1 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.614596 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT inputgroupid FROM inputgroup WHERE cardinputid = '3' ORDER BY inputgroupid, cardinputid, inputgroupname <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
2 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.614696 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "inputgroupid = 2" |
3 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.616089 I [890/15107] Scheduler cardutil.cpp:1672 (GetConflictingCards) - CardUtil: Group ID 2 |
4 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.618589 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT DISTINCT cardid FROM cardinput, inputgroup WHERE inputgroupid = '2' AND cardinput.cardinputid = inputgroup.cardinputid ORDER BY cardid <<<< Returns 2 row(s) |
5 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.618800 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "cardid = 3" |
6 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.618854 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "cardid = 4" |
7 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.620738 I [890/15107] Scheduler cardutil.cpp:1692 (GetConflictingCards) - CardUtil: Card ID 4 |
8 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.621000 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:4417 (FillRecordingDir) - Scheduler: FillRecordingDir: Starting |
9 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.625819 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT DISTINCT dirname FROM storagegroup WHERE groupname = 'Default' AND hostname = 'ariel.local' <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
10 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.625916 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "dirname = /Volumes/Default/" |
11 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.626187 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:4441 (FillRecordingDir) - Scheduler: FillRecordingDir: Finished |
12 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.627827 I [890/15107] Scheduler tv_rec.cpp:299 (RecordPending) - TVRec(3): RecordPending on inputid 3 |
13 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.631812 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT inputgroupid FROM inputgroup WHERE cardinputid = '3' ORDER BY inputgroupid, cardinputid, inputgroupname <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
14 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.631905 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "inputgroupid = 2" |
15 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.633077 I [890/15107] Scheduler cardutil.cpp:1672 (GetConflictingCards) - CardUtil: Group ID 2 |
16 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.635455 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager7) SELECT DISTINCT cardid FROM cardinput, inputgroup WHERE inputgroupid = '2' AND cardinput.cardinputid = inputgroup.cardinputid ORDER BY cardid <<<< Returns 2 row(s) |
17 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.635549 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "cardid = 3" |
18 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.635593 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(DBManager7) Result: "cardid = 4" |
19 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.636982 I [890/15107] Scheduler cardutil.cpp:1692 (GetConflictingCards) - CardUtil: Card ID 4 |
20 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.637093 I [890/15107] Scheduler tv_rec.cpp:299 (RecordPending) - TVRec(4): RecordPending on inputid 3 |
21 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.641728 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:2036 (HandleReschedule) - Reschedule requested for id 0. |
22 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.641785 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:361 (FillRecordList) - BuildWorkList... |
23 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.641798 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:366 (FillRecordList) - AddNewRecords... |
24 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.643473 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(SchedCon) SELECT recordid,title,maxepisodes,maxnewest FROM record; <<<< Returns 3 row(s) |
25 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.643638 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "recordid = 1, title = Seinfeld, maxepisodes = 0, maxnewest = 0" |
26 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.643746 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "recordid = 2, title = Night Gallery, maxepisodes = 0, maxnewest = 0" |
27 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.643844 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "recordid = 4, title = Katmai: Alaska's Wild Peninsula, maxepisodes = 0, maxnewest = 0" |
28 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.644919 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(SchedCon) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sched_temp_record; |
29 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.652100 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(SchedCon) CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE sched_temp_record LIKE record; |
30 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.655397 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(SchedCon) INSERT sched_temp_record SELECT * from record; |
31 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.656972 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(SchedCon) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sched_temp_recorded; |
32 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.664289 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(SchedCon) CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE sched_temp_recorded LIKE recorded; |
33 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.669948 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(SchedCon) INSERT sched_temp_recorded SELECT * from recorded; |
34 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.670982 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(SchedCon) SELECT recpriority, selectclause FROM powerpriority; <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
35 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.671175 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:3852 (AddNewRecords) - |-- Start DB Query... |
36 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.677133 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(SchedCon) UPDATE recordmatch INNER JOIN sched_temp_record ON (recordmatch.recordid = sched_temp_record.recordid) INNER JOIN program ON (recordmatch.chanid = program.chanid AND recordmatch.starttime = program.starttime AND recordmatch.manualid = program.manualid) LEFT JOIN oldrecorded ON ( sched_temp_record.dupmethod > 1 AND oldrecorded.duplicate <> 0 AND program.title = oldrecorded.title AND program.generic = 0 AND ( (program.programid <> '' AND program.programid = oldrecorded.programid) OR ( (program.programid = '' OR oldrecorded.programid = '') AND (((sched_temp_record.dupmethod & 0x02) = 0) OR (program.subtitle <> '' AND program.subtitle = oldrecorded.subtitle)) AND (((sched_temp_record.dupmethod & 0x04) = 0) OR (program.description <> '' AND program.description = oldrecorded.description)) AND (((sched_temp_record.dupmethod & 0x08) = 0) OR (program.subtitle <> '' AND (program.subtitle = oldrecorded.subtitle OR (oldrecorded.subtitle = '' AND program.subtitle = oldrecorded.description))) OR (program.subtitle = '' AND program.description <> '' AND (program.description = oldrecorded.subtitle OR (oldrecorded.subtitle = '' AND program.description = oldrecorded.description)))) ) ) ) LEFT JOIN sched_temp_recorded recorded ON ( sched_temp_record.dupmethod > 1 AND recorded.duplicate <> 0 AND program.title = recorded.title AND program.generic = 0 AND recorded.recgroup NOT IN ('LiveTV','Deleted') AND ( (program.programid <> '' AND program.programid = recorded.programid) OR ( (program.programid = '' OR recorded.programid = '') AND |
37 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.709333 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(SchedCon) SELECT c.chanid, c.sourceid, p.starttime, p.endtime, p.title, p.subtitle, p.description, c.channum, c.callsign, c.name, oldrecduplicate, p.category, sched_temp_record.recpriority, sched_temp_record.dupin, recduplicate, findduplicate, sched_temp_record.type, sched_temp_record.recordid, p.starttime - INTERVAL sched_temp_record.startoffset minute AS recstartts, p.endtime + INTERVAL sched_temp_record.endoffset minute AS recendts, p.previouslyshown, sched_temp_record.recgroup, sched_temp_record.dupmethod, c.commmethod, capturecard.cardid, cardinput.cardinputid,p.seriesid, p.programid, sched_temp_record.inetref, p.category_type, p.airdate, p.stars, p.originalairdate, sched_temp_record.inactive, sched_temp_record.parentid,(CASE sched_temp_record.type WHEN 6 THEN sched_temp_record.findid WHEN 9 THEN to_days(date_sub(p.starttime, interval time_format(sched_temp_record.findtime, '%H:%i') hour_minute)) WHEN 10 THEN floor((to_days(date_sub(p.starttime, interval time_format(sched_temp_record.findtime, '%H:%i') hour_minute)) - sched_temp_record.findday)/7) * 7 + sched_temp_record.findday WHEN 7 THEN sched_temp_record.findid ELSE 0 END) , sched_temp_record.playgroup, oldrecstatus.recstatus, oldrecstatus.reactivate, p.videoprop+0, p.subtitletypes+0, p.audioprop+0, sched_temp_record.storagegroup, capturecard.hostname, recordmatch.oldrecstatus, sched_temp_record.avg_delay, oldrecstatus.future, cardinput.schedorder, c.recpriority + cardinput.recpriority + (cardinput.cardinputid = sched_temp_record.p |
38 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.709754 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:3873 (AddNewRecords) - |-- 12 results in 0.038539 sec. Processing... |
39 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.710959 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1161, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-09T23:30:00, endtime = 2013-07-10T00:00:00, title = Katmai: Alaska's Wild Peninsula, subtitle = , description = The wilderness of Alaska Peninsula includes large numbers of bears and sockeye salmon., channum = 16_1, callsign = ååäåâ´ã, name = ååäåâ´ã, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = Special, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 1, recordid = 4, recstartts = 2013-07-09T23:30:00, recendts = 2013-07-10T00:00:00, previouslyshown = 0, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 1, cardinputid = 1, seriesid = EP01726895, programid = SH017268950000, inetref = , category_type = tvshow, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 2013-07-05, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, (CASE sched_temp_record.type WHEN 6 THEN sched_temp_record.findid WHEN 9 THEN to_days(date_sub(p.starttime, interval time_format(sched_temp_record.findtime, '%H:%i') hour_minute)) WHEN 10 THEN floor((to_days(date_sub(p.startt = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 0, p.audioprop+0 = 0, storagegroup = Default, hostname = ariel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 0, schedorder = 3, powerpriority = 0" |
40 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.713404 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1161, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-09T23:30:00, endtime = 2013-07-10T00:00:00, title = Katmai: Alaska's Wild Peninsula, subtitle = , description = The wilderness of Alaska Peninsula includes large numbers of bears and sockeye salmon., channum = 16_1, callsign = ååäåâ´ã, name = ååäåâ´ã, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = Special, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 1, recordid = 4, recstartts = 2013-07-09T23:30:00, recendts = 2013-07-10T00:00:00, previouslyshown = 0, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 2, cardinputid = 2, seriesid = EP01726895, programid = SH017268950000, inetref = , category_type = tvshow, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 2013-07-05, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, (CASE sched_temp_record.type WHEN 6 THEN sched_temp_record.findid WHEN 9 THEN to_days(date_sub(p.starttime, interval time_format(sched_temp_record.findtime, '%H:%i') hour_minute)) WHEN 10 THEN floor((to_days(date_sub(p.startt = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 0, p.audioprop+0 = 0, storagegroup = Default, hostname = ariel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 0, schedorder = 3, powerpriority = 0" |
41 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.717293 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1161, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-09T23:30:00, endtime = 2013-07-10T00:00:00, title = Katmai: Alaska's Wild Peninsula, subtitle = , description = The wilderness of Alaska Peninsula includes large numbers of bears and sockeye salmon., channum = 16_1, callsign = ååäåâ´ã, name = ååäåâ´ã, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = Special, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 1, recordid = 4, recstartts = 2013-07-09T23:30:00, recendts = 2013-07-10T00:00:00, previouslyshown = 0, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 3, cardinputid = 3, seriesid = EP01726895, programid = SH017268950000, inetref = , category_type = tvshow, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 2013-07-05, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, (CASE sched_temp_record.type WHEN 6 THEN sched_temp_record.findid WHEN 9 THEN to_days(date_sub(p.starttime, interval time_format(sched_temp_record.findtime, '%H:%i') hour_minute)) WHEN 10 THEN floor((to_days(date_sub(p.startt = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 0, p.audioprop+0 = 0, storagegroup = Default, hostname = ariel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 0, schedorder = 1, powerpriority = 0" |
42 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.719270 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1161, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-09T23:30:00, endtime = 2013-07-10T00:00:00, title = Katmai: Alaska's Wild Peninsula, subtitle = , description = The wilderness of Alaska Peninsula includes large numbers of bears and sockeye salmon., channum = 16_1, callsign = ååäåâ´ã, name = ååäåâ´ã, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = Special, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 1, recordid = 4, recstartts = 2013-07-09T23:30:00, recendts = 2013-07-10T00:00:00, previouslyshown = 0, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 4, cardinputid = 4, seriesid = EP01726895, programid = SH017268950000, inetref = , category_type = tvshow, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 2013-07-05, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, (CASE sched_temp_record.type WHEN 6 THEN sched_temp_record.findid WHEN 9 THEN to_days(date_sub(p.starttime, interval time_format(sched_temp_record.findtime, '%H:%i') hour_minute)) WHEN 10 THEN floor((to_days(date_sub(p.startt = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -1, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 0, p.audioprop+0 = 0, storagegroup = Default, hostname = ariel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 0, schedorder = 1, powerpriority = 0" |
43 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.721172 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1092, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-09T23:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-09T23:30:00, title = Night Gallery, subtitle = Silent Snow, Secret Snow/Hell's Bells, description = Snow falls in a boy's private world; a man winds up in hell., channum = 9_2, callsign = ååå¤åâ´ãâ, name = WSYR-2, Syracuse, NY, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = Anthology, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 1, recordid = 2, recstartts = 2013-07-09T23:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-09T23:30:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 1, cardinputid = 1, seriesid = EP00003135, programid = EP000031350053, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1971-10-20, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, (CASE sched_temp_record.type WHEN 6 THEN sched_temp_record.findid WHEN 9 THEN to_days(date_sub(p.starttime, interval time_format(sched_temp_record.findtime, '%H:%i') hour_minute)) WHEN 10 THEN floor((to_days(date_sub(p.startt = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -5, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 0, p.audioprop+0 = 0, storagegroup = Default, hostname = ariel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 0, schedorder = 3, powerpriority = 0" |
44 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.728947 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1092, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-09T23:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-09T23:30:00, title = Night Gallery, subtitle = Silent Snow, Secret Snow/Hell's Bells, description = Snow falls in a boy's private world; a man winds up in hell., channum = 9_2, callsign = ååå¤åâ´ãâ, name = WSYR-2, Syracuse, NY, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = Anthology, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 1, recordid = 2, recstartts = 2013-07-09T23:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-09T23:30:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 2, cardinputid = 2, seriesid = EP00003135, programid = EP000031350053, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1971-10-20, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, (CASE sched_temp_record.type WHEN 6 THEN sched_temp_record.findid WHEN 9 THEN to_days(date_sub(p.starttime, interval time_format(sched_temp_record.findtime, '%H:%i') hour_minute)) WHEN 10 THEN floor((to_days(date_sub(p.startt = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -5, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 0, p.audioprop+0 = 0, storagegroup = Default, hostname = ariel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 0, schedorder = 3, powerpriority = 0" |
45 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.730551 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1092, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-09T23:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-09T23:30:00, title = Night Gallery, subtitle = Silent Snow, Secret Snow/Hell's Bells, description = Snow falls in a boy's private world; a man winds up in hell., channum = 9_2, callsign = ååå¤åâ´ãâ, name = WSYR-2, Syracuse, NY, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = Anthology, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 1, recordid = 2, recstartts = 2013-07-09T23:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-09T23:30:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 3, cardinputid = 3, seriesid = EP00003135, programid = EP000031350053, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1971-10-20, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, (CASE sched_temp_record.type WHEN 6 THEN sched_temp_record.findid WHEN 9 THEN to_days(date_sub(p.starttime, interval time_format(sched_temp_record.findtime, '%H:%i') hour_minute)) WHEN 10 THEN floor((to_days(date_sub(p.startt = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -5, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 0, p.audioprop+0 = 0, storagegroup = Default, hostname = ariel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 0, schedorder = 1, powerpriority = 0" |
46 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.732085 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1092, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-09T23:00:00, endtime = 2013-07-09T23:30:00, title = Night Gallery, subtitle = Silent Snow, Secret Snow/Hell's Bells, description = Snow falls in a boy's private world; a man winds up in hell., channum = 9_2, callsign = ååå¤åâ´ãâ, name = WSYR-2, Syracuse, NY, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = Anthology, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 1, recordid = 2, recstartts = 2013-07-09T23:00:00, recendts = 2013-07-09T23:30:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 4, cardinputid = 4, seriesid = EP00003135, programid = EP000031350053, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1971-10-20, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, (CASE sched_temp_record.type WHEN 6 THEN sched_temp_record.findid WHEN 9 THEN to_days(date_sub(p.starttime, interval time_format(sched_temp_record.findtime, '%H:%i') hour_minute)) WHEN 10 THEN floor((to_days(date_sub(p.startt = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -5, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 0, p.audioprop+0 = 0, storagegroup = Default, hostname = ariel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 0, schedorder = 1, powerpriority = 0" |
47 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.733604 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1502, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-09T22:30:00, endtime = 2013-07-09T23:00:00, title = Seinfeld, subtitle = The Jimmy, description = Kramer's numbing experience at the dentist wins him a spot in a charity concert; George is accused of stealing., channum = 50_2, callsign = åååä¤â´ãâ, name = Watertown, NY, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = Sitcom, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 1, recordid = 1, recstartts = 2013-07-09T22:30:00, recendts = 2013-07-09T23:00:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 1, cardinputid = 1, seriesid = EP00016916, programid = EP000169160116, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1995-03-16, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, (CASE sched_temp_record.type WHEN 6 THEN sched_temp_record.findid WHEN 9 THEN to_days(date_sub(p.starttime, interval time_format(sched_temp_record.findtime, '%H:%i') hour_minute)) WHEN 10 THEN floor((to_days(date_sub(p.startt = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -5, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 0, p.audioprop+0 = 0, storagegroup = Default, hostname = ariel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 0, schedorder = 3, powerpriority = 0" |
48 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.735139 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1502, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-09T22:30:00, endtime = 2013-07-09T23:00:00, title = Seinfeld, subtitle = The Jimmy, description = Kramer's numbing experience at the dentist wins him a spot in a charity concert; George is accused of stealing., channum = 50_2, callsign = åååä¤â´ãâ, name = Watertown, NY, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = Sitcom, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 1, recordid = 1, recstartts = 2013-07-09T22:30:00, recendts = 2013-07-09T23:00:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 2, cardinputid = 2, seriesid = EP00016916, programid = EP000169160116, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1995-03-16, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, (CASE sched_temp_record.type WHEN 6 THEN sched_temp_record.findid WHEN 9 THEN to_days(date_sub(p.starttime, interval time_format(sched_temp_record.findtime, '%H:%i') hour_minute)) WHEN 10 THEN floor((to_days(date_sub(p.startt = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -5, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 0, p.audioprop+0 = 0, storagegroup = Default, hostname = ariel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 0, schedorder = 3, powerpriority = 0" |
49 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.736709 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1502, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-09T22:30:00, endtime = 2013-07-09T23:00:00, title = Seinfeld, subtitle = The Jimmy, description = Kramer's numbing experience at the dentist wins him a spot in a charity concert; George is accused of stealing., channum = 50_2, callsign = åååä¤â´ãâ, name = Watertown, NY, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = Sitcom, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 1, recordid = 1, recstartts = 2013-07-09T22:30:00, recendts = 2013-07-09T23:00:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 3, cardinputid = 3, seriesid = EP00016916, programid = EP000169160116, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1995-03-16, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, (CASE sched_temp_record.type WHEN 6 THEN sched_temp_record.findid WHEN 9 THEN to_days(date_sub(p.starttime, interval time_format(sched_temp_record.findtime, '%H:%i') hour_minute)) WHEN 10 THEN floor((to_days(date_sub(p.startt = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -5, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 0, p.audioprop+0 = 0, storagegroup = Default, hostname = ariel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 0, schedorder = 1, powerpriority = 0" |
50 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.738231 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "chanid = 1502, sourceid = 1, starttime = 2013-07-09T22:30:00, endtime = 2013-07-09T23:00:00, title = Seinfeld, subtitle = The Jimmy, description = Kramer's numbing experience at the dentist wins him a spot in a charity concert; George is accused of stealing., channum = 50_2, callsign = åååä¤â´ãâ, name = Watertown, NY, oldrecduplicate = 0, category = Sitcom, recpriority = 0, dupin = 15, recduplicate = 0, findduplicate = 0, type = 1, recordid = 1, recstartts = 2013-07-09T22:30:00, recendts = 2013-07-09T23:00:00, previouslyshown = 1, recgroup = Default, dupmethod = 6, commmethod = -1, cardid = 4, cardinputid = 4, seriesid = EP00016916, programid = EP000169160116, inetref = , category_type = series, airdate = 0, stars = 0, originalairdate = 1995-03-16, inactive = 0, parentid = 0, (CASE sched_temp_record.type WHEN 6 THEN sched_temp_record.findid WHEN 9 THEN to_days(date_sub(p.starttime, interval time_format(sched_temp_record.findtime, '%H:%i') hour_minute)) WHEN 10 THEN floor((to_days(date_sub(p.startt = 0, playgroup = Default, recstatus = -5, reactivate = 0, p.videoprop+0 = 0, p.subtitletypes+0 = 0, p.audioprop+0 = 0, storagegroup = Default, hostname = ariel.local, oldrecstatus = 0, avg_delay = 100, future = 0, schedorder = 1, powerpriority = 0" |
51 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.738981 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:4048 (AddNewRecords) - +-- Cleanup... |
52 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.749993 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(SchedCon) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sched_temp_record; |
53 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.754618 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(SchedCon) DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sched_temp_recorded; |
54 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.754780 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:368 (FillRecordList) - AddNotListed... |
55 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.754845 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:4098 (AddNotListed) - |-- Start DB Query... |
56 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.756840 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(SchedCon) SELECT record.title, record.subtitle, record.description, record.season, record.episode, record.category, record.chanid, channel.channum, record.station, channel.name, record.recgroup, record.playgroup, record.seriesid, record.programid, record.inetref, record.recpriority, record.startdate, record.starttime, record.enddate, record.endtime, record.recordid, record.type, record.dupin, record.dupmethod, record.findid, record.startoffset, record.endoffset, channel.commmethod FROM record INNER JOIN channel ON (channel.chanid = record.chanid) LEFT JOIN recordmatch on record.recordid = recordmatch.recordid WHERE (type = 1 OR type = 2 OR type = 5 OR type = 7) AND recordmatch.chanid IS NULL <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
57 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.756902 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:4116 (AddNotListed) - |-- 0 results in 0.002027 sec. Processing... |
58 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.757081 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:371 (FillRecordList) - Sort by time... |
59 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.757124 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:373 (FillRecordList) - PruneOverlaps... |
60 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.757135 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:376 (FillRecordList) - Sort by priority... |
61 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.852457 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:378 (FillRecordList) - BuildListMaps... |
62 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.852503 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:380 (FillRecordList) - SchedNewRecords... |
63 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.852510 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:1236 (SchedNewRecords) - Scheduling: |
64 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.852517 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:1241 (SchedNewRecords) - + = schedule this showing to be recorded |
65 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.852524 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:1243 (SchedNewRecords) - # = could not schedule this showing, retry later |
66 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.852532 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:1245 (SchedNewRecords) - ! = conflict caused by this showing |
67 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.852539 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:1247 (SchedNewRecords) - / = retry this showing, same priority pass |
68 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.852546 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:1249 (SchedNewRecords) - ? = retry this showing, lower priority pass |
69 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.852553 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:1251 (SchedNewRecords) - > = try another showing for this program |
70 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.852560 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:1253 (SchedNewRecords) - % = found another showing, same priority required |
71 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.852604 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:1255 (SchedNewRecords) - $ = found another showing, lower priority allowed |
72 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.852612 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:1257 (SchedNewRecords) - - = unschedule a showing in favor of another one |
73 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.853007 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:382 (FillRecordList) - SchedPreserveLiveTV... |
74 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.853667 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:384 (FillRecordList) - ClearListMaps... |
75 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.853693 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:389 (FillRecordList) - Sort by time... |
76 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.853741 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:391 (FillRecordList) - PruneRedundants... |
77 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.934295 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:394 (FillRecordList) - Sort by time... |
78 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.934322 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:396 (FillRecordList) - ClearWorkList... |
79 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.936939 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(SchedCon) SELECT recordid, next_record FROM record; <<<< Returns 3 row(s) |
80 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.937144 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "recordid = 1, next_record = " |
81 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.937236 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "recordid = 2, next_record = " |
82 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.937343 D [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(SchedCon) Result: "recordid = 4, next_record = 2013-07-09T23:30:00" |
83 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.937474 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:499 (PrintList) - --- print list start --- |
84 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.937485 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:501 (PrintList) - Title - Subtitle Ch Station Day Start End S C I T N Pri |
85 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.937585 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:550 (PrintRec) - Night Gallery - Silent Snow, Secre 9_2 圀匀夀刀ⴀ㈀ 09 23:00-23:30 1 0 0 S M 1 |
86 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.937645 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:550 (PrintRec) - Katmai: Alaska's Wild Peninsula 16_1 圀倀䈀匀ⴀ 09 23:30-00:00 1 3 3 S 3 1 |
87 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.937653 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:517 (PrintList) - --- print list end --- |
88 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.937694 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:2096 (HandleReschedule) - Scheduled 2 items in 0.3 = 0.00 match + 0.29 place |
89 | 2013-07-09 23:29:56.939659 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:1832 (run) - sleeping for 60000 ms (interuptable) |
90 | 2013-07-09 23:29:57.206563 I [890/14595] TVRecEvent tv_rec.cpp:1544 (HandlePendingRecordings) - TVRec(4): ASK_RECORDING 4 2 0 0 |
91 | 2013-07-09 23:29:57.485728 I [890/13323] TVRecEvent tv_rec.cpp:1544 (HandlePendingRecordings) - TVRec(3): ASK_RECORDING 3 2 0 0 |
92 | 2013-07-09 23:30:05.401249 D [890/15879] Expire mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager9) SELECT chanid, starttime, lastupdatetime, recusage, hostname FROM inuseprograms <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
93 | 2013-07-09 23:30:05.405686 D [890/15879] Expire mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager9) SELECT recorded.chanid, starttime FROM recorded LEFT JOIN channel ON recorded.chanid = channel.chanid WHERE recgroup = 'LiveTV' AND endtime < DATE_ADD(starttime, INTERVAL '2' MINUTE) AND endtime <= DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL '-1' MINUTE) AND deletepending = 0 ORDER BY autoexpire DESC, starttime ASC <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
94 | 2013-07-09 23:30:30.230975 I [890/14595] TVRecEvent tv_rec.cpp:1506 (HandlePendingRecordings) - TVRec(4): Deleting stale pending recording 3 'Katmai: Alaska's Wild Peninsula' |
95 | 2013-07-09 23:30:30.530726 I [890/13323] TVRecEvent tv_rec.cpp:1506 (HandlePendingRecordings) - TVRec(3): Deleting stale pending recording 3 'Katmai: Alaska's Wild Peninsula' |
96 | 2013-07-09 23:30:56.492664 I [890/20739] JobQueue jobqueue.cpp:195 (ProcessQueue) - JobQueue: Currently set to run up to 1 job(s) max. |
97 | 2013-07-09 23:30:56.495505 D [890/20739] JobQueue mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager5) SELECT j.id, j.chanid, j.starttime, j.inserttime, j.type, j.cmds, j.flags, j.status, j.statustime, j.hostname, j.args, j.comment, r.endtime, j.schedruntime FROM jobqueue j LEFT JOIN recorded r ON j.chanid = r.chanid AND j.starttime = r.starttime ORDER BY j.schedruntime, j.id; <<<< Returns 7 row(s) |
98 | 2013-07-09 23:30:56.495548 I [890/20739] JobQueue jobqueue.cpp:1294 (GetJobsInQueue) - JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: findJobs search bitmask 4, found 7 total jobs |
99 | 2013-07-09 23:30:56.496197 D [890/20739] JobQueue mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(DBManager5) Result: "id = 1, chanid = 1031, starttime = 2013-07-09T22:01:47, inserttime = 2013-07-09T22:01:47, type = 4, cmds = 0, flags = 2, status = 272, statustime = 2013-07-09T22:30:11, hostname = ariel.local, args = , comment = Metadata Lookup Complete., endtime = 2013-07-09T22:30:00, schedruntime = 2013-07-09T22:01:47" |
100 | 2013-07-09 23:30:56.497367 I [890/20739] JobQueue jobqueue.cpp:1350 (GetJobsInQueue) - JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Look up Metadata' Job for chanid 1031 @ 20130709220147 in Finished state. |
101 | 2013-07-09 23:30:56.498009 D [890/20739] JobQueue mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(DBManager5) Result: "id = 2, chanid = 1032, starttime = 2013-07-09T22:02:01, inserttime = 2013-07-09T22:02:01, type = 4, cmds = 0, flags = 2, status = 272, statustime = 2013-07-09T22:31:16, hostname = ariel.local, args = , comment = Metadata Lookup Complete., endtime = 2013-07-09T22:30:00, schedruntime = 2013-07-09T22:02:01" |
102 | 2013-07-09 23:30:56.499021 I [890/20739] JobQueue jobqueue.cpp:1350 (GetJobsInQueue) - JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Look up Metadata' Job for chanid 1032 @ 20130709220201 in Finished state. |
103 | 2013-07-09 23:30:56.499654 D [890/20739] JobQueue mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(DBManager5) Result: "id = 3, chanid = 1033, starttime = 2013-07-09T22:02:07, inserttime = 2013-07-09T22:02:07, type = 4, cmds = 0, flags = 2, status = 272, statustime = 2013-07-09T22:31:21, hostname = ariel.local, args = , comment = Metadata Lookup Complete., endtime = 2013-07-09T22:30:00, schedruntime = 2013-07-09T22:02:07" |
104 | 2013-07-09 23:30:56.500698 I [890/20739] JobQueue jobqueue.cpp:1350 (GetJobsInQueue) - JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Look up Metadata' Job for chanid 1033 @ 20130709220207 in Finished state. |
105 | 2013-07-09 23:30:56.501329 D [890/20739] JobQueue mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(DBManager5) Result: "id = 4, chanid = 1051, starttime = 2013-07-09T22:02:13, inserttime = 2013-07-09T22:02:13, type = 4, cmds = 0, flags = 2, status = 272, statustime = 2013-07-09T22:31:26, hostname = ariel.local, args = , comment = Metadata Lookup Complete., endtime = 2013-07-09T22:30:00, schedruntime = 2013-07-09T22:02:13" |
106 | 2013-07-09 23:30:56.502315 I [890/20739] JobQueue jobqueue.cpp:1350 (GetJobsInQueue) - JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Look up Metadata' Job for chanid 1051 @ 20130709220213 in Finished state. |
107 | 2013-07-09 23:30:56.502953 D [890/20739] JobQueue mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(DBManager5) Result: "id = 12, chanid = 1111, starttime = 2013-07-09T22:03:44, inserttime = 2013-07-09T22:03:44, type = 4, cmds = 0, flags = 2, status = 272, statustime = 2013-07-09T22:07:41, hostname = ariel.local, args = , comment = Metadata Lookup Complete., endtime = 2013-07-09T22:05:44, schedruntime = 2013-07-09T22:03:44" |
108 | 2013-07-09 23:30:56.503949 I [890/20739] JobQueue jobqueue.cpp:1350 (GetJobsInQueue) - JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Look up Metadata' Job for chanid 1111 @ 20130709220344 in Finished state. |
109 | 2013-07-09 23:30:56.504582 D [890/20739] JobQueue mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(DBManager5) Result: "id = 15, chanid = 1561, starttime = 2013-07-09T22:08:29, inserttime = 2013-07-09T22:08:29, type = 4, cmds = 0, flags = 2, status = 272, statustime = 2013-07-09T22:31:32, hostname = ariel.local, args = , comment = Metadata Lookup Complete., endtime = 2013-07-09T22:30:00, schedruntime = 2013-07-09T22:08:29" |
110 | 2013-07-09 23:30:56.505567 I [890/20739] JobQueue jobqueue.cpp:1350 (GetJobsInQueue) - JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Look up Metadata' Job for chanid 1561 @ 20130709220829 in Finished state. |
111 | 2013-07-09 23:30:56.506198 D [890/20739] JobQueue mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(DBManager5) Result: "id = 18, chanid = 1241, starttime = 2013-07-09T22:09:47, inserttime = 2013-07-09T22:09:47, type = 4, cmds = 0, flags = 2, status = 272, statustime = 2013-07-09T22:32:36, hostname = ariel.local, args = , comment = Metadata Lookup Complete., endtime = 2013-07-09T22:30:00, schedruntime = 2013-07-09T22:09:47" |
112 | 2013-07-09 23:30:56.507287 I [890/20739] JobQueue jobqueue.cpp:1350 (GetJobsInQueue) - JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Look up Metadata' Job for chanid 1241 @ 20130709220947 in Finished state. |
113 | 2013-07-09 23:30:56.936767 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:1832 (run) - sleeping for 60000 ms (interuptable) |
114 | 2013-07-09 23:31:05.399006 D [890/15879] Expire mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager9) SELECT chanid, starttime, lastupdatetime, recusage, hostname FROM inuseprograms <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
115 | 2013-07-09 23:31:08.302123 I [890/15367] HouseKeeping housekeeper.cpp:225 (RunHouseKeeping) - Running housekeeping thread |
116 | 2013-07-09 23:31:08.304609 D [890/15367] HouseKeeping mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager8) SELECT lastrun FROM housekeeping WHERE tag = 'LogClean' ; <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
117 | 2013-07-09 23:31:08.304808 D [890/15367] HouseKeeping mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(DBManager8) Result: "lastrun = 2013-07-09T21:59:14" |
118 | 2013-07-09 23:31:08.308477 D [890/15367] HouseKeeping mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager8) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM videosource WHERE xmltvgrabber IN ( 'datadirect', 'technovera', 'schedulesdirect1' ); <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
119 | 2013-07-09 23:31:08.308559 D [890/15367] HouseKeeping mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(DBManager8) Result: "COUNT(*) = 1" |
120 | 2013-07-09 23:31:08.309888 D [890/15367] HouseKeeping mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager8) SELECT lastrun FROM housekeeping WHERE tag = 'MythFillDB' ; <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
121 | 2013-07-09 23:31:08.316762 D [890/15367] HouseKeeping mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager8) SELECT lastrun FROM housekeeping WHERE tag = 'DailyCleanup' ; <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
122 | 2013-07-09 23:31:08.316961 D [890/15367] HouseKeeping mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(DBManager8) Result: "lastrun = 2013-07-09T21:59:15" |
123 | 2013-07-09 23:31:08.320639 D [890/15367] HouseKeeping mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager8) SELECT lastrun FROM housekeeping WHERE tag = 'ThemeChooserInfoCacheUpdate' ; <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
124 | 2013-07-09 23:31:08.320812 D [890/15367] HouseKeeping mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(DBManager8) Result: "lastrun = 2013-07-09T21:59:16" |
125 | 2013-07-09 23:31:08.326128 D [890/15367] HouseKeeping mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager8) SELECT lastrun FROM housekeeping WHERE tag = 'JobQueueRecover-ariel.local' ; <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
126 | 2013-07-09 23:31:08.326318 D [890/15367] HouseKeeping mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(DBManager8) Result: "lastrun = 2013-07-09T21:59:16" |
127 | 2013-07-09 23:31:08.330378 D [890/15367] HouseKeeping mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager8) SELECT lastrun FROM housekeeping WHERE tag = 'DBCleanup' ; <<<< Returns 1 row(s) |
128 | 2013-07-09 23:31:08.330570 D [890/15367] HouseKeeping mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(DBManager8) Result: "lastrun = 2013-07-09T21:59:16" |
129 | 2013-07-09 23:31:56.504087 I [890/20739] JobQueue jobqueue.cpp:195 (ProcessQueue) - JobQueue: Currently set to run up to 1 job(s) max. |
130 | 2013-07-09 23:31:56.507051 D [890/20739] JobQueue mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager5) SELECT j.id, j.chanid, j.starttime, j.inserttime, j.type, j.cmds, j.flags, j.status, j.statustime, j.hostname, j.args, j.comment, r.endtime, j.schedruntime FROM jobqueue j LEFT JOIN recorded r ON j.chanid = r.chanid AND j.starttime = r.starttime ORDER BY j.schedruntime, j.id; <<<< Returns 7 row(s) |
131 | 2013-07-09 23:31:56.507092 I [890/20739] JobQueue jobqueue.cpp:1294 (GetJobsInQueue) - JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: findJobs search bitmask 4, found 7 total jobs |
132 | 2013-07-09 23:31:56.507749 D [890/20739] JobQueue mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(DBManager5) Result: "id = 1, chanid = 1031, starttime = 2013-07-09T22:01:47, inserttime = 2013-07-09T22:01:47, type = 4, cmds = 0, flags = 2, status = 272, statustime = 2013-07-09T22:30:11, hostname = ariel.local, args = , comment = Metadata Lookup Complete., endtime = 2013-07-09T22:30:00, schedruntime = 2013-07-09T22:01:47" |
133 | 2013-07-09 23:31:56.508916 I [890/20739] JobQueue jobqueue.cpp:1350 (GetJobsInQueue) - JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Look up Metadata' Job for chanid 1031 @ 20130709220147 in Finished state. |
134 | 2013-07-09 23:31:56.509557 D [890/20739] JobQueue mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(DBManager5) Result: "id = 2, chanid = 1032, starttime = 2013-07-09T22:02:01, inserttime = 2013-07-09T22:02:01, type = 4, cmds = 0, flags = 2, status = 272, statustime = 2013-07-09T22:31:16, hostname = ariel.local, args = , comment = Metadata Lookup Complete., endtime = 2013-07-09T22:30:00, schedruntime = 2013-07-09T22:02:01" |
135 | 2013-07-09 23:31:56.510569 I [890/20739] JobQueue jobqueue.cpp:1350 (GetJobsInQueue) - JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Look up Metadata' Job for chanid 1032 @ 20130709220201 in Finished state. |
136 | 2013-07-09 23:31:56.511229 D [890/20739] JobQueue mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(DBManager5) Result: "id = 3, chanid = 1033, starttime = 2013-07-09T22:02:07, inserttime = 2013-07-09T22:02:07, type = 4, cmds = 0, flags = 2, status = 272, statustime = 2013-07-09T22:31:21, hostname = ariel.local, args = , comment = Metadata Lookup Complete., endtime = 2013-07-09T22:30:00, schedruntime = 2013-07-09T22:02:07" |
137 | 2013-07-09 23:31:56.512224 I [890/20739] JobQueue jobqueue.cpp:1350 (GetJobsInQueue) - JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Look up Metadata' Job for chanid 1033 @ 20130709220207 in Finished state. |
138 | 2013-07-09 23:31:56.512857 D [890/20739] JobQueue mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(DBManager5) Result: "id = 4, chanid = 1051, starttime = 2013-07-09T22:02:13, inserttime = 2013-07-09T22:02:13, type = 4, cmds = 0, flags = 2, status = 272, statustime = 2013-07-09T22:31:26, hostname = ariel.local, args = , comment = Metadata Lookup Complete., endtime = 2013-07-09T22:30:00, schedruntime = 2013-07-09T22:02:13" |
139 | 2013-07-09 23:31:56.513850 I [890/20739] JobQueue jobqueue.cpp:1350 (GetJobsInQueue) - JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Look up Metadata' Job for chanid 1051 @ 20130709220213 in Finished state. |
140 | 2013-07-09 23:31:56.514490 D [890/20739] JobQueue mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(DBManager5) Result: "id = 12, chanid = 1111, starttime = 2013-07-09T22:03:44, inserttime = 2013-07-09T22:03:44, type = 4, cmds = 0, flags = 2, status = 272, statustime = 2013-07-09T22:07:41, hostname = ariel.local, args = , comment = Metadata Lookup Complete., endtime = 2013-07-09T22:05:44, schedruntime = 2013-07-09T22:03:44" |
141 | 2013-07-09 23:31:56.515482 I [890/20739] JobQueue jobqueue.cpp:1350 (GetJobsInQueue) - JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Look up Metadata' Job for chanid 1111 @ 20130709220344 in Finished state. |
142 | 2013-07-09 23:31:56.516112 D [890/20739] JobQueue mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(DBManager5) Result: "id = 15, chanid = 1561, starttime = 2013-07-09T22:08:29, inserttime = 2013-07-09T22:08:29, type = 4, cmds = 0, flags = 2, status = 272, statustime = 2013-07-09T22:31:32, hostname = ariel.local, args = , comment = Metadata Lookup Complete., endtime = 2013-07-09T22:30:00, schedruntime = 2013-07-09T22:08:29" |
143 | 2013-07-09 23:31:56.517206 I [890/20739] JobQueue jobqueue.cpp:1350 (GetJobsInQueue) - JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Look up Metadata' Job for chanid 1561 @ 20130709220829 in Finished state. |
144 | 2013-07-09 23:31:56.517870 D [890/20739] JobQueue mythdbcon.cpp:745 (seekDebug) - MSqlQuery::next(DBManager5) Result: "id = 18, chanid = 1241, starttime = 2013-07-09T22:09:47, inserttime = 2013-07-09T22:09:47, type = 4, cmds = 0, flags = 2, status = 272, statustime = 2013-07-09T22:32:36, hostname = ariel.local, args = , comment = Metadata Lookup Complete., endtime = 2013-07-09T22:30:00, schedruntime = 2013-07-09T22:09:47" |
145 | 2013-07-09 23:31:56.518890 I [890/20739] JobQueue jobqueue.cpp:1350 (GetJobsInQueue) - JobQueue: GetJobsInQueue: Ignore 'Look up Metadata' Job for chanid 1241 @ 20130709220947 in Finished state. |
146 | 2013-07-09 23:31:56.933835 I [890/15107] Scheduler scheduler.cpp:1832 (run) - sleeping for 60000 ms (interuptable) |
147 | 2013-07-09 23:31:58.168190 D [890/523] CoreContext mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager1) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'eventcmdmastershutdown' AND hostname = 'ariel.local' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
148 | 2013-07-09 23:31:58.170232 D [890/523] CoreContext mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager1) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'eventcmdmastershutdown' AND hostname IS NULL <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
149 | 2013-07-09 23:31:58.171873 N [890/523] CoreContext main_helpers.cpp:664 (run_backend) - MythBackend exiting |
150 | 2013-07-09 23:31:58.173263 I [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:453 (CloseDatabases) - Closing DB connection named 'DBManager7' |
151 | 2013-07-09 23:31:58.173452 I [890/15107] Scheduler mythdbcon.cpp:465 (CloseDatabases) - Closing DB connection named 'SchedCon' |
152 | 2013-07-09 23:31:58.175244 I [890/15367] HouseKeeping mythdbcon.cpp:453 (CloseDatabases) - Closing DB connection named 'DBManager8' |
153 | 2013-07-09 23:31:58.177173 I [890/15879] Expire mythdbcon.cpp:453 (CloseDatabases) - Closing DB connection named 'DBManager9' |
154 | 2013-07-09 23:31:58.177810 I [890/20739] JobQueue mythdbcon.cpp:453 (CloseDatabases) - Closing DB connection named 'DBManager5' |
155 | 2013-07-09 23:31:58.188574 D [890/523] CoreContext mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager1) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'upnp/ssdp/port' AND hostname = 'ariel.local' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
156 | 2013-07-09 23:31:58.190399 D [890/523] CoreContext mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager1) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'upnp/ssdp/port' AND hostname IS NULL <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
157 | 2013-07-09 23:31:58.195397 D [890/523] CoreContext mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager1) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'upnp/ssdp/searchport' AND hostname = 'ariel.local' <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
158 | 2013-07-09 23:31:58.197900 D [890/523] CoreContext mythdbcon.cpp:675 (exec) - MSqlQuery::exec(DBManager1) SELECT data FROM settings WHERE value = 'upnp/ssdp/searchport' AND hostname IS NULL <<<< Returns 0 row(s) |
159 | 2013-07-09 23:31:58.218758 I [890/523] CoreContext tv_rec.cpp:4194 (ClearFlags) - TVRec(1): ClearFlags(RunMainLoop,) -> 0x0 |
160 | 2013-07-09 23:31:58.218857 I [890/12055] TVRecEvent mythdbcon.cpp:453 (CloseDatabases) - Closing DB connection named 'DBManager3' |
161 | 2013-07-09 23:31:58.223777 I [890/523] CoreContext tv_rec.cpp:4194 (ClearFlags) - TVRec(1): ClearFlags(RecorderRunning,) -> 0x0 |
162 | 2013-07-09 23:31:58.223938 I [890/523] CoreContext tv_rec.cpp:4194 (ClearFlags) - TVRec(2): ClearFlags(RunMainLoop,) -> 0x0 |
163 | 2013-07-09 23:31:58.224391 I [890/523] CoreContext hdhrstreamhandler.cpp:79 (Return) - HDHRSH: Closing handler for 1030BB7E-0 |
164 | 2013-07-09 23:31:58.227974 I [890/523] CoreContext hdhrstreamhandler.cpp:461 (TuneChannel) - HDHRSH(1030BB7E-0): Not Re-Tuning channel none |
165 | 2013-07-09 23:31:58.228750 I [890/523] CoreContext tv_rec.cpp:4194 (ClearFlags) - TVRec(2): ClearFlags(RecorderRunning,) -> 0x0 |
166 | 2013-07-09 23:31:58.228811 I [890/523] CoreContext tv_rec.cpp:4194 (ClearFlags) - TVRec(3): ClearFlags(RunMainLoop,) -> 0x0 |
167 | 2013-07-09 23:31:58.229024 I [890/13323] TVRecEvent mythdbcon.cpp:453 (CloseDatabases) - Closing DB connection named 'DBManager4' |
168 | 2013-07-09 23:31:58.243804 I [890/523] CoreContext tv_rec.cpp:4194 (ClearFlags) - TVRec(3): ClearFlags(RecorderRunning,) -> 0x0 |
169 | 2013-07-09 23:31:58.243875 I [890/523] CoreContext tv_rec.cpp:4194 (ClearFlags) - TVRec(4): ClearFlags(RunMainLoop,) -> 0x0 |
170 | 2013-07-09 23:31:58.244151 I [890/523] CoreContext hdhrstreamhandler.cpp:79 (Return) - HDHRSH: Closing handler for 1030BB7E-1 |
171 | 2013-07-09 23:31:58.244647 I [890/523] CoreContext hdhrstreamhandler.cpp:461 (TuneChannel) - HDHRSH(1030BB7E-1): Not Re-Tuning channel none |
172 | 2013-07-09 23:31:58.245041 I [890/523] CoreContext tv_rec.cpp:4194 (ClearFlags) - TVRec(4): ClearFlags(RecorderRunning,) -> 0x0 |
173 | 2013-07-09 23:31:58.268446 I [890/6915] DBLogger mythdbcon.cpp:453 (CloseDatabases) - Closing DB connection named 'DBManager2' |
174 | 2013-07-09 23:31:58.269952 D [890/523] CoreContext mmulticastsocketdevice.cpp:86 (~MMulticastSocketDevice) - MMulticastSocketDevice( setsockopt - IP_DROP_MEMBERSHIP |
175 | eno: Invalid argument (22) |
176 | 2013-07-09 23:31:58.274687 I [890/523] CoreContext mythdbcon.cpp:453 (CloseDatabases) - Closing DB connection named 'DBManager1' |
177 | 2013-07-09 23:31:58.274991 I [890/523] CoreContext mythdb.cpp:107 (~MythDBPrivate) - Destroying MythDBPrivate |