
Version 5 (modified by jameskyle@…, 15 years ago) (diff)


Open Tickets

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Port
No tickets found

Tickets On Maintained Ports

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Port
#28873 shogun @0.9.3 build failure macports-tickets@… defect new Normal shogun
#34990 shogun: Undefined symbols: _drot_ _dswap_ __gfortran_concat_string _dgemm_ etc. macports-tickets@… defect new Normal shogun
#43806 shogun: swig version check incorrect macports-tickets@… defect new Normal shogun
#47197 cmake-based ports: Switch to cmake 1.1 portgroup macports-tickets@… enhancement new Normal Cockatrice FastAD HDF5-External-Filter-Plugins Io KeePassX PlasmaClient PlasmaShop SDL3-devel SoapySDR TOra Vidalia allegro5 apiextractor autopano-sift-c brotli cableswig cgal5 chemkit chipmunk choqok chromaprint clucene-devel coinor-liblemon converseen cutecom-qt4-mac ebook-tools efte eigen emergent eo ettercap falcon fann freecell-solver gccxml-devel generatorrunner gerbil gmt5 gnss-sdr gnudatalanguage highway iAIDA innoextract jasper jasper2 kst libad9361-iio libbert libbiosig libcec libframe libftdi libhsplasma libjxl libmusicbrainz3 libmusicbrainz5 libsolv libtuxcap llvm-10 llvm-11 llvm-5.0 llvm-6.0 llvm-7.0 llvm-8.0 llvm-9.0 luametatex lzfse mariadb mariadb-10.1 mariadb-10.10 mariadb-10.11 mariadb-10.2 mariadb-10.3 mariadb-10.4 mariadb-10.5 mariadb-10.6 mariadb-10.7 mariadb-10.8 mariadb-10.9 mathgl mlpack mstch mulle-xcode-settings mysql55 mysql55-connector-cpp mysql56 mysql57 netcdf oxygen-gtk2 oxygen-gtk2 oxygen-icons p8-platform pdf2htmlex phonon-backend-gstreamer phonon-backend-gstreamer piklab playerstage-stage plplot510 polyclipping qfsm qjson qlandkartegt qlandkartegt-garmindev rtmidi sdl12-compat shenidam shogun-devel sqliteman streamlog sysdig tasksh telepathy-qt tinyxml tmux-mem-cpu-load viennacl volk-gnss-sdr vramsteg vulkan-loader wireshark2 wireshark22 wireshark3 wireshark30 wxLua xalanc xournalpp yajl zopfli
#54342 atlas @3.10.2_2: update to 3.10.3 Veence update new Normal atlas
#56570 shogun: Update to latest release; delete shogun-devel update new Normal shogun, shogun-devel
#56571 shogun, shogun-devel: error: use of undeclared identifier 'is_error'; did you mean 'mc_error'? defect new Normal shogun, shogun-devel
#57117 upgrade last users of protobuf-cpp to protobuf3-cpp enhancement new Normal shogun-devel sumo

Tickets of Interest to Me

Ticket Summary Owner Type Status Priority Port
No tickets found

Fledgling Mac Science Collaborative