1 | 2013-07-10 10:58:46.571701 I Starting mythlogserver |
2 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.926637 I Reschedule requested for PLACE PrepareToRecord |
3 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.926661 I CreateTempTables... |
4 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.927286 D MSqlQuery::exec(SchedCon) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sched_temp_record; |
5 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.930607 D MSqlQuery::exec(SchedCon) CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE sched_temp_record LIKE record; |
6 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.931589 D MSqlQuery::exec(SchedCon) INSERT sched_temp_record SELECT * from record; |
7 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.931919 D MSqlQuery::exec(SchedCon) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sched_temp_recorded; |
8 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.934151 D MSqlQuery::exec(SchedCon) CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE sched_temp_recorded LIKE recorded; |
9 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.935249 D MSqlQuery::exec(SchedCon) INSERT sched_temp_recorded SELECT * from recorded; |
10 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.935309 I BuildWorkList... |
11 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.935323 I AddNewRecords... |
12 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.935829 D MSqlQuery::exec(SchedCon) SELECT recordid, title, maxepisodes, maxnewest FROM sched_temp_record <<<< Returns 4 row(s) |
13 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.935895 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "recordid = 1, title = Default (Template), maxepisodes = 0, maxnewest = 0" |
14 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.935957 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "recordid = 10, title = Garden Smart, maxepisodes = 0, maxnewest = 0" |
15 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.936007 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "recordid = 8, title = PBS NewsHour, maxepisodes = 0, maxnewest = 0" |
16 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.936065 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "recordid = 9, title = The National, maxepisodes = 2, maxnewest = 1" |
17 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.936578 D MSqlQuery::exec(SchedCon) SELECT recpriority, selectclause FROM powerpriority; <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
18 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.936621 I |-- Start DB Query... |
19 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.943635 D MSqlQuery::exec(SchedCon) SELECT c.chanid, c.sourceid, p.starttime, p.endtime, p.title, p.subtitle, p.description, c.channum, c.callsign, c.name, oldrecduplicate, p.category, sched_temp_record.recpriority, sched_temp_record.dupin, recduplicate, findduplicate, sched_temp_record.type, sched_temp_record.recordid, p.starttime - INTERVAL sched_temp_record.startoffset minute AS recstartts, p.endtime + INTERVAL sched_temp_record.endoffset minute AS recendts, p.previouslyshown, sched_temp_record.recgroup, sched_temp_record.dupmethod, c.commmethod, capturecard.cardid, cardinput.cardinputid,p.seriesid, p.programid, sched_temp_record.inetref, p.category_type, p.airdate, p.stars, p.originalairdate, sched_temp_record.inactive, sched_temp_record.parentid, recordmatch.findid, sched_temp_record.playgroup, oldrecstatus.recstatus, oldrecstatus.reactivate, p.videoprop+0, p.subtitletypes+0, p.audioprop+0, sched_temp_record.storagegroup, capturecard.hostname, recordmatch.oldrecstatus, sched_temp_record.avg_delay, oldrecstatus.future, cardinput.schedorder, c.recpriority + cardinput.recpriority + (cardinput.cardinputid = sched_temp_record.prefinput) * 2 AS powerpriority FROM recordmatch INNER JOIN sched_temp_record ON (recordmatch.recordid = sched_temp_record.recordid) INNER JOIN program AS p ON ( recordmatch.chanid = p.chanid AND recordmatch.starttime = p.starttime AND recordmatch.manualid = p.manualid ) INNER JOIN channel AS c ON ( c.chanid = p.chanid ) INNER JOIN cardinput ON (c.sourceid = cardinput.sourceid) INNER JOIN capturecard ON (capturecard.cardid = cardinput.cardid) L |
20 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.943667 I |-- 48 results in 0.00703 sec. Processing... |
21 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.944068 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1162, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-10T15:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-10T15:30:00, title = Garden Smart, subtitle = , description = Planning a garden., channum = 16_2, callsign = WPBS-2, name = WPBS-2, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = How-to, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 1, recordid = 10, recstartts = 2013-07-10T15:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-10T15:30:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 2, cardinputid = 2, seriesid = EP00647273, programid = EP006472730449, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 2012-11-26, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 3, powerpriority = 0" |
22 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.944545 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1162, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-10T15:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-10T15:30:00, title = Garden Smart, subtitle = , description = Planning a garden., channum = 16_2, callsign = WPBS-2, name = WPBS-2, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = How-to, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 1, recordid = 10, recstartts = 2013-07-10T15:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-10T15:30:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 1, cardinputid = 1, seriesid = EP00647273, programid = EP006472730449, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 2012-11-26, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 3, powerpriority = 0" |
23 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.944979 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1111, sourceid = 2, starttime = 2013-07-11T02:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-11T03:00:00, title = The National, subtitle = , description = With Peter Mansbridge., channum = 11_1, callsign = CKWS-DT, name = CKWS-DT, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 9, recstartts = 2013-07-11T02:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-11T03:00:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 3, cardinputid = 3, seriesid = EP00283627, programid = SH002836270000, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1998-09-07, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 1, powerpriority = 0" |
24 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.945416 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1111, sourceid = 2, starttime = 2013-07-11T02:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-11T03:00:00, title = The National, subtitle = , description = With Peter Mansbridge., channum = 11_1, callsign = CKWS-DT, name = CKWS-DT, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 9, recstartts = 2013-07-11T02:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-11T03:00:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 4, cardinputid = 4, seriesid = EP00283627, programid = SH002836270000, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1998-09-07, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 1, powerpriority = 0" |
25 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.945851 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1111, sourceid = 2, starttime = 2013-07-12T02:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-12T03:00:00, title = The National, subtitle = , description = With Peter Mansbridge., channum = 11_1, callsign = CKWS-DT, name = CKWS-DT, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 9, recstartts = 2013-07-12T02:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-12T03:00:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 3, cardinputid = 3, seriesid = EP00283627, programid = SH002836270000, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1998-09-07, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 1, powerpriority = 0" |
26 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.946284 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1111, sourceid = 2, starttime = 2013-07-12T02:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-12T03:00:00, title = The National, subtitle = , description = With Peter Mansbridge., channum = 11_1, callsign = CKWS-DT, name = CKWS-DT, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 9, recstartts = 2013-07-12T02:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-12T03:00:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 4, cardinputid = 4, seriesid = EP00283627, programid = SH002836270000, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1998-09-07, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 1, powerpriority = 0" |
27 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.946719 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1111, sourceid = 2, starttime = 2013-07-13T02:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-13T03:00:00, title = The National, subtitle = , description = With Peter Mansbridge., channum = 11_1, callsign = CKWS-DT, name = CKWS-DT, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 9, recstartts = 2013-07-13T02:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-13T03:00:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 4, cardinputid = 4, seriesid = EP00283627, programid = SH002836270000, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1998-09-07, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 1, powerpriority = 0" |
28 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.947151 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1111, sourceid = 2, starttime = 2013-07-13T02:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-13T03:00:00, title = The National, subtitle = , description = With Peter Mansbridge., channum = 11_1, callsign = CKWS-DT, name = CKWS-DT, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 9, recstartts = 2013-07-13T02:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-13T03:00:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 3, cardinputid = 3, seriesid = EP00283627, programid = SH002836270000, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1998-09-07, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 1, powerpriority = 0" |
29 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.947581 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1111, sourceid = 2, starttime = 2013-07-15T02:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-15T03:00:00, title = The National, subtitle = , description = With Peter Mansbridge., channum = 11_1, callsign = CKWS-DT, name = CKWS-DT, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 9, recstartts = 2013-07-15T02:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-15T03:00:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 3, cardinputid = 3, seriesid = EP00283627, programid = SH002836270000, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1998-09-07, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 1, powerpriority = 0" |
30 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.948021 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1111, sourceid = 2, starttime = 2013-07-15T02:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-15T03:00:00, title = The National, subtitle = , description = With Peter Mansbridge., channum = 11_1, callsign = CKWS-DT, name = CKWS-DT, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 9, recstartts = 2013-07-15T02:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-15T03:00:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 4, cardinputid = 4, seriesid = EP00283627, programid = SH002836270000, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1998-09-07, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 1, powerpriority = 0" |
31 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.948477 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1111, sourceid = 2, starttime = 2013-07-16T02:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-16T03:00:00, title = The National, subtitle = , description = With Peter Mansbridge., channum = 11_1, callsign = CKWS-DT, name = CKWS-DT, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 9, recstartts = 2013-07-16T02:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-16T03:00:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 3, cardinputid = 3, seriesid = EP00283627, programid = SH002836270000, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1998-09-07, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 1, powerpriority = 0" |
32 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.948910 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1111, sourceid = 2, starttime = 2013-07-16T02:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-16T03:00:00, title = The National, subtitle = , description = With Peter Mansbridge., channum = 11_1, callsign = CKWS-DT, name = CKWS-DT, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 9, recstartts = 2013-07-16T02:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-16T03:00:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 4, cardinputid = 4, seriesid = EP00283627, programid = SH002836270000, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1998-09-07, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 1, powerpriority = 0" |
33 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.949352 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1111, sourceid = 2, starttime = 2013-07-17T02:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-17T03:00:00, title = The National, subtitle = , description = With Peter Mansbridge., channum = 11_1, callsign = CKWS-DT, name = CKWS-DT, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 9, recstartts = 2013-07-17T02:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-17T03:00:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 3, cardinputid = 3, seriesid = EP00283627, programid = SH002836270000, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1998-09-07, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 1, powerpriority = 0" |
34 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.949789 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1111, sourceid = 2, starttime = 2013-07-17T02:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-17T03:00:00, title = The National, subtitle = , description = With Peter Mansbridge., channum = 11_1, callsign = CKWS-DT, name = CKWS-DT, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 9, recstartts = 2013-07-17T02:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-17T03:00:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 4, cardinputid = 4, seriesid = EP00283627, programid = SH002836270000, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1998-09-07, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 1, powerpriority = 0" |
35 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.950223 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1111, sourceid = 2, starttime = 2013-07-18T02:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-18T03:00:00, title = The National, subtitle = , description = With Peter Mansbridge., channum = 11_1, callsign = CKWS-DT, name = CKWS-DT, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 9, recstartts = 2013-07-18T02:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-18T03:00:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 3, cardinputid = 3, seriesid = EP00283627, programid = SH002836270000, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1998-09-07, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 1, powerpriority = 0" |
36 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.950651 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1111, sourceid = 2, starttime = 2013-07-18T02:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-18T03:00:00, title = The National, subtitle = , description = With Peter Mansbridge., channum = 11_1, callsign = CKWS-DT, name = CKWS-DT, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 9, recstartts = 2013-07-18T02:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-18T03:00:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 4, cardinputid = 4, seriesid = EP00283627, programid = SH002836270000, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1998-09-07, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 1, powerpriority = 0" |
37 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.951037 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1111, sourceid = 2, starttime = 2013-07-19T02:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-19T03:00:00, title = The National, subtitle = , description = With Peter Mansbridge., channum = 11_1, callsign = CKWS-DT, name = CKWS-DT, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 9, recstartts = 2013-07-19T02:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-19T03:00:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 3, cardinputid = 3, seriesid = EP00283627, programid = SH002836270000, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1998-09-07, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 1, powerpriority = 0" |
38 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.951426 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1111, sourceid = 2, starttime = 2013-07-19T02:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-19T03:00:00, title = The National, subtitle = , description = With Peter Mansbridge., channum = 11_1, callsign = CKWS-DT, name = CKWS-DT, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 9, recstartts = 2013-07-19T02:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-19T03:00:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 4, cardinputid = 4, seriesid = EP00283627, programid = SH002836270000, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1998-09-07, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 1, powerpriority = 0" |
39 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.951821 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1111, sourceid = 2, starttime = 2013-07-20T02:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-20T03:00:00, title = The National, subtitle = , description = With Peter Mansbridge., channum = 11_1, callsign = CKWS-DT, name = CKWS-DT, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 9, recstartts = 2013-07-20T02:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-20T03:00:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 3, cardinputid = 3, seriesid = EP00283627, programid = SH002836270000, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1998-09-07, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 1, powerpriority = 0" |
40 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.952206 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1111, sourceid = 2, starttime = 2013-07-20T02:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-20T03:00:00, title = The National, subtitle = , description = With Peter Mansbridge., channum = 11_1, callsign = CKWS-DT, name = CKWS-DT, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 9, recstartts = 2013-07-20T02:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-20T03:00:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 4, cardinputid = 4, seriesid = EP00283627, programid = SH002836270000, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1998-09-07, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 1, powerpriority = 0" |
41 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.952592 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1111, sourceid = 2, starttime = 2013-07-22T02:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-22T02:10:00, title = The National, subtitle = , description = With Peter Mansbridge., channum = 11_1, callsign = CKWS-DT, name = CKWS-DT, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 9, recstartts = 2013-07-22T02:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-22T02:10:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 3, cardinputid = 3, seriesid = EP00283627, programid = SH002836270000, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1998-09-07, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 1, powerpriority = 0" |
42 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.953003 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1111, sourceid = 2, starttime = 2013-07-22T02:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-22T02:10:00, title = The National, subtitle = , description = With Peter Mansbridge., channum = 11_1, callsign = CKWS-DT, name = CKWS-DT, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 9, recstartts = 2013-07-22T02:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-22T02:10:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 4, cardinputid = 4, seriesid = EP00283627, programid = SH002836270000, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1998-09-07, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 1, powerpriority = 0" |
43 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.953362 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1111, sourceid = 2, starttime = 2013-07-23T02:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-23T03:00:00, title = The National, subtitle = , description = With Peter Mansbridge., channum = 11_1, callsign = CKWS-DT, name = CKWS-DT, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 9, recstartts = 2013-07-23T02:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-23T03:00:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 3, cardinputid = 3, seriesid = EP00283627, programid = SH002836270000, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1998-09-07, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 1, powerpriority = 0" |
44 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.953814 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1111, sourceid = 2, starttime = 2013-07-23T02:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-23T03:00:00, title = The National, subtitle = , description = With Peter Mansbridge., channum = 11_1, callsign = CKWS-DT, name = CKWS-DT, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 9, recstartts = 2013-07-23T02:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-23T03:00:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 4, cardinputid = 4, seriesid = EP00283627, programid = SH002836270000, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1998-09-07, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 1, powerpriority = 0" |
45 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.954224 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1111, sourceid = 2, starttime = 2013-07-24T02:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-24T03:00:00, title = The National, subtitle = , description = With Peter Mansbridge., channum = 11_1, callsign = CKWS-DT, name = CKWS-DT, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 9, recstartts = 2013-07-24T02:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-24T03:00:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 4, cardinputid = 4, seriesid = EP00283627, programid = SH002836270000, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1998-09-07, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 1, powerpriority = 0" |
46 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.954668 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1111, sourceid = 2, starttime = 2013-07-24T02:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-24T03:00:00, title = The National, subtitle = , description = With Peter Mansbridge., channum = 11_1, callsign = CKWS-DT, name = CKWS-DT, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 9, recstartts = 2013-07-24T02:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-24T03:00:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 3, cardinputid = 3, seriesid = EP00283627, programid = SH002836270000, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1998-09-07, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 1, powerpriority = 0" |
47 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.955026 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1163, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-10T23:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-11T00:00:00, title = PBS NewsHour, subtitle = , description = , channum = 16_3, callsign = WPBS-HD, name = WPBS-HD, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 8, recstartts = 2013-07-10T23:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-11T00:00:00, previouslyshown = 0, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 2, cardinputid = 2, seriesid = EP01196307, programid = EP011963070940, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 2013-07-10, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 1, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 3, powerpriority = 0" |
48 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.955387 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1163, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-10T23:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-11T00:00:00, title = PBS NewsHour, subtitle = , description = , channum = 16_3, callsign = WPBS-HD, name = WPBS-HD, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 8, recstartts = 2013-07-10T23:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-11T00:00:00, previouslyshown = 0, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 1, cardinputid = 1, seriesid = EP01196307, programid = EP011963070940, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 2013-07-10, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 1, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 3, powerpriority = 0" |
49 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.955745 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1163, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-11T23:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-12T00:00:00, title = PBS NewsHour, subtitle = , description = , channum = 16_3, callsign = WPBS-HD, name = WPBS-HD, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 8, recstartts = 2013-07-11T23:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-12T00:00:00, previouslyshown = 0, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 1, cardinputid = 1, seriesid = EP01196307, programid = EP011963070941, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 2013-07-11, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 1, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 3, powerpriority = 0" |
50 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.956105 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1163, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-11T23:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-12T00:00:00, title = PBS NewsHour, subtitle = , description = , channum = 16_3, callsign = WPBS-HD, name = WPBS-HD, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 8, recstartts = 2013-07-11T23:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-12T00:00:00, previouslyshown = 0, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 2, cardinputid = 2, seriesid = EP01196307, programid = EP011963070941, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 2013-07-11, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 1, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 3, powerpriority = 0" |
51 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.956459 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1163, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-12T23:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-13T00:00:00, title = PBS NewsHour, subtitle = , description = , channum = 16_3, callsign = WPBS-HD, name = WPBS-HD, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 8, recstartts = 2013-07-12T23:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-13T00:00:00, previouslyshown = 0, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 1, cardinputid = 1, seriesid = EP01196307, programid = EP011963070942, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 2013-07-12, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 1, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 3, powerpriority = 0" |
52 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.956819 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1163, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-12T23:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-13T00:00:00, title = PBS NewsHour, subtitle = , description = , channum = 16_3, callsign = WPBS-HD, name = WPBS-HD, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 8, recstartts = 2013-07-12T23:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-13T00:00:00, previouslyshown = 0, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 2, cardinputid = 2, seriesid = EP01196307, programid = EP011963070942, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 2013-07-12, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 1, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 3, powerpriority = 0" |
53 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.957181 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1163, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-15T23:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-16T00:00:00, title = PBS NewsHour, subtitle = , description = , channum = 16_3, callsign = WPBS-HD, name = WPBS-HD, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 8, recstartts = 2013-07-15T23:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-16T00:00:00, previouslyshown = 0, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 2, cardinputid = 2, seriesid = EP01196307, programid = EP011963070943, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 2013-07-15, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 1, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 3, powerpriority = 0" |
54 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.957535 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1163, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-15T23:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-16T00:00:00, title = PBS NewsHour, subtitle = , description = , channum = 16_3, callsign = WPBS-HD, name = WPBS-HD, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 8, recstartts = 2013-07-15T23:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-16T00:00:00, previouslyshown = 0, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 1, cardinputid = 1, seriesid = EP01196307, programid = EP011963070943, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 2013-07-15, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 1, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 3, powerpriority = 0" |
55 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.957899 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1163, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-16T23:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-17T00:00:00, title = PBS NewsHour, subtitle = , description = , channum = 16_3, callsign = WPBS-HD, name = WPBS-HD, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 8, recstartts = 2013-07-16T23:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-17T00:00:00, previouslyshown = 0, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 1, cardinputid = 1, seriesid = EP01196307, programid = EP011963070944, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 2013-07-16, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 1, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 3, powerpriority = 0" |
56 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.958255 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1163, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-16T23:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-17T00:00:00, title = PBS NewsHour, subtitle = , description = , channum = 16_3, callsign = WPBS-HD, name = WPBS-HD, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 8, recstartts = 2013-07-16T23:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-17T00:00:00, previouslyshown = 0, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 2, cardinputid = 2, seriesid = EP01196307, programid = EP011963070944, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 2013-07-16, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 1, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 3, powerpriority = 0" |
57 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.958636 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1163, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-17T23:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-18T00:00:00, title = PBS NewsHour, subtitle = , description = , channum = 16_3, callsign = WPBS-HD, name = WPBS-HD, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 8, recstartts = 2013-07-17T23:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-18T00:00:00, previouslyshown = 0, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 1, cardinputid = 1, seriesid = EP01196307, programid = EP011963070945, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 2013-07-17, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 1, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 3, powerpriority = 0" |
58 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.958987 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1163, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-17T23:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-18T00:00:00, title = PBS NewsHour, subtitle = , description = , channum = 16_3, callsign = WPBS-HD, name = WPBS-HD, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 8, recstartts = 2013-07-17T23:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-18T00:00:00, previouslyshown = 0, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 2, cardinputid = 2, seriesid = EP01196307, programid = EP011963070945, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 2013-07-17, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 1, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 3, powerpriority = 0" |
59 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.959347 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1163, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-18T23:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-19T00:00:00, title = PBS NewsHour, subtitle = , description = , channum = 16_3, callsign = WPBS-HD, name = WPBS-HD, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 8, recstartts = 2013-07-18T23:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-19T00:00:00, previouslyshown = 0, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 1, cardinputid = 1, seriesid = EP01196307, programid = EP011963070946, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 2013-07-18, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 1, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 3, powerpriority = 0" |
60 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.959700 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1163, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-18T23:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-19T00:00:00, title = PBS NewsHour, subtitle = , description = , channum = 16_3, callsign = WPBS-HD, name = WPBS-HD, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 8, recstartts = 2013-07-18T23:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-19T00:00:00, previouslyshown = 0, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 2, cardinputid = 2, seriesid = EP01196307, programid = EP011963070946, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 2013-07-18, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 1, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 3, powerpriority = 0" |
61 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.960050 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1163, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-19T23:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-20T00:00:00, title = PBS NewsHour, subtitle = , description = , channum = 16_3, callsign = WPBS-HD, name = WPBS-HD, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 8, recstartts = 2013-07-19T23:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-20T00:00:00, previouslyshown = 0, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 1, cardinputid = 1, seriesid = EP01196307, programid = EP011963070947, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 2013-07-19, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 1, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 3, powerpriority = 0" |
62 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.960408 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1163, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-19T23:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-20T00:00:00, title = PBS NewsHour, subtitle = , description = , channum = 16_3, callsign = WPBS-HD, name = WPBS-HD, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 8, recstartts = 2013-07-19T23:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-20T00:00:00, previouslyshown = 0, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 2, cardinputid = 2, seriesid = EP01196307, programid = EP011963070947, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 2013-07-19, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 1, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 3, powerpriority = 0" |
63 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.960761 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1163, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-22T23:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-23T00:00:00, title = PBS NewsHour, subtitle = , description = , channum = 16_3, callsign = WPBS-HD, name = WPBS-HD, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 8, recstartts = 2013-07-22T23:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-23T00:00:00, previouslyshown = 0, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 2, cardinputid = 2, seriesid = EP01196307, programid = EP011963070948, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 2013-07-22, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 1, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 3, powerpriority = 0" |
64 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.961112 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1163, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-22T23:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-23T00:00:00, title = PBS NewsHour, subtitle = , description = , channum = 16_3, callsign = WPBS-HD, name = WPBS-HD, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 8, recstartts = 2013-07-22T23:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-23T00:00:00, previouslyshown = 0, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 1, cardinputid = 1, seriesid = EP01196307, programid = EP011963070948, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 2013-07-22, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 1, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 3, powerpriority = 0" |
65 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.961466 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1163, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-23T23:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-24T00:00:00, title = PBS NewsHour, subtitle = , description = , channum = 16_3, callsign = WPBS-HD, name = WPBS-HD, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 8, recstartts = 2013-07-23T23:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-24T00:00:00, previouslyshown = 0, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 1, cardinputid = 1, seriesid = EP01196307, programid = EP011963070949, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 2013-07-23, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 1, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 3, powerpriority = 0" |
66 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.961825 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1163, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-23T23:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-24T00:00:00, title = PBS NewsHour, subtitle = , description = , channum = 16_3, callsign = WPBS-HD, name = WPBS-HD, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 8, recstartts = 2013-07-23T23:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-24T00:00:00, previouslyshown = 0, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 2, cardinputid = 2, seriesid = EP01196307, programid = EP011963070949, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 2013-07-23, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 1, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 3, powerpriority = 0" |
67 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.962179 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1163, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-24T23:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-25T00:00:00, title = PBS NewsHour, subtitle = , description = , channum = 16_3, callsign = WPBS-HD, name = WPBS-HD, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 8, recstartts = 2013-07-24T23:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-25T00:00:00, previouslyshown = 0, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 1, cardinputid = 1, seriesid = EP01196307, programid = EP011963070950, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 2013-07-24, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 1, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 3, powerpriority = 0" |
68 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.962528 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1163, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-24T23:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-25T00:00:00, title = PBS NewsHour, subtitle = , description = , channum = 16_3, callsign = WPBS-HD, name = WPBS-HD, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = News, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 2, recordid = 8, recstartts = 2013-07-24T23:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-25T00:00:00, previouslyshown = 0, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 2, cardinputid = 2, seriesid = EP01196307, programid = EP011963070950, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 2013-07-24, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, findid = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 1, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, p.audioprop+0 = 1, storagegroup = Default, hostname = uriel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 1, schedorder = 3, powerpriority = 0" |
69 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.962611 I +-- Cleanup... |
70 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.962685 I AddNotListed... |
71 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.962708 I |-- Start DB Query... |
72 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.963549 D MSqlQuery::exec(SchedCon) SELECT record.title, record.subtitle, record.description, record.season, record.episode, record.category, record.chanid, channel.channum, record.station, channel.name, record.recgroup, record.playgroup, record.seriesid, record.programid, record.inetref, record.recpriority, record.startdate, record.starttime, record.enddate, record.endtime, record.recordid, record.type, record.dupin, record.dupmethod, record.findid, record.startoffset, record.endoffset, channel.commmethod FROM record INNER JOIN channel ON (channel.chanid = record.chanid) LEFT JOIN recordmatch on record.recordid = recordmatch.recordid WHERE (type = 1 OR type = 2 OR type = 5 OR type = 7) AND recordmatch.chanid IS NULL <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
73 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.963564 I |-- 0 results in 0.000847 sec. Processing... |
74 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.963598 I Sort by time... |
75 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.963728 I PruneOverlaps... |
76 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.963744 I Sort by priority... |
77 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.963914 I BuildListMaps... |
78 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.963964 I SchedNewRecords... |
79 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.963967 D + = schedule this showing to be recorded |
80 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.963970 D # = could not schedule this showing, retry later |
81 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.963973 D ! = conflict caused by this showing |
82 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.963976 D / = retry this showing, same priority pass |
83 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.963980 D ? = retry this showing, lower priority pass |
84 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.963983 D > = try another showing for this program |
85 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.963986 D % = found another showing, same priority required |
86 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.964141 D $ = found another showing, lower priority allowed |
87 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.964145 D - = unschedule a showing in favor of another one |
88 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.964211 I +Garden Smart 16_2 WPBS-2 10 11:00-11:30 1 1 1 S 1 1/3 |
89 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.964421 I +PBS NewsHour 16_3 WPBS-HD 10 19:00-20:00 1 1 1 T 1 0/3 |
90 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.964643 I +The National 11_1 CKWS-DT 10 22:00-23:00 2 3 3 T 3 0/1 |
91 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.964722 I +PBS NewsHour 16_3 WPBS-HD 11 19:00-20:00 1 1 1 T 1 0/3 |
92 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.964940 I +The National 11_1 CKWS-DT 11 22:00-23:00 2 3 3 T 3 0/1 |
93 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.965158 I +PBS NewsHour 16_3 WPBS-HD 12 19:00-20:00 1 1 1 T 1 0/3 |
94 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.965375 I +The National 11_1 CKWS-DT 12 22:00-23:00 2 3 3 T 3 0/1 |
95 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.965597 I +The National 11_1 CKWS-DT 14 22:00-23:00 2 3 3 T 3 0/1 |
96 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.965838 I +PBS NewsHour 16_3 WPBS-HD 15 19:00-20:00 1 1 1 T 1 0/3 |
97 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.966087 I +The National 11_1 CKWS-DT 15 22:00-23:00 2 3 3 T 3 0/1 |
98 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.966320 I +PBS NewsHour 16_3 WPBS-HD 16 19:00-20:00 1 1 1 T 1 0/3 |
99 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.966547 I +The National 11_1 CKWS-DT 16 22:00-23:00 2 3 3 T 3 0/1 |
100 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.966780 I +PBS NewsHour 16_3 WPBS-HD 17 19:00-20:00 1 1 1 T 1 0/3 |
101 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.967136 I +The National 11_1 CKWS-DT 17 22:00-23:00 2 3 3 T 3 0/1 |
102 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.967370 I +PBS NewsHour 16_3 WPBS-HD 18 19:00-20:00 1 1 1 T 1 0/3 |
103 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.967629 I +The National 11_1 CKWS-DT 18 22:00-23:00 2 3 3 T 3 0/1 |
104 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.967868 I +PBS NewsHour 16_3 WPBS-HD 19 19:00-20:00 1 1 1 T 1 0/3 |
105 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.968098 I +The National 11_1 CKWS-DT 19 22:00-23:00 2 3 3 T 3 0/1 |
106 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.968331 I +The National 11_1 CKWS-DT 21 22:00-22:10 2 3 3 T 3 0/1 |
107 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.968571 I +PBS NewsHour 16_3 WPBS-HD 22 19:00-20:00 1 1 1 T 1 0/3 |
108 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.969222 I +The National 11_1 CKWS-DT 22 22:00-23:00 2 3 3 T 3 0/1 |
109 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.969476 I +PBS NewsHour 16_3 WPBS-HD 23 19:00-20:00 1 1 1 T 1 0/3 |
110 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.969713 I +The National 11_1 CKWS-DT 23 22:00-23:00 2 3 3 T 3 0/1 |
111 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.969971 I +PBS NewsHour 16_3 WPBS-HD 24 19:00-20:00 1 1 1 T 1 0/3 |
112 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.970108 I SchedPreserveLiveTV... |
113 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.971127 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'livetvpriority' AND hostname = 'uriel.local' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
114 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.972123 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'livetvpriority' AND hostname IS NULL <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
115 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.972146 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "data = 0" |
116 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.972307 I ClearListMaps... |
117 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.972379 I Sort by time... |
118 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.972685 I PruneRedundants... |
119 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.972983 I Sort by time... |
120 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.973014 I ClearWorkList... |
121 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.973265 I DeleteTempTables... |
122 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.974625 D MSqlQuery::exec(SchedCon) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sched_temp_record; |
123 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.975103 D MSqlQuery::exec(SchedCon) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sched_temp_recorded; |
124 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.975445 D MSqlQuery::exec(SchedCon) SELECT recordid, next_record FROM record; <<<< Returns 4 row(s) |
125 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.975552 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "recordid = 1, next_record = " |
126 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.975603 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "recordid = 10, next_record = 2013-07-10T15:00:00" |
127 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.975648 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "recordid = 8, next_record = 2013-07-10T23:00:00" |
128 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.975692 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "recordid = 9, next_record = 2013-07-11T02:00:00" |
129 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.975771 I --- print list start --- |
130 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.975776 I Title - Subtitle Ch Station Day Start End S C I T N Pri |
131 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.975820 I Garden Smart 16_2 WPBS-2 10 11:00-11:30 1 1 1 S 1 1 |
132 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.975851 I PBS NewsHour 16_3 WPBS-HD 10 19:00-20:00 1 1 1 T 1 0 |
133 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.975881 I The National 11_1 CKWS-DT 10 22:00-23:00 2 3 3 T 3 0 |
134 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.975911 I PBS NewsHour 16_3 WPBS-HD 11 19:00-20:00 1 1 1 T 1 0 |
135 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.975941 I The National 11_1 CKWS-DT 11 22:00-23:00 2 3 3 T 3 0 |
136 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.976077 I PBS NewsHour 16_3 WPBS-HD 12 19:00-20:00 1 1 1 T 1 0 |
137 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.976112 I The National 11_1 CKWS-DT 12 22:00-23:00 2 3 3 T 3 0 |
138 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.976146 I The National 11_1 CKWS-DT 14 22:00-23:00 2 3 3 T 3 0 |
139 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.976286 I PBS NewsHour 16_3 WPBS-HD 15 19:00-20:00 1 1 1 T 1 0 |
140 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.976318 I The National 11_1 CKWS-DT 15 22:00-23:00 2 3 3 T 3 0 |
141 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.976455 I PBS NewsHour 16_3 WPBS-HD 16 19:00-20:00 1 1 1 T 1 0 |
142 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.976487 I The National 11_1 CKWS-DT 16 22:00-23:00 2 3 3 T 3 0 |
143 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.976623 I PBS NewsHour 16_3 WPBS-HD 17 19:00-20:00 1 1 1 T 1 0 |
144 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.976655 I The National 11_1 CKWS-DT 17 22:00-23:00 2 3 3 T 3 0 |
145 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.976790 I PBS NewsHour 16_3 WPBS-HD 18 19:00-20:00 1 1 1 T 1 0 |
146 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.976822 I The National 11_1 CKWS-DT 18 22:00-23:00 2 3 3 T 3 0 |
147 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.976956 I PBS NewsHour 16_3 WPBS-HD 19 19:00-20:00 1 1 1 T 1 0 |
148 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.976992 I The National 11_1 CKWS-DT 19 22:00-23:00 2 3 3 T 3 0 |
149 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.977128 I The National 11_1 CKWS-DT 21 22:00-22:10 2 3 3 T 3 0 |
150 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.977204 I PBS NewsHour 16_3 WPBS-HD 22 19:00-20:00 1 1 1 T 1 0 |
151 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.977238 I The National 11_1 CKWS-DT 22 22:00-23:00 2 3 3 T 3 0 |
152 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.977272 I PBS NewsHour 16_3 WPBS-HD 23 19:00-20:00 1 1 1 T 1 0 |
153 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.977303 I The National 11_1 CKWS-DT 23 22:00-23:00 2 3 3 T 3 0 |
154 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.977333 I PBS NewsHour 16_3 WPBS-HD 24 19:00-20:00 1 1 1 T 1 0 |
155 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.977341 I --- print list end --- |
156 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.977387 I Scheduled 24 items in 0.0 = 0.00 match + 0.00 check + 0.04 place |
157 | 2013-07-10 10:59:05.977853 I sleeping for 5000 ms (interuptable) |
158 | 2013-07-10 10:59:10.377700 I JobQueue: Currently set to run up to 1 job(s) max. |
159 | 2013-07-10 10:59:10.378813 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager4) SELECT j.id, j.chanid, j.starttime, j.inserttime, j.type, j.cmds, j.flags, j.status, j.statustime, j.hostname, j.args, j.comment, r.endtime, j.schedruntime FROM jobqueue j LEFT JOIN recorded r ON j.chanid = r.chanid AND j.starttime = r.starttime ORDER BY j.schedruntime, j.id; <<<< Returns 12 row(s) |
160 | 2013-07-10 10:59:10.378838 I JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: findJobs search bitmask 4, found 12 total jobs |
161 | 2013-07-10 10:59:10.379121 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager4) Result: "id = 1, chanid = 1163, starttime = 2013-07-07T20:00:00, inserttime = 2013-07-07T20:00:00, type = 4, cmds = 0, flags = 2, status = 272, statustime = 2013-07-07T22:25:21, hostname = uriel.local, args = , comment = Metadata Lookup Complete., endtime = 2013-07-07T22:24:51, schedruntime = 2013-07-07T20:00:00" |
162 | 2013-07-10 10:59:10.379227 I JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Look up Metadata' Job for chanid 1163 @ 20130707200000 in Finished state. |
163 | 2013-07-10 10:59:10.379470 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager4) Result: "id = 2, chanid = 1163, starttime = 2013-07-07T20:00:00, inserttime = 2013-07-07T22:24:51, type = 2, cmds = 0, flags = 0, status = 272, statustime = 2013-07-07T22:35:30, hostname = uriel.local, args = , comment = 0 commercial breaks, endtime = 2013-07-07T22:24:51, schedruntime = 2013-07-07T22:24:51" |
164 | 2013-07-10 10:59:10.379562 I JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials' Job for chanid 1163 @ 20130707200000 in Finished state. |
165 | 2013-07-10 10:59:10.379806 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager4) Result: "id = 6, chanid = 1071, starttime = 2013-07-07T23:05:00, inserttime = 2013-07-07T23:05:08, type = 4, cmds = 0, flags = 2, status = 272, statustime = 2013-07-08T00:00:26, hostname = uriel.local, args = , comment = Metadata Lookup Complete., endtime = 2013-07-08T00:00:00, schedruntime = 2013-07-07T23:05:08" |
166 | 2013-07-10 10:59:10.379897 I JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Look up Metadata' Job for chanid 1071 @ 20130707230500 in Finished state. |
167 | 2013-07-10 10:59:10.380138 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager4) Result: "id = 7, chanid = 1071, starttime = 2013-07-07T23:05:00, inserttime = 2013-07-08T00:00:00, type = 2, cmds = 0, flags = 0, status = 272, statustime = 2013-07-08T00:30:30, hostname = uriel.local, args = , comment = 2 commercial breaks, endtime = 2013-07-08T00:00:00, schedruntime = 2013-07-08T00:00:00" |
168 | 2013-07-10 10:59:10.380216 I JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials' Job for chanid 1071 @ 20130707230500 in Finished state. |
169 | 2013-07-10 10:59:10.380425 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager4) Result: "id = 10, chanid = 1163, starttime = 2013-07-08T01:00:00, inserttime = 2013-07-08T01:00:28, type = 4, cmds = 0, flags = 2, status = 272, statustime = 2013-07-08T02:30:20, hostname = uriel.local, args = , comment = Metadata Lookup Complete., endtime = 2013-07-08T02:30:00, schedruntime = 2013-07-08T01:00:28" |
170 | 2013-07-10 10:59:10.380503 I JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Look up Metadata' Job for chanid 1163 @ 20130708010000 in Finished state. |
171 | 2013-07-10 10:59:10.380710 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager4) Result: "id = 11, chanid = 1163, starttime = 2013-07-08T01:00:00, inserttime = 2013-07-08T02:30:00, type = 2, cmds = 0, flags = 0, status = 272, statustime = 2013-07-08T02:42:41, hostname = uriel.local, args = , comment = 2 commercial breaks, endtime = 2013-07-08T02:30:00, schedruntime = 2013-07-08T02:30:00" |
172 | 2013-07-10 10:59:10.380788 I JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials' Job for chanid 1163 @ 20130708010000 in Finished state. |
173 | 2013-07-10 10:59:10.380997 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager4) Result: "id = 12, chanid = 1163, starttime = 2013-07-08T23:00:00, inserttime = 2013-07-08T23:00:00, type = 4, cmds = 0, flags = 2, status = 272, statustime = 2013-07-09T00:00:30, hostname = uriel.local, args = , comment = Metadata Lookup Complete., endtime = 2013-07-09T00:00:00, schedruntime = 2013-07-08T23:00:00" |
174 | 2013-07-10 10:59:10.381074 I JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Look up Metadata' Job for chanid 1163 @ 20130708230000 in Finished state. |
175 | 2013-07-10 10:59:10.381275 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager4) Result: "id = 13, chanid = 1163, starttime = 2013-07-08T23:00:00, inserttime = 2013-07-09T00:00:00, type = 2, cmds = 0, flags = 0, status = 272, statustime = 2013-07-09T00:22:13, hostname = uriel.local, args = , comment = 2 commercial breaks, endtime = 2013-07-09T00:00:00, schedruntime = 2013-07-09T00:00:00" |
176 | 2013-07-10 10:59:10.381344 I JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials' Job for chanid 1163 @ 20130708230000 in Finished state. |
177 | 2013-07-10 10:59:10.381526 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager4) Result: "id = 14, chanid = 1163, starttime = 2013-07-09T23:00:00, inserttime = 2013-07-09T23:00:00, type = 4, cmds = 0, flags = 2, status = 272, statustime = 2013-07-10T00:00:31, hostname = uriel.local, args = , comment = Metadata Lookup Complete., endtime = 2013-07-10T00:00:00, schedruntime = 2013-07-09T23:00:00" |
178 | 2013-07-10 10:59:10.381595 I JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Look up Metadata' Job for chanid 1163 @ 20130709230000 in Finished state. |
179 | 2013-07-10 10:59:10.381778 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager4) Result: "id = 15, chanid = 1163, starttime = 2013-07-09T23:00:00, inserttime = 2013-07-10T00:00:00, type = 2, cmds = 0, flags = 0, status = 272, statustime = 2013-07-10T00:22:12, hostname = uriel.local, args = , comment = 1 commercial breaks, endtime = 2013-07-10T00:00:00, schedruntime = 2013-07-10T00:00:00" |
180 | 2013-07-10 10:59:10.381846 I JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials' Job for chanid 1163 @ 20130709230000 in Finished state. |
181 | 2013-07-10 10:59:10.382028 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager4) Result: "id = 16, chanid = 1111, starttime = 2013-07-10T02:00:00, inserttime = 2013-07-10T02:00:00, type = 4, cmds = 0, flags = 2, status = 272, statustime = 2013-07-10T03:00:42, hostname = uriel.local, args = , comment = Metadata Lookup Complete., endtime = 2013-07-10T03:00:00, schedruntime = 2013-07-10T02:00:00" |
182 | 2013-07-10 10:59:10.382096 I JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Look up Metadata' Job for chanid 1111 @ 20130710020000 in Finished state. |
183 | 2013-07-10 10:59:10.382278 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager4) Result: "id = 17, chanid = 1111, starttime = 2013-07-10T02:00:00, inserttime = 2013-07-10T03:00:00, type = 2, cmds = 0, flags = 0, status = 272, statustime = 2013-07-10T03:18:49, hostname = uriel.local, args = , comment = 2 commercial breaks, endtime = 2013-07-10T03:00:00, schedruntime = 2013-07-10T03:00:00" |
184 | 2013-07-10 10:59:10.382347 I JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Flag Commercials' Job for chanid 1111 @ 20130710020000 in Finished state. |
185 | 2013-07-10 10:59:10.978346 I sleeping for 5000 ms (interuptable) |
186 | 2013-07-10 10:59:15.979657 I sleeping for 5000 ms (interuptable) |
187 | 2013-07-10 10:59:16.603370 I Starting mythlogserver |
188 | 2013-07-10 10:59:19.405656 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager10) SELECT chanid, starttime, lastupdatetime, recusage, hostname FROM inuseprograms <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
189 | 2013-07-10 10:59:20.980992 I sleeping for 5000 ms (interuptable) |
190 | 2013-07-10 10:59:22.246696 I Running housekeeping thread |
191 | 2013-07-10 10:59:22.247451 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager8) SELECT lastrun FROM housekeeping WHERE tag = 'LogClean' ; <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
192 | 2013-07-10 10:59:22.247550 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager8) Result: "lastrun = 2013-07-10T11:33:28" |
193 | 2013-07-10 10:59:22.248021 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager8) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM videosource WHERE xmltvgrabber IN ( 'datadirect', 'technovera', 'schedulesdirect1' ); <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
194 | 2013-07-10 10:59:22.248057 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager8) Result: "COUNT(*) = 2" |
195 | 2013-07-10 10:59:22.248542 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager8) SELECT lastrun FROM housekeeping WHERE tag = 'MythFillDB' ; <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
196 | 2013-07-10 10:59:22.248609 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager8) Result: "lastrun = 2013-07-10T11:38:34" |
197 | 2013-07-10 10:59:22.249121 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager8) SELECT lastrun FROM housekeeping WHERE tag = 'DailyCleanup' ; <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
198 | 2013-07-10 10:59:22.249195 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager8) Result: "lastrun = 2013-07-09T21:54:39" |
199 | 2013-07-10 10:59:22.249716 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager8) SELECT lastrun FROM housekeeping WHERE tag = 'ThemeChooserInfoCacheUpdate' ; <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
200 | 2013-07-10 10:59:22.249789 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager8) Result: "lastrun = 2013-07-10T00:01:16" |
201 | 2013-07-10 10:59:22.250263 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager8) SELECT lastrun FROM housekeeping WHERE tag = 'JobQueueRecover-uriel.local' ; <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
202 | 2013-07-10 10:59:22.250322 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager8) Result: "lastrun = 2013-07-09T20:53:56" |
203 | 2013-07-10 10:59:25.982353 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT inputgroupid FROM inputgroup WHERE cardinputid = '1' ORDER BY inputgroupid, cardinputid, inputgroupname <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
204 | 2013-07-10 10:59:25.982394 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "inputgroupid = 1" |
205 | 2013-07-10 10:59:25.982450 I CardUtil: Group ID 1 |
206 | 2013-07-10 10:59:25.983005 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT DISTINCT cardid FROM cardinput, inputgroup WHERE inputgroupid = '1' AND cardinput.cardinputid = inputgroup.cardinputid ORDER BY cardid <<<< Returns 2 row(s) |
207 | 2013-07-10 10:59:25.983033 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "cardid = 1" |
208 | 2013-07-10 10:59:25.983058 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "cardid = 2" |
209 | 2013-07-10 10:59:25.983283 I CardUtil: Card ID 2 |
210 | 2013-07-10 10:59:25.983365 I sleeping for 5000 ms (interuptable) |
211 | 2013-07-10 10:59:30.985205 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT inputgroupid FROM inputgroup WHERE cardinputid = '1' ORDER BY inputgroupid, cardinputid, inputgroupname <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
212 | 2013-07-10 10:59:30.985244 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "inputgroupid = 1" |
213 | 2013-07-10 10:59:30.985301 I CardUtil: Group ID 1 |
214 | 2013-07-10 10:59:30.985837 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT DISTINCT cardid FROM cardinput, inputgroup WHERE inputgroupid = '1' AND cardinput.cardinputid = inputgroup.cardinputid ORDER BY cardid <<<< Returns 2 row(s) |
215 | 2013-07-10 10:59:30.985864 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "cardid = 1" |
216 | 2013-07-10 10:59:30.985889 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "cardid = 2" |
217 | 2013-07-10 10:59:30.985941 I CardUtil: Card ID 2 |
218 | 2013-07-10 10:59:30.985990 I Scheduler: FillRecordingDir: Starting |
219 | 2013-07-10 10:59:30.986608 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT DISTINCT dirname FROM storagegroup WHERE groupname = 'Default' AND hostname = 'uriel.local' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
220 | 2013-07-10 10:59:30.986636 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "dirname = /Volumes/MythTV/" |
221 | 2013-07-10 10:59:30.987171 I Scheduler: FillRecordingDir: Finished |
222 | 2013-07-10 10:59:30.987323 I TVRec(1): RecordPending on inputid 1 |
223 | 2013-07-10 10:59:30.988054 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT inputgroupid FROM inputgroup WHERE cardinputid = '1' ORDER BY inputgroupid, cardinputid, inputgroupname <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
224 | 2013-07-10 10:59:30.988082 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "inputgroupid = 1" |
225 | 2013-07-10 10:59:30.988130 I CardUtil: Group ID 1 |
226 | 2013-07-10 10:59:30.988645 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT DISTINCT cardid FROM cardinput, inputgroup WHERE inputgroupid = '1' AND cardinput.cardinputid = inputgroup.cardinputid ORDER BY cardid <<<< Returns 2 row(s) |
227 | 2013-07-10 10:59:30.988679 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "cardid = 1" |
228 | 2013-07-10 10:59:30.988705 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "cardid = 2" |
229 | 2013-07-10 10:59:30.988760 I CardUtil: Card ID 2 |
230 | 2013-07-10 10:59:30.988793 I TVRec(2): RecordPending on inputid 1 |
231 | 2013-07-10 10:59:30.988946 I sleeping for 5000 ms (interuptable) |
232 | 2013-07-10 10:59:31.611208 I TVRec(1): ASK_RECORDING 1 28 0 0 |
233 | 2013-07-10 10:59:31.611208 I TVRec(2): ASK_RECORDING 2 28 0 0 |
234 | 2013-07-10 10:59:35.990850 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT inputgroupid FROM inputgroup WHERE cardinputid = '1' ORDER BY inputgroupid, cardinputid, inputgroupname <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
235 | 2013-07-10 10:59:35.990890 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "inputgroupid = 1" |
236 | 2013-07-10 10:59:35.990947 I CardUtil: Group ID 1 |
237 | 2013-07-10 10:59:35.991483 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT DISTINCT cardid FROM cardinput, inputgroup WHERE inputgroupid = '1' AND cardinput.cardinputid = inputgroup.cardinputid ORDER BY cardid <<<< Returns 2 row(s) |
238 | 2013-07-10 10:59:35.991511 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "cardid = 1" |
239 | 2013-07-10 10:59:35.991536 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "cardid = 2" |
240 | 2013-07-10 10:59:35.991587 I CardUtil: Card ID 2 |
241 | 2013-07-10 10:59:35.991665 I sleeping for 5000 ms (interuptable) |
242 | 2013-07-10 10:59:40.993610 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT inputgroupid FROM inputgroup WHERE cardinputid = '1' ORDER BY inputgroupid, cardinputid, inputgroupname <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
243 | 2013-07-10 10:59:40.993650 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "inputgroupid = 1" |
244 | 2013-07-10 10:59:40.993706 I CardUtil: Group ID 1 |
245 | 2013-07-10 10:59:40.994269 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT DISTINCT cardid FROM cardinput, inputgroup WHERE inputgroupid = '1' AND cardinput.cardinputid = inputgroup.cardinputid ORDER BY cardid <<<< Returns 2 row(s) |
246 | 2013-07-10 10:59:40.994299 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "cardid = 1" |
247 | 2013-07-10 10:59:40.994325 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "cardid = 2" |
248 | 2013-07-10 10:59:40.994383 I CardUtil: Card ID 2 |
249 | 2013-07-10 10:59:40.994462 I sleeping for 5000 ms (interuptable) |
250 | 2013-07-10 10:59:45.996062 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT inputgroupid FROM inputgroup WHERE cardinputid = '1' ORDER BY inputgroupid, cardinputid, inputgroupname <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
251 | 2013-07-10 10:59:45.996102 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "inputgroupid = 1" |
252 | 2013-07-10 10:59:45.996164 I CardUtil: Group ID 1 |
253 | 2013-07-10 10:59:45.996664 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT DISTINCT cardid FROM cardinput, inputgroup WHERE inputgroupid = '1' AND cardinput.cardinputid = inputgroup.cardinputid ORDER BY cardid <<<< Returns 2 row(s) |
254 | 2013-07-10 10:59:45.996692 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "cardid = 1" |
255 | 2013-07-10 10:59:45.996718 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "cardid = 2" |
256 | 2013-07-10 10:59:45.996769 I CardUtil: Card ID 2 |
257 | 2013-07-10 10:59:45.996847 I sleeping for 5000 ms (interuptable) |
258 | 2013-07-10 10:59:46.637472 I Starting mythlogserver |
259 | 2013-07-10 10:59:50.998963 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT inputgroupid FROM inputgroup WHERE cardinputid = '1' ORDER BY inputgroupid, cardinputid, inputgroupname <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
260 | 2013-07-10 10:59:50.999015 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "inputgroupid = 1" |
261 | 2013-07-10 10:59:50.999084 I CardUtil: Group ID 1 |
262 | 2013-07-10 10:59:50.999654 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT DISTINCT cardid FROM cardinput, inputgroup WHERE inputgroupid = '1' AND cardinput.cardinputid = inputgroup.cardinputid ORDER BY cardid <<<< Returns 2 row(s) |
263 | 2013-07-10 10:59:50.999694 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "cardid = 1" |
264 | 2013-07-10 10:59:50.999733 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "cardid = 2" |
265 | 2013-07-10 10:59:50.999787 I CardUtil: Card ID 2 |
266 | 2013-07-10 10:59:50.999870 I sleeping for 5000 ms (interuptable) |
267 | 2013-07-10 10:59:56.001824 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT inputgroupid FROM inputgroup WHERE cardinputid = '1' ORDER BY inputgroupid, cardinputid, inputgroupname <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
268 | 2013-07-10 10:59:56.001863 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "inputgroupid = 1" |
269 | 2013-07-10 10:59:56.001919 I CardUtil: Group ID 1 |
270 | 2013-07-10 10:59:56.002456 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT DISTINCT cardid FROM cardinput, inputgroup WHERE inputgroupid = '1' AND cardinput.cardinputid = inputgroup.cardinputid ORDER BY cardid <<<< Returns 2 row(s) |
271 | 2013-07-10 10:59:56.002483 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "cardid = 1" |
272 | 2013-07-10 10:59:56.002508 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "cardid = 2" |
273 | 2013-07-10 10:59:56.002559 I CardUtil: Card ID 2 |
274 | 2013-07-10 10:59:56.002637 I sleeping for 1000 ms (interuptable) |
275 | 2013-07-10 10:59:57.004482 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT inputgroupid FROM inputgroup WHERE cardinputid = '1' ORDER BY inputgroupid, cardinputid, inputgroupname <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
276 | 2013-07-10 10:59:57.004521 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "inputgroupid = 1" |
277 | 2013-07-10 10:59:57.004577 I CardUtil: Group ID 1 |
278 | 2013-07-10 10:59:57.005083 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT DISTINCT cardid FROM cardinput, inputgroup WHERE inputgroupid = '1' AND cardinput.cardinputid = inputgroup.cardinputid ORDER BY cardid <<<< Returns 2 row(s) |
279 | 2013-07-10 10:59:57.005109 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "cardid = 1" |
280 | 2013-07-10 10:59:57.005134 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "cardid = 2" |
281 | 2013-07-10 10:59:57.005185 I CardUtil: Card ID 2 |
282 | 2013-07-10 10:59:57.005342 I sleeping for 2995 ms (s2n: 2 sr: 1) |
283 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.001712 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT inputgroupid FROM inputgroup WHERE cardinputid = '1' ORDER BY inputgroupid, cardinputid, inputgroupname <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
284 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.001758 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "inputgroupid = 1" |
285 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.001822 I CardUtil: Group ID 1 |
286 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.002402 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT DISTINCT cardid FROM cardinput, inputgroup WHERE inputgroupid = '1' AND cardinput.cardinputid = inputgroup.cardinputid ORDER BY cardid <<<< Returns 2 row(s) |
287 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.002448 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "cardid = 1" |
288 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.002478 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "cardid = 2" |
289 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.002539 I CardUtil: Card ID 2 |
290 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.002788 I TVRec(1): StartRecording("Garden Smart") |
291 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.002808 D TVRec(1): SetRecordingStatus(Unknown->Aborted) on line 418 |
292 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.003115 I TVRec(1): Checking input group recorders - begin |
293 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.003477 I TVRec(1): Checking input group recorders - done |
294 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.005101 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT count(*) FROM inuseprograms WHERE chanid = '1162' AND starttime = '2013-07-10T15:00:00Z' AND hostname = 'uriel.local' AND recusage = 'recorder' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
295 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.005131 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "count(*) = 0" |
296 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.005486 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) INSERT INTO inuseprograms (chanid, starttime, recusage, hostname, lastupdatetime, rechost, recdir) VALUES ('1162', '2013-07-10T15:00:00Z', 'recorder', 'uriel.local', '2013-07-10T15:00:00Z', 'uriel.local', '/Volumes/MythTV') |
297 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.005906 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT DISTINCT recusage FROM inuseprograms WHERE lastupdatetime >= '2013-07-10T13:59:00Z' AND chanid = '1162' AND starttime = '2013-07-10T15:00:00Z' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
298 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.005929 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "recusage = recorder" |
299 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.006829 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'defaultstartoffset' AND hostname = 'uriel.local' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
300 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.007313 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'defaultstartoffset' AND hostname IS NULL <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
301 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.007744 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'defaultendoffset' AND hostname = 'uriel.local' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
302 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.008115 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'defaultendoffset' AND hostname IS NULL <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
303 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.008528 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'prefdupmethod' AND hostname = 'uriel.local' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
304 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.008918 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'prefdupmethod' AND hostname IS NULL <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
305 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.009298 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT SUM(1 << filterid) FROM recordfilter WHERE filterid >= 0 AND filterid < '12' AND TRIM(clause) <> '' AND newruledefault <> 0 <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
306 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.009326 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "SUM(1 << filterid) = 0" |
307 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.009745 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'autoexpiredefault' AND hostname = 'uriel.local' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
308 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.010123 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'autoexpiredefault' AND hostname IS NULL <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
309 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.010515 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'autocommercialflag' AND hostname = 'uriel.local' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
310 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.010884 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'autocommercialflag' AND hostname IS NULL <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
311 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.011279 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'autotranscode' AND hostname = 'uriel.local' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
312 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.011652 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'autotranscode' AND hostname IS NULL <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
313 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.012058 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'defaulttranscoder' AND hostname = 'uriel.local' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
314 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.012508 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'defaulttranscoder' AND hostname IS NULL <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
315 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.012527 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "data = 0" |
316 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.012949 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'autorunuserjob1' AND hostname = 'uriel.local' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
317 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.013326 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'autorunuserjob1' AND hostname IS NULL <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
318 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.013744 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'autorunuserjob2' AND hostname = 'uriel.local' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
319 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.014050 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'autorunuserjob2' AND hostname IS NULL <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
320 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.014368 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'autorunuserjob3' AND hostname = 'uriel.local' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
321 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.014654 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'autorunuserjob3' AND hostname IS NULL <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
322 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.014977 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'autorunuserjob4' AND hostname = 'uriel.local' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
323 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.015257 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'autorunuserjob4' AND hostname IS NULL <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
324 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.015577 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'autometadatalookup' AND hostname = 'uriel.local' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
325 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.015863 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'autometadatalookup' AND hostname IS NULL <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
326 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.016512 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT type, search, recpriority, prefinput, startoffset, endoffset, dupmethod, dupin, inactive, profile, recgroup, storagegroup, playgroup, autoexpire, maxepisodes, maxnewest, autocommflag, autotranscode, transcoder, autouserjob1, autouserjob2, autouserjob3, autouserjob4, autometadata, parentid, title, subtitle, description, season, episode, category, starttime, startdate, endtime, enddate, seriesid, programid, inetref, chanid, station, findday, findtime, findid, next_record, last_record, last_delete, avg_delay, filter FROM record WHERE recordid = '10' ; <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
327 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.016816 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "type = 1, search = 0, recpriority = 0, prefinput = 0, startoffset = 0, endoffset = 0, dupmethod = 6, dupin = 15, inactive = 0, profile = Default, recgroup = Default, storagegroup = Default, playgroup = Default, autoexpire = 0, maxepisodes = 0, maxnewest = 0, autocommflag = 1, autotranscode = 0, transcoder = 0, autouserjob1 = 0, autouserjob2 = 0, autouserjob3 = 0, autouserjob4 = 0, autometadata = 1, parentid = 0, title = Garden Smart, subtitle = , description = Planning a garden., season = 0, episode = 0, category = How-to, starttime = 15:00:00, startdate = 2013-07-10, endtime = 15:30:00, enddate = 2013-07-10, seriesid = EP00647273, programid = EP006472730449, inetref = , chanid = 1162, station = WPBS-2, findday = 4, findtime = 11:00:00, findid = 735424, next_record = 2013-07-10T15:00:00, last_record = , last_delete = , avg_delay = 100, filter = 0" |
328 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.017047 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) LOCK TABLES recorded WRITE |
329 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.017277 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT recordid FROM recorded WHERE chanid = '1162' AND starttime = '2013-07-10T15:00:00Z' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
330 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.017799 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) INSERT INTO recorded (chanid, starttime, endtime, title, subtitle, description, season, episode, hostname, category, recgroup, autoexpire, recordid, seriesid, programid, inetref, stars, previouslyshown, originalairdate, findid, transcoder, playgroup, recpriority, basename, progstart, progend, profile, duplicate, storagegroup) VALUES ('1162', '2013-07-10T15:00:00Z', '2013-07-10T15:30:00Z', 'Garden Smart', '', 'Planning a garden.', '0', '0', 'uriel.local', 'How-to', 'Default', 'false', '10', 'EP00647273', 'EP006472730449', '', '0', 'true', '2012-11-26', '0', '0', 'Default', '0', '1162_20130710150000.mpg', '2013-07-10T15:00:00Z', '2013-07-10T15:30:00Z', 'Default', 0, 'Default') |
331 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.017918 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) UNLOCK TABLES |
332 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.018170 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) UPDATE channel SET last_record = NOW() WHERE chanid = '1162' |
333 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.018415 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) UPDATE record SET last_record = NOW() WHERE recordid = '10' |
334 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.018656 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) DELETE FROM recordedseek WHERE chanid = '1162' AND starttime = '2013-07-10T15:00:00Z'; |
335 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.018857 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) DELETE FROM recordedmarkup WHERE chanid = '1162' AND starttime = '2013-07-10T15:00:00Z'; |
336 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.019165 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) REPLACE INTO recordedcredits SELECT * FROM credits WHERE chanid = '1162' AND starttime = '2013-07-10T15:00:00Z'; |
337 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.019701 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) REPLACE INTO recordedprogram SELECT * from program WHERE chanid = '1162' AND starttime = '2013-07-10T15:00:00Z' AND title = 'Garden Smart'; |
338 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.020039 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) REPLACE INTO recordedrating SELECT * from programrating WHERE chanid = '1162' AND starttime = '2013-07-10T15:00:00Z'; |
339 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.020452 I TVRec(1): StartedRecording(1162_2013-07-10T15:00:00Z) fn(/Volumes/MythTV/1162_20130710150000.mpg) |
340 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.020824 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT recgroup FROM recorded WHERE chanid = '1162' AND starttime = '2013-07-10T15:00:00Z' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
341 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.020843 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "recgroup = Default" |
342 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.023049 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT recordingprofiles.id, profilegroups.hostname, profilegroups.is_default FROM recordingprofiles, profilegroups WHERE profilegroups.id = recordingprofiles.profilegroup AND profilegroups.cardtype = 'HDHOMERUN' AND recordingprofiles.name = 'Default' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
343 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.023088 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "id = 34, hostname = , is_default = 1" |
344 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.023497 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT name FROM recordingprofiles WHERE id = '34' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
345 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.023516 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "name = Default" |
346 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.023761 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT value FROM codecparams WHERE profile = '34' AND name = 'transcodefilters' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
347 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.023990 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT value FROM codecparams WHERE profile = '34' AND name = 'transcodelossless' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
348 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.024225 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT value FROM codecparams WHERE profile = '34' AND name = 'transcoderesize' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
349 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.024453 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT value FROM codecparams WHERE profile = '34' AND name = 'autotranscode' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
350 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.024496 I Using profile 'Default' to record |
351 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.024906 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT status, id, cmds FROM jobqueue WHERE chanid = '1162' AND starttime = '2013-07-10T15:00:00Z' AND type = '4'; <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
352 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.025296 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) INSERT INTO jobqueue (chanid, starttime, inserttime, type, status, statustime, schedruntime, hostname, args, comment, flags) VALUES ('1162', '2013-07-10T15:00:00Z', now(), '4', '1', now(), '2013-07-10T15:00:00Z', '', '', '', '2'); |
353 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.025621 I InitAutoRunJobs for 1162_2013-07-10T15:00:00Z, line 803 -> 0x2 |
354 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.025676 I TVRec(1): ClearFlags(CancelNextRecording,) -> RunMainLoop, |
355 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.025700 D TVRec(1): SetRecordingStatus(Aborted->Tuning) on line 603 |
356 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.025973 I TVRec(1): Changing from None to RecordingOnly |
357 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.025996 I TVRec(1): ClearFlags(FrontendReady,CancelNextRecording,) -> RunMainLoop, |
358 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.026455 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager1) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'eventcmdrecstarted' AND hostname = 'uriel.local' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
359 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.026733 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager1) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'eventcmdrecstarted' AND hostname IS NULL <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
360 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.028984 I TVRec(1): HandleTuning Request: Program(ProgramInfo(1162_20130710150000.mpg): channame(WPBS-2) startts(Wed Jul 10 15:00:00 2013) endts(Wed Jul 10 15:30:00 2013) |
361 | recstartts(Wed Jul 10 15:00:00 2013) recendts(Wed Jul 10 15:30:00 2013) |
362 | title(Garden Smart)) channel() input() flags(Recording,) |
363 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.029504 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT channel.channum, cardinput.inputname FROM channel, capturecard, cardinput WHERE channel.chanid = '1162' AND cardinput.cardid = capturecard.cardid AND cardinput.sourceid = '1' AND capturecard.cardid = '1' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
364 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.029535 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "channum = 16_2, inputname = MPEG2TS" |
365 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.029929 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT channel.channum, cardinput.inputname FROM channel, capturecard, cardinput WHERE channel.chanid = '1162' AND cardinput.cardid = capturecard.cardid AND cardinput.sourceid = '1' AND capturecard.cardid = '1' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
366 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.029953 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "channum = 16_2, inputname = MPEG2TS" |
367 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.030068 I TVRec(1): HW Tuner: 1->1 |
368 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.030224 I TVRec(1): ClearFlags(PENDINGACTIONS,) -> RunMainLoop, |
369 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.030297 I TVRec(1): No recorder yet, calling TuningFrequency |
370 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.030602 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT quicktune FROM cardinput WHERE cardid = '1' AND inputname = 'MPEG2TS' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
371 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.030627 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "quicktune = 0" |
372 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.030951 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT chanid FROM channel WHERE channum = '7_1' AND sourceid = '1' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
373 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.030976 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "chanid = 1071" |
374 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.031233 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT inputname, sourceid, cardid, livetvorder FROM cardinput WHERE cardinputid = '1' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
375 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.031262 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "inputname = MPEG2TS, sourceid = 1, cardid = 1, livetvorder = 1" |
376 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.031503 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT mplexid FROM channel WHERE chanid = '1071' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
377 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.031520 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "mplexid = 1" |
378 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.031950 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT chanid FROM channel WHERE channum = '7_1' AND sourceid = '1' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
379 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.031977 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "chanid = 1071" |
380 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.032343 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT inputgroupid FROM inputgroup WHERE cardinputid = '1' ORDER BY inputgroupid, cardinputid, inputgroupname <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
381 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.032362 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "inputgroupid = 1" |
382 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.032723 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT DISTINCT cardid FROM cardinput, inputgroup WHERE inputgroupid = '1' AND cardinput.cardinputid = inputgroup.cardinputid ORDER BY cardid <<<< Returns 2 row(s) |
383 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.032746 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "cardid = 1" |
384 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.032765 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "cardid = 2" |
385 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.033175 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT chanid FROM channel WHERE channum = '7_1' AND sourceid = '1' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
386 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.033194 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "chanid = 1071" |
387 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.033453 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT inputname, sourceid, cardid, livetvorder FROM cardinput WHERE cardinputid = '1' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
388 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.033482 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "inputname = MPEG2TS, sourceid = 1, cardid = 1, livetvorder = 1" |
389 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.033723 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT mplexid FROM channel WHERE chanid = '1071' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
390 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.033740 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "mplexid = 1" |
391 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.034057 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT chanid FROM channel WHERE channum = '7_1' AND sourceid = '1' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
392 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.034075 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "chanid = 1071" |
393 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.034339 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT inputgroupid FROM inputgroup WHERE cardinputid = '1' ORDER BY inputgroupid, cardinputid, inputgroupname <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
394 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.034356 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "inputgroupid = 1" |
395 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.034674 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT DISTINCT cardid FROM cardinput, inputgroup WHERE inputgroupid = '1' AND cardinput.cardinputid = inputgroup.cardinputid ORDER BY cardid <<<< Returns 2 row(s) |
396 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.034692 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "cardid = 1" |
397 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.034707 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "cardid = 2" |
398 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.035114 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT finetune, freqid, tvformat, freqtable, commmethod, mplexid, atsc_major_chan, atsc_minor_chan, serviceid FROM channel, videosource WHERE videosource.sourceid = channel.sourceid AND channum = '16_2' AND channel.sourceid = '1' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
399 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.035166 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "finetune = 0, freqid = 41, tvformat = ATSC, freqtable = default, commmethod = -1, mplexid = 5, atsc_major_chan = 16, atsc_minor_chan = 2, serviceid = 2" |
400 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.035449 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT transportid, networkid, frequency, modulation, sistandard FROM dtv_multiplex WHERE mplexid = '5' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
401 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.035493 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "transportid = 2219, networkid = 0, frequency = 635000000, modulation = 8vsb, sistandard = atsc" |
402 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.036263 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT frequency, inversion, symbolrate, fec, polarity, hp_code_rate, lp_code_rate, constellation, transmission_mode, guard_interval, hierarchy, modulation, bandwidth, sistandard, mod_sys, rolloff FROM dtv_multiplex WHERE dtv_multiplex.mplexid = '5' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
403 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.036341 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "frequency = 635000000, inversion = a, symbolrate = 0, fec = auto, polarity = v, hp_code_rate = auto, lp_code_rate = auto, constellation = 8vsb, transmission_mode = a, guard_interval = auto, hierarchy = a, modulation = 8vsb, bandwidth = a, sistandard = atsc, mod_sys = UNDEFINED, rolloff = 0.35" |
404 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.039761 I HDHRSH(1030BB7E-0): Tuning channel 8vsb:635000000 (was none) |
405 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.041552 I TVRec(1): Starting Signal Monitor |
406 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.041568 I TVRec(1): SetupSignalMonitor(1, 0) |
407 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.042088 I HDHRSH: Using existing stream handler 1030BB7E-0 for 1030BB7E-0 (3 in use) |
408 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.042102 I TVRec(1): Signal monitor successfully created |
409 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.042114 I TVRec(1): Setting up table monitoring. |
410 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.042706 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT recordingprofiles.id, profilegroups.hostname, profilegroups.is_default FROM recordingprofiles, profilegroups WHERE profilegroups.id = recordingprofiles.profilegroup AND profilegroups.cardtype = 'HDHOMERUN' AND recordingprofiles.name = 'Live TV' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
411 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.042742 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "id = 35, hostname = , is_default = 1" |
412 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.043003 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT name FROM recordingprofiles WHERE id = '35' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
413 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.043022 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "name = Live TV" |
414 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.043282 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT value FROM codecparams WHERE profile = '35' AND name = 'transcodefilters' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
415 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.043525 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT value FROM codecparams WHERE profile = '35' AND name = 'transcodelossless' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
416 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.043764 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT value FROM codecparams WHERE profile = '35' AND name = 'transcoderesize' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
417 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.043997 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT value FROM codecparams WHERE profile = '35' AND name = 'autotranscode' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
418 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.044041 I Using profile 'Live TV' to record |
419 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.044114 I TVRec(1): ATSC channel: 16_2 |
420 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.049479 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT chanid FROM channel WHERE channum = '16_2' AND sourceid = '1' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
421 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.049509 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "chanid = 1162" |
422 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.050064 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT pid, tableid FROM pidcache WHERE chanid='1162' <<<< Returns 11 row(s) |
423 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.050094 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "pid = 7424, tableid = 256" |
424 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.050486 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "pid = 7425, tableid = 257" |
425 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.050549 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "pid = 7426, tableid = 258" |
426 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.050573 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "pid = 7427, tableid = 259" |
427 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.050593 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "pid = 7680, tableid = 512" |
428 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.050616 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "pid = 7681, tableid = 513" |
429 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.050639 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "pid = 7682, tableid = 514" |
430 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.050659 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "pid = 7683, tableid = 515" |
431 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.050680 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "pid = 7808, tableid = 4" |
432 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.050701 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "pid = 8187, tableid = 0" |
433 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.050723 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "pid = 8187, tableid = 769" |
434 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.051467 I TVRec(1): Successfully set up ATSC table monitoring. |
435 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.052021 I TVRec(1): SetFlags(SignalMonitorRunning,) -> RunMainLoop,SignalMonitorRunning, |
436 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.052052 I TVRec(1): ClearFlags(WaitingForSignal,) -> RunMainLoop,SignalMonitorRunning, |
437 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.052066 I TVRec(1): SetFlags(WaitingForSignal,) -> RunMainLoop,WaitingForSignal,SignalMonitorRunning, |
438 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.052082 I TVRec(1): ClearFlags(NeedToStartRecorder,) -> RunMainLoop,WaitingForSignal,SignalMonitorRunning, |
439 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.052095 I TVRec(1): SetFlags(NeedToStartRecorder,) -> RunMainLoop,WaitingForSignal,NeedToStartRecorder,SignalMonitorRunning, |
440 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.052740 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT MIN(id),dirname FROM storagegroup WHERE hostname = 'uriel.local' AND groupname NOT IN ( 'DB Backups', 'Videos', 'Trailers', 'Coverart', 'Fanart', 'Screenshots', 'Banners' ) GROUP BY dirname; <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
441 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.052789 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "MIN(id) = 1, dirname = /Volumes/MythTV/" |
442 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.053257 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT chanid FROM channel WHERE channum = '16_2' AND sourceid = '1' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
443 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.053278 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "chanid = 1162" |
444 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.053357 D HDHRSM(1030BB7E-0): Tuner status: '50:0:0' |
445 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.053594 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT inputname, sourceid, cardid, livetvorder FROM cardinput WHERE cardinputid = '1' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
446 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.053625 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "inputname = MPEG2TS, sourceid = 1, cardid = 1, livetvorder = 1" |
447 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.053942 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT mplexid FROM channel WHERE chanid = '1162' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
448 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.053960 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "mplexid = 5" |
449 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.054440 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT chanid FROM channel WHERE channum = '16_2' AND sourceid = '1' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
450 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.054462 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "chanid = 1162" |
451 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.054754 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT inputname, sourceid, cardid, livetvorder FROM cardinput WHERE cardinputid = '1' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
452 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.054785 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "inputname = MPEG2TS, sourceid = 1, cardid = 1, livetvorder = 1" |
453 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.055067 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT mplexid FROM channel WHERE chanid = '1162' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
454 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.055083 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "mplexid = 5" |
455 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.055121 N AutoExpire: CalcParams(): Max required Free Space: 3.0 GB w/freq: 14 min |
456 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.055167 I AddHistory: -10/0, 0, 0, 2013-07-10T15:00:00Z/Garden Smart |
457 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.055709 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) REPLACE INTO oldrecorded (chanid,starttime,endtime,title,subtitle,description,season,episode,category,seriesid,programid,inetref,findid,recordid,station,rectype,recstatus,duplicate,reactivate,future) VALUES('1162','2013-07-10T15:00:00Z','2013-07-10T15:30:00Z','Garden Smart','','Planning a garden.','0','0','How-to','EP00647273','EP006472730449','','0','10','WPBS-2','1','-10','false','false','false'); |
458 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.055763 I Tuning recording: "Garden Smart": channel 1162 on cardid 1, sourceid 1 |
459 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.056050 D MSqlQuery::exec(SchedCon) SELECT recordid, next_record FROM record; <<<< Returns 4 row(s) |
460 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.056106 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "recordid = 1, next_record = " |
461 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.056157 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "recordid = 10, next_record = 2013-07-10T15:00:00" |
462 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.056457 D MSqlQuery::exec(SchedCon) UPDATE record SET next_record = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' WHERE recordid = '10'; |
463 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.056499 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "recordid = 8, next_record = 2013-07-10T23:00:00" |
464 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.056546 D MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "recordid = 9, next_record = 2013-07-11T02:00:00" |
465 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.056673 I sleeping for 1000 ms (s2n: 0 sr: 1) |
466 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.058722 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager1) SELECT r.title, r.subtitle, r.description, r.season, r.episode, r.category, r.chanid, c.channum, c.callsign, c.name, c.outputfilters,r.recgroup, r.playgroup, r.storagegroup, r.basename, r.hostname, r.recpriority, r.seriesid, r.programid, r.inetref, r.filesize, r.progstart, r.progend, r.stars, r.starttime, r.endtime, p.airdate+0, r.originalairdate, r.lastmodified, r.recordid, c.commmethod, r.commflagged, r.previouslyshown, r.transcoder, r.transcoded, r.deletepending, r.preserve, r.cutlist, r.autoexpire, r.editing, r.bookmark, r.watched, p.audioprop+0, p.videoprop+0, p.subtitletypes+0, r.findid, rec.dupin, rec.dupmethod FROM recorded AS r LEFT JOIN channel AS c ON (r.chanid = c.chanid) LEFT JOIN recordedprogram AS p ON (r.chanid = p.chanid AND r.progstart = p.starttime) LEFT JOIN record AS rec ON (r.recordid = rec.recordid) WHERE r.chanid = '1162' AND r.starttime = '2013-07-10T15:00:00Z' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
467 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.059050 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager1) Result: "title = Garden Smart, subtitle = , description = Planning a garden., season = 0, episode = 0, category = How-to, chanid = 1162, channum = 16_2, callsign = WPBS-2, name = WPBS-2, outputfilters = , recgroup = Default, playgroup = Default, storagegroup = Default, basename = 1162_20130710150000.mpg, hostname = uriel.local, recpriority = 0, seriesid = EP00647273, programid = EP006472730449, inetref = , filesize = 0, progstart = 2013-07-10T15:00:00, progend = 2013-07-10T15:30:00, stars = 0, starttime = 2013-07-10T15:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-10T15:30:00, p.airdate+0 = 0, originalairdate = 2012-11-26, lastmodified = 2013-07-10T15:00:00, recordid = 10, commmethod = -1, commflagged = 0, previouslyshown = 1, transcoder = 0, transcoded = 0, deletepending = 0, preserve = 0, cutlist = 0, autoexpire = 0, editing = 0, bookmark = 0, watched = 0, p.audioprop+0 = 1, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, findid = 0, dupin = 15, dupmethod = 6" |
468 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.105107 D HDHRSM(1030BB7E-0): Tuner status: '50:0:0' |
469 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.156474 D HDHRSM(1030BB7E-0): Tuner status: '50:0:0' |
470 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.208305 D HDHRSM(1030BB7E-0): Tuner status: '50:0:0' |
471 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.260048 D HDHRSM(1030BB7E-0): Tuner status: '50:0:0' |
472 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.311606 D HDHRSM(1030BB7E-0): Tuner status: '50:0:0' |
473 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.362904 D HDHRSM(1030BB7E-0): Tuner status: '50:0:0' |
474 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.413975 D HDHRSM(1030BB7E-0): Tuner status: '50:0:0' |
475 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.465062 D HDHRSM(1030BB7E-0): Tuner status: '50:0:0' |
476 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.515849 D HDHRSM(1030BB7E-0): Tuner status: '50:0:0' |
477 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.566920 D HDHRSM(1030BB7E-0): Tuner status: '50:0:0' |
478 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.618078 D HDHRSM(1030BB7E-0): Tuner status: '50:0:0' |
479 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.669109 D HDHRSM(1030BB7E-0): Tuner status: '50:0:0' |
480 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.720141 D HDHRSM(1030BB7E-0): Tuner status: '50:0:0' |
481 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.772807 D HDHRSM(1030BB7E-0): Tuner status: '100:0:0' |
482 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.825641 D HDHRSM(1030BB7E-0): Tuner status: '100:0:0' |
483 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.877770 D HDHRSM(1030BB7E-0): Tuner status: '100:0:0' |
484 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.930819 D HDHRSM(1030BB7E-0): Tuner status: '100:0:0' |
485 | 2013-07-10 11:00:00.983743 D HDHRSM(1030BB7E-0): Tuner status: '100:0:0' |
486 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.036809 D HDHRSM(1030BB7E-0): Tuner status: '100:0:0' |
487 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.057909 I sleeping for 1000 ms (s2n: -1 sr: 1) |
488 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.089866 D HDHRSM(1030BB7E-0): Tuner status: '100:0:0' |
489 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.144320 D HDHRSM(1030BB7E-0): Tuner status: '100:82:0' |
490 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.144574 I SH(1030BB7E-0): AddListener(0x106e96a90) -- begin |
491 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.144632 I SH(1030BB7E-0): AddListener(0x106e96a90) -- locked |
492 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.210883 I HDHRSH(1030BB7E-0): RunTS(): begin |
493 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.211926 I SH(1030BB7E-0): AddListener(0x106e96a90) -- end |
494 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.347191 I CreatePATSingleProgram() |
495 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.347213 I PAT in input stream |
496 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.347715 I Program Association Section |
497 | PSIP tableID(0x0) length(21) extension(0x8ab) |
498 | version(0) current(1) section(0) last_section(0) |
499 | tsid(2219) programCount(3) |
500 | program number 1 has PID 0x0030 |
501 | program number 2 has PID 0x0040 |
502 | program number 3 has PID 0x0050 |
503 | |
504 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.347730 I desired_program(2) pid(0x40) |
505 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.348207 I pmt_pid(0x40) |
506 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.348213 I PAT for output stream |
507 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.348242 I Program Association Section |
508 | PSIP tableID(0x0) length(13) extension(0x8ab) |
509 | version(0) current(1) section(0) last_section(0) |
510 | tsid(2219) programCount(1) |
511 | program number 1 has PID 0x0040 |
512 | |
513 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.836544 I CreatePMTSingleProgram() |
514 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.836556 I PMT in input stream |
515 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.838544 I Program Map Section |
516 | PSIP tableID(0x2) length(125) extension(0x2) |
517 | version(25) current(1) section(0) last_section(0) |
518 | pnum(2) pid(0x40) |
519 | Content Advisory, Possibly Dishnet Rights Descriptor (0x87) length(18) |
520 | Registration Descriptor: 'GA94' ATSC program ID A/53 |
521 | Stream #0 pid(0x41) type(0x02 video-mpeg2) |
522 | STD Descriptor (0x11) length(1) |
523 | Smooting Buffer Descriptor (0x10) length(6) |
524 | Data Stream Alignment Descriptor (0x06) length(1) |
525 | Caption Service Descriptor services(1) |
526 | lang(eng) type(1) easy_reader(0) wide(0) service_num(1) |
527 | Stream #1 pid(0x43) type(0x81 audio-ac3) |
528 | Registration Descriptor: 'AC-3' ATSC audio stream A/52 |
529 | Audio Stream Descriptor full_srv(1) sample_rate(48kbps) bit_rate(=384kbps, 14) |
530 | bsid(8) bs_mode(0) channels(2/0) Dolby(Not indicated) |
531 | mainID(0) |
532 | ISO-639 Language: code(eng) canonical(eng) eng(English) |
533 | Stream #2 pid(0x44) type(0x81 audio-ac3) |
534 | Registration Descriptor: 'AC-3' ATSC audio stream A/52 |
535 | Audio Stream Descriptor full_srv(1) sample_rate(48kbps) bit_rate(=384kbps, 14) |
536 | bsid(8) bs_mode(0) channels(2/0) Dolby(Not indicated) |
537 | mainID(0) |
538 | ISO-639 Language: code(eng) canonical(eng) eng(English) |
539 | |
540 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.841008 I PMT for output stream |
541 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.841191 I Program Map Section |
542 | PSIP tableID(0x2) length(125) extension(0x1) |
543 | version(25) current(1) section(0) last_section(0) |
544 | pnum(1) pid(0x40) |
545 | Content Advisory, Possibly Dishnet Rights Descriptor (0x87) length(18) |
546 | Registration Descriptor: 'GA94' ATSC program ID A/53 |
547 | Stream #0 pid(0x41) type(0x02 video-mpeg2) |
548 | STD Descriptor (0x11) length(1) |
549 | Smooting Buffer Descriptor (0x10) length(6) |
550 | Data Stream Alignment Descriptor (0x06) length(1) |
551 | Caption Service Descriptor services(1) |
552 | lang(eng) type(1) easy_reader(0) wide(0) service_num(1) |
553 | Stream #1 pid(0x43) type(0x81 audio-ac3) |
554 | Registration Descriptor: 'AC-3' ATSC audio stream A/52 |
555 | Audio Stream Descriptor full_srv(1) sample_rate(48kbps) bit_rate(=384kbps, 14) |
556 | bsid(8) bs_mode(0) channels(2/0) Dolby(Not indicated) |
557 | mainID(0) |
558 | ISO-639 Language: code(eng) canonical(eng) eng(English) |
559 | Stream #2 pid(0x44) type(0x81 audio-ac3) |
560 | Registration Descriptor: 'AC-3' ATSC audio stream A/52 |
561 | Audio Stream Descriptor full_srv(1) sample_rate(48kbps) bit_rate(=384kbps, 14) |
562 | bsid(8) bs_mode(0) channels(2/0) Dolby(Not indicated) |
563 | mainID(0) |
564 | ISO-639 Language: code(eng) canonical(eng) eng(English) |
565 | |
566 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.873570 I TVRec(1): Got good signal |
567 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.873597 D TVRec(1): SetRecordingStatus(Tuning->Recording) on line 3887 |
568 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.873678 I TVRec(1): TeardownSignalMonitor() -- begin |
569 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.873818 I Updating status for "Garden Smart" on cardid 1 (Tuning => Recording) |
570 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.873851 I AddHistory: -2/-10, 0, 0, 2013-07-10T15:00:00Z/Garden Smart |
571 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.874578 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT chanid FROM channel WHERE channum = '16_2' AND sourceid = '1' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
572 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.874614 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "chanid = 1162" |
573 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.874715 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager1) REPLACE INTO oldrecorded (chanid,starttime,endtime,title,subtitle,description,season,episode,category,seriesid,programid,inetref,findid,recordid,station,rectype,recstatus,duplicate,reactivate,future) VALUES('1162','2013-07-10T15:00:00Z','2013-07-10T15:30:00Z','Garden Smart','','Planning a garden.','0','0','How-to','EP00647273','EP006472730449','','0','10','WPBS-2','1','-2','false','false','false'); |
574 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.875259 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) DELETE FROM pidcache WHERE chanid = '1162' AND tableid < 65536 |
575 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.875655 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT pid, tableid FROM pidcache WHERE chanid='1162' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
576 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.876354 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) INSERT INTO pidcache SET chanid = '1162', pid = '7424', tableid = '256' |
577 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.876522 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) INSERT INTO pidcache SET chanid = '1162', pid = '7425', tableid = '257' |
578 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.876699 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) INSERT INTO pidcache SET chanid = '1162', pid = '7426', tableid = '258' |
579 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.876870 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) INSERT INTO pidcache SET chanid = '1162', pid = '7427', tableid = '259' |
580 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.877019 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) INSERT INTO pidcache SET chanid = '1162', pid = '7680', tableid = '512' |
581 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.877226 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) INSERT INTO pidcache SET chanid = '1162', pid = '7681', tableid = '513' |
582 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.877396 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) INSERT INTO pidcache SET chanid = '1162', pid = '7682', tableid = '514' |
583 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.877572 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) INSERT INTO pidcache SET chanid = '1162', pid = '7683', tableid = '515' |
584 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.877734 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) INSERT INTO pidcache SET chanid = '1162', pid = '7808', tableid = '4' |
585 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.877890 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) INSERT INTO pidcache SET chanid = '1162', pid = '8187', tableid = '0' |
586 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.878035 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) INSERT INTO pidcache SET chanid = '1162', pid = '8187', tableid = '769' |
587 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.892335 I Database connection created: DBManager12 |
588 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.892361 I New DB connection, total: 10 |
589 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.892944 I Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: localhost |
590 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.893970 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager12) SELECT r.title, r.subtitle, r.description, r.season, r.episode, r.category, r.chanid, c.channum, c.callsign, c.name, c.outputfilters,r.recgroup, r.playgroup, r.storagegroup, r.basename, r.hostname, r.recpriority, r.seriesid, r.programid, r.inetref, r.filesize, r.progstart, r.progend, r.stars, r.starttime, r.endtime, p.airdate+0, r.originalairdate, r.lastmodified, r.recordid, c.commmethod, r.commflagged, r.previouslyshown, r.transcoder, r.transcoded, r.deletepending, r.preserve, r.cutlist, r.autoexpire, r.editing, r.bookmark, r.watched, p.audioprop+0, p.videoprop+0, p.subtitletypes+0, r.findid, rec.dupin, rec.dupmethod FROM recorded AS r LEFT JOIN channel AS c ON (r.chanid = c.chanid) LEFT JOIN recordedprogram AS p ON (r.chanid = p.chanid AND r.progstart = p.starttime) LEFT JOIN record AS rec ON (r.recordid = rec.recordid) WHERE r.chanid = '1162' AND r.starttime = '2013-07-10T16:00:00Z' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
591 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.899620 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager12) SELECT r.title, r.subtitle, r.description, r.season, r.episode, r.category, r.chanid, c.channum, c.callsign, c.name, c.outputfilters,r.recgroup, r.playgroup, r.storagegroup, r.basename, r.hostname, r.recpriority, r.seriesid, r.programid, r.inetref, r.filesize, r.progstart, r.progend, r.stars, r.starttime, r.endtime, p.airdate+0, r.originalairdate, r.lastmodified, r.recordid, c.commmethod, r.commflagged, r.previouslyshown, r.transcoder, r.transcoded, r.deletepending, r.preserve, r.cutlist, r.autoexpire, r.editing, r.bookmark, r.watched, p.audioprop+0, p.videoprop+0, p.subtitletypes+0, r.findid, rec.dupin, rec.dupmethod FROM recorded AS r LEFT JOIN channel AS c ON (r.chanid = c.chanid) LEFT JOIN recordedprogram AS p ON (r.chanid = p.chanid AND r.progstart = p.starttime) LEFT JOIN record AS rec ON (r.recordid = rec.recordid) WHERE r.chanid = '1162' AND r.starttime = '2013-07-10T15:00:00Z' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
592 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.899969 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager12) Result: "title = Garden Smart, subtitle = , description = Planning a garden., season = 0, episode = 0, category = How-to, chanid = 1162, channum = 16_2, callsign = WPBS-2, name = WPBS-2, outputfilters = , recgroup = Default, playgroup = Default, storagegroup = Default, basename = 1162_20130710150000.mpg, hostname = uriel.local, recpriority = 0, seriesid = EP00647273, programid = EP006472730449, inetref = , filesize = 0, progstart = 2013-07-10T15:00:00, progend = 2013-07-10T15:30:00, stars = 0, starttime = 2013-07-10T15:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-10T15:30:00, p.airdate+0 = 0, originalairdate = 2012-11-26, lastmodified = 2013-07-10T15:00:00, recordid = 10, commmethod = -1, commflagged = 0, previouslyshown = 1, transcoder = 0, transcoded = 0, deletepending = 0, preserve = 0, cutlist = 0, autoexpire = 0, editing = 0, bookmark = 0, watched = 0, p.audioprop+0 = 1, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 1, findid = 0, dupin = 15, dupmethod = 6" |
593 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.912821 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager12) SELECT DISTINCT dirname FROM storagegroup WHERE groupname = 'Default' AND hostname = 'uriel.local' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
594 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.912843 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager12) Result: "dirname = /Volumes/MythTV/" |
595 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.924924 I SH(1030BB7E-0): RemoveListener(0x106e96a90) -- begin |
596 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.924933 I SH(1030BB7E-0): RemoveListener(0x106e96a90) -- locked |
597 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.927415 I HDHRSH(1030BB7E-0): RunTS(): shutdown |
598 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.928989 I HDHRSH(1030BB7E-0): RunTS(): end |
599 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.929056 I SH(1030BB7E-0): RemoveListener(0x106e96a90) -- end |
600 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.929468 I TVRec(1): TeardownSignalMonitor() -- end |
601 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.929481 I TVRec(1): ClearFlags(SignalMonitorRunning,) -> RunMainLoop,WaitingForSignal,NeedToStartRecorder, |
602 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.929492 I TVRec(1): ClearFlags(WaitingForSignal,) -> RunMainLoop,NeedToStartRecorder, |
603 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.929946 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT SUM(useeit) FROM videosource, cardinput WHERE videosource.sourceid = cardinput.sourceid AND cardinput.cardid = '1' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
604 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.929971 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "SUM(useeit) = 0" |
605 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.930010 I TVRec(1): Starting Recorder |
606 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.930469 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT recordingprofiles.id, profilegroups.hostname, profilegroups.is_default FROM recordingprofiles, profilegroups WHERE profilegroups.id = recordingprofiles.profilegroup AND profilegroups.cardtype = 'HDHOMERUN' AND recordingprofiles.name = 'Default' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
607 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.930499 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "id = 34, hostname = , is_default = 1" |
608 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.930772 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT name FROM recordingprofiles WHERE id = '34' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
609 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.930787 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "name = Default" |
610 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.931056 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT value FROM codecparams WHERE profile = '34' AND name = 'transcodefilters' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
611 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.931284 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT value FROM codecparams WHERE profile = '34' AND name = 'transcodelossless' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
612 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.931556 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT value FROM codecparams WHERE profile = '34' AND name = 'transcoderesize' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
613 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.931828 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT value FROM codecparams WHERE profile = '34' AND name = 'autotranscode' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
614 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.931869 I Using profile 'Default' to record |
615 | 2013-07-10 11:00:01.931877 I TVRec(1): rec->GetPathname(): '/Volumes/MythTV/1162_20130710150000.mpg' |
616 | 2013-07-10 11:00:02.059065 I sleeping for 60000 ms (interuptable) |
617 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.465974 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager12) SELECT DISTINCT dirname FROM storagegroup <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
618 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.466037 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager12) Result: "dirname = /Volumes/MythTV/" |
619 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.466922 I DTVRec(1): ResetForNewFile(void) |
620 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.467555 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'tvformat' AND hostname = 'uriel.local' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
621 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.468644 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'tvformat' AND hostname IS NULL <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
622 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.468666 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "data = NTSC" |
623 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.468785 E RecBase(1:1030BB7E-0): SetStrOption(...recordingtype): Option not in profile. |
624 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.468806 I RecBase(1:1030BB7E-0): SetRingBuffer(0x10b10a7d0) '/Volumes/MythTV/1162_20130710150000.mpg' |
625 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.469462 I DTVRec(1): SetPAT(2 on 0x40) |
626 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.469484 I CreatePATSingleProgram() |
627 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.469488 I PAT in input stream |
628 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.469524 I Program Association Section |
629 | PSIP tableID(0x0) length(21) extension(0x8ab) |
630 | version(0) current(1) section(0) last_section(0) |
631 | tsid(2219) programCount(3) |
632 | program number 1 has PID 0x0030 |
633 | program number 2 has PID 0x0040 |
634 | program number 3 has PID 0x0050 |
635 | |
636 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.469532 I desired_program(2) pid(0x40) |
637 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.469555 I pmt_pid(0x40) |
638 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.469559 I PAT for output stream |
639 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.469584 I Program Association Section |
640 | PSIP tableID(0x0) length(13) extension(0x8ab) |
641 | version(0) current(1) section(0) last_section(0) |
642 | tsid(2219) programCount(1) |
643 | program number 1 has PID 0x0040 |
644 | |
645 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.469926 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager12) SELECT mark, type FROM recordedmarkup WHERE chanid = '1163' AND starttime = '2013-07-08T01:00:00Z' AND type = '2' ORDER BY mark <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
646 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.469959 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager12) Result: "mark = 53916, type = 2" |
647 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.470305 I DTVRec(1): SetPMT(2) |
648 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.470335 I CreatePMTSingleProgram() |
649 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.470339 I PMT in input stream |
650 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.470539 I Program Map Section |
651 | PSIP tableID(0x2) length(125) extension(0x2) |
652 | version(25) current(1) section(0) last_section(0) |
653 | pnum(2) pid(0x40) |
654 | Content Advisory, Possibly Dishnet Rights Descriptor (0x87) length(18) |
655 | Registration Descriptor: 'GA94' ATSC program ID A/53 |
656 | Stream #0 pid(0x41) type(0x02 video-mpeg2) |
657 | STD Descriptor (0x11) length(1) |
658 | Smooting Buffer Descriptor (0x10) length(6) |
659 | Data Stream Alignment Descriptor (0x06) length(1) |
660 | Caption Service Descriptor services(1) |
661 | lang(eng) type(1) easy_reader(0) wide(0) service_num(1) |
662 | Stream #1 pid(0x43) type(0x81 audio-ac3) |
663 | Registration Descriptor: 'AC-3' ATSC audio stream A/52 |
664 | Audio Stream Descriptor full_srv(1) sample_rate(48kbps) bit_rate(=384kbps, 14) |
665 | bsid(8) bs_mode(0) channels(2/0) Dolby(Not indicated) |
666 | mainID(0) |
667 | ISO-639 Language: code(eng) canonical(eng) eng(English) |
668 | Stream #2 pid(0x44) type(0x81 audio-ac3) |
669 | Registration Descriptor: 'AC-3' ATSC audio stream A/52 |
670 | Audio Stream Descriptor full_srv(1) sample_rate(48kbps) bit_rate(=384kbps, 14) |
671 | bsid(8) bs_mode(0) channels(2/0) Dolby(Not indicated) |
672 | mainID(0) |
673 | ISO-639 Language: code(eng) canonical(eng) eng(English) |
674 | |
675 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.470647 I PMT for output stream |
676 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.470823 I Program Map Section |
677 | PSIP tableID(0x2) length(125) extension(0x1) |
678 | version(25) current(1) section(0) last_section(0) |
679 | pnum(1) pid(0x40) |
680 | Content Advisory, Possibly Dishnet Rights Descriptor (0x87) length(18) |
681 | Registration Descriptor: 'GA94' ATSC program ID A/53 |
682 | Stream #0 pid(0x41) type(0x02 video-mpeg2) |
683 | STD Descriptor (0x11) length(1) |
684 | Smooting Buffer Descriptor (0x10) length(6) |
685 | Data Stream Alignment Descriptor (0x06) length(1) |
686 | Caption Service Descriptor services(1) |
687 | lang(eng) type(1) easy_reader(0) wide(0) service_num(1) |
688 | Stream #1 pid(0x43) type(0x81 audio-ac3) |
689 | Registration Descriptor: 'AC-3' ATSC audio stream A/52 |
690 | Audio Stream Descriptor full_srv(1) sample_rate(48kbps) bit_rate(=384kbps, 14) |
691 | bsid(8) bs_mode(0) channels(2/0) Dolby(Not indicated) |
692 | mainID(0) |
693 | ISO-639 Language: code(eng) canonical(eng) eng(English) |
694 | Stream #2 pid(0x44) type(0x81 audio-ac3) |
695 | Registration Descriptor: 'AC-3' ATSC audio stream A/52 |
696 | Audio Stream Descriptor full_srv(1) sample_rate(48kbps) bit_rate(=384kbps, 14) |
697 | bsid(8) bs_mode(0) channels(2/0) Dolby(Not indicated) |
698 | mainID(0) |
699 | ISO-639 Language: code(eng) canonical(eng) eng(English) |
700 | |
701 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.470901 I RecBase(1:1030BB7E-0): SetRecording(0x10b13da20) title(Garden Smart) |
702 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.471389 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) SELECT channel.videofilters FROM channel WHERE channum = '16_2' AND sourceid = '1' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
703 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.471411 D MSqlQuery::next(DBManager2) Result: "videofilters = " |
704 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.471588 I HDHRRec(1): run -- begin |
705 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.471631 I DTVRec(1): ResetForNewFile(void) |
706 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.471653 I HDHRSH: Using existing stream handler 1030BB7E-0 for 1030BB7E-0 (3 in use) |
707 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.471661 I HDHRRec(1): HDHR opened successfully |
708 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.472894 I SH(1030BB7E-0): AddListener(0x106e96a90) -- begin |
709 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.472904 I SH(1030BB7E-0): AddListener(0x106e96a90) -- locked |
710 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.476829 I TVRec(1): SetFlags(RecorderRunning,RingBufferReady,) -> RunMainLoop,NeedToStartRecorder,RecorderRunning,RingBufferReady, |
711 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.476853 I TVRec(1): ClearFlags(NeedToStartRecorder,) -> RunMainLoop,RecorderRunning,RingBufferReady, |
712 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.477578 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager2) UPDATE cardinput SET startchan = '7_1' WHERE cardinputid = '1' |
713 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.538603 I HDHRSH(1030BB7E-0): RunTS(): begin |
714 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.538603 I SH(1030BB7E-0): AddListener(0x106e96a90) -- end |
715 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.561519 D DTVRec(1): Frame @ 376 + 0 = 376 |
716 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.581799 D DTVRec(1): Frame @ 376 + 6768 = 7144 |
717 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.602415 D DTVRec(1): Frame @ 376 + 0 = 376 |
718 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.602443 D DTVRec(1): Frame @ 376 + 0 = 376 |
719 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.623598 D DTVRec(1): Frame @ 376 + 0 = 376 |
720 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.646557 D DTVRec(1): Frame @ 376 + 0 = 376 |
721 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.688729 D DTVRec(1): Frame @ 376 + 0 = 376 |
722 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.709930 D DTVRec(1): Frame @ 376 + 3948 = 4324 |
723 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.753925 D DTVRec(1): Frame @ 376 + 2444 = 2820 |
724 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.775102 D DTVRec(1): Frame @ 376 + 0 = 376 |
725 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.817492 D DTVRec(1): Frame @ 376 + 0 = 376 |
726 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.861487 D DTVRec(1): Frame @ 376 + 0 = 376 |
727 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.882892 D DTVRec(1): Keyframe @ 376 + 3196 = 3572 |
728 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.883134 D DTVRec(1): Frame @ 376 + 3196 = 3572 |
729 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.883187 I Database connection created: DBManager13 |
730 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.883197 I New DB connection, total: 11 |
731 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.883709 I Connected to database 'mythconverg' at host: localhost |
732 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.884487 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager13) INSERT INTO recordedmarkup (chanid, starttime, mark, type, data) VALUES ( '1162', '2013-07-10T15:00:00Z', '1', '11', '0'); |
733 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.884984 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager13) INSERT INTO recordedmarkup (chanid, starttime, mark, type, data) VALUES ( '1162', '2013-07-10T15:00:00Z', '1', '30', '704'); |
734 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.885649 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager13) INSERT INTO recordedmarkup (chanid, starttime, mark, type, data) VALUES ( '1162', '2013-07-10T15:00:00Z', '1', '31', '480'); |
735 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.885692 I DTVRec(1): FindMPEG2Keyframes: frame rate = 29970 |
736 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.886000 D MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager13) INSERT INTO recordedmarkup (chanid, starttime, mark, type, data) VALUES ( '1162', '2013-07-10T15:00:00Z', '1', '32', '29970'); |
737 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.886136 I DTVRec(1): PID 0x41 Found Payload Start |
738 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.886392 I DTVRec(1): PID 0x44 Found Payload Start |
739 | 2013-07-10 11:00:05.886412 I DTVRec(1): PID 0x43 Found Payload Start |
740 | 2013-07-10 11:00:06.033901 D DTVRec(1): Frame @ 4136 + 47188 = 51324 |