
Version 4 (modified by BjarneDMat, 3 years ago) (diff)


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Advanced Daily Administration of MacPorts

  • Audience: advanced users
  • Requires: MacPorts >=1.9.2
  • Author: Bjarne D Mathiesen - macintosh _at_ mathiesen _dot_ info


This is a dump of my scripts to administer MacPorts on a daily basis.

Please append comments, questions, and suggestions here.

The Scripts

Script 0: Default Values

declare prefix='/opt/local'
declare version='2.6.4'

Script 1: Installation

#!/usr/bin/env bash

# copyright Bjarne D Mathiesen
#           Korsør ; Danmark ; Europa
#           macintosh .at. mathiesen .dot. info
# date      04/07-2007
# revised   02/12-2007  implemented automatic patching of Portfiles
#           28/12-2009  fixed the download link
#                       modified source/build directory
#                       removed sudo from commands
#           18/06-2011  added default values for the parameters
#                       updated path values for XCode4
#           05/03-2017  added update to actions
#           31/01-2018  added checkpaths & fixpaths
#                       updated default values for the parameters
#           02/03-2021  removed  fixpaths
#                       reworked setpaths
#                       added fixCLT
# this script is released under the OSS GPL v3 license
# the author welcomes feedback and improvements
(   cd  $( dirname ${0} )

source ./portDefaults

usage() {
cat <<EOT
purpose : to automate the whole install process
\${1} : action                 [ update (default) , install , setpaths , checkpaths , select , fixCLT ]
\${2} : macports base version  ( default ${version} ) only for install

declare action=${1:-"update"}
[ ! -z ${2} ] && declare version=${2}

case ${action} in

touch /tmp/
softwareupdate -ia
rm /tmp/

while read -u 9 name selected options
    options=( $( echo ${options} ) )
    port select --set "${name}" ${options[@]: -2:1}
done 9< <( port -q select --summary )
port select --summary

# update installed ports
port -dN selfupdate
port outdated
port clean --work outdated
port -cuNp upgrade outdated
port -pN clean --work installed
# port -pN reclaim

# setup the system paths

mkdir -p  /etc/paths.d
cp    -np /etc/paths /etc/paths.orig
mv    -n  /etc/paths /etc/paths.d/999macosx
touch     /etc/paths

echo "${prefix}/bin"        >  /etc/paths
echo "${prefix}/sbin"       >> /etc/paths

echo "/Applications/"   >  /etc/paths.d/888developer

mkdir -p  /etc/manpaths.d
cp    -np /etc/manpaths /etc/manpaths.orig
mv    -n  /etc/manpaths /etc/manpaths.d/999macosx
touch     /etc/manpaths

echo "${prefix}/share/man"  > /etc/manpaths.d/000macports
#echo "/Developer/usr/share/man"     >  /etc/manpaths.d/888developer
#echo "/Developer/usr/X11/share/man" >> /etc/manpaths.d/888developer

# check the system paths

# install macports

if [ ! -e MacPorts-${version}.tar.gz ]
    curl -O --url "${version}.tar.gz"

rm  -rf  ./MacPorts-${version}
tar -zxf   MacPorts-${version}.tar.gz

cd MacPorts-${version}
#patch -p0 </Volumes/Bjarne/WebServer/MacPorts/newPorts/pathces/mp-base-no-progress-if-stdout-no-tty.patch
#./configure LDFLAGS=-L/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk/usr/X11/lib --prefix=${prefix}
./configure --prefix=${prefix}
make install

# update MacPorts itself
${prefix}/bin/port -dN selfupdate

# let's get bash, zsh & nano
${prefix}/bin/port -cuNp install bash zsh nano
echo "${prefix}/bin/bash" >> /etc/shells
echo "${prefix}/bin/zsh"  >> /etc/shells

# cleanup
rm  -rf  ./MacPorts-${version}

# default

) ; wait

Script 2: Updating


# usage:
# ${1}: the macports install path

(   cd  $( dirname ${0} )

echo -e "\n"'+----------------+'
echo        '| macportsupdate |'
echo        '+----------------+'

declare installPath=${1:-'/macports'}
declare rsyncMacportsOrg='/var/macports/sources/'

echo    "selfupdating & syncing all repositories"
${installPath}/bin/port -d selfupdate
cp -Rv  newPorts/_resources \

echo -e "\ncopy additional files to the ports"
for filesDir in $(find portfiles -type d -name 'files')
    mkdir -p ${installPath}${rsyncMacportsOrg}/${filesDir#*portfiles/}
    cp -Rv ${filesDir}/* \

echo -e "\npatching the portfiles"
for portPatch in $(find portfiles -type f -name 'patch-Portfile')
    patchFile=$( sed -En -e '1,1p' ${portPatch} | tr -s "\t" " " | cut -f2 -d ' ' )
    patch -u <${portPatch} ${patchFile}

echo ''
${installPath}/bin/port outdated

echo -e "\nupgrading the outdated ports"
for outDated in $(${installPath}/bin/port outdated | sed -e '1,1d' | tr -s " \t" | cut -f 1 -d ' ')
    ${installPath}/bin/port -cuRp upgrade ${outDated}

echo -e "\nremoving macport saved files"
find ${installPath} -iname *.mpsaved -delete
find ${installPath} -iname *.mp_* -delete

echo -e "\nremoving inactive ports"
${installPath}/bin/port installed | sed -e '1,1d' -e '/active/d' | xargs -n2 ${installPath}/bin/port uninstall

) ; wait

Script 3: Copying a Port


declare prefix=${2:-"/macports"}

(   cd  $( dirname ${0} )

declare -a info=( $( find "${prefix}"/var/macports/sources/ -iname "${1}" | tr '/' ' ' ) )
declare portName=${info[$(( ${#info[@]}-1 ))]}
declare portCategory=${info[$(( ${#info[@]}-2 ))]}

mkdir -p portfiles/${portCategory}/${portName}
cp ${prefix}/var/macports/sources/${portCategory}/${portName}/Portfile \

) ; wait

Script 4: Creating a Patch for a Port


declare prefix=${1:-"/macports"}
declare rsyncMacportsOrg="/var/macports/sources/"

(   cd $( dirname ${0} )

declare outputFile
declare patchFile

for port in $(find portfiles -name 'Portfile')
    rm ${outputFile} 2>/dev/null
    diff -u \
        ${prefix}${rsyncMacportsOrg}/${port#*/} \
        ${port} \
    > ${outputFile}
    echo "created patch for ${port}"
    mv ${port} ${port}.OK

) ; wait

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Attachments (5)

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