
Version 1 (modified by pipping@…, 18 years ago) (diff)

preliminary overview


The following is a list of ports, the universal variant of which is confirmed to work, at least partially

These platforms were used for testing:

  • ppc (g4), mac os x 10.4.9
port version maintainer(s)
am-utils 6.1.3_0
bison 2.3_0 mww@
bool 0.2.1_0
coreutils 6.7_1 pipping@
cpio 2.7_0 mww@
curl 7.16.1_0 yeled@
diffutils 2.8.1_2 pipping@
expat 2.0.0_1
findutils 4.3.30_0 pipping@
gawk 3.1.5_2 marius@…
gettext 0.16.1_0 mij@
gmake 3.81_0 waqar@
gnutar 1.16.1_1 mww@
grep 2.5.1_0 waqar@
gsed 4.1.5_0 marius@…
gwhich 2.16_1
gzip 1.3.9_0 mww@
indent 2.2.9_2
lha 1.14i-ac20050924p1_0 jc@…
libiconv 1.11_4 mij@
libpng 1.2.16_0 ryandesign@, waqar@
libtool 1.5.22_0 bchesneau@…
m4 1.4.8b_1 blair@
ndiff 2.00_0
openssl 0.9.8e_0 mww@
sgrep2 1.94a_0
slang 1.4.9_0 olaf@…
slrn olaf@…
treecc 0.3.8_0 mww@
wput 0.6_0
zlib 1.2.3_0 ryandesign@, landonf@




  • some tests fail (62 518 537), they fail when built -universal, too, though.


  • testsuite fails (probably doesn't matter)


  • gettext is currently not building libasprintf

============================= table view =============================

am-utils |ppc x86 uni bison |ppc x86 uni bool |ppc x86 uni

panther | ? x x panther | ? x x panther | ? x x tiger | t ? s tiger | t ? s tiger | t ? s leopard | ? ? ? leopard | ? ? ? leopard | ? ? ?

coreutils |ppc x86 uni cpio |ppc x86 uni curl |ppc x86 uni

panther | ? x x panther | ? x x panther | ? x x tiger | s ? b tiger | t ? s tiger | t ? t leopard | ? ? ? leopard | ? ? ? leopard | ? ? ?

diffutils |ppc x86 uni

panther | ? x x tiger | t ? s leopard | ? ? ?

expat |ppc x86 uni findutils |ppc x86 uni gawk |ppc x86 uni

panther | ? x x panther | ? x x panther | ? x x tiger | s ? t tiger | t ? s tiger | t ? s leopard | ? ? ? leopard | ? ? ? leopard | ? ? ?

gettext |ppc x86 uni gmake |ppc x86 uni gnutar |ppc x86 uni

panther | ? x x panther | ? x x panther | ? x x tiger | t ? i tiger | t ? s tiger | t ? s leopard | ? ? ? leopard | ? ? ? leopard | ? ? ?

grep |ppc x86 uni gsed |ppc x86 uni gwhich |ppc x86 uni

panther | ? x x panther | ? x x panther | ? x x tiger | t ? s tiger | t ? s tiger | t ? s leopard | ? ? ? leopard | ? ? ? leopard | ? ? ?

gzip |ppc x86 uni indent |ppc x86 uni lha |ppc x86 uni

panther | ? x x panther | ? x x panther | ? x x tiger | t ? s tiger | t ? s tiger | t ? s leopard | ? ? ? leopard | ? ? ? leopard | ? ? ?

libiconv |ppc x86 uni libpng |ppc x86 uni libtool |ppc x86 uni

panther | ? x x panther | ? x x panther | ? x x tiger | t ? s tiger | t ? s tiger | t ? s leopard | ? ? ? leopard | ? ? ? leopard | ? ? ?

m4 |ppc x86 uni ndiff |ppc x86 uni openssl |ppc x86 uni

panther | ? x x panther | ? x x panther | ? x x tiger | t ? s tiger | t ? s tiger | t ? s leopard | ? ? ? leopard | ? ? ? leopard | ? ? ?

sgrep2 |ppc x86 uni slang |ppc x86 uni slrn |ppc x86 uni

panther | ? x x panther | ? x x panther | ? x x tiger | t ? s tiger | t ? s tiger | t ? t leopard | ? ? ? leopard | ? ? ? leopard | ? ? ?

treecc |ppc x86 uni wput |ppc x86 uni zlib |ppc x86 uni

panther | ? x x panther | ? x x panther | ? x x tiger | t ? s tiger | t ? s tiger | t ? s leopard | ? ? ? leopard | ? ? ? leopard | ? ? ?

  • - - - - -

b=broken p=patch available (not yet in the ports tree) i=incomplete t=testing


s=stable (completed the testsuite without errors)