#11305 closed defect (fixed)
dbus 1.0.2_1 needs docbook-xml 4.1.2
Reported by: | yaseppochi (Stephen J. Turnbull) | Owned by: | rhwood@… |
Priority: | High | Milestone: | |
Component: | ports | Version: | |
Keywords: | dbus docbook | Cc: | michaelm@…, rhwood@…, yaseppochi (Stephen J. Turnbull), boeyms@… |
Port: |
sudo port upgrade dbus
fails to finish the build because the documentation doesn't validate. That in turn is because the dbus documentation wants Docbook-XML 4.1.2.
Installing docbook-xml (4.3_0 on my system) and making the symlink 4.1.2 -> 4.3 in /opt/local/share/xml/docbook-xml/ wins for me. Obviously this is just a workaround, and I have no idea whether the built documentation is even usable.
This blocks build of dbus-glib (0.72_0) and gnome-vfs (2.16.3_1) (at least). Both build sucessfully once dbus is upgraded.
Change History (7)
comment:1 Changed 18 years ago by cssdev
Cc: | michaelm@… added |
comment:2 Changed 18 years ago by pipping@…
Milestone: | → Available Ports |
comment:3 Changed 18 years ago by pipping@…
Milestone: | Available Ports → Port Bugs |
comment:4 Changed 17 years ago by boeyms@…
Cc: | rhwood@… stephen@… boeyms@… added |
Keywords: | dbus docbook added |
Owner: | changed from macports-dev@… to rhwood@… |
(Added reporter, dbus maintainer and myself to Cc: field so that each of us actually receive notification about this ticket; as noted in TracTicketing on the MacPorts wiki, this is the only way to ensure people get such notification (in particular, notifications are not automatically sent to either the reporter or the assignee).)
I receive text about the same issue in the debug output, but for some reason it doesn't cause my build (or rather the destroot stage) to fail; it goes on and finishes without creating that documentation. Nonetheless, this should probably still be addressed.
It seems to me that, since ./configure --help lists "--enable-xml-docs" as an option with no further comment about its default behaviour, most people would assume that it would default to being disabled when it actually defaults to autodetecting (it looks for an xmlto installation, and assumes that it should build the docs from xml if it finds one). I've been caught by this one before. Would it be best to make the default explicitly disable these docs and push that into a variant, or to build the docs by default?
I should also note that I suspect that the same issue will apply to the "--enable-doxygen-docs" flag, but that I'm not sure about the other configure flags. (As a sidenote, --enable-kqueue seems to be an option worth enabling on versions of Mac OS X that support it, whichever ones they are (all of them?))
comment:5 Changed 17 years ago by rhwood@…
Status: | new → assigned |
changeset:25771 addresses the docbook dependency errors and the --enable-xml-docs flags
I will investigate the --enable-kqueue flag
comment:6 Changed 17 years ago by nox@…
Cc: | michaelm@… added; michaelm@… removed |
Priority: | Blocker → High |
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | assigned → closed |
Fixed in r25771.
Does this mean that the current docbook-xml 4.3 port blocks dbus from working? CC'ing the docboom-xml maintainer...