Opened 5 years ago

Last modified 5 years ago

#59460 new defect

catalina $PATH not set when installer run from standard account

Reported by: mjbolzan Owned by:
Priority: Normal Milestone:
Component: guide Version: 2.6.2
Keywords: Cc:


i routinely run a standard account. the MacPorts installer lets me authenticate with admin credentials to run the install. the installer ran fine. problem is that the $PATH variable was set in the standard account. when i went into terminal, logged in as an administrator, and tried to run "sudo port -v selfupdate", "port" was not found. i eventually ran the commands with "/opt/local/bin/port" and that worked. i eventually fixed the issue by rerunning the MacPorts installer while logged in as the administrator account.

catalina, account shells set to "zsh". it looks like the "zsh" $PATH is set in the home folder in the file ".zprofile".

I don't know if you can fix the installer so the path change affects all accounts. Failing that, the instructions on the web page need to be made clearer. In particular,

1) there is a need to modify the $PATH variable even if you run the Mac installers if you will run "port" in accounts other than the acccount you installed in.

2) cover what file needs changing when the shell is "zsh".

Change History (1)

comment:1 Changed 5 years ago by ryandesign (Ryan Carsten Schmidt)

Component: portsguide
Keywords: Catalina $PATH removed

MacPorts only sets up the $PATH for the account that was used to run the installer. You must set up the $PATH manually for any other accounts from which you want to use MacPorts. The guide source code is here if you want to submit any corrections/additions.

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