
Version 20 (modified by l2dy (Zero King), 7 years ago) (diff)

Add the security keyword

Choosing good keywords for tickets

Trac can search the full text of tickets, so adding a keyword that already occurs in another field doesn't help for general searching. If we standardise the use of certain keywords, however, it could make finding certain specific types of ticket much easier. This, then, is a suggested list of keywords that we might like to standardise.

Tickets only applicable to the indicated OS release(s):

Tickets only applicable when using the indicated build_arch:

Tickets only applicable with patches:

  • haspatch
    The ticket has a patchfile attached that may be ready to apply. It can also mean that a GitHub pull request exists.
  • haspatch maintainer
    The ticket has a patchfile attached that was approved or supplied by the port maintainer that may be ready to apply.

Tickets that depend on others:

  • upstream
    The problem report was escalated to upstream and is waiting for response or the next release.

Tickets fixing security vulnerabilities:

The ticket is only applicable when running port in trace mode (-t):