Changes between Version 7 and Version 8 of snc

Feb 2, 2009, 1:53:19 PM (16 years ago)
nerdling (Jeremy Lavergne)



  • snc

    v7 v8  
    99Now that your copy of MacPorts is able to interact with your portfile, run {{{port lint --nitpick portname}}} to do a maximum compliance check.  If it reports 0 errors and 0 warnings then you're ready to submit your portfile to MacPorts.  The [ Contributing to MacPorts section] in the Guide shows how to create a ticket ensuring quick acceptance of your portfile.
    1010== Disabling Your Local Repository ==
    11 Once you're done with development, you can disable your local repository by commenting the line out of your {{{sources.conf}}} file.  You can optionally delete your directory that contains your work so far.  I suggest keeping it as you can use it for reference when working on future portfiles, and it keeps you from having to recreate the directory.
     11Once you're done with development, you can disable your local repository by commenting the line out of your {{{sources.conf}}} file.  You can optionally delete your repository's directory, however I suggest keeping it as you can use it for reference when working on future portfiles, and it saves you from having to recreate the directory.