Changes between Version 50 and Version 51 of WorkingWithGit

Aug 26, 2016, 7:06:03 PM (8 years ago)
neverpanic (Clemens Lang)

Document PRs and updating your fork.


  • WorkingWithGit

    v50 v51  
     188=== Submitting a pull request === #pr
     189If you are working on a fork of the ports repository, you can submit a pull request to have your changes considered for inclusion in the official repository. Follow the section on [#commit committing and pushing changes] to push your changes back to your fork (if you `git clone`d your fork, `git push origin` will push your changes back to your fork on GitHub). Then, go to your repository on GitHub and click the "New Pull Request" button. You will see a preview of the changes and a button to create a pull request. Modify the message for the pull request as you see fit and confirm the creation of the pull request.
     191'''Note:''' This process is new to MacPorts developers. Please bear with us while we find the approach to pull requests that works best for us.
     194=== Updating your fork === #upstream-fetch
     195When submitting pull requests, we may ask you to rebase your changes on top of our current master branch. The easiest way to do this is adding the official repository as a second remote to your working copy and pulling from it. First, use `git remote` to add a reference to the upstream ports tree. Note that the name "upstream" can be chosen at random.
     197git remote add upstream # or
     198git remote add upstream # if SSH does not work on your network
     201Then, fetch the contents of the upstream repository:
     203git fetch upstream
     206Finally, follow the section on [#updating fetching the latest changes] but replace "origin" with "upstream". Eventually, you will end up running the equivalent of
     208git rebase upstream/master
     210which will put your local changes on top of ours. Pushing to your fork will update the pull request.