Changes between Version 61 and Version 62 of egall

Aug 27, 2024, 5:39:40 AM (5 weeks ago)
cooljeanius (Eric Gallager)

update TODO list


  • egall

    v61 v62  
    7272 - ~~sicp (texinfo failure)~~ filed #63339
    7373 - ~~slirp~~ (found #41875, which might have been the same issue that I was having)
    74  - ~~webkit-gtk~~ (already on cc for a bunch of webkit-gtk tickets; filed #62842 most recently; will be irrelevant once #52398 is closed)
    7574 - ~~liboss~~ (found #14590, forget if my issue was the same)
    7675 - py*jcc (build failure varies by version)
    9392 - allegro5 +debug (opportunistically tries to use pandoc)
    9493 - ~~gnuregex +universal is not actually universal~~ (I don't actually use the +universal variant any longer, and plus #62307 would have to be fixed first anyways)
    95  - new ports needed for new optional dependencies of gdb: libmcheck (hard to disentangle from glibc) and [ libbabeltrace] (seems (slightly) easier to port; I do have [ a Portfile for it], but it is kind of a mess...)
     94 - new ports needed for new optional dependencies of gdb: libmcheck (hard to disentangle from glibc) and [ libbabeltrace] (seems (slightly) easier to port; I do have [ my own GitHub fork of it], and [ a Portfile for it], but it is kind of a mess...)
    9695 - libsvg-cairo @0.1.6 (rev-upgrade reports it as broken due to libpng)
    9796 - libextractor (opportunistically tries to use rpm, which then leads to a build failure)