Port boinc @ 4.11 is badly out dated. current version is 5.11.27
The version of boinc in MacPorts is badly outdated, and will operate poorly when connected to the boinc server. In addition boinc itself has an intel mac version now at 5.11.20. The portfile needs to come up to 5.11.27 or it serves no purpose. Since an intel mac version is available perhaps this port should be deleted if it cant be brought up to 5.11.27.
Note that this client is run as a screensaver and is therefore likely to be installed and forgotten as long as the screensaver part functions. The distributed computing aspect is another matter and may be overlooked by end user. To avoid causing trouble to the boinc *server*, something needs to be done.
Change History (4)
Milestone: |
→ Port Updates
Priority: |
High →
Resolution: |
→ wontfix
Status: |
new →
Well, the source tarball seems to have disappeared from their server. The source for the current version appears to only be available from svn.
We certainly do need to either make a distfile (and bring the port up to date) or just nuke the port.