Changes between Initial Version and Version 7 of Ticket #37955

Feb 6, 2013, 5:55:15 PM (12 years ago)
ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Duplicate of #37905.


  • Ticket #37955

    • Property Status changed from new to closed
    • Property Cc jwa@… egall@… added
    • Property Summary changed from Wine-devel doesn't install today, but yesterday everything was OK to wine-devel: invalid operand for instruction lretw
    • Property Owner changed from macports-tickets@… to ryandesign@…
    • Property Resolution changed from to duplicate
    • Property Port wine-devel added; Wine-Devel removed
  • Ticket #37955 – Description

    initial v7  
    44Ater that I've tried:
    5 1) To remove Winetricks, Wine, Wine-Devel, clean them and try again.[[BR]]
    6 2) To remove ~/.wine directory, Winetricks, Wine, Wine-Devel, clean them and try again.[[BR]]
    7 3) To remove MacPorts and start everything from beginning.[[BR]]
    8 4) The most powerful, IMHO, I've recovered a Time Machine backup with situation before installing the problem software (with Macports 2.1.2 and Wine in it)
     5 1. To remove Winetricks, Wine, Wine-Devel, clean them and try again.
     6 2. To remove ~/.wine directory, Winetricks, Wine, Wine-Devel, clean them and try again.
     7 3. To remove MacPorts and start everything from beginning.
     8 4. The most powerful, IMHO, I've recovered a Time Machine backup with situation before installing the problem software (with Macports 2.1.2 and Wine in it)
    1010After that I  did the following:
    11 1) Selfupdated MAcports to version 2.1.3[[BR]]
    12 2) Tried again to install Wine-devel again. Again the same result.[[BR]]
    13 3) At the same time Wine and Winetricks installs normally, without any problems.[[BR]]
     11 1. Selfupdated MAcports to version 2.1.3
     12 2. Tried again to install Wine-devel again. Again the same result.
     13 3. At the same time Wine and Winetricks installs normally, without any problems.
    1515I do the following in