Changes between Version 14 and Version 15 of snc

Feb 3, 2009, 2:15:56 PM (16 years ago)
nerdling (Jeremy Lavergne)



  • snc

    v14 v15  
    22== MacPorts Guide ==
    33It's a good idea to start out with the [ Portfile Development] section of the MacPorts Guide.  There's a line-by-line explanation in [ Section 4.2] that will help you write a portfile from scratch.
     5Obviously there are always things not listed in the Guide that are useful. For example, if you're developing for mysql5 (or some other package with multiple versions), you specify the binary instead of the port for the dependency:  {{{depends_lib-append path:bin/mysql_config5:mysql5}}}.  The trailing mysql5 indicates which port to be installed if the binary cannot be found.
    46== Portindex ==
    57Once you've created your portfile, it's best to test it with your copy of MacPorts.  The first step is to create a [ local portfile repository] for testing. For this, I suggest creating the directory {{{~/ports}}}.   Inside this new directory, you should run {{{portindex}}} which will create the repository index of everything following the {{{./group/port/Portfile}}} heirarchy.  '''Note:''' This command should be run everytime you make changes as it will include the new index data for MacPorts. Also watch out for any errors it reports, which stop the portfile from showing up in MacPorts.