Change History for WorkingWithGitSVN

Version Date Author Comment
11 9 years raimue (Rainer Müller) Add hint about svn:log
10 9 years ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt) fill in some blanks in the list of unknown committers
9 9 years neverpanic (Clemens Lang) += git-filter-branch(1)
8 9 years neverpanic (Clemens Lang) Well, my data shows the git clone is not smaller than the Subversion WC
7 9 years neverpanic (Clemens Lang) royliu doesn't seem to have an entry in MacPortsDevelopers
6 9 years neverpanic (Clemens Lang) More missing names.
5 9 years neverpanic (Clemens Lang) Extend list of unmatched names
4 9 years neverpanic (Clemens Lang)
3 9 years neverpanic (Clemens Lang) Older SVN commits use the handle without the suffix; …
2 9 years raimue (Rainer Müller)
1 9 years raimue (Rainer Müller)