Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of howto/Mame

Nov 3, 2018, 12:48:43 PM (6 years ago)
rubendibattista (Ruben Di Battista)



  • howto/Mame

    v5 v6  
    5050As you can see we finally have the game. Let's try to run it pressing '''Enter'''!l
    52 [[Image(mame-alien-start.png]]
    54 We are in the initial splash scree of the game. Cool! To actually start the game, you need to insert coins. In order to do that, you have to use the keyboard key [5] or [6] (the numbers) to add coins for the 1st or 2nd player respectively. Then you can use the keyboard arrows to move around, and the keys [control] and [option] correspond to the first two buttons of the arcade cabinet. You can find further information on the keys [ here]
     54We are in the initial splash screen of the game. Cool! To actually start the game, you need to insert coins. In order to do that, you have to use the keyboard key (5) or (6) (the numbers) to add coins for the 1st or 2nd player respectively. Then you can use the keyboard arrows to move around, and the keys (control) and (option) correspond to the first two buttons of the arcade cabinet. You can find further information on the keys [ here].
     58=== Adding more material to a ROM
     59Ok, now we can play the game. But that's not everything. We clearly would like to have original artworks and a cool snapshots of the game such that we can see from the MAME dashboard which game are we navigating into. Where do we find them? There are several website, my favourite one is [ Progetto-Snaps]. It was born to provide snapshots, but nowadays you can find whatever resource you want and you can download them in bulk.
     61We'll instead use my ugly screenshot just above. So you take that image, you rename it with the same name of the game ROM, in our case `alienar.png`, and you put it in the folder `snap` (create it before!) within our root folder `mame`.
     63mv alienar.png ~/mame/snap
     66And... tadah! You know have the snapshot in your MAME dashboard.
     68There's more to add, like the artworks (In the `artwork` folder). I'll let you explore a bit on that to configure your MAME installation as you wish!