387 * braille: Support for braille
     388 * brushscr: A handwriting script font
     389 * cabin: A humanist Sans Serif font, with LaTeX support
     390 * caladea: Support for the Caladea family of fonts
     391 * calligra: Calligraphic font
     392 * calligra-type1: Type 1 version of Calligra
     393 * cantarell: LaTeX support for the Cantarell font family
     394 * carlito: Support for Carlito sans-serif fonts
     395 * carolmin-ps: Adobe Type 1 format of Carolingian Minuscule fonts
     396 * cascadia-code: The Cascadia Code font with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
     397 * ccicons: LaTeX support for Creative Commons icons
     398 * cfr-initials: LaTeX packages for use of initials
     399 * cfr-lm: Enhanced support for the Latin Modern fonts
     400 * charissil: CharisSIL fonts with support for all LaTeX engines
     401 * cherokee: A font for the Cherokee script
     402 * chivo: Using the free Chivo fonts with LaTeX
     403 * cinzel: LaTeX support for Cinzel and Cinzel Decorative fonts
     404 * clara: A serif font family
     405 * clearsans: Clear Sans fonts with LaTeX support
     406 * cm-lgc: Type 1 CM-based fonts for Latin, Greek and Cyrillic
     407 * cm-mf-extra-bold: Extra Metafont files for CM
     408 * cm-unicode: Computer Modern Unicode font family
     409 * cmathbb: Computer modern mathematical blackboard bold font
     410 * cmbright: Computer Modern Bright fonts
     411 * cmexb: cmexb10 metrics and Type 1
     412 * cmll: Symbols for linear logic
     413 * cmpica: A Computer Modern Pica variant
     414 * cmsrb: Computer Modern for Serbian and Macedonian
     415 * cmtiup: Upright punctuation with CM italic
     416 * cmupint: Upright integral symbols for Computer Modern
     417 * cochineal: Cochineal fonts with LaTeX support
     418 * coelacanth: Coelacanth fonts with LaTeX support
     419 * comfortaa: Sans serif font, with LaTeX support
     420 * comicneue: Use Comic Neue with TeX(-alike) systems
     421 * concmath-fonts: Concrete mathematics fonts
     422 * concmath-otf: Concrete based OpenType Math font
     423 * context-companion-fonts: companion fonts with fixes for ConTeXt
     424 * cookingsymbols: Symbols for recipes
     425 * cooperhewitt: LaTeX, pdfLaTeX, XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX support for the Cooper Hewitt family of sans serif fonts
     426 * cormorantgaramond: Cormorant Garamond family of fonts
     427 * countriesofeurope: A font with the images of the countries of Europe
     428 * courier-scaled: Provides a scaled Courier font
     429 * courierten: Courier 10 Pitch BT with LaTeX support
     430 * crimson: Crimson fonts with LaTeX support
     431 * crimsonpro: CrimsonPro fonts with LaTeX support
     432 * cryst: Font for graphical symbols used in crystallography
     433 * cuprum: Cuprum font family support for LaTeX
     434 * cyklop: The Cyclop typeface
     435 * dancers: Font for Conan Doyle's "The Dancing Men"
     436 * dantelogo: A font for DANTE's logo
     437 * dejavu: LaTeX support for the DejaVu fonts
     438 * dejavu-otf: Support for the ttf and otf DejaVu fonts
     439 * dice: A font for die faces
     440 * dictsym: DictSym font and macro package
     441 * dingbat: Two dingbat symbol fonts
     442 * domitian: Drop-in replacement for Palatino
     443 * doublestroke: Typeset mathematical double stroke symbols
     444 * doulossil: A font for typesetting the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
     445 * dozenal: Typeset documents using base twelve numbering (also called "dozenal")
     446 * drm: A complete family of fonts written in Metafont
     447 * droid: LaTeX support for the Droid font families
     448 * dsserif: A double-struck serifed font for mathematical use
     449 * duerer: Computer Duerer fonts
     450 * duerer-latex: LaTeX support for the Duerer fonts
     451 * dutchcal: A reworking of ESSTIX13, adding a bold version
     452 * ean: Macros for making EAN barcodes
     453 * ebgaramond: LaTeX support for EBGaramond fonts
     454 * ebgaramond-maths: LaTeX support for EBGaramond fonts in mathematics
     455 * ecc: Sources for the European Concrete fonts
     456 * eco: Oldstyle numerals using EC fonts
     457 * eczar: A font family supporting Devanagari and Latin script
     458 * eiad: Traditional style Irish fonts
     459 * eiad-ltx: LaTeX support for the eiad font
     460 * ektype-tanka: Devanagari fonts by EkType
     461 * electrum: Electrum ADF fonts collection
     462 * elvish: Fonts for typesetting Tolkien Elvish scripts
     463 * epigrafica: A Greek and Latin font
     464 * epsdice: A scalable dice "font"
     465 * erewhon: Font package derived from Heuristica and Utopia
     466 * erewhon-math: Utopia based OpenType Math font
     467 * esrelation: Provides a symbol set for describing relations between ordered pairs
     468 * esstix: PostScript versions of the ESSTIX, with macro support
     469 * esvect: Vector arrows
     470 * etbb: An expansion of Edward Tufte's ET-Bembo family
     471 * euler-math: OpenType version of Hermann Zapf's Euler maths font
     472 * eulervm: Euler virtual math fonts
     473 * euxm: extended Euler by DEK
     474 * fbb: A free Bembo-like font
     475 * fdsymbol: A maths symbol font
     476 * fetamont: Extended version of Knuth's logo typeface
     477 * feyn: A font for in-text Feynman diagrams
     478 * fge: A font for Frege's Grundgesetze der Arithmetik
     479 * fira: Fira fonts with LaTeX support
     480 * firamath: Fira sans serif font with Unicode math support
     481 * firamath-otf: Use OpenType math font Fira Math
     482 * foekfont: The title font of the Mads Fok magazine
     483 * fonetika: Support for the Danish "Dania" phonetic system
     484 * fontawesome: Font containing web-related icons
     485 * fontawesome5: Font Awesome 5 with LaTeX support
     486 * fontmfizz: Font Mfizz icons for use in LaTeX
     487 * fonts-churchslavonic: Fonts for typesetting in Church Slavonic language
     488 * forum: Forum fonts with LaTeX support
     489 * fourier: Using Utopia fonts in LaTeX documents
     490 * fouriernc: Use New Century Schoolbook text with Fourier maths fonts
     491 * frcursive: French cursive hand fonts
     492 * frederika2016: An OpenType Greek calligraphy font
     493 * frimurer: Access to the 'frimurer' cipher for use with LaTeX
     494 * garamond-libre: The Garamond Libre font face
     495 * garamond-math: An OTF math font matching EB Garamond
     496 * gelasio: LaTeX support for the Gelasio family of fonts
     497 * genealogy: A compilation genealogy font
     498 * gentium-tug: Gentium fonts (in two formats) and support files
     499 * gfsartemisia: A modern Greek font design
     500 * gfsbodoni: A Greek and Latin font based on Bodoni
     501 * gfscomplutum: A Greek font with a long history
     502 * gfsdidot: A Greek font based on Didot's work
     503 * gfsdidotclassic: The classic version of GFSDidot
     504 * gfsneohellenic: A font in the Neo-Hellenic style
     505 * gfsneohellenicmath: A math font in the Neo-Hellenic style
     506 * gfssolomos: A Greek-alphabet font
     507 * gillcm: Alternative unslanted italic Computer Modern fonts
     508 * gillius: Gillius fonts with LaTeX support
     509 * gnu-freefont: A Unicode font, with rather wide coverage
     510 * gofonts: GoSans and GoMono fonts with LaTeX support
     511 * gothic: A collection of old German-style fonts
     512 * greenpoint: The Green Point logo
     513 * grotesq: URW Grotesq font pack for LaTeX
     514 * gudea: The Gudea font face with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
     515 * hacm: Font support for the Arka language
     516 * hamnosys: A font for sign languages
     517 * hands: Pointing hand font
     518 * hep-font: Latin modern extended by computer modern
     519 * hep-math-font: Extended Greek and sans-serif math
     520 * heros-otf: Using the OpenType fonts TeX Gyre Heros>
     521 * heuristica: Fonts extending Utopia, with LaTeX support files
     522 * hfbright: The hfbright fonts
     523 * hfoldsty: Old style numerals with EC fonts
     524 * hindmadurai: The HindMadurai font face with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
     525 * ibarra: LaTeX support for the Ibarra Real Nova family of fonts
     526 * ifsym: A collection of symbols
     527 * imfellenglish: IM Fell English fonts with LaTeX support
     528 * inconsolata: A monospaced font, with support files for use with TeX
     529 * inconsolata-nerd-font: Inconsolata Nerd Font with support for XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX
     530 * initials: Adobe Type 1 decorative initial fonts
     531 * inriafonts: Inria fonts with LaTeX support
     532 * inter: The inter font face with support for LaTeX, XeLaTeX, and LuaLaTeX
     533 * ipaex-type1: IPAex fonts converted to Type-1 format Unicode subfonts
     534 * iwona: A two-element sans-serif font
     535 * jablantile: Metafont version of tiles in the style of Slavik Jablan
     536 * jamtimes: Expanded Times Roman fonts
     537 * josefin: Josefin fonts with LaTeX support
     538 * junicode: A TrueType and OpenType font family for mediaevalists
     539 * junicodevf: A TrueType variable font family for mediaevalists
     540 * kixfont: A font for KIX codes
     541 * kpfonts: A complete set of fonts for text and mathematics
     542 * kpfonts-otf: OTF version of the Kp-fonts
     543 * kurier: A two-element sans-serif typeface
     544 * lato: Lato font family and LaTeX support
     545 * lexend: The Lexend fonts for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX through fontspec
     546 * lfb: A Greek font with normal and bold variants
     547 * libertine: Use of Linux Libertine and Biolinum fonts with LaTeX
     548 * libertinegc: Libertine add-on to support Greek and Cyrillic
     549 * libertinus: Wrapper to use the correct libertinus package according to the used TeX engine
     550 * libertinus-fonts: The Libertinus font family
     551 * libertinus-otf: Support for Libertinus OpenType
     552 * libertinus-type1: Support for using Libertinus fonts with LaTeX/pdfLaTeX
     553 * libertinust1math: A Type 1 font and LaTeX support for Libertinus Math
     554 * librebaskerville: The Libre Baskerville family of fonts with LaTeX support
     555 * librebodoni: Libre Bodoni fonts with LaTeX support
     556 * librecaslon: Libre Caslon fonts, with LaTeX support
     557 * librefranklin: LaTeX support for the Libre-Franklin family of fonts
     558 * libris: Libris ADF fonts, with LaTeX support
     559 * lineara: Linear A script fonts
     560 * linguisticspro: LinguisticsPro fonts with LaTeX support
     561 * lobster2: Lobster Two fonts, with support for all LaTeX engines
     562 * logix: Supplement to the Unicode math symbols
     563 * lxfonts: Set of slide fonts based on CM
     564 * ly1: Support for LY1 LaTeX encoding
     565 * magra: The Magra font face with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
     566 * marcellus: Marcellus fonts with LaTeX support
     567 * mathabx: Three series of mathematical symbols
     568 * mathabx-type1: Outline version of the mathabx fonts
     569 * mathdesign: Mathematical fonts to fit with particular text fonts
     570 * mdputu: Upright digits in Adobe Utopia Italic
     571 * mdsymbol: Symbol fonts to match Adobe Myriad Pro
     572 * merriweather: Merriweather and MerriweatherSans fonts, with LaTeX support
     573 * metsymb: The package provides dedicated TeX commands to generate (vectorial) meteorological symbols
     574 * miama: The Miama Nueva handwriting font with LaTeX support
     575 * mintspirit: LaTeX support for MintSpirit font families
     576 * missaali: A late medieval OpenType textura font
     577 * mlmodern: A blacker Type 1 version of Computer Modern, with multilingual support
     578 * mnsymbol: Mathematical symbol font for Adobe MinionPro
     579 * montserrat: Montserrat sans serif, otf and pfb, with LaTeX support files
     580 * mpfonts: Computer Modern Type 3 fonts converted using MetaPost
     581 * mweights: Support for multiple-weight font packages
     582 * newcomputermodern: Computer Modern fonts including matching non-latin alphabets
     583 * newpx: Alternative uses of the PX fonts, with improved metrics
     584 * newtx: Alternative uses of the TX fonts, with improved metrics
     585 * newtxsf: Sans-math fonts for use with newtx
     586 * newtxtt: Enhancement of typewriter fonts from newtx
     587 * niceframe-type1: Type 1 versions of the fonts recommended in niceframe
     588 * nimbus15: Support files for Nimbus 2015 Core fonts
     589 * nkarta: A "new" version of the karta cartographic fonts
     590 * noto: Support for Noto fonts
     591 * noto-emoji: Noto Emoji fonts
     592 * notomath: Math support for Noto fonts
     593 * nunito: The Nunito font face with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
     594 * obnov: Obyknovennaya Novaya fonts
     595 * ocherokee: LaTeX Support for the Cherokee language
     596 * ocr-b: Fonts for OCR-B
     597 * ocr-b-outline: OCR-B fonts in Type 1 and OpenType
     598 * ogham: Fonts for typesetting Ogham script
     599 * oinuit: LaTeX Support for the Inuktitut Language
     600 * old-arrows: Computer Modern old-style arrows with smaller arrowheads
     601 * oldlatin: Compute Modern-like font with long s
     602 * oldstandard: OldStandard fonts with LaTeX support
     603 * opensans: The Open Sans font family, and LaTeX support
     604 * orkhun: A font for orkhun script
     605 * oswald: The Oswald family of fonts with support for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
     606 * overlock: Overlock sans fonts with LaTeX support
     607 * pacioli: Fonts designed by Fra Luca de Pacioli in 1497
     608 * pagella-otf: Using the OpenType fonts TeX Gyre Pagella
     609 * paratype: LaTeX support for free fonts by ParaType
     610 * phaistos: Disk of Phaistos font
     611 * phonetic: Metafont Phonetic fonts, based on Computer Modern
     612 * pigpen: A font for the pigpen (or masonic) cipher
     613 * playfair: Playfair Display fonts with LaTeX support
     614 * plex: Support for IBM Plex fonts
     615 * plex-otf: Support for the OpenType font IBM Plex
     616 * plimsoll: Fonts with the Plimsoll symbol and LaTeX support
     617 * poiretone: PoiretOne family of fonts with LaTeX support
     618 * poltawski: Antykwa Poltawskiego Family of Fonts
     619 * prodint: A font that provides the product integral symbol
     620 * punk: Donald Knuth's punk font
     621 * punk-latex: LaTeX support for punk fonts
     622 * punknova: OpenType version of Knuth's Punk font
     623 * pxtxalfa: Virtual maths alphabets based on pxfonts and txfonts
     624 * qualitype: The QualiType font collection
     625 * quattrocento: Quattrocento and Quattrocento Sans fonts with LaTeX support
     626 * raleway: Use Raleway with TeX(-alike) systems
     627 * recycle: A font providing the "recyclable" logo
     628 * rit-fonts: Malayalam fonts by Rachana Institute of Typography (RIT)
     629 * roboto: Support for the Roboto family of fonts
     630 * romande: Romande ADF fonts and LaTeX support
     631 * rosario: Using the free Rosario fonts with LaTeX
     632 * rsfso: A mathematical calligraphic font based on rsfs
     633 * sansmathaccent: Correct placement of accents in sans-serif maths
     634 * sansmathfonts: Extended Computer Modern sans serif fonts
     635 * sauter: Wide range of design sizes for CM fonts
     636 * sauterfonts: Use Sauter's fonts in LaTeX
     637 * schola-otf: Using the OpenType fonts TeX Gyre schola
     638 * scholax: Extension of TeXGyreSchola (New Century Schoolbook) with math support
     639 * schulschriften: German "school scripts" from Suetterlin to the present day
     640 * semaphor: Semaphore alphabet font
     641 * shobhika: An OpenType Devanagari font designed for scholars
     642 * simpleicons: Simple Icons for LaTeX
     643 * skull: A font to draw a skull
     644 * sourcecodepro: Use SourceCodePro with TeX(-alike) systems
     645 * sourcesanspro: Use SourceSansPro with TeX(-alike) systems
     646 * sourceserifpro: Use SourceSerifPro with TeX(-alike) systems
     647 * spectral: Spectral fonts with LaTeX support
     648 * srbtiks: Font STIX2 for Serbian and Macedonian
     649 * starfont: The StarFont Sans astrological font
     650 * staves: Typeset Icelandic staves and runic letters
     651 * step: A free Times-like font
     652 * stepgreek: A free Times/Elsevier-style Greek font
     653 * stickstoo: A reworking of STIX2
     654 * stix: OpenType Unicode maths fonts
     655 * stix2-otf: OpenType Unicode text and maths fonts
     656 * stix2-type1: Type1 versions of the STIX Two OpenType fonts
     657 * superiors: Attach superior figures to a font family
     658 * svrsymbols: A font with symbols for use in physics texts
     659 * symbats3: Macros to use the Symbats3 dingbats fonts
     660 * tapir: A simple geometrical font
     661 * tempora: Greek and Cyrillic to accompany Times
     662 * tengwarscript: LaTeX support for using Tengwar fonts
     663 * termes-otf: Using the OpenType fonts TeX Gyre Termes
     664 * tfrupee: A font offering the new (Indian) Rupee symbol
     665 * theanodidot: TheanoDidot fonts with LaTeX support
     666 * theanomodern: Theano Modern fonts with LaTeX support
     667 * theanooldstyle: Theano OldStyle fonts with LaTeX support
     668 * tinos: Tinos fonts with LaTeX support
     669 * tpslifonts: A LaTeX package for configuring presentation fonts
     670 * trajan: Fonts from the Trajan column in Rome
     671 * twemoji-colr: Twemoji font in COLR/CPAL layered format
     672 * txfontsb: Extensions to txfonts, using GNU Freefont
     673 * txuprcal: Upright calligraphic font based on TX calligraphic
     674 * typicons: Font containing a set of web-related icons
     675 * umtypewriter: Fonts to typeset with the xgreek package
     676 * universa: Herbert Bayer's 'universal' font
     677 * universalis: Universalis font, with support
     678 * uppunctlm: Always keep upright shape for some punctuation marks and Arabic numerals
     679 * urwchancal: Use URW's clone of Zapf Chancery as a maths alphabet
     680 * venturisadf: Venturis ADF fonts collection
     681 * wsuipa: International Phonetic Alphabet fonts
     682 * xcharter: Extension of Bitstream Charter fonts
     683 * xcharter-math: XCharter-based OpenType Math font for LuaTeX and XeTeX
     684 * xits: A Scientific Times-like font with support for mathematical typesetting
     685 * yfonts: Support for old German fonts
     686 * yfonts-otf: OpenType version of the Old German fonts designed by Yannis Haralambous
     687 * yfonts-t1: Old German-style fonts, in Adobe type 1 format
     688 * yinit-otf: OTF conversion of Yannis Haralambous' Old German decorative initials
     689 * ysabeau: Ysabeau fonts with LaTeX support for traditional TeX engines
     690 * zlmtt: Use Latin Modern Typewriter fonts
    691692= texlive-fonts-recommended =
    692  *     avantgar: URW 'Base 35' font pack for LaTeX
    693  *     bookman: URW 'Base 35' font pack for LaTeX
    694  *     charter: Charter fonts
    695  *     cm-super: CM-Super family of fonts
    696  *     cmextra: Knuth's local information
    697  *     courier: URW 'Base 35' font pack for LaTeX
    698  *     euro: Provide Euro values for national currency amounts
    699  *     euro-ce: Euro and CE sign font
    700  *     eurosym: Metafont and macros for Euro sign
    701  *     fpl: SC and OsF fonts for URW Palladio L
    702  *     helvetic: URW 'Base 35' font pack for LaTeX
    703  *     lm: Latin modern fonts in outline formats
    704  *     lm-math: OpenType maths fonts for Latin Modern
    705  *     manfnt-font: Knuth's "manual" fonts
    706  *     marvosym: Martin Vogel's Symbols (marvosym) font
    707  *     mathpazo: Fonts to typeset mathematics to match Palatino
    708  *     mflogo-font: Metafont logo font
    709  *     ncntrsbk: URW 'Base 35' font pack for LaTeX
    710  *     palatino: URW 'Base 35' font pack for LaTeX
    711  *     pxfonts: Palatino-like fonts in support of mathematics
    712  *     rsfs: Ralph Smith's Formal Script font
    713  *     symbol: URW 'Base 35' font pack for LaTeX
    714  *     tex-gyre: TeX Fonts extending freely available URW fonts
    715  *     tex-gyre-math: Maths fonts to match tex-gyre text fonts
    716  *     times: URW 'Base 35' font pack for LaTeX
    717  *     tipa: Fonts and macros for IPA phonetics characters
    718  *     txfonts: Times-like fonts in support of mathematics
    719  *     utopia: Adobe Utopia fonts
    720  *     wasy: The wasy fonts (Waldi symbol fonts)
    721  *     wasy-type1: Type 1 versions of wasy fonts
    722  *     wasysym: LaTeX support for the wasy fonts
    723  *     zapfchan: URW 'Base 35' font pack for LaTeX
    724  *     zapfding: URW 'Base 35' font pack for LaTeX
     693 * avantgar: URW 'Base 35' font pack for LaTeX
     694 * bookman: URW 'Base 35' font pack for LaTeX
     695 * charter: Charter fonts
     696 * cm-super: CM-Super family of fonts
     697 * cmextra: Knuth's local information
     698 * courier: URW 'Base 35' font pack for LaTeX
     699 * euro: Provide Euro values for national currency amounts
     700 * euro-ce: Euro and CE sign font
     701 * eurosym: Metafont and macros for Euro sign
     702 * fpl: SC and OsF fonts for URW Palladio L
     703 * helvetic: URW 'Base 35' font pack for LaTeX
     704 * lm: Latin modern fonts in outline formats
     705 * lm-math: OpenType maths fonts for Latin Modern
     706 * manfnt-font: Knuth's "manual" fonts
     707 * marvosym: Martin Vogel's Symbols (marvosym) font
     708 * mathpazo: Fonts to typeset mathematics to match Palatino
     709 * mflogo-font: Metafont logo font
     710 * ncntrsbk: URW 'Base 35' font pack for LaTeX
     711 * palatino: URW 'Base 35' font pack for LaTeX
     712 * pxfonts: Palatino-like fonts in support of mathematics
     713 * rsfs: Ralph Smith's Formal Script font
     714 * symbol: URW 'Base 35' font pack for LaTeX
     715 * tex-gyre: TeX Fonts extending freely available URW fonts
     716 * tex-gyre-math: Maths fonts to match tex-gyre text fonts
     717 * times: URW 'Base 35' font pack for LaTeX
     718 * tipa: Fonts and macros for IPA phonetics characters
     719 * txfonts: Times-like fonts in support of mathematics
     720 * utopia: Adobe Utopia fonts
     721 * wasy: The wasy fonts (Waldi symbol fonts)
     722 * wasy-type1: Type 1 versions of wasy fonts
     723 * wasysym: LaTeX support for the wasy fonts
     724 * zapfchan: URW 'Base 35' font pack for LaTeX
     725 * zapfding: URW 'Base 35' font pack for LaTeX
    726727= texlive-fontutils =
    727  *     accfonts: Utilities to derive new fonts from existing ones
    728  *     afm2pl: convert AFM to TeX property list (.pl) metrics
    729  *     albatross: Find fonts that contain a given glyph
    730  *     dosepsbin: Deal with DOS binary EPS files
    731  *     dvipsconfig: Collection of dvips PostScript headers
    732  *     epstopdf: Convert EPS to PDF using Ghostscript
    733  *     fontinst: Help with installing fonts for TeX and LaTeX
    734  *     fontools: Tools to simplify using fonts (especially TT/OTF ones)
    735  *     fontware: Tools for virtual font metrics
    736  *     luafindfont: Search fonts in the LuaTeX font database
    737  *     metatype1: Generate Type 1 fonts from MetaPost
    738  *     mf2pt1: Convert stylized Metafont to PostScript Type 1
    739  *     ps2pk: Generate a PK font from an Adobe Type 1 font
    740  *     ttfutils: convert TrueType to TFM and PK fonts
     728 * accfonts: Utilities to derive new fonts from existing ones
     729 * afm2pl: convert AFM to TeX property list (.pl) metrics
     730 * albatross: Find fonts that contain a given glyph
     731 * dosepsbin: Deal with DOS binary EPS files
     732 * dvipsconfig: Collection of dvips PostScript headers
     733 * epstopdf: Convert EPS to PDF using Ghostscript
     734 * fontinst: Help with installing fonts for TeX and LaTeX
     735 * fontools: Tools to simplify using fonts (especially TT/OTF ones)
     736 * fontware: Tools for virtual font metrics
     737 * luafindfont: Search fonts in the LuaTeX font database
     738 * metatype1: Generate Type 1 fonts from MetaPost
     739 * mf2pt1: Convert stylized Metafont to PostScript Type 1
     740 * ps2pk: Generate a PK font from an Adobe Type 1 font
     741 * ttfutils: convert TrueType to TFM and PK fonts
    742743= texlive-formats-extra =
    743  *     aleph: Extended TeX
    744  *     antomega: Alternative language support for Omega/Lambda
    745  *     edmac: Typeset critical editions
    746  *     eplain: Extended plain TeX macros
    747  *     hitex: A TeX extension writing HINT output for on-screen reading
    748  *     jadetex: Macros supporting Jade DSSSL output
    749  *     lambda: LaTeX for Omega and Aleph
    750  *     lollipop: TeX made easy
    751  *     mltex: The MLTeX system
    752  *     mxedruli: A pair of fonts for different Georgian alphabets
    753  *     omega: A wide-character-set extension of TeX
    754  *     omegaware: A wide-character-set extension of TeX
    755  *     otibet: support for Tibetan using Omega
    756  *     passivetex: Support package for XML/SGML typesetting
    757  *     psizzl: A TeX format for physics papers
    758  *     startex: An XML-inspired format for student use
    759  *     texsis: Plain TeX macros for Physicists
    760  *     xmltex: Support for parsing XML documents
    761  *     xmltexconfig: configuration files for xmltex and pdfxmltex
     744 * aleph: Extended TeX
     745 * antomega: Alternative language support for Omega/Lambda
     746 * edmac: Typeset critical editions
     747 * eplain: Extended plain TeX macros
     748 * hitex: A TeX extension writing HINT output for on-screen reading
     749 * jadetex: Macros supporting Jade DSSSL output
     750 * lambda: LaTeX for Omega and Aleph
     751 * lollipop: TeX made easy
     752 * mltex: The MLTeX system
     753 * mxedruli: A pair of fonts for different Georgian alphabets
     754 * omega: A wide-character-set extension of TeX
     755 * omegaware: A wide-character-set extension of TeX
     756 * otibet: support for Tibetan using Omega
     757 * passivetex: Support package for XML/SGML typesetting
     758 * psizzl: A TeX format for physics papers
     759 * startex: An XML-inspired format for student use
     760 * texsis: Plain TeX macros for Physicists
     761 * xmltex: Support for parsing XML documents
     762 * xmltexconfig: configuration files for xmltex and pdfxmltex
    763764= texlive-games =
    764  *     bartel-chess-fonts: A set of fonts supporting chess diagrams
    765  *     chess: Fonts for typesetting chess boards
    766  *     chess-problem-diagrams: A package for typesetting chess problem diagrams
    767  *     chessboard: Print chess boards
    768  *     chessfss: A package to handle chess fonts
    769  *     chinesechess: Typeset Chinese chess with l3draw
    770  *     crossword: Typeset crossword puzzles
    771  *     crosswrd: Macros for typesetting crossword puzzles
    772  *     customdice: Simple commands for drawing customisable dice
    773  *     egameps: LaTeX package for typesetting extensive games
    774  *     gamebook: Typeset gamebooks and other interactive novels
    775  *     gamebooklib: Macros for setting numbered entries in shuffled order
    776  *     go: Fonts and macros for typesetting go games
    777  *     hanoi: Tower of Hanoi in TeX
    778  *     havannah: Diagrams of board positions in the games of Havannah and Hex
    779  *     hexboard: For drawing Hex boards and games
    780  *     hexgame: Provide an environment to draw a hexgame-board
    781  *     hmtrump: Describe card games
    782  *     horoscop: Generate astrological charts in LaTeX
    783  *     jeuxcartes: Macros to insert playing cards
    784  *     jigsaw: Draw jigsaw pieces with TikZ
    785  *     labyrinth: Draw labyrinths and solution paths
    786  *     logicpuzzle: Typeset (grid-based) logic puzzles
    787  *     mahjong: Typeset Mahjong Tiles using MPSZ Notation
    788  *     maze: Generate random mazes
    789  *     musikui: Easy creation of "arithmetical restoration" puzzles
    790  *     nimsticks: Draws sticks for games of multi-pile Nim
    791  *     onedown: Typeset Bridge Diagrams
    792  *     othello: Modification of a Go package to create othello boards
    793  *     othelloboard: Typeset Othello (Reversi) diagrams of any size, with annotations
    794  *     pas-crosswords: Creating crossword grids, using TikZ
    795  *     psgo: Typeset go diagrams with PSTricks
    796  *     realtranspose: The "real" way to transpose a Matrix
    797  *     reverxii: Playing Reversi in TeX
    798  *     rubik: Document Rubik cube configurations and rotation sequences
    799  *     schwalbe-chess: Typeset the German chess magazine "Die Schwalbe"
    800  *     scrabble: Commands for Scrabble boards
    801  *     sgame: LaTeX style for typesetting strategic games
    802  *     skak: Fonts and macros for typesetting chess games
    803  *     skaknew: The skak chess fonts redone in Adobe Type 1
    804  *     soup: Generate alphabet soup puzzles
    805  *     sudoku: Create sudoku grids
    806  *     sudokubundle: A set of sudoku-related packages
    807  *     tangramtikz: Tangram puzzles, with TikZ
    808  *     wargame: A LaTeX package to prepare hex'n'counter wargames
    809  *     xq: Support for writing about xiangqi
    810  *     xskak: An extension to the skak package for chess typesetting
     765 * bartel-chess-fonts: A set of fonts supporting chess diagrams
     766 * chess: Fonts for typesetting chess boards
     767 * chess-problem-diagrams: A package for typesetting chess problem diagrams
     768 * chessboard: Print chess boards
     769 * chessfss: A package to handle chess fonts
     770 * chinesechess: Typeset Chinese chess with l3draw
     771 * crossword: Typeset crossword puzzles
     772 * crosswrd: Macros for typesetting crossword puzzles
     773 * customdice: Simple commands for drawing customisable dice
     774 * egameps: LaTeX package for typesetting extensive games
     775 * gamebook: Typeset gamebooks and other interactive novels
     776 * gamebooklib: Macros for setting numbered entries in shuffled order
     777 * go: Fonts and macros for typesetting go games
     778 * hanoi: Tower of Hanoi in TeX
     779 * havannah: Diagrams of board positions in the games of Havannah and Hex
     780 * hexboard: For drawing Hex boards and games
     781 * hexgame: Provide an environment to draw a hexgame-board
     782 * hmtrump: Describe card games
     783 * horoscop: Generate astrological charts in LaTeX
     784 * jeuxcartes: Macros to insert playing cards
     785 * jigsaw: Draw jigsaw pieces with TikZ
     786 * labyrinth: Draw labyrinths and solution paths
     787 * logicpuzzle: Typeset (grid-based) logic puzzles
     788 * mahjong: Typeset Mahjong Tiles using MPSZ Notation
     789 * maze: Generate random mazes
     790 * musikui: Easy creation of "arithmetical restoration" puzzles
     791 * nimsticks: Draws sticks for games of multi-pile Nim
     792 * onedown: Typeset Bridge Diagrams
     793 * othello: Modification of a Go package to create othello boards
     794 * othelloboard: Typeset Othello (Reversi) diagrams of any size, with annotations
     795 * pas-crosswords: Creating crossword grids, using TikZ
     796 * playcards: A simple template for drawing playcards
     797 * psgo: Typeset go diagrams with PSTricks
     798 * quizztex: Create quizzes like in TV shows
     799 * realtranspose: The "real" way to transpose a Matrix
     800 * reverxii: Playing Reversi in TeX
     801 * rouequestions: Draw a "question wheel" (roue de questions)
     802 * rubik: Document Rubik cube configurations and rotation sequences
     803 * schwalbe-chess: Typeset the German chess magazine "Die Schwalbe"
     804 * scrabble: Commands for Scrabble boards
     805 * sgame: LaTeX style for typesetting strategic games
     806 * skak: Fonts and macros for typesetting chess games
     807 * skaknew: The skak chess fonts redone in Adobe Type 1
     808 * soup: Generate alphabet soup puzzles
     809 * sudoku: Create sudoku grids
     810 * sudokubundle: A set of sudoku-related packages
     811 * tangramtikz: Tangram puzzles, with TikZ
     812 * thematicpuzzle: Horizontal banners in a puzzle style
     813 * trivialpursuit: Insert Trivial Pursuit board game
     814 * twoxtwogame: Visualize 2x2 normal-form games
     815 * wargame: A LaTeX package to prepare hex'n'counter wargames
     816 * weiqi: Use LaTeX3 to typeset Weiqi (Go)
     817 * wordle: Create wordle grids
     818 * xq: Support for writing about xiangqi
     819 * xskak: An extension to the skak package for chess typesetting
    812821= texlive-humanities =
    813  *     adtrees: Macros for drawing adpositional trees
    814  *     bibleref: Format bible citations
    815  *     bibleref-lds: Bible references, including those to the scriptures of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
    816  *     bibleref-mouth: Consistent formatting of Bible references
    817  *     bibleref-parse: Specify Bible passages in human-readable format
    818  *     covington: LaTeX macros for Linguistics
    819  *     diadia: Package to keep a diabetes diary
    820  *     dramatist: Typeset dramas, both in verse and in prose
    821  *     dvgloss: Facilities for setting interlinear glossed text
    822  *     ecltree: Trees using epic and eepic macros
    823  *     edfnotes: Critical annotations to footnotes with ednotes
    824  *     eledform: Define textual variants
    825  *     eledmac: Typeset scholarly editions
    826  *     expex: Linguistic examples and glosses, with reference capabilities
    827  *     gb4e: Linguistic tools
    828  *     gmverse: A package for typesetting (short) poems
    829  *     jura: A document class for German legal texts
    830  *     juraabbrev: Abbreviations for typesetting (German) juridical documents
    831  *     juramisc: Typesetting German juridical documents
    832  *     jurarsp: Citations of judgements and official documents in (German) juridical documents
    833  *     langnames: Name languages and their genetic affiliations consistently
    834  *     ledmac: Typeset scholarly editions
    835  *     lexikon: Macros for a two language dictionary
    836  *     lexref: Convenient and uniform references to legal provisions
    837  *     ling-macros: Macros for typesetting formal linguistics
    838  *     linguex: Format linguists' examples
    839  *     liturg: Support for typesetting Catholic liturgical texts
    840  *     metrix: Typeset metric marks for Latin text
    841  *     nnext: Extension for the gb4e package
    842  *     parallel: Typeset parallel texts
    843  *     parrun: Typesets (two) streams of text running parallel
    844  *     phonrule: Typeset linear phonological rules
    845  *     plari: Typesetting stageplay scripts
    846  *     play: Typeset drama using LaTeX
    847  *     poemscol: Typesetting Critical Editions of Poetry
    848  *     poetry: Facilities for typesetting poetry and poetical structure
    849  *     poetrytex: Typeset anthologies of poetry
    850  *     qobitree: LaTeX macros for typesetting trees
    851  *     qtree: Draw tree structures
    852  *     reledmac: Typeset scholarly editions
    853  *     rrgtrees: Linguistic tree diagrams for Role and Reference Grammar (RRG) with LaTeX
    854  *     rtklage: A package for German lawyers
    855  *     screenplay: A class file to typeset screenplays
    856  *     screenplay-pkg: Package version of the screenplay document class
    857  *     sides: A LaTeX class for typesetting stage plays
    858  *     stage: A LaTeX class for stage plays
    859  *     textglos: Typeset and index linguistic gloss abbreviations
    860  *     thalie: Typeset drama plays
    861  *     theatre: A sophisticated package for typesetting stage plays
    862  *     tree-dvips: Trees and other linguists' macros
    863  *     verse: Aids for typesetting simple verse
    864  *     xyling: Draw syntactic trees, etc., for linguistics literature, using xy-pic
     822 * adtrees: Macros for drawing adpositional trees
     823 * bibleref: Format bible citations
     824 * bibleref-lds: Bible references, including those to the scriptures of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
     825 * bibleref-mouth: Consistent formatting of Bible references
     826 * bibleref-parse: Specify Bible passages in human-readable format
     827 * covington: LaTeX macros for Linguistics
     828 * diadia: Package to keep a diabetes diary
     829 * dramatist: Typeset dramas, both in verse and in prose
     830 * dvgloss: Facilities for setting interlinear glossed text
     831 * ecltree: Trees using epic and eepic macros
     832 * edfnotes: Critical annotations to footnotes with ednotes
     833 * eledform: Define textual variants
     834 * eledmac: Typeset scholarly editions
     835 * expex: Linguistic examples and glosses, with reference capabilities
     836 * expex-glossonly: Help gb4e, linguex, and covington users use the ExPex glossing macros
     837 * gb4e: Linguistic tools
     838 * gmverse: A package for typesetting (short) poems
     839 * jura: A document class for German legal texts
     840 * juraabbrev: Abbreviations for typesetting (German) juridical documents
     841 * juramisc: Typesetting German juridical documents
     842 * jurarsp: Citations of judgements and official documents in (German) juridical documents
     843 * langnames: Name languages and their genetic affiliations consistently
     844 * ledmac: Typeset scholarly editions
     845 * lexikon: Macros for a two language dictionary
     846 * lexref: Convenient and uniform references to legal provisions
     847 * ling-macros: Macros for typesetting formal linguistics
     848 * linguex: Format linguists' examples
     849 * liturg: Support for typesetting Catholic liturgical texts
     850 * metrix: Typeset metric marks for Latin text
     851 * nnext: Extension for the gb4e package
     852 * opbible: Creating a study Bible with OpTeX
     853 * parallel: Typeset parallel texts
     854 * parrun: Typesets (two) streams of text running parallel
     855 * phonrule: Typeset linear phonological rules
     856 * plari: Typesetting stageplay scripts
     857 * play: Typeset drama using LaTeX
     858 * poemscol: Typesetting Critical Editions of Poetry
     859 * poetry: Facilities for typesetting poetry and poetical structure
     860 * poetrytex: Typeset anthologies of poetry
     861 * qobitree: LaTeX macros for typesetting trees
     862 * qtree: Draw tree structures
     863 * reledmac: Typeset scholarly editions
     864 * rrgtrees: Linguistic tree diagrams for Role and Reference Grammar (RRG) with LaTeX
     865 * rtklage: A package for German lawyers
     866 * screenplay: A class file to typeset screenplays
     867 * screenplay-pkg: Package version of the screenplay document class
     868 * sides: A LaTeX class for typesetting stage plays
     869 * stage: A LaTeX class for stage plays
     870 * textglos: Typeset and index linguistic gloss abbreviations
     871 * thalie: Typeset drama plays
     872 * theatre: A sophisticated package for typesetting stage plays
     873 * tree-dvips: Trees and other linguists' macros
     874 * verse: Aids for typesetting simple verse
     875 * xyling: Draw syntactic trees, etc., for linguistics literature, using xy-pic
    866877= texlive-lang-arabic =
    867  *     alkalami: A font for Arabic-based writing systems in Nigeria and Niger
    868  *     alpha-persian: Persian version of alpha.bst
    869  *     amiri: A classical Arabic typeface, Naskh style
    870  *     arabi: (La)TeX support for Arabic and Farsi, compliant with Babel
    871  *     arabi-add: Using hyperref and bookmark packages with arabic and farsi languages
    872  *     arabic-book: An Arabic book class
    873  *     arabluatex: ArabTeX for LuaLaTeX
    874  *     arabtex: Macros and fonts for typesetting Arabic
    875  *     bidi: Bidirectional typesetting in plain TeX and LaTeX, using XeTeX
    876  *     bidihl: Experimental bidi-aware text highlighting
    877  *     dad: Simple typesetting system for mixed Arabic/Latin documents
    878  *     ghab: Typeset ghab boxes in LaTeX
    879  *     hvarabic: Macros for RTL typesetting
    880  *     hyphen-arabic: (No) Arabic hyphenation patterns.
    881  *     hyphen-farsi: (No) Persian hyphenation patterns.
    882  *     imsproc: Typeset IMS conference proceedings
    883  *     kurdishlipsum: A 'lipsum' package for the Kurdish language
    884  *     lshort-persian: Persian (Farsi) introduction to LaTeX
    885  *     luabidi: Bidi functions for LuaTeX
    886  *     na-box: Arabic-aware version of pas-cours package
    887  *     persian-bib: Persian translations of classic BibTeX styles
    888  *     quran: An easy way to typeset any part of The Holy Quran
    889  *     sexam: Package for typesetting arabic exam scripts
    890  *     simurgh: Typeset Parsi in LuaLaTeX
    891  *     texnegar: Kashida justification in XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
    892  *     tram: Typeset tram boxes in LaTeX
    893  *     xepersian: Persian for LaTeX, using XeTeX
    894  *     xepersian-hm: Fixes kashida feature in xepersian package
    895  *     xindy-persian: Support for the Persian language in xindy
     878 * alkalami: A font for Arabic-based writing systems in Nigeria and Niger
     879 * alpha-persian: Persian version of alpha.bst
     880 * amiri: A classical Arabic typeface, Naskh style
     881 * arabi: (La)TeX support for Arabic and Farsi, compliant with Babel
     882 * arabi-add: Using hyperref and bookmark packages with arabic and farsi languages
     883 * arabic-book: An Arabic book class
     884 * arabluatex: ArabTeX for LuaLaTeX
     885 * arabtex: Macros and fonts for typesetting Arabic
     886 * bidi: Bidirectional typesetting in plain TeX and LaTeX, using XeTeX
     887 * bidihl: Experimental bidi-aware text highlighting
     888 * dad: Simple typesetting system for mixed Arabic/Latin documents
     889 * ghab: Typeset ghab boxes in LaTeX
     890 * hvarabic: Macros for RTL typesetting
     891 * hyphen-arabic: (No) Arabic hyphenation patterns.
     892 * hyphen-farsi: (No) Persian hyphenation patterns.
     893 * imsproc: Typeset IMS conference proceedings
     894 * iran-bibtex: Iran Manual of Style Citation Guide for BibTeX
     895 * khatalmaqala: Arabic font for university articles
     896 * kurdishlipsum: A 'lipsum' package for the Kurdish language
     897 * lshort-persian: Persian (Farsi) introduction to LaTeX
     898 * luabidi: Bidi functions for LuaTeX
     899 * na-box: Arabic-aware version of pas-cours package
     900 * parsimatn: Contemporary Persian font for scientific and formal writings
     901 * parsinevis: "Scheherazade New" adapted for Persian typesetting and scientific writings
     902 * persian-bib: Persian translations of classic BibTeX styles
     903 * quran: An easy way to typeset any part of The Holy Quran
     904 * sexam: Package for typesetting arabic exam scripts
     905 * simurgh: Typeset Parsi in LuaLaTeX
     906 * texnegar: Kashida justification in XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
     907 * tram: Typeset tram boxes in LaTeX
     908 * xepersian: Persian for LaTeX, using XeTeX
     909 * xepersian-hm: Fixes kashida feature in xepersian package
     910 * xindy-persian: Support for the Persian language in xindy
    897912= texlive-lang-chinese =
    898  *     arphic: Arphic (Chinese) font packages
    899  *     arphic-ttf: TrueType version of Chinese Arphic fonts
    900  *     asymptote-by-example-zh-cn: Asymptote by example
    901  *     asymptote-faq-zh-cn: Asymptote FAQ (Chinese translation)
    902  *     asymptote-manual-zh-cn: A Chinese translation of the asymptote manual
    903  *     cns: Chinese/Japanese/Korean bitmap fonts
    904  *     ctex: LaTeX classes and packages for Chinese typesetting
    905  *     ctex-faq: LaTeX FAQ by the Chinese TeX Society (
    906  *     exam-zh: LaTeX template for Chinese exams
    907  *     fandol: Four basic fonts for Chinese typesetting
    908  *     fduthesis: LaTeX thesis template for Fudan University
    909  *     hanzibox: Boxed Chinese characters with Pinyin above and translation below
    910  *     hyphen-chinese: Chinese pinyin hyphenation patterns.
    911  *     impatient-cn: Free edition of the book "TeX for the Impatient"
    912  *     install-latex-guide-zh-cn: A short introduction to LaTeX installation written in Chinese
    913  *     latex-notes-zh-cn: Chinese Introduction to TeX and LaTeX
    914  *     lshort-chinese: Introduction to LaTeX, in Chinese
    915  *     nanicolle: Typesetting herbarium specimen labels
    916  *     njurepo: Reports for Nanjing University
    917  *     pgfornament-han: pgfornament library for Chinese traditional motifs and patterns
    918  *     qyxf-book: Book Template for Qian Yuan Xue Fu
    919  *     texlive-zh-cn: TeX Live manual (Chinese)
    920  *     texproposal: A proposal prototype for LaTeX promotion in Chinese universities
    921  *     tlmgr-intro-zh-cn: A short tutorial on using tlmgr in Chinese
    922  *     upzhkinsoku: Supplementary Chinese kinsoku for Unicode *pTeX
    923  *     xpinyin: Automatically add pinyin to Chinese characters
    924  *     xtuthesis: XTU thesis template
    925  *     zhlineskip: Line spacing for CJK documents
    926  *     zhlipsum: Chinese dummy text
    927  *     zhmetrics: TFM subfont files for using Chinese fonts in 8-bit TeX
    928  *     zhmetrics-uptex: Chinese font metrics for upTeX
    929  *     zhnumber: Typeset Chinese representations of numbers
    930  *     zhspacing: Spacing for mixed CJK-English documents in XeTeX
     913 * arphic: Arphic (Chinese) font packages
     914 * arphic-ttf: TrueType version of Chinese Arphic fonts
     915 * asymptote-by-example-zh-cn: Asymptote by example
     916 * asymptote-faq-zh-cn: Asymptote FAQ (Chinese translation)
     917 * asymptote-manual-zh-cn: A Chinese translation of the asymptote manual
     918 * cns: Chinese/Japanese/Korean bitmap fonts
     919 * ctex: LaTeX classes and packages for Chinese typesetting
     920 * ctex-faq: LaTeX FAQ by the Chinese TeX Society (
     921 * exam-zh: LaTeX template for Chinese exams
     922 * fandol: Four basic fonts for Chinese typesetting
     923 * fduthesis: LaTeX thesis template for Fudan University
     924 * hanzibox: Boxed Chinese characters with Pinyin above and translation below
     925 * hyphen-chinese: Chinese pinyin hyphenation patterns.
     926 * impatient-cn: Free edition of the book "TeX for the Impatient"
     927 * install-latex-guide-zh-cn: A short introduction to LaTeX installation written in Chinese
     928 * latex-notes-zh-cn: Chinese Introduction to TeX and LaTeX
     929 * lshort-chinese: Introduction to LaTeX, in Chinese
     930 * nanicolle: Typesetting herbarium specimen labels
     931 * njurepo: Reports for Nanjing University
     932 * pgfornament-han: pgfornament library for Chinese traditional motifs and patterns
     933 * qyxf-book: Book Template for Qian Yuan Xue Fu
     934 * texlive-zh-cn: TeX Live manual (Chinese)
     935 * texproposal: A proposal prototype for LaTeX promotion in Chinese universities
     936 * tlmgr-intro-zh-cn: A short tutorial on using tlmgr in Chinese
     937 * upzhkinsoku: Supplementary Chinese kinsoku for Unicode *pTeX
     938 * xpinyin: Automatically add pinyin to Chinese characters
     939 * xtuthesis: XTU thesis template
     940 * zhlineskip: Line spacing for CJK documents
     941 * zhlipsum: Chinese dummy text
     942 * zhmetrics: TFM subfont files for using Chinese fonts in 8-bit TeX
     943 * zhmetrics-uptex: Chinese font metrics for upTeX
     944 * zhnumber: Typeset Chinese representations of numbers
     945 * zhspacing: Spacing for mixed CJK-English documents in XeTeX
    932947= texlive-lang-cjk =
    933  *     adobemapping: Adobe cmap and pdfmapping files
    934  *     c90: c90 font encoding for Thai
    935  *     cjk: CJK language support
    936  *     cjk-gs-integrate: Tools to integrate CJK fonts into Ghostscript
    937  *     cjkpunct: Adjust locations and kerning of CJK punctuation marks
    938  *     cjkutils: CJK language support
    939  *     dnp: subfont numbers for DNP font encoding
    940  *     evangelion-jfm: A Japanese font metric supporting many advanced features
    941  *     fixjfm: Fix JFM (for *pTeX)
    942  *     garuda-c90: TeX support (from CJK) for the garuda font
    943  *     jfmutil: Utility to process pTeX-extended TFM and VF
    944  *     norasi-c90: TeX support (from CJK) for the norasi font
    945  *     pxtatescale: Patch to graphics driver for scaling in vertical direction of pTeX
    946  *     xcjk2uni: Convert CJK characters to Unicode, in pdfTeX
    947  *     xecjk: Support for CJK documents in XeLaTeX
    948  *     zitie: Create CJK character calligraphy practicing sheets
    949  *     zxjafont: Set up Japanese font families for XeLaTeX
     948 * adobemapping: Adobe cmap and pdfmapping files
     949 * c90: c90 font encoding for Thai
     950 * cjk: CJK language support
     951 * cjk-gs-integrate: Tools to integrate CJK fonts into Ghostscript
     952 * cjkpunct: Adjust locations and kerning of CJK punctuation marks
     953 * cjkutils: CJK language support
     954 * dnp: subfont numbers for DNP font encoding
     955 * evangelion-jfm: A Japanese font metric supporting many advanced features
     956 * fixjfm: Fix JFM (for *pTeX)
     957 * garuda-c90: TeX support (from CJK) for the garuda font
     958 * jfmutil: Utility to process pTeX-extended TFM and VF
     959 * norasi-c90: TeX support (from CJK) for the norasi font
     960 * pxtatescale: Patch to graphics driver for scaling in vertical direction of pTeX
     961 * xcjk2uni: Convert CJK characters to Unicode, in pdfTeX
     962 * xecjk: Support for CJK documents in XeLaTeX
     963 * zitie: Create CJK character calligraphy practicing sheets
     964 * zxjafont: Set up Japanese font families for XeLaTeX
    951966= texlive-lang-cyrillic =
    952  *     babel-belarusian: Babel support for Belarusian
    953  *     babel-bulgarian: Babel contributed support for Bulgarian
    954  *     babel-russian: Russian language module for Babel
    955  *     babel-serbian: Babel/Polyglossia support for Serbian
    956  *     babel-serbianc: Babel module to support Serbian Cyrillic
    957  *     babel-ukrainian: Babel support for Ukrainian
    958  *     churchslavonic: Typeset documents in Church Slavonic language using Unicode
    959  *     cmcyr: Computer Modern fonts with cyrillic extensions
    960  *     cyrillic: Support for Cyrillic fonts in LaTeX
    961  *     cyrillic-bin: Cyrillic bibtex and makeindex
    962  *     cyrplain: Support for using T2 encoding
    963  *     disser: Class and templates for typesetting dissertations in Russian
    964  *     eskd: Modern Russian typesetting
    965  *     eskdx: Modern Russian typesetting
    966  *     gost: BibTeX styles to format according to GOST
    967  *     hyphen-belarusian: Belarusian hyphenation patterns.
    968  *     hyphen-bulgarian: Bulgarian hyphenation patterns.
    969  *     hyphen-churchslavonic: Church Slavonic hyphenation patterns.
    970  *     hyphen-mongolian: Mongolian hyphenation patterns in Cyrillic script.
    971  *     hyphen-russian: Russian hyphenation patterns.
    972  *     hyphen-serbian: Serbian hyphenation patterns.
    973  *     hyphen-ukrainian: Ukrainian hyphenation patterns.
    974  *     lcyw: Make Classic Cyrillic CM fonts accessible in LaTeX
    975  *     lh: Cyrillic fonts that support LaTeX standard encodings
    976  *     lhcyr: A non-standard Cyrillic input scheme
    977  *     lshort-bulgarian: Bulgarian translation of the "Short Introduction to LaTeX2e"
    978  *     lshort-mongol: Short introduction to LaTeX, in Mongolian
    979  *     lshort-russian: Russian introduction to LaTeX
    980  *     lshort-ukr: Ukrainian version of the LaTeX introduction
    981  *     mongolian-babel: A language definition file for Mongolian in Babel
    982  *     montex: Mongolian LaTeX
    983  *     mpman-ru: A Russian translation of the MetaPost manual
    984  *     numnameru: Converts a number to the russian spelled out name
    985  *     pst-eucl-translation-bg: Bulgarian translation of the pst-eucl documentation
    986  *     ruhyphen: Russian hyphenation
    987  *     russ: LaTeX in Russian, without babel
    988  *     serbian-apostrophe: Commands for Serbian words with apostrophes
    989  *     serbian-date-lat: Updated date typesetting for Serbian
    990  *     serbian-def-cyr: Serbian cyrillic localization
    991  *     serbian-lig: Control ligatures in Serbian
    992  *     t2: Support for using T2 encoding
    993  *     texlive-ru: TeX Live manual (Russian)
    994  *     texlive-sr: TeX Live manual (Serbian)
    995  *     ukrhyph: Hyphenation Patterns for Ukrainian
    996  *     xecyrmongolian: Basic support for the typesetting of Cyrillic Mongolian documents using (Xe|Lua)LaTeX
     967 * babel-belarusian: Babel support for Belarusian
     968 * babel-bulgarian: Babel contributed support for Bulgarian
     969 * babel-russian: Russian language module for Babel
     970 * babel-serbian: Babel/Polyglossia support for Serbian
     971 * babel-serbianc: Babel module to support Serbian Cyrillic
     972 * babel-ukrainian: Babel support for Ukrainian
     973 * churchslavonic: Typeset documents in Church Slavonic language using Unicode
     974 * cmcyr: Computer Modern fonts with cyrillic extensions
     975 * cyrillic: Support for Cyrillic fonts in LaTeX
     976 * cyrillic-bin: Cyrillic bibtex and makeindex
     977 * cyrplain: Support for using T2 encoding
     978 * disser: Class and templates for typesetting dissertations in Russian
     979 * eskd: Modern Russian typesetting
     980 * eskdx: Modern Russian typesetting
     981 * gost: BibTeX styles to format according to GOST
     982 * hyphen-belarusian: Belarusian hyphenation patterns.
     983 * hyphen-bulgarian: Bulgarian hyphenation patterns.
     984 * hyphen-churchslavonic: Church Slavonic hyphenation patterns.
     985 * hyphen-mongolian: Mongolian hyphenation patterns in Cyrillic script.
     986 * hyphen-russian: Russian hyphenation patterns.
     987 * hyphen-serbian: Serbian hyphenation patterns.
     988 * hyphen-ukrainian: Ukrainian hyphenation patterns.
     989 * lcyw: Make Classic Cyrillic CM fonts accessible in LaTeX
     990 * lh: Cyrillic fonts that support LaTeX standard encodings
     991 * lhcyr: A non-standard Cyrillic input scheme
     992 * lshort-bulgarian: Bulgarian translation of the "Short Introduction to LaTeX2e"
     993 * lshort-mongol: Short introduction to LaTeX, in Mongolian
     994 * lshort-russian: Russian introduction to LaTeX
     995 * lshort-ukr: Ukrainian version of the LaTeX introduction
     996 * mnhyphn: Mongolian hyphenation patterns in T2A encoding
     997 * mongolian-babel: A language definition file for Mongolian in Babel
     998 * montex: Mongolian LaTeX
     999 * mpman-ru: A Russian translation of the MetaPost manual
     1000 * numnameru: Converts a number to the russian spelled out name
     1001 * pst-eucl-translation-bg: Bulgarian translation of the pst-eucl documentation
     1002 * ruhyphen: Russian hyphenation
     1003 * russ: LaTeX in Russian, without babel
     1004 * serbian-apostrophe: Commands for Serbian words with apostrophes
     1005 * serbian-date-lat: Updated date typesetting for Serbian
     1006 * serbian-def-cyr: Serbian cyrillic localization
     1007 * serbian-lig: Control ligatures in Serbian
     1008 * t2: Support for using T2 encoding
     1009 * texlive-ru: TeX Live manual (Russian)
     1010 * texlive-sr: TeX Live manual (Serbian)
     1011 * ukrhyph: Hyphenation Patterns for Ukrainian
     1012 * xecyrmongolian: Basic support for the typesetting of Cyrillic Mongolian documents using (Xe|Lua)LaTeX
    9981014= texlive-lang-czechslovak =
    999  *     babel-czech: Babel support for Czech
    1000  *     babel-slovak: Babel support for typesetting Slovak
    1001  *     cnbwp: Typeset working papers of the Czech National Bank
    1002  *     cs: Czech/Slovak-tuned Computer Modern fonts
    1003  *     csbulletin: LaTeX class for articles submitted to the CSTUG Bulletin (Zpravodaj)
    1004  *     cslatex: LaTeX support for Czech/Slovak typesetting
    1005  *     csplain: Plain TeX multilanguage support
    1006  *     cstex: Support for Czech/Slovak languages
    1007  *     hyphen-czech: Czech hyphenation patterns.
    1008  *     hyphen-slovak: Slovak hyphenation patterns.
    1009  *     lshort-czech: Czech translation of the "Short Introduction to LaTeX2e"
    1010  *     lshort-slovak: Slovak introduction to LaTeX
    1011  *     texlive-cz: TeX Live manual (Czech/Slovak)
    1012  *     vlna: add ~ after non-syllabic preposition, for Czech/Slovak
     1015 * babel-czech: Babel support for Czech
     1016 * babel-slovak: Babel support for typesetting Slovak
     1017 * cnbwp: Typeset working papers of the Czech National Bank
     1018 * cs: Czech/Slovak-tuned Computer Modern fonts
     1019 * csbulletin: LaTeX class for articles submitted to the CSTUG Bulletin (Zpravodaj)
     1020 * cslatex: LaTeX support for Czech/Slovak typesetting
     1021 * csplain: Plain TeX multilanguage support
     1022 * cstex: Support for Czech/Slovak languages
     1023 * hyphen-czech: Czech hyphenation patterns.
     1024 * hyphen-slovak: Slovak hyphenation patterns.
     1025 * lshort-czech: Czech translation of the "Short Introduction to LaTeX2e"
     1026 * lshort-slovak: Slovak introduction to LaTeX
     1027 * texlive-cz: TeX Live manual (Czech/Slovak)
     1028 * vlna: add ~ after non-syllabic preposition, for Czech/Slovak
    10141030= texlive-lang-english =
    1015  *     amiweb2c-guide: How to install AmiWeb2c
    1016  *     amscls-doc: User documentation for AMS document classes
    1017  *     amslatex-primer: Getting up and running with AMS-LaTeX
    1018  *     around-the-bend: Typeset exercises in TeX, with answers
    1019  *     ascii-chart: An ASCII wall chart
    1020  *     biblatex-cheatsheet: BibLaTeX/Biber 'cheat sheet'
    1021  *     components: Components of TeX
    1022  *     comprehensive: Symbols accessible from LaTeX
    1023  *     dickimaw: Books and tutorials from the "Dickimaw LaTeX Series"
    1024  *     docsurvey: A survey of LaTeX documentation
    1025  *     dtxtut: Tutorial on writing .dtx and .ins files
    1026  *     first-latex-doc: A document for absolute LaTeX beginners
    1027  *     fontinstallationguide: Font installation guide
    1028  *     forest-quickstart: Quickstart Guide for Linguists package "forest"
    1029  *     gentle: A Gentle Introduction to TeX
    1030  *     guide-to-latex: examples and more from Guide to LaTeX, by Kopka and Daly
    1031  *     happy4th: A firework display in obfuscated TeX
    1032  *     hyphen-english: English hyphenation patterns.
    1033  *     impatient: Free edition of the book "TeX for the Impatient"
    1034  *     intro-scientific: Introducing scientific/mathematical documents using LaTeX
    1035  *     knuth-errata: Knuth's published errata
    1036  *     knuth-hint: HINT collection of typeset C/WEB sources in TeX Live
    1037  *     knuth-pdf: PDF collection of typeset C/WEB sources in TeX Live
    1038  *     l2tabu-english: English translation of "Obsolete packages and commands"
    1039  *     latex-brochure: A publicity flyer for LaTeX
    1040  *     latex-course: A LaTeX course as a projected presentation
    1041  *     latex-doc-ptr: A direction-finder for LaTeX resources available online
    1042  *     latex-for-undergraduates: A tutorial aimed at introducing undergraduate students to LaTeX
    1043  *     latex-graphics-companion: Examples from The LaTeX Graphics Companion
    1044  *     latex-refsheet: LaTeX Reference Sheet for a thesis with KOMA-Script
    1045  *     latex-veryshortguide: The Very Short Guide to LaTeX
    1046  *     latex-web-companion: Examples from The LaTeX Web Companion
    1047  *     latex2e-help-texinfo: Unofficial reference manual covering LaTeX2e
    1048  *     latex4wp: A LaTeX guide specifically designed for word processor users
    1049  *     latexcheat: A LaTeX cheat sheet
    1050  *     latexcourse-rug: A LaTeX course book
    1051  *     latexfileinfo-pkgs: A comparison of packages showing LaTeX file information
    1052  *     lshort-english: A (Not So) Short Introduction to LaTeX2e
    1053  *     macros2e: A list of internal LaTeX2e macros
    1054  *     math-into-latex-4: Samples from Math into LaTeX, 4th Edition
    1055  *     maths-symbols: Summary of mathematical symbols available in LaTeX
    1056  *     memdesign: Notes on book design
    1057  *     memoirchapterstyles: Chapter styles in memoir class
    1058  *     metafont-beginners: An introductory tutorial for Metafont
    1059  *     metapost-examples: Example drawings using MetaPost
    1060  *     patgen2-tutorial: A tutorial on the use of Patgen 2
    1061  *     pictexsum: A summary of PicTeX commands
    1062  *     plain-doc: A list of plain.tex cs names
    1063  *     short-math-guide: Guide to using amsmath and related packages to typeset mathematical notation with LaTeX
    1064  *     simplified-latex: A Simplified Introduction to LaTeX
    1065  *     svg-inkscape: How to include an SVG image in LaTeX using Inkscape
    1066  *     tamethebeast: A manual about bibliographies and especially BibTeX
    1067  *     tds: The TeX Directory Structure standard
    1068  *     tex-font-errors-cheatsheet: Cheat sheet outlining the most common TeX font errors
    1069  *     tex-nutshell: A short document about TeX principles
    1070  *     tex-overview: An overview of the development of TeX
    1071  *     tex-refs: References for TeX and Friends
    1072  *     tex-vpat: TeX Accessibility Conformance Report
    1073  *     texbytopic: Freed version of the book TeX by Topic
    1074  *     texonly: A sample document in Plain TeX
    1075  *     titlepages: Sample titlepages, and how to code them
    1076  *     tlc2: Examples from "The LaTeX Companion", second edition
    1077  *     tlc3-examples: All examples from "The LaTeX Companion", third edition
    1078  *     tlmgrbasics: A simplified documentation for tlmgr
    1079  *     undergradmath: LaTeX Math for Undergraduates cheat sheet
    1080  *     visualfaq: A Visual LaTeX FAQ
    1081  *     webguide: Brief Guide to LaTeX Tools for Web publishing
    1082  *     xetexref: Reference documentation of XeTeX
    1083  *     yet-another-guide-latex2e: A short guide to using LaTeX2e to typeset high quality documents
     1031 * amiweb2c-guide: How to install AmiWeb2c
     1032 * amscls-doc: User documentation for AMS document classes
     1033 * amslatex-primer: Getting up and running with AMS-LaTeX
     1034 * around-the-bend: Typeset exercises in TeX, with answers
     1035 * ascii-chart: An ASCII wall chart
     1036 * biblatex-cheatsheet: BibLaTeX/Biber 'cheat sheet'
     1037 * components: Components of TeX
     1038 * comprehensive: Symbols accessible from LaTeX
     1039 * dickimaw: Books and tutorials from the "Dickimaw LaTeX Series"
     1040 * docsurvey: A survey of LaTeX documentation
     1041 * drawing-with-metapost: How to draw technical diagrams with MetaPost
     1042 * dtxtut: Tutorial on writing .dtx and .ins files
     1043 * first-latex-doc: A document for absolute LaTeX beginners
     1044 * fontinstallationguide: Font installation guide
     1045 * forest-quickstart: Quickstart Guide for Linguists package "forest"
     1046 * gentle: A Gentle Introduction to TeX
     1047 * guide-to-latex: examples and more from Guide to LaTeX, by Kopka and Daly
     1048 * happy4th: A firework display in obfuscated TeX
     1049 * hyphen-english: English hyphenation patterns.
     1050 * impatient: Free edition of the book "TeX for the Impatient"
     1051 * intro-scientific: Introducing scientific/mathematical documents using LaTeX
     1052 * knuth-errata: Knuth's published errata
     1053 * knuth-hint: HINT collection of typeset C/WEB sources in TeX Live
     1054 * knuth-pdf: PDF collection of typeset C/WEB sources in TeX Live
     1055 * l2tabu-english: English translation of "Obsolete packages and commands"
     1056 * latex-brochure: A publicity flyer for LaTeX
     1057 * latex-course: A LaTeX course as a projected presentation
     1058 * latex-doc-ptr: A direction-finder for LaTeX resources available online
     1059 * latex-for-undergraduates: A tutorial aimed at introducing undergraduate students to LaTeX
     1060 * latex-graphics-companion: Examples from The LaTeX Graphics Companion
     1061 * latex-refsheet: LaTeX Reference Sheet for a thesis with KOMA-Script
     1062 * latex-veryshortguide: The Very Short Guide to LaTeX
     1063 * latex-web-companion: Examples from The LaTeX Web Companion
     1064 * latex2e-help-texinfo: Unofficial reference manual covering LaTeX2e
     1065 * latex4wp: A LaTeX guide specifically designed for word processor users
     1066 * latexcheat: A LaTeX cheat sheet
     1067 * latexcourse-rug: A LaTeX course book
     1068 * latexfileinfo-pkgs: A comparison of packages showing LaTeX file information
     1069 * lshort-english: A (Not So) Short Introduction to LaTeX2e
     1070 * macros2e: A list of internal LaTeX2e macros
     1071 * math-into-latex-4: Samples from Math into LaTeX, 4th Edition
     1072 * maths-symbols: Summary of mathematical symbols available in LaTeX
     1073 * memdesign: Notes on book design
     1074 * memoirchapterstyles: Chapter styles in memoir class
     1075 * metafont-beginners: An introductory tutorial for Metafont
     1076 * metapost-examples: Example drawings using MetaPost
     1077 * patgen2-tutorial: A tutorial on the use of Patgen 2
     1078 * pictexsum: A summary of PicTeX commands
     1079 * plain-doc: A list of plain.tex cs names
     1080 * quran-en: English translation extension to the quran package
     1081 * short-math-guide: Guide to using amsmath and related packages to typeset mathematical notation with LaTeX
     1082 * simplified-latex: A Simplified Introduction to LaTeX
     1083 * svg-inkscape: How to include an SVG image in LaTeX using Inkscape
     1084 * tamethebeast: A manual about bibliographies and especially BibTeX
     1085 * tds: The TeX Directory Structure standard
     1086 * tex-font-errors-cheatsheet: Cheat sheet outlining the most common TeX font errors
     1087 * tex-nutshell: A short document about TeX principles
     1088 * tex-overview: An overview of the development of TeX
     1089 * tex-refs: References for TeX and Friends
     1090 * tex-vpat: TeX Accessibility Conformance Report
     1091 * texbytopic: Freed version of the book TeX by Topic
     1092 * texonly: A sample document in Plain TeX
     1093 * titlepages: Sample titlepages, and how to code them
     1094 * tlc2: Examples from "The LaTeX Companion", second edition
     1095 * tlc3-examples: All examples from "The LaTeX Companion", third edition
     1096 * tlmgrbasics: A simplified documentation for tlmgr
     1097 * typstfun: List of equivalent Typst function names of LaTeX commands
     1098 * undergradmath: LaTeX Math for Undergraduates cheat sheet
     1099 * visualfaq: A Visual LaTeX FAQ
     1100 * webguide: Brief Guide to LaTeX Tools for Web publishing
     1101 * xetexref: Reference documentation of XeTeX
     1102 * yet-another-guide-latex2e: A short guide to using LaTeX2e to typeset high quality documents
    10851104= texlive-lang-european =
    1086  *     armtex: A system for writing in Armenian with TeX and LaTeX
    1087  *     babel-albanian: Support for Albanian within babel
    1088  *     babel-bosnian: Babel contrib support for Bosnian
    1089  *     babel-breton: Babel contributed support for Breton
    1090  *     babel-croatian: Babel contributed support for Croatian
    1091  *     babel-danish: Babel contributed support for Danish
    1092  *     babel-dutch: Babel contributed support for Dutch
    1093  *     babel-estonian: Babel support for Estonian
    1094  *     babel-finnish: Babel support for Finnish
    1095  *     babel-friulan: Babel/Polyglossia support for Friulan(Furlan)
    1096  *     babel-hungarian: Babel support for Hungarian (Magyar)
    1097  *     babel-icelandic: Babel support for Icelandic
    1098  *     babel-irish: Babel support for Irish
    1099  *     babel-kurmanji: Babel support for Kurmanji
    1100  *     babel-latin: Babel support for Latin
    1101  *     babel-latvian: Babel support for Latvian
    1102  *     babel-lithuanian: Babel support for documents written in Lithuanian
    1103  *     babel-macedonian: Babel module to support Macedonian Cyrillic
    1104  *     babel-norsk: Babel support for Norwegian
    1105  *     babel-occitan: Babel support for Occitan
    1106  *     babel-piedmontese: Babel support for Piedmontese
    1107  *     babel-romanian: Babel support for Romanian
    1108  *     babel-romansh: Babel/Polyglossia support for the Romansh language
    1109  *     babel-samin: Babel support for Samin
    1110  *     babel-scottish: Babel support for Scottish Gaelic
    1111  *     babel-slovenian: Babel support for typesetting Slovenian
    1112  *     babel-swedish: Babel support for typesetting Swedish
    1113  *     babel-turkish: Babel support for Turkish documents
    1114  *     babel-welsh: Babel support for Welsh
    1115  *     finbib: A Finnish version of plain.bst
    1116  *     gloss-occitan: Polyglossia support for Occitan
    1117  *     hrlatex: LaTeX support for Croatian documents
    1118  *     huaz: Automatic Hungarian definite articles
    1119  *     hulipsum: Hungarian dummy text (Lorum ipse)
    1120  *     hyphen-croatian: Croatian hyphenation patterns.
    1121  *     hyphen-danish: Danish hyphenation patterns.
    1122  *     hyphen-dutch: Dutch hyphenation patterns.
    1123  *     hyphen-estonian: Estonian hyphenation patterns.
    1124  *     hyphen-finnish: Finnish hyphenation patterns.
    1125  *     hyphen-friulan: Friulan hyphenation patterns.
    1126  *     hyphen-hungarian: Hungarian hyphenation patterns.
    1127  *     hyphen-icelandic: Icelandic hyphenation patterns.
    1128  *     hyphen-irish: Irish hyphenation patterns.
    1129  *     hyphen-kurmanji: Kurmanji hyphenation patterns.
    1130  *     hyphen-latin: Latin hyphenation patterns.
    1131  *     hyphen-latvian: Latvian hyphenation patterns.
    1132  *     hyphen-lithuanian: Lithuanian hyphenation patterns.
    1133  *     hyphen-macedonian: Macedonian hyphenation patterns.
    1134  *     hyphen-norwegian: Norwegian Bokmal and Nynorsk hyphenation patterns.
    1135  *     hyphen-occitan: Occitan hyphenation patterns.
    1136  *     hyphen-piedmontese: Piedmontese hyphenation patterns.
    1137  *     hyphen-romanian: Romanian hyphenation patterns.
    1138  *     hyphen-romansh: Romansh hyphenation patterns.
    1139  *     hyphen-slovenian: Slovenian hyphenation patterns.
    1140  *     hyphen-swedish: Swedish hyphenation patterns.
    1141  *     hyphen-turkish: Turkish hyphenation patterns.
    1142  *     hyphen-uppersorbian: Upper Sorbian hyphenation patterns.
    1143  *     hyphen-welsh: Welsh hyphenation patterns.
    1144  *     kaytannollista-latexia: Practical manual for LaTeX (Finnish)
    1145  *     lithuanian: Lithuanian language support
    1146  *     lshort-dutch: Introduction to LaTeX in Dutch
    1147  *     lshort-estonian: Estonian introduction to LaTeX
    1148  *     lshort-finnish: Finnish introduction to LaTeX
    1149  *     lshort-slovenian: Slovenian translation of lshort
    1150  *     lshort-turkish: Turkish introduction to LaTeX
    1151  *     nevelok: LaTeX package for automatic definite articles for Hungarian
    1152  *     rojud: A font with the images of the counties of Romania
    1153  *     swebib: Swedish bibliography styles
    1154  *     turkmen: Babel support for Turkmen
     1105 * armtex: A system for writing in Armenian with TeX and LaTeX
     1106 * babel-albanian: Support for Albanian within babel
     1107 * babel-bosnian: Babel contrib support for Bosnian
     1108 * babel-breton: Babel contributed support for Breton
     1109 * babel-croatian: Babel contributed support for Croatian
     1110 * babel-danish: Babel contributed support for Danish
     1111 * babel-dutch: Babel contributed support for Dutch
     1112 * babel-estonian: Babel support for Estonian
     1113 * babel-finnish: Babel support for Finnish
     1114 * babel-friulan: Babel/Polyglossia support for Friulan(Furlan)
     1115 * babel-hungarian: Babel support for Hungarian (Magyar)
     1116 * babel-icelandic: Babel support for Icelandic
     1117 * babel-irish: Babel support for Irish
     1118 * babel-kurmanji: Babel support for Kurmanji
     1119 * babel-latin: Babel support for Latin
     1120 * babel-latvian: Babel support for Latvian
     1121 * babel-lithuanian: Babel support for documents written in Lithuanian
     1122 * babel-macedonian: Babel module to support Macedonian Cyrillic
     1123 * babel-norsk: Babel support for Norwegian
     1124 * babel-occitan: Babel support for Occitan
     1125 * babel-piedmontese: Babel support for Piedmontese
     1126 * babel-romanian: Babel support for Romanian
     1127 * babel-romansh: Babel/Polyglossia support for the Romansh language
     1128 * babel-samin: Babel support for Samin
     1129 * babel-scottish: Babel support for Scottish Gaelic
     1130 * babel-slovenian: Babel support for typesetting Slovenian
     1131 * babel-swedish: Babel support for typesetting Swedish
     1132 * babel-turkish: Babel support for Turkish documents
     1133 * babel-welsh: Babel support for Welsh
     1134 * finbib: A Finnish version of plain.bst
     1135 * gloss-occitan: Polyglossia support for Occitan
     1136 * hrlatex: LaTeX support for Croatian documents
     1137 * huaz: Automatic Hungarian definite articles
     1138 * hulipsum: Hungarian dummy text (Lorum ipse)
     1139 * hyphen-croatian: Croatian hyphenation patterns.
     1140 * hyphen-danish: Danish hyphenation patterns.
     1141 * hyphen-dutch: Dutch hyphenation patterns.
     1142 * hyphen-estonian: Estonian hyphenation patterns.
     1143 * hyphen-finnish: Finnish hyphenation patterns.
     1144 * hyphen-friulan: Friulan hyphenation patterns.
     1145 * hyphen-hungarian: Hungarian hyphenation patterns.
     1146 * hyphen-icelandic: Icelandic hyphenation patterns.
     1147 * hyphen-irish: Irish hyphenation patterns.
     1148 * hyphen-kurmanji: Kurmanji hyphenation patterns.
     1149 * hyphen-latin: Latin hyphenation patterns.
     1150 * hyphen-latvian: Latvian hyphenation patterns.
     1151 * hyphen-lithuanian: Lithuanian hyphenation patterns.
     1152 * hyphen-macedonian: Macedonian hyphenation patterns.
     1153 * hyphen-norwegian: Norwegian Bokmal and Nynorsk hyphenation patterns.
     1154 * hyphen-occitan: Occitan hyphenation patterns.
     1155 * hyphen-piedmontese: Piedmontese hyphenation patterns.
     1156 * hyphen-romanian: Romanian hyphenation patterns.
     1157 * hyphen-romansh: Romansh hyphenation patterns.
     1158 * hyphen-slovenian: Slovenian hyphenation patterns.
     1159 * hyphen-swedish: Swedish hyphenation patterns.
     1160 * hyphen-turkish: Turkish hyphenation patterns.
     1161 * hyphen-uppersorbian: Upper Sorbian hyphenation patterns.
     1162 * hyphen-welsh: Welsh hyphenation patterns.
     1163 * kaytannollista-latexia: Practical manual for LaTeX (Finnish)
     1164 * lithuanian: Lithuanian language support
     1165 * lshort-dutch: Introduction to LaTeX in Dutch
     1166 * lshort-estonian: Estonian introduction to LaTeX
     1167 * lshort-finnish: Finnish introduction to LaTeX
     1168 * lshort-slovenian: Slovenian translation of lshort
     1169 * lshort-turkish: Turkish introduction to LaTeX
     1170 * nevelok: LaTeX package for automatic definite articles for Hungarian
     1171 * rojud: A font with the images of the counties of Romania
     1172 * swebib: Swedish bibliography styles
     1173 * turkmen: Babel support for Turkmen
    11561175= texlive-lang-french =
    1157  *     aeguill: Add several kinds of guillemets to the ae fonts
    1158  *     annee-scolaire: Automatically typeset the academic year (French way)
    1159  *     apprendre-a-programmer-en-tex: The book "Apprendre a programmer en TeX"
    1160  *     apprends-latex: Apprends LaTeX!
    1161  *     babel-basque: Babel contributed support for Basque
    1162  *     babel-french: Babel contributed support for French
    1163  *     basque-book: Class for book-type documents written in Basque
    1164  *     basque-date: Print the date in Basque
    1165  *     bib-fr: French translation of classical BibTeX styles
    1166  *     bibleref-french: French translations for bibleref
    1167  *     booktabs-fr: French translation of booktabs documentation
    1168  *     droit-fr: Document class and bibliographic style for French law
    1169  *     e-french: Comprehensive LaTeX support for French-language typesetting
    1170  *     epslatex-fr: French version of "graphics in LaTeX"
    1171  *     expose-expl3-dunkerque-2019: Using expl3 to implement some numerical algorithms
    1172  *     facture: Generate an invoice
    1173  *     formation-latex-ul: Introductory LaTeX course in French
    1174  *     frenchmath: Typesetting mathematics according to French rules
    1175  *     frletter: Typeset letters in the French style
    1176  *     frpseudocode: French translation for the algorithmicx package
    1177  *     hyphen-basque: Basque hyphenation patterns.
    1178  *     hyphen-french: French hyphenation patterns.
    1179  *     impatient-fr: Free edition of the book "TeX for the Impatient"
    1180  *     impnattypo: Support typography of l'Imprimerie Nationale Francaise
    1181  *     l2tabu-french: French translation of l2tabu
    1182  *     latex2e-help-texinfo-fr: A French translation of "latex2e-help-texinfo"
    1183  *     letgut: Class for the newsletter "La Lettre GUTenberg" of the French TeX User Group GUTenberg
    1184  *     lshort-french: Short introduction to LaTeX, French translation
    1185  *     mafr: Mathematics in accord with French usage
    1186  *     matapli: Class for the french journal "MATAPLI"
    1187  *     profcollege: A LaTeX package for French maths teachers in college
    1188  *     proflabo: Draw laboratory equipment
    1189  *     proflycee: A LaTeX package for French maths teachers in high school
    1190  *     tabvar: Typesetting tables showing variations of functions
    1191  *     tdsfrmath: Macros for French teachers of mathematics
    1192  *     texlive-fr: TeX Live manual (French)
    1193  *     translation-array-fr: French translation of the documentation of array
    1194  *     translation-dcolumn-fr: French translation of the documentation of dcolumn
    1195  *     translation-natbib-fr: French translation of the documentation of natbib
    1196  *     translation-tabbing-fr: French translation of the documentation of Tabbing
    1197  *     variations: Typeset tables of variations of functions
    1198  *     visualfaq-fr: FAQ LaTeX visuelle francophone
    1199  *     visualtikz: Visual help for TikZ based on images with minimum text
     1176 * aeguill: Add several kinds of guillemets to the ae fonts
     1177 * annee-scolaire: Automatically typeset the academic year (French way)
     1178 * apprendre-a-programmer-en-tex: The book "Apprendre a programmer en TeX"
     1179 * apprends-latex: Apprends LaTeX!
     1180 * babel-basque: Babel contributed support for Basque
     1181 * babel-french: Babel contributed support for French
     1182 * basque-book: Class for book-type documents written in Basque
     1183 * basque-date: Print the date in Basque
     1184 * bib-fr: French translation of classical BibTeX styles
     1185 * bibleref-french: French translations for bibleref
     1186 * booktabs-fr: French translation of booktabs documentation
     1187 * cahierprof: Schedule and grade books for French teachers
     1188 * couleurs-fr: French version of colour definitions from xcolor
     1189 * droit-fr: Document class and bibliographic style for French law
     1190 * e-french: Comprehensive LaTeX support for French-language typesetting
     1191 * epslatex-fr: French version of "graphics in LaTeX"
     1192 * expose-expl3-dunkerque-2019: Using expl3 to implement some numerical algorithms
     1193 * facture: Generate an invoice
     1194 * formation-latex-ul: Introductory LaTeX course in French
     1195 * frenchmath: Typesetting mathematics according to French rules
     1196 * frletter: Typeset letters in the French style
     1197 * frpseudocode: French translation for the algorithmicx package
     1198 * hyphen-basque: Basque hyphenation patterns.
     1199 * hyphen-french: French hyphenation patterns.
     1200 * impatient-fr: Free edition of the book "TeX for the Impatient"
     1201 * impnattypo: Support typography of l'Imprimerie Nationale Francaise
     1202 * l2tabu-french: French translation of l2tabu
     1203 * latex2e-help-texinfo-fr: A French translation of "latex2e-help-texinfo"
     1204 * letgut: Class for the newsletter "La Lettre GUTenberg" of the French TeX User Group GUTenberg
     1205 * lshort-french: Short introduction to LaTeX, French translation
     1206 * mafr: Mathematics in accord with French usage
     1207 * matapli: Class for the french journal "MATAPLI"
     1208 * panneauxroute: Commands to display French road signs (vector graphics)
     1209 * profcollege: A LaTeX package for French maths teachers in college
     1210 * proflabo: Draw laboratory equipment
     1211 * proflycee: A LaTeX package for French maths teachers in high school
     1212 * profsio: Commands (with TikZ) to work with French "BTS SIO" maths themes
     1213 * tabvar: Typesetting tables showing variations of functions
     1214 * tdsfrmath: Macros for French teachers of mathematics
     1215 * texlive-fr: TeX Live manual (French)
     1216 * translation-array-fr: French translation of the documentation of array
     1217 * translation-dcolumn-fr: French translation of the documentation of dcolumn
     1218 * translation-natbib-fr: French translation of the documentation of natbib
     1219 * translation-tabbing-fr: French translation of the documentation of Tabbing
     1220 * variations: Typeset tables of variations of functions
     1221 * visualfaq-fr: FAQ LaTeX visuelle francophone
     1222 * visualtikz: Visual help for TikZ based on images with minimum text
    12011224= texlive-lang-german =
    1202  *     apalike-german: A copy of apalike.bst with German localization
    1203  *     babel-german: Babel support for documents written in German
    1204  *     bibleref-german: German adaptation of bibleref
    1205  *     booktabs-de: German version of booktabs
    1206  *     csquotes-de: German translation of csquotes documentation
    1207  *     dehyph: German hyphenation patterns for traditional orthography
    1208  *     dehyph-exptl: Experimental hyphenation patterns for the German language
    1209  *     dhua: German abbreviations using thin space
    1210  *     dtk-bibliography: Bibliography of "Die TeXnische Komodie"
    1211  *     etdipa: Simple, lightweight template for scientific documents
    1212  *     etoolbox-de: German translation of documentation of etoolbox
    1213  *     fifinddo-info: German HTML beamer presentation on nicetext and morehype
    1214  *     german: Support for German typography
    1215  *     germbib: German variants of standard BibTeX styles
    1216  *     germkorr: Change kerning for German quotation marks
    1217  *     hausarbeit-jura: Class for writing "juristische Hausarbeiten" at German Universities
    1218  *     hyphen-german: German hyphenation patterns.
    1219  *     koma-script-examples: Examples from the KOMA-Script book
    1220  *     l2picfaq: LaTeX pictures "how-to" (German)
    1221  *     l2tabu: Obsolete packages and commands
    1222  *     latexcheat-de: A LaTeX cheat sheet, in German
    1223  *     lshort-german: German version of A Short Introduction to LaTeX2e: LaTeX2e-Kurzbeschreibung
    1224  *     lualatex-doc-de: Guide to LuaLaTeX (German translation)
    1225  *     microtype-de: Translation into German of the documentation of microtype
    1226  *     milog: A LaTeX class for fulfilling the documentation duties according to the German minimum wage law MiLoG
    1227  *     quran-de: German translations to the quran package
    1228  *     r_und_s: Chemical hazard codes
    1229  *     schulmathematik: Commands and document classes for German-speaking teachers of mathematics and physics
    1230  *     templates-fenn: Templates for TeX usage
    1231  *     templates-sommer: Templates for TeX usage
    1232  *     termcal-de: German localization for termcal
    1233  *     texlive-de: TeX Live manual (German)
    1234  *     tipa-de: German translation of tipa documentation
    1235  *     translation-arsclassica-de: German version of arsclassica
    1236  *     translation-biblatex-de: German translation of the User Guide for BibLaTeX
    1237  *     translation-chemsym-de: German version of chemsym
    1238  *     translation-ecv-de: Ecv documentation, in German
    1239  *     translation-enumitem-de: Enumitem documentation, in German
    1240  *     translation-europecv-de: German version of europecv
    1241  *     translation-filecontents-de: German version of filecontents
    1242  *     translation-moreverb-de: German version of moreverb
    1243  *     udesoftec: Thesis class for the University of Duisburg-Essen
    1244  *     uhrzeit: Time printing, in German
    1245  *     umlaute: German input encodings in LaTeX
    1246  *     voss-mathcol: Typesetting mathematics in colour, in (La)TeX
     1225 * apalike-german: A copy of apalike.bst with German localization
     1226 * autotype: A LuaLaTeX package for automatic language-specific typography
     1227 * babel-german: Babel support for documents written in German
     1228 * bibleref-german: German adaptation of bibleref
     1229 * booktabs-de: German version of booktabs
     1230 * csquotes-de: German translation of csquotes documentation
     1231 * dehyph: German hyphenation patterns for traditional orthography
     1232 * dehyph-exptl: Experimental hyphenation patterns for the German language
     1233 * dhua: German abbreviations using thin space
     1234 * dtk-bibliography: Bibliography of "Die TeXnische Komodie"
     1235 * etdipa: Simple, lightweight template for scientific documents
     1236 * etoolbox-de: German translation of documentation of etoolbox
     1237 * fifinddo-info: German HTML beamer presentation on nicetext and morehype
     1238 * german: Support for German typography
     1239 * germbib: German variants of standard BibTeX styles
     1240 * germkorr: Change kerning for German quotation marks
     1241 * hausarbeit-jura: Class for writing "juristische Hausarbeiten" at German Universities
     1242 * hyphen-german: German hyphenation patterns.
     1243 * koma-script-examples: Examples from the KOMA-Script book
     1244 * l2picfaq: LaTeX pictures "how-to" (German)
     1245 * l2tabu: Obsolete packages and commands
     1246 * latexcheat-de: A LaTeX cheat sheet, in German
     1247 * lshort-german: German version of A Short Introduction to LaTeX2e: LaTeX2e-Kurzbeschreibung
     1248 * lualatex-doc-de: Guide to LuaLaTeX (German translation)
     1249 * microtype-de: Translation into German of the documentation of microtype
     1250 * milog: A LaTeX class for fulfilling the documentation duties according to the German minimum wage law MiLoG
     1251 * quran-de: German translations to the quran package
     1252 * r_und_s: Chemical hazard codes
     1253 * schulmathematik: Commands and document classes for German-speaking teachers of mathematics and physics
     1254 * templates-fenn: Templates for TeX usage
     1255 * templates-sommer: Templates for TeX usage
     1256 * termcal-de: German localization for termcal
     1257 * texlive-de: TeX Live manual (German)
     1258 * tipa-de: German translation of tipa documentation
     1259 * translation-arsclassica-de: German version of arsclassica
     1260 * translation-biblatex-de: German translation of the User Guide for BibLaTeX
     1261 * translation-chemsym-de: German version of chemsym
     1262 * translation-ecv-de: Ecv documentation, in German
     1263 * translation-enumitem-de: Enumitem documentation, in German
     1264 * translation-europecv-de: German version of europecv
     1265 * translation-filecontents-de: German version of filecontents
     1266 * translation-moreverb-de: German version of moreverb
     1267 * udesoftec: Thesis class for the University of Duisburg-Essen
     1268 * uhrzeit: Time printing, in German
     1269 * umlaute: German input encodings in LaTeX
     1270 * voss-mathcol: Typesetting mathematics in colour, in (La)TeX
    12481272= texlive-lang-greek =
    1249  *     babel-greek: Babel support for documents written in Greek
    1250  *     begingreek: Greek environment to be used with pdfLaTeX only
    1251  *     betababel: Insert ancient greek text coded in Beta Code
    1252  *     cbfonts: Complete set of Greek fonts
    1253  *     cbfonts-fd: LaTeX font description files for the CB Greek fonts
    1254  *     gfsbaskerville: A Greek font, from one such by Baskerville
    1255  *     gfsporson: A Greek font, originally from Porson
    1256  *     greek-fontenc: LICR macros and encoding definition files for Greek
    1257  *     greek-inputenc: Greek encoding support for inputenc
    1258  *     greekdates: Provides ancient Greek day and month names, dates, etc
    1259  *     greektex: Fonts for typesetting Greek/English documents
    1260  *     greektonoi: Facilitates writing/editing of multiaccented greek
    1261  *     hyphen-ancientgreek: Ancient Greek hyphenation patterns.
    1262  *     hyphen-greek: Modern Greek hyphenation patterns.
    1263  *     ibycus-babel: Use the Ibycus 4 Greek font with Babel
    1264  *     ibygrk: Fonts and macros to typeset ancient Greek
    1265  *     kerkis: Kerkis (Greek) font family
    1266  *     levy: Fonts for typesetting classical greek
    1267  *     lgreek: LaTeX macros for using Silvio Levy's Greek fonts
    1268  *     lgrmath: Use LGR-encoded fonts in math mode
    1269  *     mkgrkindex: Makeindex working with Greek
    1270  *     talos: A Greek cult font from the eighties
    1271  *     teubner: Philological typesetting of classical Greek
    1272  *     xgreek: Greek Language Support for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
    1273  *     yannisgr: Greek fonts by Yannis Haralambous
     1273 * babel-greek: Babel support for the Greek language and script
     1274 * begingreek: Greek environment to be used with pdfLaTeX only
     1275 * betababel: Insert ancient greek text coded in Beta Code
     1276 * cbfonts: Complete set of Greek fonts
     1277 * cbfonts-fd: LaTeX font description files for the CB Greek fonts
     1278 * gfsbaskerville: A Greek font, from one such by Baskerville
     1279 * gfsporson: A Greek font, originally from Porson
     1280 * greek-fontenc: LICR macros and encoding definition files for Greek
     1281 * greek-inputenc: Greek encoding support for inputenc
     1282 * greekdates: Provides ancient Greek day and month names, dates, etc
     1283 * greektex: Fonts for typesetting Greek/English documents
     1284 * greektonoi: Facilitates writing/editing of multiaccented greek
     1285 * hyphen-ancientgreek: Ancient Greek hyphenation patterns.
     1286 * hyphen-greek: Modern Greek hyphenation patterns.
     1287 * ibycus-babel: Use the Ibycus 4 Greek font with Babel
     1288 * ibygrk: Fonts and macros to typeset ancient Greek
     1289 * kerkis: Kerkis (Greek) font family
     1290 * levy: Fonts for typesetting classical greek
     1291 * lgreek: LaTeX macros for using Silvio Levy's Greek fonts
     1292 * lgrmath: Use LGR-encoded fonts in math mode
     1293 * mkgrkindex: Makeindex working with Greek
     1294 * talos: A Greek cult font from the eighties
     1295 * teubner: Philological typesetting of classical Greek
     1296 * xgreek: Greek Language Support for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
     1297 * yannisgr: Greek fonts by Yannis Haralambous
    12751299= texlive-lang-italian =
    1276  *     amsldoc-it: Italian translation of amsldoc
    1277  *     amsmath-it: Italian translations of some old amsmath documents
    1278  *     amsthdoc-it: Italian translation of amsthdoc: Using the amsthm package
    1279  *     antanilipsum: Generate sentences in the style of "Amici miei"
    1280  *     babel-italian: Babel support for Italian text
    1281  *     codicefiscaleitaliano: Test the consistency of the Italian personal Fiscal Code
    1282  *     fancyhdr-it: Italian translation of fancyhdr documentation
    1283  *     fixltxhyph: Allow hyphenation of partially-emphasised substrings
    1284  *     frontespizio: Create a frontispiece for Italian theses
    1285  *     hyphen-italian: Italian hyphenation patterns.
    1286  *     itnumpar: Spell numbers in words (Italian)
    1287  *     l2tabu-italian: Italian Translation of Obsolete packages and commands
    1288  *     latex4wp-it: LaTeX guide for word processor users, in Italian
    1289  *     layaureo: A package to improve the A4 page layout
    1290  *     lshort-italian: Introduction to LaTeX in Italian
    1291  *     psfrag-italian: PSfrag documentation in Italian
    1292  *     texlive-it: TeX Live manual (Italian)
    1293  *     verifica: Typeset (Italian high school) exercises
     1300 * amsldoc-it: Italian translation of amsldoc
     1301 * amsmath-it: Italian translations of some old amsmath documents
     1302 * amsthdoc-it: Italian translation of amsthdoc: Using the amsthm package
     1303 * antanilipsum: Generate sentences in the style of "Amici miei"
     1304 * babel-italian: Babel support for Italian text
     1305 * codicefiscaleitaliano: Test the consistency of the Italian personal Fiscal Code
     1306 * fancyhdr-it: Italian translation of fancyhdr documentation
     1307 * fixltxhyph: Allow hyphenation of partially-emphasised substrings
     1308 * frontespizio: Create a frontispiece for Italian theses
     1309 * hyphen-italian: Italian hyphenation patterns.
     1310 * itnumpar: Spell numbers in words (Italian)
     1311 * l2tabu-italian: Italian Translation of Obsolete packages and commands
     1312 * latex4wp-it: LaTeX guide for word processor users, in Italian
     1313 * layaureo: A package to improve the A4 page layout
     1314 * lshort-italian: Introduction to LaTeX in Italian
     1315 * psfrag-italian: PSfrag documentation in Italian
     1316 * texlive-it: TeX Live manual (Italian)
     1317 * verifica: Typeset (Italian high school) exercises
    12951319= texlive-lang-japanese =
    1296  *     ascmac: Boxes and picture macros with Japanese vertical writing support
    1297  *     asternote: Annotation symbols enclosed in square brackets and marked with an asterisk
    1298  *     babel-japanese: Babel support for Japanese
    1299  *     bxbase: BX bundle base components
    1300  *     bxcjkjatype: Typeset Japanese with pdfLaTeX and CJK
    1301  *     bxghost: Ghost insertion for proper xkanjiskip
    1302  *     bxjaholiday: Support for Japanese holidays
    1303  *     bxjalipsum: Dummy text in Japanese
    1304  *     bxjaprnind: Adjust the position of parentheses at paragraph head
    1305  *     bxjatoucs: Convert Japanese character code to Unicode
    1306  *     bxjscls: Japanese document class collection for all major engines
    1307  *     bxorigcapt: To retain the original caption names when using Babel
    1308  *     bxwareki: Convert dates from Gregorian to Japanese calender
    1309  *     convbkmk: Correct platex/uplatex bookmarks in PDF created with hyperref
    1310  *     endnotesj: Japanese-style endnotes
    1311  *     gckanbun: Kanbun typesetting for (u)pLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
    1312  *     gentombow: Generate Japanese-style crop marks
    1313  *     haranoaji: Harano Aji Fonts
    1314  *     haranoaji-extra: Harano Aji Fonts
    1315  *     ieejtran: Unofficial bibliography style file for the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
    1316  *     ifptex: Check if the engine is pTeX or one of its derivatives
    1317  *     ifxptex: Detect pTeX and its derivatives
    1318  *     ipaex: IPA (Japanese) fonts
    1319  *     japanese-mathformulas: Compiling basic math formulas in Japanese using LuaLaTeX
    1320  *     japanese-otf: Advanced font selection for platex and its friends
    1321  *     jieeetran: UnofficiaL BibTeX style for citing Japanese articles in IEEE format
    1322  *     jlreq: Japanese document class based on requirements for Japanese text layout
    1323  *     jlreq-deluxe: Multi-weight Japanese font support for the jlreq class
    1324  *     jpneduenumerate: Enumerative expressions in Japanese education
    1325  *     jpnedumathsymbols: Mathematical equation representation in Japanese education
    1326  *     jsclasses: Classes tailored for use with Japanese
    1327  *     kanbun: Typeset kanbun-kundoku with support for kanbun annotation
    1328  *     lshort-japanese: Japanese version of A Short Introduction to LaTeX2e
    1329  *     luatexja: Typeset Japanese with Lua(La)TeX
    1330  *     mendex-doc: Documentation for Mendex index processor
    1331  *     morisawa: Enables selection of 5 standard Japanese fonts for pLaTeX + dvips
    1332  *     pbibtex-base: Bibliography styles and miscellaneous files for pBibTeX
    1333  *     pbibtex-manual: Documentation files for (u)pBibTeX
    1334  *     platex: pLaTeX2e and miscellaneous macros for pTeX
    1335  *     platex-tools: pLaTeX standard tools bundle
    1336  *     platexcheat: A LaTeX cheat sheet, in Japanese
    1337  *     plautopatch: Automated patches for pLaTeX/upLaTeX
    1338  *     ptex: A TeX system for publishing in Japanese
    1339  *     ptex-base: Plain TeX format for pTeX and e-pTeX
    1340  *     ptex-fontmaps: Font maps and configuration tools for Japanese/Chinese/Korean fonts with (u)ptex
    1341  *     ptex-fonts: Fonts for use with pTeX
    1342  *     ptex-manual: Japanese pTeX manual
    1343  *     ptex2pdf: Convert Japanese TeX documents to PDF
    1344  *     pxbase: Tools for use with (u)pLaTeX
    1345  *     pxchfon: Japanese font setup for pLaTeX and upLaTeX
    1346  *     pxcjkcat: LaTeX interface for the CJK category codes of upTeX
    1347  *     pxjahyper: Hyperref support for pLaTeX
    1348  *     pxjodel: Help change metrics of fonts from japanese-otf
    1349  *     pxrubrica: Ruby annotations according to JIS X 4051
    1350  *     pxufont: Emulate non-Unicode Japanese fonts using Unicode fonts
    1351  *     texlive-ja: TeX Live manual (Japanese)
    1352  *     uplatex: pLaTeX2e and miscellaneous macros for upTeX
    1353  *     uptex: Unicode version of pTeX
    1354  *     uptex-base: Plain TeX formats and documents for upTeX
    1355  *     uptex-fonts: Fonts for use with upTeX
    1356  *     wadalab: Wadalab (Japanese) font packages
    1357  *     zxjafbfont: Fallback CJK font support for xeCJK
    1358  *     zxjatype: Standard conforming typesetting of Japanese, for XeLaTeX
     1320 * ascmac: Boxes and picture macros with Japanese vertical writing support
     1321 * asternote: Annotation symbols enclosed in square brackets and marked with an asterisk
     1322 * babel-japanese: Babel support for Japanese
     1323 * bxbase: BX bundle base components
     1324 * bxcjkjatype: Typeset Japanese with pdfLaTeX and CJK
     1325 * bxghost: Ghost insertion for proper xkanjiskip
     1326 * bxjaholiday: Support for Japanese holidays
     1327 * bxjalipsum: Dummy text in Japanese
     1328 * bxjaprnind: Adjust the position of parentheses at paragraph head
     1329 * bxjatoucs: Convert Japanese character code to Unicode
     1330 * bxjscls: Japanese document class collection for all major engines
     1331 * bxorigcapt: To retain the original caption names when using Babel
     1332 * bxwareki: Convert dates from Gregorian to Japanese calender
     1333 * convbkmk: Correct platex/uplatex bookmarks in PDF created with hyperref
     1334 * endnotesj: Japanese-style endnotes
     1335 * gckanbun: Kanbun typesetting for (u)pLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
     1336 * gentombow: Generate Japanese-style crop marks
     1337 * haranoaji: Harano Aji Fonts
     1338 * haranoaji-extra: Harano Aji Fonts
     1339 * ieejtran: Unofficial bibliography style file for the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
     1340 * ifptex: Check if the engine is pTeX or one of its derivatives
     1341 * ifxptex: Detect pTeX and its derivatives
     1342 * ipaex: IPA (Japanese) fonts
     1343 * japanese-mathformulas: Compiling basic math formulas in Japanese using LuaLaTeX
     1344 * japanese-otf: Advanced font selection for platex and its friends
     1345 * jieeetran: UnofficiaL BibTeX style for citing Japanese articles in IEEE format
     1346 * jlreq: Japanese document class based on requirements for Japanese text layout
     1347 * jlreq-deluxe: Multi-weight Japanese font support for the jlreq class
     1348 * jpneduenumerate: Enumerative expressions in Japanese education
     1349 * jpnedumathsymbols: Mathematical equation representation in Japanese education
     1350 * jsclasses: Classes tailored for use with Japanese
     1351 * kanbun: Typeset kanbun-kundoku with support for kanbun annotation
     1352 * lshort-japanese: Japanese version of A Short Introduction to LaTeX2e
     1353 * luatexja: Typeset Japanese with Lua(La)TeX
     1354 * mendex-doc: Documentation for Mendex index processor
     1355 * morisawa: Enables selection of 5 standard Japanese fonts for pLaTeX + dvips
     1356 * pbibtex-base: Bibliography styles and miscellaneous files for pBibTeX
     1357 * pbibtex-manual: Documentation files for (u)pBibTeX
     1358 * platex: pLaTeX2e and miscellaneous macros for pTeX
     1359 * platex-tools: pLaTeX standard tools bundle
     1360 * platexcheat: A LaTeX cheat sheet, in Japanese
     1361 * plautopatch: Automated patches for pLaTeX/upLaTeX
     1362 * ptex: A TeX system for publishing in Japanese
     1363 * ptex-base: Plain TeX format for pTeX and e-pTeX
     1364 * ptex-fontmaps: Font maps and configuration tools for Japanese/Chinese/Korean fonts with (u)ptex
     1365 * ptex-fonts: Fonts for use with pTeX
     1366 * ptex-manual: Japanese pTeX manual
     1367 * ptex2pdf: Convert Japanese TeX documents to PDF
     1368 * pxbase: Tools for use with (u)pLaTeX
     1369 * pxchfon: Japanese font setup for pLaTeX and upLaTeX
     1370 * pxcjkcat: LaTeX interface for the CJK category codes of upTeX
     1371 * pxjahyper: Hyperref support for pLaTeX
     1372 * pxjodel: Help change metrics of fonts from japanese-otf
     1373 * pxrubrica: Ruby annotations according to JIS X 4051
     1374 * pxufont: Emulate non-Unicode Japanese fonts using Unicode fonts
     1375 * sjtutex: LaTeX classes for Shanghai Jiao Tong University
     1376 * texlive-ja: TeX Live manual (Japanese)
     1377 * uplatex: pLaTeX2e and miscellaneous macros for upTeX
     1378 * uptex: Unicode version of pTeX
     1379 * uptex-base: Plain TeX formats and documents for upTeX
     1380 * uptex-fonts: Fonts for use with upTeX
     1381 * wadalab: Wadalab (Japanese) font packages
     1382 * zxjafbfont: Fallback CJK font support for xeCJK
     1383 * zxjatype: Standard conforming typesetting of Japanese, for XeLaTeX
    13601385= texlive-lang-korean =
    1361  *     baekmuk: Baekmuk Korean TrueType fonts
    1362  *     cjk-ko: Extension of the CJK package for Korean typesetting
    1363  *     kotex-oblivoir: A LaTeX document class for typesetting Korean documents
    1364  *     kotex-plain: Macros for typesetting Korean under Plain TeX
    1365  *     kotex-utf: Typeset Hangul, coded in UTF-8
    1366  *     kotex-utils: Utility scripts and support files for typesetting Korean
    1367  *     lshort-korean: Korean introduction to LaTeX
    1368  *     nanumtype1: Type1 subfonts of Nanum Korean fonts
    1369  *     pmhanguljamo: Poor man's Hangul Jamo input method
    1370  *     uhc: Fonts for the Korean language
    1371  *     unfonts-core: TrueType version of Un-fonts
    1372  *     unfonts-extra: TrueType version of Un-fonts
     1386 * baekmuk: Baekmuk Korean TrueType fonts
     1387 * cjk-ko: Extension of the CJK package for Korean typesetting
     1388 * kotex-oblivoir: A LaTeX document class for typesetting Korean documents
     1389 * kotex-plain: Macros for typesetting Korean under Plain TeX
     1390 * kotex-utf: Typeset Hangul, coded in UTF-8
     1391 * kotex-utils: Utility scripts and support files for typesetting Korean
     1392 * lshort-korean: Korean introduction to LaTeX
     1393 * nanumtype1: Type1 subfonts of Nanum Korean fonts
     1394 * pmhanguljamo: Poor man's Hangul Jamo input method
     1395 * uhc: Fonts for the Korean language
     1396 * unfonts-core: TrueType version of Un-fonts
     1397 * unfonts-extra: TrueType version of Un-fonts
    13741399= texlive-lang-other =
    1375  *     aalok: LaTeX class file for the Marathi journal 'Aalok'
    1376  *     akshar: Support for syllables in the Devanagari script
    1377  *     amsldoc-vn: Vietnamese translation of AMSLaTeX documentation
    1378  *     aramaic-serto: Fonts and LaTeX for Syriac written in Serto
    1379  *     babel-azerbaijani: Support for Azerbaijani within babel
    1380  *     babel-esperanto: Babel support for Esperanto
    1381  *     babel-georgian: Babel support for Georgian
    1382  *     babel-hebrew: Babel support for Hebrew
    1383  *     babel-indonesian: Support for Indonesian within babel
    1384  *     babel-interlingua: Babel support for Interlingua
    1385  *     babel-malay: Support for Malay within babel
    1386  *     babel-sorbian: Babel support for Upper and Lower Sorbian
    1387  *     babel-thai: Support for Thai within babel
    1388  *     babel-vietnamese: Babel support for typesetting Vietnamese
    1389  *     bangla: A comprehensive Bangla LaTeX package
    1390  *     bangtex: Writing Bangla and Assamese with LaTeX
    1391  *     bengali: Support for the Bengali language
    1392  *     burmese: Basic Support for Writing Burmese
    1393  *     chhaya: Linguistic glossing in Marathi language
    1394  *     cjhebrew: Typeset Hebrew with LaTeX
    1395  *     ctib: Tibetan for TeX and LaTeX2e
    1396  *     ebong: Utility for writing Bengali in Rapid Roman Format
    1397  *     ethiop: LaTeX macros and fonts for typesetting Amharic
    1398  *     ethiop-t1: Type 1 versions of Amharic fonts
    1399  *     fc: Fonts for African languages
    1400  *     fonts-tlwg: Thai fonts for LaTeX from TLWG
    1401  *     hindawi-latex-template: A LaTeX template for authors of the Hindawi journals
    1402  *     hyphen-afrikaans: Afrikaans hyphenation patterns.
    1403  *     hyphen-armenian: Armenian hyphenation patterns.
    1404  *     hyphen-coptic: Coptic hyphenation patterns.
    1405  *     hyphen-esperanto: Esperanto hyphenation patterns.
    1406  *     hyphen-ethiopic: Hyphenation patterns for Ethiopic scripts.
    1407  *     hyphen-georgian: Georgian hyphenation patterns.
    1408  *     hyphen-indic: Indic hyphenation patterns.
    1409  *     hyphen-indonesian: Indonesian hyphenation patterns.
    1410  *     hyphen-interlingua: Interlingua hyphenation patterns.
    1411  *     hyphen-sanskrit: Sanskrit hyphenation patterns.
    1412  *     hyphen-thai: Thai hyphenation patterns.
    1413  *     hyphen-turkmen: Turkmen hyphenation patterns.
    1414  *     latex-mr: A practical guide to LaTeX and Polyglossia for Marathi and other Indian languages
    1415  *     latexbangla: Enhanced LaTeX integration for Bangla
    1416  *     latino-sine-flexione: LaTeX support for documents written in Peano's Interlingua
    1417  *     lshort-thai: Introduction to LaTeX in Thai
    1418  *     lshort-vietnamese: Vietnamese version of the LaTeX introduction
    1419  *     marathi: Typeset Marathi language using XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX
    1420  *     ntheorem-vn: Vietnamese translation of documentation of ntheorem
    1421  *     padauk: A high-quality TrueType font that supports the many diverse languages that use the Myanmar script
    1422  *     quran-bn: Bengali translations to the quran package
    1423  *     quran-ur: Urdu translations to the quran package
    1424  *     sanskrit: Sanskrit support
    1425  *     sanskrit-t1: Type 1 version of 'skt' fonts for Sanskrit
    1426  *     thaienum: Thai labels in enumerate environments
    1427  *     thaispec: Thai Language Typesetting in XeLaTeX
    1428  *     unicode-alphabets: Macros for using characters from Unicode's Private Use Area
    1429  *     velthuis: Typeset Devanagari
    1430  *     vntex: Support for Vietnamese
    1431  *     wnri: Ridgeway's fonts
    1432  *     wnri-latex: LaTeX support for wnri fonts
    1433  *     xetex-devanagari: XeTeX input map for Unicode Devanagari
     1400 * aalok: LaTeX class file for the Marathi journal 'Aalok'
     1401 * akshar: Support for syllables in the Devanagari script
     1402 * amsldoc-vn: Vietnamese translation of AMSLaTeX documentation
     1403 * aramaic-serto: Fonts and LaTeX for Syriac written in Serto
     1404 * babel-azerbaijani: Support for Azerbaijani within babel
     1405 * babel-esperanto: Babel support for Esperanto
     1406 * babel-georgian: Babel support for Georgian
     1407 * babel-hebrew: Babel support for Hebrew
     1408 * babel-indonesian: Support for Indonesian within babel
     1409 * babel-interlingua: Babel support for Interlingua
     1410 * babel-malay: Support for Malay within babel
     1411 * babel-sorbian: Babel support for Upper and Lower Sorbian
     1412 * babel-thai: Support for Thai within babel
     1413 * babel-vietnamese: Babel support for typesetting Vietnamese
     1414 * bangla: A comprehensive Bangla LaTeX package
     1415 * bangtex: Writing Bangla and Assamese with LaTeX
     1416 * bengali: Support for the Bengali language
     1417 * burmese: Basic Support for Writing Burmese
     1418 * chhaya: Linguistic glossing in Marathi language
     1419 * cjhebrew: Typeset Hebrew with LaTeX
     1420 * ctib: Tibetan for TeX and LaTeX2e
     1421 * culmus: Hebrew fonts from the Culmus project
     1422 * ebong: Utility for writing Bengali in Rapid Roman Format
     1423 * ethiop: LaTeX macros and fonts for typesetting Amharic
     1424 * ethiop-t1: Type 1 versions of Amharic fonts
     1425 * fc: Fonts for African languages
     1426 * fonts-tlwg: Thai fonts for LaTeX from TLWG
     1427 * hebrew-fonts: Input encodings, font encodings and font definition files for Hebrew
     1428 * hindawi-latex-template: A LaTeX template for authors of the Hindawi journals
     1429 * hyphen-afrikaans: Afrikaans hyphenation patterns.
     1430 * hyphen-armenian: Armenian hyphenation patterns.
     1431 * hyphen-coptic: Coptic hyphenation patterns.
     1432 * hyphen-esperanto: Esperanto hyphenation patterns.
     1433 * hyphen-ethiopic: Hyphenation patterns for Ethiopic scripts.
     1434 * hyphen-georgian: Georgian hyphenation patterns.
     1435 * hyphen-indic: Indic hyphenation patterns.
     1436 * hyphen-indonesian: Indonesian hyphenation patterns.
     1437 * hyphen-interlingua: Interlingua hyphenation patterns.
     1438 * hyphen-sanskrit: Sanskrit hyphenation patterns.
     1439 * hyphen-thai: Thai hyphenation patterns.
     1440 * hyphen-turkmen: Turkmen hyphenation patterns.
     1441 * latex-mr: A practical guide to LaTeX and Polyglossia for Marathi and other Indian languages
     1442 * latexbangla: Enhanced LaTeX integration for Bangla
     1443 * latino-sine-flexione: LaTeX support for documents written in Peano's Interlingua
     1444 * lshort-thai: Introduction to LaTeX in Thai
     1445 * lshort-vietnamese: Vietnamese version of the LaTeX introduction
     1446 * marathi: Typeset Marathi language using XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX
     1447 * ntheorem-vn: Vietnamese translation of documentation of ntheorem
     1448 * padauk: A high-quality TrueType font that supports the many diverse languages that use the Myanmar script
     1449 * quran-bn: Bengali translations to the quran package
     1450 * quran-id: Indonesian translation extension to the quran package
     1451 * quran-ur: Urdu translations to the quran package
     1452 * sanskrit: Sanskrit support
     1453 * sanskrit-t1: Type 1 version of 'skt' fonts for Sanskrit
     1454 * thaienum: Thai labels in enumerate environments
     1455 * thaispec: Thai Language Typesetting in XeLaTeX
     1456 * unicode-alphabets: Macros for using characters from Unicode's Private Use Area
     1457 * velthuis: Typeset Devanagari
     1458 * vntex: Support for Vietnamese
     1459 * wnri: Ridgeway's fonts
     1460 * wnri-latex: LaTeX support for wnri fonts
     1461 * xetex-devanagari: XeTeX input map for Unicode Devanagari
    14351463= texlive-lang-polish =
    1436  *     babel-polish: Babel support for Polish
    1437  *     bredzenie: A Polish version of "lorem ipsum..." in the form of a LaTeX package
    1438  *     cc-pl: Polish extension of Computer Concrete fonts
    1439  *     gustlib: plain macros for much core and extra functionality, from GUST
    1440  *     gustprog: utility programs for Polish users of TeX
    1441  *     hyphen-polish: Polish hyphenation patterns.
    1442  *     lshort-polish: Introduction to LaTeX in Polish
    1443  *     mex: Polish formats for TeX
    1444  *     mwcls: Polish-oriented document classes
    1445  *     pl: Polish extension of Computer Modern fonts
    1446  *     polski: Typeset Polish documents with LaTeX and Polish fonts
    1447  *     przechlewski-book: Examples from Przechlewski's LaTeX book
    1448  *     qpxqtx: Polish macros and fonts supporting Pagella/pxfonts and Termes/txfonts
    1449  *     tap: TeX macros for typesetting complex tables
    1450  *     tex-virtual-academy-pl: TeX usage web pages, in Polish
    1451  *     texlive-pl: TeX Live manual (Polish)
    1452  *     utf8mex: Tools to produce formats that read Polish language input
     1464 * babel-polish: Babel support for Polish
     1465 * bredzenie: A Polish version of "lorem ipsum..." in the form of a LaTeX package
     1466 * cc-pl: Polish extension of Computer Concrete fonts
     1467 * gustlib: plain macros for much core and extra functionality, from GUST
     1468 * gustprog: utility programs for Polish users of TeX
     1469 * hyphen-polish: Polish hyphenation patterns.
     1470 * lshort-polish: Introduction to LaTeX in Polish
     1471 * mex: Polish formats for TeX
     1472 * mwcls: Polish-oriented document classes
     1473 * pl: Polish extension of Computer Modern fonts
     1474 * polski: Typeset Polish documents with LaTeX and Polish fonts
     1475 * przechlewski-book: Examples from Przechlewski's LaTeX book
     1476 * qpxqtx: Polish macros and fonts supporting Pagella/pxfonts and Termes/txfonts
     1477 * tap: TeX macros for typesetting complex tables
     1478 * tex-virtual-academy-pl: TeX usage web pages, in Polish
     1479 * texlive-pl: TeX Live manual (Polish)
     1480 * utf8mex: Tools to produce formats that read Polish language input
    14541482= texlive-lang-portuguese =
    1455  *     babel-portuges: Babel support for Portuges
    1456  *     beamer-tut-pt: An introduction to the Beamer class, in Portuguese
    1457  *     cursolatex: A LaTeX tutorial
    1458  *     feupphdteses: Typeset Engineering PhD theses at the University of Porto
    1459  *     hyphen-portuguese: Portuguese hyphenation patterns.
    1460  *     latex-via-exemplos: A LaTeX course written in brazilian portuguese language
    1461  *     latexcheat-ptbr: A LaTeX cheat sheet, in Brazilian Portuguese
    1462  *     lshort-portuguese: Introduction to LaTeX in Portuguese
    1463  *     numberpt: Counters spelled out in Portuguese
    1464  *     ordinalpt: Counters as ordinal numbers in Portuguese
    1465  *     xypic-tut-pt: A tutorial for XY-pic, in Portuguese
     1483 * babel-portuges: Babel support for Portuges
     1484 * beamer-tut-pt: An introduction to the Beamer class, in Portuguese
     1485 * cursolatex: A LaTeX tutorial
     1486 * feupphdteses: Typeset Engineering PhD theses at the University of Porto
     1487 * hyphen-portuguese: Portuguese hyphenation patterns.
     1488 * latex-via-exemplos: A LaTeX course written in brazilian portuguese language
     1489 * latexcheat-ptbr: A LaTeX cheat sheet, in Brazilian Portuguese
     1490 * lshort-portuguese: Introduction to LaTeX in Portuguese
     1491 * numberpt: Counters spelled out in Portuguese
     1492 * ordinalpt: Counters as ordinal numbers in Portuguese
     1493 * ptlatexcommands: LaTeX to commands in Portuguese
     1494 * xypic-tut-pt: A tutorial for XY-pic, in Portuguese
    14671496= texlive-lang-spanish =
    1468  *     babel-catalan: Babel contributed support for Catalan
    1469  *     babel-galician: Babel/Polyglossia support for Galician
    1470  *     babel-spanish: Babel support for Spanish
    1471  *     es-tex-faq: CervanTeX (Spanish TeX Group) FAQ
    1472  *     hyphen-catalan: Catalan hyphenation patterns.
    1473  *     hyphen-galician: Galician hyphenation patterns.
    1474  *     hyphen-spanish: Spanish hyphenation patterns.
    1475  *     l2tabu-spanish: Spanish translation of "Obsolete packages and commands"
    1476  *     latex2e-help-texinfo-spanish: Unofficial reference manual covering LaTeX2e
    1477  *     latexcheat-esmx: A LaTeX cheat sheet, in Spanish
    1478  *     lshort-spanish: Short introduction to LaTeX, Spanish translation
    1479  *     texlive-es: TeX Live manual (Spanish)
     1497 * antique-spanish-units: A short document about antique spanish units
     1498 * babel-catalan: Babel contributed support for Catalan
     1499 * babel-galician: Babel/Polyglossia support for Galician
     1500 * babel-spanish: Babel support for Spanish
     1501 * es-tex-faq: CervanTeX (Spanish TeX Group) FAQ
     1502 * hyphen-catalan: Catalan hyphenation patterns.
     1503 * hyphen-galician: Galician hyphenation patterns.
     1504 * hyphen-spanish: Spanish hyphenation patterns.
     1505 * l2tabu-spanish: Spanish translation of "Obsolete packages and commands"
     1506 * latex2e-help-texinfo-spanish: Unofficial reference manual covering LaTeX2e
     1507 * latexcheat-esmx: A LaTeX cheat sheet, in Spanish
     1508 * lshort-spanish: Short introduction to LaTeX, Spanish translation
     1509 * texlive-es: TeX Live manual (Spanish)
    14811511= texlive-latex =
    1482  *     ae: Virtual fonts for T1 encoded CMR-fonts
    1483  *     amscls: AMS document classes for LaTeX
    1484  *     amsmath: AMS mathematical facilities for LaTeX
    1485  *     atbegshi: Execute stuff at \shipout time
    1486  *     atveryend: Hooks at the very end of a document
    1487  *     auxhook: Hooks for auxiliary files
    1488  *     babel: Multilingual support for LaTeX, LuaLaTeX, XeLaTeX, and Plain TeX
    1489  *     babel-english: Babel support for English
    1490  *     babelbib: Multilingual bibliographies
    1491  *     bigintcalc: Integer calculations on very large numbers
    1492  *     bitset: Handle bit-vector datatype
    1493  *     bookmark: A new bookmark (outline) organization for hyperref
    1494  *     carlisle: David Carlisle's small packages
    1495  *     colortbl: Add colour to LaTeX tables
    1496  *     epstopdf-pkg: Call epstopdf "on the fly"
    1497  *     etexcmds: Avoid name clashes with e-TeX commands
    1498  *     fancyhdr: Extensive control of page headers and footers in LaTeX2e
    1499  *     firstaid: First aid for external LaTeX files and packages that need updating
    1500  *     fix2col: Fix miscellaneous two column mode features
    1501  *     geometry: Flexible and complete interface to document dimensions
    1502  *     gettitlestring: Clean up title references
    1503  *     graphics: The LaTeX standard graphics bundle
    1504  *     graphics-cfg: Sample configuration files for LaTeX color and graphics
    1505  *     grfext: Manipulate the graphics package's list of extensions
    1506  *     hopatch: Load patches for packages
    1507  *     hycolor: Implements colour for packages hyperref and bookmark
    1508  *     hyperref: Extensive support for hypertext in LaTeX
    1509  *     intcalc: Expandable arithmetic operations with integers
    1510  *     kvdefinekeys: Define keys for use in the kvsetkeys package
    1511  *     kvoptions: Key value format for package options
    1512  *     kvsetkeys: Key value parser with default handler support
    1513  *     l3backend: LaTeX3 backend drivers
    1514  *     l3kernel: LaTeX3 programming conventions
    1515  *     l3packages: High-level LaTeX3 concepts
    1516  *     latex: A TeX macro package that defines LaTeX
    1517  *     latex-bin: LaTeX executables and man pages
    1518  *     latex-fonts: A collection of fonts used in LaTeX distributions
    1519  *     latex-lab: LaTeX laboratory
    1520  *     latexconfig: configuration files for LaTeX-related formats
    1521  *     letltxmacro: Let assignment for LaTeX macros
    1522  *     ltxcmds: Some LaTeX kernel commands for general use
    1523  *     ltxmisc: Miscellaneous LaTeX packages, etc
    1524  *     mfnfss: Packages to typeset oldgerman and pandora fonts in LaTeX
    1525  *     mptopdf: mpost to PDF, native MetaPost graphics inclusion
    1526  *     natbib: Flexible bibliography support
    1527  *     oberdiek: A bundle of packages submitted by Heiko Oberdiek
    1528  *     pagesel: Select pages of a document for output
    1529  *     pdfescape: Implements pdfTeX's escape features using TeX or e-TeX
    1530  *     pslatex: Use PostScript fonts by default
    1531  *     psnfss: Font support for common PostScript fonts
    1532  *     pspicture: PostScript picture support
    1533  *     refcount: Counter operations with label references
    1534  *     rerunfilecheck: Checksum based rerun checks on auxiliary files
    1535  *     stringenc: Converting a string between different encodings
    1536  *     tools: The LaTeX standard tools bundle
    1537  *     uniquecounter: Provides unlimited unique counter
    1538  *     url: Verbatim with URL-sensitive line breaks
     1512 * ae: Virtual fonts for T1 encoded CMR-fonts
     1513 * amscls: AMS document classes for LaTeX
     1514 * amsmath: AMS mathematical facilities for LaTeX
     1515 * atbegshi: Execute stuff at \shipout time
     1516 * atveryend: Hooks at the very end of a document
     1517 * auxhook: Hooks for auxiliary files
     1518 * babel: Multilingual support for LaTeX, LuaLaTeX, XeLaTeX, and Plain TeX
     1519 * babel-english: Babel support for English
     1520 * babelbib: Multilingual bibliographies
     1521 * bigintcalc: Integer calculations on very large numbers
     1522 * bitset: Handle bit-vector datatype
     1523 * bookmark: A new bookmark (outline) organization for hyperref
     1524 * carlisle: David Carlisle's small packages
     1525 * colortbl: Add colour to LaTeX tables
     1526 * epstopdf-pkg: Call epstopdf "on the fly"
     1527 * etexcmds: Avoid name clashes with e-TeX commands
     1528 * fancyhdr: Extensive control of page headers and footers in LaTeX2e
     1529 * firstaid: First aid for external LaTeX files and packages that need updating
     1530 * fix2col: Fix miscellaneous two column mode features
     1531 * geometry: Flexible and complete interface to document dimensions
     1532 * gettitlestring: Clean up title references
     1533 * graphics: The LaTeX standard graphics bundle
     1534 * graphics-cfg: Sample configuration files for LaTeX color and graphics
     1535 * grfext: Manipulate the graphics package's list of extensions
     1536 * hopatch: Load patches for packages
     1537 * hycolor: Implements colour for packages hyperref and bookmark
     1538 * hyperref: Extensive support for hypertext in LaTeX
     1539 * intcalc: Expandable arithmetic operations with integers
     1540 * kvdefinekeys: Define keys for use in the kvsetkeys package
     1541 * kvoptions: Key value format for package options
     1542 * kvsetkeys: Key value parser with default handler support
     1543 * l3backend: LaTeX3 backend drivers
     1544 * l3kernel: LaTeX3 programming conventions
     1545 * l3packages: High-level LaTeX3 concepts
     1546 * latex: A TeX macro package that defines LaTeX
     1547 * latex-bin: LaTeX executables and man pages
     1548 * latex-fonts: A collection of fonts used in LaTeX distributions
     1549 * latex-lab: LaTeX laboratory
     1550 * latexconfig: configuration files for LaTeX-related formats
     1551 * letltxmacro: Let assignment for LaTeX macros
     1552 * ltxcmds: Some LaTeX kernel commands for general use
     1553 * ltxmisc: Miscellaneous LaTeX packages, etc
     1554 * mfnfss: Packages to typeset oldgerman and pandora fonts in LaTeX
     1555 * mptopdf: mpost to PDF, native MetaPost graphics inclusion
     1556 * natbib: Flexible bibliography support
     1557 * oberdiek: A bundle of packages submitted by Heiko Oberdiek
     1558 * pagesel: Select pages of a document for output
     1559 * pdfescape: Implements pdfTeX's escape features using TeX or e-TeX
     1560 * pdftexcmds: LuaTeX support for pdfTeX utility functions
     1561 * pslatex: Use PostScript fonts by default
     1562 * psnfss: Font support for common PostScript fonts
     1563 * pspicture: PostScript picture support
     1564 * refcount: Counter operations with label references
     1565 * rerunfilecheck: Checksum based rerun checks on auxiliary files
     1566 * stringenc: Converting a string between different encodings
     1567 * tools: The LaTeX standard tools bundle
     1568 * uniquecounter: Provides unlimited unique counter
     1569 * url: Verbatim with URL-sensitive line breaks
    15401571= texlive-latex-extra =
    1541  *     2up: Macros to print two-up
    1542  *     a0poster: Support for designing posters on large paper
    1543  *     a4wide: "Wide" a4 layout
    1544  *     a5comb: Support for a5 paper sizes
    1545  *     abraces: Asymmetric over-/underbraces in maths
    1546  *     abspos: Absolute placement with coffins
    1547  *     abstract: Control the typesetting of the abstract environment
    1548  *     accessibility: Create tagged and structured PDF files
    1549  *     accsupp: Better accessibility support for PDF files
    1550  *     achemso: Support for American Chemical Society journal submissions
    1551  *     acro: Typeset acronyms
    1552  *     acronym: Expand acronyms at least once
    1553  *     acroterm: Manage and index acronyms and terms
    1554  *     actuarialangle: Angle symbol denoting a duration in actuarial and financial notation
    1555  *     actuarialsymbol: Actuarial symbols of life contingencies and financial mathematics
    1556  *     addfont: Easier use of fonts without LaTeX support
    1557  *     addlines: A user-friendly wrapper around \enlargethispage
    1558  *     adjmulticol: Adjusting margins for multicolumn and single column output
    1559  *     adjustbox: Graphics package-alike macros for "general" boxes
    1560  *     adrconv: BibTeX styles to implement an address database
    1561  *     advdate: Print a date relative to "today"
    1562  *     akktex: A collection of packages and classes
    1563  *     akletter: Comprehensive letter support
    1564  *     alchemist: Typeset alchemist and astrological symbols
    1565  *     alertmessage: Alert messages for LaTeX
    1566  *     alnumsec: Alphanumeric section numbering
    1567  *     alphalph: Convert numbers to letters
    1568  *     alterqcm: Multiple choice questionnaires in two column tables
    1569  *     altfont: Alternative font handling in LaTeX
    1570  *     altsubsup: Subscripts and superscripts with square brackets
    1571  *     amsaddr: Alter the position of affiliations in amsart
    1572  *     animate: Create PDF and SVG animations from graphics files and inline graphics
    1573  *     anonchap: Make chapters be typeset like sections
    1574  *     answers: Setting questions (or exercises) and answers
    1575  *     anyfontsize: Select any font size in LaTeX
    1576  *     appendix: Extra control of appendices
    1577  *     appendixnumberbeamer: Manage frame numbering in appendixes in beamer
    1578  *     apptools: Tools for customising appendices
    1579  *     arabicfront: Frontmatter with arabic page numbers
    1580  *     arcs: Draw arcs over and under text
    1581  *     arraycols: New column types for array and tabular environments
    1582  *     arrayjobx: Array data structures for (La)TeX
    1583  *     arraysort: Sort arrays (or portions of them)
    1584  *     arydshln: Draw dash-lines in array/tabular
    1585  *     asciilist: Environments AsciiList and AsciiDocList for prototyping nested lists in LaTeX
    1586  *     askinclude: Interactive use of \includeonly
    1587  *     assignment: A class file for typesetting homework and lab assignments
    1588  *     assoccnt: Associate counters, making them step when a master steps
    1589  *     association-matrix: LaTeX support for creating association matrices
    1590  *     atenddvi: Provides the \AtEndDvi command
    1591  *     atendofenv: Add a custom symbol at the end of an environment
    1592  *     attachfile: Attach arbitrary files to a PDF document
    1593  *     aurl: Extends the hyperref package with a mechanism for hyperlinked URLs abbreviated with prefixes
    1594  *     authoraftertitle: Make author, etc., available after \maketitle
    1595  *     authorarchive: Adds self-archiving information to scientific papers
    1596  *     authorindex: Index citations by author names
    1597  *     autofancyhdr: Automatically compute headlength for fancyhdr package
    1598  *     autonum: Automatic equation references
    1599  *     autopdf: Conversion of graphics to pdfLaTeX-compatible formats
    1600  *     autopuncitems: Automatically punctuate lists
    1601  *     avremu: An 8-Bit Microcontroller Simulator written in LaTeX
    1602  *     axessibility: Access to formulas in PDF files by assistive technologies
    1603  *     background: Placement of background material on pages of a document
    1604  *     bankstatement: A LaTeX class for bank statements based on csv data
    1605  *     bashful: Invoke bash commands from within LaTeX
    1606  *     basicarith: Macros for typesetting basic arithmetic
    1607  *     bchart: Draw simple bar charts in LaTeX
    1608  *     beamer-rl: Right to left presentation with beamer and babel
    1609  *     beamer2thesis: Thesis presentations using beamer
    1610  *     beamerappendixnote: Create notes on appendix frames in beamer
    1611  *     beameraudience: Assembling beamer frames according to audience
    1612  *     beamerauxtheme: Supplementary outer and inner themes for beamer
    1613  *     beamercolorthemeowl: A flexible beamer color theme to maximize visibility
    1614  *     beamerdarkthemes: Dark color themes for beamer
    1615  *     beamerposter: Extend beamer and a0poster for custom sized posters
    1616  *     beamersubframe: Reorder frames in the PDF file
    1617  *     beamertheme-arguelles: Simple, typographic beamer theme
    1618  *     beamertheme-cuerna: A beamer theme with 4 colour palettes
    1619  *     beamertheme-detlevcm: A beamer theme designed for use in the University of Leeds
    1620  *     beamertheme-epyt: A simple and clean theme for LaTeX beamer class
    1621  *     beamertheme-focus: A minimalist presentation theme for LaTeX Beamer
    1622  *     beamertheme-light: A minimal beamer style
    1623  *     beamertheme-metropolis: A modern LaTeX beamer theme
    1624  *     beamertheme-npbt: A collection of LaTeX beamer themes
    1625  *     beamertheme-phnompenh: A simple beamer theme
    1626  *     beamertheme-pure-minimalistic: A minimalistic presentation theme for LaTeX Beamer
    1627  *     beamertheme-saintpetersburg: A beamer theme that incorporates colours and fonts of Saint Petersburg State University
    1628  *     beamertheme-simpledarkblue: Template for a simple presentation
    1629  *     beamertheme-simpleplus: A simple and clean theme for LaTeX beamer
    1630  *     beamertheme-tcolorbox: A beamer inner theme which reproduces standard beamer blocks using tcolorboxes
    1631  *     beamertheme-trigon: A modern, elegant, and versatile theme for Beamer
    1632  *     beamertheme-upenn-bc: Beamer themes for Boston College and the University of Pennsylvania
    1633  *     beamerthemeamurmaple: A new modern beamer theme
    1634  *     beamerthemejltree: Contributed beamer theme
    1635  *     beamerthemelalic: A beamer theme for LALIC
    1636  *     beamerthemenirma: A Beamer theme for academic presentations
    1637  *     beamerthemenord: A simple beamer theme using the "Nord" color theme
    1638  *     bearwear: Shirts to dress TikZbears
    1639  *     beaulivre: Write your books in a colorful way
    1640  *     beton: Use Concrete fonts
    1641  *     bewerbung: Typesetting job applications
    1642  *     bez123: Support for Bezier curves
    1643  *     bhcexam: An exam class for mathematics teachers in China
    1644  *     bibletext: Insert Bible passages by their reference
    1645  *     bigfoot: Footnotes for critical editions
    1646  *     bigints: Writing big integrals
    1647  *     bilingualpages: Typeset two columns in parallel
    1648  *     biochemistry-colors: Colors used to display amino acids, nucleotides, sugars or atoms in biochemistry
    1649  *     bithesis: Templates for the Beijing Institute of Technology
    1650  *     bizcard: Typeset business cards
    1651  *     blindtext: Producing 'blind' text for testing
    1652  *     blkarray: Extended array and tabular
    1653  *     block: A block letter style for the letter class
    1654  *     blowup: Upscale or downscale all pages of a document
    1655  *     bnumexpr: Extends eTeX's \numexpr...\relax construct to big integers
    1656  *     boites: Boxes that may break across pages
    1657  *     bold-extra: Use bold small caps and typewriter fonts
    1658  *     book-of-common-prayer: Typeset in the style of "Book of Common Prayer"
    1659  *     bookcover: A class for book covers and dust jackets
    1660  *     bookest: Extended book class
    1661  *     booklet: Aids for printing simple booklets
    1662  *     bookshelf: Create a nice image from a BibTeX file
    1663  *     boolexpr: A boolean expression evaluator and a switch command
    1664  *     bophook: Provides an At-Begin-Page hook
    1665  *     boxedminipage: Framed minipages of a specified total width (text and frame combined)
    1666  *     boxhandler: Flexible Captioning and Deferred Box/List Printing
    1667  *     bracketkey: Produce bracketed identification keys
    1668  *     braket: Dirac bra-ket and set notations
    1669  *     breakurl: Line-breakable \url-like links in hyperref when compiling via dvips/ps2pdf
    1670  *     bubblesort: Bubble sorts a list
    1671  *     bullcntr: Display list item counter as regular pattern of bullets
    1672  *     bxcalc: Extend the functionality of the calc package
    1673  *     bxdpx-beamer: Dvipdfmx extras for use with beamer
    1674  *     bxdvidriver: Enables specifying a driver option effective only in DVI output
    1675  *     bxenclose: Enclose the document body with some pieces of code
    1676  *     bxnewfont: Enhanced \newfont command
    1677  *     bxpapersize: Synchronize output paper size with layout paper size
    1678  *     bxpdfver: Specify version and compression level of output PDF files
    1679  *     bxtexlogo: Additional TeX-family logos
    1680  *     calcage: Calculate the age of something, in years
    1681  *     calctab: Language for numeric tables
    1682  *     calculator: Use LaTeX as a scientific calculator
    1683  *     calrsfs: Copperplate calligraphic letters in LaTeX
    1684  *     cals: Multipage tables with wide range of features
    1685  *     calxxxx-yyyy: Print a calendar for a group of years
    1686  *     cancel: Place lines through maths formulae
    1687  *     canoniclayout: Create canonical page layouts with memoir
    1688  *     capt-of: Captions on more than floats
    1689  *     captcont: Retain float number across several floats
    1690  *     captdef: Declare free-standing \caption commands
    1691  *     carbohydrates: Carbohydrate molecules with chemfig
    1692  *     cases: Numbered cases environment
    1693  *     casyl: Typeset Cree/Inuktitut in Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics
    1694  *     catchfile: Catch an external file into a macro
    1695  *     catchfilebetweentags: Catch text delimited by docstrip tags
    1696  *     catechis: Macros for typesetting catechisms
    1697  *     catoptions: Preserving and recalling standard catcodes
    1698  *     cbcoptic: Coptic fonts and LaTeX macros for general usage and for philology
    1699  *     ccaption: Continuation headings and legends for floats
    1700  *     cclicenses: Typeset Creative Commons licence logos
    1701  *     cd: Typeset CD covers
    1702  *     cd-cover: Typeset CD covers
    1703  *     cdcmd: Expandable conditional commands for LaTeX
    1704  *     cdpbundl: Business letters in the Italian style
    1705  *     cellprops: Accept CSS-like selectors in tabular, array, ...
    1706  *     cellspace: Ensure minimal spacing of table cells
    1707  *     censor: Tools for producing redacted documents
    1708  *     centeredline: A macro for centering lines
    1709  *     centerlastline: Paragraphs with last line centered, known as "Spanish" paragraphs
    1710  *     changebar: Generate changebars in LaTeX documents
    1711  *     changelayout: Change the layout of individual pages and their text
    1712  *     changelog: Typesetting style changelogs
    1713  *     changepage: Margin adjustment and detection of odd/even pages
    1714  *     changes: Manual change markup
    1715  *     chappg: Page numbering by chapter
    1716  *     chapterfolder: Package for working with complicated folder structures
    1717  *     cheatsheet: A simple cheatsheet class
    1718  *     checkend: Extend "improperly closed environment" messages
    1719  *     chet: LaTeX layout inspired by harvmac
    1720  *     chextras: A companion package for the Swiss typesetter
    1721  *     childdoc: Directly compile \include'd child documents
    1722  *     chkfloat: Warn whenever a float is placed "to far away"
    1723  *     chletter: Class for typesetting letters to Swiss rules
    1724  *     chngcntr: Change the resetting of counters
    1725  *     chronology: Provides a horizontal timeline
    1726  *     circ: Macros for typesetting circuit diagrams
    1727  *     circledsteps: Typeset circled numbers
    1728  *     circledtext: Create circled text
    1729  *     classics: Cite classic works
    1730  *     classpack: XML mastering for LaTeX classes and packages
    1731  *     clefval: Key/value support with a hash
    1732  *     cleveref: Intelligent cross-referencing
    1733  *     clicks: Slide Deck Animation
    1734  *     clipboard: Copy and paste into and across documents
    1735  *     clistmap: Map and iterate over LaTeX3 clists
    1736  *     clock: Graphical and textual clocks for TeX and LaTeX
    1737  *     clrdblpg: Control pagestyle of pages left blank by \cleardoublepage
    1738  *     clrstrip: Place contents into a full width colour strip
    1739  *     cmdstring: Get command name reliably
    1740  *     cmdtrack: Check used commands
    1741  *     cmsd: Interfaces to the CM Sans Serif Bold fonts
    1742  *     cnltx: LaTeX tools and documenting facilities
    1743  *     cntformats: A different way to read counters
    1744  *     cntperchap: Store counter values per chapter
    1745  *     codebox: Highlighted source code in a fancy box
    1746  *     codedoc: LaTeX code and documentation in LaTeX-format file
    1747  *     codehigh: Highlight code and demos with l3regex and lpeg
    1748  *     codepage: Support for variant code pages
    1749  *     codesection: Provides an environment that may be conditionally included
    1750  *     collcell: Collect contents of a tabular cell as argument to a macro
    1751  *     collectbox: Collect and process macro arguments as boxes
    1752  *     colophon: Provides commands for producing a colophon
    1753  *     color-edits: Colorful edits for multiple authors of a shared document
    1754  *     colordoc: Coloured syntax highlights in documentation
    1755  *     colorframed: Fix color problems with the package "framed"
    1756  *     colorinfo: Retrieve colour model and values for defined colours
    1757  *     coloring: Define missing colors by their names
    1758  *     colorist: Write your articles or books in a colorful way
    1759  *     colorspace: Provides PDF color spaces
    1760  *     colortab: Shade cells of tables and halign
    1761  *     colorwav: Colours by wavelength of visible light
    1762  *     colorweb: Extend the color package colour space
    1763  *     colourchange: Colourchange
    1764  *     combelow: Typeset "comma-below" letters, as in Romanian
    1765  *     combine: Bundle individual documents into a single document
    1766  *     comma: Formats a number by inserting commas
    1767  *     commado: Expandable iteration on comma-separated and filename lists
    1768  *     commedit: Commented editions with LaTeX
    1769  *     comment: Selectively include/exclude portions of text
    1770  *     commonunicode: Convert common unicode symbols to LaTeX code
    1771  *     competences: Track skills of classroom checks
    1772  *     concepts: Keeping track of formal 'concepts' for a particular field
    1773  *     concprog: Concert programmes
    1774  *     conditext: Define and manage conditional content
    1775  *     constants: Automatic numbering of constants
    1776  *     continue: Prints 'continuation' marks on pages of multipage documents
    1777  *     contour: Print a coloured contour around text
    1778  *     contracard: Generate calling cards for dances
    1779  *     conv-xkv: Create new key-value syntax
    1780  *     cooking: Typeset recipes
    1781  *     cooking-units: Typeset and convert units for cookery books and recipes
    1782  *     cool: COntent-Oriented LaTeX
    1783  *     coolfn: Typeset long legal footnotes
    1784  *     coollist: Manipulate COntent Oriented LaTeX Lists
    1785  *     coolstr: String manipulation in LaTeX
    1786  *     coolthms: Reference items in a theorem environment
    1787  *     cooltooltips: Associate a pop-up window and tooltip with PDF hyperlinks
    1788  *     coop-writing: Support for Cooperative Writing and editorial comments
    1789  *     coordsys: Draw cartesian coordinate systems
    1790  *     copyedit: Copyediting support for LaTeX documents
    1791  *     copyrightbox: Provide copyright notices for images in a document
    1792  *     coseoul: Context sensitive outline elements
    1793  *     counttexruns: Count compilations of a document
    1794  *     courseoutline: Prepare university course outlines
    1795  *     coursepaper: Prepare university course papers
    1796  *     coverpage: Automatic cover page creation for scientific papers
    1797  *     cprotect: Allow verbatim, etc., in macro arguments
    1798  *     cprotectinside: Use cprotect arbitrarily nested
    1799  *     crbox: Boxes with crossed corners
    1800  *     create-theorem: Multilingual support for theorem-like environments
    1801  *     crefthe: Cross referencing with proper definite articles
    1802  *     crossreference: Crossreferences within documents
    1803  *     crossreftools: Expandable extraction of cleveref data
    1804  *     crumbs: Add a Navigation Path to the page header
    1805  *     csquotes: Context sensitive quotation facilities
    1806  *     css-colors: Named colors for web-safe design
    1807  *     csvmerge: Merge TeX code with csv data
    1808  *     csvsimple: Simple CSV file processing
    1809  *     cuisine: Typeset recipes
    1810  *     currency: Format currencies in a consistent way
    1811  *     currfile: Provide file name and path of input files
    1812  *     currvita: Typeset a curriculum vitae
    1813  *     cutwin: Cut a window in a paragraph, typeset material in it
    1814  *     cv: A package for creating a curriculum vitae
    1815  *     cv4tw: LaTeX CV class, with extended details
    1816  *     cweb-latex: A LaTeX version of CWEB
    1817  *     cyber: Annotate compliance with cybersecurity requirements
    1818  *     cybercic: "Controls in Contents" for the cyber package
    1819  *     darkmode: General Dark Mode Support for LaTeX-Documents
    1820  *     dashbox: Draw dashed boxes
    1821  *     dashrule: Draw dashed rules
    1822  *     dashundergaps: Produce gaps that are underlined, dotted or dashed
    1823  *     dataref: Manage references to experimental data
    1824  *     datatool: Tools to load and manipulate data
    1825  *     datax: Import individual data from script files
    1826  *     dateiliste: Extensions of the \listfiles concept
    1827  *     datenumber: Convert a date into a number and vice versa
    1828  *     datestamp: Fixed date-stamps with LuaLaTeX
    1829  *     datetime: Change format of \today with commands for current time
    1830  *     datetime2: Formats for dates, times and time zones
    1831  *     datetime2-bahasai: Bahasai language module for the datetime2 package
    1832  *     datetime2-basque: Basque language module for the datetime2 package
    1833  *     datetime2-breton: Breton language module for the datetime2 package
    1834  *     datetime2-bulgarian: Bulgarian language module for the datetime2 package
    1835  *     datetime2-catalan: Catalan language module for the datetime2 package
    1836  *     datetime2-croatian: Croatian language module for the datetime2 package
    1837  *     datetime2-czech: Czech language module for the datetime2 package
    1838  *     datetime2-danish: Danish language module for the datetime2 package
    1839  *     datetime2-dutch: Dutch language module for the datetime2 package
    1840  *     datetime2-en-fulltext: English Full Text styles for the datetime2 package
    1841  *     datetime2-english: English language module for the datetime2 package
    1842  *     datetime2-esperanto: Esperanto language module for the datetime2 package
    1843  *     datetime2-estonian: Estonian language module for the datetime2 package
    1844  *     datetime2-finnish: Finnish language module for the datetime2 package
    1845  *     datetime2-french: French language module for the datetime2 package
    1846  *     datetime2-galician: Galician language module for the datetime2 package
    1847  *     datetime2-german: German language module for the datetime2 package
    1848  *     datetime2-greek: Greek language module for the datetime2 package
    1849  *     datetime2-hebrew: Hebrew language module for the datetime2 package
    1850  *     datetime2-icelandic: Icelandic language module for the datetime2 package
    1851  *     datetime2-irish: Irish Gaelic Language Module for the datetime2 Package
    1852  *     datetime2-it-fulltext: Italian full text styles for the datetime2 package
    1853  *     datetime2-italian: Italian language module for the datetime2 package
    1854  *     datetime2-latin: Latin language module for the datetime2 package
    1855  *     datetime2-lsorbian: Lower Sorbian language module for the datetime2 package
    1856  *     datetime2-magyar: Magyar language module for the datetime2 package
    1857  *     datetime2-norsk: Norsk language module for the datetime2 package
    1858  *     datetime2-polish: Polish language module for the datetime2 package
    1859  *     datetime2-portuges: Portuguese language module for the datetime2 package
    1860  *     datetime2-romanian: Romanian language module for the datetime2 package
    1861  *     datetime2-russian: Russian language module for the datetime2 package
    1862  *     datetime2-samin: Northern Sami language module for the datetime2 package
    1863  *     datetime2-scottish: Scottish Gaelic Language Module for the datetime2 Package
    1864  *     datetime2-serbian: Serbian language module for the datetime2 package
    1865  *     datetime2-slovak: Slovak language module for the datetime2 package
    1866  *     datetime2-slovene: Slovene language module for the datetime2 package
    1867  *     datetime2-spanish: Spanish language module for the datetime2 package
    1868  *     datetime2-swedish: Swedish language module for the datetime2 package
    1869  *     datetime2-turkish: Turkish language module for the datetime2 package
    1870  *     datetime2-ukrainian: Ukrainian language module for the datetime2 package
    1871  *     datetime2-usorbian: Upper Sorbian language module for the datetime2 package
    1872  *     datetime2-welsh: Welsh language module for the datetime2 package
    1873  *     dblfloatfix: Fixes for twocolumn floats
    1874  *     dbshow: A package to store and display data with custom filters, orders, and styles
    1875  *     debate: Debates between reviewers
    1876  *     decimal: LaTeX package for the English raised decimal point
    1877  *     decorule: Decorative swelled rule using font character
    1878  *     delimtxt: Read and parse text tables
    1879  *     democodetools: Package for LaTeX code documentation
    1880  *     denisbdoc: A personal dirty package for documenting packages
    1881  *     diabetes-logbook: A logbook for people with type one diabetes
    1882  *     diagbox: Table heads with diagonal lines
    1883  *     diagnose: A diagnostic tool for a TeX installation
    1884  *     dialogl: Macros for constructing interactive LaTeX scripts
    1885  *     dichokey: Construct dichotomous identification keys
    1886  *     dimnum: Commands for dimensionless numbers
    1887  *     dinbrief: German letter DIN style
    1888  *     directory: An address book using BibTeX
    1889  *     dirtytalk: A package to typeset quotations easier
    1890  *     dlfltxb: Macros related to "Introdktion til LaTeX"
    1891  *     dnaseq: Format DNA base sequences
    1892  *     doclicense: Support for putting documents under a license
    1893  *     docmfp: Document non-LaTeX code
    1894  *     docmute: Input files ignoring LaTeX preamble, etc
    1895  *     docshots: TeX samples next to their PDF Snapshots
    1896  *     doctools: Tools for the documentation of LaTeX code
    1897  *     documentation: Documentation support for C, Java and assembler code
    1898  *     docutils: Helper commands and element definitions for Docutils LaTeX output
    1899  *     doi: Create correct hyperlinks for DOI numbers
    1900  *     dotarrow: Extendable dotted arrows
    1901  *     dotlessi: Provides dotless i's and j's for use in any math font
    1902  *     dotseqn: Flush left equations with dotted leaders to the numbers
    1903  *     download: Allow LaTeX to download files using an external process
    1904  *     dox: Extend the doc package
    1905  *     dpfloat: Support for double-page floats
    1906  *     dprogress: LaTeX-relevant log information for debugging
    1907  *     drac: Declare active character substitution, robustly
    1908  *     draftcopy: Identify draft copies
    1909  *     draftfigure: Replace figures with a white box and additional features
    1910  *     draftwatermark: Put a grey textual watermark on document pages
    1911  *     dtk: Document class for the journal of DANTE
    1912  *     dtxdescribe: Describe additional object types in dtx source files
    1913  *     dtxgallery: A small collection of minimal DTX examples
    1914  *     ducksay: Draw ASCII art of animals saying a specified message
    1915  *     duckuments: Create duckified dummy content
    1916  *     dvdcoll: A class for typesetting DVD archives
    1917  *     dynamicnumber: Dynamically typeset numbers and values in LaTeX through "symbolic links"
    1918  *     dynblocks: A simple way to create dynamic blocks for Beamer
    1919  *     ean13isbn: Print EAN13 for ISBN
    1920  *     easy: A collection of easy-to-use macros
    1921  *     easy-todo: To-do notes in a document
    1922  *     easybook: Easily typesetting Chinese theses or books
    1923  *     easyfig: Simplifying the use of common figures
    1924  *     easyfloats: An easier interface to insert figures, tables and other objects in LaTeX
    1925  *     easyformat: Easily add boldface, italics and smallcaps
    1926  *     easylist: Lists using a single active character
    1927  *     easyreview: Package to provide a way to review (or perform editorial process) in LaTeX
    1928  *     ebezier: Device independent picture environment enhancement
    1929  *     ecclesiastic: Typesetting Ecclesiastic Latin
    1930  *     econlipsum: Generate sentences from economic articles
    1931  *     ecv: A fancy Curriculum Vitae class
    1932  *     ed: Editorial Notes for LaTeX documents
    1933  *     edichokey: Typeset dichotomous identification keys
    1934  *     edmargin: Multiple series of endnotes for critical editions
    1935  *     eemeir: Adjust the gender of words in a document
    1936  *     efbox: Extension of \fbox, with controllable frames and colours
    1937  *     egplot: Encapsulate Gnuplot sources in LaTeX documents
    1938  *     ehhline: Extend the \hhline command
    1939  *     einfart: Write your articles in a simple and clear way
    1940  *     elements: Provides properties of chemical elements
    1941  *     ellipsis: Fix uneven spacing around ellipses in LaTeX text mode
    1942  *     elmath: Mathematics in Greek texts
    1943  *     elocalloc: Local allocation macros for LaTeX 2015
    1944  *     elpres: A simple class for electronic presentations
    1945  *     elzcards: Typeset business cards, index cards and flash cards easily
    1946  *     emarks: Named mark registers with e-TeX
    1947  *     embedall: Embed source files into the generated PDF
    1948  *     embedfile: Embed files into PDF
    1949  *     embrac: Upright brackets in emphasised text
    1950  *     emptypage: Make empty pages really empty
    1951  *     emulateapj: Produce output similar to that of APJ
    1952  *     endfloat: Move floats to the end, leaving markers where they belong
    1953  *     endheads: Running headers of the form "Notes to pp.xx-yy"
    1954  *     endnotes: Place footnotes at the end
    1955  *     endnotes-hy: Patches the endnotes package to create hypertext links to the correct anchors
    1956  *     engpron: Helps to type the pronunciation of English words
    1957  *     engrec: Enumerate with lower- or uppercase Greek letters
    1958  *     enotez: Support for end-notes
    1959  *     enumitem: Control layout of itemize, enumerate, description
    1960  *     enumitem-zref: Extended references to items for enumitem package
    1961  *     envbig: Printing addresses on envelopes
    1962  *     environ: A new interface for environments in LaTeX
    1963  *     envlab: Addresses on envelopes or mailing labels
    1964  *     epigraph: A package for typesetting epigraphs
    1965  *     epigraph-keys: Epigraphs using key values
    1966  *     epiolmec: Typesetting the Epi-Olmec Language
    1967  *     eq-pin2corr: Add PIN security to the "Correct" button of a quiz created by exerquiz
    1968  *     eqell: Sympathetically spaced ellipsis after punctuation
    1969  *     eqlist: Description lists with equal indentation
    1970  *     eqnalign: Make eqnarray behave like align
    1971  *     eqname: Name tags for equations
    1972  *     eqparbox: Create equal-widthed parboxes
    1973  *     errata: Error markup for LaTeX documents
    1974  *     erw-l3: Utilities based on LaTeX3
    1975  *     esami: Typeset exams with scrambled questions and answers
    1976  *     esdiff: Simplify typesetting of derivatives
    1977  *     esieecv: Curriculum vitae for French use
    1978  *     esindex: Typset index entries in Spanish documents
    1979  *     esint: Extended set of integrals for Computer Modern
    1980  *     esint-type1: Font esint10 in Type 1 format
    1981  *     etaremune: Reverse-counting enumerate environment
    1982  *     etextools: e-TeX tools for LaTeX users and package writers
    1983  *     etl: Expandable token list operations
    1984  *     etoc: Completely customisable TOCs
    1985  *     eukdate: UK format dates, with weekday
    1986  *     eulerpx: A modern interface for the Euler math fonts
    1987  *     europasscv: Unofficial class for the new version of the Europass curriculum vitae
    1988  *     europecv: Unofficial class for European curricula vitae
    1989  *     everyhook: Hooks for standard TeX token lists
    1990  *     everypage: Provide hooks to be run on every page of a document
    1991  *     exam: Package for typesetting exam scripts
    1992  *     exam-lite: Quicker preparation of exams in LaTeX
    1993  *     exam-n: Exam class, focused on collaborative authoring
    1994  *     exam-randomizechoices: Randomize mc choices using the exam class
    1995  *     examdesign: LaTeX class for typesetting exams
    1996  *     example: Typeset examples for TeX courses
    1997  *     examplep: Verbatim phrases and listings in LaTeX
    1998  *     exceltex: Get data from Excel files into LaTeX
    1999  *     excludeonly: Prevent files being \include-ed
    2000  *     exercise: Typeset exercises, problems, etc. and their answers
    2001  *     exercisebank: Creating and managing exercises, and reusing them as composed sets
    2002  *     exercisepoints: A LaTeX package to count exercises and points
    2003  *     exercises: Typeset exercises and solutions with automatic addition of points
    2004  *     exesheet: Typesetting exercise or exam sheets
    2005  *     exframe: Framework for exercise problems
    2006  *     exp-testopt: Expandable \@testopt (and related) macros
    2007  *     expdlist: Expanded description environments
    2008  *     export: Import and export values of LaTeX registers
    2009  *     exsheets: Create exercise sheets and exams
    2010  *     exsol: Exercises and solutions from the same source, into a book
    2011  *     extract: Extract parts of a document and write to another document
    2012  *     facsimile: Document class for preparing faxes
    2013  *     factura: Typeset and calculate invoices according to Venezuelan law
    2014  *     familytree: Draw family trees
    2015  *     fancyhandout: A LaTeX class for producing nice-looking handouts
    2016  *     fancylabel: Complex labelling with LaTeX
    2017  *     fancynum: Typeset numbers
    2018  *     fancypar: Decoration of individual paragraphs
    2019  *     fancyqr: Fancy QR-Codes with TikZ
    2020  *     fancyslides: Custom presentation class built upon LaTeX Beamer
    2021  *     fancytabs: Fancy page border tabs
    2022  *     fancytooltips: Include a wide range of material in PDF tooltips
    2023  *     fbox: Extended \fbox macro from standard LaTeX
    2024  *     fcolumn: Typesetting financial tables
    2025  *     fetchcls: Fetch the current class name
    2026  *     fewerfloatpages: Reduce the number of unnecessary float pages
    2027  *     ffcode: Fixed-font code blocks formatted nicely
    2028  *     ffslides: Freeform slides based on the article class
    2029  *     fgruler: Draw rulers on the foreground or in the text
    2030  *     fifo-stack: FIFO and stack implementation for package writers
    2031  *     figsize: Auto-size graphics
    2032  *     filecontents: Create an external file from within a LaTeX document
    2033  *     filecontentsdef: filecontents + macro + verbatim
    2034  *     filedate: Access and compare info and modification dates
    2035  *     fileinfo: Enhanced display of LaTeX File Information
    2036  *     filemod: Provide file modification times, and compare them
    2037  *     fink: The LaTeX2e File Name Keeper
    2038  *     finstrut: Adjust behaviour of the ends of footnotes
    2039  *     fistrum: Access to 150 paragraphs of Lorem Fistrum very dummy text
    2040  *     fithesis: Thesis class and template for Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic)
    2041  *     fixcmex: Fully scalable version of Computer Modern Math Extension font
    2042  *     fixfoot: Multiple use of the same footnote text
    2043  *     fixme: Collaborative annotation tool for LaTeX
    2044  *     fixmetodonotes: Add notes on document development
    2045  *     fjodor: A selection of layout styles
    2046  *     flabels: Labels for files and folders
    2047  *     flacards: Generate flashcards for printing
    2048  *     flagderiv: Flag style derivation package
    2049  *     flashcards: A class for typesetting flashcards
    2050  *     flashmovie: Directly embed flash movies into PDF files
    2051  *     flexipage: Flexible page geometry with marginalia
    2052  *     flipbook: Typeset flipbook animations, in the corners of documents
    2053  *     flippdf: Horizontal flipping of pages with pdfLaTeX
    2054  *     floatflt: Wrap text around floats
    2055  *     floatrow: Modifying the layout of floats
    2056  *     flowfram: Create text frames for posters, brochures or magazines
    2057  *     fmp: Include Functional MetaPost in LaTeX
    2058  *     fmtcount: Display the value of a LaTeX counter in a variety of formats
    2059  *     fn2end: Convert footnotes to endnotes
    2060  *     fnbreak: Warn for split footnotes
    2061  *     fncychap: Seven predefined chapter heading styles
    2062  *     fncylab: Alter the format of \label references
    2063  *     fnpara: Footnotes in paragraphs
    2064  *     fnpct: Manage footnote marks' interaction with punctuation
    2065  *     fnumprint: Print a number in 'appropriate' format
    2066  *     foilhtml: Interface between foiltex and LaTeX2HTML
    2067  *     foliono: Use folio numbers to replace page numbers
    2068  *     fontaxes: Additional font axes for LaTeX
    2069  *     fontsetup: A front-end to fontspec, for selected fonts with math support
    2070  *     fontsize: A small package to set arbitrary sizes for the main font of the document
    2071  *     fonttable: Print font tables from a LaTeX document
    2072  *     footmisc: A range of footnote options
    2073  *     footmisx: A range of footnote options
    2074  *     footnotebackref: Back-references from footnotes
    2075  *     footnoterange: References to ranges of footnotes
    2076  *     footnpag: Per-page numbering of footnotes
    2077  *     forarray: Using array structures in LaTeX
    2078  *     foreign: Systematic treatment of 'foreign' words in documents
    2079  *     forloop: Iteration in LaTeX
    2080  *     formlett: Letters to multiple recipients
    2081  *     forms16be: Initialize form properties using big-endian encoding
    2082  *     formular: Create forms containing field for manual entry
    2083  *     fragments: Fragments of LaTeX code
    2084  *     frame: Framed boxes for Plain TeX
    2085  *     framed: Framed or shaded regions that can break across pages
    2086  *     frankenstein: A collection of LaTeX packages
    2087  *     frege: Typeset fregean Begriffsschrift
    2088  *     froufrou: Fancy section separators
    2089  *     ftcap: Allows \caption at the beginning of a table-environment
    2090  *     ftnxtra: Extend the applicability of the \footnote command
    2091  *     fullblck: Left-blocking for letter class
    2092  *     fullminipage: Minipage spanning a complete page
    2093  *     fullwidth: Adjust margins of text block
    2094  *     functional: Provide an intuitive functional programming interface for LaTeX2
    2095  *     fundus-calligra: Support for the calligra font in LaTeX documents
    2096  *     fundus-cyr: Support for Washington University Cyrillic fonts
    2097  *     fundus-sueterlin: Sutterlin
    2098  *     fvextra: Extensions and patches for fancyvrb
    2099  *     fwlw: Get first and last words of a page
    2100  *     g-brief: Letter document class
    2101  *     gatherenum: A crossover of align* and enumerate
    2102  *     gauss: A package for Gaussian operations
    2103  *     gcard: Arrange text on a sheet to fold into a greeting card
    2104  *     gcite: Citations in a reader-friendly style
    2105  *     gender: Gender neutrality for languages with grammatical gender
    2106  *     genmpage: Generalization of LaTeX's minipages
    2107  *     gensymb: Generic symbols for both text and math mode
    2108  *     getfiledate: Find the date of last modification of a file
    2109  *     getitems: Gathering items from a list-like environment
    2110  *     gindex: Formatting indexes
    2111  *     ginpenc: Modification of inputenc for German
    2112  *     gitfile-info: Get git metadata for a specific file
    2113  *     gitinfo: Access metadata from the git distributed version control system
    2114  *     gitinfo2: Access metadata from the git distributed version control system
    2115  *     gitlog: Typesetting git changelogs
    2116  *     gitstatus: Include Git information in the document as watermark or via variables
    2117  *     gitver: Get the current git hash of a project and typeset it in the document
    2118  *     globalvals: Declare global variables
    2119  *     gloss: Create glossaries using BibTeX
    2120  *     glossaries: Create glossaries and lists of acronyms
    2121  *     glossaries-danish: Danish language module for glossaries package
    2122  *     glossaries-dutch: Dutch language module for glossaries package
    2123  *     glossaries-english: English language module for glossaries package
    2124  *     glossaries-estonian: Estonian language module for glossaries package
    2125  *     glossaries-extra: An extension to the glossaries package
    2126  *     glossaries-finnish: Finnish language module for glossaries package
    2127  *     glossaries-french: French language module for glossaries package
    2128  *     glossaries-german: German language module for glossaries package
    2129  *     glossaries-irish: Irish language module for glossaries package
    2130  *     glossaries-italian: Italian language module for glossaries package
    2131  *     glossaries-magyar: Magyar language module for glossaries package
    2132  *     glossaries-nynorsk: Nynorsk language module for the glossaries package
    2133  *     glossaries-polish: Polish language module for glossaries package
    2134  *     glossaries-portuges: Portuges language module for glossaries package
    2135  *     glossaries-serbian: Serbian language module for glossaries package
    2136  *     glossaries-slovene: Slovene language module for glossaries package
    2137  *     glossaries-spanish: Spanish language module for glossaries package
    2138  *     gmdoc: Documentation of LaTeX packages
    2139  *     gmdoc-enhance: Some enhancements to the gmdoc package
    2140  *     gmiflink: Simplify usage of \hypertarget and \hyperlink
    2141  *     gmutils: Support macros for other packages
    2142  *     gmverb: A variant of LaTeX \verb, verbatim and shortvrb
    2143  *     grabbox: Read an argument into a box and execute the code afterwards
    2144  *     gradient-text: Decorate text with linear gradient colors
    2145  *     grading-scheme: Typeset grading schemes in tabular format
    2146  *     graphbox: Extend graphicx to improve placement of graphics
    2147  *     graphicscache: Cache includegraphics calls
    2148  *     graphicx-psmin: Reduce size of PostScript files by not repeating images
    2149  *     graphicxbox: Insert a graphical image as a background
    2150  *     graphpaper: A LaTeX class to generate several types of graph papers
    2151  *     grayhints: Produce 'gray hints' to a variable text field
    2152  *     grfpaste: Include fragments of a dvi file
    2153  *     grid: Grid typesetting in LaTeX
    2154  *     grid-system: Page organisation, modelled on CSS facilities
    2155  *     gridpapers: Graph paper backgrounds and color schemes
    2156  *     gridset: Grid, a.k.a. in-register, setting
    2157  *     gridslides: Free form slides with blocks placed on a grid
    2158  *     gs1: Typeset EAN barcodes using TeX rules, only
    2159  *     guitlogo: Macros for typesetting the GuIT logo
    2160  *     ha-prosper: Patches and improvements for prosper
    2161  *     hackthefootline: Footline selection and configuration for LaTeX beamer's standard themes
    2162  *     halloweenmath: Scary and creepy math symbols with AMS-LaTeX integration
    2163  *     handin: Light weight template for creating school submissions using LaTeX
    2164  *     handout: Create handout for auditors of a talk
    2165  *     handoutwithnotes: Create Handouts with notes from your LaTeX beamer presentation
    2166  *     hang: Environments for hanging paragraphs and list items
    2167  *     hanging: Hanging paragraphs
    2168  *     hardwrap: Hard wrap text to a certain character length
    2169  *     harnon-cv: A CV document class with a vertical timeline for experience
    2170  *     harpoon: Extra harpoons, using the graphics package
    2171  *     hc: Replacement for the LaTeX classes
    2172  *     he-she: Alternating pronouns to aid gender-neutral writing
    2173  *     hep-acronym: An acronym extension for glossaries
    2174  *     hep-float: Convenience package for float placement
    2175  *     hep-math: Extended math macros
    2176  *     hep-text: List and text extensions
    2177  *     hep-title: Extensions for the title page
    2178  *     hereapplies: A LaTeX package for referencing groups of pages that share something in common
    2179  *     hhtensor: Print vectors, matrices, and tensors
    2180  *     hideanswer: Generate documents with and without answers by toggling a switch
    2181  *     highlightlatex: Syntax highlighting for LaTeX
    2182  *     histogr: Draw histograms with the LaTeX picture environment
    2183  *     hitec: Class for documentation
    2184  *     hitreport: Harbin Institute of Technology Report LaTeX Template
    2185  *     hletter: Flexible letter typesetting with flexible page headings
    2186  *     hobsub: Construct package bundles
    2187  *     hpsdiss: A dissertation class
    2188  *     href-ul: Underscored LaTeX hyperlinks
    2189  *     hrefhide: Suppress hyper links when printing
    2190  *     huawei: Template for Huawei documents
    2191  *     hvextern: Write and execute external code, and insert the output
    2192  *     hvindex: Support for indexing
    2193  *     hvlogos: Print TeX-related names as logo
    2194  *     hvpygmentex: Syntax-Highlighting of program code
    2195  *     hvqrurl: Insert a QR code in the margin
    2196  *     hwemoji: Unicode emoji support for pdfLaTeX with sequences
    2197  *     hypdestopt: Hyperref destination optimizer
    2198  *     hypdoc: Hyper extensions for doc.sty
    2199  *     hypdvips: Hyperref extensions for use with dvips
    2200  *     hyper: Hypertext cross referencing
    2201  *     hyperbar: Add interactive Barcode fields to PDF forms
    2202  *     hypernat: Allow hyperref and natbib to work together
    2203  *     hyperxmp: Embed XMP metadata within a LaTeX document
    2204  *     hyphenat: Disable/enable hypenation
    2205  *     identkey: Typesetting bracketed dichotomous identification keys
    2206  *     idxcmds: Semantic commands for adding formatted index entries
    2207  *     idxlayout: Configurable index layout, responsive to KOMA-Script and memoir
    2208  *     iexec: Execute shell commands and input their output
    2209  *     ifallfalse: Compare a string against a set of other strings
    2210  *     iffont: Conditionally load fonts with fontspec
    2211  *     ifmslide: Presentation slides for screen and printouts
    2212  *     ifmtarg: If-then-else command for processing potentially empty arguments
    2213  *     ifnextok: Utility macro: peek ahead without ignoring spaces
    2214  *     ifoddpage: Determine if the current page is odd or even
    2215  *     ifthenx: Extra tests for \ifthenelse
    2216  *     iitem: Multiple level of lists in one list-like environment
    2217  *     image-gallery: Create an overview of pictures from a digital camera or from other sources
    2218  *     imakeidx: A package for producing multiple indexes
    2219  *     import: Establish input relative to a directory
    2220  *     incgraph: Sophisticated graphics inclusion in a PDF document
    2221  *     indextools: Producing multiple indices
    2222  *     inline-images: Inline images in base64 encoding
    2223  *     inlinedef: Inline expansions within definitions
    2224  *     inlinelabel: Assign equation numbers to inline equations
    2225  *     inputenx: Enhanced input encoding handling
    2226  *     inputtrc: Trace which file loads which
    2227  *     interactiveworkbook: LaTeX-based interactive PDF on the Web
    2228  *     interfaces: Set parameters for other packages, conveniently
    2229  *     intopdf: Embed non-PDF files into PDF with hyperlink
    2230  *     inversepath: Calculate inverse file paths
    2231  *     invoice: Generate invoices
    2232  *     invoice-class: Produces a standard US invoice from a CSV file
    2233  *     invoice2: Intelligent invoices with LaTeX3
    2234  *     iso: Generic ISO standards typesetting macros
    2235  *     iso10303: Typesetting the STEP standards
    2236  *     isodate: Tune the output format of dates according to language
    2237  *     isodoc: A LaTeX class for typesetting letters and invoices
    2238  *     isonums: Display numbers in maths mode according to ISO 31-0
    2239  *     isopt: Writing a TeX length with a space between number and unit
    2240  *     isorot: Rotation of document elements
    2241  *     isotope: A package for typesetting isotopes
    2242  *     issuulinks: Produce external links instead of internal ones
    2243  *     iwhdp: Halle Institute for Economic Research (IWH) Discussion Papers
    2244  *     jlabels: Make letter-sized pages of labels
    2245  *     jmsdelim: A package for compositional delimiter sizing
    2246  *     jobname-suffix: Compile differently based on the filename
    2247  *     jslectureplanner: Creation and management of university course material
    2248  *     jumplines: Articles with teasers and continuation later on
    2249  *     jvlisting: A replacement for LaTeX's verbatim package
    2250  *     kalendarium: Print dates according to the classical Latin calendar
    2251  *     kantlipsum: Generate sentences in Kant's style
    2252  *     kerntest: Print tables and generate control files to adjust kernings
    2253  *     keycommand: Simple creation of commands with key-value arguments
    2254  *     keyfloat: Provides a key/value interface for generating floats
    2255  *     keyindex: Index entries by key lookup
    2256  *     keyparse: Key based parser
    2257  *     keyreader: A robust interface to xkeyval
    2258  *     keystroke: Graphical representation of keys on keyboard
    2259  *     keyval2e: A lightweight and robust key-value parser
    2260  *     keyvaltable: Re-usable table layouts separating content and presentation
    2261  *     kix: Typeset KIX codes
    2262  *     knowledge: Displaying, hyperlinking, and indexing notions in a document
    2263  *     koma-moderncvclassic: Makes the style and command of moderncv (style classic) available for koma-classes and thus compatible with BibLaTeX
    2264  *     koma-script-sfs: Koma-script letter class option for Finnish
    2265  *     komacv: Typesetting a beautiful CV with various style options
    2266  *     komacv-rg: LaTeX packages that aid in creating CVs based on the komacv class and creating related documents
    2267  *     ktv-texdata: Extract subsets of documents
    2268  *     l3build: A testing and building system for (La)TeX
    2269  *     labbook: Typeset laboratory journals
    2270  *     labels: Print sheets of sticky labels
    2271  *     labels4easylist: Add reference labels to easylist items
    2272  *     labelschanged: Identify labels which cause endless "may have changed" warnings
    2273  *     lambdax: Use Lambda expression within LaTeX
    2274  *     lastpackage: Indicates the last loaded package
    2275  *     lastpage: Reference last page for Page N of M type footers
    2276  *     latex-amsmath-dev: Development pre-release of the LaTeX amsmath bundle
    2277  *     latex-base-dev: Development pre-release of the LaTeX kernel
    2278  *     latex-bin-dev: LaTeX pre-release executables and formats
    2279  *     latex-firstaid-dev: Development pre-release of the LaTeX firstaid package
    2280  *     latex-graphics-dev: Development pre-release of the LaTeX graphics bundle
    2281  *     latex-lab-dev: LaTeX laboratory: Development pre-release
    2282  *     latex-tools-dev: Development pre-release of the LaTeX tools bundle
    2283  *     latex-uni8: Universal inputenc, fontenc, and babel for pdfLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
    2284  *     latexcolors: Use color definitions from
    2285  *     latexdemo: Demonstrate LaTeX code with its resulting output
    2286  *     latexgit: A LaTeX git wrapper
    2287  *     layouts: Display various elements of a document's layout
    2288  *     lazylist: Lists in TeX's "mouth"
    2289  *     lccaps: Lowercased (spaced) small capitals
    2290  *     lcd: Alphanumerical LCD-style displays
    2291  *     lcg: Generate random integers
    2292  *     leading: Define leading with a length
    2293  *     leaflet: Create small handouts (flyers)
    2294  *     lebhart: Write your articles in a colorful way
    2295  *     lectures: A document class for quickly drafting nice looking lecture notes
    2296  *     lectureslides: Combine single PDF files into one file
    2297  *     leftidx: Left and right subscripts and superscripts in math mode
    2298  *     leftindex: Left indices with better spacing
    2299  *     leipzig: Typeset and index linguistic gloss abbreviations
    2300  *     lengthconvert: Express lengths in arbitrary units
    2301  *     lettre: Letters and faxes in French
    2302  *     lettrine: Typeset dropped capitals
    2303  *     lewis: Draw Lewis structures
    2304  *     lhelp: Miscellaneous helper packages
    2305  *     libgreek: Greek letters in math mode from Libertinus or Linux Libertine/Biolinum
    2306  *     limap: Typeset maps and blocks according to the Information Mapping(r) method
    2307  *     linegoal: A "dimen" that returns the space left on the line
    2308  *     linop: Typeset linear operators as they appear in quantum theory or linear algebra
    2309  *     lipsum: Easy access to the Lorem Ipsum and other dummy texts
    2310  *     lisp-on-tex: Execute LISP code in a LaTeX document
    2311  *     listing: Produce formatted program listings
    2312  *     listingsutf8: Allow UTF-8 in listings input
    2313  *     listlbls: Creates a list of all labels used throughout a document
    2314  *     listliketab: Typeset lists as tables
    2315  *     listofsymbols: Create and manipulate lists of symbols
    2316  *     lkproof: LK Proof figure macros
    2317  *     lmake: Process lists to do repetitive actions
    2318  *     locality: Various macros for keeping things local
    2319  *     logbox: e-TeX showbox facilities for exploration purposes
    2320  *     logical-markup-utils: Packages for language-dependent inline quotes and dashes
    2321  *     logpap: Generate logarithmic graph paper with LaTeX
    2322  *     longfbox: Draw framed boxes with standard CSS attributes that can break over multiple pages
    2323  *     longfigure: Provides a figure-like environment that break over pages
    2324  *     longnamefilelist: Tidy \listfiles with long file names
    2325  *     loops: General looping macros for use with LaTeX
    2326  *     lsc: Typesetting Live Sequence Charts
    2327  *     lstaddons: Add-on packages for listings: autogobble and line background
    2328  *     lstfiracode: Use Fira Code font for listings
    2329  *     lt3graph: Provide a graph datastructure for experimental LaTeX3
    2330  *     lt3rawobjects: Objects and proxies in LaTeX3
    2331  *     ltablex: Table package extensions
    2332  *     ltabptch: Bug fix for longtable
    2333  *     ltxdockit: Documentation support
    2334  *     ltxguidex: An extended ltxguide class
    2335  *     ltxkeys: A robust key parser for LaTeX
    2336  *     ltxnew: A simple means of creating commands
    2337  *     ltxtools: A collection of LaTeX API macros
    2338  *     lua-check-hyphen: Mark hyphenations in a document, for checking
    2339  *     lua-physical: Functions and objects for the computation of physical quantities
    2340  *     luatodonotes: Add editing annotations in a LuaLaTeX document
    2341  *     macrolist: List operations for LaTeX2e
    2342  *     macroswap: Swap the definitions of two LaTeX macros
    2343  *     magaz: Magazine layout
    2344  *     magicnum: Access TeX systems' "magic numbers"
    2345  *     magicwatermark: An easy and flexible way to set watermarks
    2346  *     mailing: Macros for mail merging
    2347  *     mailmerge: Repeating text field substitution
    2348  *     makebarcode: Print various kinds 2/5 and Code 39 bar codes
    2349  *     makebase: Typeset counters in a different base
    2350  *     makebox: Defines a \makebox* command
    2351  *     makecell: Tabular column heads and multilined cells
    2352  *     makecirc: A MetaPost library for drawing electrical circuit diagrams
    2353  *     makecmds: The new \makecommand command always (re)defines a command
    2354  *     makecookbook: Make a Cookbook
    2355  *     makedtx: Perl script to help generate dtx and ins files
    2356  *     makeglos: Include a glossary into a document
    2357  *     makelabels: Add a '\makelabels' feature to KOMA-Script letter classes and package
    2358  *     makerobust: Making a macro robust (legacy package)
    2359  *     mandi: Macros for introductory physics and astronomy
    2360  *     manfnt: LaTeX support for the TeX book symbols
    2361  *     manuscript: Emulate look of a document typed on a typewriter
    2362  *     manyind: Provides support for many indexes
    2363  *     marginfit: Improved margin notes
    2364  *     marginfix: Patch \marginpar to avoid overfull margins
    2365  *     marginnote: Notes in the margin, even where \marginpar fails
    2366  *     markdown: Converting and rendering markdown documents inside TeX
    2367  *     mathalpha: General package for loading maths alphabets in LaTeX
    2368  *     mathastext: Use the text font in maths mode
    2369  *     mathexam: Package for typesetting exams
    2370  *     mathfam256: Extend math family up to 256 for pLaTeX/upLaTeX/Lamed
    2371  *     mathfont: Use TrueType and OpenType fonts in math mode
    2372  *     maybemath: Make math bold or italic according to context
    2373  *     mcaption: Put captions in the margin
    2374  *     mceinleger: Creating covers for music cassettes
    2375  *     mcexam: Create randomized Multiple Choice questions
    2376  *     mcite: Multiple items in a single citation
    2377  *     mciteplus: Enhanced multiple citations
    2378  *     mdframed: Framed environments that can split at page boundaries
    2379  *     media4svg: Multimedia inclusion for the dvisvgm backend
    2380  *     media9: Multimedia inclusion package with Adobe Reader-9/X compatibility
    2381  *     medstarbeamer: Beamer document class for MedStar Health Research Institute
    2382  *     meetingmins: Format written minutes of meetings
    2383  *     memexsupp: Experimental memoir support
    2384  *     memory: Containers for data in LaTeX
    2385  *     mensa-tex: Typeset simple school cafeteria menus
    2386  *     menu: Typesetting menus
    2387  *     menucard: Typesetting menu cards with LaTeX
    2388  *     menukeys: Format menu sequences, paths and keystrokes from lists
    2389  *     metalogox: Adjust TeX logos, with font detection
    2390  *     metanorma: Write Metanorma standardization documents using LaTe
    2391  *     metastr: Store and compose strings
    2392  *     method: Typeset method and variable declarations
    2393  *     metre: Support for the work of classicists
    2394  *     mfirstuc: Uppercase the first letter of a word
    2395  *     mftinc: Pretty-print Metafont source
    2396  *     mi-solns: Extract solutions from exercises and quizzes
    2397  *     midpage: Environment for vertical centring
    2398  *     mindflow: Write your ideas in a clear way
    2399  *     minibox: A simple type of box for LaTeX
    2400  *     minidocument: Creates miniature documents inside other LaTeX documents
    2401  *     minifp: Fixed-point real computations to 8 decimals
    2402  *     minimalist: Write your articles or books in a simple and clear way
    2403  *     minipage-marginpar: Minipages with marginal notes
    2404  *     minitoc: Produce a table of contents for each chapter, part or section
    2405  *     minorrevision: Quote and refer to a manuscript for minor revisions
    2406  *     minted: Highlighted source code for LaTeX
    2407  *     minutes: Typeset the minutes of meetings
    2408  *     mla-paper: Proper MLA formatting
    2409  *     mleftright: Variants of delimiters that act as maths open/close
    2410  *     mlist: Logical markup for lists
    2411  *     mmap: Include CMap resources in PDF files from pdfTeX
    2412  *     mnotes: Margin annotation for collaborative writing
    2413  *     moderncv: A modern curriculum vitae class
    2414  *     modernposter: A modern LaTeX poster theme
    2415  *     moderntimeline: Timelines for use with moderncv
    2416  *     modref: Customisation of cross-references in LaTeX
    2417  *     modroman: Write numbers in lower case roman numerals
    2418  *     modular: Relative section headings for modular documents
    2419  *     monofill: Alignment of plain text
    2420  *     moodle: Generating Moodle quizzes via LaTeX
    2421  *     moreenum: More enumeration options
    2422  *     morefloats: Increase the number of simultaneous LaTeX floats
    2423  *     morehype: Hypertext tools for use with LaTeX
    2424  *     moresize: Allows font sizes up to 35.83pt
    2425  *     moreverb: Extended verbatim
    2426  *     morewrites: Always room for a new write stream
    2427  *     movie15: Multimedia inclusion package
    2428  *     mparhack: Work around a LaTeX bug in marginpars
    2429  *     mpostinl: Embed MetaPost figures within LaTeX documents
    2430  *     msc: Draw MSC diagrams
    2431  *     msg: A package for LaTeX localisation
    2432  *     mslapa: Michael Landy's APA citation style
    2433  *     mtgreek: Use italic and upright greek letters with mathtime
    2434  *     multenum: Multi-column enumerated lists
    2435  *     multiaudience: Several versions of output from the same source
    2436  *     multibbl: Multiple bibliographies
    2437  *     multicap: Format captions inside multicols
    2438  *     multicolrule: Decorative rules between columns
    2439  *     multidef: Quickly define several similar macros
    2440  *     multienv: Multiple environments using a "key=value" syntax
    2441  *     multiexpand: Variations on the primitive command \expandafter
    2442  *     multifootnote: Multiple numbers for the same footnote
    2443  *     multilang: A LaTeX package for maintaining multiple translations of a document
    2444  *     multiple-choice: LaTeX package for multiple-choice questions
    2445  *     multirow: Create tabular cells spanning multiple rows
    2446  *     mversion: Keeping track of document versions
    2447  *     mwe: Packages and image files for MWEs
    2448  *     mycv: A list-driven CV class, allowing TikZ decorations
    2449  *     mylatex: Make a format containing a document's preamble
    2450  *     mylatexformat: Build a format based on the preamble of a LaTeX file
    2451  *     nag: Detecting and warning about obsolete LaTeX commands
    2452  *     nameauth: Name authority mechanism for consistency in body text and index
    2453  *     namespc: Rudimentary C++-like namespaces in LaTeX
    2454  *     ncclatex: An extended general-purpose class
    2455  *     ncctools: A collection of general packages for LaTeX
    2456  *     needspace: Insert pagebreak if not enough space
    2457  *     nestquot: Alternate quotes between double and single with nesting
    2458  *     newcommand: Generate new LaTeX command definitions
    2459  *     newenviron: Processing an environment's body
    2460  *     newfile: User level management of LaTeX input and output
    2461  *     newlfm: Write letters, facsimiles, and memos
    2462  *     newspaper: Typeset newsletters to resemble newspapers
    2463  *     newunicodechar: Definitions of the meaning of Unicode characters
    2464  *     newvbtm: Define your own verbatim-like environment
    2465  *     newverbs: Define new versions of \verb, including short verb versions
    2466  *     nextpage: Generalisations of the page advance commands
    2467  *     nfssext-cfr: Extensions to the LaTeX NFSS
    2468  *     nicefilelist: Provide \listfiles alignment
    2469  *     niceframe: Support for fancy frames
    2470  *     nicetext: Minimal markup for simple text (Wikipedia style) and documentation
    2471  *     nidanfloat: Bottom placement option for double float in two column mode (nidan-kumi)
    2472  *     ninecolors: Select colors with proper WCAG color contrast
    2473  *     nlctdoc: Package documentation class
    2474  *     noconflict: Resolve macro name conflict between packages
    2475  *     noindentafter: Prevent paragraph indentation after environments or macros
    2476  *     noitcrul: Improved underlines in mathematics
    2477  *     nolbreaks: No line breaks in text
    2478  *     nomencl: Produce lists of symbols as in nomenclature
    2479  *     nomentbl: Nomenclature typeset in a longtable
    2480  *     nonfloat: Non-floating table and figure captions
    2481  *     nonumonpart: Prevent page numbers on part pages
    2482  *     nopageno: No page numbers in LaTeX documents
    2483  *     normalcolor: Changing \normalcolor
    2484  *     notes: Mark sections of a document
    2485  *     notespages: Filling documents with notes pages and notes areas
    2486  *     notestex: An all-in-one LaTeX notes package for students
    2487  *     notoccite: Prevent trouble from citations in table of contents, etc
    2488  *     nowidow: Avoid widows
    2489  *     nox: Adaptable tables
    2490  *     ntheorem: Enhanced theorem environment
    2491  *     numberedblock: Print a block of code, with unique index number
    2492  *     numname: Convert a number to its English expression
    2493  *     numprint: Print numbers with separators and exponent if necessary
    2494  *     numspell: Spelling cardinal and ordinal numbers
    2495  *     ocg-p: PDF OCG support in LaTeX
    2496  *     ocgx: Use OCGs within a PDF document without JavaScript
    2497  *     ocgx2: Drop-in replacement for 'ocgx' and 'ocg-p'
    2498  *     ocr-latex: LaTeX support for ocr fonts
    2499  *     octavo: Typeset books following classical design and layout
    2500  *     oldstyle: Old style numbers in OT1 encoding
    2501  *     onlyamsmath: Inhibit use of non-amsmath mathematics markup when using amsmath
    2502  *     opcit: Footnote-style bibliographical references
    2503  *     opencolor: Definitions from the Open Color library
    2504  *     optidef: Environments for writing optimization problems
    2505  *     optional: Facilitate optional printing of parts of a document
    2506  *     options: Provides convenient key-value options for LaTeX package writers
    2507  *     orcidlink: Insert hyperlinked ORCiD logo
    2508  *     orientation: Set page orientation with dvips/Ghostscript (ps2pdf)
    2509  *     outline: List environment for making outlines
    2510  *     outliner: Change section levels easily
    2511  *     outlines: Produce "outline" lists
    2512  *     outlining: Create outlines for scientific documents
    2513  *     overlays: Incremental slides
    2514  *     overpic: Combine LaTeX commands over included graphics
    2515  *     padcount: Pad numbers with arbitrary characters
    2516  *     pagecolor: Interrogate page color
    2517  *     pagecont: Page numbering that continues between documents
    2518  *     pagegrid: Print page grid in background
    2519  *     pagelayout: Layout graphic rich documents
    2520  *     pagenote: Notes at end of document
    2521  *     pagerange: Flexible and configurable page range typesetting
    2522  *     pageslts: Variants of last page labels
    2523  *     palette: Create palettes for colors and symbols that can be swapped in
    2524  *     pangram: A LaTeX package for testing fonts
    2525  *     paper: Versions of article class, tuned for scholarly publications
    2526  *     papercdcase: Origami-style folding paper CD case
    2527  *     papermas: Compute the mass of a printed version of a document
    2528  *     papertex: Class for newspapers, etc
    2529  *     paracol: Multiple columns with texts "in parallel"
    2530  *     parades: Tabulators and space between paragraphs in galley approach
    2531  *     paralist: Enumerate and itemize within paragraphs
    2532  *     paresse: Define simple macros for greek letters
    2533  *     parnotes: Notes after every paragraph (or elsewhere)
    2534  *     parsa: A XeLaTeX package for theses and dissertations at Iranian Universities
    2535  *     parselines: Apply a macro to each line of an environment
    2536  *     pas-cours: Macros useful in preparing teaching material
    2537  *     pas-cv: Flexible typesetting of Curricula Vitae
    2538  *     pas-tableur: Create a spreadsheet layout
    2539  *     patch: Patch loaded packages, etc.
    2540  *     patchcmd: Change the definition of an existing command
    2541  *     pauldoc: German LaTeX package documentation
    2542  *     pawpict: Using graphics from PAW
    2543  *     pax: Extract and reinsert PDF annotations with pdfTeX
    2544  *     pbalance: Balance last page in two-column mode
    2545  *     pbox: A variable-width \parbox command
    2546  *     pbsheet: Problem sheet class
    2547  *     pdf14: Restore PDF 1.4 to a TeX live 2010 format
    2548  *     pdfcol: Macros for maintaining colour stacks under pdfTeX
    2549  *     pdfcolmk: Improved colour support under pdfTeX (legacy stub)
    2550  *     pdfcomment: A user-friendly interface to pdf annotations
    2551  *     pdfcprot: Activating and setting of character protruding using pdfLaTeX
    2552  *     pdfmarginpar: Generate marginpar-equivalent PDF annotations
    2553  *     pdfoverlay: A LaTeX style for overlaying text on a PDF
    2554  *     pdfpagediff: Find difference between two PDF's
    2555  *     pdfpc: Define data for the pdfpc presentation viewer
    2556  *     pdfpc-movie: Pdfpc viewer-compatible hyperlinks to movies
    2557  *     pdfprivacy: A LaTeX package to remove or suppress pdf meta-data
    2558  *     pdfreview: Annotate PDF files with margin notes
    2559  *     pdfscreen: Support screen-based document design
    2560  *     pdfslide: Presentation slides using pdfTeX
    2561  *     pdfsync: Provide links between source and PDF
    2562  *     pdfwin: customizable windows for screen viewing of TeX documents
    2563  *     pdfx: PDF/X and PDF/A support for pdfTeX, LuaTeX and XeTeX
    2564  *     pecha: Print Tibetan text in the classic pecha layout style
    2565  *     perltex: Define LaTeX macros in terms of Perl code
    2566  *     permute: Support for symmetric groups
    2567  *     petiteannonce: A class for small advertisements
    2568  *     pgfmath-xfp: Define pgfmath functions using xfp
    2569  *     phfcc: Convenient inline commenting in collaborative documents
    2570  *     phfextendedabstract: Typeset extended abstracts for conferences, such as often encountered in quantum information theory
    2571  *     phffullpagefigure: Figures which fill up a whole page
    2572  *     phfnote: Basic formatting for short documents
    2573  *     phfparen: Parenthetic math expressions made simpler and less redundant
    2574  *     phfqit: Macros for typesetting Quantum Information Theory
    2575  *     phfquotetext: Quote verbatim text without white space formatting
    2576  *     phfsvnwatermark: Watermarks with version control information from SVN
    2577  *     phfthm: Goodies for theorems and proofs
    2578  *     philex: Cross references for named and numbered environments
    2579  *     phonenumbers: Typesetting telephone numbers with LaTeX
    2580  *     photo: A float environment for photographs
    2581  *     photobook: A document class for typesetting photo books
    2582  *     picture: Dimens for picture macros
    2583  *     piff: Macro tools by Mike Piff
    2584  *     pkgloader: Manage the options and loading order of other packages
    2585  *     placeins: Control float placement
    2586  *     plantslabels: Write labels for plants
    2587  *     plates: Arrange for "plates" sections of documents
    2588  *     plweb: Literate Programming for Prolog with LaTeX
    2589  *     pmboxdraw: Poor man's box drawing characters
    2590  *     polynom: Macros for manipulating polynomials
    2591  *     polynomial: Typeset (univariate) polynomials
    2592  *     polytable: Tabular-like environments with named columns
    2593  *     postcards: Facilitates mass-mailing of postcards (junkmail)
    2594  *     poster-mac: Make posters and banners with TeX
    2595  *     postnotes: Endnotes for LaTeX
    2596  *     powerdot: A presentation class
    2597  *     ppr-prv: Prosper preview
    2598  *     ppt-slides: Good-looking slide decks a la PowerPoint (PPT)
    2599  *     practicalreports: Some macros for writing practical reports
    2600  *     precattl: Prepare special catcodes from token list
    2601  *     prelim2e: Allows the marking of preliminary versions of a document
    2602  *     preprint: A bundle of packages provided "as is"
    2603  *     pressrelease: A class for typesetting press releases
    2604  *     prettyref: Make label references "self-identify"
    2605  *     prettytok: Pretty-print token lists
    2606  *     preview: Extract bits of a LaTeX source for output
    2607  *     printlen: Print lengths using specified units
    2608  *     probsoln: Generate problem sheets and their solution sheets
    2609  *     program: Typesetting programs and algorithms
    2610  *     progress: Creates an overview of a document's state
    2611  *     progressbar: Visualize shares of total amounts in the form of a (progress-)bar
    2612  *     projlib: A series of tools to simplify your workflow
    2613  *     proofread: Commands for inserting annotations
    2614  *     properties: Load properties from a file
    2615  *     prosper: LaTeX class for high quality slides
    2616  *     protex: Literate programming package
    2617  *     protocol: A class for minutes of meetings
    2618  *     psfragx: A psfrag eXtension
    2619  *     pstool: Support for psfrag within pdfLaTeX
    2620  *     pstring: Typeset sequences with justification pointers
    2621  *     pxgreeks: Shape selection for PX fonts Greek letters
    2622  *     pygmentex: Use Pygments to format code listings in documents
    2623  *     python: Embed Python code in LaTeX
    2624  *     pythonimmediate: Library to run Python code
    2625  *     qcm: A LaTeX2e class for making multiple choice questionnaires
    2626  *     qstest: Bundle for unit tests and pattern matching
    2627  *     qsymbols: Maths symbol abbreviations
    2628  *     quicktype: LaTeX package for quick typesetting
    2629  *     quiz2socrative: Prepare questions for socrative quizzes
    2630  *     quotchap: Decorative chapter headings
    2631  *     quoting: Consolidated environment for displayed text
    2632  *     quotmark: Consistent quote marks
    2633  *     ran_toks: Randomise token strings
    2634  *     randtext: Randomise the order of characters in strings
    2635  *     rccol: Decimal-centered optionally rounded numbers in tabular
    2636  *     rcs-multi: Typeset RCS version control in multiple-file documents
    2637  *     rcsinfo: Support for the revision control system
    2638  *     readablecv: A highly readable and good looking CV and letter class
    2639  *     readarray: Read, store and recall array-formatted data
    2640  *     realboxes: Variants of common box-commands that read their content as real box and not as macro argument
    2641  *     recipe: A LaTeX class to typeset recipes
    2642  *     recipebook: Typeset 5.5" x 8" recipes for browsing or printing
    2643  *     recipecard: Typeset recipes in note-card-sized boxes
    2644  *     rectopma: Recycle top matter
    2645  *     refcheck: Check references (in figures, table, equations, etc)
    2646  *     refenums: Define named items and provide back-references with that name
    2647  *     reflectgraphics: Techniques for reflecting graphics
    2648  *     refman: Format technical reference manuals
    2649  *     refstyle: Advanced formatting of cross references
    2650  *     regcount: Display the allocation status of the TeX registers
    2651  *     regexpatch: High level patching of commands
    2652  *     register: Typeset programmable elements in digital hardware (registers)
    2653  *     regstats: Information about register use
    2654  *     relenc: A "relaxed" font encoding
    2655  *     relsize: Set the font size relative to the current font size
    2656  *     repeatindex: Repeat items in an index after a page or column break
    2657  *     repltext: Control how text gets copied from a PDF file
    2658  *     rescansync: Re-scan tokens with synctex information
    2659  *     resmes: Measure restriction symbol in LaTeX
    2660  *     returntogrid: Semi-automatic grid typesetting
    2661  *     rgltxdoc: Common code for documentation of the author's packages
    2662  *     rjlparshap: Support for use of \parshape in LaTeX
    2663  *     rlepsf: Rewrite labels in EPS graphics
    2664  *     rmpage: A package to help change page layout parameters in LaTeX
    2665  *     robustcommand: Declare robust command, with \newcommand checks
    2666  *     robustindex: Create index with pagerefs
    2667  *     romanbar: Write roman number with "bars"
    2668  *     romanbarpagenumber: Typesetting roman page numbers
    2669  *     romanneg: Roman page numbers negative
    2670  *     romannum: Generate roman numerals instead of arabic digits
    2671  *     rotfloat: Rotate floats
    2672  *     rotpages: Typeset sets of pages upside-down and backwards
    2673  *     roundbox: Round boxes in LaTeX
    2674  *     rterface: Access to R analysis from within a document
    2675  *     rtkinenc: Input encoding with fallback procedures
    2676  *     rulerbox: Draw rulers around a box
    2677  *     rulercompass: A TikZ library for straight-edge and compass diagrams
    2678  *     runcode: Execute foreign source code and embed the result in the pdf file
    2679  *     rvwrite: Increase the number of available output streams in LaTeX
    2680  *     sanitize-umlaut: Sanitize umlauts for MakeIndex and pdfLaTeX
    2681  *     sauerj: A bundle of utilities by Jonathan Sauer
    2682  *     saveenv: Save environment content verbatim
    2683  *     savefnmark: Save name of the footnote mark for reuse
    2684  *     savesym: Redefine symbols where names conflict
    2685  *     savetrees: Optimise the use of each page of a LaTeX document
    2686  *     scale: Scale document by sqrt(2) or magstep(2)
    2687  *     scalebar: Create scalebars for maps, diagrams or photos
    2688  *     scalerel: Constrained scaling and stretching of objects
    2689  *     scanpages: Support importing and embellishing scanned documents
    2690  *     schedule: Weekly schedules
    2691  *     schooldocs: Various layout styles for school documents
    2692  *     scontents: Stores LaTeX contents in memory or files
    2693  *     scrambledenvs: Create and print scrambled environments
    2694  *     scrlayer-fancyhdr: Combining package fancyhdr with KOMA-Script's scrlayer
    2695  *     scrlttr2copy: A letter class option file for the automatic creation of copies
    2696  *     sdaps: LaTeX support files for SDAPS
    2697  *     sdrt: Macros for Segmented Discourse Representation Theory
    2698  *     secdot: Section numbers with trailing dots
    2699  *     secnum: A macro to format section numbering intuitively
    2700  *     sectionbox: Create fancy boxed ((sub)sub)sections
    2701  *     sectionbreak: LaTeX support for section breaks
    2702  *     sectsty: Control sectional headers
    2703  *     seealso: Improve the performance of \see macros with makeindex
    2704  *     selectp: Select pages to be output
    2705  *     selinput: Semi-automatic detection of input encoding
    2706  *     semantex: Semantic, keyval-based mathematics
    2707  *     semantic: Help for writing programming language semantics
    2708  *     semantic-markup: Meaningful semantic markup in the spirit of the Text Encoding Initiative
    2709  *     semesterplanner: Create beautiful semester timetables and more
    2710  *     semioneside: Put only special contents on left-hand pages in two sided layout
    2711  *     semproc: Seminar proceedings
    2712  *     semtex: Deals with stripped SemanTeX documents
    2713  *     sepfootnotes: Support footnotes and endnotes from separate files
    2714  *     seqsplit: Split long sequences of characters in a neutral way
    2715  *     sesstime: Session and timing information in lecture notes
    2716  *     sf298: Standard form 298
    2717  *     sffms: Typesetting science fiction/fantasy manuscripts
    2718  *     sfmath: Sans-serif mathematics
    2719  *     shadethm: Theorem environments that are shaded
    2720  *     shadow: Shadow boxes
    2721  *     shadowtext: Produce text with a shadow behind it
    2722  *     shapepar: A macro to typeset paragraphs in specific shapes
    2723  *     shdoc: Float environment to document the shell commands of a terminal session
    2724  *     shipunov: A collection of LaTeX packages and classes
    2725  *     shorttoc: Table of contents with different depths
    2726  *     show2e: Variants of \show for LaTeX2e
    2727  *     showcharinbox: Show characters inside a box
    2728  *     showdim: Variants on printing dimensions
    2729  *     showexpl: Typesetting LaTeX source code
    2730  *     showlabels: Show label commands in the margin
    2731  *     sidecap: Typeset captions sideways
    2732  *     sidenotes: Typeset notes containing rich content, in the margin
    2733  *     sidenotesplus: Place referenced notes, alerts, figures and tables into the document margin
    2734  *     silence: Selective filtering of error messages and warnings
    2735  *     sillypage: John Cleese's Silly Walk as page numbering style
    2736  *     simplecd: Simple CD, DVD covers for printing
    2737  *     simplecv: A simple class for writing curricula vitae
    2738  *     simpleinvoice: Easy typesetting of invoices
    2739  *     simplivre: Write your books in a simple and clear way
    2740  *     sitem: Save the optional argument of \item
    2741  *     skb: Tools for a repository of long-living documents
    2742  *     skdoc: Documentation and extraction for packages and document classes
    2743  *     skeldoc: Placeholders for unfinished documents
    2744  *     skeycommand: Create commands using parameters and keyval in parallel
    2745  *     skeyval: Key-value parsing combining features of xkeyval and pgfkeys
    2746  *     skills: Create proficiency tests
    2747  *     skrapport: 'Simple' class for reports, etc.
    2748  *     slantsc: Access different-shaped small-caps fonts
    2749  *     smalltableof: Create listoffigures etc. in a single chapter
    2750  *     smart-eqn: Automatic math symbol styling for LaTeX documents
    2751  *     smartref: Extend LaTeX's \ref capability
    2752  *     smartunits: Converting between common metric and Imperial units
    2753  *     snapshot: List the external dependencies of a LaTeX document
    2754  *     snaptodo: A todo that snaps to the closer side
    2755  *     snotez: Typeset notes, in the margin
    2756  *     soulpos: A fancy means of underlining
    2757  *     spacingtricks: Dealing with some spacing issues
    2758  *     spark-otf: Support OpenType Spark fonts
    2759  *     sparklines: Drawing sparklines: intense, simple, wordlike graphics
    2760  *     sphack: Patch LaTeX kernel spacing macros
    2761  *     splitindex: Unlimited number of indexes
    2762  *     spot: Spotlight highlighting for Beamer
    2763  *     spotcolor: Spot colours for pdfLaTeX
    2764  *     spreadtab: Spreadsheet features for LaTeX tabular environments
    2765  *     spverbatim: Allow line breaks within \verb and verbatim output
    2766  *     srbook-mem: Support for use of memoir in Serbian
    2767  *     srcltx: Jump between DVI and TeX files
    2768  *     sseq: Typesetting spectral sequence charts
    2769  *     sslides: Slides with headers and footers
    2770  *     stack: Tools to define and use stacks
    2771  *     stackengine: Highly customised stacking of objects, insets, baseline changes, etc
    2772  *     standalone: Compile TeX pictures stand-alone or as part of a document
    2773  *     stdclsdv: Provide sectioning information for package writers
    2774  *     stdpage: Standard pages with n lines of at most m characters each
    2775  *     stealcaps: "Steal" small capitals
    2776  *     stex: An Infrastructure for Semantic Preloading of LaTeX Documents
    2777  *     storebox: Storing information for reuse
    2778  *     storecmd: Store the name of a defined command in a container
    2779  *     stringstrings: String manipulation for cosmetic and programming application
    2780  *     sttools: Various macros
    2781  *     stubs: Create tear-off stubs at the bottom of a page
    2782  *     studenthandouts: Management and styling of student handout projects
    2783  *     styledcmd: Handling multiple versions of user-defined macros
    2784  *     subdepth: Unify maths subscript height
    2785  *     subdocs: Multifile documents
    2786  *     subeqn: Package for subequation numbering
    2787  *     subeqnarray: Equation array with sub numbering
    2788  *     subfigmat: Automates layout when using the subfigure package
    2789  *     subfigure: Deprecated: Figures divided into subfigures
    2790  *     subfiles: Individual typesetting of subfiles of a "main" document
    2791  *     subfloat: Sub-numbering for figures and tables
    2792  *     substitutefont: Easy font substitution
    2793  *     substr: Deal with substrings in strings
    2794  *     supertabular: A multi-page tables package
    2795  *     suppose: Abbreviate the word "Suppose"
    2796  *     svg: Include and extract SVG pictures in LaTeX documents
    2797  *     svgcolor: Define SVG named colours
    2798  *     svn: Typeset Subversion keywords
    2799  *     svn-multi: Subversion keywords in multi-file LaTeX documents
    2800  *     svn-prov: Subversion variants of \Provides... macros
    2801  *     svninfo: Typeset Subversion keywords
    2802  *     swfigure: Insert large images that do not fit into a single page
    2803  *     swungdash: Typeset a swung dash in LaTeX
    2804  *     syntax: Creation of syntax diagrams
    2805  *     syntrace: Labels for tracing in a syntax tree
    2806  *     synttree: Typeset syntactic trees
    2807  *     tabbing: Tabbing with accented letters
    2808  *     tabfigures: Maintain vertical alignment of figures
    2809  *     tableaux: Construct tables of signs and variations
    2810  *     tablefootnote: Permit footnotes in tables
    2811  *     tableof: Tagging tables of contents
    2812  *     tablists: Tabulated lists of short items
    2813  *     tabls: Better vertical spacing in tables and arrays
    2814  *     tablvar: Typesetting pretty tables of signs and variations according to French usage
    2815  *     tabstackengine: "Tabbing" front-end to stackengine
    2816  *     tabto-ltx: "Tab" to a measured position in the line
    2817  *     tabu: Flexible LaTeX tabulars
    2818  *     tabularborder: Remove excess space at left and right of tabular
    2819  *     tabularcalc: Calculate formulas in a tabular environment
    2820  *     tabularew: A variation on the tabular environment
    2821  *     tabularray: Typeset tabulars and arrays with LaTeX3
    2822  *     tabulary: Tabular with variable width columns balanced
    2823  *     tagging: Document configuration with tags
    2824  *     tagpair: Word-by-word glosses, translations, and bibliographic attributions
    2825  *     tagpdf: Tools for experimenting with tagging using pdfLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
    2826  *     talk: A LaTeX class for presentations
    2827  *     tamefloats: Experimentally use \holdinginserts with LaTeX floats
    2828  *     tasks: Horizontally columned lists
    2829  *     tcldoc: Doc/docstrip for tcl
    2830  *     tcolorbox: Coloured boxes, for LaTeX examples and theorems, etc
    2831  *     tdclock: A ticking digital clock package for PDF output
    2832  *     technics: A package to format technical documents
    2833  *     ted: A (primitive) token list editor
    2834  *     templatetools: Commands useful in LaTeX templates
    2835  *     termcal: Print a class calendar
    2836  *     termlist: Label any kind of term with a continuous counter
    2837  *     termsim: Simulate Win10, Ubuntu, and Mac terminals
    2838  *     testhyphens: Testing hyphenation patterns
    2839  *     testidx: Dummy text for testing index styles and indexing applications
    2840  *     tex-label: Place a classification on each page of a document
    2841  *     tex-locale: Localisation support for TeX and LaTeX documents
    2842  *     texlogos: Ready-to-use LaTeX logos
    2843  *     texmate: Comprehensive chess annotation in LaTeX
    2844  *     texments: Using the Pygments highlighter in LaTeX
    2845  *     texpower: Create dynamic online presentations with LaTeX
    2846  *     texshade: Package for setting nucleotide and peptide alignments
    2847  *     texsurgery: A LaTeX companion to the "texsurgery" python project
    2848  *     textcsc: Simple commands for caps-to-small-caps text
    2849  *     textfit: Fit text to a desired size
    2850  *     textmerg: Merge text in TeX and LaTeX
    2851  *     textpos: Place boxes at arbitrary positions on the LaTeX page
    2852  *     textualicomma: Use the textual comma character as decimal separator in math mode
    2853  *     texvc: Use MediaWiki LaTeX commands
    2854  *     theoremref: References with automatic theorem names
    2855  *     thinsp: A stretchable \thinspace for LaTeX
    2856  *     thmtools: Extensions to theorem environments
    2857  *     threadcol: Organize document columns into PDF "article thread"
    2858  *     threeparttable: Tables with captions and notes all the same width
    2859  *     threeparttablex: Notes in longtables
    2860  *     thumb: Thumb marks in documents
    2861  *     thumbs: Create thumb indexes
    2862  *     thumby: Create thumb indexes for printed books
    2863  *     ticket: Make labels, visiting-cards, pins with LaTeX
    2864  *     tipauni: Producing Unicode characters with TIPA commands
    2865  *     titlecaps: Setting rich-text input into Titling Caps
    2866  *     titlefoot: Add special material to footer of title page
    2867  *     titlepic: Add picture to title page of a document
    2868  *     titleref: A "\titleref" command to cross-reference section titles
    2869  *     titlesec: Select alternative section titles
    2870  *     titling: Control over the typesetting of the \maketitle command
    2871  *     to-be-determined: Highlight text passages that need further work
    2872  *     tocbibind: Add bibliography/index/contents to Table of Contents
    2873  *     tocdata: Adds names to chapters, sections, figures in the TOC and LOF
    2874  *     tocloft: Control table of contents, figures, etc
    2875  *     tocvsec2: Section numbering and table of contents control
    2876  *     todo: Make a to-do list for a document
    2877  *     todonotes: Marking things to do in a LaTeX document
    2878  *     tokcycle: Build tools to process tokens from an input stream
    2879  *     tokenizer: A tokenizer
    2880  *     toolbox: Tool macros
    2881  *     topfloat: Move floats to the top of the page
    2882  *     topiclongtable: Extend longtable with cells that merge hierarchically
    2883  *     totalcount: Commands for typesetting total values of counters
    2884  *     totcount: Find the last value of a counter
    2885  *     totpages: Count pages in a document, and report last page number
    2886  *     tramlines: A package for creating tramlines (lines above and below a title used by lawyers in the UK)
    2887  *     translations: Internationalisation of LaTeX2e packages
    2888  *     transparent: Using a color stack for transparency with pdfTeX
    2889  *     trfsigns: Typeset transform signs
    2890  *     trimspaces: Trim spaces around an argument or within a macro
    2891  *     trivfloat: Quick float definitions in LaTeX
    2892  *     trsym: Symbols for transformations
    2893  *     truncate: Truncate text to a specified width
    2894  *     tucv: Support for typesetting a CV or resumee
    2895  *     turnthepage: Provide "turn page" instructions
    2896  *     twoinone: Print two pages on a single page
    2897  *     twoup: Print two virtual pages on each physical page
    2898  *     txgreeks: Shape selection for TX fonts Greek letters
    2899  *     type1cm: Arbitrary size font selection in LaTeX
    2900  *     typed-checklist: Typesetting tasks, goals, milestones, artifacts, and more in LaTeX
    2901  *     typeface: Select a balanced set of fonts
    2902  *     typoaid: Macros for font diagnostics
    2903  *     typogrid: Print a typographic grid
    2904  *     uassign: Environments and options for typesetting university assignments
    2905  *     ucs: Extended UTF-8 input encoding support for LaTeX
    2906  *     uebungsblatt: A LaTeX class for writing exercise sheets
    2907  *     umoline: Underline text allowing line breaking
    2908  *     underlin: Underlined running heads
    2909  *     underoverlap: Position decorations over and under expressions
    2910  *     undolabl: Override existing labels
    2911  *     uni-titlepage: Universal titlepages with configuration options and predefined styles
    2912  *     unicodefonttable: A Unicode font table generator
    2913  *     unisc: Unicode small caps with Lua/XeLaTeX
    2914  *     unitconv: Convert a length into one with another unit
    2915  *     units: Typeset units
    2916  *     unravel: Watching TeX digest tokens
    2917  *     upmethodology: Writing specifications such as for UP-based methodologies
    2918  *     upquote: Show "realistic" quotes in verbatim
    2919  *     uri: Hyperlinks for a wide range of URIs
    2920  *     ushort: Shorter (and longer) underlines and underbars
    2921  *     uspace: Giving meaning to various Unicode space characters
    2922  *     utf8add: Additional support for UTF-8 encoded LaTeX input
    2923  *     uwmslide: Slides with a simple Power Point like appearance
    2924  *     variablelm: Font definitions for the variable Latin Modern fonts
    2925  *     varindex: Luxury frontend to the \index command
    2926  *     varsfromjobname: Extract variables from the name of the LaTeX file
    2927  *     varwidth: A variable-width minipage
    2928  *     vcell: Vertical alignment of content inside table cells
    2929  *     vdmlisting: Typesetting VDM in ASCII syntax
    2930  *     verbasef: VERBatim Automatic Splitting of External Files
    2931  *     verbatimbox: Deposit verbatim text in a box
    2932  *     verbatimcopy: Make copies of text documents from within LaTeX
    2933  *     verbdef: Define commands which expand to verbatim text
    2934  *     verbments: Syntax highlighting of source code in LaTeX documents
    2935  *     verifiche: A LaTeX package to typeset (Italian) high school tests
    2936  *     version: Conditionally include text
    2937  *     versions: Optionally omit pieces of text
    2938  *     versonotes: Display brief notes on verso pages
    2939  *     vertbars: Mark vertical rules in margin of text
    2940  *     vgrid: Overlay a grid on the printed page
    2941  *     vhistory: Support for creating a change log
    2942  *     vmargin: Set various page dimensions
    2943  *     volumes: Typeset only parts of a document, with complete indexes etc
    2944  *     vpe: Source specials for PDF output
    2945  *     vruler: Numbering text
    2946  *     vtable: Vertical alignement of table cells
    2947  *     vwcol: Variable-width multiple text columns
    2948  *     wallcalendar: A wall calendar class with custom layouts
    2949  *     wallpaper: Easy addition of wallpapers (background images) to LaTeX documents, including tiling
    2950  *     warning: Global warnings at the end of the logfile
    2951  *     warpcol: Relative alignment of rows in numeric columns in tabulars
    2952  *     was: A collection of small packages by Walter Schmidt
    2953  *     webquiz: Write interactive web based quizzes
    2954  *     widetable: An environment for typesetting tables of specified width
    2955  *     widows-and-orphans: Identify (typographic) widows and orphans
    2956  *     williams: Miscellaneous macros by Peter Williams
    2957  *     willowtreebook: Easy basic book class, built on memoir
    2958  *     withargs: In-place argument substitution
    2959  *     wordcount: Estimate the number of words in a LaTeX document
    2960  *     wordlike: Simulating word processor layout
    2961  *     worksheet: Easy creation of worksheets
    2962  *     wrapfig: Produces figures which text can flow around
    2963  *     wrapfig2: Wrap text around figures
    2964  *     wrapstuff: Wrapping text around stuff
    2965  *     writeongrid: Write on grid lines
    2966  *     wtref: Extend LaTeX's cross-reference system
    2967  *     xargs: Define commands with many optional arguments
    2968  *     xassoccnt: Associated counters stepping simultaneously
    2969  *     xbmks: Create a cross-document bookmark tree
    2970  *     xcntperchap: Track the number of subsections etc. that occur in a specified tracklevel
    2971  *     xcolor-material: Defines the 256 colors from Google Material Color Palette
    2972  *     xcolor-solarized: Defines the 16 colors from Ethan Schoonover's Solarized palette
    2973  *     xcomment: Allows selected environments to be included/excluded
    2974  *     xcookybooky: Typeset (potentially long) recipes
    2975  *     xcpdftips: Natbib citations with PDF tooltips
    2976  *     xdoc: Extending the LaTeX doc system
    2977  *     xellipsis: Extremely configurable ellipses with formats for various style manuals
    2978  *     xfakebold: Fake a regular font for bold characters
    2979  *     xfor: A reimplementation of the LaTeX for-loop macro
    2980  *     xhfill: Extending \hrulefill
    2981  *     xifthen: Extended conditional commands
    2982  *     xint: Expandable operations on long numbers
    2983  *     xkcdcolors: xkcd names of colors
    2984  *     xltabular: Longtable support with possible X-column specifier
    2985  *     xmpincl: Include eXtensible Metadata Platform data in pdfLaTeX
    2986  *     xnewcommand: Define \global and \protected commands with \newcommand
    2987  *     xoptarg: Expandable macros that take an optional argument
    2988  *     xpatch: Extending etoolbox patching commands
    2989  *     xpeek: Define commands that peek ahead in the input stream
    2990  *     xprintlen: Print TeX lengths in a variety of units
    2991  *     xpunctuate: Process trailing punctuation which may be redundant
    2992  *     xsavebox: Saveboxes for repeating content without code replication, based on PDF Form XObjects
    2993  *     xsim: eXercise Sheets IMproved
    2994  *     xstring: String manipulation for (La)TeX
    2995  *     xtab: Break tables across pages
    2996  *     xurl: Allow URL breaks at any alphanumerical character
    2997  *     xwatermark: Graphics and text watermarks on selected pages
    2998  *     xytree: Tree macros using XY-Pic
    2999  *     yafoot: A bundle of miscellaneous footnote packages
    3000  *     yagusylo: A symbol loader
    3001  *     yaletter: Extremely flexible macros for letters, envelopes, and label sheets
    3002  *     ycbook: A versatile book class
    3003  *     ydoc: Macros for documentation of LaTeX classes and packages
    3004  *     yplan: Daily planner type calendar
    3005  *     zebra-goodies: A collection of handy macros for paper writing
    3006  *     zed-csp: Typesetting Z and CSP format specifications
    3007  *     zennote: Streamline your note-taking process!
    3008  *     ziffer: Conversion of punctuation in maths mode
    3009  *     zref: A new reference scheme for LaTeX
    3010  *     zref-check: Flexible cross-references with contextual checks based on zref
    3011  *     zref-clever: Clever LaTeX cross-references based on zref
    3012  *     zref-vario: Extended LaTeX page cross-references with varioref and zref-clever
    3013  *     zwgetfdate: Get package or file date
    3014  *     zwpagelayout: Page layout and crop-marks
     1572 * 2up: Macros to print two-up
     1573 * a0poster: Support for designing posters on large paper
     1574 * a4wide: "Wide" a4 layout
     1575 * a5comb: Support for a5 paper sizes
     1576 * abraces: Asymmetric over-/underbraces in maths
     1577 * abspos: Absolute placement with coffins
     1578 * abstract: Control the typesetting of the abstract environment
     1579 * accessibility: Create tagged and structured PDF files
     1580 * accsupp: Better accessibility support for PDF files
     1581 * achemso: Support for American Chemical Society journal submissions
     1582 * acro: Typeset acronyms
     1583 * acronym: Expand acronyms at least once
     1584 * acroterm: Manage and index acronyms and terms
     1585 * actuarialangle: Angle symbol denoting a duration in actuarial and financial notation
     1586 * actuarialsymbol: Actuarial symbols of life contingencies and financial mathematics
     1587 * addfont: Easier use of fonts without LaTeX support
     1588 * addlines: A user-friendly wrapper around \enlargethispage
     1589 * adjmulticol: Adjusting margins for multicolumn and single column output
     1590 * adjustbox: Graphics package-alike macros for "general" boxes
     1591 * adrconv: BibTeX styles to implement an address database
     1592 * advdate: Print a date relative to "today"
     1593 * affilauthor: Tag author and affiliation information in a key-value style
     1594 * akktex: A collection of packages and classes
     1595 * akletter: Comprehensive letter support
     1596 * alchemist: Typeset alchemist and astrological symbols
     1597 * alertmessage: Alert messages for LaTeX
     1598 * alnumsec: Alphanumeric section numbering
     1599 * alphalph: Convert numbers to letters
     1600 * alterqcm: Multiple choice questionnaires in two column tables
     1601 * altfont: Alternative font handling in LaTeX
     1602 * altsubsup: Subscripts and superscripts with square brackets
     1603 * amsaddr: Alter the position of affiliations in amsart
     1604 * animate: Create PDF and SVG animations from graphics files and inline graphics
     1605 * anonchap: Make chapters be typeset like sections
     1606 * answers: Setting questions (or exercises) and answers
     1607 * anyfontsize: Select any font size in LaTeX
     1608 * appendix: Extra control of appendices
     1609 * appendixnumberbeamer: Manage frame numbering in appendixes in beamer
     1610 * apptools: Tools for customising appendices
     1611 * arabicfront: Frontmatter with arabic page numbers
     1612 * arcs: Draw arcs over and under text
     1613 * argumentation: Create abstract argumentation frameworks via TikZ
     1614 * arraycols: New column types for array and tabular environments
     1615 * arrayjobx: Array data structures for (La)TeX
     1616 * arraysort: Sort arrays (or portions of them)
     1617 * arydshln: Draw dash-lines in array/tabular
     1618 * asciilist: Environments AsciiList and AsciiDocList for prototyping nested lists in LaTeX
     1619 * askinclude: Interactive use of \includeonly
     1620 * assignment: A class file for typesetting homework and lab assignments
     1621 * assoccnt: Associate counters, making them step when a master steps
     1622 * association-matrix: LaTeX support for creating association matrices
     1623 * atenddvi: Provides the \AtEndDvi command
     1624 * atendofenv: Add a custom symbol at the end of an environment
     1625 * attachfile: Attach arbitrary files to a PDF document
     1626 * aurl: Extends the hyperref package with a mechanism for hyperlinked URLs abbreviated with prefixes
     1627 * authoraftertitle: Make author, etc., available after \maketitle
     1628 * authorarchive: Adds self-archiving information to scientific papers
     1629 * authorindex: Index citations by author names
     1630 * autofancyhdr: Automatically compute headlength for fancyhdr package
     1631 * autonum: Automatic equation references
     1632 * autopdf: Conversion of graphics to pdfLaTeX-compatible formats
     1633 * autopuncitems: Automatically punctuate lists
     1634 * avremu: An 8-Bit Microcontroller Simulator written in LaTeX
     1635 * awesomebox: Draw admonition blocks in your documents, illustrated with FontAwesome icons
     1636 * axessibility: Access to formulas in PDF files by assistive technologies
     1637 * background: Placement of background material on pages of a document
     1638 * bankstatement: A LaTeX class for bank statements based on csv data
     1639 * bashful: Invoke bash commands from within LaTeX
     1640 * basicarith: Macros for typesetting basic arithmetic
     1641 * bchart: Draw simple bar charts in LaTeX
     1642 * beamer-rl: Right to left presentation with beamer and babel
     1643 * beamer2thesis: Thesis presentations using beamer
     1644 * beamerappendixnote: Create notes on appendix frames in beamer
     1645 * beameraudience: Assembling beamer frames according to audience
     1646 * beamerauxtheme: Supplementary outer and inner themes for beamer
     1647 * beamercolorthemeowl: A flexible beamer color theme to maximize visibility
     1648 * beamerdarkthemes: Dark color themes for beamer
     1649 * beamerposter: Extend beamer and a0poster for custom sized posters
     1650 * beamersubframe: Reorder frames in the PDF file
     1651 * beamertheme-arguelles: Simple, typographic beamer theme
     1652 * beamertheme-cuerna: A beamer theme with 4 colour palettes
     1653 * beamertheme-detlevcm: A beamer theme designed for use in the University of Leeds
     1654 * beamertheme-epyt: A simple and clean theme for LaTeX beamer class
     1655 * beamertheme-focus: A minimalist presentation theme for LaTeX Beamer
     1656 * beamertheme-light: A minimal beamer style
     1657 * beamertheme-metropolis: A modern LaTeX beamer theme
     1658 * beamertheme-npbt: A collection of LaTeX beamer themes
     1659 * beamertheme-phnompenh: A simple beamer theme
     1660 * beamertheme-pure-minimalistic: A minimalistic presentation theme for LaTeX Beamer
     1661 * beamertheme-rainbow: A beamer colour theme which alternates theme colours on every frame
     1662 * beamertheme-saintpetersburg: A beamer theme that incorporates colours and fonts of Saint Petersburg State University
     1663 * beamertheme-simpledarkblue: Template for a simple presentation
     1664 * beamertheme-simpleplus: A simple and clean theme for LaTeX beamer
     1665 * beamertheme-tcolorbox: A beamer inner theme which reproduces standard beamer blocks using tcolorboxes
     1666 * beamertheme-trigon: A modern, elegant, and versatile theme for Beamer
     1667 * beamertheme-upenn-bc: Beamer themes for Boston College and the University of Pennsylvania
     1668 * beamerthemeamurmaple: A new modern beamer theme
     1669 * beamerthemeconcrete: A collection of flat beamer themes
     1670 * beamerthemejltree: Contributed beamer theme
     1671 * beamerthemelalic: A beamer theme for LALIC
     1672 * beamerthemenirma: A Beamer theme for academic presentations
     1673 * beamerthemenord: A simple beamer theme using the "Nord" color theme
     1674 * bearwear: Shirts to dress TikZbears
     1675 * beaulivre: Write your books in a colorful way
     1676 * beautybook: A beautiful book template for maths and science
     1677 * beautynote: A package designed to meet the publication of books and the production of LaTeX templates, with elegant chapter
     1678 * beton: Use Concrete fonts
     1679 * bewerbung: Typesetting job applications
     1680 * bez123: Support for Bezier curves
     1681 * bhcexam: An exam class for mathematics teachers in China
     1682 * bibletext: Insert Bible passages by their reference
     1683 * bigfoot: Footnotes for critical editions
     1684 * bigints: Writing big integrals
     1685 * bilingualpages: Typeset two columns in parallel
     1686 * biochemistry-colors: Colors used to display amino acids, nucleotides, sugars or atoms in biochemistry
     1687 * bithesis: Templates for the Beijing Institute of Technology
     1688 * bizcard: Typeset business cards
     1689 * blindtext: Producing 'blind' text for testing
     1690 * blkarray: Extended array and tabular
     1691 * block: A block letter style for the letter class
     1692 * blowup: Upscale or downscale all pages of a document
     1693 * bnumexpr: Extends eTeX's \numexpr...\relax construct to big integers
     1694 * boites: Boxes that may break across pages
     1695 * bold-extra: Use bold small caps and typewriter fonts
     1696 * book-of-common-prayer: Typeset in the style of "Book of Common Prayer"
     1697 * bookcover: A class for book covers and dust jackets
     1698 * bookest: Extended book class
     1699 * booklet: Aids for printing simple booklets
     1700 * bookshelf: Create a nice image from a BibTeX file
     1701 * boolexpr: A boolean expression evaluator and a switch command
     1702 * bophook: Provides an At-Begin-Page hook
     1703 * boxedminipage: Framed minipages of a specified total width (text and frame combined)
     1704 * boxhandler: Flexible Captioning and Deferred Box/List Printing
     1705 * bracketkey: Produce bracketed identification keys
     1706 * braket: Dirac bra-ket and set notations
     1707 * breakurl: Line-breakable \url-like links in hyperref when compiling via dvips/ps2pdf
     1708 * bubblesort: Bubble sorts a list
     1709 * bullcntr: Display list item counter as regular pattern of bullets
     1710 * bxcalc: Extend the functionality of the calc package
     1711 * bxdpx-beamer: Dvipdfmx extras for use with beamer
     1712 * bxdvidriver: Enables specifying a driver option effective only in DVI output
     1713 * bxenclose: Enclose the document body with some pieces of code
     1714 * bxnewfont: Enhanced \newfont command
     1715 * bxpapersize: Synchronize output paper size with layout paper size
     1716 * bxpdfver: Specify version and compression level of output PDF files
     1717 * bxtexlogo: Additional TeX-family logos
     1718 * calcage: Calculate the age of something, in years
     1719 * calctab: Language for numeric tables
     1720 * calculator: Use LaTeX as a scientific calculator
     1721 * calrsfs: Copperplate calligraphic letters in LaTeX
     1722 * cals: Multipage tables with wide range of features
     1723 * calxxxx-yyyy: Print a calendar for a group of years
     1724 * cancel: Place lines through maths formulae
     1725 * canoniclayout: Create canonical page layouts with memoir
     1726 * capt-of: Captions on more than floats
     1727 * captcont: Retain float number across several floats
     1728 * captdef: Declare free-standing \caption commands
     1729 * carbohydrates: Carbohydrate molecules with chemfig
     1730 * cases: Numbered cases environment
     1731 * casyl: Typeset Cree/Inuktitut in Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics
     1732 * catchfile: Catch an external file into a macro
     1733 * catchfilebetweentags: Catch text delimited by docstrip tags
     1734 * catechis: Macros for typesetting catechisms
     1735 * catoptions: Preserving and recalling standard catcodes
     1736 * cbcoptic: Coptic fonts and LaTeX macros for general usage and for philology
     1737 * ccaption: Continuation headings and legends for floats
     1738 * cclicenses: Typeset Creative Commons licence logos
     1739 * cd: Typeset CD covers
     1740 * cd-cover: Typeset CD covers
     1741 * cdcmd: Expandable conditional commands for LaTeX
     1742 * cdpbundl: Business letters in the Italian style
     1743 * cellprops: Accept CSS-like selectors in tabular, array, ...
     1744 * cellspace: Ensure minimal spacing of table cells
     1745 * censor: Tools for producing redacted documents
     1746 * centeredline: A macro for centering lines
     1747 * centerlastline: Paragraphs with last line centered, known as "Spanish" paragraphs
     1748 * changebar: Generate changebars in LaTeX documents
     1749 * changelayout: Change the layout of individual pages and their text
     1750 * changelog: Typesetting style changelogs
     1751 * changepage: Margin adjustment and detection of odd/even pages
     1752 * changes: Manual change markup
     1753 * chappg: Page numbering by chapter
     1754 * chapterfolder: Package for working with complicated folder structures
     1755 * cheatsheet: A simple cheatsheet class
     1756 * checkend: Extend "improperly closed environment" messages
     1757 * chet: LaTeX layout inspired by harvmac
     1758 * chextras: A companion package for the Swiss typesetter
     1759 * childdoc: Directly compile \include'd child documents
     1760 * chkfloat: Warn whenever a float is placed "to far away"
     1761 * chletter: Class for typesetting letters to Swiss rules
     1762 * chngcntr: Change the resetting of counters
     1763 * chronology: Provides a horizontal timeline
     1764 * circ: Macros for typesetting circuit diagrams
     1765 * circledsteps: Typeset circled numbers
     1766 * circledtext: Create circled text
     1767 * classics: Cite classic works
     1768 * classpack: XML mastering for LaTeX classes and packages
     1769 * clefval: Key/value support with a hash
     1770 * cleveref: Intelligent cross-referencing
     1771 * cleveref-forward: Forward-referencing functionality for cleveref
     1772 * cleveref-usedon: Adds forward-referencing functionality to the cleveref package
     1773 * clicks: Slide Deck Animation
     1774 * clipboard: Copy and paste into and across documents
     1775 * clistmap: Map and iterate over LaTeX3 clists
     1776 * clock: Graphical and textual clocks for TeX and LaTeX
     1777 * clrdblpg: Control pagestyle of pages left blank by \cleardoublepage
     1778 * clrstrip: Place contents into a full width colour strip
     1779 * cmdstring: Get command name reliably
     1780 * cmdtrack: Check used commands
     1781 * cmsd: Interfaces to the CM Sans Serif Bold fonts
     1782 * cnltx: LaTeX tools and documenting facilities
     1783 * cntformats: A different way to read counters
     1784 * cntperchap: Store counter values per chapter
     1785 * codebox: Highlighted source code in a fancy box
     1786 * codedescribe: LaTeX code description and documentation
     1787 * codedoc: LaTeX code and documentation in LaTeX-format file
     1788 * codehigh: Highlight code and demos with l3regex and lpeg
     1789 * codepage: Support for variant code pages
     1790 * codesection: Provides an environment that may be conditionally included
     1791 * collcell: Collect contents of a tabular cell as argument to a macro
     1792 * collectbox: Collect and process macro arguments as boxes
     1793 * colophon: Provides commands for producing a colophon
     1794 * color-edits: Colorful edits for multiple authors of a shared document
     1795 * colordoc: Coloured syntax highlights in documentation
     1796 * colorframed: Fix color problems with the package "framed"
     1797 * colorinfo: Retrieve colour model and values for defined colours
     1798 * coloring: Define missing colors by their names
     1799 * colorist: Write your articles or books in a colorful way
     1800 * colorspace: Provides PDF color spaces
     1801 * colortab: Shade cells of tables and halign
     1802 * colorwav: Colours by wavelength of visible light
     1803 * colorweb: Extend the color package colour space
     1804 * colourchange: Colourchange
     1805 * combelow: Typeset "comma-below" letters, as in Romanian
     1806 * combine: Bundle individual documents into a single document
     1807 * comma: Formats a number by inserting commas
     1808 * commado: Expandable iteration on comma-separated and filename lists
     1809 * commedit: Commented editions with LaTeX
     1810 * comment: Selectively include/exclude portions of text
     1811 * commonunicode: Convert common unicode symbols to LaTeX code
     1812 * competences: Track skills of classroom checks
     1813 * concepts: Keeping track of formal 'concepts' for a particular field
     1814 * concprog: Concert programmes
     1815 * conditext: Define and manage conditional content
     1816 * constants: Automatic numbering of constants
     1817 * continue: Prints 'continuation' marks on pages of multipage documents
     1818 * contour: Print a coloured contour around text
     1819 * contracard: Generate calling cards for dances
     1820 * conv-xkv: Create new key-value syntax
     1821 * cooking: Typeset recipes
     1822 * cooking-units: Typeset and convert units for cookery books and recipes
     1823 * cool: COntent-Oriented LaTeX
     1824 * coolfn: Typeset long legal footnotes
     1825 * coollist: Manipulate COntent Oriented LaTeX Lists
     1826 * coolstr: String manipulation in LaTeX
     1827 * coolthms: Reference items in a theorem environment
     1828 * cooltooltips: Associate a pop-up window and tooltip with PDF hyperlinks
     1829 * coop-writing: Support for Cooperative Writing and editorial comments
     1830 * coordsys: Draw cartesian coordinate systems
     1831 * copyedit: Copyediting support for LaTeX documents
     1832 * copyrightbox: Provide copyright notices for images in a document
     1833 * coseoul: Context sensitive outline elements
     1834 * counterz: Additional tools for counters
     1835 * counttexruns: Count compilations of a document
     1836 * courseoutline: Prepare university course outlines
     1837 * coursepaper: Prepare university course papers
     1838 * coverpage: Automatic cover page creation for scientific papers
     1839 * cprotect: Allow verbatim, etc., in macro arguments
     1840 * cprotectinside: Use cprotect arbitrarily nested
     1841 * crbox: Boxes with crossed corners
     1842 * create-theorem: Initializing and configuring theorem-like environments, with multilingual support
     1843 * creationboites: Macros to create simple tcolorbox with some customizations
     1844 * crefthe: Cross referencing with proper definite articles and declensions
     1845 * crossreference: Crossreferences within documents
     1846 * crossreftools: Expandable extraction of cleveref data
     1847 * crumbs: Add a Navigation Path to the page header
     1848 * csquotes: Context sensitive quotation facilities
     1849 * css-colors: Named colors for web-safe design
     1850 * csvmerge: Merge TeX code with csv data
     1851 * csvsimple: Simple CSV file processing
     1852 * cuisine: Typeset recipes
     1853 * currency: Format currencies in a consistent way
     1854 * currfile: Provide file name and path of input files
     1855 * curriculum-vitae: Lightweight class for CVs
     1856 * currvita: Typeset a curriculum vitae
     1857 * customenvs: Custom environments (MCQ, list with picked items, ...)
     1858 * cutwin: Cut a window in a paragraph, typeset material in it
     1859 * cv: A package for creating a curriculum vitae
     1860 * cv4tw: LaTeX CV class, with extended details
     1861 * cweb-latex: A LaTeX version of CWEB
     1862 * cyber: Annotate compliance with cybersecurity requirements
     1863 * cybercic: "Controls in Contents" for the cyber package
     1864 * darkmode: General Dark Mode Support for LaTeX-Documents
     1865 * dashbox: Draw dashed boxes
     1866 * dashrule: Draw dashed rules
     1867 * dashundergaps: Produce gaps that are underlined, dotted or dashed
     1868 * dataref: Manage references to experimental data
     1869 * datatool: Tools to load and manipulate data
     1870 * datax: Import individual data from script files
     1871 * dateiliste: Extensions of the \listfiles concept
     1872 * datenumber: Convert a date into a number and vice versa
     1873 * datestamp: Fixed date-stamps with LuaLaTeX
     1874 * datetime: Change format of \today with commands for current time
     1875 * datetime2: Formats for dates, times and time zones
     1876 * datetime2-bahasai: Bahasai language module for the datetime2 package
     1877 * datetime2-basque: Basque language module for the datetime2 package
     1878 * datetime2-breton: Breton language module for the datetime2 package
     1879 * datetime2-bulgarian: Bulgarian language module for the datetime2 package
     1880 * datetime2-catalan: Catalan language module for the datetime2 package
     1881 * datetime2-croatian: Croatian language module for the datetime2 package
     1882 * datetime2-czech: Czech language module for the datetime2 package
     1883 * datetime2-danish: Danish language module for the datetime2 package
     1884 * datetime2-dutch: Dutch language module for the datetime2 package
     1885 * datetime2-en-fulltext: English Full Text styles for the datetime2 package
     1886 * datetime2-english: English language module for the datetime2 package
     1887 * datetime2-esperanto: Esperanto language module for the datetime2 package
     1888 * datetime2-estonian: Estonian language module for the datetime2 package
     1889 * datetime2-finnish: Finnish language module for the datetime2 package
     1890 * datetime2-french: French language module for the datetime2 package
     1891 * datetime2-galician: Galician language module for the datetime2 package
     1892 * datetime2-german: German language module for the datetime2 package
     1893 * datetime2-greek: Greek language module for the datetime2 package
     1894 * datetime2-hebrew: Hebrew language module for the datetime2 package
     1895 * datetime2-icelandic: Icelandic language module for the datetime2 package
     1896 * datetime2-irish: Irish Gaelic Language Module for the datetime2 Package
     1897 * datetime2-it-fulltext: Italian full text styles for the datetime2 package
     1898 * datetime2-italian: Italian language module for the datetime2 package
     1899 * datetime2-latin: Latin language module for the datetime2 package
     1900 * datetime2-lsorbian: Lower Sorbian language module for the datetime2 package
     1901 * datetime2-magyar: Magyar language module for the datetime2 package
     1902 * datetime2-norsk: Norsk language module for the datetime2 package
     1903 * datetime2-polish: Polish language module for the datetime2 package
     1904 * datetime2-portuges: Portuguese language module for the datetime2 package
     1905 * datetime2-romanian: Romanian language module for the datetime2 package
     1906 * datetime2-russian: Russian language module for the datetime2 package
     1907 * datetime2-samin: Northern Sami language module for the datetime2 package
     1908 * datetime2-scottish: Scottish Gaelic Language Module for the datetime2 Package
     1909 * datetime2-serbian: Serbian language module for the datetime2 package
     1910 * datetime2-slovak: Slovak language module for the datetime2 package
     1911 * datetime2-slovene: Slovene language module for the datetime2 package
     1912 * datetime2-spanish: Spanish language module for the datetime2 package
     1913 * datetime2-swedish: Swedish language module for the datetime2 package
     1914 * datetime2-turkish: Turkish language module for the datetime2 package
     1915 * datetime2-ukrainian: Ukrainian language module for the datetime2 package
     1916 * datetime2-usorbian: Upper Sorbian language module for the datetime2 package
     1917 * datetime2-welsh: Welsh language module for the datetime2 package
     1918 * dblfloatfix: Fixes for twocolumn floats
     1919 * dbshow: A package to store and display data with custom filters, orders, and styles
     1920 * debate: Debates between reviewers
     1921 * decimal: LaTeX package for the English raised decimal point
     1922 * decimalcomma: Comma for decimal numbers
     1923 * decorule: Decorative swelled rule using font character
     1924 * defoldfonts: Define old font commands
     1925 * delimtxt: Read and parse text tables
     1926 * democodetools: Package for LaTeX code documentation
     1927 * denisbdoc: A personal dirty package for documenting packages
     1928 * diabetes-logbook: A logbook for people with type one diabetes
     1929 * diagbox: Table heads with diagonal lines
     1930 * diagnose: A diagnostic tool for a TeX installation
     1931 * dialogl: Macros for constructing interactive LaTeX scripts
     1932 * dichokey: Construct dichotomous identification keys
     1933 * didec: Fixed-point arithmetic with two decimal places
     1934 * dimnum: Commands for dimensionless numbers
     1935 * dinbrief: German letter DIN style
     1936 * directory: An address book using BibTeX
     1937 * dirtytalk: A package to typeset quotations easier
     1938 * dlfltxb: Macros related to "Introdktion til LaTeX"
     1939 * dnaseq: Format DNA base sequences
     1940 * doclicense: Support for putting documents under a license
     1941 * docmfp: Document non-LaTeX code
     1942 * docmute: Input files ignoring LaTeX preamble, etc
     1943 * docshots: TeX samples next to their PDF snapshots
     1944 * doctools: Tools for the documentation of LaTeX code
     1945 * documentation: Documentation support for C, Java and assembler code
     1946 * docutils: Helper commands and element definitions for Docutils LaTeX output
     1947 * doi: Create correct hyperlinks for DOI numbers
     1948 * dotarrow: Extendable dotted arrows
     1949 * dotlessi: Provides dotless i's and j's for use in any math font
     1950 * dotseqn: Flush left equations with dotted leaders to the numbers
     1951 * download: Allow LaTeX to download files using an external process
     1952 * dox: Extend the doc package
     1953 * dpfloat: Support for double-page floats
     1954 * dprogress: LaTeX-relevant log information for debugging
     1955 * drac: Declare active character substitution, robustly
     1956 * draftcopy: Identify draft copies
     1957 * draftfigure: Replace figures with a white box and additional features
     1958 * draftwatermark: Put a grey textual watermark on document pages
     1959 * dtk: Document class for the journal of DANTE
     1960 * dtxdescribe: Describe additional object types in dtx source files
     1961 * dtxgallery: A small collection of minimal DTX examples
     1962 * ducksay: Draw ASCII art of animals saying a specified message
     1963 * duckuments: Create duckified dummy content
     1964 * dvdcoll: A class for typesetting DVD archives
     1965 * dynamicnumber: Dynamically typeset numbers and values in LaTeX through "symbolic links"
     1966 * dynblocks: A simple way to create dynamic blocks for Beamer
     1967 * ean13isbn: Print EAN13 for ISBN
     1968 * easy: A collection of easy-to-use macros
     1969 * easy-todo: To-do notes in a document
     1970 * easybook: Easily typesetting Chinese theses or books
     1971 * easyfig: Simplifying the use of common figures
     1972 * easyfloats: An easier interface to insert figures, tables and other objects in LaTeX
     1973 * easyformat: Easily add boldface, italics and smallcaps
     1974 * easylist: Lists using a single active character
     1975 * easyreview: Package to provide a way to review (or perform editorial process) in LaTeX
     1976 * ebezier: Device independent picture environment enhancement
     1977 * ecclesiastic: Typesetting Ecclesiastic Latin
     1978 * econlipsum: Generate sentences from economic articles
     1979 * ecv: A fancy Curriculum Vitae class
     1980 * ed: Editorial Notes for LaTeX documents
     1981 * edichokey: Typeset dichotomous identification keys
     1982 * edmargin: Multiple series of endnotes for critical editions
     1983 * eemeir: Adjust the gender of words in a document
     1984 * efbox: Extension of \fbox, with controllable frames and colours
     1985 * egplot: Encapsulate Gnuplot sources in LaTeX documents
     1986 * ehhline: Extend the \hhline command
     1987 * einfart: Write your articles in a simple and clear way
     1988 * elements: Provides properties of chemical elements
     1989 * ellipsis: Fix uneven spacing around ellipses in LaTeX text mode
     1990 * elmath: Mathematics in Greek texts
     1991 * elocalloc: Local allocation macros for LaTeX 2015
     1992 * elpres: A simple class for electronic presentations
     1993 * elzcards: Typeset business cards, index cards and flash cards easily
     1994 * emarks: Named mark registers with e-TeX
     1995 * embedall: Embed source files into the generated PDF
     1996 * embedfile: Embed files into PDF
     1997 * embrac: Upright brackets in emphasised text
     1998 * emo: Emoji for all (LaTeX engines)
     1999 * emotion: Make emojis more easy to use in XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
     2000 * emptypage: Make empty pages really empty
     2001 * emulateapj: Produce output similar to that of APJ
     2002 * endfloat: Move floats to the end, leaving markers where they belong
     2003 * endheads: Running headers of the form "Notes to pp.xx-yy"
     2004 * endnotes: Place footnotes at the end
     2005 * endnotes-hy: Patches the endnotes package to create hypertext links to the correct anchors
     2006 * engpron: Helps to type the pronunciation of English words
     2007 * engrec: Enumerate with lower- or uppercase Greek letters
     2008 * enotez: Support for end-notes
     2009 * enumitem: Control layout of itemize, enumerate, description
     2010 * enumitem-zref: Extended references to items for enumitem package
     2011 * envbig: Printing addresses on envelopes
     2012 * environ: A new interface for environments in LaTeX
     2013 * envlab: Addresses on envelopes or mailing labels
     2014 * epigraph: A package for typesetting epigraphs
     2015 * epigraph-keys: Epigraphs using key values
     2016 * epiolmec: Typesetting the Epi-Olmec Language
     2017 * eq-pin2corr: Add PIN security to the "Correct" button of a quiz created by exerquiz
     2018 * eqell: Sympathetically spaced ellipsis after punctuation
     2019 * eqlist: Description lists with equal indentation
     2020 * eqnalign: Make eqnarray behave like align
     2021 * eqname: Name tags for equations
     2022 * eqparbox: Create equal-widthed parboxes
     2023 * errata: Error markup for LaTeX documents
     2024 * erw-l3: Utilities based on LaTeX3
     2025 * esami: Typeset exams with scrambled questions and answers
     2026 * esdiff: Simplify typesetting of derivatives
     2027 * esieecv: Curriculum vitae for French use
     2028 * esindex: Typset index entries in Spanish documents
     2029 * esint: Extended set of integrals for Computer Modern
     2030 * esint-type1: Font esint10 in Type 1 format
     2031 * etaremune: Reverse-counting enumerate environment
     2032 * etextools: e-TeX tools for LaTeX users and package writers
     2033 * etl: Expandable token list operations
     2034 * etoc: Completely customisable TOCs
     2035 * eukdate: UK format dates, with weekday
     2036 * eulerpx: A modern interface for the Euler math fonts
     2037 * europasscv: Unofficial class for the new version of the Europass curriculum vitae
     2038 * europecv: Unofficial class for European curricula vitae
     2039 * everyhook: Hooks for standard TeX token lists
     2040 * everypage: Provide hooks to be run on every page of a document
     2041 * exam: Package for typesetting exam scripts
     2042 * exam-lite: Quicker preparation of exams in LaTeX
     2043 * exam-n: Exam class, focused on collaborative authoring
     2044 * exam-randomizechoices: Randomize mc choices using the exam class
     2045 * examdesign: LaTeX class for typesetting exams
     2046 * example: Typeset examples for TeX courses
     2047 * examplep: Verbatim phrases and listings in LaTeX
     2048 * examz: Randomized exams with multiple versions
     2049 * exceltex: Get data from Excel files into LaTeX
     2050 * excludeonly: Prevent files being \include-ed
     2051 * exercise: Typeset exercises, problems, etc. and their answers
     2052 * exercisebank: Creating and managing exercises, and reusing them as composed sets
     2053 * exercisepoints: A LaTeX package to count exercises and points
     2054 * exercises: Typeset exercises and solutions with automatic addition of points
     2055 * exesheet: Typesetting exercise or exam sheets
     2056 * exframe: Framework for exercise problems
     2057 * exp-testopt: Expandable \@testopt (and related) macros
     2058 * expdlist: Expanded description environments
     2059 * export: Import and export values of LaTeX registers
     2060 * exsheets: Create exercise sheets and exams
     2061 * exsol: Exercises and solutions from the same source, into a book
     2062 * extract: Extract parts of a document and write to another document
     2063 * facsimile: Document class for preparing faxes
     2064 * factura: Typeset and calculate invoices according to Venezuelan law
     2065 * fail-fast: Turn warnings into errors
     2066 * familytree: Draw family trees
     2067 * fancyhandout: A LaTeX class for producing nice-looking handouts
     2068 * fancylabel: Complex labelling with LaTeX
     2069 * fancynum: Typeset numbers
     2070 * fancypar: Decoration of individual paragraphs
     2071 * fancyqr: Fancy QR-Codes with TikZ
     2072 * fancyslides: Custom presentation class built upon LaTeX Beamer
     2073 * fancytabs: Fancy page border tabs
     2074 * fancytooltips: Include a wide range of material in PDF tooltips
     2075 * fbox: Extended \fbox macro from standard LaTeX
     2076 * fcolumn: Typesetting financial tables
     2077 * fetchcls: Fetch the current class name
     2078 * fewerfloatpages: Reduce the number of unnecessary float pages
     2079 * ffcode: Fixed-font code blocks formatted nicely
     2080 * ffslides: Freeform slides based on the article class
     2081 * fgruler: Draw rulers on the foreground or in the text
     2082 * fifo-stack: FIFO and stack implementation for package writers
     2083 * figsize: Auto-size graphics
     2084 * filecontents: Create an external file from within a LaTeX document
     2085 * filecontentsdef: filecontents + macro + verbatim
     2086 * filedate: Access and compare info and modification dates
     2087 * fileinfo: Enhanced display of LaTeX File Information
     2088 * filemod: Provide file modification times, and compare them
     2089 * fink: The LaTeX2e File Name Keeper
     2090 * finstrut: Adjust behaviour of the ends of footnotes
     2091 * fistrum: Access to 150 paragraphs of Lorem Fistrum very dummy text
     2092 * fithesis: Thesis class and template for Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic)
     2093 * fixcmex: Fully scalable version of Computer Modern Math Extension font
     2094 * fixfoot: Multiple use of the same footnote text
     2095 * fixme: Collaborative annotation tool for LaTeX
     2096 * fixmetodonotes: Add notes on document development
     2097 * fjodor: A selection of layout styles
     2098 * flabels: Labels for files and folders
     2099 * flacards: Generate flashcards for printing
     2100 * flagderiv: Flag style derivation package
     2101 * flashcards: A class for typesetting flashcards
     2102 * flashmovie: Directly embed flash movies into PDF files
     2103 * flexipage: Flexible page geometry with marginalia
     2104 * flipbook: Typeset flipbook animations, in the corners of documents
     2105 * flippdf: Horizontal flipping of pages with pdfLaTeX
     2106 * floatbytocbasic: An enhancement to package float using package tocbasic
     2107 * floatflt: Wrap text around floats
     2108 * floatrow: Modifying the layout of floats
     2109 * floatrowbytocbasic: An enhancement to package floatrow using package tocbasic
     2110 * flowfram: Create text frames for posters, brochures or magazines
     2111 * fmp: Include Functional MetaPost in LaTeX
     2112 * fmtcount: Display the value of a LaTeX counter in a variety of formats
     2113 * fn2end: Convert footnotes to endnotes
     2114 * fnbreak: Warn for split footnotes
     2115 * fncychap: Seven predefined chapter heading styles
     2116 * fncylab: Alter the format of \label references
     2117 * fnpara: Footnotes in paragraphs
     2118 * fnpct: Manage footnote marks' interaction with punctuation
     2119 * fnumprint: Print a number in 'appropriate' format
     2120 * foilhtml: Interface between foiltex and LaTeX2HTML
     2121 * foliono: Use folio numbers to replace page numbers
     2122 * fontaxes: Additional font axes for LaTeX
     2123 * fontscale: A flexible interface for setting font sizes
     2124 * fontsetup: A front-end to fontspec, for selected fonts with math support
     2125 * fontsize: A small package to set arbitrary sizes for the main font of the document
     2126 * fonttable: Print font tables from a LaTeX document
     2127 * footmisc: A range of footnote options
     2128 * footmisx: A range of footnote options
     2129 * footnotebackref: Back-references from footnotes
     2130 * footnoterange: References to ranges of footnotes
     2131 * footnpag: Per-page numbering of footnotes
     2132 * forarray: Using array structures in LaTeX
     2133 * foreign: Systematic treatment of 'foreign' words in documents
     2134 * forloop: Iteration in LaTeX
     2135 * formlett: Letters to multiple recipients
     2136 * forms16be: Initialize form properties using big-endian encoding
     2137 * formular: Create forms containing field for manual entry
     2138 * fragments: Fragments of LaTeX code
     2139 * frame: Framed boxes for Plain TeX
     2140 * framed: Framed or shaded regions that can break across pages
     2141 * frankenstein: A collection of LaTeX packages
     2142 * frege: Typeset fregean Begriffsschrift
     2143 * froufrou: Fancy section separators
     2144 * ftcap: Allows \caption at the beginning of a table-environment
     2145 * ftnxtra: Extend the applicability of the \footnote command
     2146 * fullblck: Left-blocking for letter class
     2147 * fullminipage: Minipage spanning a complete page
     2148 * fullwidth: Adjust margins of text block
     2149 * functional: Provide an intuitive functional programming interface for LaTeX2
     2150 * fundus-calligra: Support for the calligra font in LaTeX documents
     2151 * fundus-cyr: Support for Washington University Cyrillic fonts
     2152 * fundus-sueterlin: Sutterlin
     2153 * fvextra: Extensions and patches for fancyvrb
     2154 * fwlw: Get first and last words of a page
     2155 * g-brief: Letter document class
     2156 * gatherenum: A crossover of align* and enumerate
     2157 * gauss: A package for Gaussian operations
     2158 * gcard: Arrange text on a sheet to fold into a greeting card
     2159 * gcite: Citations in a reader-friendly style
     2160 * gender: Gender neutrality for languages with grammatical gender
     2161 * genealogy-profiles: Genealogical profiles for LaTeX
     2162 * genmpage: Generalization of LaTeX's minipages
     2163 * gensymb: Generic symbols for both text and math mode
     2164 * getfiledate: Find the date of last modification of a file
     2165 * getitems: Gathering items from a list-like environment
     2166 * gindex: Formatting indexes
     2167 * ginpenc: Modification of inputenc for German
     2168 * gitfile-info: Get git metadata for a specific file
     2169 * gitinfo: Access metadata from the git distributed version control system
     2170 * gitinfo2: Access metadata from the git distributed version control system
     2171 * gitlog: Typesetting git changelogs
     2172 * gitstatus: Include Git information in the document as watermark or via variables
     2173 * gitver: Get the current git hash of a project and typeset it in the document
     2174 * globalvals: Declare global variables
     2175 * gloss: Create glossaries using BibTeX
     2176 * glossaries: Create glossaries and lists of acronyms
     2177 * glossaries-danish: Danish language module for glossaries package
     2178 * glossaries-dutch: Dutch language module for glossaries package
     2179 * glossaries-english: English language module for glossaries package
     2180 * glossaries-estonian: Estonian language module for glossaries package
     2181 * glossaries-extra: An extension to the glossaries package
     2182 * glossaries-finnish: Finnish language module for glossaries package
     2183 * glossaries-french: French language module for glossaries package
     2184 * glossaries-german: German language module for glossaries package
     2185 * glossaries-irish: Irish language module for glossaries package
     2186 * glossaries-italian: Italian language module for glossaries package
     2187 * glossaries-magyar: Magyar language module for glossaries package
     2188 * glossaries-norsk: Norsk Bokmal language module for the glossaries Package
     2189 * glossaries-nynorsk: Nynorsk language module for the glossaries package
     2190 * glossaries-polish: Polish language module for glossaries package
     2191 * glossaries-portuges: Portuges language module for glossaries package
     2192 * glossaries-serbian: Serbian language module for glossaries package
     2193 * glossaries-slovene: Slovene language module for glossaries package
     2194 * glossaries-spanish: Spanish language module for glossaries package
     2195 * gmdoc: Documentation of LaTeX packages
     2196 * gmdoc-enhance: Some enhancements to the gmdoc package
     2197 * gmiflink: Simplify usage of \hypertarget and \hyperlink
     2198 * gmutils: Support macros for other packages
     2199 * gmverb: A variant of LaTeX \verb, verbatim and shortvrb
     2200 * grabbox: Read an argument into a box and execute the code afterwards
     2201 * gradient-text: Decorate text with linear gradient colors
     2202 * grading-scheme: Typeset grading schemes in tabular format
     2203 * graphbox: Extend graphicx to improve placement of graphics
     2204 * graphicscache: Cache includegraphics calls
     2205 * graphicx-psmin: Reduce size of PostScript files by not repeating images
     2206 * graphicxbox: Insert a graphical image as a background
     2207 * graphpaper: A LaTeX class to generate several types of graph papers
     2208 * grayhints: Produce 'gray hints' to a variable text field
     2209 * grfpaste: Include fragments of a dvi file
     2210 * grid: Grid typesetting in LaTeX
     2211 * grid-system: Page organisation, modelled on CSS facilities
     2212 * gridpapers: Graph paper backgrounds and color schemes
     2213 * gridset: Grid, a.k.a. in-register, setting
     2214 * gridslides: Free form slides with blocks placed on a grid
     2215 * gs1: Typeset EAN barcodes using TeX rules, only
     2216 * guitlogo: Macros for typesetting the GuIT logo
     2217 * ha-prosper: Patches and improvements for prosper
     2218 * hackthefootline: Footline selection and configuration for LaTeX beamer's standard themes
     2219 * halloweenmath: Scary and creepy math symbols with AMS-LaTeX integration
     2220 * handin: Light weight template for creating school submissions using LaTeX
     2221 * handout: Create handout for auditors of a talk
     2222 * handoutwithnotes: Create Handouts with notes from your LaTeX beamer presentation
     2223 * hang: Environments for hanging paragraphs and list items
     2224 * hanging: Hanging paragraphs
     2225 * hardwrap: Hard wrap text to a certain character length
     2226 * harnon-cv: A CV document class with a vertical timeline for experience
     2227 * harpoon: Extra harpoons, using the graphics package
     2228 * hc: Replacement for the LaTeX classes
     2229 * he-she: Alternating pronouns to aid gender-neutral writing
     2230 * hep-acronym: An acronym extension for glossaries
     2231 * hep-float: Convenience package for float placement
     2232 * hep-math: Extended math macros
     2233 * hep-text: List and text extensions
     2234 * hep-title: Extensions for the title page
     2235 * hereapplies: A LaTeX package for referencing groups of pages that share something in common
     2236 * hhtensor: Print vectors, matrices, and tensors
     2237 * hideanswer: Generate documents with and without answers by toggling a switch
     2238 * highlightlatex: Syntax highlighting for LaTeX
     2239 * highlightx: Highlight formulas or paragraphs
     2240 * histogr: Draw histograms with the LaTeX picture environment
     2241 * hitec: Class for documentation
     2242 * hitreport: Harbin Institute of Technology Report LaTeX Template
     2243 * hletter: Flexible letter typesetting with flexible page headings
     2244 * hobsub: Construct package bundles
     2245 * homework: A LaTeX class for writing your homework
     2246 * hpsdiss: A dissertation class
     2247 * href-ul: Underscored LaTeX hyperlinks
     2248 * hrefhide: Suppress hyper links when printing
     2249 * huawei: Template for Huawei documents
     2250 * hvextern: Write and execute external code, and insert the output
     2251 * hvindex: Support for indexing
     2252 * hvlogos: Print TeX-related names as logo
     2253 * hvpygmentex: Syntax-Highlighting of program code
     2254 * hvqrurl: Insert a QR code in the margin
     2255 * hwemoji: Unicode emoji support for pdfLaTeX with sequences
     2256 * hypdestopt: Hyperref destination optimizer
     2257 * hypdoc: Hyper extensions for doc.sty
     2258 * hypdvips: Hyperref extensions for use with dvips
     2259 * hyper: Hypertext cross referencing
     2260 * hyperbar: Add interactive Barcode fields to PDF forms
     2261 * hypernat: Allow hyperref and natbib to work together
     2262 * hyperxmp: Embed XMP metadata within a LaTeX document
     2263 * hyphenat: Disable/enable hypenation
     2264 * identkey: Typesetting bracketed dichotomous identification keys
     2265 * idxcmds: Semantic commands for adding formatted index entries
     2266 * idxlayout: Configurable index layout, responsive to KOMA-Script and memoir
     2267 * iexec: Execute shell commands and input their output
     2268 * ifallfalse: Compare a string against a set of other strings
     2269 * iffont: Conditionally load fonts with fontspec
     2270 * ifmslide: Presentation slides for screen and printouts
     2271 * ifmtarg: If-then-else command for processing potentially empty arguments
     2272 * ifnextok: Utility macro: peek ahead without ignoring spaces
     2273 * ifoddpage: Determine if the current page is odd or even
     2274 * ifthenx: Extra tests for \ifthenelse
     2275 * iitem: Multiple level of lists in one list-like environment
     2276 * image-gallery: Create an overview of pictures from a digital camera or from other sources
     2277 * imakeidx: A package for producing multiple indexes
     2278 * import: Establish input relative to a directory
     2279 * incgraph: Sophisticated graphics inclusion in a PDF document
     2280 * indextools: Producing multiple indices
     2281 * inline-images: Inline images in base64 encoding
     2282 * inlinedef: Inline expansions within definitions
     2283 * inlinelabel: Assign equation numbers to inline equations
     2284 * inputenx: Enhanced input encoding handling
     2285 * inputtrc: Trace which file loads which
     2286 * interactiveworkbook: LaTeX-based interactive PDF on the Web
     2287 * interfaces: Set parameters for other packages, conveniently
     2288 * intopdf: Embed non-PDF files into PDF with hyperlink
     2289 * inversepath: Calculate inverse file paths
     2290 * invoice: Generate invoices
     2291 * invoice-class: Produces a standard US invoice from a CSV file
     2292 * invoice2: Intelligent invoices with LaTeX3
     2293 * ipsum: Insert multilingual placeholder text
     2294 * iso: Generic ISO standards typesetting macros
     2295 * iso10303: Typesetting the STEP standards
     2296 * isodate: Tune the output format of dates according to language
     2297 * isodoc: A LaTeX class for typesetting letters and invoices
     2298 * isonums: Display numbers in maths mode according to ISO 31-0
     2299 * isopt: Writing a TeX length with a space between number and unit
     2300 * isorot: Rotation of document elements
     2301 * isosafety: Provides ISO signs and colors according to the standards 7010 and 3864
     2302 * isotope: A package for typesetting isotopes
     2303 * issuulinks: Produce external links instead of internal ones
     2304 * iwonamath: LaTeX support for scaled Iwona math fonts
     2305 * jlabels: Make letter-sized pages of labels
     2306 * jmsdelim: A package for compositional delimiter sizing
     2307 * jobname-suffix: Compile differently based on the filename
     2308 * joinbox: Join boxes vertically or horizontally
     2309 * jslectureplanner: Creation and management of university course material
     2310 * jumplines: Articles with teasers and continuation later on
     2311 * jvlisting: A replacement for LaTeX's verbatim package
     2312 * kalendarium: Print dates according to the classical Latin calendar
     2313 * kantlipsum: Generate sentences in Kant's style
     2314 * kerntest: Print tables and generate control files to adjust kernings
     2315 * keycommand: Simple creation of commands with key-value arguments
     2316 * keyfloat: Provides a key/value interface for generating floats
     2317 * keyindex: Index entries by key lookup
     2318 * keyparse: Key based parser
     2319 * keyreader: A robust interface to xkeyval
     2320 * keystroke: Graphical representation of keys on keyboard
     2321 * keyval2e: A lightweight and robust key-value parser
     2322 * keyvaltable: Re-usable table layouts separating content and presentation
     2323 * kix: Typeset KIX codes
     2324 * knowledge: Displaying, hyperlinking, and indexing notions in a document
     2325 * koma-moderncvclassic: Makes the style and command of moderncv (style classic) available for koma-classes and thus compatible with BibLaTeX
     2326 * koma-script-sfs: Koma-script letter class option for Finnish
     2327 * komacv: Typesetting a beautiful CV with various style options
     2328 * komacv-rg: LaTeX packages that aid in creating CVs based on the komacv class and creating related documents
     2329 * korigamik: Typeset articles using KorigamiK's document class
     2330 * ktv-texdata: Extract subsets of documents
     2331 * l3build: A testing and building system for (La)TeX
     2332 * labbook: Typeset laboratory journals
     2333 * labels: Print sheets of sticky labels
     2334 * labels4easylist: Add reference labels to easylist items
     2335 * labelschanged: Identify labels which cause endless "may have changed" warnings
     2336 * lambdax: Use Lambda expression within LaTeX
     2337 * lastbib: Record the number of citations in a document
     2338 * lastpackage: Indicates the last loaded package
     2339 * lastpage: Reference last page for Page N of M type footers
     2340 * latex-amsmath-dev: Development pre-release of the LaTeX amsmath bundle
     2341 * latex-base-dev: Development pre-release of the LaTeX kernel
     2342 * latex-bin-dev: LaTeX pre-release executables and formats
     2343 * latex-context-ppchtex: Legacy stub to allow loading pictex as m-pictex
     2344 * latex-firstaid-dev: Development pre-release of the LaTeX firstaid package
     2345 * latex-graphics-dev: Development pre-release of the LaTeX graphics bundle
     2346 * latex-lab-dev: LaTeX laboratory: Development pre-release
     2347 * latex-tools-dev: Development pre-release of the LaTeX tools bundle
     2348 * latex-uni8: Universal inputenc, fontenc, and babel for pdfLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
     2349 * latex2pydata: Write data to file in Python literal format
     2350 * latexcolors: Use color definitions from
     2351 * latexdemo: Demonstrate LaTeX code with its resulting output
     2352 * latexgit: A LaTeX git wrapper
     2353 * layouts: Display various elements of a document's layout
     2354 * lazylist: Lists in TeX's "mouth"
     2355 * lccaps: Lowercased (spaced) small capitals
     2356 * lcd: Alphanumerical LCD-style displays
     2357 * lcg: Generate random integers
     2358 * leading: Define leading with a length
     2359 * leaflet: Create small handouts (flyers)
     2360 * lebhart: Write your articles in a colorful way
     2361 * lectures: A document class for quickly drafting nice looking lecture notes
     2362 * lectureslides: Combine single PDF files into one file
     2363 * leftidx: Left and right subscripts and superscripts in math mode
     2364 * leftindex: Left indices with better spacing
     2365 * leipzig: Typeset and index linguistic gloss abbreviations
     2366 * lengthconvert: Express lengths in arbitrary units
     2367 * lettre: Letters and faxes in French
     2368 * lettrine: Typeset dropped capitals
     2369 * lewis: Draw Lewis structures
     2370 * lhelp: Miscellaneous helper packages
     2371 * libgreek: Greek letters in math mode from Libertinus or Linux Libertine/Biolinum
     2372 * limap: Typeset maps and blocks according to the Information Mapping(r) method
     2373 * linegoal: A "dimen" that returns the space left on the line
     2374 * linop: Typeset linear operators as they appear in quantum theory or linear algebra
     2375 * lipsum: Easy access to the Lorem Ipsum and other dummy texts
     2376 * lisp-on-tex: Execute LISP code in a LaTeX document
     2377 * listing: Produce formatted program listings
     2378 * listingsutf8: Allow UTF-8 in listings input
     2379 * listlbls: Creates a list of all labels used throughout a document
     2380 * listliketab: Typeset lists as tables
     2381 * listofsymbols: Create and manipulate lists of symbols
     2382 * litebook: A fresh cover and chapter design for books
     2383 * litesolution: A template providing a light design for solutions of test papers
     2384 * litetable: Class schedules with colorful course blocks
     2385 * lkproof: LK Proof figure macros
     2386 * lmake: Process lists to do repetitive actions
     2387 * locality: Various macros for keeping things local
     2388 * logbox: e-TeX showbox facilities for exploration purposes
     2389 * logical-markup-utils: Packages for language-dependent inline quotes and dashes
     2390 * logoetalab: Insert Licence Etalab 2.0 logo
     2391 * logpap: Generate logarithmic graph paper with LaTeX
     2392 * longfbox: Draw framed boxes with standard CSS attributes that can break over multiple pages
     2393 * longfigure: Provides a figure-like environment that break over pages
     2394 * longnamefilelist: Tidy \listfiles with long file names
     2395 * loops: General looping macros for use with LaTeX
     2396 * lsc: Typesetting Live Sequence Charts
     2397 * lstaddons: Add-on packages for listings: autogobble and line background
     2398 * lstfiracode: Use Fira Code font for listings
     2399 * lt3graph: Provide a graph datastructure for experimental LaTeX3
     2400 * lt3rawobjects: Objects and proxies in LaTeX3
     2401 * ltablex: Table package extensions
     2402 * ltabptch: Bug fix for longtable
     2403 * ltxdockit: Documentation support
     2404 * ltxguidex: An extended ltxguide class
     2405 * ltxkeys: A robust key parser for LaTeX
     2406 * ltxnew: A simple means of creating commands
     2407 * ltxtools: A collection of LaTeX API macros
     2408 * lua-check-hyphen: Mark hyphenations in a document, for checking
     2409 * lua-physical: Functions and objects for the computation of physical quantities
     2410 * luatodonotes: Add editing annotations in a LuaLaTeX document
     2411 * macrolist: List operations for LaTeX2e
     2412 * macroswap: Swap the definitions of two LaTeX macros
     2413 * magaz: Magazine layout
     2414 * magicnum: Access TeX systems' "magic numbers"
     2415 * magicwatermark: An easy and flexible way to set watermarks
     2416 * mailing: Macros for mail merging
     2417 * mailmerge: Repeating text field substitution
     2418 * makebarcode: Print various kinds 2/5 and Code 39 bar codes
     2419 * makebase: Typeset counters in a different base
     2420 * makebox: Defines a \makebox* command
     2421 * makecell: Tabular column heads and multilined cells
     2422 * makecirc: A MetaPost library for drawing electrical circuit diagrams
     2423 * makecmds: The new \makecommand command always (re)defines a command
     2424 * makecookbook: Make a Cookbook
     2425 * makedtx: Perl script to help generate dtx and ins files
     2426 * makeglos: Include a glossary into a document
     2427 * makelabels: Add a '\makelabels' feature to KOMA-Script letter classes and package
     2428 * makerobust: Making a macro robust (legacy package)
     2429 * mandi: Macros for introductory physics and astronomy
     2430 * manfnt: LaTeX support for the TeX book symbols
     2431 * manuscript: Emulate look of a document typed on a typewriter
     2432 * manyind: Provides support for many indexes
     2433 * marginfit: Improved margin notes
     2434 * marginfix: Patch \marginpar to avoid overfull margins
     2435 * marginnote: Notes in the margin, even where \marginpar fails
     2436 * markdown: Converting and rendering markdown documents inside TeX
     2437 * mathalpha: General package for loading maths alphabets in LaTeX
     2438 * mathastext: Use the text font in maths mode
     2439 * mathexam: Package for typesetting exams
     2440 * mathfam256: Extend math family up to 256 for pLaTeX/upLaTeX/Lamed
     2441 * mathfont: Use TrueType and OpenType fonts in math mode
     2442 * maybemath: Make math bold or italic according to context
     2443 * mcaption: Put captions in the margin
     2444 * mceinleger: Creating covers for music cassettes
     2445 * mcexam: Create randomized Multiple Choice questions
     2446 * mcite: Multiple items in a single citation
     2447 * mciteplus: Enhanced multiple citations
     2448 * mdframed: Framed environments that can split at page boundaries
     2449 * media4svg: Multimedia inclusion for the dvisvgm backend
     2450 * media9: Multimedia inclusion package with Adobe Reader-9/X compatibility
     2451 * medstarbeamer: Beamer document class for MedStar Health Research Institute
     2452 * meetingmins: Format written minutes of meetings
     2453 * memexsupp: Experimental memoir support
     2454 * memory: Containers for data in LaTeX
     2455 * mensa-tex: Typeset simple school cafeteria menus
     2456 * menu: Typesetting menus
     2457 * menucard: Typesetting menu cards with LaTeX
     2458 * menukeys: Format menu sequences, paths and keystrokes from lists
     2459 * metalogox: Adjust TeX logos, with font detection
     2460 * metanorma: Write Metanorma standardization documents using LaTe
     2461 * metastr: Store and compose strings
     2462 * method: Typeset method and variable declarations
     2463 * metre: Support for the work of classicists
     2464 * mfirstuc: Uppercase the first letter of a word
     2465 * mftinc: Pretty-print Metafont source
     2466 * mi-solns: Extract solutions from exercises and quizzes
     2467 * midpage: Environment for vertical centring
     2468 * mindflow: Write your ideas in a clear way
     2469 * minibox: A simple type of box for LaTeX
     2470 * minidocument: Creates miniature documents inside other LaTeX documents
     2471 * minifp: Fixed-point real computations to 8 decimals
     2472 * minimalist: Write your articles or books in a simple and clear way
     2473 * minipage-marginpar: Minipages with marginal notes
     2474 * minitoc: Produce a table of contents for each chapter, part or section
     2475 * minorrevision: Quote and refer to a manuscript for minor revisions
     2476 * minted: Highlighted source code for LaTeX
     2477 * minutes: Typeset the minutes of meetings
     2478 * mla-paper: Proper MLA formatting
     2479 * mleftright: Variants of delimiters that act as maths open/close
     2480 * mlist: Logical markup for lists
     2481 * mmap: Include CMap resources in PDF files from pdfTeX
     2482 * mnotes: Margin annotation for collaborative writing
     2483 * moderncv: A modern curriculum vitae class
     2484 * modernposter: A modern LaTeX poster theme
     2485 * moderntimeline: Timelines for use with moderncv
     2486 * modref: Customisation of cross-references in LaTeX
     2487 * modroman: Write numbers in lower case roman numerals
     2488 * modular: Relative section headings for modular documents
     2489 * moloch: Beamer based on Metropolis theme
     2490 * monofill: Alignment of plain text
     2491 * moodle: Generating Moodle quizzes via LaTeX
     2492 * moreenum: More enumeration options
     2493 * morefloats: Increase the number of simultaneous LaTeX floats
     2494 * morehype: Hypertext tools for use with LaTeX
     2495 * moresize: Allows font sizes up to 35.83pt
     2496 * moreverb: Extended verbatim
     2497 * morewrites: Always room for a new write stream
     2498 * movement-arrows: Drawing movement arrows on linguistic example sentences
     2499 * movie15: Multimedia inclusion package
     2500 * mparhack: Work around a LaTeX bug in marginpars
     2501 * mpostinl: Embed MetaPost figures within LaTeX documents
     2502 * msc: Draw MSC diagrams
     2503 * msg: A package for LaTeX localisation
     2504 * mslapa: Michael Landy's APA citation style
     2505 * mtgreek: Use italic and upright greek letters with mathtime
     2506 * multenum: Multi-column enumerated lists
     2507 * multiaudience: Several versions of output from the same source
     2508 * multibbl: Multiple bibliographies
     2509 * multicap: Format captions inside multicols
     2510 * multicolrule: Decorative rules between columns
     2511 * multidef: Quickly define several similar macros
     2512 * multienv: Multiple environments using a "key=value" syntax
     2513 * multiexpand: Variations on the primitive command \expandafter
     2514 * multifootnote: Multiple numbers for the same footnote
     2515 * multilang: A LaTeX package for maintaining multiple translations of a document
     2516 * multiple-choice: LaTeX package for multiple-choice questions
     2517 * multirow: Create tabular cells spanning multiple rows
     2518 * mversion: Keeping track of document versions
     2519 * mwe: Packages and image files for MWEs
     2520 * mycv: A list-driven CV class, allowing TikZ decorations
     2521 * mylatex: Make a format containing a document's preamble
     2522 * mylatexformat: Build a format based on the preamble of a LaTeX file
     2523 * nag: Detecting and warning about obsolete LaTeX commands
     2524 * nameauth: Name authority mechanism for consistency in body text and index
     2525 * namespc: Rudimentary C++-like namespaces in LaTeX
     2526 * ncclatex: An extended general-purpose class
     2527 * ncctools: A collection of general packages for LaTeX
     2528 * needspace: Insert pagebreak if not enough space
     2529 * nestquot: Alternate quotes between double and single with nesting
     2530 * newcommand: Generate new LaTeX command definitions
     2531 * newenviron: Processing an environment's body
     2532 * newfile: User level management of LaTeX input and output
     2533 * newlfm: Write letters, facsimiles, and memos
     2534 * newspaper: Typeset newsletters to resemble newspapers
     2535 * newunicodechar: Definitions of the meaning of Unicode characters
     2536 * newvbtm: Define your own verbatim-like environment
     2537 * newverbs: Define new versions of \verb, including short verb versions
     2538 * nextpage: Generalisations of the page advance commands
     2539 * nfssext-cfr: Extensions to the LaTeX NFSS
     2540 * nicefilelist: Provide \listfiles alignment
     2541 * niceframe: Support for fancy frames
     2542 * nicetext: Minimal markup for simple text (Wikipedia style) and documentation
     2543 * nidanfloat: Bottom placement option for double float in two column mode (nidan-kumi)
     2544 * ninecolors: Select colors with proper WCAG color contrast
     2545 * nlctdoc: Package documentation class
     2546 * noconflict: Resolve macro name conflict between packages
     2547 * noindentafter: Prevent paragraph indentation after environments or macros
     2548 * noitcrul: Improved underlines in mathematics
     2549 * nolbreaks: No line breaks in text
     2550 * nomencl: Produce lists of symbols as in nomenclature
     2551 * nomentbl: Nomenclature typeset in a longtable
     2552 * non-decimal-units: Display and manipulate historical non-decimal units
     2553 * nonfloat: Non-floating table and figure captions
     2554 * nonumonpart: Prevent page numbers on part pages
     2555 * nopageno: No page numbers in LaTeX documents
     2556 * normalcolor: Changing \normalcolor
     2557 * notebeamer: A template for printing presentations on notepaper
     2558 * notes: Mark sections of a document
     2559 * notespages: Filling documents with notes pages and notes areas
     2560 * notestex: An all-in-one LaTeX notes package for students
     2561 * notoccite: Prevent trouble from citations in table of contents, etc
     2562 * nowidow: Avoid widows
     2563 * nox: Adaptable tables
     2564 * ntheorem: Enhanced theorem environment
     2565 * numberedblock: Print a block of code, with unique index number
     2566 * numname: Convert a number to its English expression
     2567 * numprint: Print numbers with separators and exponent if necessary
     2568 * numspell: Spelling cardinal and ordinal numbers
     2569 * ocg-p: PDF OCG support in LaTeX
     2570 * ocgx: Use OCGs within a PDF document without JavaScript
     2571 * ocgx2: Drop-in replacement for 'ocgx' and 'ocg-p'
     2572 * ocr-latex: LaTeX support for ocr fonts
     2573 * octavo: Typeset books following classical design and layout
     2574 * oldstyle: Old style numbers in OT1 encoding
     2575 * onlyamsmath: Inhibit use of non-amsmath mathematics markup when using amsmath
     2576 * opcit: Footnote-style bibliographical references
     2577 * opencolor: Definitions from the Open Color library
     2578 * optidef: Environments for writing optimization problems
     2579 * optional: Facilitate optional printing of parts of a document
     2580 * options: Provides convenient key-value options for LaTeX package writers
     2581 * orcidlink: Insert hyperlinked ORCiD logo
     2582 * orientation: Set page orientation with dvips/Ghostscript (ps2pdf)
     2583 * outline: List environment for making outlines
     2584 * outliner: Change section levels easily
     2585 * outlines: Produce "outline" lists
     2586 * outlining: Create outlines for scientific documents
     2587 * overlays: Incremental slides
     2588 * overpic: Combine LaTeX commands over included graphics
     2589 * padcount: Pad numbers with arbitrary characters
     2590 * pagecolor: Interrogate page color
     2591 * pagecont: Page numbering that continues between documents
     2592 * pagegrid: Print page grid in background
     2593 * pagelayout: Layout graphic rich documents
     2594 * pagenote: Notes at end of document
     2595 * pagerange: Flexible and configurable page range typesetting
     2596 * pageslts: Variants of last page labels
     2597 * palette: Create palettes for colors and symbols that can be swapped in
     2598 * pangram: A LaTeX package for testing fonts
     2599 * paper: Versions of article class, tuned for scholarly publications
     2600 * papercdcase: Origami-style folding paper CD case
     2601 * papermas: Compute the mass of a printed version of a document
     2602 * papertex: Class for newspapers, etc
     2603 * paracol: Multiple columns with texts "in parallel"
     2604 * parades: Tabulators and space between paragraphs in galley approach
     2605 * paralist: Enumerate and itemize within paragraphs
     2606 * paresse: Define simple macros for greek letters
     2607 * parnotes: Notes after every paragraph (or elsewhere)
     2608 * parsa: A XeLaTeX package for theses and dissertations at Iranian Universities
     2609 * parselines: Apply a macro to each line of an environment
     2610 * pas-cours: Macros useful in preparing teaching material
     2611 * pas-cv: Flexible typesetting of Curricula Vitae
     2612 * pas-tableur: Create a spreadsheet layout
     2613 * patch: Patch loaded packages, etc.
     2614 * patchcmd: Change the definition of an existing command
     2615 * pauldoc: German LaTeX package documentation
     2616 * pawpict: Using graphics from PAW
     2617 * pax: Extract and reinsert PDF annotations with pdfTeX
     2618 * pbalance: Balance last page in two-column mode
     2619 * pbox: A variable-width \parbox command
     2620 * pbsheet: Problem sheet class
     2621 * pdf14: Restore PDF 1.4 to a TeX live 2010 format
     2622 * pdfannotations: Annotate PDF slides
     2623 * pdfcol: Macros for maintaining colour stacks under pdfTeX
     2624 * pdfcolmk: Improved colour support under pdfTeX (legacy stub)
     2625 * pdfcomment: A user-friendly interface to pdf annotations
     2626 * pdfcprot: Activating and setting of character protruding using pdfLaTeX
     2627 * pdfmarginpar: Generate marginpar-equivalent PDF annotations
     2628 * pdfoverlay: A LaTeX style for overlaying text on a PDF
     2629 * pdfpagediff: Find difference between two PDF's
     2630 * pdfpc: Define data for the pdfpc presentation viewer
     2631 * pdfpc-movie: Pdfpc viewer-compatible hyperlinks to movies
     2632 * pdfprivacy: A LaTeX package to remove or suppress pdf meta-data
     2633 * pdfrender: Control rendering parameters
     2634 * pdfreview: Annotate PDF files with margin notes
     2635 * pdfscreen: Support screen-based document design
     2636 * pdfslide: Presentation slides using pdfTeX
     2637 * pdfsync: Provide links between source and PDF
     2638 * pdfwin: customizable windows for screen viewing of TeX documents
     2639 * pdfx: PDF/X and PDF/A support for pdfTeX, LuaTeX and XeTeX
     2640 * pecha: Print Tibetan text in the classic pecha layout style
     2641 * perltex: Define LaTeX macros in terms of Perl code
     2642 * permute: Support for symmetric groups
     2643 * petiteannonce: A class for small advertisements
     2644 * pgfmath-xfp: Define pgfmath functions using xfp
     2645 * phfcc: Convenient inline commenting in collaborative documents
     2646 * phfextendedabstract: Typeset extended abstracts for conferences, such as often encountered in quantum information theory
     2647 * phffullpagefigure: Figures which fill up a whole page
     2648 * phfnote: Basic formatting for short documents
     2649 * phfparen: Parenthetic math expressions made simpler and less redundant
     2650 * phfqit: Macros for typesetting Quantum Information Theory
     2651 * phfquotetext: Quote verbatim text without white space formatting
     2652 * phfsvnwatermark: Watermarks with version control information from SVN
     2653 * phfthm: Goodies for theorems and proofs
     2654 * philex: Cross references for named and numbered environments
     2655 * phonenumbers: Typesetting telephone numbers with LaTeX
     2656 * photo: A float environment for photographs
     2657 * photobook: A document class for typesetting photo books
     2658 * picture: Dimens for picture macros
     2659 * piff: Macro tools by Mike Piff
     2660 * pkgloader: Manage the options and loading order of other packages
     2661 * placeins: Control float placement
     2662 * plantslabels: Write labels for plants
     2663 * plates: Arrange for "plates" sections of documents
     2664 * plweb: Literate Programming for Prolog with LaTeX
     2665 * pmboxdraw: Poor man's box drawing characters
     2666 * polynom: Macros for manipulating polynomials
     2667 * polynomial: Typeset (univariate) polynomials
     2668 * polytable: Tabular-like environments with named columns
     2669 * postcards: Facilitates mass-mailing of postcards (junkmail)
     2670 * poster-mac: Make posters and banners with TeX
     2671 * postnotes: Endnotes for LaTeX
     2672 * powerdot: A presentation class
     2673 * ppr-prv: Prosper preview
     2674 * ppt-slides: Good-looking slide decks a la PowerPoint (PPT)
     2675 * practicalreports: Some macros for writing practical reports
     2676 * precattl: Prepare special catcodes from token list
     2677 * prelim2e: Allows the marking of preliminary versions of a document
     2678 * preprint: A bundle of packages provided "as is"
     2679 * pressrelease: A class for typesetting press releases
     2680 * prettyref: Make label references "self-identify"
     2681 * prettytok: Pretty-print token lists
     2682 * preview: Extract bits of a LaTeX source for output
     2683 * printlen: Print lengths using specified units
     2684 * probsoln: Generate problem sheets and their solution sheets
     2685 * profmaquette: Use exercises in different types of documents
     2686 * program: Typesetting programs and algorithms
     2687 * progress: Creates an overview of a document's state
     2688 * progressbar: Visualize shares of total amounts in the form of a (progress-)bar
     2689 * projlib: A collection of facilitative tools
     2690 * proofread: Commands for inserting annotations
     2691 * properties: Load properties from a file
     2692 * prosper: LaTeX class for high quality slides
     2693 * protex: Literate programming package
     2694 * protocol: A class for minutes of meetings
     2695 * psfragx: A psfrag eXtension
     2696 * pstool: Support for psfrag within pdfLaTeX
     2697 * pstring: Typeset sequences with justification pointers
     2698 * pxgreeks: Shape selection for PX fonts Greek letters
     2699 * pygmentex: Use Pygments to format code listings in documents
     2700 * pynotebook: pynotebook presents (raw, Markdown or Python) codes (and execution with LuaLaTeX) as in a Jupyter Notebook
     2701 * python: Embed Python code in LaTeX
     2702 * pythonimmediate: Library to run Python code
     2703 * q-and-a: Typesetting Q&A-style conversation made easier
     2704 * qcm: A LaTeX2e class for making multiple choice questionnaires
     2705 * qstest: Bundle for unit tests and pattern matching
     2706 * qsymbols: Maths symbol abbreviations
     2707 * quicktype: LaTeX package for quick typesetting
     2708 * quiz2socrative: Prepare questions for socrative quizzes
     2709 * quotchap: Decorative chapter headings
     2710 * quoting: Consolidated environment for displayed text
     2711 * quotmark: Consistent quote marks
     2712 * ran_toks: Randomise token strings
     2713 * randexam: Make an exam paper and its randomized variants
     2714 * randtext: Randomise the order of characters in strings
     2715 * rccol: Decimal-centered optionally rounded numbers in tabular
     2716 * rcs-multi: Typeset RCS version control in multiple-file documents
     2717 * rcsinfo: Support for the revision control system
     2718 * readablecv: A highly readable and good looking CV and letter class
     2719 * readarray: Read, store and recall array-formatted data
     2720 * realboxes: Variants of common box-commands that read their content as real box and not as macro argument
     2721 * recipe: A LaTeX class to typeset recipes
     2722 * recipebook: Typeset 5.5" x 8" recipes for browsing or printing
     2723 * recipecard: Typeset recipes in note-card-sized boxes
     2724 * rectopma: Recycle top matter
     2725 * refcheck: Check references (in figures, table, equations, etc)
     2726 * refenums: Define named items and provide back-references with that name
     2727 * reflectgraphics: Techniques for reflecting graphics
     2728 * refman: Format technical reference manuals
     2729 * refstyle: Advanced formatting of cross references
     2730 * regcount: Display the allocation status of the TeX registers
     2731 * regexpatch: High level patching of commands
     2732 * register: Typeset programmable elements in digital hardware (registers)
     2733 * regstats: Information about register use
     2734 * relenc: A "relaxed" font encoding
     2735 * relsize: Set the font size relative to the current font size
     2736 * repeatindex: Repeat items in an index after a page or column break
     2737 * repltext: Control how text gets copied from a PDF file
     2738 * rescansync: Re-scan tokens with synctex information
     2739 * resmes: Measure restriction symbol in LaTeX
     2740 * responsive: Responsive design methods for LaTeX
     2741 * returntogrid: Semi-automatic grid typesetting
     2742 * rgltxdoc: Common code for documentation of the author's packages
     2743 * rjlparshap: Support for use of \parshape in LaTeX
     2744 * rlepsf: Rewrite labels in EPS graphics
     2745 * rmpage: A package to help change page layout parameters in LaTeX
     2746 * robust-externalize: Cache anything (TikZ, python, ...) in a robust, efficient and pure way
     2747 * robustcommand: Declare robust command, with \newcommand checks
     2748 * robustindex: Create index with pagerefs
     2749 * romanbar: Write roman number with "bars"
     2750 * romanbarpagenumber: Typesetting roman page numbers
     2751 * romanneg: Roman page numbers negative
     2752 * romannum: Generate roman numerals instead of arabic digits
     2753 * rorlink: Create ROR symbols which links to the given ROR-IDs
     2754 * rotfloat: Rotate floats
     2755 * rotpages: Typeset sets of pages upside-down and backwards
     2756 * roundbox: Round boxes in LaTeX
     2757 * rterface: Access to R analysis from within a document
     2758 * rtkinenc: Input encoding with fallback procedures
     2759 * rulerbox: Draw rulers around a box
     2760 * rulercompass: A TikZ library for straight-edge and compass diagrams
     2761 * runcode: Execute foreign source code and embed the result in the pdf file
     2762 * rvwrite: Increase the number of available output streams in LaTeX
     2763 * sanitize-umlaut: Sanitize umlauts for MakeIndex and pdfLaTeX
     2764 * sauerj: A bundle of utilities by Jonathan Sauer
     2765 * saveenv: Save environment content verbatim
     2766 * savefnmark: Save name of the footnote mark for reuse
     2767 * savesym: Redefine symbols where names conflict
     2768 * savetrees: Optimise the use of each page of a LaTeX document
     2769 * scale: Scale document by sqrt(2) or magstep(2)
     2770 * scalebar: Create scalebars for maps, diagrams or photos
     2771 * scalerel: Constrained scaling and stretching of objects
     2772 * scanpages: Support importing and embellishing scanned documents
     2773 * schedule: Weekly schedules
     2774 * schooldocs: Various layout styles for school documents
     2775 * scontents: Stores LaTeX contents in memory or files
     2776 * scrambledenvs: Create and print scrambled environments
     2777 * scrlayer-fancyhdr: Combining package fancyhdr with KOMA-Script's scrlayer
     2778 * scrlttr2copy: A letter class option file for the automatic creation of copies
     2779 * scrwfile: Use LaTeX .aux file in place of \newrite files
     2780 * sdaps: LaTeX support files for SDAPS
     2781 * sdrt: Macros for Segmented Discourse Representation Theory
     2782 * secdot: Section numbers with trailing dots
     2783 * secnum: A macro to format section numbering intuitively
     2784 * sectionbox: Create fancy boxed ((sub)sub)sections
     2785 * sectionbreak: LaTeX support for section breaks
     2786 * sectsty: Control sectional headers
     2787 * seealso: Improve the performance of \see macros with makeindex
     2788 * selectp: Select pages to be output
     2789 * selinput: Semi-automatic detection of input encoding
     2790 * semantex: Semantic, keyval-based mathematics
     2791 * semantic: Help for writing programming language semantics
     2792 * semantic-markup: Meaningful semantic markup in the spirit of the Text Encoding Initiative
     2793 * semesterplanner: Create beautiful semester timetables and more
     2794 * semioneside: Put only special contents on left-hand pages in two sided layout
     2795 * semproc: Seminar proceedings
     2796 * semtex: Deals with stripped SemanTeX documents
     2797 * sepfootnotes: Support footnotes and endnotes from separate files
     2798 * seqsplit: Split long sequences of characters in a neutral way
     2799 * sesstime: Session and timing information in lecture notes
     2800 * setspaceenhanced: An enhancement of the setspace package
     2801 * sf298: Standard form 298
     2802 * sffms: Typesetting science fiction/fantasy manuscripts
     2803 * sfmath: Sans-serif mathematics
     2804 * shadethm: Theorem environments that are shaded
     2805 * shadow: Shadow boxes
     2806 * shadowtext: Produce text with a shadow behind it
     2807 * shapepar: A macro to typeset paragraphs in specific shapes
     2808 * shdoc: Float environment to document the shell commands of a terminal session
     2809 * shipunov: A collection of LaTeX packages and classes
     2810 * shorttoc: Table of contents with different depths
     2811 * show2e: Variants of \show for LaTeX2e
     2812 * showcharinbox: Show characters inside a box
     2813 * showdim: Variants on printing dimensions
     2814 * showexpl: Typesetting LaTeX source code
     2815 * showlabels: Show label commands in the margin
     2816 * sidecap: Typeset captions sideways
     2817 * sidenotes: Typeset notes containing rich content, in the margin
     2818 * sidenotesplus: Place referenced notes, alerts, figures and tables into the document margin
     2819 * silence: Selective filtering of error messages and warnings
     2820 * sillypage: John Cleese's Silly Walk as page numbering style
     2821 * sim-os-menus: Insert 'terminal' or 'context menu' or 'viewers' like in an OS
     2822 * simplecd: Simple CD, DVD covers for printing
     2823 * simplecv: A simple class for writing curricula vitae
     2824 * simpleinvoice: Easy typesetting of invoices
     2825 * simplivre: Write your books in a simple and clear way
     2826 * sitem: Save the optional argument of \item
     2827 * skb: Tools for a repository of long-living documents
     2828 * skdoc: Documentation and extraction for packages and document classes
     2829 * skeldoc: Placeholders for unfinished documents
     2830 * skeycommand: Create commands using parameters and keyval in parallel
     2831 * skeyval: Key-value parsing combining features of xkeyval and pgfkeys
     2832 * skills: Create proficiency tests
     2833 * skrapport: 'Simple' class for reports, etc.
     2834 * slantsc: Access different-shaped small-caps fonts
     2835 * smalltableof: Create listoffigures etc. in a single chapter
     2836 * smart-eqn: Automatic math symbol styling for LaTeX documents
     2837 * smartref: Extend LaTeX's \ref capability
     2838 * smartunits: Converting between common metric and Imperial units
     2839 * snapshot: List the external dependencies of a LaTeX document
     2840 * snaptodo: A todo that snaps to the closer side
     2841 * snotez: Typeset notes, in the margin
     2842 * soulpos: A fancy means of underlining
     2843 * spacingtricks: Addressing various spacing issues
     2844 * spark-otf: Support OpenType Spark fonts
     2845 * sparklines: Drawing sparklines: intense, simple, wordlike graphics
     2846 * sphack: Patch LaTeX kernel spacing macros
     2847 * splitindex: Unlimited number of indexes
     2848 * spot: Spotlight highlighting for Beamer
     2849 * spotcolor: Spot colours for pdfLaTeX
     2850 * spreadtab: Spreadsheet features for LaTeX tabular environments
     2851 * spverbatim: Allow line breaks within \verb and verbatim output
     2852 * srbook-mem: Support for use of memoir in Serbian
     2853 * srcltx: Jump between DVI and TeX files
     2854 * sseq: Typesetting spectral sequence charts
     2855 * sslides: Slides with headers and footers
     2856 * stack: Tools to define and use stacks
     2857 * stackengine: Highly customised stacking of objects, insets, baseline changes, etc
     2858 * standalone: Compile TeX pictures stand-alone or as part of a document
     2859 * starray: A structured array (of properties) based on expl3
     2860 * stdclsdv: Provide sectioning information for package writers
     2861 * stdpage: Standard pages with n lines of at most m characters each
     2862 * stealcaps: "Steal" small capitals
     2863 * stex: An infrastructure for semantic preloading of LaTeX documents
     2864 * storebox: Storing information for reuse
     2865 * storecmd: Store the name of a defined command in a container
     2866 * stringstrings: String manipulation for cosmetic and programming application
     2867 * sttools: Various macros
     2868 * stubs: Create tear-off stubs at the bottom of a page
     2869 * studenthandouts: Management and styling of student handout projects
     2870 * styledcmd: Handling multiple versions of user-defined macros
     2871 * subdepth: Unify maths subscript height
     2872 * subdocs: Multifile documents
     2873 * subeqn: Package for subequation numbering
     2874 * subeqnarray: Equation array with sub numbering
     2875 * subfigmat: Automates layout when using the subfigure package
     2876 * subfigure: Deprecated: Figures divided into subfigures
     2877 * subfiles: Individual typesetting of subfiles of a "main" document
     2878 * subfloat: Sub-numbering for figures and tables
     2879 * substr: Deal with substrings in strings
     2880 * supertabular: A multi-page tables package
     2881 * suppose: Abbreviate the word "Suppose"
     2882 * svg: Include and extract SVG pictures in LaTeX documents
     2883 * svgcolor: Define SVG named colours
     2884 * svn: Typeset Subversion keywords
     2885 * svn-multi: Subversion keywords in multi-file LaTeX documents
     2886 * svn-prov: Subversion variants of \Provides... macros
     2887 * svninfo: Typeset Subversion keywords
     2888 * swfigure: Insert large images that do not fit into a single page
     2889 * swungdash: Typeset a swung dash in LaTeX
     2890 * syntax: Creation of syntax diagrams
     2891 * syntrace: Labels for tracing in a syntax tree
     2892 * synttree: Typeset syntactic trees
     2893 * tabbing: Tabbing with accented letters
     2894 * tabfigures: Maintain vertical alignment of figures
     2895 * tableaux: Construct tables of signs and variations
     2896 * tablefootnote: Permit footnotes in tables
     2897 * tableof: Tagging tables of contents
     2898 * tablists: Tabulated lists of short items
     2899 * tabls: Better vertical spacing in tables and arrays
     2900 * tablvar: Typesetting pretty tables of signs and variations according to French usage
     2901 * tabstackengine: "Tabbing" front-end to stackengine
     2902 * tabto-ltx: "Tab" to a measured position in the line
     2903 * tabu: Flexible LaTeX tabulars
     2904 * tabularborder: Remove excess space at left and right of tabular
     2905 * tabularcalc: Calculate formulas in a tabular environment
     2906 * tabularew: A variation on the tabular environment
     2907 * tabularray: Typeset tabulars and arrays with LaTeX3
     2908 * tabulary: Tabular with variable width columns balanced
     2909 * tagging: Document configuration with tags
     2910 * tagpair: Word-by-word glosses, translations, and bibliographic attributions
     2911 * tagpdf: Tools for experimenting with tagging using pdfLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
     2912 * talk: A LaTeX class for presentations
     2913 * tamefloats: Experimentally use \holdinginserts with LaTeX floats
     2914 * tangocolors: Use colors from the Tango color palette
     2915 * tasks: Horizontally columned lists
     2916 * tblr-extras: Extra libraries for tabularray for caption and babel compatibility
     2917 * tcldoc: Doc/docstrip for tcl
     2918 * tcolorbox: Coloured boxes, for LaTeX examples and theorems, etc
     2919 * tdclock: A ticking digital clock package for PDF output
     2920 * technics: A package to format technical documents
     2921 * ted: A (primitive) token list editor
     2922 * templatetools: Commands useful in LaTeX templates
     2923 * termcal: Print a class calendar
     2924 * termlist: Label any kind of term with a continuous counter
     2925 * termsim: Simulate Win10, Ubuntu, and Mac terminals
     2926 * testhyphens: Testing hyphenation patterns
     2927 * testidx: Dummy text for testing index styles and indexing applications
     2928 * tex-label: Place a classification on each page of a document
     2929 * tex-locale: Localisation support for TeX and LaTeX documents
     2930 * texlogos: Ready-to-use LaTeX logos
     2931 * texmate: Comprehensive chess annotation in LaTeX
     2932 * texments: Using the Pygments highlighter in LaTeX
     2933 * texpower: Create dynamic online presentations with LaTeX
     2934 * texshade: Package for setting nucleotide and peptide alignments
     2935 * texsurgery: A LaTeX companion to the "texsurgery" python project
     2936 * textcsc: Simple commands for caps-to-small-caps text
     2937 * textfit: Fit text to a desired size
     2938 * textmerg: Merge text in TeX and LaTeX
     2939 * textpos: Place boxes at arbitrary positions on the LaTeX page
     2940 * textualicomma: Use the textual comma character as decimal separator in math mode
     2941 * texvc: Use MediaWiki LaTeX commands
     2942 * theoremref: References with automatic theorem names
     2943 * thinsp: A stretchable \thinspace for LaTeX
     2944 * thmtools: Extensions to theorem environments
     2945 * threadcol: Organize document columns into PDF "article thread"
     2946 * threeparttable: Tables with captions and notes all the same width
     2947 * threeparttablex: Notes in longtables
     2948 * thumb: Thumb marks in documents
     2949 * thumbs: Create thumb indexes
     2950 * thumby: Create thumb indexes for printed books
     2951 * ticket: Make labels, visiting-cards, pins with LaTeX
     2952 * tipauni: Producing Unicode characters with TIPA commands
     2953 * titlecaps: Setting rich-text input into Titling Caps
     2954 * titlefoot: Add special material to footer of title page
     2955 * titlepic: Add picture to title page of a document
     2956 * titleref: A "\titleref" command to cross-reference section titles
     2957 * titlesec: Select alternative section titles
     2958 * titling: Control over the typesetting of the \maketitle command
     2959 * to-be-determined: Highlight text passages that need further work
     2960 * tocbibind: Add bibliography/index/contents to Table of Contents
     2961 * tocdata: Adds names to chapters, sections, figures in the TOC and LOF
     2962 * tocloft: Control table of contents, figures, etc
     2963 * tocvsec2: Section numbering and table of contents control
     2964 * todo: Make a to-do list for a document
     2965 * todonotes: Marking things to do in a LaTeX document
     2966 * tokcycle: Build tools to process tokens from an input stream
     2967 * tokenizer: A tokenizer
     2968 * toolbox: Tool macros
     2969 * topfloat: Move floats to the top of the page
     2970 * topiclongtable: Extend longtable with cells that merge hierarchically
     2971 * totalcount: Commands for typesetting total values of counters
     2972 * totcount: Find the last value of a counter
     2973 * totpages: Count pages in a document, and report last page number
     2974 * tramlines: A package for creating tramlines (lines above and below a title used by lawyers in the UK)
     2975 * translations: Internationalisation of LaTeX2e packages
     2976 * transparent: Using a color stack for transparency with pdfTeX
     2977 * trfsigns: Typeset transform signs
     2978 * trimspaces: Trim spaces around an argument or within a macro
     2979 * trivfloat: Quick float definitions in LaTeX
     2980 * trsym: Symbols for transformations
     2981 * truncate: Truncate text to a specified width
     2982 * tucv: Support for typesetting a CV or resumee
     2983 * turnthepage: Provide "turn page" instructions
     2984 * tutodoc: Typeset tutorial-like documentations
     2985 * twoinone: Print two pages on a single page
     2986 * twoup: Print two virtual pages on each physical page
     2987 * txgreeks: Shape selection for TX fonts Greek letters
     2988 * type1cm: Arbitrary size font selection in LaTeX
     2989 * typed-checklist: Typesetting tasks, goals, milestones, artifacts, and more in LaTeX
     2990 * typeface: Select a balanced set of fonts
     2991 * typoaid: Macros for font diagnostics
     2992 * typogrid: Print a typographic grid
     2993 * uassign: Environments and options for typesetting university assignments
     2994 * ucs: Extended UTF-8 input encoding support for LaTeX
     2995 * uebungsblatt: A LaTeX class for writing exercise sheets
     2996 * umoline: Underline text allowing line breaking
     2997 * underlin: Underlined running heads
     2998 * underoverlap: Position decorations over and under expressions
     2999 * undolabl: Override existing labels
     3000 * uni-titlepage: Universal titlepages with configuration options and predefined styles
     3001 * unicode-math-input: Allow entering Unicode symbols in math formulas
     3002 * unicodefonttable: A Unicode font table generator
     3003 * unifront: Give notes a unique front page for every chapter and section
     3004 * unisc: Unicode small caps with Lua/XeLaTeX
     3005 * unitconv: Convert a length into one with another unit
     3006 * units: Typeset units
     3007 * unravel: Watching TeX digest tokens
     3008 * updatemarks: Extract and update marks from boxes
     3009 * upmethodology: Writing specifications such as for UP-based methodologies
     3010 * upquote: Show "realistic" quotes in verbatim
     3011 * uri: Hyperlinks for a wide range of URIs
     3012 * useclass: Load classes as packages
     3013 * ushort: Shorter (and longer) underlines and underbars
     3014 * uspace: Giving meaning to various Unicode space characters
     3015 * utf8add: Additional support for UTF-8 encoded LaTeX input
     3016 * uwmslide: Slides with a simple Power Point like appearance
     3017 * variablelm: Font definitions for the variable Latin Modern fonts
     3018 * varindex: Luxury frontend to the \index command
     3019 * varsfromjobname: Extract variables from the name of the LaTeX file
     3020 * varwidth: A variable-width minipage
     3021 * vcell: Vertical alignment of content inside table cells
     3022 * vdmlisting: Typesetting VDM in ASCII syntax
     3023 * verbasef: VERBatim Automatic Splitting of External Files
     3024 * verbatimbox: Deposit verbatim text in a box
     3025 * verbatimcopy: Make copies of text documents from within LaTeX
     3026 * verbdef: Define commands which expand to verbatim text
     3027 * verbments: Syntax highlighting of source code in LaTeX documents
     3028 * verifiche: A LaTeX package to typeset (Italian) high school tests
     3029 * verifycommand: Verifies definitions are unchanged, such as before patching
     3030 * version: Conditionally include text
     3031 * versions: Optionally omit pieces of text
     3032 * versonotes: Display brief notes on verso pages
     3033 * vertbars: Mark vertical rules in margin of text
     3034 * vgrid: Overlay a grid on the printed page
     3035 * vhistory: Support for creating a change log
     3036 * vmargin: Set various page dimensions
     3037 * volumes: Typeset only parts of a document, with complete indexes etc
     3038 * vpe: Source specials for PDF output
     3039 * vruler: Numbering text
     3040 * vtable: Vertical alignement of table cells
     3041 * vwcol: Variable-width multiple text columns
     3042 * wallcalendar: A wall calendar class with custom layouts
     3043 * wallpaper: Easy addition of wallpapers (background images) to LaTeX documents, including tiling
     3044 * warning: Global warnings at the end of the logfile
     3045 * warpcol: Relative alignment of rows in numeric columns in tabulars
     3046 * was: A collection of small packages by Walter Schmidt
     3047 * webquiz: Write interactive web based quizzes
     3048 * widetable: An environment for typesetting tables of specified width
     3049 * widows-and-orphans: Identify (typographic) widows and orphans
     3050 * williams: Miscellaneous macros by Peter Williams
     3051 * willowtreebook: Easy basic book class, built on memoir
     3052 * withargs: In-place argument substitution
     3053 * wordcount: Estimate the number of words in a LaTeX document
     3054 * wordlike: Simulating word processor layout
     3055 * worksheet: Easy creation of worksheets
     3056 * wrapfig: Produces figures which text can flow around
     3057 * wrapfig2: Wrap text around figures
     3058 * wrapstuff: Wrapping text around stuff
     3059 * writeongrid: Write on grid lines
     3060 * wtref: Extend LaTeX's cross-reference system
     3061 * xargs: Define commands with many optional arguments
     3062 * xassoccnt: Associated counters stepping simultaneously
     3063 * xbmks: Create a cross-document bookmark tree
     3064 * xcntperchap: Track the number of subsections etc. that occur in a specified tracklevel
     3065 * xcolor-material: Defines the 256 colors from Google Material Color Palette
     3066 * xcolor-solarized: Defines the 16 colors from Ethan Schoonover's Solarized palette
     3067 * xcomment: Allows selected environments to be included/excluded
     3068 * xcookybooky: Typeset (potentially long) recipes
     3069 * xcpdftips: Natbib citations with PDF tooltips
     3070 * xdoc: Extending the LaTeX doc system
     3071 * xellipsis: Extremely configurable ellipses with formats for various style manuals
     3072 * xfakebold: Fake a regular font for bold characters
     3073 * xfor: A reimplementation of the LaTeX for-loop macro
     3074 * xhfill: Extending \hrulefill
     3075 * xifthen: Extended conditional commands
     3076 * xint: Expandable arbitrary precision floating point and integer operations
     3077 * xkcdcolors: xkcd names of colors
     3078 * xkeymask: An extension of xkeyval with a mask
     3079 * xltabular: Longtable support with possible X-column specifier
     3080 * xmpincl: Include eXtensible Metadata Platform data in pdfLaTeX
     3081 * xnewcommand: Define \global and \protected commands with \newcommand
     3082 * xoptarg: Expandable macros that take an optional argument
     3083 * xpatch: Extending etoolbox patching commands
     3084 * xpeek: Define commands that peek ahead in the input stream
     3085 * xprintlen: Print TeX lengths in a variety of units
     3086 * xpunctuate: Process trailing punctuation which may be redundant
     3087 * xsavebox: Saveboxes for repeating content without code replication, based on PDF Form XObjects
     3088 * xsim: eXercise Sheets IMproved
     3089 * xstring: String manipulation for (La)TeX
     3090 * xtab: Break tables across pages
     3091 * xurl: Allow URL breaks at any alphanumerical character
     3092 * xwatermark: Graphics and text watermarks on selected pages
     3093 * xytree: Tree macros using XY-Pic
     3094 * yafoot: A bundle of miscellaneous footnote packages
     3095 * yagusylo: A symbol loader
     3096 * yaletter: Extremely flexible macros for letters, envelopes, and label sheets
     3097 * ycbook: A versatile book class
     3098 * ydoc: Macros for documentation of LaTeX classes and packages
     3099 * yplan: Daily planner type calendar
     3100 * zebra-goodies: A collection of handy macros for paper writing
     3101 * zed-csp: Typesetting Z and CSP format specifications
     3102 * zennote: Streamline your note-taking process!
     3103 * ziffer: Conversion of punctuation in maths mode
     3104 * zref: A new reference scheme for LaTeX
     3105 * zref-check: Flexible cross-references with contextual checks based on zref
     3106 * zref-clever: Clever LaTeX cross-references based on zref
     3107 * zref-vario: Extended LaTeX page cross-references with varioref and zref-clever
     3108 * zwgetfdate: Get package or file date
     3109 * zwpagelayout: Page layout and crop-marks
    30163111= texlive-latex-recommended =
    3017  *     anysize: A simple package to set up document margins
    3018  *     attachfile2: Attach files into PDF
    3019  *     beamer: A LaTeX class for producing presentations and slides
    3020  *     booktabs: Publication quality tables in LaTeX
    3021  *     breqn: Automatic line breaking of displayed equations
    3022  *     caption: Customising captions in floating environments
    3023  *     cite: Improved citation handling in LaTeX
    3024  *     cmap: Make PDF files searchable and copyable
    3025  *     crop: Support for cropmarks
    3026  *     ctable: Flexible typesetting of table and figure floats using key/value directives
    3027  *     eso-pic: Add picture commands (or backgrounds) to every page
    3028  *     etoolbox: e-TeX tools for LaTeX
    3029  *     euenc: Unicode font encoding definitions for XeTeX
    3030  *     euler: Use AMS Euler fonts for math
    3031  *     everysel: Provides hooks into \selectfont
    3032  *     everyshi: Take action at every \shipout
    3033  *     extsizes: Extend the standard classes' size options
    3034  *     fancybox: Variants of \fbox and other games with boxes
    3035  *     fancyref: A LaTeX package for fancy cross-referencing
    3036  *     fancyvrb: Sophisticated verbatim text
    3037  *     filehook: Hooks for input files
    3038  *     float: Improved interface for floating objects
    3039  *     fontspec: Advanced font selection in XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
    3040  *     footnotehyper: hyperref aware footnote.sty
    3041  *     fp: Fixed point arithmetic
    3042  *     grffile: Extended file name support for graphics (legacy package)
    3043  *     hologo: A collection of logos with bookmark support
    3044  *     index: Extended index for LaTeX including multiple indexes
    3045  *     infwarerr: Complete set of information/warning/error message macros
    3046  *     jknapltx: Miscellaneous packages by Joerg Knappen
    3047  *     koma-script: A bundle of versatile classes and packages
    3048  *     l3experimental: Experimental LaTeX3 concepts
    3049  *     latexbug: Bug-classification for LaTeX related bugs
    3050  *     lineno: Line numbers on paragraphs
    3051  *     listings: Typeset source code listings using LaTeX
    3052  *     lwarp: Converts LaTeX to HTML
    3053  *     mathspec: Specify arbitrary fonts for mathematics in XeTeX
    3054  *     mathtools: Mathematical tools to use with amsmath
    3055  *     mdwtools: Miscellaneous tools by Mark Wooding
    3056  *     memoir: Typeset fiction, non-fiction and mathematical books
    3057  *     metalogo: Extended TeX logo macros
    3058  *     microtype: Subliminal refinements towards typographical perfection
    3059  *     ms: Various LaTeX packages by Martin Schroder
    3060  *     newfloat: Define new floating environments
    3061  *     ntgclass: "European" versions of standard classes
    3062  *     parskip: Layout with zero \parindent, non-zero \parskip
    3063  *     pdfcolfoot: Separate color stack for footnotes with pdfTeX
    3064  *     pdflscape: Make landscape pages display as landscape
    3065  *     pdfmanagement-testphase: LaTeX PDF management testphase bundle
    3066  *     pdfpages: Include PDF documents in LaTeX
    3067  *     pdftexcmds: LuaTeX support for pdfTeX utility functions
    3068  *     polyglossia: An alternative to babel for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
    3069  *     psfrag: Replace strings in encapsulated PostScript figures
    3070  *     ragged2e: Alternative versions of "ragged"-type commands
    3071  *     rcs: Use RCS (revision control system) tags in LaTeX documents
    3072  *     sansmath: Maths in a sans font
    3073  *     section: Modifying section commands in LaTeX
    3074  *     seminar: Make overhead slides
    3075  *     sepnum: Print numbers in a "friendly" format
    3076  *     setspace: Set space between lines
    3077  *     subfig: Figures broken into subfigures
    3078  *     textcase: Case conversion ignoring mathematics, etc
    3079  *     thumbpdf: Thumbnails for pdfTeX and dvips/ps2pdf
    3080  *     translator: Easy translation of strings in LaTeX
    3081  *     typehtml: Typeset HTML directly from LaTeX
    3082  *     ucharcat: Implementation of the (new in 2015) XeTeX \Ucharcat command in lua, for LuaTeX
    3083  *     underscore: Control the behaviour of "_" in text
    3084  *     unicode-math: Unicode mathematics support for XeTeX and LuaTeX
    3085  *     xcolor: Driver-independent color extensions for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
    3086  *     xkeyval: Extension of the keyval package
    3087  *     xltxtra: "Extras" for LaTeX users of XeTeX
    3088  *     xunicode: Generate Unicode characters from accented glyphs
     3112 * anysize: A simple package to set up document margins
     3113 * attachfile2: Attach files into PDF
     3114 * beamer: A LaTeX class for producing presentations and slides
     3115 * booktabs: Publication quality tables in LaTeX
     3116 * breqn: Automatic line breaking of displayed equations
     3117 * caption: Customising captions in floating environments
     3118 * cite: Improved citation handling in LaTeX
     3119 * cmap: Make PDF files searchable and copyable
     3120 * crop: Support for cropmarks
     3121 * ctable: Flexible typesetting of table and figure floats using key/value directives
     3122 * eso-pic: Add picture commands (or backgrounds) to every page
     3123 * etoolbox: e-TeX tools for LaTeX
     3124 * euenc: Unicode font encoding definitions for XeTeX
     3125 * euler: Use AMS Euler fonts for math
     3126 * everysel: Provides hooks into \selectfont
     3127 * everyshi: Take action at every \shipout
     3128 * extsizes: Extend the standard classes' size options
     3129 * fancybox: Variants of \fbox and other games with boxes
     3130 * fancyref: A LaTeX package for fancy cross-referencing
     3131 * fancyvrb: Sophisticated verbatim text
     3132 * filehook: Hooks for input files
     3133 * float: Improved interface for floating objects
     3134 * fontspec: Advanced font selection in XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
     3135 * footnotehyper: A hyperref aware footnote environment
     3136 * fp: Fixed point arithmetic
     3137 * grffile: Extended file name support for graphics (legacy package)
     3138 * hologo: A collection of logos with bookmark support
     3139 * index: Extended index for LaTeX including multiple indexes
     3140 * infwarerr: Complete set of information/warning/error message macros
     3141 * jknapltx: Miscellaneous packages by Joerg Knappen
     3142 * koma-script: A bundle of versatile classes and packages
     3143 * l3experimental: Experimental LaTeX3 concepts
     3144 * latexbug: Bug-classification for LaTeX related bugs
     3145 * lineno: Line numbers on paragraphs
     3146 * listings: Typeset source code listings using LaTeX
     3147 * lwarp: Converts LaTeX to HTML
     3148 * mathspec: Specify arbitrary fonts for mathematics in XeTeX
     3149 * mathtools: Mathematical tools to use with amsmath
     3150 * mdwtools: Miscellaneous tools by Mark Wooding
     3151 * memoir: Typeset fiction, non-fiction and mathematical books
     3152 * metalogo: Extended TeX logo macros
     3153 * microtype: Subliminal refinements towards typographical perfection
     3154 * ms: Various LaTeX packages by Martin Schroder
     3155 * newfloat: Define new floating environments
     3156 * ntgclass: "European" versions of standard classes
     3157 * parskip: Layout with zero \parindent, non-zero \parskip
     3158 * pdfcolfoot: Separate color stack for footnotes with pdfTeX
     3159 * pdflscape: Make landscape pages display as landscape
     3160 * pdfmanagement-testphase: LaTeX PDF management testphase bundle
     3161 * pdfpages: Include PDF documents in LaTeX
     3162 * polyglossia: An alternative to babel for XeLaTeX and LuaLaTeX
     3163 * psfrag: Replace strings in encapsulated PostScript figures
     3164 * ragged2e: Alternative versions of "ragged"-type commands
     3165 * rcs: Use RCS (revision control system) tags in LaTeX documents
     3166 * sansmath: Maths in a sans font
     3167 * section: Modifying section commands in LaTeX
     3168 * seminar: Make overhead slides
     3169 * sepnum: Print numbers in a "friendly" format
     3170 * setspace: Set space between lines
     3171 * subfig: Figures broken into subfigures
     3172 * textcase: Case conversion ignoring mathematics, etc
     3173 * thumbpdf: Thumbnails for pdfTeX and dvips/ps2pdf
     3174 * translator: Easy translation of strings in LaTeX
     3175 * typehtml: Typeset HTML directly from LaTeX
     3176 * ucharcat: Implementation of the (new in 2015) XeTeX \Ucharcat command in lua, for LuaTeX
     3177 * underscore: Control the behaviour of "_" in text
     3178 * unicode-math: Unicode mathematics support for XeTeX and LuaTeX
     3179 * xcolor: Driver-independent color extensions for LaTeX and pdfLaTeX
     3180 * xfrac: Split-level fractions
     3181 * xkeyval: Extension of the keyval package
     3182 * xltxtra: "Extras" for LaTeX users of XeTeX
     3183 * xunicode: Generate Unicode characters from accented glyphs
    30903185= texlive-luatex =
    3091  *     addliga: Access basic ligatures in legacy TrueType fonts
    3092  *     auto-pst-pdf-lua: Using LuaLaTeX together with PostScript code
    3093  *     barracuda: Draw barcodes with Lua
    3094  *     bezierplot: Approximate smooth function graphs with cubic bezier splines for use with TikZ or MetaPost
    3095  *     blopentype: A basic LuaTeX OpenType handler
    3096  *     checkcites: Check citation commands in a document
    3097  *     chickenize: Use lua callbacks for "interesting" textual effects
    3098  *     chinese-jfm: Luatexja-jfm files for Chinese typesetting
    3099  *     cloze: A LuaLaTeX package for creating cloze texts
    3100  *     combofont: Add NFSS-declarations of combo fonts to LuaLaTeX documents
    3101  *     cstypo: Czech typography rules enforced through LuaTeX hooks
    3102  *     ctablestack: Catcode table stable support
    3103  *     ekdosis: Typesetting TEI-xml compliant Critical Editions
    3104  *     emoji: Emoji support in (Lua)LaTeX
    3105  *     emojicite: Add emojis to citations
    3106  *     enigma: Encrypt documents with a three rotor Enigma
    3107  *     innerscript: Modifies automatic mathematics spacing
    3108  *     interpreter: Translate input files on the fly
    3109  *     kanaparser: Kana parser for LuaTeX
    3110  *     ligtype: Comprehensive ligature suppression functionalities
    3111  *     linebreaker: Prevent overflow boxes with LuaLaTeX
    3112  *     lparse: A Lua module for parsing key-value options
    3113  *     lt3luabridge: Execute Lua code in any TeX engine that exposes the shell
    3114  *     lua-typo: Highlighting typographical flaws with LuaLaTeX
    3115  *     lua-uca: Unicode Collation Algorithm library for Lua
    3116  *     lua-ul: Underlining for LuaLaTeX
    3117  *     lua-uni-algos: Unicode algorithms for LuaTeX
    3118  *     lua-visual-debug: Visual debugging with LuaLaTeX
    3119  *     lua-widow-control: Automatically remove widows and orphans from any document
    3120  *     luaaddplot: An extension to pgfplots' \addplot macro
    3121  *     luacas: A computer algebra system for users of LuaLaTeX
    3122  *     luacensor: Securely redact sensitive information using Lua
    3123  *     luacode: Helper for executing lua code from within TeX
    3124  *     luacolor: Color support based on LuaTeX's node attributes
    3125  *     luacomplex: Operations on complex numbers inside LaTeX documents using Lua
    3126  *     luagcd: Computation of gcd of integers inside LaTeX using Lua
    3127  *     luahyphenrules: Loading patterns in LuaLaTeX with language.dat
    3128  *     luaimageembed: Embed images as base64-encoded strings
    3129  *     luaindex: Create index using LuaLaTeX
    3130  *     luainputenc: Replacing inputenc for use in LuaTeX
    3131  *     luaintro: Examples from the book "Einfuhrung in LuaTeX und LuaLaTeX"
    3132  *     luakeys: A Lua module for parsing key-value options
    3133  *     lualatex-doc: A guide to use of LaTeX with LuaTeX
    3134  *     lualatex-math: Fixes for mathematics-related LuaLaTeX issues
    3135  *     lualatex-truncate: A wrapper for using the truncate package with LuaLaTeX
    3136  *     lualibs: Additional Lua functions for LuaTeX macro programmers
    3137  *     lualinalg: A linear algebra package for LaTeX
    3138  *     luamathalign: More flexible alignment in amsmath environments
    3139  *     luamaths: Provide standard mathematical operations inside LaTeX documents using Lua
    3140  *     luamodulartables: Generate modular addition and multiplication tables
    3141  *     luamplib: Use LuaTeX's built-in MetaPost interpreter
    3142  *     luaoptions: Option handling for LuaLaTeX packages
    3143  *     luaotfload: OpenType 'loader' for Plain TeX and LaTeX
    3144  *     luapackageloader: Allow LuaTeX to load external Lua packages
    3145  *     luaprogtable: Programmable table interface for LuaLaTeX
    3146  *     luaquotes: Smart setting of quotation marks
    3147  *     luarandom: Create lists of random numbers
    3148  *     luaset: Set Operations inside LaTeX documents using Lua
    3149  *     luatex85: pdfTeX aliases for LuaTeX
    3150  *     luatexbase: Basic resource management for LuaTeX code
    3151  *     luatexko: Typeset Korean with Lua(La)TeX
    3152  *     luatextra: Additional macros for Plain TeX and LaTeX in LuaTeX
    3153  *     luatruthtable: Generate truth tables of boolean values in LuaLaTeX
    3154  *     luavlna: Prevent line breaks after single letter words, units, or academic titles
    3155  *     luaxml: Lua library for reading and serialising XML files
    3156  *     lutabulartools: Some useful LuaLaTeX-based tabular tools
    3157  *     minim: A modern plain format for the LuaTeX engine
    3158  *     minim-math: Extensive maths for LuaTeX
    3159  *     minim-mp: Low-level mplib integration for LuaTeX
    3160  *     minim-pdf: Low-level PDF integration for LuaTeX
    3161  *     minim-xmp: Embed XMP metadata in PDF with LuaTeX
    3162  *     newpax: Experimental package to extract and reinsert PDF annotations
    3163  *     nodetree: Visualize node lists in a tree view
    3164  *     odsfile: Read OpenDocument Spreadsheet documents as LaTeX tables
    3165  *     optex: LuaTeX format based on Plain TeX and OPmac
    3166  *     pdfarticle: Class for pdf publications
    3167  *     pdfextra: Extra PDF features for (Op)TeX
    3168  *     penlight: Penlight Lua libraries made available to LuaLaTeX users
    3169  *     piton: Typeset Python listings with LPEG
    3170  *     placeat: Absolute content positioning
    3171  *     plantuml: Support for rendering UML diagrams using the syntax and tool of PlantUML
    3172  *     pyluatex: Execute Python code on the fly in your LaTeX documents
    3173  *     scikgtex: Mark research contributions in scientific documents and embed them in PDF metadata
    3174  *     selnolig: Selectively disable typographic ligatures
    3175  *     showhyphenation: Marking of hyphenation points
    3176  *     showkerning: Showing kerns in a document
    3177  *     spacekern: Kerning between words and against space
    3178  *     spelling: Support for spell-checking of LuaTeX documents
    3179  *     stricttex: Strictly balanced brackets and numbers in command names
    3180  *     truthtable: Automatically generate truth tables for given variables and statements
    3181  *     tsvtemplate: Apply a template to a tsv file
    3182  *     typewriter: Typeset with a randomly variable monospace font
    3183  *     uninormalize: Unicode normalization support
    3184  *     yamlvars: A YAML parser and tool for easy LaTeX definition creation
     3186 * addliga: Access basic ligatures in legacy TrueType fonts
     3187 * addtoluatexpath: Add paths to Lua packages and input TeX files
     3188 * auto-pst-pdf-lua: Using LuaLaTeX together with PostScript code
     3189 * barracuda: Draw barcodes with Lua
     3190 * bezierplot: Approximate smooth function graphs with cubic bezier splines for use with TikZ or MetaPost
     3191 * blopentype: A basic LuaTeX OpenType handler
     3192 * checkcites: Check citation commands in a document
     3193 * chickenize: Use lua callbacks for "interesting" textual effects
     3194 * chinese-jfm: Luatexja-jfm files for Chinese typesetting
     3195 * cloze: A LuaLaTeX package for creating cloze texts
     3196 * combofont: Add NFSS-declarations of combo fonts to LuaLaTeX documents
     3197 * cstypo: Czech typography rules enforced through LuaTeX hooks
     3198 * ctablestack: Catcode table stable support
     3199 * ekdosis: Typesetting TEI-xml compliant Critical Editions
     3200 * emoji: Emoji support in (Lua)LaTeX
     3201 * emojicite: Add emojis to citations
     3202 * enigma: Encrypt documents with a three rotor Enigma
     3203 * gitinfo-lua: Display git project information in your LaTeX projects
     3204 * innerscript: Small modifications to math formatting
     3205 * interpreter: Translate input files on the fly
     3206 * kanaparser: Kana parser for LuaTeX
     3207 * ligtype: Comprehensive ligature suppression functionalities
     3208 * linebreaker: Prevent overflow boxes with LuaLaTeX
     3209 * lparse: A Lua module for parsing key-value options
     3210 * lt3luabridge: Execute Lua code in any TeX engine that exposes the shell
     3211 * lua-placeholders: Specifying placeholders for demonstration purposes
     3212 * lua-tinyyaml: A tiny YAML (subset) parser for pure Lua
     3213 * lua-typo: Highlighting typographical flaws with LuaLaTeX
     3214 * lua-uca: Unicode Collation Algorithm library for Lua
     3215 * lua-ul: Underlining for LuaLaTeX
     3216 * lua-uni-algos: Unicode algorithms for LuaTeX
     3217 * lua-visual-debug: Visual debugging with LuaLaTeX
     3218 * lua-widow-control: Automatically remove widows and orphans from any document
     3219 * luaaddplot: An extension to pgfplots' \addplot macro
     3220 * luacas: A computer algebra system for users of LuaLaTeX
     3221 * luacensor: Securely redact sensitive information using Lua
     3222 * luacode: Helper for executing lua code from within TeX
     3223 * luacolor: Color support based on LuaTeX's node attributes
     3224 * luacomplex: Operations on complex numbers inside LaTeX documents using Lua
     3225 * luagcd: Computation of gcd of integers inside LaTeX using Lua
     3226 * luahttp: Compile-time internet-interactive PDF-documents using Lua and LuaTeX
     3227 * luahyphenrules: Loading patterns in LuaLaTeX with language.dat
     3228 * luaimageembed: Embed images as base64-encoded strings
     3229 * luaindex: Create index using LuaLaTeX
     3230 * luainputenc: Replacing inputenc for use in LuaTeX
     3231 * luakeys: A Lua module for parsing key-value options
     3232 * lualatex-math: Fixes for mathematics-related LuaLaTeX issues
     3233 * lualatex-truncate: A wrapper for using the truncate package with LuaLaTeX
     3234 * lualibs: Additional Lua functions for LuaTeX macro programmers
     3235 * lualinalg: A linear algebra package for LuaLaTeX
     3236 * luamathalign: More flexible alignment in amsmath environments
     3237 * luamaths: Provide standard mathematical operations inside LaTeX documents using Lua
     3238 * luamodulartables: Generate modular addition and multiplication tables
     3239 * luamplib: Use LuaTeX's built-in MetaPost interpreter
     3240 * luaoptions: Option handling for LuaLaTeX packages
     3241 * luaotfload: OpenType 'loader' for Plain TeX and LaTeX
     3242 * luapackageloader: Allow LuaTeX to load external Lua packages
     3243 * luaplot: Plotting graphs using Lua
     3244 * luaprogtable: Programmable table interface for LuaLaTeX
     3245 * luaquotes: Smart setting of quotation marks
     3246 * luarandom: Create lists of random numbers
     3247 * luaset: Set Operations inside LaTeX documents using Lua
     3248 * luatex85: pdfTeX aliases for LuaTeX
     3249 * luatexbase: Basic resource management for LuaTeX code
     3250 * luatexko: Typeset Korean with Lua(La)TeX
     3251 * luatextra: Additional macros for Plain TeX and LaTeX in LuaTeX
     3252 * luatruthtable: Generate truth tables of boolean values in LuaLaTeX
     3253 * luavlna: Prevent line breaks after single letter words, units, or academic titles
     3254 * luaxml: Lua library for reading and serialising XML files
     3255 * lutabulartools: Some useful LuaLaTeX-based tabular tools
     3256 * minim: A modern plain format for the LuaTeX engine
     3257 * minim-math: Extensive maths for LuaTeX
     3258 * minim-mp: Low-level mplib integration for LuaTeX
     3259 * minim-pdf: Low-level PDF integration for LuaTeX
     3260 * minim-xmp: Embed XMP metadata in PDF with LuaTeX
     3261 * newpax: Experimental package to extract and reinsert PDF annotations
     3262 * nodetree: Visualize node lists in a tree view
     3263 * odsfile: Read OpenDocument Spreadsheet documents as LaTeX tables
     3264 * optex: LuaTeX format based on Plain TeX and OPmac
     3265 * pdfarticle: Class for pdf publications
     3266 * pdfextra: Extra PDF features for (Op)TeX
     3267 * penlight: Penlight Lua libraries made available to LuaLaTeX users
     3268 * penlightplus: Additions to the Penlight Lua libraries
     3269 * piton: Typeset Python listings with LPEG
     3270 * placeat: Absolute content positioning
     3271 * plantuml: Support for rendering UML diagrams using PlantUML
     3272 * pyluatex: Execute Python code on the fly in your LaTeX documents
     3273 * scikgtex: Mark research contributions in scientific documents and embed them in PDF metadata
     3274 * selnolig: Selectively disable typographic ligatures
     3275 * showhyphenation: Marking of hyphenation points
     3276 * showkerning: Showing kerns in a document
     3277 * spacekern: Kerning between words and against space
     3278 * spelling: Support for spell-checking of LuaTeX documents
     3279 * stricttex: Strictly balanced brackets and numbers in command names
     3280 * sympycalc: Work with SymPy and PyLuaTeX
     3281 * texfindpkg: Query or install TeX packages and their dependencies
     3282 * truthtable: Automatically generate truth tables for given variables and statements
     3283 * tsvtemplate: Apply a template to a tsv file
     3284 * typewriter: Typeset with a randomly variable monospace font
     3285 * uninormalize: Unicode normalization support
     3286 * yamlvars: A YAML parser and tool for easy LaTeX definition creation
    31863288= texlive-math-science =
    3187  *     12many: Generalising mathematical index sets
    3188  *     accents: Multiple mathematical accents
    3189  *     alg: LaTeX environments for typesetting algorithms
    3190  *     algobox: Typeset Algobox programs
    3191  *     algorithm2e: Floating algorithm environment with algorithmic keywords
    3192  *     algorithmicx: The algorithmic style you always wanted
    3193  *     algorithms: A suite of tools for typesetting algorithms in pseudo-code
    3194  *     algpseudocodex: Package for typesetting pseudocode
    3195  *     algxpar: Support multiple lines pseudocode
    3196  *     aligned-overset: Fix alignment at \overset or \underset
    3197  *     amscdx: Enhanced commutative diagrams
    3198  *     amstex: American Mathematical Society plain TeX macros
    3199  *     annotate-equations: Easily annotate math equations using TikZ
    3200  *     apxproof: Proofs in appendix
    3201  *     autobreak: Simple line breaking of long formulae
    3202  *     axodraw2: Feynman diagrams in a LaTeX document
    3203  *     backnaur: Typeset Backus Naur Form definitions
    3204  *     begriff: Typeset Begriffschrift
    3205  *     binomexp: Calculate Pascal's triangle
    3206  *     biocon: Typesetting biological species names
    3207  *     bitpattern: Typeset bit pattern diagrams
    3208  *     bodeplot: Draw Bode, Nyquist and Nichols plots with gnuplot or pgfplots
    3209  *     bohr: Simple atom representation according to the Bohr model
    3210  *     boldtensors: Bold latin and greek characters through simple prefix characters
    3211  *     bosisio: A collection of packages by Francesco Bosisio
    3212  *     bpchem: Typeset chemical names, formulae, etc
    3213  *     bropd: Simplified brackets and differentials in LaTeX
    3214  *     bussproofs: Proof trees in the style of the sequent calculus
    3215  *     bussproofs-extra: Extra commands for bussproofs.sty
    3216  *     bytefield: Create illustrations for network protocol specifications
    3217  *     calculation: Typesetting reasoned calculations, also called calculational proofs
    3218  *     cartonaugh: A LuaLaTeX package for drawing karnaugh maps with up to 6 variables
    3219  *     cascade: Constructions with braces to present mathematical demonstrations
    3220  *     causets: Draw causal set (Hasse) diagrams
    3221  *     ccfonts: Support for Concrete text and math fonts in LaTeX
    3222  *     ccool: A key-value document command parser
    3223  *     chemarrow: Arrows for use in chemistry
    3224  *     chemcompounds: Simple consecutive numbering of chemical compounds
    3225  *     chemcono: Support for compound numbers in chemistry documents
    3226  *     chemexec: Creating (chemical) exercise sheets
    3227  *     chemformula: Command for typesetting chemical formulas and reactions
    3228  *     chemgreek: Upright Greek letters in chemistry
    3229  *     chemmacros: A collection of macros to support typesetting chemistry documents
    3230  *     chemnum: A method for numbering chemical compounds
    3231  *     chemobabel: Convert chemical structures from ChemDraw, MDL molfile or SMILES using Open Babel
    3232  *     chemplants: Symbology to draw chemical plants with TikZ
    3233  *     chemschemex: Typeset and cross-reference chemical schemes based on TikZ code
    3234  *     chemsec: Automated creation of numeric entity labels
    3235  *     chemstyle: Writing chemistry with style
    3236  *     clrscode: Typesets pseudocode as in Introduction to Algorithms
    3237  *     clrscode3e: Typesets pseudocode as in Introduction to Algorithms
    3238  *     codeanatomy: Typeset code with annotations
    3239  *     commath: Mathematics typesetting support
    3240  *     commutative-diagrams: CoDi: Commutative Diagrams for TeX
    3241  *     complexity: Computational complexity class names
    3242  *     computational-complexity: Class for the journal Computational Complexity
    3243  *     concmath: Concrete Math fonts
    3244  *     concrete: Concrete Roman fonts
    3245  *     conteq: Typeset multiline continued equalities
    3246  *     correctmathalign: Correct spacing of the alignment in expressions
    3247  *     cryptocode: Typesetting pseudocode, protocols, game-based proofs and black-box reductions in cryptography
    3248  *     csassignments: A wrapper for article with macros and customizations for computer science assignments
    3249  *     cvss: Compute and display CVSS base scores
    3250  *     decision-table: An easy way to create Decision Model and Notation decision tables
    3251  *     delim: Simplify typesetting mathematical delimiters
    3252  *     delimseasy: Delimiter commands that are easy to use and resize
    3253  *     delimset: Typeset and declare sets of delimiters with convenient size control
    3254  *     derivative: Nice and easy derivatives
    3255  *     diffcoeff: Write differential coefficients easily and consistently
    3256  *     digiconfigs: Writing "configurations"
    3257  *     dijkstra: Dijkstra algorithm for LaTeX
    3258  *     drawmatrix: Draw visual representations of matrices in LaTeX
    3259  *     drawstack: Draw execution stacks
    3260  *     dyntree: Construct Dynkin tree diagrams
    3261  *     easing: easing functions for pgfmath
    3262  *     ebproof: Formal proofs in the style of sequent calculus
    3263  *     econometrics: Defines some commands that simplify mathematic notation in economic and econometric writing
    3264  *     eltex: Simple circuit diagrams in LaTeX picture mode
    3265  *     emf: Support for the EMF symbol
    3266  *     endiagram: Easy creation of potential energy curve diagrams
    3267  *     engtlc: Support for users in Telecommunications Engineering
    3268  *     eolang: Formulas and graphs for the EO programming language
    3269  *     eqexpl: Align explanations for formulas
    3270  *     eqnarray: More generalised equation arrays with numbering
    3271  *     eqnnumwarn: Modifies the amsmath equation environments to warn for a displaced equation number
    3272  *     euclideangeometry: Draw geometrical constructions
    3273  *     extarrows: Extra Arrows beyond those provided in amsmath
    3274  *     extpfeil: Extensible arrows in mathematics
    3275  *     faktor: Typeset quotient structures with LaTeX
    3276  *     fascicules: Create mathematical manuals for schools
    3277  *     fixdif: Macros for typesetting differential operators
    3278  *     fixmath: Make maths comply with ISO 31-0:1992 to ISO 31-13:1992
    3279  *     fnspe: Macros for supporting mainly students of FNSPE CTU in Prague
    3280  *     formal-grammar: Typeset formal grammars
    3281  *     fouridx: Left sub- and superscripts in maths mode
    3282  *     functan: Macros for functional analysis and PDE theory
    3283  *     galois: Typeset Galois connections
    3284  *     gastex: Graphs and Automata Simplified in TeX
    3285  *     gene-logic: Typeset logic formulae, etc
    3286  *     ghsystem: Globally harmonised system of chemical (etc) naming
    3287  *     glosmathtools: Mathematical nomenclature tools based on the glossaries package
    3288  *     gotoh: An implementation of the Gotoh sequence alignment algorithm
    3289  *     grundgesetze: Typeset Frege's Grundgesetze der Arithmetik
    3290  *     gu: Typeset crystallographic group-subgroup-schemes
    3291  *     helmholtz-ellis-ji-notation: Beautiful in-line microtonal just intonation accidentals
    3292  *     hep: A "convenience wrapper" for High Energy Physics packages
    3293  *     hep-reference: Adjustments for publications in High Energy Physics
    3294  *     hepnames: Pre-defined high energy particle names
    3295  *     hepparticles: Macros for typesetting high energy physics particle names
    3296  *     hepthesis: A class for academic reports, especially PhD theses
    3297  *     hepunits: A set of units useful in high energy physics applications
    3298  *     ibrackets: Intelligent brackets
    3299  *     includernw: Include .Rnw inside .tex
    3300  *     interval: Format mathematical intervals, ensuring proper spacing
    3301  *     ionumbers: Restyle numbers in maths mode
    3302  *     isomath: Mathematics style for science and technology
    3303  *     jkmath: Macros for mathematics that make the code more readable
    3304  *     jupynotex: Include whole or partial Jupyter notebooks in LaTeX documents
    3305  *     karnaugh: Typeset Karnaugh-Veitch-maps
    3306  *     karnaugh-map: LaTeX package for drawing karnaugh maps with up to 6 variables
    3307  *     karnaughmap: Typeset Karnaugh maps
    3308  *     kvmap: Create Karnaugh maps with LaTeX
    3309  *     letterswitharrows: Draw arrows over math letters
    3310  *     lie-hasse: Draw Hasse diagrams
    3311  *     logicproof: Box proofs for propositional and predicate logic
    3312  *     longdivision: Typesets long division
    3313  *     lpform: Typesetting linear programming formulations and sets of equations
    3314  *     lplfitch: Fitch-style natural deduction proofs
    3315  *     lstbayes: Listings language driver for Bayesian modeling languages
    3316  *     mathcommand: \newcommand-like commands for defining math macros
    3317  *     mathcomp: Text symbols in maths mode
    3318  *     mathfixs: Fix various layout issues in math mode
    3319  *     mathlig: Define maths "ligatures"
    3320  *     mathpartir: Typesetting sequences of math formulas, e.g. type inference rules
    3321  *     mathpunctspace: Control the space after punctuation in math expressions
    3322  *     mathsemantics: Semantic math commands in LaTeX
    3323  *     matlab-prettifier: Pretty-print Matlab source code
    3324  *     matrix-skeleton: A PGF/TikZ library that simplifies working with multiple matrix nodes
    3325  *     mattens: Matrices/tensor typesetting
    3326  *     mecaso: Formulas frequently used in rigid body mechanics
    3327  *     membranecomputing: Membrane Computing notation
    3328  *     memorygraphs: TikZ styles to typeset graphs of program memory
    3329  *     messagepassing: Draw diagrams to represent communication protocols
    3330  *     mgltex: High-quality graphics from MGL scripts embedded in LaTeX documents
    3331  *     mhchem: Typeset chemical formulae/equations and H and P statements
    3332  *     mhequ: Multicolumn equations, tags, labels, sub-numbering
    3333  *     miller: Typeset miller indices
    3334  *     mismath: Miscellaneous mathematical macros
    3335  *     multiobjective: Symbols for multiobjective optimisation etc
    3336  *     naive-ebnf: EBNF in Plain Text
    3337  *     namedtensor: Macros for named tensor notation
    3338  *     natded: Typeset natural deduction proofs
    3339  *     nath: Natural mathematics notation
    3340  *     nchairx: Maths macros from chair X of Wurzburg University
    3341  *     nicematrix: Improve the typesetting of mathematical matrices with PGF
    3342  *     nuc: Notation for nuclear isotopes
    3343  *     nucleardata: Provides data about atomic nuclides for documents
    3344  *     numerica: Numerically evaluate mathematical expressions in LaTeX form
    3345  *     numerica-plus: Iteration and recurrence relations: finding fixed points, zeros and extrema of functions
    3346  *     numerica-tables: Create multi-column tables of mathematical functions
    3347  *     objectz: Macros for typesetting Object Z
    3348  *     oplotsymbl: Some symbols which are not easily available
    3349  *     ot-tableau: Optimality Theory tableaux in LaTeX
    3350  *     oubraces: Braces over and under a formula
    3351  *     overarrows: Custom extensible arrows over math expressions
    3352  *     pascaltriangle: Draw beautiful Pascal (Yanghui) triangles
    3353  *     perfectcut: Nested delimiters that consistently grow regardless of the contents
    3354  *     pfdicons: Draw process flow diagrams in chemical engineering
    3355  *     physconst: Macros for commonly used physical constants
    3356  *     physics: Macros supporting the Mathematics of Physics
    3357  *     physics2: Macros for typesetting math faster and more simply
    3358  *     physunits: Macros for commonly used physical units
    3359  *     pinoutikz: Draw chip pinouts with TikZ
    3360  *     pm-isomath: Poor man ISO math for pdfLaTeX users
    3361  *     polexpr: A parser for polynomial expressions
    3362  *     prftree: Macros for building proof trees
    3363  *     principia: Notations for typesetting the "Principia Mathematica"
    3364  *     proba: Shortcuts commands to symbols used in probability texts
    3365  *     proof-at-the-end: A package to move proofs to appendix
    3366  *     prooftrees: Forest-based proof trees (symbolic logic)
    3367  *     pseudo: Straightforward pseudocode
    3368  *     pseudocode: LaTeX environment for specifying algorithms in a natural way
    3369  *     pythonhighlight: Highlighting of Python code, based on the listings package
    3370  *     qsharp: Syntax highlighting for the Q# language
    3371  *     rank-2-roots: Draw (mathematical) rank 2 root systems
    3372  *     rbt-mathnotes: Rebecca Turner's personal macros and styles for typesetting mathematics notes
    3373  *     rec-thy: Commands to typeset recursion theory papers
    3374  *     resolsysteme: Work on linear systems using xint or pyluatex
    3375  *     rest-api: Describing a rest api
    3376  *     revquantum: Hacks to make writing quantum papers for revtex4-1 less painful
    3377  *     ribbonproofs: Drawing ribbon proofs
    3378  *     rmathbr: Repeating of math operator at the broken line and the new line in inline equations
    3379  *     sankey: Draw Sankey diagrams with TikZ
    3380  *     sasnrdisplay: Typeset SAS or R code or output
    3381  *     sciposter: Make posters of ISO A3 size and larger
    3382  *     sclang-prettifier: Prettyprinting SuperCollider source code
    3383  *     scratchx: Include Scratch programs in LaTeX documents
    3384  *     sesamanuel: Class and package for sesamath books or paper
    3385  *     sfg: Draw signal flow graphs
    3386  *     shuffle: A symbol for the shuffle product
    3387  *     simplebnf: A simple package to format Backus-Naur form (BNF)
    3388  *     simpler-wick: Simpler Wick contractions
    3389  *     simples-matrices: Define matrices by given list of values
    3390  *     simplewick: Simple Wick contractions
    3391  *     sistyle: Package to typeset SI units, numbers and angles
    3392  *     siunits: International System of Units
    3393  *     siunitx: A comprehensive (SI) units package
    3394  *     skmath: Extensions to the maths command repertoir
    3395  *     spalign: Typeset matrices and arrays with spaces and semicolons as delimiters
    3396  *     spbmark: Customize superscripts and subscripts
    3397  *     stanli: TikZ Library for Structural Analysis
    3398  *     statex: Statistics style
    3399  *     statex2: Statistics style
    3400  *     statistics: Compute and typeset statistics tables and graphics
    3401  *     statistik: Store statistics of a document
    3402  *     statmath: A LaTeX package for simple use of statistical notation
    3403  *     steinmetz: Print Steinmetz notation
    3404  *     stmaryrd: St Mary Road symbols for theoretical computer science
    3405  *     structmech: A TikZ command set for structural mechanics drawings
    3406  *     struktex: Draw Nassi-Shneiderman charts
    3407  *     substances: A database of chemicals
    3408  *     subsupscripts: A range of sub- and superscript commands
    3409  *     subtext: Easy text-style subscripts in math mode
    3410  *     susy: Macros for SuperSymmetry-related work
    3411  *     syllogism: Typeset syllogisms in LaTeX
    3412  *     sympytexpackage: Include symbolic computation (using sympy) in documents
    3413  *     synproof: Easy drawing of syntactic proofs
    3414  *     t-angles: Draw tangles, trees, Hopf algebra operations and other pictures
    3415  *     tablor: Create tables of signs and of variations
    3416  *     tensind: Typeset tensors
    3417  *     tensor: Typeset tensors
    3418  *     tex-ewd: Macros to typeset calculational proofs and programs in Dijkstra's style
    3419  *     textgreek: Upright greek letters in text
    3420  *     textopo: Annotated membrane protein topology plots
    3421  *     thermodynamics: Macros for multicomponent thermodynamics documents
    3422  *     thmbox: Decorate theorem statements
    3423  *     tiscreen: Mimic the screen of older Texas Instruments calculators
    3424  *     turnstile: Typeset the (logic) turnstile notation
    3425  *     ulqda: Support of Qualitative Data Analysis
    3426  *     unitsdef: Typesetting units in LaTeX
    3427  *     venn: Creating Venn diagrams with MetaPost
    3428  *     witharrows: "Aligned" math environments with arrows for comments
    3429  *     xymtex: Typesetting chemical structures
    3430  *     yhmath: Extended maths fonts for LaTeX
    3431  *     youngtab: Typeset Young-Tableaux
    3432  *     yquant: Typesetting quantum circuits in a human-readable language
    3433  *     ytableau: Many-featured Young tableaux and Young diagrams
    3434  *     zx-calculus: A library to typeset ZX Calculus diagrams
     3289 * 12many: Generalising mathematical index sets
     3290 * accents: Multiple mathematical accents
     3291 * alg: LaTeX environments for typesetting algorithms
     3292 * algobox: Typeset Algobox programs
     3293 * algorithm2e: Floating algorithm environment with algorithmic keywords
     3294 * algorithmicx: The algorithmic style you always wanted
     3295 * algorithms: A suite of tools for typesetting algorithms in pseudo-code
     3296 * algpseudocodex: Package for typesetting pseudocode
     3297 * algxpar: Support multiple lines of pseudocode
     3298 * aligned-overset: Fix alignment at \overset or \underset
     3299 * amscdx: Enhanced commutative diagrams
     3300 * amstex: American Mathematical Society plain TeX macros
     3301 * annotate-equations: Easily annotate math equations using TikZ
     3302 * apxproof: Proofs in appendix
     3303 * autobreak: Simple line breaking of long formulae
     3304 * axodraw2: Feynman diagrams in a LaTeX document
     3305 * backnaur: Typeset Backus Naur Form definitions
     3306 * begriff: Typeset Begriffschrift
     3307 * binomexp: Calculate Pascal's triangle
     3308 * biocon: Typesetting biological species names
     3309 * bitpattern: Typeset bit pattern diagrams
     3310 * bodeplot: Draw Bode, Nyquist and Nichols plots with gnuplot or pgfplots
     3311 * bohr: Simple atom representation according to the Bohr model
     3312 * boldtensors: Bold latin and greek characters through simple prefix characters
     3313 * bosisio: A collection of packages by Francesco Bosisio
     3314 * bpchem: Typeset chemical names, formulae, etc
     3315 * bropd: Simplified brackets and differentials in LaTeX
     3316 * bussproofs: Proof trees in the style of the sequent calculus
     3317 * bussproofs-extra: Extra commands for bussproofs.sty
     3318 * bytefield: Create illustrations for network protocol specifications
     3319 * calculation: Typesetting reasoned calculations, also called calculational proofs
     3320 * cartonaugh: A LuaLaTeX package for drawing karnaugh maps with up to 6 variables
     3321 * cascade: Constructions with braces to present mathematical demonstrations
     3322 * causets: Draw causal set (Hasse) diagrams
     3323 * ccfonts: Support for Concrete text and math fonts in LaTeX
     3324 * ccool: A key-value document command parser
     3325 * chemarrow: Arrows for use in chemistry
     3326 * chemcompounds: Simple consecutive numbering of chemical compounds
     3327 * chemcono: Support for compound numbers in chemistry documents
     3328 * chemexec: Creating (chemical) exercise sheets
     3329 * chemformula: Command for typesetting chemical formulas and reactions
     3330 * chemformula-ru: Using the chemformula package with babel-russian settings
     3331 * chemgreek: Upright Greek letters in chemistry
     3332 * chemmacros: A collection of macros to support typesetting chemistry documents
     3333 * chemnum: A method for numbering chemical compounds
     3334 * chemobabel: Convert chemical structures from ChemDraw, MDL molfile or SMILES using Open Babel
     3335 * chemplants: Symbology to draw chemical plants with TikZ
     3336 * chemschemex: Typeset and cross-reference chemical schemes based on TikZ code
     3337 * chemsec: Automated creation of numeric entity labels
     3338 * chemstyle: Writing chemistry with style
     3339 * clrscode: Typesets pseudocode as in Introduction to Algorithms
     3340 * clrscode3e: Typesets pseudocode as in Introduction to Algorithms
     3341 * codeanatomy: Typeset code with annotations
     3342 * commath: Mathematics typesetting support
     3343 * commutative-diagrams: CoDi: Commutative Diagrams for TeX
     3344 * complexity: Computational complexity class names
     3345 * computational-complexity: Class for the journal Computational Complexity
     3346 * concmath: Concrete Math fonts
     3347 * concrete: Concrete Roman fonts
     3348 * conteq: Typeset multiline continued equalities
     3349 * correctmathalign: Correct spacing of the alignment in expressions
     3350 * cryptocode: Typesetting pseudocode, protocols, game-based proofs and black-box reductions in cryptography
     3351 * csassignments: A wrapper for article with macros and customizations for computer science assignments
     3352 * cvss: Compute and display CVSS base scores
     3353 * decision-table: An easy way to create Decision Model and Notation decision tables
     3354 * delim: Simplify typesetting mathematical delimiters
     3355 * delimseasy: Delimiter commands that are easy to use and resize
     3356 * delimset: Typeset and declare sets of delimiters with convenient size control
     3357 * derivative: Nice and easy derivatives
     3358 * diffcoeff: Write differential coefficients easily and consistently
     3359 * digiconfigs: Writing "configurations"
     3360 * dijkstra: Dijkstra algorithm for LaTeX
     3361 * drawmatrix: Draw visual representations of matrices in LaTeX
     3362 * drawstack: Draw execution stacks
     3363 * dyntree: Construct Dynkin tree diagrams
     3364 * easing: easing functions for pgfmath
     3365 * ebproof: Formal proofs in the style of sequent calculus
     3366 * econometrics: Defines some commands that simplify mathematic notation in economic and econometric writing
     3367 * eltex: Simple circuit diagrams in LaTeX picture mode
     3368 * emf: Support for the EMF symbol
     3369 * endiagram: Easy creation of potential energy curve diagrams
     3370 * engtlc: Support for users in Telecommunications Engineering
     3371 * eolang: Formulas and graphs for the EO programming language
     3372 * eqexpl: Align explanations for formulas
     3373 * eqnarray: More generalised equation arrays with numbering
     3374 * eqnnumwarn: Modifies the amsmath equation environments to warn for a displaced equation number
     3375 * euclideangeometry: Draw geometrical constructions
     3376 * extarrows: Extra Arrows beyond those provided in amsmath
     3377 * extpfeil: Extensible arrows in mathematics
     3378 * faktor: Typeset quotient structures with LaTeX
     3379 * fascicules: Create mathematical manuals for schools
     3380 * fitch: LaTeX macros for Fitch-style natural deduction
     3381 * fixdif: Macros for typesetting differential operators
     3382 * fixmath: Make maths comply with ISO 31-0:1992 to ISO 31-13:1992
     3383 * fnspe: Macros for supporting mainly students of FNSPE CTU in Prague
     3384 * formal-grammar: Typeset formal grammars
     3385 * fouridx: Left sub- and superscripts in maths mode
     3386 * freealign: Align math formulas in different lines
     3387 * functan: Macros for functional analysis and PDE theory
     3388 * galois: Typeset Galois connections
     3389 * gastex: Graphs and Automata Simplified in TeX
     3390 * gene-logic: Typeset logic formulae, etc
     3391 * ghsystem: Globally harmonised system of chemical (etc) naming
     3392 * glosmathtools: Mathematical nomenclature tools based on the glossaries package
     3393 * gotoh: An implementation of the Gotoh sequence alignment algorithm
     3394 * grundgesetze: Typeset Frege's Grundgesetze der Arithmetik
     3395 * gu: Typeset crystallographic group-subgroup-schemes
     3396 * helmholtz-ellis-ji-notation: Beautiful in-line microtonal just intonation accidentals
     3397 * hep: A "convenience wrapper" for High Energy Physics packages
     3398 * hep-graphic: Extensions for graphics, plots and feynman graphs in high energy physics
     3399 * hep-reference: Adjustments for publications in High Energy Physics
     3400 * hepnames: Pre-defined high energy particle names
     3401 * hepparticles: Macros for typesetting high energy physics particle names
     3402 * hepthesis: A class for academic reports, especially PhD theses
     3403 * hepunits: A set of units useful in high energy physics applications
     3404 * ibrackets: Intelligent brackets
     3405 * includernw: Include .Rnw inside .tex
     3406 * interval: Format mathematical intervals, ensuring proper spacing
     3407 * ionumbers: Restyle numbers in maths mode
     3408 * isomath: Mathematics style for science and technology
     3409 * isphysicalmath: Simple way to write nice formulas
     3410 * jkmath: Macros for mathematics that make the code more readable
     3411 * jupynotex: Include whole or partial Jupyter notebooks in LaTeX documents
     3412 * karnaugh: Typeset Karnaugh-Veitch-maps
     3413 * karnaugh-map: LaTeX package for drawing karnaugh maps with up to 6 variables
     3414 * karnaughmap: Typeset Karnaugh maps
     3415 * kvmap: Create Karnaugh maps with LaTeX
     3416 * letterswitharrows: Draw arrows over math letters
     3417 * lie-hasse: Draw Hasse diagrams
     3418 * logicproof: Box proofs for propositional and predicate logic
     3419 * longdivision: Typesets long division
     3420 * lpform: Typesetting linear programming formulations and sets of equations
     3421 * lplfitch: Fitch-style natural deduction proofs
     3422 * lstbayes: Listings language driver for Bayesian modeling languages
     3423 * luanumint: Numerical integration using Lua inside LaTeX documents
     3424 * mathcommand: \newcommand-like commands for defining math macros
     3425 * mathcomp: Text symbols in maths mode
     3426 * mathfixs: Fix various layout issues in math mode
     3427 * mathlig: Define maths "ligatures"
     3428 * mathpartir: Typesetting sequences of math formulas, e.g. type inference rules
     3429 * mathpunctspace: Control the space after punctuation in math expressions
     3430 * mathsemantics: Semantic math commands in LaTeX
     3431 * matlab-prettifier: Pretty-print Matlab source code
     3432 * matrix-skeleton: A PGF/TikZ library that simplifies working with multiple matrix nodes
     3433 * mattens: Matrices/tensor typesetting
     3434 * mecaso: Formulas frequently used in rigid body mechanics
     3435 * medmath: Better medium-size math commands
     3436 * membranecomputing: Membrane Computing notation
     3437 * memorygraphs: TikZ styles to typeset graphs of program memory
     3438 * messagepassing: Draw diagrams to represent communication protocols
     3439 * mgltex: High-quality graphics from MGL scripts embedded in LaTeX documents
     3440 * mhchem: Typeset chemical formulae/equations and H and P statements
     3441 * mhequ: Multicolumn equations, tags, labels, sub-numbering
     3442 * miller: Typeset miller indices
     3443 * mismath: Miscellaneous mathematical macros
     3444 * multiobjective: Symbols for multiobjective optimisation etc
     3445 * naive-ebnf: EBNF in plain text
     3446 * namedtensor: Macros for named tensor notation
     3447 * natded: Typeset natural deduction proofs
     3448 * nath: Natural mathematics notation
     3449 * nchairx: Maths macros from chair X of Wurzburg University
     3450 * nicematrix: Improve the typesetting of mathematical matrices with PGF
     3451 * nuc: Notation for nuclear isotopes
     3452 * nucleardata: Provides data about atomic nuclides for documents
     3453 * numerica: Numerically evaluate mathematical expressions in LaTeX form
     3454 * numerica-plus: Iteration and recurrence relations: finding fixed points, zeros and extrema of functions
     3455 * numerica-tables: Create multi-column tables of mathematical functions
     3456 * objectz: Macros for typesetting Object Z
     3457 * odesandpdes: Optimizing workflow involving odes and pdes
     3458 * oplotsymbl: Some symbols which are not easily available
     3459 * ot-tableau: Optimality Theory tableaux in LaTeX
     3460 * oubraces: Braces over and under a formula
     3461 * overarrows: Custom extensible arrows over math expressions
     3462 * pascaltriangle: Draw beautiful Pascal (Yanghui) triangles
     3463 * perfectcut: Nested delimiters that consistently grow regardless of the contents
     3464 * pfdicons: Draw process flow diagrams in chemical engineering
     3465 * physconst: Macros for commonly used physical constants
     3466 * physics: Macros supporting the Mathematics of Physics
     3467 * physics2: Macros for typesetting maths faster and more simply
     3468 * physunits: Macros for commonly used physical units
     3469 * pinoutikz: Draw chip pinouts with TikZ
     3470 * pm-isomath: Poor man ISO math for pdfLaTeX users
     3471 * pmdraw: Draw elements of partition monoids
     3472 * polexpr: A parser for polynomial expressions
     3473 * prftree: Macros for building proof trees
     3474 * principia: Notations for typesetting the "Principia Mathematica"
     3475 * proba: Shortcuts commands to symbols used in probability texts
     3476 * proof-at-the-end: A package to move proofs to appendix
     3477 * prooftrees: Forest-based proof trees (symbolic logic)
     3478 * pseudo: Straightforward pseudocode
     3479 * pseudocode: LaTeX environment for specifying algorithms in a natural way
     3480 * pythonhighlight: Highlighting of Python code, based on the listings package
     3481 * qsharp: Syntax highlighting for the Q# language
     3482 * quickreaction: A simple and fast way to typeset chemical reactions
     3483 * quiver: Draw commutative diagrams exported from
     3484 * rank-2-roots: Draw (mathematical) rank 2 root systems
     3485 * rbt-mathnotes: Rebecca Turner's personal macros and styles for typesetting mathematics notes
     3486 * rec-thy: Commands to typeset recursion theory papers
     3487 * resolsysteme: Work on linear systems using xint or pyluatex
     3488 * rest-api: Describing a rest api
     3489 * revquantum: Hacks to make writing quantum papers for revtex4-1 less painful
     3490 * ribbonproofs: Drawing ribbon proofs
     3491 * rmathbr: Repeating of math operator at the broken line and the new line in inline equations
     3492 * sankey: Draw Sankey diagrams with TikZ
     3493 * sasnrdisplay: Typeset SAS or R code or output
     3494 * sciposter: Make posters of ISO A3 size and larger
     3495 * sclang-prettifier: Prettyprinting SuperCollider source code
     3496 * scratchx: Include Scratch programs in LaTeX documents
     3497 * sesamanuel: Class and package for sesamath books or paper
     3498 * sfg: Draw signal flow graphs
     3499 * shuffle: A symbol for the shuffle product
     3500 * simplebnf: A simple package to format Backus-Naur form (BNF)
     3501 * simpler-wick: Simpler Wick contractions
     3502 * simples-matrices: Define matrices by given list of values
     3503 * simplewick: Simple Wick contractions
     3504 * sistyle: Package to typeset SI units, numbers and angles
     3505 * siunits: International System of Units
     3506 * siunitx: A comprehensive (SI) units package
     3507 * skmath: Extensions to the maths command repertoir
     3508 * spalign: Typeset matrices and arrays with spaces and semicolons as delimiters
     3509 * spbmark: Customize superscripts and subscripts
     3510 * stanli: TikZ Library for Structural Analysis
     3511 * statex: Statistics style
     3512 * statex2: Statistics style
     3513 * statistics: Compute and typeset statistics tables and graphics
     3514 * statistik: Store statistics of a document
     3515 * statmath: A LaTeX package for simple use of statistical notation
     3516 * steinmetz: Print Steinmetz notation
     3517 * stmaryrd: St Mary Road symbols for theoretical computer science
     3518 * string-diagrams: Create string diagrams with LaTeX and TikZ
     3519 * structmech: A TikZ command set for structural mechanics drawings
     3520 * struktex: Draw Nassi-Shneiderman charts
     3521 * substances: A database of chemicals
     3522 * subsupscripts: A range of sub- and superscript commands
     3523 * subtext: Easy text-style subscripts in math mode
     3524 * susy: Macros for SuperSymmetry-related work
     3525 * syllogism: Typeset syllogisms in LaTeX
     3526 * sympytexpackage: Include symbolic computation (using sympy) in documents
     3527 * synproof: Easy drawing of syntactic proofs
     3528 * t-angles: Draw tangles, trees, Hopf algebra operations and other pictures
     3529 * tablor: Create tables of signs and of variations
     3530 * tensind: Typeset tensors
     3531 * tensor: Typeset tensors
     3532 * tex-ewd: Macros to typeset calculational proofs and programs in Dijkstra's style
     3533 * textgreek: Upright greek letters in text
     3534 * textopo: Annotated membrane protein topology plots
     3535 * thermodynamics: Macros for multicomponent thermodynamics documents
     3536 * thmbox: Decorate theorem statements
     3537 * tiscreen: Mimic the screen of older Texas Instruments calculators
     3538 * turnstile: Typeset the (logic) turnstile notation
     3539 * ulqda: Support of Qualitative Data Analysis
     3540 * unitsdef: Typesetting units in LaTeX
     3541 * venn: Creating Venn diagrams with MetaPost
     3542 * witharrows: "Aligned" math environments with arrows for comments
     3543 * xymtex: Typesetting chemical structures
     3544 * yhmath: Extended maths fonts for LaTeX
     3545 * youngtab: Typeset Young-Tableaux
     3546 * yquant: Typesetting quantum circuits in a human-readable language
     3547 * ytableau: Many-featured Young tableaux and Young diagrams
     3548 * zx-calculus: A library to typeset ZX Calculus diagrams
    34363550= texlive-metapost =
    3437  *     automata: Finite state machines, graphs and trees in MetaPost
    3438  *     bbcard: Bullshit bingo, calendar and baseball-score cards
    3439  *     blockdraw_mp: Block diagrams and bond graphs, with MetaPost
    3440  *     bpolynomial: Drawing polynomial functions of up to order 3
    3441  *     cmarrows: MetaPost arrows and braces in the Computer Modern style
    3442  *     drv: Derivation trees with MetaPost
    3443  *     dviincl: Include a DVI page into MetaPost output
    3444  *     emp: "Encapsulate" MetaPost figures in a document
    3445  *     epsincl: Include EPS in MetaPost figures
    3446  *     expressg: Diagrams consisting of boxes, lines, and annotations
    3447  *     exteps: Include EPS figures in MetaPost
    3448  *     featpost: MetaPost macros for 3D
    3449  *     feynmf: Macros and fonts for creating Feynman (and other) diagrams
    3450  *     feynmp-auto: Automatic processing of feynmp graphics
    3451  *     fiziko: A MetaPost library for physics textbook illustrations
    3452  *     garrigues: MetaPost macros for the reproduction of Garrigues' Easter nomogram
    3453  *     gmp: Enable integration between MetaPost pictures and LaTeX
    3454  *     hatching: MetaPost macros for hatching interior of closed paths
    3455  *     hershey-mp: MetaPost support for the Hershey font file format
    3456  *     latexmp: Interface for LaTeX-based typesetting in MetaPost
    3457  *     mcf2graph: Draw chemical structure diagrams with MetaPost
    3458  *     metago: MetaPost output of Go positions
    3459  *     metaobj: MetaPost package providing high-level objects
    3460  *     metaplot: Plot-manipulation macros for use in MetaPost
    3461  *     metapost: A development of Metafont for creating graphics
    3462  *     metapost-colorbrewer: An implementation of the colours for MetaPost
    3463  *     metauml: MetaPost library for typesetting UML diagrams
    3464  *     mfpic: Draw Metafont/post pictures from (La)TeX commands
    3465  *     mfpic4ode: Macros to draw direction fields and solutions of ODEs
    3466  *     minim-hatching: Create tiling patterns with the minim-mp MetaPost processor
    3467  *     mp3d: 3D animations
    3468  *     mparrows: MetaPost module with different types of arrow heads
    3469  *     mpattern: Patterns in MetaPost
    3470  *     mpcolornames: Extend list of predefined colour names for MetaPost
    3471  *     mpgraphics: Process and display MetaPost figures inline
    3472  *     mptrees: Probability trees with MetaPost
    3473  *     piechartmp: Draw pie-charts using MetaPost
    3474  *     repere: MetaPost macros for secondary school mathematics teachers
    3475  *     roex: Metafont-PostScript conversions
    3476  *     roundrect: MetaPost macros for highly configurable rounded rectangles (optionally with text)
    3477  *     shapes: Draw polygons, reentrant stars, and fractions in circles with MetaPost
    3478  *     slideshow: Generate slideshow with MetaPost
    3479  *     splines: MetaPost macros for drawing cubic spline interpolants
    3480  *     suanpan: MetaPost macros for drawing Chinese and Japanese abaci
    3481  *     textpath: Setting text along a path with MetaPost
    3482  *     threeddice: Create images of dice with one, two, or three faces showing, using MetaPost
     3551 * automata: Finite state machines, graphs and trees in MetaPost
     3552 * bbcard: Bullshit bingo, calendar and baseball-score cards
     3553 * blockdraw_mp: Block diagrams and bond graphs, with MetaPost
     3554 * bpolynomial: Drawing polynomial functions of up to order 3
     3555 * cmarrows: MetaPost arrows and braces in the Computer Modern style
     3556 * drv: Derivation trees with MetaPost
     3557 * dviincl: Include a DVI page into MetaPost output
     3558 * emp: "Encapsulate" MetaPost figures in a document
     3559 * epsincl: Include EPS in MetaPost figures
     3560 * expressg: Diagrams consisting of boxes, lines, and annotations
     3561 * exteps: Include EPS figures in MetaPost
     3562 * featpost: MetaPost macros for 3D
     3563 * feynmf: Macros and fonts for creating Feynman (and other) diagrams
     3564 * feynmp-auto: Automatic processing of feynmp graphics
     3565 * fiziko: A MetaPost library for physics textbook illustrations
     3566 * garrigues: MetaPost macros for the reproduction of Garrigues' Easter nomogram
     3567 * gmp: Enable integration between MetaPost pictures and LaTeX
     3568 * hatching: MetaPost macros for hatching interior of closed paths
     3569 * hershey-mp: MetaPost support for the Hershey font file format
     3570 * huffman: Drawing binary Huffman trees with MetaPost and METAOBJ
     3571 * latexmp: Interface for LaTeX-based typesetting in MetaPost
     3572 * mcf2graph: Draw chemical structure diagrams with MetaPost
     3573 * metago: MetaPost output of Go positions
     3574 * metaobj: MetaPost package providing high-level objects
     3575 * metaplot: Plot-manipulation macros for use in MetaPost
     3576 * metapost: A development of Metafont for creating graphics
     3577 * metapost-colorbrewer: An implementation of the colours for MetaPost
     3578 * metauml: MetaPost library for typesetting UML diagrams
     3579 * mfpic: Draw Metafont/post pictures from (La)TeX commands
     3580 * mfpic4ode: Macros to draw direction fields and solutions of ODEs
     3581 * minim-hatching: Create tiling patterns with the minim-mp MetaPost processor
     3582 * mp3d: 3D animations
     3583 * mparrows: MetaPost module with different types of arrow heads
     3584 * mpattern: Patterns in MetaPost
     3585 * mpchess: Drawing chess boards and positions with MetaPost
     3586 * mpcolornames: Extend list of predefined colour names for MetaPost
     3587 * mpgraphics: Process and display MetaPost figures inline
     3588 * mptrees: Probability trees with MetaPost
     3589 * piechartmp: Draw pie-charts using MetaPost
     3590 * repere: MetaPost macros for secondary school mathematics teachers
     3591 * roex: Metafont-PostScript conversions
     3592 * roundrect: MetaPost macros for highly configurable rounded rectangles (optionally with text)
     3593 * shapes: Draw polygons, reentrant stars, and fractions in circles with MetaPost
     3594 * slideshow: Generate slideshow with MetaPost
     3595 * splines: MetaPost macros for drawing cubic spline interpolants
     3596 * suanpan: MetaPost macros for drawing Chinese and Japanese abaci
     3597 * textpath: Setting text along a path with MetaPost
     3598 * threeddice: Create images of dice with one, two, or three faces showing, using MetaPost
    34843600= texlive-music =
    3485  *     abc: Support ABC music notation in LaTeX
    3486  *     autosp: A Preprocessor that generates note-spacing commands for MusiXTeX scores
    3487  *     bagpipe: Support for typesetting bagpipe music
    3488  *     chordbars: Print chord grids for pop/jazz tunes
    3489  *     chordbox: Draw chord diagrams
    3490  *     ddphonism: Dodecaphonic diagrams: twelve-tone matrices, clock diagrams, etc.
    3491  *     figbas: Mini-fonts for figured-bass notation in music
    3492  *     gchords: Typeset guitar chords
    3493  *     gregoriotex: Engraving Gregorian Chant scores
    3494  *     gtrcrd: Add chords to lyrics
    3495  *     guitar: Guitar chords and song texts
    3496  *     guitarchordschemes: Guitar Chord and Scale Tablatures
    3497  *     guitartabs: A class for drawing guitar tablatures easily
    3498  *     harmony: Typeset harmony symbols, etc., for musicology
    3499  *     latex4musicians: A guide for combining LaTeX and music
    3500  *     leadsheets: Typesetting leadsheets and songbooks
    3501  *     lilyglyphs: Access lilypond fragments and glyphs, in LaTeX
    3502  *     lyluatex: Commands to include lilypond scores within a (Lua)LaTeX document
    3503  *     m-tx: A preprocessor for pmx
    3504  *     musical: Typeset (musical) theatre scripts
    3505  *     musicography: Accessing symbols for music writing with pdfLaTeX
    3506  *     musixguit: Easy notation for guitar music, in MusixTeX
    3507  *     musixtex: Sophisticated music typesetting
    3508  *     musixtex-fonts: Fonts used by MusixTeX
    3509  *     musixtnt: A MusiXTeX extension library that enables transformations of the effect of notes commands
    3510  *     octave: Typeset musical pitches with octave designations
    3511  *     piano: Typeset a basic 2-octave piano diagram
    3512  *     pmx: Preprocessor for MusiXTeX
    3513  *     pmxchords: Produce chord information to go with pmx output
    3514  *     recorder-fingering: Package to display recorder fingering diagrams
    3515  *     songbook: Package for typesetting song lyrics and chord books
    3516  *     songproj: Generate Beamer slideshows with song lyrics
    3517  *     songs: Produce song books for church or fellowship
    3518  *     xml2pmx: Convert MusicXML to PMX and MusiXTeX
    3519  *     xpiano: An extension of the piano package
     3601 * abc: Support ABC music notation in LaTeX
     3602 * autosp: A Preprocessor that generates note-spacing commands for MusiXTeX scores
     3603 * bagpipe: Support for typesetting bagpipe music
     3604 * chordbars: Print chord grids for pop/jazz tunes
     3605 * chordbox: Draw chord diagrams
     3606 * ddphonism: Dodecaphonic diagrams: twelve-tone matrices, clock diagrams, etc.
     3607 * figbas: Mini-fonts for figured-bass notation in music
     3608 * gchords: Typeset guitar chords
     3609 * gregoriotex: Engraving Gregorian Chant scores
     3610 * gtrcrd: Add chords to lyrics
     3611 * guitar: Guitar chords and song texts
     3612 * guitarchordschemes: Guitar Chord and Scale Tablatures
     3613 * guitartabs: A class for drawing guitar tablatures easily
     3614 * harmony: Typeset harmony symbols, etc., for musicology
     3615 * latex4musicians: A guide for combining LaTeX and music
     3616 * leadsheets: Typesetting leadsheets and songbooks
     3617 * lilyglyphs: Access lilypond fragments and glyphs, in LaTeX
     3618 * lyluatex: Commands to include lilypond scores within a (Lua)LaTeX document
     3619 * m-tx: A preprocessor for pmx
     3620 * musical: Typeset (musical) theatre scripts
     3621 * musicography: Accessing symbols for music writing with pdfLaTeX
     3622 * musixguit: Easy notation for guitar music, in MusixTeX
     3623 * musixtex: Sophisticated music typesetting
     3624 * musixtex-fonts: Fonts used by MusixTeX
     3625 * musixtnt: A MusiXTeX extension library that enables transformations of the effect of notes commands
     3626 * octave: Typeset musical pitches with octave designations
     3627 * piano: Typeset a basic 2-octave piano diagram
     3628 * pmx: Preprocessor for MusiXTeX
     3629 * pmxchords: Produce chord information to go with pmx output
     3630 * recorder-fingering: Package to display recorder fingering diagrams
     3631 * songbook: Package for typesetting song lyrics and chord books
     3632 * songproj: Generate Beamer slideshows with song lyrics
     3633 * songs: Produce song books for church or fellowship
     3634 * undar-digitacion: Musical fingering diagrams of Pinkullo Huanuqueno, Flute (Recorder), Quena and Saxophone
     3635 * xml2pmx: Convert MusicXML to PMX and MusiXTeX
     3636 * xpiano: An extension of the piano package
    35213638= texlive-pictures =
    3522  *     adigraph: Augmenting directed graphs
    3523  *     aobs-tikz: TikZ styles for creating overlaid pictures in beamer
    3524  *     askmaps: Typeset American style Karnaugh maps
    3525  *     asyfig: Commands for using Asymptote figures
    3526  *     asypictureb: User-friendly integration of Asymptote into LaTeX
    3527  *     autoarea: Automatic computation of bounding boxes with PiCTeX
    3528  *     bardiag: LaTeX package for drawing bar diagrams
    3529  *     beamerswitch: Convenient mode selection in Beamer documents
    3530  *     binarytree: Drawing binary trees using TikZ
    3531  *     blochsphere: Draw pseudo-3D diagrams of Bloch spheres
    3532  *     bloques: Generate control diagrams
    3533  *     blox: Draw block diagrams, using TikZ
    3534  *     bodegraph: Draw Bode, Nyquist and Black plots with gnuplot and TikZ
    3535  *     bondgraph: Create bond graph figures in LaTeX documents
    3536  *     bondgraphs: Draws bond graphs in LaTeX, using PGF/TikZ
    3537  *     braids: Draw braid diagrams with PGF/TikZ
    3538  *     bxeepic: Eepic facilities using pict2e
    3539  *     byo-twemojis: "Build Your Own Twemojis" with TikZ
    3540  *     byrne: This package provides a set of tools to typeset geometric proofs in the style of Oliver Byrne's 1847 ed. of Euclid's "Elements"
    3541  *     cachepic: Convert document fragments into graphics
    3542  *     callouts: Put simple annotations and notes inside a picture
    3543  *     celtic: A TikZ library for drawing celtic knots
    3544  *     chemfig: Draw molecules with easy syntax
    3545  *     circuit-macros: M4 macros for electric circuit diagrams
    3546  *     circuitikz: Draw electrical networks with TikZ
    3547  *     coffeestains: Add coffee stains to documents
    3548  *     combinedgraphics: Include graphic (EPS or PDF)/LaTeX combinations
    3549  *     curve: A class for making curriculum vitae
    3550  *     curve2e: Extensions for package pict2e
    3551  *     curves: Curves for LaTeX picture environment
    3552  *     dcpic: Commutative diagrams in a LaTeX and TeX documents
    3553  *     diagmac2: Diagram macros, using pict2e
    3554  *     ditaa: Use ditaa diagrams within LaTeX documents
    3555  *     doc-pictex: A summary list of PicTeX documentation
    3556  *     dottex: Use dot code in LaTeX
    3557  *     dpcircling: Decorated text boxes using TikZ
    3558  *     dratex: General drawing macros
    3559  *     drs: Typeset Discourse Representation Structures (DRS)
    3560  *     duotenzor: Drawing package for circuit and duotensor diagrams
    3561  *     dynkin-diagrams: Draw Dynkin, Coxeter, and Satake diagrams using TikZ
    3562  *     ecgdraw: Draws electrocardiograms (ECG)
    3563  *     eepic: Extensions to epic and the LaTeX drawing tools
    3564  *     ellipse: Draw ellipses and elliptical arcs using the standard LaTeX2e picture environment
    3565  *     endofproofwd: An "end of proof" sign
    3566  *     epspdf: Converter for PostScript, EPS and PDF
    3567  *     epspdfconversion: On-the-fly conversion of EPS to PDF
    3568  *     esk: Package to encapsulate Sketch files in LaTeX sources
    3569  *     euflag: A command to reproduce the flag of the European Union
    3570  *     fast-diagram: Easy generation of FAST diagrams
    3571  *     fig4latex: Management of figures for large LaTeX documents
    3572  *     figchild: Pictures for creating children's activities
    3573  *     figput: Create interactive figures in LaTeX
    3574  *     fitbox: Fit graphics on a page
    3575  *     flowchart: Shapes for drawing flowcharts, using TikZ
    3576  *     forest: Drawing (linguistic) trees
    3577  *     genealogytree: Pedigree and genealogical tree diagrams
    3578  *     getmap: Download OpenStreetMap maps for use in documents
    3579  *     gincltex: Include TeX files as graphics (.tex support for \includegraphics)
    3580  *     gnuplottex: Embed Gnuplot commands in LaTeX documents
    3581  *     gradientframe: Simple gradient frames around objects
    3582  *     grafcet: Draw Grafcet/SFC with TikZ
    3583  *     graph35: Draw keys and screen items of several Casio calculators
    3584  *     graphicxpsd: Adobe Photoshop Data format (PSD) support for graphicx package
    3585  *     graphviz: Write graphviz (dot+neato) inline in LaTeX documents
    3586  *     gtrlib-largetrees: Library for genealogytree aiming at large trees
    3587  *     harveyballs: Create Harvey Balls using TikZ
    3588  *     here: Emulation of obsolete package for "here" floats
    3589  *     hf-tikz: A simple way to highlight formulas and formula parts
    3590  *     hobby: An implementation of Hobby's algorithm for PGF/TikZ
    3591  *     hvfloat: Controlling captions, fullpage and doublepage floats
    3592  *     istgame: Draw Game Trees with TikZ
    3593  *     kblocks: Easily typeset Control Block Diagrams and Signal Flow Graphs
    3594  *     kinematikz: Design kinematic chains and mechanisms
    3595  *     knitting: Produce knitting charts, in Plain TeX or LaTeX
    3596  *     knittingpattern: Create knitting patterns
    3597  *     ladder: Draw simple ladder diagrams using TikZ
    3598  *     lapdf: PDF drawing directly in TeX documents
    3599  *     latex-make: Easy compiling of complex (and simple) LaTeX documents
    3600  *     liftarm: Draw liftarms
    3601  *     lpic: Put LaTeX material over included graphics
    3602  *     lroundrect: LaTeX macros for utilizing the roundrect MetaPost routines
    3603  *     luamesh: Computes and draws 2D Delaunay triangulation
    3604  *     luasseq: Drawing spectral sequences in LuaLaTeX
    3605  *     maker: Include Arduino or Processing code in LaTeX documents
    3606  *     makeshape: Declare new PGF shapes
    3607  *     mathspic: A Perl filter program for use with PiCTeX
    3608  *     mercatormap: Spherical Mercator coordinate systems and Web Mercator tile integration
    3609  *     milsymb: LaTeX package for TikZ based drawing of military symbols as per NATO APP-6(C)
    3610  *     miniplot: A package for easy figure arrangement
    3611  *     mkpic: Perl interface to mfpic
    3612  *     modiagram: Drawing molecular orbital diagrams
    3613  *     neuralnetwork: Graph-drawing for neural networks
    3614  *     nl-interval: Represent intervals on the number line
    3615  *     nndraw: Draw neural networks
    3616  *     numericplots: Plot numeric data (including Matlab export) using PSTricks
    3617  *     outilsgeomtikz: Some geometric tools, with TikZ
    3618  *     pb-diagram: A commutative diagram package using LAMSTeX or Xy-pic fonts
    3619  *     penrose: A TikZ library for producing Penrose tilings
    3620  *     petri-nets: A set TeX/LaTeX packages for drawing Petri nets
    3621  *     pgf: Create PostScript and PDF graphics in TeX
    3622  *     pgf-blur: PGF/TikZ package for "blurred" shadows
    3623  *     pgf-interference: Drawing interference patterns with PGF/TikZ
    3624  *     pgf-periodictable: Create custom periodic tables of elements
    3625  *     pgf-pie: Draw pie charts, using PGF
    3626  *     pgf-soroban: Create images of the soroban using TikZ/PGF
    3627  *     pgf-spectra: Draw continuous or discrete spectra using PGF/TikZ
    3628  *     pgf-umlcd: Some LaTeX macros for UML Class Diagrams
    3629  *     pgf-umlsd: Draw UML Sequence Diagrams
    3630  *     pgfgantt: Draw Gantt charts with TikZ
    3631  *     pgfkeyx: Extended and more robust version of pgfkeys
    3632  *     pgfmolbio: Draw graphs typically found in molecular biology texts
    3633  *     pgfmorepages: Assemble multiple logical pages onto a physical page
    3634  *     pgfopts: LaTeX package options with pgfkeys
    3635  *     pgfornament: Drawing of Vectorian ornaments with PGF/TikZ
    3636  *     pgfplots: Create normal/logarithmic plots in two and three dimensions
    3637  *     picinpar: Insert pictures into paragraphs
    3638  *     pict2e: New implementation of picture commands
    3639  *     pictex: Picture drawing macros for TeX and LaTeX
    3640  *     pictex2: Adds relative coordinates and improves the \plot command
    3641  *     pinlabel: A TeX labelling package
    3642  *     pixelart: Draw pixel-art pictures
    3643  *     pixelarttikz: Work with PixelArts, with TikZ
    3644  *     pmgraph: "Poor man's" graphics
    3645  *     postage: Stamp letters with >>Deutsche Post<<'s service >>Internetmarke<<
    3646  *     prerex: Interactive editor and macro support for prerequisite charts
    3647  *     productbox: Typeset a three-dimensional product box
    3648  *     ptolemaicastronomy: Diagrams of sphere models for variably strict conditionals (Lewis counterfactuals)
    3649  *     puyotikz: Quickly typeset board states of Puyo Puyo games
    3650  *     pxpgfmark: e-pTeX driver for PGF inter-picture connections
    3651  *     pxpic: Draw pixel pictures
    3652  *     qcircuit: Macros to generate quantum ciruits
    3653  *     qrcode: Generate QR codes in LaTeX
    3654  *     quantikz: Draw quantum circuit diagrams
    3655  *     randbild: Marginal pictures
    3656  *     randomwalk: Random walks using TikZ
    3657  *     realhats: Put real hats on symbols instead of ^
    3658  *     reotex: Draw Reo Channels and Circuits
    3659  *     robotarm: TikZ powered LaTeX package to draw parameterized 2D robot arms
    3660  *     rviewport: Relative Viewport for Graphics Inclusion
    3661  *     sa-tikz: TikZ library to draw switching architectures
    3662  *     sacsymb: "Sacred Symbols" prepared with TikZ
    3663  *     schemabloc: Draw block diagrams, using TikZ
    3664  *     scratch: Draw programs like "scratch"
    3665  *     scratch3: Draw programs like "scratch"
    3666  *     scsnowman: Snowman variants using TikZ
    3667  *     setdeck: Typeset cards for Set
    3668  *     signchart: Create beautifully typeset sign charts
    3669  *     simplenodes: Simple nodes in four colors written in TikZ for LaTeX
    3670  *     simpleoptics: Drawing lenses and mirrors for optical diagrams
    3671  *     smartdiagram: Generate diagrams from lists
    3672  *     spath3: Manipulate "soft paths" in PGF
    3673  *     spectralsequences: Print spectral sequence diagrams using PGF/TikZ
    3674  *     strands: Draw objects constructed from strands
    3675  *     swimgraf: Graphical/textual representations of swimming performances
    3676  *     syntaxdi: Create "railroad" syntax diagrams
    3677  *     table-fct: Draw a variations table of functions and a convexity table of its graph
    3678  *     texdraw: Graphical macros, using embedded PostScript
    3679  *     ticollege: Graphical representation of keys on a standard scientific calculator
    3680  *     tikz-3dplot: Coordinate transformation styles for 3d plotting in TikZ
    3681  *     tikz-among-us: Create some AmongUs characters in TikZ environments
    3682  *     tikz-bagua: Draw Bagua symbols in Yijing
    3683  *     tikz-bayesnet: Draw Bayesian networks, graphical models and directed factor graphs
    3684  *     tikz-bbox: Precise determination of bounding boxes in TikZ
    3685  *     tikz-cd: Create commutative diagrams with TikZ
    3686  *     tikz-dependency: A library for drawing dependency graphs
    3687  *     tikz-dimline: Technical dimension lines using PGF/TikZ
    3688  *     tikz-ext: A collection of libraries for PGF/TikZ
    3689  *     tikz-feynhand: Feynman diagrams with TikZ
    3690  *     tikz-feynman: Feynman diagrams with TikZ
    3691  *     tikz-imagelabels: Put labels on images using TikZ
    3692  *     tikz-inet: Draw interaction nets with TikZ
    3693  *     tikz-kalender: A LaTeX based calendar using TikZ
    3694  *     tikz-karnaugh: Typeset Karnaugh maps using TikZ
    3695  *     tikz-ladder: Draw ladder diagrams using TikZ
    3696  *     tikz-lake-fig: Schematic diagrams of lakes
    3697  *     tikz-layers: TikZ provides graphical layers on TikZ: "behind", "above" and "glass"
    3698  *     tikz-mirror-lens: Spherical mirrors and lenses in TikZ
    3699  *     tikz-nef: Create diagrams for neural networks constructed with the methods of the Neural Engineering Framework (NEF)
    3700  *     tikz-network: Draw networks with TikZ
    3701  *     tikz-opm: Typeset OPM diagrams
    3702  *     tikz-optics: A library for drawing optical setups with TikZ
    3703  *     tikz-page: Small macro to help building nice and complex layout materials
    3704  *     tikz-palattice: Draw particle accelerator lattices with TikZ
    3705  *     tikz-planets: Illustrate celestial mechanics and the solar system
    3706  *     tikz-qtree: Use existing qtree syntax for trees in TikZ
    3707  *     tikz-relay: TikZ library for typesetting electrical diagrams
    3708  *     tikz-sfc: Symbols collection for typesetting Sequential Function Chart (SFC) diagrams (PLC programs)
    3709  *     tikz-swigs: Horizontally and vertically split elliptical nodes
    3710  *     tikz-timing: Easy generation of timing diagrams as TikZ pictures
    3711  *     tikz-trackschematic: A TikZ library for creating track diagrams in railways
    3712  *     tikz-truchet: Draw Truchet tiles
    3713  *     tikzbricks: Drawing bricks with TikZ
    3714  *     tikzcodeblocks: Helps to draw codeblocks like scratch, NEPO and PXT in TikZ
    3715  *     tikzducks: A little fun package for using rubber ducks in TikZ
    3716  *     tikzfill: TikZ libraries for filling with images and patterns
    3717  *     tikzinclude: Import TikZ images from colletions
    3718  *     tikzlings: A collection of cute little animals and similar creatures
    3719  *     tikzmark: Use TikZ's method of remembering a position on a page
    3720  *     tikzmarmots: Drawing little marmots in TikZ
    3721  *     tikzorbital: Atomic and molecular orbitals using TikZ
    3722  *     tikzpackets: Display network packets
    3723  *     tikzpagenodes: A single TikZ node for the whole page
    3724  *     tikzpeople: Draw people-shaped nodes in TikZ
    3725  *     tikzpfeile: Draw arrows using PGF/TikZ
    3726  *     tikzpingus: Penguins with TikZ
    3727  *     tikzposter: Create scientific posters using TikZ
    3728  *     tikzscale: Resize pictures while respecting text size
    3729  *     tikzsymbols: Some symbols created using TikZ
    3730  *     tikztosvg: A utility for rendering TikZ diagrams to SVG
    3731  *     tikzviolinplots: Draws violin plots from data
    3732  *     tile-graphic: Create tiles of a graphical file
    3733  *     timing-diagrams: Draw timing diagrams
    3734  *     tipfr: Produces calculator's keys with the help of TikZ
    3735  *     tkz-base: Tools for drawing with a cartesian coordinate system
    3736  *     tkz-berge: Macros for drawing graphs of graph theory
    3737  *     tkz-doc: Documentation macros for the TKZ series of packages
    3738  *     tkz-euclide: Tools for drawing Euclidean geometry
    3739  *     tkz-fct: Tools for drawing graphs of functions
    3740  *     tkz-graph: Draw graph-theory graphs
    3741  *     tkz-orm: Create Object-Role Model (ORM) diagrams
    3742  *     tkz-tab: Tables of signs and variations using PGF/TikZ
    3743  *     tkzexample: Package for the documentation of all tkz-* packages
    3744  *     tonevalue: Tool for linguists and phoneticians to visualize tone value patterns
    3745  *     tqft: Drawing TQFT diagrams with TikZ/PGF
    3746  *     tsemlines: Support for the ancient \emline macro
    3747  *     tufte-latex: Document classes inspired by the work of Edward Tufte
    3748  *     twemojis: Use Twitter's open source emojis through LaTeX commands
    3749  *     tzplot: Plot graphs with TikZ abbreviations
    3750  *     utfsym: Provides various Unicode symbols
    3751  *     venndiagram: Creating Venn diagrams with TikZ
    3752  *     visualpstricks: Visual help for PSTricks based on images with minimum text
    3753  *     wheelchart: Draw wheelcharts with TikZ
    3754  *     worldflags: Drawing flags with TikZ
    3755  *     xistercian: Cistercian numerals in LaTeX
    3756  *     xpicture: Extensions of LaTeX picture drawing
    3757  *     xypic: Flexible diagramming macros
     3639 * adigraph: Augmenting directed graphs
     3640 * aobs-tikz: TikZ styles for creating overlaid pictures in beamer
     3641 * askmaps: Typeset American style Karnaugh maps
     3642 * asyfig: Commands for using Asymptote figures
     3643 * asypictureb: User-friendly integration of Asymptote into LaTeX
     3644 * autoarea: Automatic computation of bounding boxes with PiCTeX
     3645 * bardiag: LaTeX package for drawing bar diagrams
     3646 * beamerswitch: Convenient mode selection in Beamer documents
     3647 * binarytree: Drawing binary trees using TikZ
     3648 * blochsphere: Draw pseudo-3D diagrams of Bloch spheres
     3649 * bloques: Generate control diagrams
     3650 * blox: Draw block diagrams, using TikZ
     3651 * bodegraph: Draw Bode, Nyquist and Black plots with gnuplot and TikZ
     3652 * bondgraph: Create bond graph figures in LaTeX documents
     3653 * bondgraphs: Draws bond graphs in LaTeX, using PGF/TikZ
     3654 * braids: Draw braid diagrams with PGF/TikZ
     3655 * bxeepic: Eepic facilities using pict2e
     3656 * byo-twemojis: "Build Your Own Twemojis" with TikZ
     3657 * byrne: This package provides a set of tools to typeset geometric proofs in the style of Oliver Byrne's 1847 ed. of Euclid's "Elements"
     3658 * cachepic: Convert document fragments into graphics
     3659 * callouts: Put simple annotations and notes inside a picture
     3660 * celtic: A TikZ library for drawing celtic knots
     3661 * chemfig: Draw molecules with easy syntax
     3662 * circuit-macros: M4 macros for electric circuit diagrams
     3663 * circuitikz: Draw electrical networks with TikZ
     3664 * circularglyphs: A circular glyphs alphabet
     3665 * coffeestains: Add coffee stains to documents
     3666 * coloredbelts: Insert colored belts (vectorial format) in documents (to presetn skills, for example)
     3667 * combinedgraphics: Include graphic (EPS or PDF)/LaTeX combinations
     3668 * curve: A class for making curriculum vitae
     3669 * curve2e: Extensions for package pict2e
     3670 * curves: Curves for LaTeX picture environment
     3671 * dcpic: Commutative diagrams in a LaTeX and TeX documents
     3672 * diagmac2: Diagram macros, using pict2e
     3673 * ditaa: Use ditaa diagrams within LaTeX documents
     3674 * doc-pictex: A summary list of PicTeX documentation
     3675 * dottex: Use dot code in LaTeX
     3676 * dpcircling: Decorated text boxes using TikZ
     3677 * dratex: General drawing macros
     3678 * drs: Typeset Discourse Representation Structures (DRS)
     3679 * duotenzor: Drawing package for circuit and duotensor diagrams
     3680 * dynkin-diagrams: Draw Dynkin, Coxeter, and Satake diagrams using TikZ
     3681 * ecgdraw: Draws electrocardiograms (ECG)
     3682 * eepic: Extensions to epic and the LaTeX drawing tools
     3683 * egpeirce: Draw existential graphs invented by Charles S. Peirce
     3684 * ellipse: Draw ellipses and elliptical arcs using the standard LaTeX2e picture environment
     3685 * endofproofwd: An "end of proof" sign
     3686 * epspdf: Converter for PostScript, EPS and PDF
     3687 * epspdfconversion: On-the-fly conversion of EPS to PDF
     3688 * esk: Package to encapsulate Sketch files in LaTeX sources
     3689 * euflag: A command to reproduce the flag of the European Union
     3690 * fadingimage: Add full width fading pictures at the top or bottom of a page
     3691 * fast-diagram: Easy generation of FAST diagrams
     3692 * fenetrecas: Commands for CAS-like windows (Xcas or Geogebra) in TikZ
     3693 * fig4latex: Management of figures for large LaTeX documents
     3694 * figchild: Pictures for creating children's activities
     3695 * figput: Create interactive figures in LaTeX
     3696 * fitbox: Fit graphics on a page
     3697 * flowchart: Shapes for drawing flowcharts, using TikZ
     3698 * forest: Drawing (linguistic) trees
     3699 * genealogytree: Pedigree and genealogical tree diagrams
     3700 * getmap: Download OpenStreetMap maps for use in documents
     3701 * gincltex: Include TeX files as graphics (.tex support for \includegraphics)
     3702 * gnuplottex: Embed Gnuplot commands in LaTeX documents
     3703 * gradientframe: Simple gradient frames around objects
     3704 * grafcet: Draw Grafcet/SFC with TikZ
     3705 * graph35: Draw keys and screen items of several Casio calculators
     3706 * graphicxpsd: Adobe Photoshop Data format (PSD) support for graphicx package
     3707 * graphviz: Write graphviz (dot+neato) inline in LaTeX documents
     3708 * gtrlib-largetrees: Library for genealogytree aiming at large trees
     3709 * harveyballs: Create Harvey Balls using TikZ
     3710 * here: Emulation of obsolete package for "here" floats
     3711 * hf-tikz: A simple way to highlight formulas and formula parts
     3712 * hobby: An implementation of Hobby's algorithm for PGF/TikZ
     3713 * hvfloat: Controlling captions, fullpage and doublepage floats
     3714 * istgame: Draw Game Trees with TikZ
     3715 * kblocks: Easily typeset Control Block Diagrams and Signal Flow Graphs
     3716 * kinematikz: Design kinematic chains and mechanisms
     3717 * knitting: Produce knitting charts, in Plain TeX or LaTeX
     3718 * knittingpattern: Create knitting patterns
     3719 * ladder: Draw simple ladder diagrams using TikZ
     3720 * lapdf: PDF drawing directly in TeX documents
     3721 * latex-make: Easy compiling of complex (and simple) LaTeX documents
     3722 * liftarm: Draw liftarms
     3723 * lpic: Put LaTeX material over included graphics
     3724 * lroundrect: LaTeX macros for utilizing the roundrect MetaPost routines
     3725 * luamesh: Computes and draws 2D Delaunay triangulation
     3726 * luasseq: Drawing spectral sequences in LuaLaTeX
     3727 * maker: Include Arduino or Processing code in LaTeX documents
     3728 * makeshape: Declare new PGF shapes
     3729 * mathspic: A Perl filter program for use with PiCTeX
     3730 * memoize: Externalization of graphics and memoization of compilation results in general
     3731 * mercatormap: Spherical Mercator coordinate systems and Web Mercator tile integration
     3732 * milsymb: LaTeX package for TikZ based drawing of military symbols as per NATO APP-6(C)
     3733 * miniplot: A package for easy figure arrangement
     3734 * mkpic: Perl interface to mfpic
     3735 * modiagram: Drawing molecular orbital diagrams
     3736 * neuralnetwork: Graph-drawing for neural networks
     3737 * nl-interval: Represent intervals on the number line
     3738 * nndraw: Draw neural networks
     3739 * numericplots: Plot numeric data (including Matlab export) using PSTricks
     3740 * outilsgeomtikz: Some geometric tools, with TikZ
     3741 * papiergurvan: Commands to work with Gurvan Paper
     3742 * pb-diagram: A commutative diagram package using LAMSTeX or Xy-pic fonts
     3743 * petri-nets: A set TeX/LaTeX packages for drawing Petri nets
     3744 * pgf: Create PostScript and PDF graphics in TeX
     3745 * pgf-blur: PGF/TikZ package for "blurred" shadows
     3746 * pgf-interference: Drawing interference patterns with PGF/TikZ
     3747 * pgf-periodictable: Create custom periodic tables of elements
     3748 * pgf-pie: Draw pie charts, using PGF
     3749 * pgf-soroban: Create images of the soroban using TikZ/PGF
     3750 * pgf-spectra: Draw continuous or discrete spectra using PGF/TikZ
     3751 * pgf-umlcd: Some LaTeX macros for UML Class Diagrams
     3752 * pgf-umlsd: Draw UML Sequence Diagrams
     3753 * pgfgantt: Draw Gantt charts with TikZ
     3754 * pgfkeysearch: This package offers a way to find keys in a given path 'recursively', unlike pgfkeysvalueof
     3755 * pgfkeyx: Extended and more robust version of pgfkeys
     3756 * pgfmolbio: Draw graphs typically found in molecular biology texts
     3757 * pgfmorepages: Assemble multiple logical pages onto a physical page
     3758 * pgfopts: LaTeX package options with pgfkeys
     3759 * pgfornament: Drawing of Vectorian ornaments with PGF/TikZ
     3760 * pgfplots: Create normal/logarithmic plots in two and three dimensions
     3761 * picinpar: Insert pictures into paragraphs
     3762 * pict2e: New implementation of picture commands
     3763 * pictex: Picture drawing macros for TeX and LaTeX
     3764 * pictex2: Adds relative coordinates and improves the \plot command
     3765 * pictochrono: Insert "chronometer pictograms" with a duration
     3766 * pinlabel: A TeX labelling package
     3767 * pixelart: Draw pixel-art pictures
     3768 * pixelarttikz: Work with PixelArts, with TikZ
     3769 * pmgraph: "Poor man's" graphics
     3770 * polyhedra: A TikZ package for drawing polyhedra
     3771 * postage: Stamp letters with >>Deutsche Post<<'s service >>Internetmarke<<
     3772 * postit: A LaTeX package for displaying Post-it notes
     3773 * prerex: Interactive editor and macro support for prerequisite charts
     3774 * productbox: Typeset a three-dimensional product box
     3775 * ptolemaicastronomy: Diagrams of sphere models for variably strict conditionals (Lewis counterfactuals)
     3776 * puyotikz: Quickly typeset board states of Puyo Puyo games
     3777 * pxpgfmark: e-pTeX driver for PGF inter-picture connections
     3778 * pxpic: Draw pixel pictures
     3779 * qcircuit: Macros to generate quantum ciruits
     3780 * qrcode: Generate QR codes in LaTeX
     3781 * quantikz: Draw quantum circuit diagrams
     3782 * randbild: Marginal pictures
     3783 * randomwalk: Random walks using TikZ
     3784 * realhats: Put real hats on symbols instead of ^
     3785 * reotex: Draw Reo Channels and Circuits
     3786 * robotarm: TikZ powered LaTeX package to draw parameterized 2D robot arms
     3787 * rviewport: Relative Viewport for Graphics Inclusion
     3788 * sa-tikz: TikZ library to draw switching architectures
     3789 * sacsymb: "Sacred Symbols" prepared with TikZ
     3790 * schemabloc: Draw block diagrams, using TikZ
     3791 * scratch: Draw programs like "scratch"
     3792 * scratch3: Draw programs like "scratch"
     3793 * scsnowman: Snowman variants using TikZ
     3794 * setdeck: Typeset cards for Set
     3795 * signchart: Create beautifully typeset sign charts
     3796 * simplenodes: Simple nodes in four colors written in TikZ for LaTeX
     3797 * simpleoptics: Drawing lenses and mirrors for optical diagrams
     3798 * smartdiagram: Generate diagrams from lists
     3799 * spath3: Manipulate "soft paths" in PGF
     3800 * spectralsequences: Print spectral sequence diagrams using PGF/TikZ
     3801 * strands: Draw objects constructed from strands
     3802 * swimgraf: Graphical/textual representations of swimming performances
     3803 * syntaxdi: Create "railroad" syntax diagrams
     3804 * table-fct: Draw a variations table of functions and a convexity table of its graph
     3805 * texdraw: Graphical macros, using embedded PostScript
     3806 * ticollege: Graphical representation of keys on a standard scientific calculator
     3807 * tikz-3dplot: Coordinate transformation styles for 3d plotting in TikZ
     3808 * tikz-among-us: Create some AmongUs characters in TikZ environments
     3809 * tikz-bagua: Draw Bagua symbols in Yijing
     3810 * tikz-bayesnet: Draw Bayesian networks, graphical models and directed factor graphs
     3811 * tikz-bbox: Precise determination of bounding boxes in TikZ
     3812 * tikz-cd: Create commutative diagrams with TikZ
     3813 * tikz-dependency: A library for drawing dependency graphs
     3814 * tikz-dimline: Technical dimension lines using PGF/TikZ
     3815 * tikz-ext: A collection of libraries for PGF/TikZ
     3816 * tikz-feynhand: Feynman diagrams with TikZ
     3817 * tikz-feynman: Feynman diagrams with TikZ
     3818 * tikz-imagelabels: Put labels on images using TikZ
     3819 * tikz-inet: Draw interaction nets with TikZ
     3820 * tikz-kalender: A LaTeX based calendar using TikZ
     3821 * tikz-karnaugh: Typeset Karnaugh maps using TikZ
     3822 * tikz-ladder: Draw ladder diagrams using TikZ
     3823 * tikz-lake-fig: Schematic diagrams of lakes
     3824 * tikz-layers: TikZ provides graphical layers on TikZ: "behind", "above" and "glass"
     3825 * tikz-mirror-lens: Spherical mirrors and lenses in TikZ
     3826 * tikz-nef: Create diagrams for neural networks constructed with the methods of the Neural Engineering Framework (NEF)
     3827 * tikz-network: Draw networks with TikZ
     3828 * tikz-nfold: Triple, quadruple, and n-fold paths with TikZ
     3829 * tikz-opm: Typeset OPM diagrams
     3830 * tikz-optics: A library for drawing optical setups with TikZ
     3831 * tikz-osci: Produce oscilloscope "screen shots"
     3832 * tikz-page: Small macro to help building nice and complex layout materials
     3833 * tikz-palattice: Draw particle accelerator lattices with TikZ
     3834 * tikz-planets: Illustrate celestial mechanics and the solar system
     3835 * tikz-qtree: Use existing qtree syntax for trees in TikZ
     3836 * tikz-relay: TikZ library for typesetting electrical diagrams
     3837 * tikz-sfc: Symbols collection for typesetting Sequential Function Chart (SFC) diagrams (PLC programs)
     3838 * tikz-swigs: Horizontally and vertically split elliptical nodes
     3839 * tikz-timing: Easy generation of timing diagrams as TikZ pictures
     3840 * tikz-trackschematic: A TikZ library for creating track diagrams in railways
     3841 * tikz-truchet: Draw Truchet tiles
     3842 * tikz2d-fr: Work with some 2D TikZ commands (French)
     3843 * tikz3d-fr: Work with some 3D figures
     3844 * tikzbricks: Drawing bricks with TikZ
     3845 * tikzcodeblocks: Helps to draw codeblocks like scratch, NEPO and PXT in TikZ
     3846 * tikzdotncross: Small set of macros for defining/marking coordinates and crossing (jumps) paths
     3847 * tikzducks: A little fun package for using rubber ducks in TikZ
     3848 * tikzfill: TikZ libraries for filling with images and patterns
     3849 * tikzinclude: Import TikZ images from colletions
     3850 * tikzlings: A collection of cute little animals and similar creatures
     3851 * tikzmark: Use TikZ's method of remembering a position on a page
     3852 * tikzmarmots: Drawing little marmots in TikZ
     3853 * tikzorbital: Atomic and molecular orbitals using TikZ
     3854 * tikzpackets: Display network packets
     3855 * tikzpagenodes: A single TikZ node for the whole page
     3856 * tikzpeople: Draw people-shaped nodes in TikZ
     3857 * tikzpfeile: Draw arrows using PGF/TikZ
     3858 * tikzpingus: Penguins with TikZ
     3859 * tikzposter: Create scientific posters using TikZ
     3860 * tikzquads: A few shapes designed to be used with CircuiTikZ
     3861 * tikzquests: A parametric questions' repositories framework
     3862 * tikzscale: Resize pictures while respecting text size
     3863 * tikzsymbols: Some symbols created using TikZ
     3864 * tikztosvg: A utility for rendering TikZ diagrams to SVG
     3865 * tikzviolinplots: Draws violin plots from data
     3866 * tile-graphic: Create tiles of a graphical file
     3867 * tilings: A TikZ library for drawing tiles and tilings
     3868 * timing-diagrams: Draw timing diagrams
     3869 * tipfr: Produces calculator's keys with the help of TikZ
     3870 * tkz-base: Tools for drawing with a cartesian coordinate system
     3871 * tkz-berge: Macros for drawing graphs of graph theory
     3872 * tkz-bernoulli: Draw Bernoulli trees with TikZ
     3873 * tkz-doc: Documentation macros for the TKZ series of packages
     3874 * tkz-elements: A Lua library for drawing Euclidean geometry with TikZ or tkz-euclide
     3875 * tkz-euclide: Tools for drawing Euclidean geometry
     3876 * tkz-fct: Tools for drawing graphs of functions
     3877 * tkz-graph: Draw graph-theory graphs
     3878 * tkz-orm: Create Object-Role Model (ORM) diagrams
     3879 * tkz-tab: Tables of signs and variations using PGF/TikZ
     3880 * tkzexample: Package for the documentation of all tkz-* packages
     3881 * tonevalue: Tool for linguists and phoneticians to visualize tone value patterns
     3882 * tqft: Drawing TQFT diagrams with TikZ/PGF
     3883 * tsemlines: Support for the ancient \emline macro
     3884 * tufte-latex: Document classes inspired by the work of Edward Tufte
     3885 * twemojis: Use Twitter's open source emojis through LaTeX commands
     3886 * tzplot: Plot graphs with TikZ abbreviations
     3887 * utfsym: Provides various Unicode symbols
     3888 * vectorlogos: Vectorial logos (GeoGebra, Emacs, Scratch, ...) with 'inline' support
     3889 * venndiagram: Creating Venn diagrams with TikZ
     3890 * visualpstricks: Visual help for PSTricks based on images with minimum text
     3891 * wheelchart: Diagrams with circular or other shapes using TikZ and LaTeX3
     3892 * wordcloud: Drawing wordclouds with MetaPost and Lua
     3893 * worldflags: Drawing flags with TikZ
     3894 * xistercian: Cistercian numerals in LaTeX
     3895 * xpicture: Extensions of LaTeX picture drawing
     3896 * xypic: Flexible diagramming macros
    37593898= texlive-plain-generic =
    3760  *     abbr: Simple macros supporting abreviations for Plain and LaTeX
    3761  *     abstyles: Adaptable BibTeX styles
    3762  *     apnum: Arbitrary precision numbers implemented by TeX macros
    3763  *     autoaligne: Align terms and members in math expressions
    3764  *     barr: Diagram macros by Michael Barr
    3765  *     bitelist: Split list, in TeX's mouth
    3766  *     borceux: Diagram macros by Francois Borceux
    3767  *     c-pascal: Typeset Python, C and Pascal programs
    3768  *     catcodes: Generic handling of TeX category codes
    3769  *     chronosys: Drawing time-line diagrams
    3770  *     colorsep: Color separation
    3771  *     compare: Compare two strings
    3772  *     crossrefenum: Smart typesetting of enumerated cross-references for various TeX formats
    3773  *     cweb-old:
    3774  *     dinat: Bibliography style for German texts
    3775  *     dirtree: Display trees in the style of windows explorer
    3776  *     docbytex: Creating documentation from source code
    3777  *     dowith: Apply a command to a list of items
    3778  *     eijkhout: Victor Eijkhout's packages
    3779  *     encxvlna: Insert nonbreakable spaces, using encTeX
    3780  *     epigram: Display short quotations
    3781  *     epsf: Simple macros for EPS inclusion
    3782  *     epsf-dvipdfmx: Plain TeX file for using epsf.tex with (x)dvipdfmx
    3783  *     expex-acro: Wrapper for the expex package
    3784  *     expkv-bundle: An expandable key=val implementation and friends
    3785  *     fenixpar: One-shot changes to token registers such as \everypar
    3786  *     figflow: Flow text around a figure
    3787  *     fixpdfmag: Fix magnification in pdfTeX
    3788  *     fltpoint: Simple floating point arithmetic
    3789  *     fntproof: A programmable font test pattern generator
    3790  *     font-change: Macros to change text and mathematics fonts in plain TeX
    3791  *     fontch: Changing fonts, sizes and encodings in Plain TeX
    3792  *     fontname: Scheme for naming fonts in TeX
    3793  *     gates: Support for writing modular and customisable code
    3794  *     getoptk: Define macros with sophisticated options
    3795  *     gfnotation: Typeset Gottlob Frege's notation in plain TeX
    3796  *     gobble: More gobble macros for PlainTeX and LaTeX
    3797  *     graphics-pln: LaTeX-style graphics for Plain TeX users
    3798  *     gtl: Manipulating generalized token lists
    3799  *     hlist: Horizontal and columned lists
    3800  *     hyplain: Basic support for multiple languages in Plain TeX
    3801  *     inputnormalization: Wrapper for XeTeX's and LuaTeX's input normalization
    3802  *     insbox: Insert pictures/boxes into paragraphs
    3803  *     js-misc: Miscellaneous macros from Joachim Schrod
    3804  *     kastrup: Convert numbers into binary, octal and hexadecimal
    3805  *     lambda-lists: Lists in TeX's mouth
    3806  *     langcode: Simple language-dependent settings based on language codes
    3807  *     lecturer: On-screen presentations for (almost) all formats
    3808  *     letterspacing: Letter spacing
    3809  *     librarian: Tools to create bibliographies in TeX
    3810  *     listofitems: Grab items in lists using user-specified sep char
    3811  *     localloc: Macros for localizing TeX register allocations
    3812  *     mathdots: Commands to produce dots in math that respect font size
    3813  *     metatex: Incorporate Metafont pictures in TeX source
    3814  *     midnight: A set of useful macro tools
    3815  *     mkpattern: A utility for making hyphenation patterns
    3816  *     modulus: A non-destructive modulus and integer quotient operator for TeX
    3817  *     multido: A loop facility for Generic TeX
    3818  *     namedef: TeX definitions with named parameters
    3819  *     navigator: PDF features across formats and engines
    3820  *     newsletr: Macros for making newsletters with Plain TeX
    3821  *     nth: Generate English ordinal numbers
    3822  *     ofs: Macros for managing large font collections
    3823  *     olsak-misc: Collection of plain TeX macros written by Petr Olsak
    3824  *     outerhbox: Collect horizontal material for contributing to a paragraph
    3825  *     path: Typeset paths, making them breakable
    3826  *     pdf-trans: A set of macros for various transformations of TeX boxes
    3827  *     pdfmsym: PDF Math Symbols -- various drawn mathematical symbols
    3828  *     pitex: Documentation macros
    3829  *     placeins-plain: Insertions that keep their place
    3830  *     plainpkg: A minimal method for making generic packages
    3831  *     plipsum: 'Lorem ipsum' for Plain TeX developers
    3832  *     plnfss: Font selection for Plain TeX
    3833  *     plstmary: St. Mary's Road font support for plain TeX
    3834  *     poormanlog: Logarithms and powers with (almost) 9 digits
    3835  *     present: Presentations with Plain TeX
    3836  *     pwebmac: Consolidated WEB macros for DVI and PDF output
    3837  *     random: Generating "random" numbers in TeX
    3838  *     randomlist: Deal with database, loop, and random in order to build personalized exercises
    3839  *     resumemac: Plain TeX macros for resumes
    3840  *     ruler: A typographic ruler for TeX
    3841  *     schemata: Print topical diagrams
    3842  *     shade: Shade pieces of text
    3843  *     simplekv: A simple key/value system for TeX and LaTeX
    3844  *     soul: Hyphenation for letterspacing, underlining, and more
    3845  *     swrule: Lines thicker in the middle than at the ends
    3846  *     systeme: Format systems of equations
    3847  *     tabto-generic: "Tab" to a measured position in the line
    3848  *     termmenu: The package provides support for terminal-based menus using expl3
    3849  *     tex-ps: TeX to PostScript generic macros and add-ons
    3850  *     tex4ht: Convert (La)TeX to HTML/XML
    3851  *     texapi: Macros to write format-independent packages
    3852  *     texdate: Date printing, formatting, and manipulation in TeX
    3853  *     texdimens: Conversion of TeX dimensions to decimals
    3854  *     texinfo: Texinfo documentation system
    3855  *     timetable: Generate timetables
    3856  *     tracklang: Language and dialect tracker
    3857  *     transparent-io: Show for approval the filenames used in \input, \openin, or \openout
    3858  *     treetex: Draw trees
    3859  *     trigonometry: Demonstration code for cos and sin in TeX macros
    3860  *     ulem: Package for underlining
    3861  *     upca: Print UPC-A barcodes
    3862  *     varisize: Change font size in Plain TeX
    3863  *     xii: Christmas silliness (English)
    3864  *     xii-lat: Christmas silliness (Latin)
    3865  *     xintsession: Interactive computing sessions (fractions, floating points, polynomials)
    3866  *     xlop: Calculates and displays arithmetic operations
    3867  *     yax: Yet Another Key System
    3868  *     zztex: A full-featured TeX macro package for producing books, journals, and manuals
     3899 * abbr: Simple macros supporting abreviations for Plain and LaTeX
     3900 * abstyles: Adaptable BibTeX styles
     3901 * advice: Extend commands and environments
     3902 * apnum: Arbitrary precision numbers implemented by TeX macros
     3903 * autoaligne: Align terms and members in math expressions
     3904 * barr: Diagram macros by Michael Barr
     3905 * bitelist: Split list, in TeX's mouth
     3906 * borceux: Diagram macros by Francois Borceux
     3907 * c-pascal: Typeset Python, C and Pascal programs
     3908 * calcfrac: Calculates the value of an expression containing fractions
     3909 * catcodes: Generic handling of TeX category codes
     3910 * chronosys: Drawing time-line diagrams
     3911 * collargs: Collect arguments of any command
     3912 * colorsep: Color separation
     3913 * compare: Compare two strings
     3914 * crossrefenum: Smart typesetting of enumerated cross-references for various TeX formats
     3915 * cweb-old:
     3916 * dinat: Bibliography style for German texts
     3917 * dirtree: Display trees in the style of windows explorer
     3918 * docbytex: Creating documentation from source code
     3919 * dowith: Apply a command to a list of items
     3920 * eijkhout: Victor Eijkhout's packages
     3921 * encxvlna: Insert nonbreakable spaces, using encTeX
     3922 * epigram: Display short quotations
     3923 * epsf: Simple macros for EPS inclusion
     3924 * epsf-dvipdfmx: Plain TeX file for using epsf.tex with (x)dvipdfmx
     3925 * etoolbox-generic: A loader for etoolbox.sty in non-LaTeX formats
     3926 * expex-acro: Wrapper for the expex package
     3927 * expkv-bundle: An expandable key=val implementation and friends
     3928 * fenixpar: One-shot changes to token registers such as \everypar
     3929 * figflow: Flow text around a figure
     3930 * fixpdfmag: Fix magnification in pdfTeX
     3931 * fltpoint: Simple floating point arithmetic
     3932 * fntproof: A programmable font test pattern generator
     3933 * font-change: Macros to change text and mathematics fonts in plain TeX
     3934 * fontch: Changing fonts, sizes and encodings in Plain TeX
     3935 * fontname: Scheme for naming fonts in TeX
     3936 * gates: Support for writing modular and customisable code
     3937 * getoptk: Define macros with sophisticated options
     3938 * gfnotation: Typeset Gottlob Frege's notation in plain TeX
     3939 * gobble: More gobble macros for PlainTeX and LaTeX
     3940 * graphics-pln: LaTeX-style graphics for Plain TeX users
     3941 * gtl: Manipulating generalized token lists
     3942 * hlist: Horizontal and columned lists
     3943 * hyplain: Basic support for multiple languages in Plain TeX
     3944 * inputnormalization: Wrapper for XeTeX's and LuaTeX's input normalization
     3945 * insbox: Insert pictures/boxes into paragraphs
     3946 * js-misc: Miscellaneous macros from Joachim Schrod
     3947 * kastrup: Convert numbers into binary, octal and hexadecimal
     3948 * lambda-lists: Lists in TeX's mouth
     3949 * langcode: Simple language-dependent settings based on language codes
     3950 * lecturer: On-screen presentations for (almost) all formats
     3951 * letterspacing: Letter spacing
     3952 * librarian: Tools to create bibliographies in TeX
     3953 * listofitems: Grab items in lists using user-specified sep char
     3954 * localloc: Macros for localizing TeX register allocations
     3955 * mathdots: Commands to produce dots in math that respect font size
     3956 * metatex: Incorporate Metafont pictures in TeX source
     3957 * midnight: A set of useful macro tools
     3958 * mkpattern: A utility for making hyphenation patterns
     3959 * mlawriter: Write MLA style documents in Plain TeX
     3960 * modulus: A non-destructive modulus and integer quotient operator for TeX
     3961 * multido: A loop facility for Generic TeX
     3962 * namedef: TeX definitions with named parameters
     3963 * navigator: PDF features across formats and engines
     3964 * newsletr: Macros for making newsletters with Plain TeX
     3965 * nth: Generate English ordinal numbers
     3966 * ofs: Macros for managing large font collections
     3967 * olsak-misc: Collection of plain TeX macros written by Petr Olsak
     3968 * outerhbox: Collect horizontal material for contributing to a paragraph
     3969 * path: Typeset paths, making them breakable
     3970 * pdf-trans: A set of macros for various transformations of TeX boxes
     3971 * pdfmsym: PDF Math Symbols -- various drawn mathematical symbols
     3972 * pitex: Documentation macros
     3973 * placeins-plain: Insertions that keep their place
     3974 * plainpkg: A minimal method for making generic packages
     3975 * plipsum: 'Lorem ipsum' for Plain TeX developers
     3976 * plnfss: Font selection for Plain TeX
     3977 * plstmary: St. Mary's Road font support for plain TeX
     3978 * poormanlog: Logarithms and powers with (almost) 9 digits
     3979 * present: Presentations with Plain TeX
     3980 * pwebmac: Consolidated WEB macros for DVI and PDF output
     3981 * random: Generating "random" numbers in TeX
     3982 * randomlist: Deal with database, loop, and random in order to build personalized exercises
     3983 * resumemac: Plain TeX macros for resumes
     3984 * ruler: A typographic ruler for TeX
     3985 * schemata: Print topical diagrams
     3986 * shade: Shade pieces of text
     3987 * simplekv: A simple key/value system for TeX and LaTeX
     3988 * soul: Hyphenation for letterspacing, underlining, and more
     3989 * swrule: Lines thicker in the middle than at the ends
     3990 * systeme: Format systems of equations
     3991 * tabto-generic: "Tab" to a measured position in the line
     3992 * termmenu: The package provides support for terminal-based menus using expl3
     3993 * tex-ps: TeX to PostScript generic macros and add-ons
     3994 * tex4ht: Convert (La)TeX to HTML/XML
     3995 * texapi: Macros to write format-independent packages
     3996 * texdate: Date printing, formatting, and manipulation in TeX
     3997 * texdimens: Conversion of TeX dimensions to decimals
     3998 * texinfo: Texinfo documentation system
     3999 * timetable: Generate timetables
     4000 * tracklang: Language and dialect tracker
     4001 * transparent-io: Show for approval the filenames used in \input, \openin, or \openout
     4002 * treetex: Draw trees
     4003 * trigonometry: Demonstration code for cos and sin in TeX macros
     4004 * ulem: Package for underlining
     4005 * upca: Print UPC-A barcodes
     4006 * varisize: Change font size in Plain TeX
     4007 * xii: Christmas silliness (English)
     4008 * xii-lat: Christmas silliness (Latin)
     4009 * xintsession: Interactive computing sessions (fractions, floating points, polynomials)
     4010 * xlop: Calculates and displays arithmetic operations
     4011 * yax: Yet Another Key System
     4012 * zztex: A full-featured TeX macro package for producing books, journals, and manuals
    38704014= texlive-pstricks =
    3871  *     auto-pst-pdf: Wrapper for pst-pdf (with some psfrag features)
    3872  *     bclogo: Creating colourful boxes with logos
    3873  *     dsptricks: Macros for Digital Signal Processing plots
    3874  *     luapstricks: A PSTricks backend for LuaLaTeX
    3875  *     makeplot: Easy plots from Matlab in LaTeX
    3876  *     pdftricks: Support for PSTricks in pdfTeX
    3877  *     pdftricks2: Use PSTricks in pdfTeX
    3878  *     pedigree-perl: Generate TeX pedigree files from CSV files
    3879  *     psbao: Draw Bao diagrams
    3880  *     pst-2dplot: A PSTricks package for drawing 2D curves
    3881  *     pst-3d: A PSTricks package for tilting and other pseudo-3D tricks
    3882  *     pst-3dplot: Draw 3D objects in parallel projection, using PSTricks
    3883  *     pst-abspos: Put objects at an absolute position
    3884  *     pst-am: Simulation of modulation and demodulation
    3885  *     pst-antiprism: A PSTricks related package which draws an antiprism
    3886  *     pst-arrow: Special arrows for PSTricks
    3887  *     pst-asr: Typeset autosegmental representations for linguists
    3888  *     pst-bar: Produces bar charts using PSTricks
    3889  *     pst-barcode: Print barcodes using PostScript
    3890  *     pst-bezier: Draw Bezier curves
    3891  *     pst-blur: PSTricks package for "blurred" shadows
    3892  *     pst-bspline: Draw cubic Bspline curves and interpolations
    3893  *     pst-calculate: Support for floating point operations at LaTeX level
    3894  *     pst-calendar: Plot calendars in "fancy" ways
    3895  *     pst-cie: CIE color space
    3896  *     pst-circ: PSTricks package for drawing electric circuits
    3897  *     pst-coil: A PSTricks package for coils, etc
    3898  *     pst-contourplot: Draw implicit functions using the "marching squares" algorithm
    3899  *     pst-cox: Drawing regular complex polytopes with PSTricks
    3900  *     pst-dart: Plotting dart boards
    3901  *     pst-dbicons: Support for drawing ER diagrams
    3902  *     pst-diffraction: Print diffraction patterns from various apertures
    3903  *     pst-electricfield: Draw electric field and equipotential lines with PSTricks
    3904  *     pst-eps: Create EPS files from PSTricks figures
    3905  *     pst-eucl: Euclidian geometry with PSTricks
    3906  *     pst-exa: Typeset PSTricks examples, with code
    3907  *     pst-feyn: Draw graphical elements for Feynman diagrams
    3908  *     pst-fill: Fill or tile areas with PSTricks
    3909  *     pst-fit: Macros for curve fitting
    3910  *     pst-flags: Draw flags of countries using PSTricks
    3911  *     pst-fr3d: Draw 3-dimensional framed boxes using PSTricks
    3912  *     pst-fractal: Draw fractal sets using PSTricks
    3913  *     pst-fun: Draw "funny" objects with PSTricks
    3914  *     pst-func: PSTricks package for plotting mathematical functions
    3915  *     pst-gantt: Draw GANTT charts with PSTricks
    3916  *     pst-geo: Geographical Projections
    3917  *     pst-geometrictools: A PSTricks package to draw geometric tools
    3918  *     pst-gr3d: Three dimensional grids with PSTricks
    3919  *     pst-grad: Filling with colour gradients, using PSTricks
    3920  *     pst-graphicx: A PSTricks-compatible graphicx for use with Plain TeX
    3921  *     pst-hsb: Curves with continuous colours
    3922  *     pst-infixplot: Using PSTricks plotting capacities with infix expressions rather than RPN
    3923  *     pst-intersect: Compute intersections of arbitrary curves
    3924  *     pst-jtree: Typeset complex trees for linguists
    3925  *     pst-knot: PSTricks package for displaying knots
    3926  *     pst-labo: Draw objects for Chemistry laboratories
    3927  *     pst-layout: Page layout macros based on PSTricks packages
    3928  *     pst-lens: Lenses with PSTricks
    3929  *     pst-light3d: Three dimensional lighting effects (PSTricks)
    3930  *     pst-lsystem: Create images based on a L-system
    3931  *     pst-magneticfield: Plotting a magnetic field with PSTricks
    3932  *     pst-marble: A PSTricks package to draw marble-like patterns
    3933  *     pst-math: Enhancement of PostScript math operators to use with PSTricks
    3934  *     pst-mirror: Images on a spherical mirror
    3935  *     pst-moire: A PSTricks package to draw moire patterns
    3936  *     pst-node: Nodes and node connections in PSTricks
    3937  *     pst-ob3d: Three dimensional objects using PSTricks
    3938  *     pst-ode: Solving initial value problems for sets of Ordinary Differential Equations
    3939  *     pst-optexp: Drawing optical experimental setups
    3940  *     pst-optic: Drawing optics diagrams
    3941  *     pst-osci: Oscgons with PSTricks
    3942  *     pst-ovl: Create and manage graphical overlays
    3943  *     pst-pad: Draw simple attachment systems with PSTricks
    3944  *     pst-pdf: Make PDF versions of graphics by processing between runs
    3945  *     pst-pdgr: Draw medical pedigrees using PSTricks
    3946  *     pst-perspective: Draw perspective views using PSTricks
    3947  *     pst-platon: Platonic solids in PSTricks
    3948  *     pst-plot: Plot data using PSTricks
    3949  *     pst-poker: Drawing poker cards
    3950  *     pst-poly: Polygons with PSTricks
    3951  *     pst-pulley: Plot pulleys, using PSTricks
    3952  *     pst-qtree: Simple syntax for trees
    3953  *     pst-rputover: Place text over objects without obscuring background colors
    3954  *     pst-rubans: Draw three-dimensional ribbons
    3955  *     pst-shell: Plotting sea shells
    3956  *     pst-sigsys: Support of signal processing-related disciplines
    3957  *     pst-slpe: Sophisticated colour gradients
    3958  *     pst-solarsystem: Plot the solar system for a specific date
    3959  *     pst-solides3d: Draw perspective views of 3D solids
    3960  *     pst-soroban: Draw a Soroban using PSTricks
    3961  *     pst-spectra: Draw continuum, emission and absorption spectra with PSTricks
    3962  *     pst-spinner: Drawing a fidget spinner
    3963  *     pst-stru: Civil engineering diagrams, using PSTricks
    3964  *     pst-support: Assorted support files for use with PSTricks
    3965  *     pst-text: Text and character manipulation in PSTricks
    3966  *     pst-thick: Drawing very thick lines and curves
    3967  *     pst-tools: PSTricks support functions
    3968  *     pst-tree: Trees, using PSTricks
    3969  *     pst-turtle: Commands for "turtle operations"
    3970  *     pst-tvz: Draw trees with more than one root node, using PSTricks
    3971  *     pst-uml: UML diagrams with PSTricks
    3972  *     pst-vectorian: Printing ornaments
    3973  *     pst-vehicle: A PSTricks package for rolling vehicles on graphs of mathematical functions
    3974  *     pst-venn: A PSTricks package for drawing Venn sets
    3975  *     pst-vowel: Enable arrows showing diphthongs on vowel charts
    3976  *     pst2pdf: A script to compile PSTricks documents via pdfTeX
    3977  *     pstricks: PostScript macros for TeX
    3978  *     pstricks-add: A collection of add-ons and bugfixes for PSTricks
    3979  *     pstricks_calcnotes: Use of PSTricks in calculus lecture notes
    3980  *     uml: UML diagrams in LaTeX
    3981  *     vaucanson-g: PSTricks macros for drawing automata
    3982  *     vocaltract: Visualise the vocal tract using LaTeX and PSTricks
     4015 * auto-pst-pdf: Wrapper for pst-pdf (with some psfrag features)
     4016 * bclogo: Creating colourful boxes with logos
     4017 * dsptricks: Macros for Digital Signal Processing plots
     4018 * luapstricks: A PSTricks backend for LuaLaTeX
     4019 * makeplot: Easy plots from Matlab in LaTeX
     4020 * pdftricks: Support for PSTricks in pdfTeX
     4021 * pdftricks2: Use PSTricks in pdfTeX
     4022 * pedigree-perl: Generate TeX pedigree files from CSV files
     4023 * psbao: Draw Bao diagrams
     4024 * pst-2dplot: A PSTricks package for drawing 2D curves
     4025 * pst-3d: A PSTricks package for tilting and other pseudo-3D tricks
     4026 * pst-3dplot: Draw 3D objects in parallel projection, using PSTricks
     4027 * pst-abspos: Put objects at an absolute position
     4028 * pst-am: Simulation of modulation and demodulation
     4029 * pst-antiprism: A PSTricks related package which draws an antiprism
     4030 * pst-arrow: Special arrows for PSTricks
     4031 * pst-asr: Typeset autosegmental representations for linguists
     4032 * pst-bar: Produces bar charts using PSTricks
     4033 * pst-barcode: Print barcodes using PostScript
     4034 * pst-bezier: Draw Bezier curves
     4035 * pst-blur: PSTricks package for "blurred" shadows
     4036 * pst-bspline: Draw cubic Bspline curves and interpolations
     4037 * pst-calculate: Support for floating point operations at LaTeX level
     4038 * pst-calendar: Plot calendars in "fancy" ways
     4039 * pst-cie: CIE color space
     4040 * pst-circ: PSTricks package for drawing electric circuits
     4041 * pst-coil: A PSTricks package for coils, etc
     4042 * pst-contourplot: Draw implicit functions using the "marching squares" algorithm
     4043 * pst-cox: Drawing regular complex polytopes with PSTricks
     4044 * pst-dart: Plotting dart boards
     4045 * pst-dbicons: Support for drawing ER diagrams
     4046 * pst-diffraction: Print diffraction patterns from various apertures
     4047 * pst-electricfield: Draw electric field and equipotential lines with PSTricks
     4048 * pst-eps: Create EPS files from PSTricks figures
     4049 * pst-eucl: Euclidian geometry with PSTricks
     4050 * pst-exa: Typeset PSTricks examples, with code
     4051 * pst-feyn: Draw graphical elements for Feynman diagrams
     4052 * pst-fill: Fill or tile areas with PSTricks
     4053 * pst-fit: Macros for curve fitting
     4054 * pst-flags: Draw flags of countries using PSTricks
     4055 * pst-fr3d: Draw 3-dimensional framed boxes using PSTricks
     4056 * pst-fractal: Draw fractal sets using PSTricks
     4057 * pst-fun: Draw "funny" objects with PSTricks
     4058 * pst-func: PSTricks package for plotting mathematical functions
     4059 * pst-gantt: Draw GANTT charts with PSTricks
     4060 * pst-geo: Geographical Projections
     4061 * pst-geometrictools: A PSTricks package to draw geometric tools
     4062 * pst-gr3d: Three dimensional grids with PSTricks
     4063 * pst-grad: Filling with colour gradients, using PSTricks
     4064 * pst-graphicx: A PSTricks-compatible graphicx for use with Plain TeX
     4065 * pst-hsb: Curves with continuous colours
     4066 * pst-infixplot: Using PSTricks plotting capacities with infix expressions rather than RPN
     4067 * pst-intersect: Compute intersections of arbitrary curves
     4068 * pst-jtree: Typeset complex trees for linguists
     4069 * pst-knot: PSTricks package for displaying knots
     4070 * pst-labo: Draw objects for Chemistry laboratories
     4071 * pst-layout: Page layout macros based on PSTricks packages
     4072 * pst-lens: Lenses with PSTricks
     4073 * pst-light3d: Three dimensional lighting effects (PSTricks)
     4074 * pst-lsystem: Create images based on a L-system
     4075 * pst-magneticfield: Plotting a magnetic field with PSTricks
     4076 * pst-marble: A PSTricks package to draw marble-like patterns
     4077 * pst-math: Enhancement of PostScript math operators to use with PSTricks
     4078 * pst-mirror: Images on a spherical mirror
     4079 * pst-moire: A PSTricks package to draw moire patterns
     4080 * pst-node: Nodes and node connections in PSTricks
     4081 * pst-ob3d: Three dimensional objects using PSTricks
     4082 * pst-ode: Solving initial value problems for sets of Ordinary Differential Equations
     4083 * pst-optexp: Drawing optical experimental setups
     4084 * pst-optic: Drawing optics diagrams
     4085 * pst-osci: Oscgons with PSTricks
     4086 * pst-ovl: Create and manage graphical overlays
     4087 * pst-pad: Draw simple attachment systems with PSTricks
     4088 * pst-pdf: Make PDF versions of graphics by processing between runs
     4089 * pst-pdgr: Draw medical pedigrees using PSTricks
     4090 * pst-perspective: Draw perspective views using PSTricks
     4091 * pst-platon: Platonic solids in PSTricks
     4092 * pst-plot: Plot data using PSTricks
     4093 * pst-poker: Drawing poker cards
     4094 * pst-poly: Polygons with PSTricks
     4095 * pst-pulley: Plot pulleys, using PSTricks
     4096 * pst-qtree: Simple syntax for trees
     4097 * pst-rputover: Place text over objects without obscuring background colors
     4098 * pst-rubans: Draw three-dimensional ribbons
     4099 * pst-shell: Plotting sea shells
     4100 * pst-sigsys: Support of signal processing-related disciplines
     4101 * pst-slpe: Sophisticated colour gradients
     4102 * pst-solarsystem: Plot the solar system for a specific date
     4103 * pst-solides3d: Draw perspective views of 3D solids
     4104 * pst-soroban: Draw a Soroban using PSTricks
     4105 * pst-spectra: Draw continuum, emission and absorption spectra with PSTricks
     4106 * pst-spinner: Drawing a fidget spinner
     4107 * pst-stru: Civil engineering diagrams, using PSTricks
     4108 * pst-support: Assorted support files for use with PSTricks
     4109 * pst-text: Text and character manipulation in PSTricks
     4110 * pst-thick: Drawing very thick lines and curves
     4111 * pst-tools: PSTricks support functions
     4112 * pst-tree: Trees, using PSTricks
     4113 * pst-turtle: Commands for "turtle operations"
     4114 * pst-tvz: Draw trees with more than one root node, using PSTricks
     4115 * pst-uml: UML diagrams with PSTricks
     4116 * pst-vectorian: Printing ornaments
     4117 * pst-vehicle: A PSTricks package for rolling vehicles on graphs of mathematical functions
     4118 * pst-venn: A PSTricks package for drawing Venn sets
     4119 * pst-vowel: Enable arrows showing diphthongs on vowel charts
     4120 * pst2pdf: A script to compile PSTricks documents via pdfTeX
     4121 * pstricks: PostScript macros for TeX
     4122 * pstricks-add: A collection of add-ons and bugfixes for PSTricks
     4123 * pstricks_calcnotes: Use of PSTricks in calculus lecture notes
     4124 * uml: UML diagrams in LaTeX
     4125 * vaucanson-g: PSTricks macros for drawing automata
     4126 * vocaltract: Visualise the vocal tract using LaTeX and PSTricks
    39844128= texlive-publishers =
    3985  *     aastex: Macros for Manuscript Preparation for AAS Journals
    3986  *     abnt: Typesetting academic works according to ABNT rules
    3987  *     abntex2: Typeset technical and scientific Brazilian documents based on ABNT rules
    3988  *     abntexto: LaTeX class for formatting academic papers in ABNT standards
    3989  *     acmart: Class for typesetting publications of ACM
    3990  *     acmconf: Class for ACM conference proceedings
    3991  *     active-conf: Class for typesetting ACTIVE conference papers
    3992  *     adfathesis: Australian Defence Force Academy thesis format
    3993  *     afparticle: Typesetting articles for Archives of Forensic Psychology
    3994  *     afthesis: Air Force Institute of Technology thesis class
    3995  *     aguplus: Styles for American Geophysical Union
    3996  *     aiaa: Typeset AIAA conference papers
    3997  *     anonymous-acm: Typeset anonymous versions for ACM articles
    3998  *     anufinalexam: LaTeX document shell for ANU final exam
    3999  *     aomart: Typeset articles for the Annals of Mathematics
    4000  *     apa: American Psychological Association format
    4001  *     apa6: Format documents in APA style (6th edition)
    4002  *     apa6e: Format manuscripts to APA 6th edition guidelines
    4003  *     apa7: Format documents in APA style (7th edition)
    4004  *     arsclassica: A different view of the ClassicThesis package
    4005  *     articleingud: LaTeX class for articles published in INGENIERIA review
    4006  *     asaetr: Transactions of the ASAE
    4007  *     ascelike: Bibliography style for the ASCE
    4008  *     asmeconf: A LaTeX template for ASME conference papers
    4009  *     asmejour: A template for ASME journal papers
    4010  *     aucklandthesis: Memoir-based class for formatting University of Auckland masters' and doctors' theses
    4011  *     bangorcsthesis: Typeset a thesis at Bangor University
    4012  *     bangorexam: Typeset an examination at Bangor University
    4013  *     bath-bst: Harvard referencing style as recommended by the University of Bath Library
    4014  *     beamer-fuberlin: Beamer, using the style of FU Berlin
    4015  *     beamer-verona: A theme for the beamer class
    4016  *     beilstein: Support for submissions to the "Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology"
    4017  *     bfh-ci: Corporate Design for Bern University of Applied Sciences
    4018  *     bgteubner: Class for producing books for the publisher "Teubner Verlag"
    4019  *     bjfuthesis: A thesis class for Beijing Forestry University
    4020  *     bmstu: A LaTeX class for Bauman Moscow State Technical University
    4021  *     bmstu-iu8: A class for IU8 reports
    4022  *     br-lex: A Class for Typesetting Brazilian legal texts
    4023  *     brandeis-dissertation: Class for Brandeis University dissertations
    4024  *     brandeis-problemset: Document class for COSI Problem sets at Brandeis University (Waltham, MA)
    4025  *     brandeis-thesis: A class for Brandeis University M.A. theses
    4026  *     buctthesis: Beijing University of Chemical Technology Thesis Template
    4027  *     cascadilla: Typeset papers conforming to the stylesheet of the Cascadilla Proceedings Project
    4028  *     cesenaexam: A class file to typeset exams
    4029  *     chem-journal: Various BibTeX formats for journals in Chemistry
    4030  *     chifoot: Chicago-style footnote formatting
    4031  *     chs-physics-report: Physics lab reports for Carmel High School
    4032  *     cje: LaTeX document class for CJE articles
    4033  *     classicthesis: A "classically styled" thesis package
    4034  *     cleanthesis: A clean LaTeX style for thesis documents
    4035  *     cmpj: Style for the journal Condensed Matter Physics
    4036  *     confproc: A set of tools for generating conference proceedings
    4037  *     cquthesis: LaTeX Thesis Template for Chongqing University
    4038  *     dccpaper: Typeset papers for the International Journal of Digital Curation
    4039  *     dithesis: A class for undergraduate theses at the University of Athens
    4040  *     ebook: Helps creating an ebook by providing an ebook class
    4041  *     ebsthesis: Typesetting theses for economics
    4042  *     ecothesis: LaTeX thesis template for the Universidade Federal de Vicosa (UFV), Brazil
    4043  *     ejpecp: Class for EJP and ECP
    4044  *     ekaia: Article format for publishing the Basque Country Science and Technology Journal "Ekaia"
    4045  *     elbioimp: A LaTeX document class for the Journal of Electrical Bioimpedance
    4046  *     els-cas-templates: Elsevier updated LaTeX templates
    4047  *     elsarticle: Class for articles for submission to Elsevier journals
    4048  *     elteikthesis: Thesis template for Eotvos Lorand University (Informatics)
    4049  *     emisa: A LaTeX package for preparing manuscripts for the journal EMISA
    4050  *     erdc: Style for Reports by US Army Corps of Engineers
    4051  *     estcpmm: Style for Munitions Management Project Reports
    4052  *     etsvthor: Some useful abbreviations for members of e.t.s.v. Thor
    4053  *     facture-belge-simple-sans-tva: Simple Belgian invoice without VAT
    4054  *     fbithesis: Computer Science thesis class for University of Dortmund
    4055  *     fcavtex: A thesis class for the FCAV/UNESP (Brazil)
    4056  *     fcltxdoc: Macros for use in the author's documentation
    4057  *     fei: Class for academic works at FEI University Center -- Brazil
    4058  *     ftc-notebook: Typeset FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) notebooks
    4059  *     gaceta: A class to typeset La Gaceta de la RSME
    4060  *     gammas: Template for the GAMM Archive for Students
    4061  *     geradwp: Document class for the Cahiers du GERAD series
    4062  *     gfdl: Support for using GFDL in LaTeX
    4063  *     gradstudentresume: A generic template for graduate student resumes
    4064  *     grant: Classes for formatting federal grant proposals
    4065  *     gsemthesis: Geneva School of Economics and Management PhD thesis format
    4066  *     gzt: Bundle of classes for "La Gazette des Mathematiciens"
    4067  *     h2020proposal: LaTeX class and template for EU H2020 RIA proposal
    4068  *     hagenberg-thesis: Collection of LaTeX classes, style files and example documents for academic manuscripts
    4069  *     har2nat: Replace the harvard package with natbib
    4070  *     hecthese: A class for dissertations and theses at HEC Montreal
    4071  *     hep-paper: Publications in High Energy Physics
    4072  *     hfutexam: Exam class for Hefei University of Technology (China)
    4073  *     hfutthesis: LaTeX Thesis Template for Hefei University of Technology
    4074  *     hithesis: Harbin Institute of Technology Thesis Template
    4075  *     hitszbeamer: A beamer theme for Harbin Institute of Technology, ShenZhen
    4076  *     hitszthesis: A dissertation template for Harbin Institute of Technology, ShenZhen
    4077  *     hobete: Unofficial beamer theme for the University of Hohenheim
    4078  *     hu-berlin-bundle: LaTeX classes for the Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin
    4079  *     hustthesis: Unofficial thesis template for Huazhong University
    4080  *     icsv: Class for typesetting articles for the ICSV conference
    4081  *     ieeeconf: Macros for IEEE conference proceedings
    4082  *     ieeepes: IEEE Power Engineering Society Transactions
    4083  *     ieeetran: Document class for IEEE Transactions journals and conferences
    4084  *     ijmart: LaTeX Class for the Israel Journal of Mathematics
    4085  *     ijsra: LaTeX document class for the International Journal of Student Research in Archaeology
    4086  *     imac: International Modal Analysis Conference format
    4087  *     imtekda: IMTEK thesis class
    4088  *     inkpaper: A mathematical paper template
    4089  *     iodhbwm: Unofficial template of the DHBW Mannheim
    4090  *     iscram: A LaTeX class to publish article to ISCRAM conferences
    4091  *     jacow: A class for submissions to the proceedings of conferences on
    4092  *     jmlr: Class files for the Journal of Machine Learning Research
    4093  *     jnuexam: Exam class for Jinan University
    4094  *     jourcl: Cover letter for journal submissions
    4095  *     jpsj: Document Class for Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
    4096  *     jwjournal: A personal class for writing journals
    4097  *     kdgdocs: Document classes for Karel de Grote University College
    4098  *     kdpcover: Covers for books published by Kindle Direct Publishing
    4099  *     kfupm-math-exam: A LaTeX document style to produce homework, quiz and exam papers
    4100  *     kluwer: Kluwer publication support
    4101  *     ksp-thesis: A LaTeX class for theses published with KIT Scientific Publishing
    4102  *     ku-template: Copenhagen University or faculty logo for front page
    4103  *     langsci: Typeset books for publication with Language Science Press
    4104  *     langsci-avm: Feature structures and attribute-value matrices (AVM)
    4105  *     limecv: A (Xe/Lua)LaTeX document class for curriculum vitae
    4106  *     lion-msc: LaTeX class for B.Sc. and M.Sc. reports at Leiden Institute of Physics (LION)
    4107  *     llncs: Document class and bibliography style for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
    4108  *     llncsconf: LaTeX package extending Springer's llncs class
    4109  *     lni: Official class for the "Lecture Notes in Informatics"
    4110  *     lps: Class for "Logic and Philosophy of Science"
    4111  *     matc3: Commands for MatematicaC3 textbooks
    4112  *     matc3mem: Class for MatematicaC3 textbooks
    4113  *     mcmthesis: Template designed for MCM/ICM
    4114  *     mentis: A basis for books to be published by Mentis publishers
    4115  *     mlacls: LaTeX class for MLA papers
    4116  *     mluexercise: Exercises/homework at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
    4117  *     mnras: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
    4118  *     modeles-factures-belges-assocs: Generate invoices for Belgian non-profit organizations
    4119  *     msu-thesis: Class for Michigan State University Master's and PhD theses
    4120  *     mucproc: Conference proceedings for the German MuC-conference
    4121  *     mugsthesis: Thesis class complying with Marquette University Graduate School requirements
    4122  *     muling: MA Thesis class for the Department of Linguistics, University of Mumbai
    4123  *     musuos: Typeset papers for the department of music, Osnabruck
    4124  *     muthesis: Classes for University of Manchester Dept of Computer Science
    4125  *     mynsfc: XeLaTeX template for writing the main body of NSFC proposals
    4126  *     nature: Prepare papers for the journal Nature
    4127  *     navydocs: Support for Technical Reports by US Navy Organizations
    4128  *     nddiss: Notre Dame Dissertation format class
    4129  *     ndsu-thesis: North Dakota State University disquisition class
    4130  *     ndsu-thesis-2022: North Dakota State University disquisition class 2022
    4131  *     nih: A class for NIH grant applications
    4132  *     nihbiosketch: A class for NIH biosketches based on the 2015 updated format
    4133  *     njustthesis: Thesis template for the Nanjing University of Science and Technology
    4134  *     njuthesis: LaTeX thesis template for Nanjing University
    4135  *     njuvisual: Display logos related to Nanjing University
    4136  *     nostarch: LaTeX class for No Starch Press
    4137  *     novel: Class for printing fiction, such as novels
    4138  *     nrc: Class for the NRC technical journals
    4139  *     nwafuthesis: A thesis template package for Northwest A&F University, China
    4140  *     nwejm: Support for the journal "North-Western European Journal of Mathematics"
    4141  *     onrannual: Class for Office of Naval Research Ocean Battlespace Sensing annual report
    4142  *     opteng: SPIE Optical Engineering and OE Letters manuscript template
    4143  *     oup-authoring-template: A general template for journals published by Oxford University Press (OUP)
    4144  *     philosophersimprint: Typesetting articles for "Philosophers' Imprint"
    4145  *     pittetd: Electronic Theses and Dissertations at Pitt
    4146  *     pkuthss: LaTeX template for dissertations in Peking University
    4147  *     powerdot-fuberlin: Powerdot, using the style of FU Berlin
    4148  *     powerdot-tuliplab: A style package for Powerdot to provide the design of TULIP Lab
    4149  *     pracjourn: Typeset articles for PracTeX
    4150  *     prociagssymp: Macros for IAG symposium papers
    4151  *     proposal: A set of LaTeX classes for preparing proposals for collaborative projects
    4152  *     prtec: A template for PRTEC conference papers
    4153  *     ptptex: Macros for 'Progress of Theoretical Physics'
    4154  *     qrbill: Create QR bills using LaTeX
    4155  *     quantumarticle: Document class for submissions to the Quantum journal
    4156  *     resphilosophica: Typeset articles for the journal Res Philosophica
    4157  *     resumecls: Typeset a resume both in English and Chinese
    4158  *     revtex: Styles for various Physics Journals
    4159  *     revtex4: Styles for various Physics Journals (old version)
    4160  *     revtex4-1: Styles for various Physics Journals
    4161  *     rutitlepage: Radboud University Titlepage Package
    4162  *     ryersonsgsthesis: Ryerson School of Graduate Studies thesis template
    4163  *     ryethesis: Class for Ryerson Unversity Graduate School requirements
    4164  *     sageep: Format papers for the annual meeting of EEGS
    4165  *     sapthesis: Typeset theses for Sapienza-University, Rome
    4166  *     schule: Support for teachers at German schools
    4167  *     scientific-thesis-cover: Provides cover page and affirmation at the end of a thesis
    4168  *     scripture: A LaTeX style for typesetting Bible quotations
    4169  *     scrjrnl: Typeset diaries or journals
    4170  *     sduthesis: Thesis Template of Shandong University
    4171  *     se2thesis: A Thesis Class for the Chair of Software Engineering II at the University of Passau, Germany
    4172  *     seu-ml-assign: Southeast University Machine Learning Assignment template
    4173  *     seuthesis: LaTeX template for theses at Southeastern University
    4174  *     seuthesix: LaTeX class for theses at Southeast University, Nanjing, China
    4175  *     shortmathj: Automatically shortify titles of mathematical journals
    4176  *     shtthesis: An unofficial LaTeX thesis template for ShanghaiTech University
    4177  *     smflatex: Classes for Societe mathematique de France publications
    4178  *     soton: University of Southampton-compliant slides
    4179  *     sphdthesis: LaTeX template for writing PhD Thesis
    4180  *     spie: Support for formatting SPIE Proceedings manuscripts
    4181  *     sr-vorl: Class for Springer books
    4182  *     srdp-mathematik: Typeset Austrian SRDP in mathematics
    4183  *     stellenbosch: Stellenbosch thesis bundle
    4184  *     suftesi: A document class for typesetting theses, books and articles
    4185  *     sugconf: SAS(R) user group conference proceedings document class
    4186  *     tabriz-thesis: A template for the University of Tabriz
    4187  *     technion-thesis-template: Template for theses on the Technion graduate school
    4188  *     texilikechaps: Format chapters with a texi-like format
    4189  *     texilikecover: A cover-page package, like TeXinfo
    4190  *     thesis-ekf: Thesis class for Eszterhazy Karoly Catholic University
    4191  *     thesis-gwu: Thesis class for George Washington University School of Engineering and Applied Science
    4192  *     thesis-qom: Thesis style of the University of Qom, Iran
    4193  *     thesis-titlepage-fhac: Little style to create a standard titlepage for diploma thesis
    4194  *     thuaslogos: Logos for The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS)
    4195  *     thubeamer: A beamer theme for Tsinghua University
    4196  *     thucoursework: Coursework template for Tsinghua University
    4197  *     thuthesis: Thesis template for Tsinghua University
    4198  *     tidyres: Create formal resumes easily
    4199  *     timbreicmc: Typeset documents with ICMC/USP watermarks
    4200  *     tlc-article: A LaTeX document class for formal documents
    4201  *     topletter: Letter class for the Politecnico di Torino
    4202  *     toptesi: Bundle for typesetting multilanguage theses
    4203  *     tuda-ci: LaTeX templates of Technische Universitat Darmstadt
    4204  *     tudscr: Corporate Design of Technische Universitat Dresden
    4205  *     tugboat: LaTeX macros for TUGboat articles
    4206  *     tugboat-plain: Plain TeX macros for TUGboat
    4207  *     tui: Thesis style for the University of the Andes, Colombia
    4208  *     turabian: Create Turabian-formatted material using LaTeX
    4209  *     uaclasses: University of Arizona thesis and dissertation format
    4210  *     uafthesis: Document class for theses at University of Alaska Fairbanks
    4211  *     uantwerpendocs: Course texts, master theses, and exams in University of Antwerp style
    4212  *     ucalgmthesis: LaTeX thesis class for University of Calgary Faculty of Graduate Studies
    4213  *     ucbthesis: Thesis and dissertation class supporting UCB requirements
    4214  *     ucdavisthesis: A thesis/dissertation class for University of California at Davis
    4215  *     ucsmonograph: Typesetting academic documents from the University of Caxias do Sul
    4216  *     ucthesis: University of California thesis format
    4217  *     udes-genie-these: A thesis class file for the Faculte de genie at the Universite de Sherbrooke
    4218  *     uestcthesis: Thesis class for UESTC
    4219  *     ufrgscca: A bundle for undergraduate students final work/report (tcc) at UFRGS/EE
    4220  *     uhhassignment: A document class for typesetting homework assignments
    4221  *     uiucredborder: Class for UIUC thesis red-bordered forms
    4222  *     uiucthesis: UIUC thesis class
    4223  *     ukbill: A class for typesetting UK legislation
    4224  *     ulthese: Thesis class and templates for Universite Laval
    4225  *     umbclegislation: A LaTeX class for building legislation files for UMBC Student Government Association Bills
    4226  *     umich-thesis: University of Michigan Thesis LaTeX class
    4227  *     umthesis: Dissertations at the University of Michigan
    4228  *     unam-thesis: Create documents according to the UNAM guidelines
    4229  *     unamth-template: UNAM Thesis LaTeX Template
    4230  *     unamthesis: Style for Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico theses
    4231  *     unbtex: A class for theses at University of Brasilia (UnB)
    4232  *     unifith: Typeset theses for University of Florence (Italy)
    4233  *     unigrazpub: LaTeX templates for University of Graz Library Publishing Services
    4234  *     unitn-bimrep: A bimonthly report class for the PhD School of Materials, Mechatronics and System Engineering
    4235  *     univie-ling: Papers, theses and research proposals in (Applied) Linguistics at Vienna University
    4236  *     unizgklasa: A LaTeX class for theses at the Faculty Of Graphic Arts in Zagreb
    4237  *     unswcover: Typeset a dissertation cover page following UNSW guidelines
    4238  *     uol-physics-report: A LaTeX document class for writing lab reports
    4239  *     uothesis: Class for dissertations and theses at the University of Oregon
    4240  *     uowthesis: Document class for dissertations at the University of Wollongong
    4241  *     uowthesistitlepage: Title page for dissertations at the University of Wollongong
    4242  *     urcls: Beamer and scrlttr2 classes and styles for the University of Regensburg
    4243  *     uspatent: U.S. Patent Application Tools for LaTeX and LyX
    4244  *     ut-thesis: University of Toronto thesis style
    4245  *     utexasthesis: University of Texas at Austin graduate thesis style
    4246  *     uvaletter: Unofficial letterhead template for the University of Amsterdam
    4247  *     uwa-colours: The colour palette of The University of Western Australia
    4248  *     uwa-letterhead: The letterhead of the University of Western Australia
    4249  *     uwa-pcf: A Participant Consent Form (PCF) for a human research protocol at the University of Western Australia
    4250  *     uwa-pif: A Participant Information Form (PIF) for a human research protocol at the University of Western Australia
    4251  *     uwthesis: University of Washington thesis class
    4252  *     vancouver: Bibliographic style file for Biomedical Journals
    4253  *     wsemclassic: LaTeX class for Bavarian school w-seminar papers
    4254  *     xduthesis: XeLaTeX template for writing Xidian University Thesis
    4255  *     xduts: Xidian University TeX Suite
    4256  *     xmuthesis: XMU thesis style
    4257  *     yathesis: A LaTeX class for writing a thesis following French rules
    4258  *     yazd-thesis: A template for the Yazd University
    4259  *     yb-book: Template for YB Branded Books
    4260  *     york-thesis: A thesis class file for York University, Toronto
     4129 * aastex: Macros for Manuscript Preparation for AAS Journals
     4130 * abnt: Typesetting academic works according to ABNT rules
     4131 * abntex2: Typeset technical and scientific Brazilian documents based on ABNT rules
     4132 * abntexto: LaTeX class for formatting academic papers in ABNT standards
     4133 * acmart: Class for typesetting publications of ACM
     4134 * acmconf: Class for ACM conference proceedings
     4135 * active-conf: Class for typesetting ACTIVE conference papers
     4136 * adfathesis: Australian Defence Force Academy thesis format
     4137 * afparticle: Typesetting articles for Archives of Forensic Psychology
     4138 * afthesis: Air Force Institute of Technology thesis class
     4139 * aguplus: Styles for American Geophysical Union
     4140 * aiaa: Typeset AIAA conference papers
     4141 * amnestyreport: A LaTeX class for Amnesty International
     4142 * anonymous-acm: Typeset anonymous versions for ACM articles
     4143 * anufinalexam: LaTeX document shell for ANU final exam
     4144 * aomart: Typeset articles for the Annals of Mathematics
     4145 * apa: American Psychological Association format
     4146 * apa6: Format documents in APA style (6th edition)
     4147 * apa6e: Format manuscripts to APA 6th edition guidelines
     4148 * apa7: Format documents in APA style (7th edition)
     4149 * arsclassica: A different view of the ClassicThesis package
     4150 * articleingud: LaTeX class for articles published in INGENIERIA review
     4151 * asaetr: Transactions of the ASAE
     4152 * ascelike: Bibliography style for the ASCE
     4153 * asmeconf: A LaTeX template for ASME conference papers
     4154 * asmejour: A template for ASME journal papers
     4155 * aucklandthesis: Memoir-based class for formatting University of Auckland masters' and doctors' theses
     4156 * bangorcsthesis: Typeset a thesis at Bangor University
     4157 * bangorexam: Typeset an examination at Bangor University
     4158 * bath-bst: Harvard referencing style as recommended by the University of Bath Library
     4159 * beamer-fuberlin: Beamer, using the style of FU Berlin
     4160 * beamer-verona: A theme for the beamer class
     4161 * beilstein: Support for submissions to the "Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology"
     4162 * bfh-ci: Corporate Design for Bern University of Applied Sciences
     4163 * bgteubner: Class for producing books for the publisher "Teubner Verlag"
     4164 * bjfuthesis: A thesis class for Beijing Forestry University
     4165 * bmstu: A LaTeX class for Bauman Moscow State Technical University
     4166 * bmstu-iu8: A class for IU8 reports
     4167 * br-lex: A Class for Typesetting Brazilian legal texts
     4168 * brandeis-dissertation: Class for Brandeis University dissertations
     4169 * brandeis-problemset: Document class for COSI Problem sets at Brandeis University (Waltham, MA)
     4170 * brandeis-thesis: A class for Brandeis University M.A. theses
     4171 * buctthesis: Beijing University of Chemical Technology Thesis Template
     4172 * cascadilla: Typeset papers conforming to the stylesheet of the Cascadilla Proceedings Project
     4173 * cesenaexam: A class file to typeset exams
     4174 * chem-journal: Various BibTeX formats for journals in Chemistry
     4175 * chifoot: Chicago-style footnote formatting
     4176 * chs-physics-report: Physics lab reports for Carmel High School
     4177 * cidarticle: A class for submissions to the "Commentarii informaticae didacticae" (CID)
     4178 * cje: LaTeX document class for CJE articles
     4179 * cjs-rcs-article: Article class for The Canadian Journal of Statistics
     4180 * classicthesis: A "classically styled" thesis package
     4181 * cleanthesis: A clean LaTeX style for thesis documents
     4182 * cmpj: Style for the journal Condensed Matter Physics
     4183 * confproc: A set of tools for generating conference proceedings
     4184 * contract: Typeset formalized legal documents such as contracts, statutes, etc.
     4185 * cquthesis: LaTeX Thesis Template for Chongqing University
     4186 * dccpaper: Typeset papers for the International Journal of Digital Curation
     4187 * dithesis: A class for undergraduate theses at the University of Athens
     4188 * ebook: Helps creating an ebook by providing an ebook class
     4189 * ebsthesis: Typesetting theses for economics
     4190 * ecothesis: LaTeX thesis template for the Universidade Federal de Vicosa (UFV), Brazil
     4191 * ejpecp: Class for EJP and ECP
     4192 * ekaia: Article format for publishing the Basque Country Science and Technology Journal "Ekaia"
     4193 * elbioimp: A LaTeX document class for the Journal of Electrical Bioimpedance
     4194 * els-cas-templates: Elsevier updated LaTeX templates
     4195 * elsarticle: Class for articles for submission to Elsevier journals
     4196 * elteiktdk: TDK-thesis template for Hungarian TDK conferences, Section of Computer Science
     4197 * elteikthesis: Thesis template for Eotvos Lorand University (Informatics)
     4198 * emisa: A LaTeX package for preparing manuscripts for the journal EMISA
     4199 * erdc: Style for Reports by US Army Corps of Engineers
     4200 * estcpmm: Style for Munitions Management Project Reports
     4201 * etsvthor: Some useful abbreviations for members of e.t.s.v. Thor
     4202 * facture-belge-simple-sans-tva: Simple Belgian invoice without VAT
     4203 * fbithesis: Computer Science thesis class for University of Dortmund
     4204 * fcavtex: A thesis class for the FCAV/UNESP (Brazil)
     4205 * fcltxdoc: Macros for use in the author's documentation
     4206 * fei: Class for academic works at FEI University Center -- Brazil
     4207 * ftc-notebook: Typeset FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) notebooks
     4208 * gaceta: A class to typeset La Gaceta de la RSME
     4209 * gammas: Template for the GAMM Archive for Students
     4210 * geradwp: Document class for the Cahiers du GERAD series
     4211 * gfdl: Support for using GFDL in LaTeX
     4212 * gradstudentresume: A generic template for graduate student resumes
     4213 * grant: Classes for formatting federal grant proposals
     4214 * gsemthesis: Geneva School of Economics and Management PhD thesis format
     4215 * gzt: Bundle of classes for "La Gazette des Mathematiciens"
     4216 * h2020proposal: LaTeX class and template for EU H2020 RIA proposal
     4217 * hagenberg-thesis: Collection of LaTeX classes, style files and example documents for academic manuscripts
     4218 * har2nat: Replace the harvard package with natbib
     4219 * hecthese: A class for dissertations and theses at HEC Montreal
     4220 * hep-paper: Publications in High Energy Physics
     4221 * heria: A LaTeX class for Horizon Europe RIA and IA grant proposals
     4222 * hfutexam: Exam class for Hefei University of Technology (China)
     4223 * hfutthesis: LaTeX Thesis Template for Hefei University of Technology
     4224 * hithesis: Harbin Institute of Technology Thesis Template
     4225 * hitszbeamer: A beamer theme for Harbin Institute of Technology, ShenZhen
     4226 * hitszthesis: A dissertation template for Harbin Institute of Technology, ShenZhen
     4227 * hobete: Unofficial beamer theme for the University of Hohenheim
     4228 * hu-berlin-bundle: LaTeX classes for the Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin
     4229 * hustthesis: Unofficial thesis template for Huazhong University
     4230 * icsv: Class for typesetting articles for the ICSV conference
     4231 * ieeeconf: Macros for IEEE conference proceedings
     4232 * ieeepes: IEEE Power Engineering Society Transactions
     4233 * ieeetran: Document class for IEEE Transactions journals and conferences
     4234 * ijmart: LaTeX Class for the Israel Journal of Mathematics
     4235 * ijsra: LaTeX document class for the International Journal of Student Research in Archaeology
     4236 * imac: International Modal Analysis Conference format
     4237 * imtekda: IMTEK thesis class
     4238 * inkpaper: A mathematical paper template
     4239 * iodhbwm: Unofficial template of the DHBW Mannheim
     4240 * iscram: A LaTeX class to publish article to ISCRAM conferences
     4241 * jacow: A class for submissions to the proceedings of conferences on
     4242 * jmlr: Class files for the Journal of Machine Learning Research
     4243 * jnuexam: Exam class for Jinan University
     4244 * jourcl: Cover letter for journal submissions
     4245 * jourrr: A LaTeX template for journal rebuttal letters
     4246 * jpsj: Document Class for Journal of the Physical Society of Japan
     4247 * jwjournal: A personal class for writing journals
     4248 * kdgdocs: Document classes for Karel de Grote University College
     4249 * kdpcover: Covers for books published by Kindle Direct Publishing
     4250 * kfupm-math-exam: A LaTeX document style to produce homework, quiz and exam papers
     4251 * kluwer: Kluwer publication support
     4252 * ksp-thesis: A LaTeX class for theses published with KIT Scientific Publishing
     4253 * ku-template: Copenhagen University or faculty logo for front page
     4254 * langsci: Typeset books for publication with Language Science Press
     4255 * langsci-avm: Feature structures and attribute-value matrices (AVM)
     4256 * limecv: A (Xe/Lua)LaTeX document class for curriculum vitae
     4257 * lion-msc: LaTeX class for B.Sc. and M.Sc. reports at Leiden Institute of Physics (LION)
     4258 * llncs: Document class and bibliography style for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS)
     4259 * llncsconf: LaTeX package extending Springer's llncs class
     4260 * lni: Official class for the "Lecture Notes in Informatics"
     4261 * lps: Class for "Logic and Philosophy of Science"
     4262 * matc3: Commands for MatematicaC3 textbooks
     4263 * matc3mem: Class for MatematicaC3 textbooks
     4264 * mcmthesis: Template designed for MCM/ICM
     4265 * mentis: A basis for books to be published by Mentis publishers
     4266 * mitthesis: A LaTeX template for an MIT thesis
     4267 * mlacls: LaTeX class for MLA papers
     4268 * mluexercise: Exercises/homework at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
     4269 * mnras: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
     4270 * modeles-factures-belges-assocs: Generate invoices for Belgian non-profit organizations
     4271 * msu-thesis: Class for Michigan State University Master's and PhD theses
     4272 * mucproc: Conference proceedings for the German MuC-conference
     4273 * mugsthesis: Thesis class complying with Marquette University Graduate School requirements
     4274 * muling: MA Thesis class for the Department of Linguistics, University of Mumbai
     4275 * musuos: Typeset papers for the department of music, Osnabruck
     4276 * muthesis: Classes for University of Manchester Dept of Computer Science
     4277 * mynsfc: XeLaTeX template for writing the main body of NSFC proposals
     4278 * nature: Prepare papers for the journal Nature
     4279 * navydocs: Support for Technical Reports by US Navy Organizations
     4280 * nddiss: Notre Dame Dissertation format class
     4281 * ndsu-thesis: North Dakota State University disquisition class
     4282 * ndsu-thesis-2022: North Dakota State University disquisition class 2022
     4283 * nih: A class for NIH grant applications
     4284 * nihbiosketch: A class for NIH biosketches based on the 2015 updated format
     4285 * njustthesis: Thesis template for the Nanjing University of Science and Technology
     4286 * njuthesis: LaTeX thesis template for Nanjing University
     4287 * njuvisual: Display logos related to Nanjing University
     4288 * nostarch: LaTeX class for No Starch Press
     4289 * novel: Class for printing fiction, such as novels
     4290 * nrc: Class for the NRC technical journals
     4291 * nwafuthesis: A thesis template package for Northwest A&F University, China
     4292 * nwejm: Support for the journal "North-Western European Journal of Mathematics"
     4293 * onrannual: Class for Office of Naval Research Ocean Battlespace Sensing annual report
     4294 * opteng: SPIE Optical Engineering and OE Letters manuscript template
     4295 * oststud: Templates for the student organization at OST FH, Switzerland
     4296 * oup-authoring-template: A general template for journals published by Oxford University Press (OUP)
     4297 * philosophersimprint: Typesetting articles for "Philosophers' Imprint"
     4298 * pittetd: Electronic Theses and Dissertations at Pitt
     4299 * pkuthss: LaTeX template for dissertations in Peking University
     4300 * powerdot-fuberlin: Powerdot, using the style of FU Berlin
     4301 * powerdot-tuliplab: A style package for Powerdot to provide the design of TULIP Lab
     4302 * pracjourn: Typeset articles for PracTeX
     4303 * prociagssymp: Macros for IAG symposium papers
     4304 * proposal: A set of LaTeX classes for preparing proposals for collaborative projects
     4305 * prtec: A template for PRTEC conference papers
     4306 * ptptex: Macros for 'Progress of Theoretical Physics'
     4307 * qrbill: Create QR bills using LaTeX
     4308 * quantumarticle: Document class for submissions to the Quantum journal
     4309 * regulatory: Flexible drafting of legal documents, especially in Dutch
     4310 * resphilosophica: Typeset articles for the journal Res Philosophica
     4311 * resumecls: Typeset a resume both in English and Chinese
     4312 * revtex: Styles for various Physics Journals
     4313 * revtex4: Styles for various Physics Journals (old version)
     4314 * revtex4-1: Styles for various Physics Journals
     4315 * rutitlepage: Radboud University Titlepage Package
     4316 * ryersonsgsthesis: Ryerson School of Graduate Studies thesis template
     4317 * ryethesis: Class for Ryerson Unversity Graduate School requirements
     4318 * sageep: Format papers for the annual meeting of EEGS
     4319 * sapthesis: Typeset theses for Sapienza-University, Rome
     4320 * schule: Support for teachers at German schools
     4321 * scientific-thesis-cover: Provides cover page and affirmation at the end of a thesis
     4322 * scripture: A LaTeX style for typesetting Bible quotations
     4323 * scrjrnl: Typeset diaries or journals
     4324 * sduthesis: Thesis Template of Shandong University
     4325 * se2thesis: A Thesis Class for the Chair of Software Engineering II at the University of Passau, Germany
     4326 * seu-ml-assign: Southeast University Machine Learning Assignment template
     4327 * seuthesis: LaTeX template for theses at Southeastern University
     4328 * seuthesix: LaTeX class for theses at Southeast University, Nanjing, China
     4329 * shortmathj: Automatically shortify titles of mathematical journals
     4330 * shtthesis: An unofficial LaTeX thesis template for ShanghaiTech University
     4331 * smflatex: Classes for Societe mathematique de France publications
     4332 * soton: University of Southampton-compliant slides
     4333 * sphdthesis: LaTeX template for writing PhD Thesis
     4334 * spie: Support for formatting SPIE Proceedings manuscripts
     4335 * sr-vorl: Class for Springer books
     4336 * srdp-mathematik: Typeset Austrian SRDP in mathematics
     4337 * stellenbosch: Stellenbosch thesis bundle (legacy version)
     4338 * stellenbosch-2: Stellenbosch University thesis bundle
     4339 * suftesi: A document class for typesetting theses, books and articles
     4340 * sugconf: SAS(R) user group conference proceedings document class
     4341 * tabriz-thesis: A template for the University of Tabriz
     4342 * technion-thesis-template: Template for theses on the Technion graduate school
     4343 * texilikechaps: Format chapters with a texi-like format
     4344 * texilikecover: A cover-page package, like TeXinfo
     4345 * thesis-ekf: Thesis class for Eszterhazy Karoly Catholic University
     4346 * thesis-gwu: Thesis class for George Washington University School of Engineering and Applied Science
     4347 * thesis-qom: Thesis style of the University of Qom, Iran
     4348 * thesis-titlepage-fhac: Little style to create a standard titlepage for diploma thesis
     4349 * thuaslogos: Logos for The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS)
     4350 * thubeamer: A beamer theme for Tsinghua University
     4351 * thucoursework: Coursework template for Tsinghua University
     4352 * thuthesis: Thesis template for Tsinghua University
     4353 * tidyres: Create formal resumes easily
     4354 * timbreicmc: Typeset documents with ICMC/USP watermarks
     4355 * tlc-article: A LaTeX document class for formal documents
     4356 * topletter: Letter class for the Politecnico di Torino
     4357 * toptesi: Bundle for typesetting multilanguage theses
     4358 * tuda-ci: LaTeX templates of Technische Universitat Darmstadt
     4359 * tudscr: Corporate Design of Technische Universitat Dresden
     4360 * tugboat: LaTeX macros for TUGboat articles
     4361 * tugboat-plain: Plain TeX macros for TUGboat
     4362 * tui: Thesis style for the University of the Andes, Colombia
     4363 * turabian: Create Turabian-formatted material using LaTeX
     4364 * uaclasses: University of Arizona thesis and dissertation format
     4365 * uafthesis: Document class for theses at University of Alaska Fairbanks
     4366 * uantwerpendocs: Course texts, master theses, and exams in University of Antwerp style
     4367 * ucalgmthesis: LaTeX thesis class for University of Calgary Faculty of Graduate Studies
     4368 * ucbthesis: Thesis and dissertation class supporting UCB requirements
     4369 * ucdavisthesis: A thesis/dissertation class for University of California at Davis
     4370 * ucph-revy: Musical script formatting
     4371 * ucsmonograph: Typesetting academic documents from the University of Caxias do Sul
     4372 * ucthesis: University of California thesis format
     4373 * udepcolor: University of Piura (UDEP) institutional and corporate colors for digital and electronic media
     4374 * udes-genie-these: A thesis class file for the Faculte de genie at the Universite de Sherbrooke
     4375 * uestcthesis: Thesis class for UESTC
     4376 * ufrgscca: A bundle for undergraduate students final work/report (tcc) at UFRGS/EE
     4377 * uhhassignment: A document class for typesetting homework assignments
     4378 * uiucredborder: Class for UIUC thesis red-bordered forms
     4379 * uiucthesis: UIUC thesis class
     4380 * ukbill: A class for typesetting UK legislation
     4381 * ulthese: Thesis class and templates for Universite Laval
     4382 * umbclegislation: A LaTeX class for building legislation files for UMBC Student Government Association Bills
     4383 * umich-thesis: University of Michigan Thesis LaTeX class
     4384 * umthesis: Dissertations at the University of Michigan
     4385 * unam-thesis: Create documents according to the UNAM guidelines
     4386 * unamth-template: UNAM Thesis LaTeX Template
     4387 * unamthesis: Style for Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico theses
     4388 * unbtex: A class for theses at University of Brasilia (UnB)
     4389 * unifith: Typeset theses for University of Florence (Italy)
     4390 * unigrazpub: LaTeX templates for University of Graz Library Publishing Services
     4391 * unitn-bimrep: A bimonthly report class for the PhD School of Materials, Mechatronics and System Engineering
     4392 * univie-ling: Papers, theses and research proposals in (Applied) Linguistics at Vienna University
     4393 * unizgklasa: A LaTeX class for theses at the Faculty Of Graphic Arts in Zagreb
     4394 * unswcover: Typeset a dissertation cover page following UNSW guidelines
     4395 * uol-physics-report: A LaTeX document class for writing lab reports
     4396 * uothesis: Class for dissertations and theses at the University of Oregon
     4397 * uowthesis: Document class for dissertations at the University of Wollongong
     4398 * uowthesistitlepage: Title page for dissertations at the University of Wollongong
     4399 * urcls: Beamer and scrlttr2 classes and styles for the University of Regensburg
     4400 * uspatent: U.S. Patent Application Tools for LaTeX and LyX
     4401 * ut-thesis: University of Toronto thesis style
     4402 * utexasthesis: University of Texas at Austin graduate thesis style
     4403 * uvaletter: Unofficial letterhead template for the University of Amsterdam
     4404 * uwa-colours: The colour palette of The University of Western Australia
     4405 * uwa-letterhead: The letterhead of the University of Western Australia
     4406 * uwa-pcf: A Participant Consent Form (PCF) for a human research protocol at the University of Western Australia
     4407 * uwa-pif: A Participant Information Form (PIF) for a human research protocol at the University of Western Australia
     4408 * uwthesis: University of Washington thesis class
     4409 * vancouver: Bibliographic style file for Biomedical Journals
     4410 * wsemclassic: LaTeX class for Bavarian school w-seminar papers
     4411 * xduthesis: XeLaTeX template for writing Xidian University Thesis
     4412 * xduts: Xidian University TeX Suite
     4413 * xmuthesis: XMU thesis style
     4414 * yathesis: A LaTeX class for writing a thesis following French rules
     4415 * yazd-thesis: A template for the Yazd University
     4416 * yb-book: Template for YB Branded Books
     4417 * york-thesis: A thesis class file for York University, Toronto
    42624419= texlive-xetex =
    4263  *     arabxetex: An ArabTeX-like interface for XeLaTeX
    4264  *     awesomebox: Draw admonition blocks in your documents, illustrated with FontAwesome icons
    4265  *     bidi-atbegshi: Bidi-aware shipout macros
    4266  *     bidicontour: Bidi-aware coloured contour around text
    4267  *     bidipagegrid: Bidi-aware page grid in background
    4268  *     bidipresentation: Experimental bidi presentation
    4269  *     bidishadowtext: Bidi-aware shadow text
    4270  *     businesscard-qrcode: Business cards with QR-Code
    4271  *     cqubeamer: LaTeX Beamer Template for Chongqing University
    4272  *     fixlatvian: Improve Latvian language support in XeLaTeX
    4273  *     font-change-xetex: Macros to change text and mathematics fonts in plain XeTeX
    4274  *     fontbook: Generate a font book
    4275  *     fontwrap: Bind fonts to specific unicode blocks
    4276  *     interchar: Managing character class schemes in XeTeX
    4277  *     na-position: Tables of relative positions of curves and asymptotes or tangents in Arabic documents
    4278  *     philokalia: A font to typeset the Philokalia Books
    4279  *     ptext: A 'lipsum' for Persian
    4280  *     realscripts: Access OpenType subscript and superscript glyphs
    4281  *     simple-resume-cv: Template for a simple resume or curriculum vitae (CV), in XeLaTeX
    4282  *     simple-thesis-dissertation: Template for a simple thesis or dissertation (Ph.D. or master's degree) or technical report, in XeLaTeX
    4283  *     tetragonos: Four-Corner codes of Chinese characters
    4284  *     ucharclasses: Font actions in XeTeX according to what is being processed
    4285  *     unicode-bidi: Experimental unicode bidi package for XeTeX
    4286  *     unimath-plain-xetex: OpenType math support in (plain) XeTeX
    4287  *     unisugar: Define syntactic sugar for Unicode LaTeX
    4288  *     xebaposter: Create beautiful scientific Persian/Latin posters using TikZ
    4289  *     xechangebar: An extension of package changebar that can be used with XeLaTeX
    4290  *     xecolor: Support for color in XeLaTeX
    4291  *     xecyr: Using Cyrillic languages in XeTeX
    4292  *     xeindex: Automatic index generation for XeLaTeX
    4293  *     xelatex-dev:
    4294  *     xesearch: A string finder for XeTeX
    4295  *     xespotcolor: Spot colours support for XeLaTeX
    4296  *     xetex: An extended variant of TeX for use with Unicode sources
    4297  *     xetex-itrans: Itrans input maps for use with XeLaTeX
    4298  *     xetex-pstricks: Running PSTricks under XeTeX
    4299  *     xetex-tibetan: XeTeX input maps for Unicode Tibetan
    4300  *     xetexconfig: crop.cfg for XeLaTeX
    4301  *     xetexfontinfo: Report font features in XeTeX
    4302  *     xetexko: Typeset Korean with Xe(La)TeX
    4303  *     xevlna: Insert non-breakable spaces using XeTeX
    4304  *     zbmath-review-template: Template for a zbMATH Open review
     4420 * arabxetex: An ArabTeX-like interface for XeLaTeX
     4421 * bidi-atbegshi: Bidi-aware shipout macros
     4422 * bidicontour: Bidi-aware coloured contour around text
     4423 * bidipagegrid: Bidi-aware page grid in background
     4424 * bidipresentation: Experimental bidi presentation
     4425 * bidishadowtext: Bidi-aware shadow text
     4426 * businesscard-qrcode: Business cards with QR-Code
     4427 * cqubeamer: LaTeX Beamer Template for Chongqing University
     4428 * fixlatvian: Improve Latvian language support in XeLaTeX
     4429 * font-change-xetex: Macros to change text and mathematics fonts in plain XeTeX
     4430 * fontbook: Generate a font book
     4431 * fontwrap: Bind fonts to specific unicode blocks
     4432 * interchar: Managing character class schemes in XeTeX
     4433 * na-position: Tables of relative positions of curves and asymptotes or tangents in Arabic documents
     4434 * philokalia: A font to typeset the Philokalia Books
     4435 * ptext: A 'lipsum' for Persian
     4436 * realscripts: Access OpenType subscript and superscript glyphs
     4437 * simple-resume-cv: Template for a simple resume or curriculum vitae (CV), in XeLaTeX
     4438 * simple-thesis-dissertation: Template for a simple thesis or dissertation (Ph.D. or master's degree) or technical report, in XeLaTeX
     4439 * tetragonos: Four-Corner codes of Chinese characters
     4440 * ucharclasses: Font actions in XeTeX according to what is being processed
     4441 * unicode-bidi: Experimental unicode bidi package for XeTeX
     4442 * unimath-plain-xetex: OpenType math support in (plain) XeTeX
     4443 * unisugar: Define syntactic sugar for Unicode LaTeX
     4444 * xebaposter: Create beautiful scientific Persian/Latin posters using TikZ
     4445 * xechangebar: An extension of package changebar that can be used with XeLaTeX
     4446 * xecolor: Support for color in XeLaTeX
     4447 * xecyr: Using Cyrillic languages in XeTeX
     4448 * xeindex: Automatic index generation for XeLaTeX
     4449 * xelatex-dev:
     4450 * xesearch: A string finder for XeTeX
     4451 * xespotcolor: Spot colours support for XeLaTeX
     4452 * xetex: An extended variant of TeX for use with Unicode sources
     4453 * xetex-itrans: Itrans input maps for use with XeLaTeX
     4454 * xetex-pstricks: Running PSTricks under XeTeX
     4455 * xetex-tibetan: XeTeX input maps for Unicode Tibetan
     4456 * xetexconfig: crop.cfg for XeLaTeX
     4457 * xetexfontinfo: Report font features in XeTeX
     4458 * xetexko: Typeset Korean with Xe(La)TeX
     4459 * xevlna: Insert non-breakable spaces using XeTeX
     4460 * zbmath-review-template: Template for a zbMATH Open review