Ticket #37343: nmap.7.10_1.patch

File nmap.7.10_1.patch, 1.6 KB (added by wyuenho (Jimmy Yuen Ho Wong), 9 years ago)

Macport style hints for editor, revision and force default installation without subversion

  • dports/net/nmap/Portfile

     1# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
    13# $Id$
    35PortSystem 1.0
    57name            nmap
    68version         7.10
     9revision    1
    710categories      net
    811maintainers     darkart.com:opendarwin.org geeklair.net:dluke
    912description     Port scanning utility for large networks
    3538                path:lib/libssl.dylib:openssl \
    3639                port:pcre \
    3740                port:zlib \
    38                 port:apr \
    39                 port:subversion
     41                port:apr
    4143use_bzip2       yes
    4345configure.args  --without-zenmap --without-ndiff \
    44                 --mandir=\\\${prefix}/share/man \
    45                 --infodir=\\\${prefix}/share/info \
    46                 --with-openssl=${prefix} \
    47                 --with-libpcre=${prefix} \
    48                 --with-liblua=included
     46    --mandir=\\\${prefix}/share/man \
     47    --infodir=\\\${prefix}/share/info \
     48    --with-openssl=${prefix} \
     49    --with-libpcre=${prefix} \
     50    --with-liblua=included \
     51    --without-subversion
    5053# nmap's configure script in nselib-bin does not respect --with-liblua=included
    5154# as with many ports, configure fails if nawk is installed, force use of system awk
    6972                        configure.python ${prefix}/bin/python2.7
    7073                        depends_lib-append port:py27-pygtk
    7174                }
     76variant subversion description {build with subversion support} {
     77    configure.args-delete --without-subversion
     78    configure.args-append --with-subversion=${prefix}
     79    depends_lib-append port:subversion