Opened 6 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#57136 assigned request

py-fabric: would it be possible to maintain a v1 and a v2 version of this port?

Reported by: hostep (Pieter Hoste) Owned by: stromnov (Andrey Stromnov)
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: ports Version: 2.5.3
Keywords: Cc:
Port: py-fabric

Description (last modified by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt))

Hi guys!

We are currently using py27-fabric for a couple of scripts to deploy code for various (more then 50) projects to a remote server over ssh. Our scripts are currently only compatible with the first version of Fabric. Fabric version 2 is backwards incompatible with version 1:

And Macports recently saw a bump from version 1.14.0 to version 2.3.1 in 469e4413db27d549576b522b8675838d32809d43/macports-ports Which I didn't really paid a lot attention to when upgrading all my ports, so suddenly my scripts weren't working anymore. I was luckily able to revert to the older version using wiki:howto/InstallingOlderPort But when for example a new colleague comes into our company and we have to setup his development environment, it will be a bit of a hassle to install version 1 of Fabric.

Therefore the question: would it be possible to maintain a port for both version 1 and version 2 of Fabric, to give people the chance to keep running their old scripts, until they've got the chance to upgrade them to be compatible with v2 of Fabric.

If this is not technically possible or causes too much hassle, then just leave it be.


Change History (2)

comment:1 Changed 6 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Cc: stromnov removed
Description: modified (diff)
Owner: set to stromnov
Status: newassigned

comment:2 Changed 6 years ago by stromnov (Andrey Stromnov)


Yes, it's possible, but I think that it can lead some users to confusion because fabric 1.x is no longer supported (the last version of it was released more than a year ago) and fabric 1.x was superseded with 2.x.

For now, we have three ways:

1) restore 1.x version

2) restore py-fabric 1.x under another name (i.g. py-fabric1) as a workaround


3) you can set up local portfile repository at your company with restored Fabric 1.x (under another name), so it will be quite trivial to add this to your development environment setup chain (

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