Ticket #17783: Portfile.bind9_dlz_mysql.diff

File Portfile.bind9_dlz_mysql.diff, 844 bytes (added by pixilla (Bradley Giesbrecht), 16 years ago)

Portfile patch

  • Portfile

    old new  
    7676platform darwin 6 { depends_lib-append lib:libdl:dlcompat }
     78variant dlz_mysql5 description {Dynamically Loaded Zones support with current MySQL 5.x} {
     79  depends_lib-append \
     80    port:mysql5
     81        # Treads are not safe when bind9 is compiled with dlz-mysql5
     82        configure.args-delete \
     83          --enable-threads
     84        configure.args-append \
     85          --with-dlz-mysql=${workpath}/mysql \
     86                --disable-threads
     87  post-extract {
     88    file mkdir "${workpath}/mysql"
     89    file link -symbolic "${workpath}/mysql/lib" "${prefix}/lib/mysql5"
     90    file link -symbolic "${workpath}/mysql/include" "${prefix}/include/mysql5"
     91                reinplace "s| -lcrypt | |g" \
     92                        ${worksrcpath}/configure \
     93                        ${worksrcpath}/contrib/dlz/config.dlz.in
     94  }