Opened 20 years ago

Closed 20 years ago

Last modified 19 years ago

#2722 closed defect (fixed)

1.install failure possibly due to error in PORTFILE 2.maintainer email n/a

Reported by: annemoroney@… Owned by: rshaw@…
Priority: High Milestone:
Component: base Version: 1.0
Keywords: Cc: benoitc@…


2.maintainer address bounced; The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----- <bchesneau@…>

(reason: 550 5.1.1 unknown or illegal alias: bchesneau@…) install is failing. I think there is probably a typo in the portfile, but maybe I misunderstand something. I hesitate to change the portfile without advice, being as how this is my first failed darwinports install.

Help? Pretty Please?? I've attached my long info... ==== Subject: cs phpMyAdmin on darwinports failing at

hello (Mr.?) (Chesneau?), I am a fairly newbie user very excited about darwinports. I've installed a bunch of things but now phpmyadmin is failing.

It seems not to be requiring the correct directory for "destrooting" if I understand that as the name of the process by which files are copied from /Users/myuserdirectoryprefix/darwinports/dports/www/ phpmyadmin/work/phpMyAdmin-2.5.7-pl1 to /Users/myuserdirectoryprefix/darwinports/dports/www/phpmyadmin/files

[if I understand that correctly; ie if php4 is a good template]

I think the reason it has problems is that the long name perhaps wasn't correct? The Portfile refers to; distname phpMyAdmin-${version} distfiles ${distname}.tar.gz but I wonder if that will match properly this; /work/phpMyAdmin-2.5.7-pl1

I've included piles of prints of what it did; I hope you can help :). thank you so much !!! Anne p.s. I don't grok Bugzilla yet...

1.install phpMyAdmin  % sudo port -d install phpmyadmin ... DEBUG: Found port in file:///Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/www/phpmyadmin DEBUG: Changing to port directory: /Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/www/phpmyadmin DEBUG: Requested variant powerpc is not provided by port phpmyadmin. DEBUG: Requested variant darwin is not provided by port phpmyadmin. DEBUG: Requested variant macosx is not provided by port phpmyadmin. DEBUG: Found port in file:///Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/www/apache DEBUG: Changing to port directory: /Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/www/apache DEBUG: Searching for dependency: apache DEBUG: Didn't find receipt, going to depspec regex for: apache DEBUG: Found port in file:///Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/www/php4 DEBUG: Changing to port directory: /Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/www/php4 DEBUG: Searching for dependency: php4 DEBUG: Didn't find receipt, going to depspec regex for: php4 DEBUG: Found port in file:///Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/databases/mysql4 DEBUG: Changing to port directory: /Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/databases/mysql4 DEBUG: Searching for dependency: mysql4 DEBUG: Found Dependency: receipt exists for mysql4 DEBUG: Found port in file:///Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/textproc/libiconv DEBUG: Changing to port directory: /Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/textproc/libiconv DEBUG: Searching for dependency: libiconv DEBUG: Found Dependency: receipt exists for libiconv DEBUG: Found port in file:///Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/textproc/expat DEBUG: Changing to port directory: /Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/textproc/expat DEBUG: Searching for dependency: expat DEBUG: Found Dependency: receipt exists for expat DEBUG: Found port in file:///Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/devel/gettext DEBUG: Changing to port directory: /Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/devel/gettext DEBUG: Searching for dependency: gettext DEBUG: Found Dependency: receipt exists for gettext DEBUG: Found port in file:///Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/archivers/zlib DEBUG: Changing to port directory: /Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/archivers/zlib DEBUG: Searching for dependency: zlib DEBUG: Found Dependency: receipt exists for zlib DEBUG: Found port in file:///Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/graphics/tiff DEBUG: Changing to port directory: /Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/graphics/tiff DEBUG: Searching for dependency: tiff DEBUG: Didn't find receipt, going to depspec regex for: tiff DEBUG: Found port in file:///Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/graphics/jpeg DEBUG: Changing to port directory: /Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/graphics/jpeg DEBUG: Searching for dependency: jpeg DEBUG: Didn't find receipt, going to depspec regex for: jpeg DEBUG: Found port in file:///Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/archivers/zlib DEBUG: Searching for dependency: zlib DEBUG: Found Dependency: receipt exists for zlib DEBUG: Requested variant powerpc is not provided by port apache. DEBUG: Requested variant macosx is not provided by port apache. DEBUG: Executing variant darwin provides darwin DEBUG: Executing (apache) DEBUG: No TGZ archive: /opt/local/var/db/dports/packages/darwin/powerpc/apache -1.3.33_2.powerpc.tgz DEBUG: Skipping unarchive (apache) since no archive found DEBUG: Skipping completed (apache) ---> Fetching apache ........ ./share/nls/uk_UA.KOI8-U missing (created) ./share/nls/zh_CN.eucCN missing (created) ./share/nls/zh_TW.Big5 missing (created) ./share/skel missing (created) ./var missing (created) ./var/db missing (created) ./var/db/dports missing (created) ./var/db/dports/distfiles missing (created) ./var/db/dports/receipts missing (created) DEBUG: Executing (phpmyadmin) DEBUG: Executing destroot_finish ---> Packaging tgz archive for phpmyadmin 2.5.7-pl1_0 DEBUG: Executing (phpmyadmin) Error: Target returned: error copying "/Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/ www/phpmyadmin/work/.darwinports.phpmyadmin.state" to "/Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/ dports/www/phpmyadmin/work/destroot/+STATE": no such file or directory Warning: the following items did not execute (for phpmyadmin):

1a.[]it didn't need to add php4 I already had it. Also I'm not sure, it may have added mysql? or was too short for that...

this is a known, complex problem. I have a Mac OS X Server box. I installed a new version of mysql. Then I said "port install phpmyadmin", which is a web-based admin tool for MySQL. A very nice one.

First thing, the system starts to install a new version of apache. Excuse me, I have apache already. I do not need a whole new copy of apache. The apache that I have works perfectly well, thank you.

So, how can I say:

% port install phpmyadmin -LeaveItAloneBecauseItIsThere =apache


% port install groovy -LeaveItAloneBecauseItIsThere java

Groovy brings up an interesting point. Any JVM at or past 1.4.1 would work. The dependency, as I am guessing what a "virtual" dependency is like, should do:

% <current executable based on my path>/java -version java version "1.4.2_03" Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_03-117.1) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2-34, mixed mode)

It should find the version number and say:

if (versionNumber >= 1.4.1) then { dependency_is_satisified; rock on!

} else { sorry. you cannot do it. get some java first }

Is this how it works? Can it be made to work this way?

I really, really like using "port install", but I like to use my own stuff also. The darwinports stuff is often better than the system-supplied stuff, so I have /opt/local/bin near the front of my path, but this causes me problems when something that I have put on in working perfectly well, but darwinports ends up getting me a new, and often unconfigured, copy instead.

thanx - ray == From: ray at (Ray Kiddy) Sun Aug 1 2004 Subject: Manual installed apps This is not an adequate answer to the question. I asked this question a while ago and also got no joy from the answer.

There are many types of dependencies. If I do, for example, a "port install phpMyAdmin", it does not notice that I already have mysql, or that I actually have 3 different versions of mysql on my system which I can choose between, and so it goes to fetch, build and install mysql, with all the other stuff that gets pulled along coming for a ride. Yet, phpMyAdmin does not link against mysql. Actually, mysql does not even need to be running on the same machine for phpMyAdmin to work. It just needs to be running somewhere.

A strict dependency policy is understandable if you are talking about linking with libraries. But the darwinports architecture does nothing to capture other sorts of dependencies. Not all things that are dependent on each other are dependent in the same way.

There needs to be a way to let a user say, "that dependency is satisfied by this" and have that override. I should be able to install phpMyAdmin and point it to ~mysql and I should be able to say: "there it is!", and "do not re-install this!".

Having different kinds of dependencies raises all kinds of questions, and I don't have all the answers.

But you all make it sound as though the question has been asked and answered. It has not.

The fact that you have cast the semantics of dependencies into such black and white terms makes the darwinports infrastructure less useful. If you all not yet ready to deal with this question, probably because you are doing a fine job solving the problems closer at hand, that is fine. But at least acknowledge that the question is unanswered.

  • ray

On Jul 31, 2004, at 9:03 PM, Toby Peterson wrote:

We explicitly attempt to ignore user-installed programs, since these can cause disastrous conflicts. Although we could attempt to link against random libraries on the system, this is a Bad Idea (tm).

  • Toby since it appears not to be happy and added lots more pkgs  [that didn't help] % sudo port -d install phpmyadmin Password: DEBUG: Found port in file:///Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/www/phpmyadmin DEBUG: Changing to port directory: /Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/www/phpmyadmin DEBUG: Requested variant powerpc is not provided by port phpmyadmin. DEBUG: Requested variant darwin is not provided by port phpmyadmin. DEBUG: Requested variant macosx is not provided by port phpmyadmin. DEBUG: Found port in file:///Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/www/apache DEBUG: Changing to port directory: /Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/www/apache DEBUG: Searching for dependency: apache DEBUG: Found Dependency: receipt exists for apache DEBUG: Found port in file:///Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/www/php4 DEBUG: Changing to port directory: /Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/www/php4 DEBUG: Searching for dependency: php4 DEBUG: Found Dependency: receipt exists for php4 DEBUG: Found port in file:///Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/databases/mysql4 DEBUG: Changing to port directory: /Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/databases/mysql4 DEBUG: Searching for dependency: mysql4 DEBUG: Found Dependency: receipt exists for mysql4 DEBUG: Skipping completed (phpmyadmin) DEBUG: Skipping completed (phpmyadmin) DEBUG: Skipping completed (phpmyadmin) DEBUG: Skipping completed (phpmyadmin) DEBUG: Skipping completed (phpmyadmin) DEBUG: Skipping completed (phpmyadmin) DEBUG: Skipping completed (phpmyadmin) DEBUG: Skipping completed (phpmyadmin) DEBUG: Skipping completed (phpmyadmin) ---> Packaging tgz archive for phpmyadmin 2.5.7-pl1_0 DEBUG: Executing (phpmyadmin) Error: Target returned: error copying "/Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/ www/phpmyadmin/work/.darwinports.phpmyadmin.state" to "/Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/ dports/www/phpmyadmin/work/destroot/+STATE": no such file or directory Warning: the following items did not execute (for phpmyadmin):

1c.chk for the complained-about from-to files  from-file= is a real file and we can view its contents; %cat /Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/www/phpmyadmin/work/ .darwinports.phpmyadmin.state target: target: target: target: target: target: target: target: target:

to-file= even the directory /destroot/ doesn't exist % ls /Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/www/phpmyadmin/work/destroot/+STATE No such file or directory

% ls /Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/www/phpmyadmin/work/destroot/

No such file or directory

% ls /Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/www/phpmyadmin/work/destroot

No such file or directory

% ls /Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/www/phpmyadmin/work/ phpMyAdmin-2.5.7-pl1

1d.chk what _is_ installed  % port installed The following ports are currently installed:

apache 1.3.33_2 (active) apr 0.9.5_3 (active) apr-util 0.9.5_2 (active) clisp 2.33.2_0 (active) DarwinPortsStartup 1.0_1 (active) db4 4.2.52_0+darwin_7 (active) expat 1.95.8_1 (active) gettext 0.14.1_2 (active) gforth 0.6.2_0 (active) jpeg 6b_0 (active) libiconv 1.9.2_1 (active) libpng 1.2.8_0 (active) mysql4 4.1.9_0+darwin_7 (active) neon 0.24.7_0 (active) openldap 2.2.23_1+ssl+tcpd (active) openmcl 0.14.2-p1_0 (active) php4 4.3.10_0+darwin_7+macosx (active) rb-rubygems 0.8.4_0 (active) readline 5.0.005_0 (active) ruby 1.8.2_2 (active) shsql 1.24_0 (active) subversion 1.1.3_2 (active) tiff 3.7.1_0 (active) Xaw3d 1.5E_0 (active) xemacs 21.4.17_0 (active) zlib 1.2.2_1 (active)

1e.quit terminal and retry % sudo port uninstall phpmyadmin port uninstall failed: Registry error: phpmyadmin not registered as installed. % sudo port -d install phpmyadmin

1f.detailing a little more what to-file is/not there we want this; /Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/www/phpmyadmin/work/destroot/+STATE

this directory exists; /Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/www/phpmyadmin/work/

but its contents do NOT include the directory destroot; % ls -l /Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/www/phpmyadmin/work/ total 0 drwxr-xr-x 84 52400 24067 2856 30 Jun 2004 phpMyAdmin-2.5.7-pl1

and that other directory contains a ton of files but not +STATE % ls -Fla /Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/www/phpmyadmin/work/phpMyAdmin-2.5.7- pl1 total 3240 drwxr-xr-x 84 52400 24067 2856 30 Jun 2004 ./ drwxr-xr-x 4 root staff 136 21 Feb 20:48 ../ -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 173 18 Nov 2003 CREDITS -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 180868 30 Jun 2004 ChangeLog -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 164304 30 Jun 2004 Documentation.html -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 ldap 136013 30 Jun 2004 Documentation.txt -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 183 18 Nov 2003 INSTALL -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 15237 18 Nov 2003 LICENSE -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 3007 30 Jun 2004 README -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 29 30 Jun 2004 RELEASE-DATE-2.5.7-pl1 -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 239 18 Nov 2003 TODO -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 8727 5 Jan 2004 browse_foreigners.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 475 26 Nov 2003 chk_rel.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 ldap 35187 30 Jun 2004 config.default -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 35187 14 Feb 2004 drwxr-xr-x 3 52400 24067 102 30 Jun 2004 css/ -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 1082 11 Dec 2003 db_create.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 10127 22 Dec 2003 db_datadict.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 9501 12 Dec 2003 db_details.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 2238 30 Dec 2003 db_details_common.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 3067 7 Jun 2004 db_details_db_info.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 1940 26 Nov 2003 db_details_export.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 13273 26 Nov 2003 db_details_importdocsql.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 2166 22 Nov 2003 db_details_links.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 37403 25 Dec 2003 db_details_qbe.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 31624 2 Jan 2004 db_details_structure.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 10739 22 Dec 2003 db_printview.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 14167 26 Nov 2003 db_search.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 2817 18 Nov 2003 docs.css -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 20333 7 Jun 2004 export.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 6930 26 Nov 2003 -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 7282 23 Jan 2004 -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 2556 23 Jan 2004 drwxr-xr-x 37 52400 24067 1258 30 Jun 2004 images/ -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 5036 26 Nov 2003 index.php drwxr-xr-x 109 52400 24067 3706 30 Jun 2004 lang/ -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 5532 26 Nov 2003 ldi_check.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 7558 13 Dec 2003 ldi_table.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 37185 30 Jun 2004 left.php drwxr-xr-x 47 52400 24067 1598 30 Jun 2004 libraries/ -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 25182 27 Jan 2004 main.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 9743 14 Jan 2004 -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 24291 26 Nov 2003 pdf_pages.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 51852 26 Nov 2003 pdf_schema.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 416 26 Nov 2003 phpinfo.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 3865 26 Nov 2003 queryframe.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 16487 26 Nov 2003 querywindow.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 13710 11 Feb 2004 read_dump.php drwxr-xr-x 10 52400 24067 340 30 Jun 2004 scripts/ -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 3419 11 Dec 2003 server_collations.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 1010 26 Nov 2003 -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 17990 26 Nov 2003 server_databases.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 1877 26 Nov 2003 server_export.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 1437 26 Nov 2003 -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 92102 8 Jun 2004 server_privileges.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 3742 26 Nov 2003 server_processlist.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 14447 26 Nov 2003 server_status.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 2642 26 Nov 2003 server_variables.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 32945 4 Jan 2004 sql.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 9339 26 Nov 2003 tbl_addfield.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 8618 26 Nov 2003 tbl_alter.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 40633 7 Jun 2004 tbl_change.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 8324 26 Nov 2003 tbl_create.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 20410 26 Nov 2003 tbl_indexes.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 20944 26 Nov 2003 tbl_move_copy.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 22559 26 Nov 2003 tbl_printview.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 26893 26 Nov 2003 -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 617 26 Nov 2003 tbl_properties.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 1019 26 Nov 2003 tbl_properties_common.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 2002 26 Nov 2003 tbl_properties_export.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 2820 26 Nov 2003 tbl_properties_links.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 22014 5 Jan 2004 tbl_properties_operations.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 32437 29 Dec 2003 tbl_properties_structure.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 1862 7 Jun 2004 tbl_properties_table_info.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 21019 13 Dec 2003 tbl_query_box.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 24123 18 Dec 2003 tbl_relation.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 4017 26 Nov 2003 tbl_rename.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 10986 15 Dec 2003 tbl_replace.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 9011 3 Mar 2004 tbl_replace_fields.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 3258 24 Feb 2004 tbl_row_delete.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 12131 30 Dec 2003 tbl_select.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 4252 12 Dec 2003 transformation_wrapper.php -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 42464 30 Jun 2004 translators.html -rw-r--r-- 1 52400 24067 4767 26 Nov 2003 user_password.php

2.bug in install??

one user was told to email the maintainer or also bugzilla Emailing the maintainer is an appropriate way of reporting bugs, although it may also help to submit a problem report with Bugzilla ( I think we can consider the port abandoned, so I'll fix this when I'm home (or someone else can now).

The fix is simply to change:

destroot.env MANDIR=${prefix}/share/man/man1


destroot.env MANDIR=${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1

  • Toby

3.for kicks, install without debug option % sudo port install phpmyadmin Password: ---> Packaging tgz archive for phpmyadmin 2.5.7-pl1_0 Error: Target returned: error copying "/Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/dports/ www/phpmyadmin/work/.darwinports.phpmyadmin.state" to "/Users/mysubdirectory/darwinports/ dports/www/phpmyadmin/work/destroot/+STATE": no such file or directory

4.the portfile # $Id: Portfile,v 1.2 2004/07/19 06:58:55 benoitc Exp $

PortSystem 1.0 name phpmyadmin version 2.5.7-pl1 categories www maintainers    bchesneau@… description A tool written in PHP intended to handle the administration \

of MySQL over the Web.

long_description phpMyAdmin is a tool written in PHP intended to handle \

the administration of MySQL over the Web. Currently it can \ create and drop databases, create/drop/alter tables, \ delete/edit/add fields, execute any SQL statement, manage keys \ on fields, manage privileges,export data into various formats \ and is available in 47 languages.

homepage platforms darwin freebsd

distname phpMyAdmin-${version} distfiles ${distname}.tar.gz worksrcdir ${distname} master_sites sourceforge checksums ${distname}.tar.gz md5 f951a2c5af2dcdec98874cbacc163ae1

extract.only ${distname}.tar.gz

Change History (6)

comment:1 Changed 20 years ago by rshaw@…

Cc: benoitc@… added

I can concur about Benoit's email. That account has apparently disappeared. You could try contacting him via his OpenDarwin account: benoitc@…

However, I have not received any replies from him there either. I think he has stepped away from DarwinPorts, so any ports he maintains MAY need to be taken over by other members.

If I get some time in the next day or so, I'll see if I can figure out/fix this PHP problem.


comment:2 Changed 20 years ago by annemoroney@…

thank you Robert! I just emailed the account you posted. So far it didn't bounce, but it's only been a minute.

If I get some time in the next day or so, I'll see if I can figure out/fix this PHP problem.


comment:3 Changed 20 years ago by annemoroney@…

(In reply to comment #1) hi Robert, fyi, the additional email I sent to the maintainer didn't bounce but I didn't get a reply. (I guess that's the same as your experience.) So I look forward to hearing from you. Anne

comment:4 Changed 20 years ago by rshaw@…

Owner: changed from darwinports-bugs@… to rshaw@…

Ok, I've duplicated the error on my system. I'll look into what's wrong now ...


comment:5 Changed 20 years ago by rshaw@…

Status: newassigned

comment:6 Changed 20 years ago by rshaw@…

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Updated to latest 2.6.1-pl2 release. Fixed installation bug. Changes committed. If you update your dports tree, it should work correctly now.


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