Ticket #17911: rdiff-backup-1-2-8.patch

File rdiff-backup-1-2-8.patch, 1.0 KB (added by ianroberts (Ian Roberts), 15 years ago)

Patch with checksums updated for vesion 1.2.8

  • Portfile

    22PortSystem      1.0
    33PortGroup       python25 1.0
    44name            rdiff-backup
    5 version         1.2.2
     5version         1.2.8
    66categories-append   net sysutils
    77maintainers     nomaintainer
    88description     backs up one directory to another, possibly over a network
    2525homepage        http://www.nongnu.org/rdiff-backup/
    2626master_sites    http://savannah.nongnu.org/download/rdiff-backup/
    2727distname        rdiff-backup-${version}
    28 checksums       md5 b9141e541c1885e858da5c41101aba78 \
    29                 sha1 79e17d27475044c116d10a08cfe46816f74fce85 \
    30                 rmd160 79ce59aecd0a58ac2fff4bb8c34d5fc35f721fc9
     28checksums       md5 1a94dc537fcf74d6a3a80bd27808e77b \
     29                sha1 14ffe4f5b46a8a96ded536c1d03ae5e85faae318 \
     30                rmd160 f7fb7a894afe17b495611a3738c85263ae72b2b5
    3131platforms       darwin
    3333depends_lib-append  port:librsync \