Ticket #2677: Portfile

File Portfile, 1.5 KB (added by pesco@…, 20 years ago)

ATTACHMENT: ion3-3ds-20050116

1# $Id: $
2PortSystem        1.0
3name              ion3
4version           3ds-20050116
5categories        x11-wm x11
6maintainers       pesco@gmx.de
7description       a tiling window manager for keyboard users
8long_description  Ion is a tiling tabbed window manager designed \
9                  with keyboard users in mind. It tries to address \
10                  the navigation problem by dividing the screen into \
11                  mutually non-overlapping frames. As in PWM, the \
12                  frames may have multiple clients attached.
13homepage          http://modeemi.cs.tut.fi/~tuomov/ion/
14master_sites      http://modeemi.cs.tut.fi/~tuomov/ion/dl/
15distname          ion-3ds-20050116
16checksums         md5 77ac5dbbf478f95cb74299092453f9ac
17depends_lib       lib:libX11.6:XFree86 \
18                  lib:libXext.6:XFree86 \
19                  bin:lua:lua \
20                  bin:luac:lua
22configure.args    --disable-shared
23configure.env     CFLAGS=-I${prefix}/include \
24                  LDFLAGS=-L${prefix}/lib \
25                  EXTRA_LIBS=-lintl
26destroot.destdir  VARDIR=${destroot}/var/cache/ion3 \
27                  LOCALEDIR=${destroot}${prefix}/share/locale \
28                  prefix=${destroot}${prefix}
30pre-build {
31    set predirs { libextl libmainloop libtu
32                  mod_dock mod_floatws mod_ionws
33                  mod_menu mod_mgmtmode mod_panews
34                  mod_query mod_sm mod_sp mod_statusbar
35                  de }
36    foreach x ${predirs} {
37        system "cd ${worksrcpath}/${x}; make"
38    }