libsodium: update to 0.4.5
* Version 0.4.5
- Restore compatibility with OSX <= 10.6
* Version 0.4.4
- Visual Studio is officially supported (VC 2010 & VC 2013)
- mingw64 is now supported
- big-endian architectures are now supported as well
- The donna_c64 implementation of curve25519_donna_c64 now handles
non-canonical points like the ref implementation
- Missing scalarmult_curve25519 and stream_salsa20 constants are now exported
- A crypto_onetimeauth_poly1305_ref() wrapper has been added
Change History (3)
Owner: |
changed from macports-tickets@… to ryandesign@…
Status: |
new →
Summary: |
Update: libsodium to 0.4.5 →
libsodium: update to 0.4.5
Resolution: |
→ fixed
Status: |
assigned →