Ticket #49519: emacs-app-devel.diff

File emacs-app-devel.diff, 1.7 KB (added by ecbrown (Eric Brown), 9 years ago)
  • Portfile

    33PortSystem 1.0
    55name            emacs-app-devel
    6 version         20091101
    7 revision        1
     6version         20151029
    98categories      aqua editors
    109maintainers     css openmaintainer
    11 description     The GNU Emacs text editor, recent CVS development version
     10description     The GNU Emacs text editor, recent Git development version
    1211long_description \
    1312   GNU Emacs is a self-documenting, customizable, extensible real-time \
    1413   display editor. Users new to Emacs will be able to use basic        \
    1514   features fairly rapidly by studying the tutorial and using the      \
    1615   self-documentation features. Emacs also has an extensive            \
    1716   interactive manual browser. It is easily extensible since its       \
    18    editing commands are written in Lisp. This port uses the CVS version\
     17   editing commands are written in Lisp. This port uses the Git version\
    1918   of the code from a recent date, which includes the NextStep (aqua)  \
    2019   option
    2221platforms       darwin freebsd
    2322homepage        http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/emacs.html
    25 fetch.type      cvs
    26 cvs.root        :pserver:anonymous@cvs.savannah.gnu.org:/sources/emacs
    27 cvs.date        2009-11-01
    28 cvs.module      emacs
     24fetch.type      git
     25git.url         git://git.savannah.gnu.org/emacs.git
     26git.url         http://git.savannah.gnu.org/r/emacs.git
     27git.branch      db31a883252e17af4386598c52d42ed81db56973
    2928worksrcdir      emacs
     30use_autoreconf  yes
     31autoreconf.cmd  "./autogen.sh"
    3132configure.args  --with-ns --without-x --without-dbus
    3233depends_lib     port:ncurses
    3334use_parallel_build      yes