Ticket #8812: Portfile.2

File Portfile.2, 4.5 KB (added by pipping@…, 18 years ago)

new portfile (1.9.2, make variant ncurses default)

1# $Id: Portfile 12211 2006-05-09 20:28:31Z lefevre $
3# The Tin development model is based on patchsets, as indicated in
4# the doc/CHANGES file.  There are:
5#  * stable patches, numbered ddd (001, 002, and so on), which are
6#    applied to the current stable branch, and in general, to the
7#    unstable branch too (i.e. when this makes sense);
8#  * unstable patches (new features), numbered Uddd (U001, U002,
9#    and so on), which are applied to the unstable branch only.
10# At some point, the unstable branch is regarded as stable, making
11# a new stable release and a new stable branch.  Then this branch
12# gets stable patches as usual (fixes, translation updates...).
13# A new unstable branch is created (split from the current stable
14# branch) as soon as the first unstable patch (U001) needs to be
15# applied.
17# Portfile update policy: Follow the development line as shown on
18# <http://www.tin.org/history.html>, preferring unstable versions
19# to stable ones when there is a split.
20# The goal of this tin-recent port (as opposed to tin and tin-devel)
21# is to have the highest upstream version (regarded as either stable
22# or unstable), i.e. with the latest features, using a single port,
23# thus benefiting from some port management features, such as those
24# provided by "port outdated" and "port upgrade".
26# Note: Portfile reformatted according to portstyle(7).
28PortSystem 1.0
29name                    tin-recent
30version                 1.9.2
31categories              news
32platforms               darwin
33maintainers             vincent-opdarw@vinc17.org
34homepage                http://www.tin.org/
35description             A Usenet newsreader
37long_description        TIN is a full-screen easy to use Usenet newsreader. \
38                        It can read news locally or remotely via a NNTP \
39                        server. It will automatically utilize NOV \
40                        newsoverview style index files if available locally \
41                        or via the NNTP (X)OVER command (RFC2980). \
42                        Portfile update policy: follow the development line \
43                        as shown on <http://www.tin.org/history.html>, \
44                        preferring unstable versions at a split.
46master_sites            ftp://ftp.tin.org/pub/news/clients/tin/v1.9/ \
47                        ftp://ftp.stikman.com/pub/tin/v1.9/ \
48                        ftp://ftp.cuhk.edu.hk/pub/packages/news/tin/v1.9/
50use_bzip2               yes
51checksums               md5 251094ddf0e2b059227a4b02187c5f3e \
52                        sha1 51ba9fbd3bd4413b2630e86ad2f864ce75bf52aa \
53                        rmd160 e2171a6ac047eff79b07109db40022b047ee06ef
55distname                tin-${version}
57# The libraries libintl, libiconv and libpcre are needed by tin. If the
58# MacPorts ones are not used, tin 1.9.1 crashes. I don't know which one is
59# the culprit (the PCRE that comes with tin in known to be buggy, but it is
60# the same as in MacPorts). However it is recommended to use the libraries
61# from MacPorts anyway.
62depends_lib             port:gettext port:libiconv port:ncurses port:pcre
64configure.args          --enable-break-long-lines \
65                        --enable-nntp \
66                        --enable-debug \
67                        --enable-mh-mail-handling \
68                        --enable-included-msgs \
69                        --with-coffee \
70                        --mandir=${prefix}/share/man \
71                        --infodir=${prefix}/share/info \
72                        --datadir=${prefix}/share \
73                        --sysconfdir=${prefix}/etc \
74                        --disable-pgp-gpg \
75                        --with-screen=ncurses
77configure.env           CPPFLAGS="-I${prefix}/include" LDFLAGS="-L${prefix}/lib"
79build.dir               "${worksrcpath}/src"
81pre-destroot            {
82                          xinstall -d "${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}"
83                          xinstall -d "${destroot}${prefix}/etc/tin"
84                          xinstall -m 644 -v -W "${worksrcpath}/doc" \
85                            auth.txt CHANGES config-anomalies filtering \
86                            good-netkeeping-seal iso2asc.txt keymap.sample \
87                            mailcap.sample pgp.txt reading-mail.txt TODO \
88                            umlaute.txt umlauts.txt WHATSNEW \
89                            "${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}"
90                          file copy "${worksrcpath}/doc/tin.defaults" \
91                            "${destroot}${prefix}/etc/tin/tin.defaults-${version}"
92                        }
94post-destroot           {
95                          xinstall -m 755 -v -W "${worksrcpath}/tools" \
96                            expiretover tinews.pl tinlock \
97                            "${destroot}${prefix}/bin"
98                        }
100post-activate           {
101                          set f "${prefix}/etc/tin/tin.defaults"
102                          if {![file exists ${f}]} {
103                              file copy ${f}-${version} ${f}
104                            }
105                        }
107variant ipv6            { configure.args-append --enable-ipv6 }
109variant gpg             {
110                          depends_run bin:gpg:gnupg
111                          configure.args-delete --disable-pgp-gpg
112                          configure.args-append \
113                            --with-gpg=${prefix}/bin/gpg \
114                            --without-pgp \
115                            --without-pgpk
116                        }
118variant pgp5            {
119                          depends_run bin:pgpk:pgp
120                          configure.args-delete --disable-pgp-gpg
121                          configure.args-append \
122                            --with-pgpk=${prefix}/bin/pgpk \
123                            --without-gpg \
124                            --without-pgp
125                        }
127variant ispell          {
128                          depends_build bin:ispell:ispell
129                          configure.args-append --enable-ispell
130                        }