Changes between Version 67 and Version 68 of howto

Nov 3, 2018, 12:53:32 PM (6 years ago)
rubendibattista (Ruben Di Battista)

add MAME howto and sort howtos alphabetically


  • howto

    v67 v68  
    1717  * Port building:
     18    * [wiki:howto/CreateInstallers How to create standalone installers with MacPorts]
     19    * [wiki:howto/InstallingOlderPort How to install an older version of a port]
     20    * [wiki:howto/ParallelBuilding How to disable parallel building]
     21    * [wiki:howto/ShareArchives How to share archives between computers under MacPorts 1.0]
     22    * [wiki:howto/ShareArchives2 How to share port archives between computers]
    1823    * [wiki:howto/buildUniversal How to build Universal Binaries]
    1924    * [wiki:howto/ccache How to enable ccache]
    20     * [wiki:howto/ParallelBuilding How to disable parallel building]
    21     * [wiki:howto/InstallingOlderPort How to install an older version of a port]
    22     * [wiki:howto/ShareArchives2 How to share port archives between computers]
    23     * [wiki:howto/ShareArchives How to share archives between computers under MacPorts 1.0]
    24     * [wiki:howto/CreateInstallers How to create standalone installers with MacPorts]
    2727  * Software setup:
    2828    * [wiki:howto/Apache2 How to setup Apache2]
     29    * [wiki:howto/MAMP How to integrate Apache2, PHP, and MySQL (MAMP) ]
     30    * [wiki:howto/Mame How to setup MAME emulator]
    2931    * [wiki:howto/MySQL How to setup MySQL]
     32    * [wiki:howto/Ntfs3gFinder How to configure the Finder to read/write NTFS with the ntfs-3g port]
    3033    * [wiki:howto/PHP How to setup PHP]
    31     * [wiki:howto/MAMP How to integrate Apache2, PHP, and MySQL (MAMP) ]
    32     * [wiki:howto/Subversion How to setup Subversion client or server]
    3334    * [wiki:howto/SetupDovecot How to setup Dovecot IMAP Server]
    3435    * [wiki:howto/SetupFetchmail How to setup Fetchmail mail collector]
     36    * [wiki:howto/SetupInterceptionSquid How to setup an interception/transparent Squid]
    3537    * [wiki:howto/SetupTracAjpWsgi How to use Trac with ajp-wsgi and Apache]
    3638    * [wiki:howto/SetupXymonServer How to setup Xymon Server]
    37     * [wiki:howto/SetupInterceptionSquid How to setup an interception/transparent Squid]
    38     * [wiki:howto/Ntfs3gFinder How to configure the Finder to read/write NTFS with the ntfs-3g port]
     39    * [wiki:howto/Subversion How to setup Subversion client or server]
    4041  * Daily use:
    4344  * Alternatives for syncing the ports tree without rsync:
    4445    * [wiki:howto/PortTreeTarball How to use the Daily Tarball to sync your ports tree]
     46    * [wiki:howto/SyncingWithGit How to use git for syncing the ports tree]
    4547    * [wiki:howto/SyncingWithSVN How to use svn for syncing the ports tree] (deprecated)
    46     * [wiki:howto/SyncingWithGit How to use git for syncing the ports tree]
    4849  * MacPorts Development:
     50    * [wiki:howto/AvoidRedirects How to avoid master_sites redirects]
     51    * [wiki:howto/RunningMaster How to run MacPorts from git master]
    4952    * [wiki:howto/Upgrade How to most effectively upgrade outdated ports] (mostly complete)
    50     * [wiki:howto/RunningMaster How to run MacPorts from git master]
    5153    * [wiki:howto/cpan2port How to create portfiles for CPAN Perl modules]
    52     * [wiki:howto/AvoidRedirects How to avoid master_sites redirects]
    5456== Unfinished HOWTOs ==
    5860  * [wiki:howto/AdvancedDailyAdm Advanced Daily Administration] (script dump)
    59   * [wiki:howto/build64bit How to build 64-bit binaries] (unwritten)
    60   * [wiki:howto/distcc How to enable distcc] (unwritten)
    6161  * [wiki:howto/Koha How to install Koha - Integrated Library System] (unfinished)
    6262  * [wiki:howto/MailServerTutorial How to setup a mail server using MacPorts software] (unfinished)
    7070  * [wiki:howto/SetupProofGeneral How to setup ProofGeneral and Isabelle]
    7171  * [wiki:howto/SourceTrees How to add additional local or remote source trees] (unwritten)
     72  * [wiki:howto/build64bit How to build 64-bit binaries] (unwritten)
     73  * [wiki:howto/distcc How to enable distcc] (unwritten)
    7375There is also a [wiki:howto/Template Template] for new HOWTOs.