
Version 2 (modified by mojca (Mojca Miklavec), 11 years ago) (diff)

Add the list of maintained ports, add some more ports on the watchlist


I'm (co)maintaining the following ports:


Assigned Tickets

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Reported Tickets

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Me On CC

fluidsynth @2.1.9: build fails on Leopard i386: fluid_coreaudio.c:190: error: ‘AudioComponentDescription’ undeclared

Ports I'm interested in

gnuplot, libcerf

Aquaterm fails to build due to StripNIB failures
gnuplot unable to find wx/wxprec.h
aquaterm fails to build on 10.12 sierra
gnuplot 5.0.5 dash type not working
gnuplot @5.0.5@ on macOS 10.12.1 doesn't show a wxt terminal persistently
cannot paste lines into Gnuplot
Failed to build gnuplot: command execution failed
gnuplot @5.4.2: locale-related free() errors on Tiger/PPC
aquaterm @1.1.1_0: Build failure on 10.4.11 (‘CGFloat’ undeclared)
gnuplot: #include nested too deeply
gnuplot: unknown type name 'uint8_t', 'uint64_t',
gnuplot -Wimplicit?
failing to install gnuplot 5.4.3 apparently bc of llvm-3.7
aquaterm @1.1.1_0 fails to build on M1 MacBook Pro (2020) Sonoma 14.1.2
aquaterm @1.1.1_0 package build errors
gnuplot 6.0.1 will not install on arm64

root, Geant4, Gate, aida, iAIDA, clhep

No results

geant4: careful review of Qt5
clhep @ fails to build on 10.6 due to unsupported thread-local storage
clhep: fails to build on legacy systems
Add option to compile with clang in Geant4 port
geant4 data files fail checksum

gate @8.2+geant4105+qt5: No rule to make target `/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/SDKs/MacOSX10.15.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework', needed by `Gate'. Stop.
gate @8.2_2+geant4105: error: "ROOT requires support for C++14 or higher."
gate: doesn't select default qt / qt5 variant when geant4.10.5 is not yet installed
Unable to install GATE software

wxWidgets, wxWidgets-devel, wxWidgets30

Any reason we do not have wxWidgets-3.1 port?


Qt applications are blurry on MBP Retina
qt4-mac: macdeployqt shows errors when trying to copy in frameworks
qt4-mac @4.8.5_0 missing dependency: qt4-mac-sqlite3-plugin
make Qt4 respect icon visibility preferences in the system tray menu
limit Qt4's menu item placement guessing and the damages it can cause
qt4-mac "noexceptions" variant
qt4-mac +KDE variant.
for the more sensitive among you ..
qt4-mac: macdeployqt broken in 4.8.7_2
qt4-mac +debug: non-debug QtWebkit links to debug frameworks, and QtWebkit_debug does not exist
Qt5 PortGroup : wrong use of qt5.using_kde and +qt5kde
Qt5/qt5-kde PortGroup
qt4-mac @4.8.7: configure not detecting arch properly on PPC64
qt5 clears configure.sdkroot which causes erroneous "SDK does not appear to be installed" warning
qt5: dependent ports fail to build on 10.11 buildbot: could not resolve SDK Path for 'macosx10.11'
qt4-mac fails to install during rev-upgrade which was triggered by a successful xhost install
qt5 @5.15.8+qt5-qtwebengine: App cannot be run on this version of macOS. Qt requires macOS 13.0.0 or later, you have macOS 12.6.0
qt4-mac: fix the build for arm64

TeX Live

texlive-bin @2020.54632_2+x11 build failure with mpfr in /usr/local
texlive +basic +letter "sh: texconfig-sys: command not found"
texlive-bin tries to install stuff in system space even when macports is confihgured to put everything in home dir. [universal, Big Sur]
texlive-bin +universal: ranlib: archive member: libxetex.a(libxetex_a-XeTeXFontMgr_Mac.o) cputype (16777223) does not match previous archive members cputype (7) (all members must match)
texlive-basic: TeX ignores openout_any configuration option
texlive-bin @2022.62882_1+x11 build failure with gmp+mpfr in /usr/local
texlive-bin fails to build with GCC for x86_64 on 10.6.8: error: shift expression overflows
texlive-bin @2022.62882_2 produces an ld warning while building HINT/hitex
texlive-basic @62858_2 misses to install files
texlive-bin @2023.66589 build failure: fatal error: 'mplibps.h' file not found