Opened 16 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

Last modified 16 years ago

#15457 closed defect (wontfix)

qca-gnupg configure failure

Reported by: snoop@… Owned by: rowue@…
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version: 1.6.0
Keywords: qca build failure Cc: rowue (Rolf Würdemann)


Unable to upgrade nor to install from scratch qca (needed by psi) after ports sync. No way to make it works. I tried to remove and to reinstall again unsuccessfully. Below you can see the build output and the list of installed ports. Qca is already present but not recognized. Many thanks in advance.

sputnik2:/opt/local/bin root# ./port -d install psi     
DEBUG: Found port in file:///opt/local/var/macports/sources/
DEBUG: Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/
DEBUG: Requested variant darwin is not provided by port psi.
DEBUG: Requested variant i386 is not provided by port psi.
DEBUG: Requested variant macosx is not provided by port psi.
DEBUG: Found port in file:///opt/local/var/macports/sources/
DEBUG: Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/
DEBUG: Requested variant darwin is not provided by port zlib.
DEBUG: Requested variant i386 is not provided by port zlib.
DEBUG: Requested variant macosx is not provided by port zlib.
DEBUG: Searching for dependency: zlib
DEBUG: Found Dependency: receipt exists for zlib
DEBUG: Found port in file:///opt/local/var/macports/sources/
DEBUG: Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/
DEBUG: Requested variant darwin is not provided by port qt4-mac.
DEBUG: Requested variant i386 is not provided by port qt4-mac.
DEBUG: Requested variant macosx is not provided by port qt4-mac.
DEBUG: Executing variant dbus provides dbus
DEBUG: Executing variant docs provides docs
DEBUG: Searching for dependency: qt4-mac
DEBUG: Found Dependency: receipt exists for qt4-mac
DEBUG: Found port in file:///opt/local/var/macports/sources/
DEBUG: Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/
DEBUG: Requested variant darwin is not provided by port qca-ossl.
DEBUG: Requested variant i386 is not provided by port qca-ossl.
DEBUG: Requested variant macosx is not provided by port qca-ossl.
DEBUG: Searching for dependency: qca-ossl
DEBUG: Didn't find receipt, going to depspec regex for: qca-ossl
DEBUG: Found port in file:///opt/local/var/macports/sources/
DEBUG: Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/
DEBUG: Requested variant darwin is not provided by port qca-gnupg.
DEBUG: Requested variant i386 is not provided by port qca-gnupg.
DEBUG: Requested variant macosx is not provided by port qca-gnupg.
DEBUG: Searching for dependency: qca-gnupg
DEBUG: Didn't find receipt, going to depspec regex for: qca-gnupg
DEBUG: Found port in file:///opt/local/var/macports/sources/
DEBUG: Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/
DEBUG: Requested variant darwin is not provided by port qca.
DEBUG: Requested variant i386 is not provided by port qca.
DEBUG: Requested variant macosx is not provided by port qca.
DEBUG: Searching for dependency: qca
DEBUG: Found Dependency: receipt exists for qca
DEBUG: Found port in file:///opt/local/var/macports/sources/
DEBUG: Searching for dependency: qca
DEBUG: Found Dependency: receipt exists for qca
DEBUG: Found port in file:///opt/local/var/macports/sources/
DEBUG: Changing to port directory: /opt/local/var/macports/sources/
DEBUG: Requested variant i386 is not provided by port openssl.
DEBUG: Requested variant macosx is not provided by port openssl.
DEBUG: Executing variant darwin provides darwin
DEBUG: Searching for dependency: openssl
DEBUG: Found Dependency: receipt exists for openssl
DEBUG: Found port in file:///opt/local/var/macports/sources/
DEBUG: Searching for dependency: qca
DEBUG: Found Dependency: receipt exists for qca
DEBUG: Skipping completed org.macports.main (qca-gnupg)
DEBUG: Skipping completed org.macports.fetch (qca-gnupg)
DEBUG: Skipping completed org.macports.checksum (qca-gnupg)
DEBUG: setting option extract.cmd to /usr/bin/bzip2
DEBUG: Skipping completed org.macports.extract (qca-gnupg)
DEBUG: Skipping completed org.macports.patch (qca-gnupg)
--->  Configuring qca-gnupg
DEBUG: Executing org.macports.configure (qca-gnupg)
DEBUG: Using compiler 'Mac OS X gcc 4.0'
DEBUG: Environment: CFLAGS='-O2' CPPFLAGS='-I/opt/local/include' CXXFLAGS='-O2' CPP='/usr/bin/cpp-4.0' CXX='/usr/bin/g++-4.0' F90FLAGS='-O2' LDFLAGS='-L/opt/local/lib' FCFLAGS='-O2' OBJC='/usr/bin/gcc-4.0' INSTALL='/usr/bin/install' OBJCFLAGS='-O2' FFLAGS='-O2' CC='/usr/bin/gcc-4.0'
DEBUG: Assembled command: 'cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_devel_qca-gnupg/work/qca-gnupg-2.0.0-beta2" && ./configure --qtdir=/opt/local'
Configuring qca-gnupg ...
Verifying Qt 4 build environment ... ok
Checking for QCA >= 2.0 ... no

Error: need QCA >= 2.0!

Error: Target org.macports.configure returned: configure failure: shell command " cd "/opt/local/var/macports/build/_opt_local_var_macports_sources_rsync.macports.org_release_ports_devel_qca-gnupg/work/qca-gnupg-2.0.0-beta2" && ./configure --qtdir=/opt/local " returned error 1
Command output: Configuring qca-gnupg ...
Verifying Qt 4 build environment ... ok
Checking for QCA >= 2.0 ... no

Error: need QCA >= 2.0!

Warning: the following items did not execute (for qca-gnupg): org.macports.activate org.macports.configure org.macports.destroot org.macports.install
Error: The following dependencies failed to build: qca-gnupg qca-ossl
Error: Status 1 encountered during processing.
sputnik2:/opt/local/bin root# ./port list installed
MPlayer                        @1.0rc2         multimedia/MPlayer
MPlayer                        @1.0rc2         multimedia/MPlayer
Xft2                           @2.1.12         x11/Xft2
Xft2                           @2.1.12         x11/Xft2
atk                            @1.22.0         devel/atk
atk                            @1.22.0         devel/atk
atk                            @1.22.0         devel/atk
audiofile                      @0.2.6          audio/audiofile
audiofile                      @0.2.6          audio/audiofile
audiofile                      @0.2.6          audio/audiofile
autoconf                       @2.62           devel/autoconf
autoconf                       @2.62           devel/autoconf
automake                       @1.10.1         devel/automake
binclocken                     @1.6            aqua/binclocken
bison                          @2.3            devel/bison
bison                          @2.3            devel/bison
bison                          @2.3            devel/bison
cairo                          @1.6.4          graphics/cairo
cairo                          @1.6.4          graphics/cairo
cairo                          @1.6.4          graphics/cairo
cotvnc                         @2.0b4          aqua/cotvnc
dbus                           @1.2.1          devel/dbus
dbus                           @1.2.1          devel/dbus
dbus-glib                      @0.74           devel/dbus-glib
dbus-python25                  @0.82.4         devel/dbus-python25
dbus-python25                  @0.82.4         devel/dbus-python25
docbook-xml                    @4.5            textproc/docbook-xml
docbook-xml-4.1.2              @4.1.2          textproc/docbook-xml-4.1.2
docbook-xml-4.2                @4.2            textproc/docbook-xml-4.2
docbook-xml-4.3                @4.3            textproc/docbook-xml-4.3
docbook-xml-4.4                @4.4            textproc/docbook-xml-4.4
docbook-xml-4.5                @4.5            textproc/docbook-xml-4.5
docbook-xsl                    @1.73.2         textproc/docbook-xsl
docbook-xsl                    @1.73.2         textproc/docbook-xsl
eggdrop                        @1.6.18         irc/eggdrop
ethereal                       @0.99.0         net/ethereal
expat                          @2.0.1          textproc/expat
expat                          @2.0.1          textproc/expat
flac                           @1.2.1          audio/flac
flac                           @1.2.1          audio/flac
fontconfig                     @2.5.0          graphics/fontconfig
fontconfig                     @2.5.0          graphics/fontconfig
freetype                       @2.3.5          print/freetype
freetype                       @2.3.5          print/freetype
gdbm                           @1.8.3          databases/gdbm
getopt                         @1.1.4          sysutils/getopt
gettext                        @0.17           devel/gettext
gettext                        @0.17           devel/gettext
glib1                          @1.2.10         devel/glib1
glib2                          @2.16.3         devel/glib2
glib2                          @2.16.3         devel/glib2
glib2                          @2.16.3         devel/glib2
gnome-common                   @2.20.0         gnome/gnome-common
gnome-doc-utils                @0.12.2         gnome/gnome-doc-utils
gnutls                         @2.2.3          devel/gnutls
gnutls                         @2.2.3          devel/gnutls
gnutls                         @2.2.3          devel/gnutls
gperf                          @3.0.3          devel/gperf
gtk-doc                        @1.10           gnome/gtk-doc
gtk-doc                        @1.10           gnome/gtk-doc
gtk1                           @1.2.10         x11/gtk1
gtk2                           @2.12.9         x11/gtk2
gtk2                           @2.12.9         x11/gtk2
gtk2                           @2.12.9         x11/gtk2
help2man                       @1.36.4         textproc/help2man
id3lib                         @3.8.3          audio/id3lib
intltool                       @0.37.1         textproc/intltool
ircii                          @20060725       irc/ircii
iso-codes                      @2.0            devel/iso-codes
john                           @        sysutils/john
jpeg                           @6b             graphics/jpeg
jpeg                           @6b             graphics/jpeg
kermit                         @8.0.209        comms/kermit
lame                           @3.97           audio/lame
lcms                           @1.17           graphics/lcms
lcms                           @1.17           graphics/lcms
libao                          @0.8.8          audio/libao
libao                          @0.8.8          audio/libao
libao                          @0.8.8          audio/libao
libdaemon                      @0.12           devel/libdaemon
libdaemon                      @0.12           devel/libdaemon
libgcrypt                      @1.4.1          devel/libgcrypt
libgcrypt                      @1.4.1          devel/libgcrypt
libgcrypt                      @1.4.1          devel/libgcrypt
libglade2                      @2.6.2          gnome/libglade2
libgpg-error                   @1.6            devel/libgpg-error
libgpg-error                   @1.6            devel/libgpg-error
libiconv                       @1.12           textproc/libiconv
libiconv                       @1.12           textproc/libiconv
libmad                         @0.15.1b        audio/libmad
libmng                         @1.0.10         graphics/libmng
libogg                         @1.1.3          multimedia/libogg
libpcap                        @0.9.8          net/libpcap
libpcap                        @0.9.8          net/libpcap
libpixman                      @0.10.0         graphics/libpixman
libpng                         @1.2.29         graphics/libpng
libpng                         @1.2.29         graphics/libpng
libpng                         @1.2.29         graphics/libpng
libssh                         @0.2            devel/libssh
libssh2                        @0.18           devel/libssh2
libssh2                        @0.18           devel/libssh2
libtasn1                       @1.4            devel/libtasn1
libtasn1                       @1.4            devel/libtasn1
libtasn1                       @1.4            devel/libtasn1
libtool                        @1.5.26         devel/libtool
libtool                        @1.5.26         devel/libtool
libungif                       @4.1.4          graphics/libungif
libvorbis                      @1.2.0          audio/libvorbis
libvorbis                      @1.2.0          audio/libvorbis
libxml2                        @2.6.32         textproc/libxml2
libxml2                        @2.6.32         textproc/libxml2
libxml2                        @2.6.32         textproc/libxml2
libxslt                        @1.1.23         textproc/libxslt
libxslt                        @1.1.23         textproc/libxslt
lopster                        @1.2.2          net/lopster
lrzsz                          @0.12.20        comms/lrzsz
lzo                            @1.08           devel/lzo
lzo2                           @2.02           archivers/lzo2
m4                             @1.4.11         devel/m4
m4                             @1.4.11         devel/m4
m4                             @1.4.11         devel/m4
minicom                        @2.3            comms/minicom
minicom                        @2.3            comms/minicom
ncurses                        @5.6            devel/ncurses
ncursesw                       @5.6            devel/ncursesw
ncursesw                       @5.6            devel/ncursesw
nspr                           @4.7            devel/nspr
nss                            @3.11.9         net/nss
opencdk                        @0.6.6          devel/opencdk
opencdk                        @0.6.6          devel/opencdk
openssl                        @0.9.8h         devel/openssl
openssl                        @0.9.8h         devel/openssl
openssl                        @0.9.8h         devel/openssl
ossp-uuid                      @1.6.0          devel/ossp-uuid
ossp-uuid                      @1.6.0          devel/ossp-uuid
p5-locale-gettext              @1.05           perl/p5-locale-gettext
p5-xml-parser                  @2.36           perl/p5-xml-parser
p5-xml-parser                  @2.36           perl/p5-xml-parser
p7zip                          @4.57           archivers/p7zip
p7zip                          @4.57           archivers/p7zip
pango                          @1.20.3         x11/pango
pango                          @1.20.3         x11/pango
pango                          @1.20.3         x11/pango
pango                          @1.20.3         x11/pango
perl5.8                        @5.8.8          lang/perl5.8
perl5.8                        @5.8.8          lang/perl5.8
perl5.8                        @5.8.8          lang/perl5.8
pkgconfig                      @0.23           devel/pkgconfig
pkgconfig                      @0.23           devel/pkgconfig
postgresql83                   @8.3.1          databases/postgresql83
postgresql83                   @8.3.1          databases/postgresql83
postgresql83                   @8.3.1          databases/postgresql83
postgresql83-server            @8.3.1          databases/postgresql83-server
postgresql83-server            @8.3.1          databases/postgresql83-server
pstree                         @2.32           sysutils/pstree
py25-gdbm                      @2.5.2          python/py25-gdbm
py25-gdbm                      @2.5.2          python/py25-gdbm
py25-gobject                   @2.14.1         python/py25-gobject
py25-gobject                   @2.14.1         python/py25-gobject
py25-hashlib                   @2.5.2          python/py25-hashlib
py25-libxml2                   @2.6.21         python/py25-libxml2
py25-numeric                   @24.2           python/py25-numeric
python25                       @2.5.2          lang/python25
python25                       @2.5.2          lang/python25
python25                       @2.5.2          lang/python25
qca                            @2.0.0          devel/qca
qt4-mac                        @4.4.0          aqua/qt4-mac
qt4-mac                        @4.4.0          aqua/qt4-mac
rarian                         @0.8.0          textproc/rarian
readline                       @5.2.012        devel/readline
readline                       @5.2.012        devel/readline
render                         @0.9            x11/render
render                         @0.9            x11/render
shared-mime-info               @0.23           devel/shared-mime-info
sipcalc                        @1.1.4          net/sipcalc
sipcalc                        @1.1.4          net/sipcalc
tiff                           @3.8.2          graphics/tiff
tiff                           @3.8.2          graphics/tiff
trafshow                       @5.2.3          net/trafshow
xmlcatmgr                      @2.2            textproc/xmlcatmgr
xmlto                          @0.0.18         textproc/xmlto
xorg-util-macros               @1.1.5          x11/xorg-util-macros
xorg-xproto                    @7.0.11         x11/xorg-xproto
xrender                        @0.9.0          x11/xrender
xrender                        @0.9.0          x11/xrender
zlib                           @1.2.3          archivers/zlib
zlib                           @1.2.3          archivers/zlib

Change History (5)

comment:1 Changed 16 years ago by jmroot (Joshua Root)

Cc: rowue@… added
Summary: qca dependency failureqca-gnupg configure failure

Cc maintainer.

BTW, port list installed doesn't do what you'd expect. You probably really want port installed.

comment:2 in reply to:  1 Changed 16 years ago by snoop@…

Replying to

Cc maintainer.

BTW, port list installed doesn't do what you'd expect. You probably really want port installed.

Oops ... sorry! You're absolutely right! Anyway the output of the correct command shows that qca2 is actually installed. So the problem is still there. Thanks for your time.

sputnik2:/opt/local/bin root# ./port installed
The following ports are currently installed:
  atk @1.18.0_0
  atk @1.20.0_1
  atk @1.22.0_1 (active)
  audiofile @0.2.6_0
  audiofile @0.2.6_1
  audiofile @0.2.6_2 (active)
  autoconf @2.61_1
  autoconf @2.62_0 (active)
  automake @1.10.1_0 (active)
  binclocken @1.6_0+universal (active)
  bison @2.3_0
  bison @2.3_1
  bison @2.3_2 (active)
  cairo @1.4.14_0
  cairo @1.4.2_0
  cairo @1.6.4_0 (active)
  cotvnc @2.0b4_0 (active)
  dbus @1.0.2_2
  dbus @1.2.1_0 (active)
  dbus-glib @0.74_0 (active)
  dbus-python25 @0.82.2_1
  dbus-python25 @0.82.4_0 (active)
  docbook-xml @4.5_1 (active)
  docbook-xml-4.1.2 @4.1.2_1 (active)
  docbook-xml-4.2 @4.2_0 (active)
  docbook-xml-4.3 @4.3_0 (active)
  docbook-xml-4.4 @4.4_0 (active)
  docbook-xml-4.5 @4.5_0 (active)
  docbook-xsl @1.72.0_0
  docbook-xsl @1.73.2_0 (active)
  eggdrop @1.6.18_0+darwin_8 (active)
  ethereal @0.99.0_1+darwin_8 (active)
  expat @2.0.0_1
  expat @2.0.1_0 (active)
  flac @1.1.4_0
  flac @1.2.1_0+darwin_i386 (active)
  fontconfig @2.4.2_0+macosx
  fontconfig @2.5.0_0+macosx (active)
  freetype @2.1.10_1
  freetype @2.3.5_1 (active)
  gdbm @1.8.3_1 (active)
  getopt @1.1.4_1 (active)
  gettext @0.16.1_0
  gettext @0.17_3 (active)
  glib1 @1.2.10_5 (active)
  glib2 @2.12.11_0
  glib2 @2.14.5_0
  glib2 @2.16.3_0 (active)
  gnome-common @2.20.0_0 (active)
  gnome-doc-utils @0.12.2_1 (active)
  gnutls @2.0.0_0+darwin_8
  gnutls @2.2.0_0+darwin_8
  gnutls @2.2.3_0+darwin_8 (active)
  gperf @3.0.3_0 (active)
  gtk-doc @1.10_2 (active)
  gtk-doc @1.9_0
  gtk1 @1.2.10_6 (active)
  gtk2 @2.10.11_0
  gtk2 @2.12.2_0+x11
  gtk2 @2.12.9_0+x11 (active)
  help2man @1.36.4_1 (active)
  id3lib @3.8.3_0 (active)
  intltool @0.37.1_0 (active)
  ircii @20060725_0 (active)
  iso-codes @2.0_0 (active)
  john @ (active)
  jpeg @6b_1
  jpeg @6b_2 (active)
  kermit @8.0.209_0 (active)
  lame @3.97_0 (active)
  lcms @1.16_0
  lcms @1.17_0 (active)
  libao @0.8.6_1
  libao @0.8.8_1
  libao @0.8.8_2 (active)
  libdaemon @0.12_0+darwin_8
  libdaemon @0.12_1+darwin_8 (active)
  libgcrypt @1.2.4_0+darwin_8
  libgcrypt @1.4.0_1+darwin_8
  libgcrypt @1.4.1_0 (active)
  libglade2 @2.6.2_0 (active)
  libgpg-error @1.5_0
  libgpg-error @1.6_0 (active)
  libiconv @1.11_4+darwin_8
  libiconv @1.12_0+darwin_8 (active)
  libmad @0.15.1b_1 (active)
  libmng @1.0.10_0 (active)
  libogg @1.1.3_2 (active)
  libpcap @0.9.5_0
  libpcap @0.9.8_0 (active)
  libpixman @0.10.0_0 (active)
  libpng @1.2.16_0+darwin_8
  libpng @1.2.24_0+darwin_8
  libpng @1.2.29_0 (active)
  libssh @0.2_0 (active)
  libssh2 @0.15_0
  libssh2 @0.18_0 (active)
  libtasn1 @1.1_0
  libtasn1 @1.2_0
  libtasn1 @1.4_0 (active)
  libtool @1.5.24_1
  libtool @1.5.26_0 (active)
  libungif @4.1.4_2 (active)
  libvorbis @1.2.0_0
  libvorbis @1.2.0_1 (active)
  libxml2 @2.6.29_0
  libxml2 @2.6.30_0
  libxml2 @2.6.32_0 (active)
  libxslt @1.1.22_0
  libxslt @1.1.23_0 (active)
  lopster @1.2.2_0 (active)
  lrzsz @0.12.20_1 (active)
  lzo @1.08_0 (active)
  lzo2 @2.02_2 (active)
  m4 @1.4.10_0
  m4 @1.4.10_1
  m4 @1.4.11_0 (active)
  minicom @2.1_1+darwin_8
  minicom @2.3_0 (active)
  MPlayer @1.0rc2_1+darwin_8+macosx
  MPlayer @1.0rc2_2+darwin_8+macosx (active)
  ncurses @5.6_0+darwin_8 (active)
  ncursesw @5.6_0+darwin_8
  ncursesw @5.6_1+darwin_8 (active)
  nspr @4.7_1 (active)
  nss @3.11.9_0 (active)
  opencdk @0.6.4_0
  opencdk @0.6.6_0 (active)
  openssl @0.9.8e_0+darwin_8+darwin_i386
  openssl @0.9.8g_0
  openssl @0.9.8h_0 (active)
  ossp-uuid @1.6.0_0
  ossp-uuid @1.6.0_2 (active)
  p5-locale-gettext @1.05_0 (active)
  p5-xml-parser @2.34_3
  p5-xml-parser @2.36_0 (active)
  p7zip @4.51_0
  p7zip @4.57_1 (active)
  pango @1.16.1_1
  pango @1.18.4_0
  pango @1.20.2_0
  pango @1.20.3_0 (active)
  perl5.8 @5.8.8_0+darwin_8
  perl5.8 @5.8.8_1+darwin_8
  perl5.8 @5.8.8_2+darwin_8 (active)
  pkgconfig @0.21_0
  pkgconfig @0.23_0 (active)
  postgresql83 @8.3.0_1
  postgresql83 @8.3.1_0
  postgresql83 @8.3.1_1 (active)
  postgresql83-server @8.3.0_0
  postgresql83-server @8.3.1_0 (active)
  pstree @2.32_0+darwin_8 (active)
  py25-gdbm @2.5.1_0
  py25-gdbm @2.5.2_0 (active)
  py25-gobject @2.14.0_1
  py25-gobject @2.14.1_0 (active)
  py25-hashlib @2.5.2_0 (active)
  py25-libxml2 @2.6.21_1 (active)
  py25-numeric @24.2_1+macosx (active)
  python25 @2.5.1_2+darwin_8
  python25 @2.5.1_4+darwin_8
  python25 @2.5.2_2+darwin_8 (active)
  qca @2.0.0_1 (active)
  qt4-mac @4.3.3_1
  qt4-mac @4.4.0_2+dbus+docs (active)
  rarian @0.8.0_0 (active)
  readline @5.2.007_0
  readline @5.2.012_1 (active)
  render @0.9_0
  render @0.9_1 (active)
  shared-mime-info @0.23_2 (active)
  sipcalc @1.1.2_0
  sipcalc @1.1.4_0 (active)
  tiff @3.8.2_0+darwin_8
  tiff @3.8.2_1+darwin_8+macosx (active)
  trafshow @5.2.3_1 (active)
  Xft2 @2.1.12_0 (active)
  Xft2 @2.1.7_0
  xmlcatmgr @2.2_1 (active)
  xmlto @0.0.18_3 (active)
  xorg-util-macros @1.1.5_0 (active)
  xorg-xproto @7.0.11_1 (active)
  xrender @0.9.0_0+darwin_8
  xrender @0.9.0_2+darwin_8 (active)
  zlib @1.2.3_0
  zlib @1.2.3_1 (active)

comment:3 Changed 16 years ago by rowue@…

Owner: changed from macports-tickets@… to rowue@…
Status: newassigned

comment:4 Changed 16 years ago by rowue@…

Resolution: wontfix
Status: assignedclosed

I've changed the variants of psi in the way, that psi uses the bundled qca by default now (and not the external) - the error is from some interplay between the newer version of qt4-mac and qca-*

Perhaps we should think about dropping the qca-* stuff because the only software which uses qca by now is psi - which supplies it's own copy.

Commited new Portfile by r38097

comment:5 Changed 16 years ago by (none)

Milestone: Port Bugs

Milestone Port Bugs deleted

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