Changes between Version 13 and Version 14 of Ticket #39424

Jun 15, 2013, 5:46:37 AM (11 years ago)

I passed through the listed ports, and tried to clean up the irrelevant ones, i.e. the ones for which the quake portgroup would be of no use.

  • Ports using standard autotools (eg ./configure): bitdht, cmake, doxygen, qca, qfsm, Vidalia
  • Ports using cmake: gnuradio
  • Ports using python: py-pyqt4, py26-pyqt3
  • Ports without configure phase: xxdiff

Additionally, I noted that some ports employ some conditional code to take into account the case of qt3, which is not considered in the portgroup for now.

I also made a note beside ports which have no maintainer.


  • Ticket #39424 – Description

    v13 v14  
    77- arora
    88- bitcoin
    9 - bitdht
     9- ~~bitdht~~ [no benefit, see comment:14]
    1010- clustalx
    11 - cmake
     11- ~~cmake~~ [no benefit, see comment:14]
    1212- ~~djview~~ [no benefit, see comment:10]
    13 - doxygen
     13- ~~doxygen~~ [no benefit, see comment:14]
    1414- GLC_lib
    15 - gnuradio
    16 - goldendict
     15- ~~gnuradio~~ [no benefit, see comment:14]
     16- goldendict (note: nomaintainer)
    1717- ~~gwenhywfar4~~ [no benefit, see comment:5]
    18 - k3dsurf
    19 - kdiff3
     18- k3dsurf (note: nomaintainer, purely based on qt3)
     19- kdiff3 (note: nomaintainer)
    2020- ~~libQGLViewer~~ [r107011, see comment:11]
    2121- ~~mythtv-core.25~~ [no benefit, see comment:7]
    2323- openscad
    2424- psi-otr
    25 - py-pyqt4
    26 - py26-pyqt3
    27 - qca
    28 - qfsm
     25- ~~py-pyqt4~~ [no benefit, see comment:14]
     26- ~~py26-pyqt3~~ [no benefit, see comment:14]
     27- ~~qca~~ [no benefit, see comment:14]
     28- ~~qfsm~~ [no benefit, see comment:14]
    2929- qgit
    3030- QMK-Groundstation
    31 - qscintilla
     31- qscintilla (note: nomaintainer)
    3232- qt-assistant
    3333- qt4-creator-mac
    3535- qt4-mac-postgresql91-plugin
    3636- qt4-mac-sqlite2-plugin
    37 - qtc-qtsharp
     37- qtc-qtsharp (note: nomaintainer)
    3838- ~~qtiplot~~ [r106995, see comment:10]
    3939- qtpfsgui
    4040- qtscriptgenerator
    41 - qtsharp
     41- qtsharp (note: nomaintainer)
    4242- QupZilla
    4343- qwt
    4646- sqlitedbrowser
    4747- tea
    48 - texstudio
    49 - tiled
    50 - Vidalia
     48- texstudio (note: nomaintainer)
     49- tiled (note: nomaintainer)
     50- ~~Vidalia~~ [no benefit, see comment:14]
    5151- x2goclient
    52 - xxdiff
     52- ~~xxdiff~~ [no benefit, see comment:14]
    5454Maintainers of these ports, consider whether you could use the qmake portgroup for your respective ports.