
Version 2 (modified by rubendibattista (Ruben Di Battista), 6 years ago) (diff)


About Mame

Mame is an open source emulator built to recreate the hardware of old arcade games on your modern computer. The main focus is on documenting the old hardware and the heritage of old arcade games in order to avoid the will be forgotten. To get further informations on the project, you can check here the documentation.


On macports the availabe port to install MAME is mame. Generally we try to stay in track with the last release upstream.

Compiling MAME

The installation of the port requires you to compile it. That takes VERY long time, so when you install it take a hot tea, a bag of cookies and wait for it to finish.

sudo port install mame 

Configuring MAME

Once the port successfully installed, what you're going to have is an executable called mame64. Now, to be able to run the ROMs, we need to build the right filesystem tree in a directory. What I generally do is to create a directory in the root of my home, called, very originally, mame.

mkdir ~/mame

Now if you go inside that directory

cd ~/mame

and you run the mame64 executable inside of it. MAME will run full screen and it will create a folder inside of ~/mame called cfg. That is the folder where MAME stores the configuration files. In the MAME initial dashboard you won't see much for the moment...


Embed an image in wiki-formatted text.

The first argument is the file specification. The file specification may reference attachments in three ways:

  • module:id:file, where module can be either wiki or ticket, to refer to the attachment named file of the specified wiki page or ticket.
  • id:file: same as above, but id is either a ticket shorthand or a Wiki page name.
  • file to refer to a local attachment named 'file'. This only works from within that wiki page or a ticket.

The file specification may also refer to:

  • repository files, using the source:file syntax (source:file@rev works also).
  • files, using direct URLs: /file for a project-relative, //file for a server-relative, or http://server/file for absolute location. An InterWiki prefix may be used.
  • embedded data using the rfc2397 data URL scheme, provided the URL is enclosed in quotes.

The remaining arguments are optional and allow configuring the attributes and style of the rendered <img> element:

  • digits and unit are interpreted as the size (ex. 120px, 25%) for the image
  • right, left, center, top, bottom and middle are interpreted as the alignment for the image (alternatively, the first three can be specified using align=... and the last three using valign=...)
  • link=some TracLinks... replaces the link to the image source by the one specified using a TracLinks. If no value is specified, the link is simply removed.
  • inline specifies that the content generated be an inline XHTML element. By default, inline content is not generated, therefore images won't be rendered in section headings and other one-line content.
  • nolink means without link to image source (deprecated, use link=)
  • key=value style are interpreted as HTML attributes or CSS style indications for the image. Valid keys are:
    • align, valign, border, width, height, alt, title, longdesc, class, margin, margin-(left,right,top,bottom), id and usemap
    • border, margin, and margin-* can only be a single number (units are pixels).
    • margin is superseded by center which uses auto margins


[[Image(photo.jpg)]]               # simplest
[[Image(photo.jpg, 120px)]]        # with image width size
[[Image(photo.jpg, right)]]        # aligned by keyword
[[Image(photo.jpg, nolink)]]       # without link to source
[[Image(photo.jpg, align=right)]]  # aligned by attribute

You can use an image from a wiki page, ticket or other module.

[[Image(OtherPage:foo.bmp)]]    # from a wiki page
[[Image(base/sub:bar.bmp)]]     # from hierarchical wiki page
[[Image(#3:baz.bmp)]]           # from another ticket
[[Image(ticket:36:boo.jpg)]]    # from another ticket (long form)
[[Image(source:/img/bee.jpg)]]  # from the repository
[[Image(htdocs:foo/bar.png)]]   # from project htdocs dir
[[Image(shared:foo/bar.png)]]   # from shared htdocs dir (since 1.0.2)

Adapted from the macro created by Shun-ichi Goto <gotoh@…>

Attachments (5)

Download all attachments as: .zip