= HOWTO section = This section contains some HOWTOs for different things, which users might find useful. == General Notes == Some command you should type in your Terminal are marked with a dollar sign (`$`) in front. Example: {{{ $ sudo port selfupdate }}} == HOWTO Index == * Port building: * [wiki:howto/buildUniversal How to build Universal Binaries] * [wiki:howto/ccache How to enable ccache] * [wiki:howto/ParallelBuilding How to enable parallel building] * [wiki:howto/InstallingOlderPort How to install an older version of a port] * Software setup: * [wiki:howto/MAMP How to get a Apache, PHP, MySQL (MAMP) setup] * [wiki:howto/Subversion How to setup Subversion client or server] * Daily use: * [wiki:howto/bash-completion How to use bash-completion] * Alternatives for syncing the ports tree without rsync: * [wiki:howto/PortTreeTarball How to use the Daily Tarball to sync your ports tree] * [wiki:howto/SyncingWithSVN How to use svn for syncing the ports tree] * MacPorts Development: * [wiki:howto/RunningTrunk How to run MacPorts from the subversion trunk] == Unfinished HOWTOs == Feel free to add HOWTO requests to this list or help out to complete them! * [wiki:howto/SetupDovecot How to setup Dovecot IMAP Server] (unfinished) * [wiki:howto/SetupPostfix How to setup Postfix mail transfer agent] (unfinished) * [wiki:howto/SetupFetchmail How to setup Fetchmail mail collector] (unfinished) * [wiki:howto/distcc How to enable distcc] (unwritten) * [wiki:howto/Proxy How to use a proxy for rsync/HTTP/FTP] (unwritten) * [wiki:howto/SourceTrees How to add additional local or remote source trees] (unwritten) * [wiki:howto/Upgrade How to most effectively upgrade outdated ports] (unwritten, requested) * [wiki:howto/Portfile How to start writing a Portfile] (unwritten, requested) * [wiki:howto/build64bit How to build 64-bit binaries] (unwritten) There is also a [wiki:howto/Template Template] for new HOWTOs.