Ticket #44197: Portfile-launch4j-whitespace.diff

File Portfile-launch4j-whitespace.diff, 4.7 KB (added by steve+macports@…, 10 years ago)
  • Portfile-3.0.

    old new  
    66name            launch4j
    77version         3.0.2
    88categories      java
    9 maintainers             panayotis.com:panayotis
     9maintainers     panayotis.com:panayotis
    1010description     Cross-platform Java executable wrapper
    1111long_description \
    12                                 Launch4j is a cross-platform tool for wrapping Java \
    13                                 applications distributed as jars in lightweight Windows \
    14                                 native executables. The executable can be configured to \
    15                                 search for a certain JRE version or use a bundled one, \
    16                                 and it's possible to set runtime options, like the \
    17                                 initial/max heap size. The wrapper also provides better \
    18                                 user experience through an application icon, a native \
    19                                 pre-JRE splash screen, a custom process name, and a Java \
    20                                 download page in case the appropriate JRE cannot be found.
     12                Launch4j is a cross-platform tool for wrapping Java \
     13                applications distributed as jars in lightweight Windows \
     14                native executables. The executable can be configured to \
     15                search for a certain JRE version or use a bundled one, \
     16                and it's possible to set runtime options, like the \
     17                initial/max heap size. The wrapper also provides better \
     18                user experience through an application icon, a native \
     19                pre-JRE splash screen, a custom process name, and a Java \
     20                download page in case the appropriate JRE cannot be found.
    2121homepage        http://launch4j.sourceforge.net/
    2222platforms       darwin
    2525distname        launch4j-${version}-macosx
    2626extract.suffix  .tgz
    2727checksums \
    28            md5 fbe35ef1200196c121682152f94d157e \
    29            sha1 7e9faaa807547c687c141fe082098f94ca2d2bb1\
    30            rmd160 e76310b9a447ab58957205533f2027ac4e5e43b1
     28                md5 fbe35ef1200196c121682152f94d157e \
     29                sha1 7e9faaa807547c687c141fe082098f94ca2d2bb1 \
     30                rmd160 e76310b9a447ab58957205533f2027ac4e5e43b1
    3232patchfiles \
    33         launcher.diff
     33                launcher.diff
    3535use_configure   no
    3636build           {}
    38 worksrcdir              launch4j
     38worksrcdir      launch4j
    3939destroot {
    40         set sharedir ${destroot}${prefix}/share
    41                 set l4jdir ${sharedir}/launch4j
    42                 set l4jdoc ${sharedir}/doc/launch4j
    44                 xinstall -d -m 755 ${l4jdoc}
    45                 file rename ${worksrcpath}/web ${l4jdoc}
    46                 file rename ${worksrcpath}/demo ${l4jdoc}
    47                 file rename ${worksrcpath}/LICENSE.txt ${l4jdoc}
    48                 file rename ${worksrcpath}/w32api/MinGW.LICENSE.txt ${l4jdoc}
    49                 foreach doc {JGoodies.Forms JGoodies.Looks Nuvola.Icon.Theme XStream commons foxtrot} {
    50                         file rename ${worksrcpath}/lib/${doc}.LICENSE.txt ${l4jdoc}
    51                 }
    52                 file rename ${worksrcpath}/bin/COPYING ${l4jdoc}/bin.COPYING
    53                 file rename ${worksrcpath}/bin/readme.txt ${l4jdoc}/bin.readme.txt
    54                 file rename ${worksrcpath}/head/LICENSE.txt ${l4jdoc}/head.LICENSE.txt
    56                 file delete -force ${worksrcpath}/head_src
    57                 file delete -force ${worksrcpath}/src
    58                 file delete ${worksrcpath}/build.xml
    59                 file delete ${worksrcpath}/launch4j.exe
    60                 file delete ${worksrcpath}/launch4j.jfpr
    61                 file delete ${worksrcpath}/.classpath
    62                 file delete ${worksrcpath}/.project
    63                 file delete -force ${worksrcpath}/.settings
    65         xinstall -d -m 755 ${sharedir}
    66         file copy ${worksrcpath} ${sharedir}
    67                 ln -s ../share/launch4j/launch4j ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/launch4j
     40    set sharedir ${destroot}${prefix}/share
     41    set l4jdir ${sharedir}/launch4j
     42    set l4jdoc ${sharedir}/doc/launch4j
     44    xinstall -d -m 755 ${l4jdoc}
     45    file rename ${worksrcpath}/web ${l4jdoc}
     46    file rename ${worksrcpath}/demo ${l4jdoc}
     47    file rename ${worksrcpath}/LICENSE.txt ${l4jdoc}
     48    file rename ${worksrcpath}/w32api/MinGW.LICENSE.txt ${l4jdoc}
     49    foreach doc {JGoodies.Forms JGoodies.Looks Nuvola.Icon.Theme XStream commons foxtrot} {
     50        file rename ${worksrcpath}/lib/${doc}.LICENSE.txt ${l4jdoc}
     51    }
     52    file rename ${worksrcpath}/bin/COPYING ${l4jdoc}/bin.COPYING
     53    file rename ${worksrcpath}/bin/readme.txt ${l4jdoc}/bin.readme.txt
     54    file rename ${worksrcpath}/head/LICENSE.txt ${l4jdoc}/head.LICENSE.txt
     56    file delete -force ${worksrcpath}/head_src
     57    file delete -force ${worksrcpath}/src
     58    file delete ${worksrcpath}/build.xml
     59    file delete ${worksrcpath}/launch4j.exe
     60    file delete ${worksrcpath}/launch4j.jfpr
     61    file delete ${worksrcpath}/.classpath
     62    file delete ${worksrcpath}/.project
     63    file delete -force ${worksrcpath}/.settings
     65    xinstall -d -m 755 ${sharedir}
     66    file copy ${worksrcpath} ${sharedir}
     67    ln -s ../share/launch4j/launch4j ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/launch4j