
Version 10 (modified by markemer (Mark Anderson), 8 months ago) (diff)


Mark E. Anderson


Mac and MacPorts user since 2003 and 10.3/10.4

Member of the Apple Developer Program, currently testing macOS 14 Sonoma

Find me on GitHub as markemer

Ports Maintained

Coming Soon

My Tickets

iTerm2 @3.3.9: error: expected ';' after top level declarator
geda-gaf @1.10.0_0 gnetlist xorn.guile import error
geda-gaf @1.10.0: Package requirements (guile-2.2 >= 2.0.10) were not met
geda-gaf @1.10.2_1: gnetlist fails to run with 'xorn-netlist' failed to load
iTerm2: error: property 'safeAreaInsets' not found on object of type 'iTermRootTerminalView *'
Io @2017.09.06: CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
iTerm2 @3.4.15_3: SafeAreaInsets are still breaking builds on older systems
iTerm2 quit unexpectedly
iTerm2 crashed on launch due to missing library BetterFontPicker.
iTerm2: update to 3.4.23