Opened 10 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#43989 closed defect

Seg fault immediately upon opening root6 — at Initial Version

Reported by: jfcaron3 Owned by: macports-tickets@…
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version:
Keywords: Cc: jonesc@…, mojca@…
Port: root6


Hi all, I was having trouble compiling ROOT6 manually, and as I have MacPorts installed for other libs, I decided to try ROOT6 from MacPorts. It actually compiles without errors, but as soon as I open it (i.e. I type in "root" and press enter), I get a seg fault. The splash screen comes up and stays up, then it goes away if I click on it. I am on OSX 10.9.2. I DO have another version of root (5.34) in a directory, but it's not "installed" in any system folders, it lives entirely in a folder in ~/Software.

The details of my previous compilation issues are here: including the seg fault printout. I tried installing the +debug variant and running it in lldb, but the process ends with error 139 and I can't do a "backtrace" command.

As suggested in the other root6 ticket here: , I tried checking to see if all the provided object and binary files were pointing to the right locations. Here's how I did it:

for abin in port contents root6|grep 'bin'; do otool -L $abin|grep -v '/opt/local/.*'|grep -v '/usr/lib/.*'|grep -v '/System/Library/,*'; done for aso in port contents root6|grep '.*\.so'; do otool -L $aso|grep -v '/opt/local/.*'|grep -v '/usr/lib/.*'|grep -v '/System/Library/,*'; done

Both commands printed nothing, meaning that when I run otool -L on all *.so and .*bin.* files, all the returned locations are in one of: /opt/local, /usr/lib, or /System/Library.

Extra info, output of clang -v: clang -v Apple LLVM version 5.1 (clang-503.0.40) (based on LLVM 3.4svn) Target: x86_64-apple-darwin13.1.0 Thread model: posix

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