Ticket #37590: Portfile-piklab.diff

File Portfile-piklab.diff, 2.9 KB (added by alexgrach, 12 years ago)
  • Portfile

    old new  
    1 # $Id: Portfile 64763 2010-03-15 16:31:33Z nox@macports.org $
     1# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4
     2# $Id $
    34PortSystem          1.0
     5PortGroup cmake 1.0
    57name                piklab
    6 version             0.15.4
    7 revision            3
     8version             0.16.2
     9revision            0
    810categories          devel
    9 maintainers         tds.net:jwbacon
    10 description         PIC Microcontroller IDE
    11 long_description    Piklab is an integrated development environment (IDE) for applications based on Microchip PIC and dsPIC microcontrollers similar to the MPLAB environment.
    12 homepage            http://piklab.sourceforge.net/
    1311platforms           darwin
    14 master_sites        sourceforge
     12maintainers         tds.net:jwbacon
     13license             GPL-2+
    1514use_bzip2           yes
    17 checksums           md5     34f61db5cf3987740582bde9142befe6 \
    18                     sha1    040c0ac454ef1e1f652effbe55affd953a0f9071 \
    19                     rmd160  375103026545d33f625ff142e90e6c853c7f5498
    21 depends_lib     port:kdelibs3 port:libusb-compat port:jpeg port:readline
    23 configure.args  QTDIR=${prefix}/lib/qt3 --without-arts
    25 post-activate {
    26         ui_msg "
    27 ========================================================================
    28 Piklab is an integrated development environment only.  You must install
    29 a compiler (such as the sdcc port) separately.
    31 See ${homepage} for details.
    33 Piklab also requires X11, which can be installed from the installation
    34 disc that came with your Mac.
    35 ========================================================================"
    36 }
     16description         IDE for applications based on Microchip PIC microcontrollers
     18long_description    Piklab is an integrated development environment (IDE) for applications based on Microchip PIC and dsPIC microcontrollers similar to the MPLAB environment. It integrates with several compiler and assembler toolchains (like gputils, sdcc, c18) and with the GPSim simulator. It supports the most common programmers (serial, parallel, ICD2, Pickit2, PicStart+), the ICD2 debugger, and several bootloaders (Tiny, Pickit2, and Picdem).
     20homepage            http://piklab.sourceforge.net/
     21master_sites        sourceforge:project/piklab/piklab/${version}
     23checksums           rmd160  addaede8899f17f192f02e445ead4ef389874e99 \
     24                    sha256  51de9edda8edb9d2e9d07ed1c479b83b87eb6fb17c85717477f05fac03a5740e
     26depends_build       port:pkgconfig
     28depends_lib         port:qt4-mac \
     29                    port:kdelibs4 \
     30                    port:libusb-compat
     32patchfiles          patch-src-common-port-CMakeLists.txt.diff \
     33                    patch-src-common-port-port.h.diff \
     34                    patch-src-common-port-port.cpp.diff \
     35                    patch-src-progs-gui-port_selector.cpp.diff