weightwatcher: new port: one of the astronomical image-processing tools from astromatic.net
this is one of several image-processing tools provided by the folks at astromatic.net. it is designed to work together with their other tools such as swarp and sextractor. these tools are widely used within the astronomical community which is becoming heavily mac-oriented. having them integrated into macports will help encourage more astronomers to use macports.
Change History (6)
Port: |
weightwatcher added
Type: |
defect →
Version: |
Owner: |
changed from macports-tickets@… to macsforever2000@…
Status: |
new →
Resolution: |
→ fixed
Status: |
assigned →
Cc: |
ryandesign@… added
Summary: |
new macport for weightwatcher - one of the astronomical image-processing tools from astromatic.net →
weightwatcher: new port: one of the astronomical image-processing tools from astromatic.net
portfile for weightwatcher